
Hello, I need your help please.

I have a table and inside the table, I have a selectOneChoice and a button. When I select a value in selectOneChoice I click the ok button and is to perform a function.

However, when I click on button this error pops up:

oracle.jbo.domain.DataCreationException: Houston-25009: failed to create an object of type: java.math.BigDecimal type: java.lang.String with value: GREEN

I compare types EO and VO, and are the same.

I have not convert anything.

So, I don't understand this error.

Help me please.

This is my table:

< af:table value = "#{bindings." Var DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.collectionModel}"="row ".

lines = ' #{bindings. " DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.rangeSize}.

emptyText = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.viewable? "{'No data to display.': 'Access Denied.'}".

fetchSize = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.rangeSize}' rowBandingInterval = '0 '.

selectedRowKeys = ' #{bindings. " DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.collectionModel.selectedRow}.

rowSelection = "single" id = 't2' contentDelivery = 'immediate' immediate = "true".

columnSelection = 'single '.

selectionListener = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.collectionModel.makeCurrent}.

columnStretching = "column: c32" >

< af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}.

sortable = "true" headerText = "ITEM" id = "c33" >

< af:outputText value = "#{rank." ItemId}.

shortDesc = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.ItemId.tooltip}.

ID = "ot34" / >

< / af:column >

< af:column headerText = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.Diff1.label}"id ="c55 ".

rendered = "false" >

< af:outputText value = "#{rank." Diff1}.

shortDesc = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.Diff1.tooltip}.

ID = "ot79" / >

< / af:column >

< af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}.

sortable = "true" headerText = 'DIFF2' id = "c35" >

< af:outputText value = "#{rank." Diff2}.

shortDesc = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.Diff2.tooltip}.

ID = "ot32" / >

< / af:column >

< af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}.

sortable = "true" headerText = "TYPE of DEFAULT" id = "c32" >

< af:outputText value = "#{rank." ReasonDesc}.

shortDesc = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.ReasonDesc.tooltip}.

ID = "ot36" / >

< / af:column >

< af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}.

sortable = "true" headerText = "DEFAULT GRADE" id = "c38" >

< af:outputText value = "#{rank." QcDefectGradeId}.

shortDesc = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.QcDefectGradeId.tooltip}.

ID = "ot33" >

< af:convertNumber groupingUsed = "false".

model = ' #{bindings. " DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.QcDefectGradeId.format}"/ >

< / af:outputText >

< / af:column >

< af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}.

sortable = "true" headerText = "DEFECTS MINERS' id ="c45">

< af:inputText value = "#{row.bindings.DefectsMinor.inputValue} '"

label = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.DefectsMinor.label}.

required = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.DefectsMinor.mandatory}.

columns = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.DefectsMinor.displayWidth}.

maximumLength = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.DefectsMinor.precision}.

shortDesc = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.DefectsMinor.tooltip}.

ID = "sortent17" autoSubmit = 'true' disabled = ' #{rank. " QcDefectGradeId! = 1} ">"

< f: validator binding="#{row.bindings.DefectsMinor.validator}"/ >

< / af:inputText >

< / af:column >

< af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}.

sortable = "true" headerText = "MAJOR FLAWS" id = "c46" >

< af:inputText value = "#{row.bindings.DefectsMajor.inputValue} '"

label = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.DefectsMajor.label}.

required = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.DefectsMajor.mandatory}.

columns = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.DefectsMajor.displayWidth}.

maximumLength = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.DefectsMajor.precision}.

shortDesc = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.DefectsMajor.tooltip}.

ID = "it18' disabled = ' #{rank." QcDefectGradeId! = 2}"autoSubmit ="true">

< f: validator binding="#{row.bindings.DefectsMajor.validator}"/ >

< / af:inputText >

< / af:column >

< af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}.

sortable = "true" headerText = "CRITICAL FLAWS" id = "c47" >

< af:inputText value = "#{row.bindings.DefectsCritical.inputValue} '"

label = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.DefectsCritical.label}.

required = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.DefectsCritical.mandatory}.

columns = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.DefectsCritical.displayWidth}.

maximumLength = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.DefectsCritical.precision}.

shortDesc = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.DefectsCritical.tooltip}.

ID = "it19' disabled = ' #{rank." QcDefectGradeId! = 3}' autoSubmit = "true" >

< f: validator binding="#{row.bindings.DefectsCritical.validator}"/ >

< / af:inputText >

< / af:column >

< af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}.

sortable = "true".

headerText = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.DefectQtyAllowedMinor.label}.

ID = "c39" >

< af:outputText value = "#{rank." DefectQtyAllowedMinor}.

shortDesc = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.DefectQtyAllowedMinor.tooltip}.

ID = "ot39" / >

< / af:column >

< af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}.

sortable = "true".

headerText = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.DefectQtyAllowedMajor.label}.

ID = "c40" >

< af:outputText value = "#{rank." DefectQtyAllowedMajor}.

shortDesc = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.DefectQtyAllowedMajor.tooltip}.

