Number of tables in the from clause

Can someone tell me how many tables can we have clause in oracle.

As you can see it

Subqueries levels Maximum of subqueries in a unlimited SQL in the FROM clause in subqueries queries Top Level 255 in the WHERE clause

Subqueries in the FROM-> unlimited, so number of tables is also unlimited (limited only by the size of SQL and probably time of your life while waiting to join thousands of tables :)) results

Tags: Database

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    A.ID = 1;

    I was wondering, how can an extra table in a FROM clause influence directly on the rest of the query?

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    Yes, that too, you will get a Cartesian product by calling is not the entries in the where clause for this table 'disappeared' :(

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    I (processing_table2) table specified in the FROM clause in the SQL query , but I have not used any of its value in the SQL statement , but it still affects the results of the query. Please help me out here I'm naïve.

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    SELECT SUM((CREV.sadc_extd*CSSP.redit_pcnt)/100)

    OF crev revenue_lines,.
    cssp sales_split,
    WHERE crev.order_num = '7631090072'

    Results of the above query : 344028065018.359



    OF crev revenue_lines,.
    sales_split PCSS

    WHERE crev.order_num = '7631090072'

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    924804 wrote:
    Hi all

    I (processing_table2) table specified in the FROM clause in the SQL query , but I have not used any of its value in the SQL statement , but it still affects the results of the query. Please help me out here I'm naïve.

    This is the provided query

    SELECT SUM((CREV.sadc_extd*CSSP.redit_pcnt)/100)

    OF crev revenue_lines,.
    cssp sales_split,
    WHERE crev.order_num = '7631090072'

    Results of the above query : 344028065018.359



    OF crev revenue_lines,.
    sales_split PCSS

    WHERE crev.order_num = '7631090072'

    Results of the above query : 26463697309.1046

    Someone here suggest me pls!

    CARTESIAN PRODUCT of the changes result set

  • Two variables in the name of a table in the FROM clause.

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    SELECT *.
    OF tablename_YY_MM

    (This is part of the script I use YY and MM in different tables)
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    Looks like this should be done with PL/SQL?

    If anyone can help it will be much appreciated.
    Thank you.

    Published by: user1067236 on August 11, 2009 02:21

    Published by: user1067236 on August 11, 2009 02:23
    SQL>SELECT * FROM tablename_&YY._&MM;
    Enter value for yy: 09
    Enter value for mm: 08
    old   1: SELECT * FROM tablename_&YY._&MM
    new   1: SELECT * FROM tablename_09_08
    SELECT * FROM tablename_09_08

    HTH, Urs

  • Question on the use of expressions and aliases in the FROM clause


    I have the following query
     select substr(e.ename, iter.pos, 1) as C
       from (select 'KING' as ename from dual) e,
            (select rownum as pos from dictionary where rownum <= 100) iter
      where iter.pos <= length(e.ename);
    outputs (of your choice):
    For the purposes of hardcode 'KING' was made for the test, IRL would be a column from other tables. Is the other piece that is hardcoded "where rownum < = 100 ' and it's the one I would like to find a way to remove.

    I tried the following:
     select substr(e.ename, iter.pos, 1) as C
       from (select 'KING' as ename from dual) e,
            (select rownum as pos from dictionary where rownum <= length(e.ename)) iter
      where iter.pos <= length(e.ename);
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    I tried to restructure the query above to make the SQL parser aware of the e.ename early enough and therefore accept it. My efforts have failed.

    I would like to know if there is a way to restructure the statement length (e.ename) can be used instead of Hardcoding an artificial upper limit (for example 100 as in the first statement).