ID = "ot41" / >

< / af:column >

< af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}.

sortable = "true".

headerText = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.DefectQtyAllowedCritical.label}.

ID = 'c41' >

< af:outputText value = "#{rank." DefectQtyAllowedCritical}.

shortDesc = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.DefectQtyAllowedCritical.tooltip}.

ID = "ot37" / >

< / af:column >

< af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}.

sortable = "true".

headerText = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.TotalQtyExpect.label}.

ID = "c43" >

< af:outputText value = "#{rank." TotalQtyExpect}.

shortDesc = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.TotalQtyExpect.tooltip}.

ID = "ot38" / >

< / af:column >

< af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}.

sortable = "true".

headerText = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.TotalQtyReceived.label}.

ID = "c56" >

< af:outputText value = "#{rank." TotalQtyReceived}.

shortDesc = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.TotalQtyReceived.tooltip}.

ID = "ot40" / >

< / af:column >

< af:column headerText = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.Action.label}"id ="c102 ".

Width = "200" >

< af:panelGroupLayout id = "pgl6" layout = "horizontal" >

< af:selectOneChoice value = "#{row.bindings.Action.inputValue} '"

label = "#{row." Bindings.action.label}.

required = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.Action.mandatory}.

shortDesc = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.Action.tooltip}.

ID = "soc7" inlineStyle = "width: 120px" >

< f: selectItems value = "#{row.bindings.Action.items}" id = "si8" / > "

< / af:selectOneChoice >

< af:spacer width = "10" height = "10" id = "s2" / >

< af:commandButton text = "OK" id = "cb2" partialSubmit = "true".

action="#{backingBeanScope.backing_QcDetailPage.doEvent}"/ >

< / af:panelGroupLayout >

< / af:column >

< af:column sortProperty = "#{} '"

sortable = "true".

headerText = "#{bindings.DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.Comments.label}" id = 'c52' > "

< af:outputText value = "#{row.Comments} '"

shortDesc = "#{bindings.DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.Comments.tooltip} '"

ID = "ot42" / >

< / af:column >

< af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}.

sortable = "true".

headerText = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.Remarks.label}"id = 'c53' >

< af:outputText value = "#{rank." Notes}»

shortDesc = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.Remarks.tooltip}.

ID = "ot44" / >

< / af:column >

< af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}.

sortable = "true".

headerText = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.QcResult.label}"id ="c54">

< af:outputText value = "#{rank." QcResult}.

shortDesc = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.QcResult.tooltip}.

ID = "ot43" / >

< / af:column >

< af:column headerText = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.FacilityId.label}"id ="c57.

sortProperty = "#{bindings."}.

sortable = "false" >

< af:outputText value = "#{rank." FacilityId}.

shortDesc = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.FacilityId.tooltip}.

ID = "ot35" / >

< / af:column >

< af:column id = "c58" width = "115" >

< af:commandButton text = "approve all items" id = "cb3".

action = "#{backingBeanScope.backing_QcDetailPage.approveItems} '"

Disabled = ' #{rank. " QcResult! {= 'A'} ">"

< af:setPropertyListener from = "#{rank." Type FacilityId}' = 'action '.

to = "#{pageFlowScope.pFacility}" / >

< af:setPropertyListener from = "#{rank." ItemId}' type = 'action '.

to = "#{pageFlowScope.pItem}" / >

< af:setPropertyListener from = "#{rank." Type QcResult}' = 'action '.

to = "#{pageFlowScope.pStatus}" / >

< / af:commandButton >

< / af:column >

< af:column id = "c59" >

< text af:commandButton = "refuse all" id = "cb13.

Disabled = ' #{rank. " QcResult! = « R »} »

action = "#{backingBeanScope.backing_QcDetailPage.rejectAll}" >

< af:setPropertyListener from = "#{rank." FacilityId}"to =" #{pageFlowScope.pFacility} ' "

type = 'action' / >

< af:setPropertyListener from = "#{rank." ItemId}"to =" #{pageFlowScope.pItem} ' "

type = 'action' / >

< af:setPropertyListener from = "#{rank." QcResult}"to =" #{pageFlowScope.pResult} ' "

type = 'action' / >

< / af:commandButton >

< / af:column >

< af:column id = "c60" width = "70" >

< af:commandButton text = 'show the flow' id = "cb14.

action = "#{backingBeanScope.backing_QcDetailPage.viewMaxQty} '"

Disabled = ' #{rank. " QcResult! = 'R'} ">"

< af:setPropertyListener from = "#{rank." FacilityId}.

to = "#{pageFlowScope.pFacilityId}" type = "action" / > "

< af:setPropertyListener from = "#{rank." ItemId}"to =" #{pageFlowScope.pItemId} ' "

type = 'action' / >

< af:setPropertyListener from = "#{rank." QcResult}"to =" #{pageFlowScope.pResult} ' "

type = 'action' / >

< / af:commandButton >

< / af:column >

< af:column id = "c61" >

< af:commandButton text = "More Qty" id = "cb15.

action = "#{backingBeanScope.backing_QcDetailPage.popQty} '"

Disabled = ' #{rank. " QcResult! = 'R'} ">"

< af:setPropertyListener from = "#{rank." FacilityId}.

to = "#{pageFlowScope.pFacilityId}" type = "action" / > "

< af:setPropertyListener from = "#{rank." ItemId}"to =" #{pageFlowScope.pItemId} ' "

type = 'action' / >

< af:setPropertyListener from = "#{rank." QcResult}"to =" #{pageFlowScope.pResult} ' "

type = 'action' / >

< / af:commandButton >

< / af:column >

< af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}.

sortable = "true".

headerText = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.TotalQtyInspect.label}.

ID = "c44" visible = "false" >

< af:inputText value = "#{row.bindings.TotalQtyInspect.inputValue} '"

label = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.TotalQtyInspect.label}.

required = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.TotalQtyInspect.mandatory}.

columns = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.TotalQtyInspect.displayWidth}.

maximumLength = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.TotalQtyInspect.precision}.

shortDesc = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.TotalQtyInspect.tooltip}.

ID = "tirer16" >

< f: validator binding="#{row.bindings.TotalQtyInspect.validator}"/ >

< / af:inputText >

< / af:column >

< af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}.

sortable = "true".

headerText = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.QcInspectDtlId.label}.

ID = "c29" visible = "false" >

< af:inputText value = "#{row.bindings.QcInspectDtlId.inputValue} '"

label = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.QcInspectDtlId.label}.

required = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.QcInspectDtlId.mandatory}.

columns = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.QcInspectDtlId.displayWidth}.

maximumLength = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.QcInspectDtlId.precision}.

shortDesc = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.QcInspectDtlId.tooltip}.

ID = "it1" >

< f: validator binding="#{row.bindings.QcInspectDtlId.validator}"/ >

< / af:inputText >

< / af:column >

< af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}.

sortable = "true".

headerText = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.QcInspectId.label}"id ="c30 ".

Visible = "false" >

< af:inputText value = "#{row.bindings.QcInspectId.inputValue} '"

label = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.QcInspectId.label}.

required = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.QcInspectId.mandatory}.

columns = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.QcInspectId.displayWidth}.

maximumLength = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.QcInspectId.precision}.

shortDesc = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.QcInspectId.tooltip}.

ID = "it2" >

< f: validator binding="#{row.bindings.QcInspectId.validator}"/ >

< / af:inputText >

< / af:column >

< af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}.

sortable = "true".

headerText = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.ReasonId.label}"id ="c31 ".

Visible = "false" >

< af:inputText value = "#{row.bindings.ReasonId.inputValue} '"

label = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.ReasonId.label}.

required = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.ReasonId.mandatory}.

columns = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.ReasonId.displayWidth}.

maximumLength = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.ReasonId.precision}.

shortDesc = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.ReasonId.tooltip}.

ID = "it3" >

< f: validator binding="#{row.bindings.ReasonId.validator}"/ >

< / af:inputText >

< / af:column >

< af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}.

sortable = "true" headerText = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.Diff3.label}.

ID = 'c36"visible ="false">

< af:inputText value = "#{row.bindings.Diff3.inputValue} '"

label = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.Diff3.label}.

required = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.Diff3.mandatory}.

columns = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.Diff3.displayWidth}.

maximumLength = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.Diff3.precision}.

shortDesc = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.Diff3.tooltip}.

ID = 'it8' >

< f: validator binding="#{row.bindings.Diff3.validator}"/ >

< / af:inputText >

< / af:column >

< af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}.

sortable = "true" headerText = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.Diff4.label}.

ID = "c37" visible = "false" >

< af:inputText value = "#{row.bindings.Diff4.inputValue} '"

label = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.Diff4.label}.

required = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.Diff4.mandatory}.

columns = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.Diff4.displayWidth}.

maximumLength = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.Diff4.precision}.

shortDesc = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.Diff4.tooltip}.

ID = "9" >

< f: validator binding="#{row.bindings.Diff4.validator}"/ >

< / af:inputText >

< / af:column >

< af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}.

sortable = "true".

headerText = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.DefectQtyInspected.label}.

ID = "c42" visible = "false" >

< af:inputText value = "#{row.bindings.DefectQtyInspected.inputValue} '"

label = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.DefectQtyInspected.label}.

required = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.DefectQtyInspected.mandatory}.

columns = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.DefectQtyInspected.displayWidth}.

maximumLength = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.DefectQtyInspected.precision}.

shortDesc = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.DefectQtyInspected.tooltip}.

ID = "it14" >

< f: validator binding="#{row.bindings.DefectQtyInspected.validator}"/ >

< / af:inputText >

< / af:column >

< af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}.

sortable = "true".

headerText = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.CreateId.label}"id ="c48.