    Thank you



    SQL> select substr(ename, level, 1)
      2  from ( select 'KING' ename
      3         from   dual
      4       )
      5  connect by level <= length(ename);
    4 rows selected.
  • Pass Pl/sql table in the USING clause in the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement

    Getting error when I try to pass the PL/SQL table in the USING clause in the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement:

    result NUMBER;
    TYPE values_tab IS TABLE OF NUMBER INDEX OF directory;
    lv_tab values_tab;
    lv_exp varchar2 (300);
    lv_exec varchar2 (300);
    lv_tab (1): = 5;
    lv_tab (2): = 48;
    lv_tab (3): = 7;
    lv_tab (4): = 6;
    lv_exp: = ': + b1: b2 + (: b3 *: b4)';
    lv_exec: = 'SELECT'. lv_exp | ' THE DOUBLE '.

    DBMS_OUTPUT. Put_line (result);


    Error on line 1
    ORA-06550: line 20, column 12:
    PLS-00457: expressions must be SQL types
    ORA-06550: line 15, column 8:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored

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    If it is possible please suggest any other ideas/approaches

    Help, please...

    Published by: satnam on June 11, 2009 11:50

    Well, you keep changing faster reqs that I can follow. In any case, assuming that N-th variable bind (left to right) corresponds to n-th collection item:

        result NUMBER;
        lv_tab values_tab := values_tab();
        lv_exp varchar2(300);
        lv_exec varchar2(300);
        lv_i number := 0;
        lv_tab(1) := 5;
        lv_tab(2) := 48;
        lv_tab(3) := 7;
        lv_tab(4) := 6;
        lv_exp := ':5000135+:5403456+(:5900111*:5200456)';
        lv_exec := lv_exp;
        While regexp_like(lv_exec,':\d+') loop
          lv_i := lv_i + 1;
          lv_exec := REGEXP_REPLACE(lv_exec,':\d+',':b(' || lv_i || ')',1,1);
        end loop;
        lv_exec := 'BEGIN :a := ' || lv_exec || '; END;';
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE lv_exec USING OUT result,IN lv_tab;
    BEGIN :a := :b(1)+:b(2)+(:b(3)*:b(4)); END;
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


  • A subquery in the From Clause

    How can I model the RPD with the sub query that has the subquery in the from Clause.



    (SUM (o948992. YTD_COMPLETED)) / (SUM (TOTAL_OCC_AP)) AS C_1,.



    ORG_DIM o948938,

    TIME_MONTHLY_DIM o948963,

    INSPECTION_FACT o948992,







    ) O949126

    WHERE (o949126. MONTH_ID = o948992. MONTH_ID (+)

    AND o949126. TDS_NUM = o948992. TDS_NUM (+)

    AND (o948938. TDS_NUM = o949126. TDS_NUM)

    AND (O948963. MONTH_ID = O949126. MONTH_ID))




    You can do this via an opaque view.

    You can also do this by modeling the cumulative value as a calculation LOGIC in the group by aggregation "pinned" to a specific dimension hierarchy that reflects consolidation in the online posting.

    Hope this helps,


  • * Dynamic * Table name in the From Clause, with the help of the cursor

    I said a slider...
    Select the table table_name from dba_tables where < blah >
    The result is
    Row1: emp
    rwo2: emp_1-> tables have the same structure and quite different data... Please don't ask why it's like that, and we can not change...

    Now, we need to run an Insert...

    Insert into tableX (col1, col2,...) select a, b,... from < o/p of the cursor > where < blah >...
    Note: The table changes name and it the cursor can o/p emp, emp_a and emp_b.

    Trying to do at the same time instead of do series and with the best performance... .no sql injection issues.
    In parallel, I mean
    Insert into tableX (col1, col2,...) select a, b,... from emp where < blah >
    and insert tableX (col1, col2,...) select a, b,... from emp_1 where of < blah > statements at the fire parallel / at the same time to the database. If you can share the procedure if you guys already have with you... is really appreciated

    Thank you very much for your time...

    Published by: user007009 on April 27, 2013 20:33

    because suppose each request took 10 minutes and we have 5 tables, then 50 minutes so executed in series and 5 minutes, if each of them both right... I'm saving this time
    And that's what I'm talking about when I said that
    what you're doing wrong is trying to implement solutions more possible complex for a problem that does not exist yet.
    You do not HAVE a problem. You are just "assuming"; "Suppose that each query took 10 minutes... ».