Visible = "false" >

< af:inputText value = "#{row.bindings.CreateId.inputValue} '"

label = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.CreateId.label}.

required = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.CreateId.mandatory}.

columns = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.CreateId.displayWidth}.

maximumLength = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.CreateId.precision}.

shortDesc = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.CreateId.tooltip}.

ID = "it20" >

< f: validator binding="#{row.bindings.CreateId.validator}"/ >

< / af:inputText >

< / af:column >

< af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}.

sortable = "true".

headerText = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.CreateDatetime.label}.

ID = "c49" visible = "false" >

< af:inputDate value = "#{row.bindings.CreateDatetime.inputValue} '"

label = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.CreateDatetime.label}.

required = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.CreateDatetime.mandatory}.

columns = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.CreateDatetime.displayWidth}.

shortDesc = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.CreateDatetime.tooltip}.

ID = "id1" >

< f: validator binding="#{row.bindings.CreateDatetime.validator}"/ >

< af:convertDateTime pattern = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.CreateDatetime.format}"/ >

< / af:inputDate >

< / af:column >

< af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}.

sortable = "true".

headerText = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.LastUpdateId.label}"id ="c50 ".

Visible = "false" >

< af:inputText value = "#{row.bindings.LastUpdateId.inputValue} '"

label = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.LastUpdateId.label}.

required = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.LastUpdateId.mandatory}.

columns = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.LastUpdateId.displayWidth}.

maximumLength = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.LastUpdateId.precision}.

shortDesc = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.LastUpdateId.tooltip}.

ID = "it21" >

< f: validator binding="#{row.bindings.LastUpdateId.validator}"/ >

< / af:inputText >

< / af:column >

< af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}.

sortable = "true".

headerText = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.LastUpdateDatetime.label}.

ID = "c51" visible = "false" >

< af:inputDate value = "#{row.bindings.LastUpdateDatetime.inputValue} '"

label = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.LastUpdateDatetime.label}.

required = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.LastUpdateDatetime.mandatory}.

columns = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.LastUpdateDatetime.displayWidth}.

shortDesc = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.LastUpdateDatetime.tooltip}.

ID = "id2" >

< f: validator binding="#{row.bindings.LastUpdateDatetime.validator}"/ >

< af:convertDateTime pattern = "#{bindings." DtlQcInspectDtlVO1.hints.LastUpdateDatetime.format}"/ >

< / af:inputDate >

< / af:column >

< / af:table >

No difference, if you set ChangeEventPolicy = none on iterator in pageDef?

(this error is often associated with modifiable af:table with a composite primary key and lov on a column)


Tags: Java

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    I get the same error, that so many times posted in this forum. But the case of the mine is little different from the others. I use JDeveloper 12 c

    I have download several files and commit in DB a. Files and downloaded a list here. I am facing problem when Blob respective data in connection parameter. I am trying to download the file doc.txt which contained karima.

    Code snippet:

    private list < UploadedFile > uploadedFile.

    List of files < UploadedFile > = this.getUploadedFile ();

    for (int i = 0; i < files.size (); i ++) {}

    AttributeBinding atrBlobDocContent = (AttributeBinding) bindings.getControlBinding ("DocContent");

    atrBlobDocContent.setInputValue (files.get (i)); Error happen here tried 1

    Below I tried 2

    blobFile = FileOperations.writeToBlobDomain (files.get (i));

    atrBlobDocContent.setInputValue (blobFile);

    How can I set blob value in list in link atrBlobDocContent.

    See detail below code

    Bean class

    public class FolderUploadBean {}

    public BindingContainer {} getBindings()


    Return BindingContext.getCurrent () .getCurrentBindingsEntry ();


    BindingContainer links = getBindings();

    private list < UploadedFile > uploadedFile.

    private list < String > fileName;

    Private BlobDomain blobFile;

    {} public void setBlobFile (BlobDomain blobFile)

    this.blobFile = blobFile;


    public BlobDomain getBlobFile() {}

    Return blobFile;


    public FolderUploadBean() {}


    {} public void setUploadedFile (list < UploadedFile > uploadedFile)

    this.uploadedFile = uploadedFile;


    public list < UploadedFile > getUploadedFile() {}

    uploadedFile return;


    public String saveFiles() {}

    List of files < UploadedFile > = this.getUploadedFile ();

    System.out.println ("save the files called");

    If (file! = null) {}

    System.out.println ("\n file size ==" + files.size ());

    for (int i = 0; i < files.size (); i ++) {}

    System.out.println ("\n File Name is" + files.get (i) .getFilename ());

    System.out.println ("\n the file length is" + files.get (i) .getLength ());

    OperationBinding dmsBlobBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding ("CreateInsert");

    OperationBinding dmsInfoBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("CreateInsert1");

    OperationBinding dmsApplMapBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("CreateInsert2");


    AttributeBinding atrBlobDocId = (AttributeBinding) bindings.getControlBinding ("DocBlobId");

    AttributeBinding atrBlobSeqNo = (AttributeBinding) bindings.getControlBinding ("SeqNo");

    AttributeBinding atrBlobDocContent = (AttributeBinding) bindings.getControlBinding ("DocContent");

    Information attribute values

    AttributeBinding atrInfDocBlobId = (AttributeBinding) bindings.getControlBinding ("DocBlobId1");

    AttributeBinding atrInfoSeqNo = (AttributeBinding) bindings.getControlBinding ("SeqNo1");

    AttributeBinding atrInfoDocType = (AttributeBinding) bindings.getControlBinding ("DocType");

    AttributeBinding atrInfoDocName = (AttributeBinding) bindings.getControlBinding ("DocName");

    Card Attrib Valuess

    AttributeBinding atrDMSMapDocBlobId = (AttributeBinding) bindings.getControlBinding ("DocBlobId2");

    dmsBlobBinding.execute ();

    dmsInfoBinding.execute ();

    dmsApplMapBinding.execute ();

    OperationBinding opBindingSeql = bindings.getOperationBinding("generateDocBlobId");

    Map paramsMap = opBindingSeql.getParamsMap ();

    String strFirstDocBlobId = opBindingSeql.execute (m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());

    System.out.println ("returned seq impl =" + strFirstDocBlobId);

    int intFirstSeqNumber = Integer.parseInt (strFirstDocBlobId);

    atrBlobDocId.setInputValue (intFirstSeqNumber);

    atrBlobSeqNo.setInputValue (0);

    //----------------Blob Table-------------------------

    System.out.println ("value of the lob is" + files);

    files. Set (i, uploadedFile.get (i));

    BlobDomain blobDomain = createBlobDomain (files.get (i));

    System.out.println ("blobDomain is" + blobDomain);

    Byte [] dataContent = blobDomain.getStorageByteArray ();

    //----------------Info Table-------------------------

    atrInfDocBlobId.setInputValue (intFirstSeqNumber);

    atrInfoSeqNo.setInputValue (0);

    atrInfoDocName.setInputValue (files.get (i) .getFilename ());

    //--------------Map Table---------------------------

    atrDMSMapDocBlobId.setInputValue (intFirstSeqNumber);

    int intgetBlob = Integer.parseInt (atrBlobDocId.getInputValue () m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());

    atrBlobDocId.setInputValue (intFirstSeqNumber);

    atrInfDocBlobId.setInputValue (intFirstSeqNumber);

    try {}

    blobFile = FileOperations.writeToBlobDomain (files.get (i));

    atrBlobDocContent.setInputValue (blobFile);

    } catch (Exception e) {}

    e.printStackTrace ();


    Abvoe all values are defined

    try {}

    OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding ("Commit");

    operationBinding.execute ();

    } catch (Exception ex) {}

    ex.printStackTrace ();




    Returns a null value.



    public class {FileOperations

    Public synchronized Shared BlobDomain writeToBlobDomain (UploadedFile imageFile)

    throws SQLException, IOException {}

    InputStream in = imageFile.getInputStream ();

    BlobDomain blobDomain = new BlobDomain();

    OutputStream out = blobDomain.getBinaryOutputStream ();

    ubyte [] buffer = new byte [8192];

    int bytesRead = 0;

    While ((bytesRead = (buffer, 0, 8192))! = - 1) {}

    out. Write (buffer, 0, bytesRead);


    in. Close();

    Return blobDomain;



    Error log

    oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.util.ReportableImpl: oracle.jbo.domain.DataCreationException: Houston-25009: failed to create an object of type: java.lang.Integer type: oracle.jbo.domain.BlobDomain with value: karima

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.binding.FacesCtrlAttrsBinding._postSetValue(

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.binding.FacesCtrlAttrsBinding.setInputValue(

    at com.almulla.dms.view.beans.FolderUploadBean.saveFiles(

    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 (Native Method)

    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(

    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(

    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

    at com.sun.el.parser.AstValue.invoke(

    at com.sun.el.MethodExpressionImpl.invoke(

    at com.sun.faces.facelets.el.TagMethodExpression.invoke(

    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.MethodExpressionMethodBinding.invoke(

    at com.sun.faces.application.ActionListenerImpl.processAction(

    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXCommand.broadcast(










    at javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot.broadcastEvents(

    at javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot.processApplication(

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl._invokeApplication(

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl._executePhase(

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.execute(

    at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(

    to weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$ (

    to weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$ (

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(

    at oracle.adf.model.servlet.ADFBindingFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(


    to org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl$ FilterListChain.doFilter (

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.activedata.AdsFilter.doFilter(

    to org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl$ FilterListChain.doFilter (

    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl._doFilterImpl(

    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl.doFilter(

    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.webapp.TrinidadFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(

    at oracle.adf.library.webapp.LibraryFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(


    at (Native Method)