    Well suppose that the time it takes to "chunk" the query, run it in parallel is longer than the time it takes to simply run the query. Oh, wait, that OF what you have discovered.

    Well, let's assume that each query took 2 seconds. Assume that all this takes that half a second. Suppose you waited until you actually have a problem.

    The solutions are to solve real problems, not imaginary and non-existent problems.

    If all you are doing is "assume that" you will never find a 'solution' because you could always 'suppose' another problem that prevents this 'solution' of work.

  • Try adding conditions to clause "and" stored in the table for the where clause, unknown syntax

    I am trying to add additional segments to the 'where' clause, and I don't know exactly how to proceed. I am currently using another table to search for keywords and sometimes there aren't everything. I use this table containing the key words to search the description and associate a symbol with a path.

    The code loops through the keywords with the keywords most associated and try to find links to a symbol then excludes those and search for symbols that correspond to those with less keywords and all. I am able to do this with 6 queries and manually changing the arguments, but I want to loop together so that if the changes need to be made in the future, I won't need to go digging in the code.

    Thanks, but that's ok. I already have a solution for this.

  • Drop a large number of tables with the same prefix


    can you help me to make a script to move all the tables with the same prefix = TEST_LINK_?

    Thank you very much.

    Hi crystal,

    Here's something to start. It does not all FK constraints on those tables and assumes that the executor is the owner.

      pstmt  constant varchar2(255) := 'drop table :t purge';
      vstmt varchar2(255);
    for rec in (select table_name
                  from user_tables
                 where table_name like 'TEST_LINK\_%' escape '\')
          vstmt := replace(pstmt, ':t', rec.table_name);
          dbms_output.put_line(vstmt || ';');
    --      execute immediate vstmt;
       end loop;


  • How to put the subquery in the from clause

    Hi all

    I want to put a my from clause subquery. I want to show the details of an account, when the status is active, but I want to show the date when he opened.

    Here is my report query.

    Select t.acct_id, x.acct_status_Dt
    of cust_acct t, (select t1.acct_id, t1.acct_status_Dt from t1 cust_acct where t1.acct_status_code = 'OPEN') x
    where t.acct_id = x.acct_td
    and t.acct_status_code = 'ACTIVE'

    Someone knows how to impliment this kind of query in OBIEE without RPD Exchange.

    Help, please...


    To be more clear, ask in the Advanced tab of the request, should look like:

    select A.saw_0, x.saw_1 from (select acct_id saw_0 from cust_acct)A, (select acct_id saw_0, acct_status_Dt saw_1 from cust_acct where cust_acct.acct_status_code='OPEN') x
    where a.saw_0=x.saw_0

    Actual query that you pasted:

    select t.acct_id,x.acct_status_Dt
    from cust_acct t , (select t1.acct_id, t1.acct_status_Dt from cust_acct t1 where t1.acct_status_code='OPEN') x
    where t.acct_id= x.acct_td
    and t.acct_status_code='ACTIVE'

    I think it is x.acct_id in where clause... not x.acct_td, I corrected and wrote the sql above...

    Published by: Kishore Guggilla, July 17, 2009 12:00


    Hi masters.

    I need display numbers from 1 to 300.
    We can achieve this by
    Select rownum from TABLE_NAME where ROWNUM < = 300;

    But the need to display table DOUBLE...

    Try this:

    SELECT the level "Numbers."
    OF the double

  • #OWNER # in FROM clause

    I currently use APEX 4.2 to create traditional and interactive reports. I noticed that in the FROM clause

    generated by the wizard #OWNER # is included in addition to the explicitly specified table in the

    creating reports. Why is this it is included? Is it necessary? The application seems to work even when I

    manually delete #OWNER # in the list.

    I found a few discussions that suggest that this is potentially a security problem and that it is better

    convenient to use only the tables in the FROM clause. Is this true?

    Thank you.


    You can remove it from the query, it will not make a real difference. It is very likely that in a future version of the TOP wizards add it more.