    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(

    at oracle.dms.servlet.DMSServletFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestEventsFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(

    to weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ ServletInvocationAction.wrapRun (

    to weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ (




    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.doSecuredExecute(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(


    to weblogic.servlet.provider.ContainerSupportProviderImpl$ (



    Caused by: oracle.jbo.domain.DataCreationException: Houston-25009: failed to create an object of type: java.lang.Integer type: oracle.jbo.domain.BlobDomain with value: karima

    at oracle.jbo.domain.TypeFactory.get(

    at oracle.jbo.domain.TypeFactory.getInstance(

    at oracle.jbo.server.AttributeDefImpl.convertToJava(

    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowImpl.setAttribute(

    at oracle.adf.model.binding.DCDataControl.setAttributeInRow(

    at oracle.adf.model.bc4j.DCJboDataControl.setAttributeInRow(

    at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding.setAttributeInRow(

    at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding.setInputValueInRow(

    at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding.setInputValue(

    at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding.setInputValue(

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.binding.FacesCtrlAttrsBinding.setInputValue(

    ... more than 68

    Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException: for input string: "Karima".

    at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(

    at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(

    in java.lang.Integer. < init > (

    at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0 (Native Method)

    at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(

    at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(

    at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(

    at oracle.jbo.domain.TypeConvMapEntry.convert(

    at oracle.jbo.domain.TypeFactory.get(

    ... more than 78



    This post related to my problem in my application have been resolved. I now use for creating data method below.

    Private BlobDomain createBlobDomain (file UploadedFile)


    InputStream in = null;

    BlobDomain blobDomain = null;

    OutputStream out = null;



    in = file.getInputStream ();

    blobDomain = new BlobDomain();

    out = blobDomain.getBinaryOutputStream ();

    IOUtils.copy (in, out);


    catch (IOException e)


    e.printStackTrace ();


    catch (SQLException e)


    e.fillInStackTrace ();


    Return blobDomain;


    and other issues as data binding attribute below list file parameter is correct.

    atrBlobDocContent.setInputValue (createBlobDomain (files.get (i)));

    In my case, it was a stupid mistake in pageDefnitionBinding, here atrBlobDocContent attribute referencing some long type with another VO.

    Thanks to Timo Hahn to propose and help debugging.


  • oracle.jbo.domain.DataCreationException: Houston-25009

    When I run my page I get this error

    oracle.jbo.domain.DataCreationException: Houston-25009: failed to create an object of type: oracle.jbo.domain.BlobDomain type: weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.Blob_oracle_sql_BLOB with value:weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.Blob_oracle_sql_BLOB@24

    This has been discussed here a couple of times. You searched the Forum?

    And please always mention what jdev version you use.


  • Cannot convert oracle.jbo.domain.DBSequence to class java.lang.Integer


    I have the following problem with my ADF application developed in JDeveloper 12.1.3:

    In my model, there are two entities MeterEO and MeterTypeEO with the following attributes:


    MeterCodeStringMETER_CODEVARCHAR2 (48)


    Name of the vendorStringNAME OF THE VENDORVARCHAR2 (32)
    TypeStringTYPEVARCHAR2 (16)

    Type of MeterEO reference Id in MeterTypeEO.

    Appropriate VO of the meter uses a MeterTypeVO LOV to create a list containing the provider and Type as well as the user's selection.

    In the ModelTester, everything works well when I try to change a counter, select a new type and validate my changes to the database.

    A JSFF, it looks quite different. Selection is made by SelectOneChoice with the LOV list containing the provider and Type. Of the LOV the appropriate values are selected for the (integer) to the meter, then the user gets a readable text instead a few cryptic. But when I change the value by selecting a new choice I always got the error ' Can' oracle.jbo.domain.DBSequence to class java.lang.Integer.

    Why it works without problems in the Modeltester but not on the page?

    Screenshot 2015-08-31 12.48.55.pngScreenshot 2015-08-31 12.49.09.png

    Please see the attached screenshots to make it clearer what I mean.

    Any hint is appreciated,


    I solved my problem now in view objects. Maybe someone who has the same problem and is interested in the solution:

    In MeterTypeVO - which is the source for the LOV - I added a new transitional field called IntId of type Integer that refers to the field Id of type DbSequence by Expression. DbSequence is automatically converted at length which can be also automatically converted in full.

    At the counter, I changed the key of the LOV to IntId instead of code.

    It works like charm.

  • convert oracle.jbo.domain.number in full


    I use jdeveloper

    Can anyone help on how to convert the oracle.jbo.domain.number in full?

    Kind regards


    New Integer (some_number.intValue ());

  • oracle.jbo.domain.Number programmatically

    Hi all

    I want to increment (5) for tValu after assigning the value of the method...

    in... impl. Java

    oracle.jbo.domain.Number tValu = new oracle.jbo.domain.Number (0);

    tValu = callingMethod.test ();

    tValu = / / + 5

    Thanks in advance.



    tValu.add (.)

  • formatting


    I use JDev

    I'm trying to update VO with the current date and time by using the code below.

    DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat ("YYYY/MM/dd HH: mm :"); ")

    java.util.Date currentDate = new java.util.Date ();

    row.setAttribute ("Date sent", df.format (currentDate));

    However, I run error

    Houston-27023: Impossible to validate all the lines in a transaction.

    any ideas?

    Thank you


    When you define the attribute that you do not need to set the format of datetime.

    If you want to set the attribute to current date time use this

    If the attribute is of type Timestamp, you can set date current time like that

    row.setAttribute("ShippedDate",new oracle.jbo.domain.Date(new java.sql.Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())));

    If the data type of the attribute is oracle.jbo.domain.Date you can set the date current time like that

    row.setAttribute("ShippedDate",new oracle.jbo.domain.Date(oracle.jbo.domain.Date.getCurrentDate()));

    and to display that date in the page with the format DD/MM/YYYY HH: mm: follow these steps:

    1 - Open the viewobject and select Date sending attribute.

    2 - starting from the indications of the UI, tab set Type-> Simple Date Format

    3. as text the value of-> MM/DD/YYYY HH: mm:

  • How to cast from object to String or number (oracle.jbo.domain.Number)


    How can I throw it a data type string or object in numbers (oracle.jbo.domain.Number)?

    Thank you.

    Please see below the code.

    Number of numValue = new (strVal);

    BR, 906099

  • Error (17.14): of the class should be declared abstract. It defines no method setLastUpdateLogin (oracle.jbo.domain.Number) of the oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAEntityImpl class

    Error (17.14): of the class should be declared abstract. It defines no method setLastUpdateLogin (oracle.jbo.domain.Number) of the oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAEntityImpl class can help on this please

    Check once WHO columns are present or not table

    Last updated

    Last updated by

    Last updated connection

    Date of creation

    Created by

    These fields are required for the creation of EO.


  • In general, is it better to use java.sql.Date and java.sql.Timestamp instead of oracle.jbo.domain.Date?

    Hello world

    During playback of Oracle ADF Real World Developer's Guide, I noticed the dates match occurring in JDeveloper is different from what is the list in the book. JDeveloper is failing to oracle.jbo.domain.Date, but according to the book:

    DATEjava.sql.DateDATE type is mapped to java.sql.Date if the column in the table is a no time didn't need information zone.
    DATEjava.sql.TimestampDATE type is mapped to java.sql.Timestamp if the column in the table has a component "time" and that the client needs to zone information.
    TIMESTAMPjava.sql.TimestampThe TIMESTAMP type is mapped to java.sql.Timestamp if nanosecond precision is used in the database.

    In general, is it better to use java.sql.Date and java.sql.Timestamp instead of oracle.jbo.domain.Date? Using java.sql.Date and java.sql.Timestamp could save me some headaches conversion date. And, is there a place in JDeveloper to display these maps? I looked around and didn't see anything.

    Thank you.


    User, what version of jdev we are talking about?

    In GR 11, 1 material versions db types date and timestamp are mapped to types of domain data that represents a wrapper for the native data types. The reason was that the framework can work with the domain types regardless of the underlying data type.

    Since Oracle 11 GR 2 maps the types DB to java types (default selection, you can change it when you create a model project, you can set the Data Type Mapping). Once the pilot has business components define you cannot change this setting it would break existing components such as eo or vo.

    So if you are working wit 11 GR 1 subject, you must use the domain types, if you work with GR 11, 2 or 12 c, you can use the domain types, but it is recommended to use the java type mapping.


  • Conversion problem of oracle.jbo.domain.Date in java.util.Calendar and oracle.jbo.domain.Timestamp to oracle.jbo.domain.Date

    Hello world

    Work with dates has been harder than I thought! Please take a look at the code; everything compiles, but it fails because I'm not cast properly. Any help would be appreciated.

    Imports are:

    import java.sql.SQLException;

    to import java.text.ParseException;

    import impossible;

    import java.util.Calendar;

    Import oracle.jbo.domain.Date;

    Import oracle.jbo.domain.Timestamp;

    Here is the method:

    public static Date (String sDate, int day, nextDay

    SimpleDateFormat String) {}

    Date result = null;

    java.util.Date date;

    If (sDate! = null) {}

    try {}

    System.out.println ("Try...");

    Calendar calendar = Calendar.GetInstance ();

    SimpleDateFormat dateFormat =

    new SimpleDateFormat (simpleDateFormat);

    calendar.setTime (dateFormat.parse (sDate));

    Calendar.Set (Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, date); day = Calendar.SUNDAY

    Calendar.Set (Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);

    Calendar.Set (Calendar.MINUTE, 0);

    Calendar.Set (Calendar.SECOND, 0);

    Calendar.Add (Calendar.DATE, 7);

    dateFormat.format (calendar.getTime ());

    try {}

    System.out.println ("try (inside)... ») ;

    "System.out.println (" new Timestamp (calendar.getTime () .getTime ()) "):" +.

    new Timestamp (calendar.getTime () .getTime ()));

    result = new Date (Timestamp (calendar.getTime () .getTime ())) new; Code does not work here.

    return the result;

    } catch (SQLException e) {}

    System.out.println ("catch (SQLException e)... ») ;

    e.printStackTrace ();


    Returns a null value.