    Member of the APEX development team

    My Blog:

    APEX Plug-Ins:


  • Mark from a table where the column value is a colon-delimited list

    Version: Oracle Database 11 g Enterprise Edition Release - 64 bit Production


    This is a new query of a query Frank helped me with:

    Demand is all users to restrict the report based on a multiple selection on the front-end server (application APEX) filter.

    The filter returns that a colon-delimited list and the data in the table can be saved in a delimited by a colon list too. There may be 1 to n values (up to 4000 characters).

    I need a WHERE clause that will allow a match, if it exists, between the data in the column of the Table and the Mult-selection list filter.

    The abbreviated for this post query would be something like:

    SELECT slt_id, slt_item, slt_owner

    OF slt_dashboard

    WHERE slt_owner IN (colon delimited page list);

    The Create Table and Insert statements:

    CREATE TABLE slt_dashboard
      dashboard_id  NUMBER,
      slt_id        VARCHAR2(10),
      slt_item      VARCHAR2(2500),
      slt_owner     VARCHAR2(4000),
      slt_type      VARCHAR2(25),
      slt_year      NUMBER,
      parent_id     NUMBER
    --Insert slt_dashboard
    INSERT INTO slt_dashboard(dashboard_id,slt_id,slt_item,slt_owner,slt_type,slt_year,parent_id)
    VALUES (12,'1.1','Implement revenue enhancement initiatives','E15889:JPARISI:BDUR63','Business Commitment',2014,6);
    INSERT INTO slt_dashboard(dashboard_id,slt_id,slt_item,slt_owner,slt_type,slt_year,parent_id)
    VALUES (13,'1.2','Strengthen our Energy position','KVROMAN','Business Commitment',2014,6);

    I have a function to separate the list delimited by two points in a table for the IN clause, but because these values can be saved in a delimited list of Colon in the column of the Table, I have a problem, being able to analyze the data in the column, AND the filter data.

    The function is:

                                        ,p_delimiter IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ':'
        RETURN vc_array_1
        l_string VARCHAR2( 32000 );
        l_array wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2;
        l_array     :=
            APEX_UTIL.string_to_table( p_string
        FOR i IN l_array.FIRST .. l_array.LAST
            PIPE ROW ( TRIM( l_array( i ) ) );
        END LOOP;

    The function called in the query in the form (it's just for reference in case someone wanted to know):

    SELECT ...
    FROM ...
    WHERE slt_owner IN (SELECT * FROM TABLE( get_list( :P115_SLT_OWNER ) ));

    But I can't use this approach because the data in the Table can be saved in a delimited list of Colon too.

    Desired output:

    If the Mult-Select list filter contains: E15889:JPARISI then

    1.1 implementation of the E15889 revenue improvement initiatives; JPARISI (it's a semicolon between the names)

    If the multiple-selection list filter contains: KVROMAN then

    1.2 strengthen our position of energy KVROMAN

    If the multiple-selection list filter contains: BDUR63:KVROMAN then

    1.1 implementation of the BDUR63 revenue improvement initiatives

    1.2 strengthen our position of energy KVROMAN

    Please let me know if something is not clear.

    Thank you


    I went to approach the Table and the Page works perfectly.

    Thank you to everyone!

    Thank you


  • Error in FROM clause (MS Access)

    I am getting an "error running a database query." The query is a simple

    < name cfquery = "myquery" datasource = "#application.dsn #" >
    SELECT *.
    OF #url.table #.
    < / cfquery >

    The debugging info I get is the following:
    SQLSTATE 42000

    It also indicates the error is in the FROM clause and only happens when url.table is stopped, not other names of tables. I know that the order table exist because I get an error of table name that does not exist when the url table is a false table name. This implies that
    He knows the order table exist but said that there is a mistake in the FROM clause. The query is successful on all other tables in my db (MS access, I use the access without unicode driver). Any ideas?

    the order is a keyword, you will need to avoid using brackets
    Tim Carley
    [email protected]

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