    } catch (ParseException exception) e {}

    System.out.println ("catch exception e ParseException... ») ;

    e.printStackTrace ();


    Returns a null value.


    Returns a null value.


    Here is the result:


    Try (inside)...

    new Timestamp (calendar.getTime () .getTime ())): 2013-12-29 00:00:00.0

    catch (SQLException e)...

    java.sql.SQLException: failed initialization

    to oracle.sql.DATE. < init > (

    to oracle.jbo.domain.Date. < init > (


    try to convert timestamp to as

    java.sql.Timestamp datetime =newjava.sql.Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());

    oracle.jbo.domain.Date daTime =new  oracle.jbo.domain.Date(datetime);

  • setCreatedBy (int) cannot call setCreatedBy (oracle.jbo.domain.Number) EOImpl, setCreationDate (Calendar) cannot call setCreationDate (oracle.jbo.domain.Date) in EOImpl

    Hello world

    I get the following errors when you try to initialize a record:

    • setCreatedBy (int) cannot be called setCreatedBy (oracle.jbo.domain.Number) in EOImpl
    • setCreationDate (Calendar) cannot call setCreationDate (oracle.jbo.domain.Date) in EOImpl

    setCreatedBy (value) must be a FND_USER. USER_ID. He wanders ins the following statement: setCreatedBy(-1);

    setCreatedDate (value) must be today's date.

    setWeekDate (value) must be the Sunday after today's date.

    protected void doDML (int operation, TransactionEvent e) {}


    Calendar date = Calendar.GetInstance ();

    If (operation == DML_INSERT) {}

    setLineId ((new_SequenceImpl_("tke_tp_cus_cd_14_lines_s",___getDBTransaction()).getSequenceNumber (()));

    setBillable ("T");


    setCreationDate (date);

    setWeekDate (date);



    super.doDML (operation, e);


    Please be patient... I'm a noob! Thanks in advance!



    What version of Jdev do you use?

    Can you post the code that you use after all the changes?

    For the setLineId try new oracle.domain.Number(-1)


  • conversion string in oracle.jbo.domain.Date


    I work in jdev

    I receive as string date of UCM as string. I need to convert to oracle.jbo.domain.Date.How to achieve

    u cn do this

    DateFormat trainer;

    java.util.Date date;


    try {}

    Formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MMM/yyyy");

    Date = formatter.parse (date);

    java.sql.Date sqlDate = new java.sql.Date (date.getTime ());

    oracle.jbo.domain.Date jboDate = new oracle.jbo.domain.Date (sqlDate);

    Return jboDate;


    catch (ParseException exception) e


    e.printStackTrace ();



  • Cannot convert oracle.jbo.domain.Number to class the class java.lang.Long in EL

    I have this error:

    ViewId treatment < UIXRegion > < _warn > error: / frameworks-designer-task-flow/hand URI: FrameworksDesignerMain.jsff real-URI: EnterpriseProcessExecutionSchedules.jsff.

    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: cannot convert 2 type class to class java.lang.Long oracle.jbo.domain.Number

    at com.sun.el.lang.ELSupport.coerceToNumber (unknown Source)

    at com.sun.el.lang.ELSupport.equals (unknown Source)

    at com.sun.el.parser.AstNotEqual.getValue (unknown Source)

    at com.sun.el.ValueExpressionImpl.getValue (unknown Source)

    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.FacesBeanImpl.getProperty(

    to LabeledInputRenderer.isDisabled (

    My question is how do I find in my page jsff?  I see that it is on a property of disabled but I don't know which and there are many on this page.  I think it's one that looks like this: disabled = ' #{bindings. " "{PGSchedType.inputValue No 5}.  If my different EL expression?

    Thank you.



    Hi Rudy,.

    I guess that you have spotted it right. Instead of 5 in your disabled property, use '5'

    I mean, just surround it with quotes like below

    disabled="#{bindings.PGSchedType.inputValue ne '5'}"

    Thank you


  • java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to oracle.jbo.domain.Number


    I use JDEV

    Here is my code

    Number _id;

    DCBindingContainer dcBindings = (DCBindingContainer) BindingContext.getCurrent () .getCurrentBindingsEntry ();

    DCIteratorBinding iterBind = (DCIteratorBinding) dcBindings.get ("IDView1Iterator");

    _id = (Number) iterBind.getCurrentRow () .getAttribute ("Id");

    It gives me the error

    java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to oracle.jbo.domain.Number

    I imported oracle.jbo.domain.Number.

    Please notify.

    Yes, but your Id attribute is of type java.lang.Integer, and try to throw him to oracle.jbo.domain.Number

    try to use following:

    Integer Id = (Integer) iterBind.getCurrentRow () .getAttribute ("Id");

    _id = new Number (Id.intValue ());

    997766 wrote:

    _id = (Number) iterBind.getCurrentRow () .getAttribute ("Id");

    It gives me the error

    java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to oracle.jbo.domain.Number

    I imported oracle.jbo.domain.Number.

    Please notify.

Maybe you are looking for