OraclePreparedStatement GOLD OracleResultSet Exception


I try to run a sql query and assign the result to a variable, but I get an error and I can not find the problem.

Here is my code


OraclePreparedStatement oraclePreparedStatement = null;

OracleResultSet oracleResultSet = null;

StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();

String qidintervention = null;

int idaction = 0;

stringBuffer.append ("SELECT id_intervention FROM xx_onda_afaf_action");

stringBuffer.append ("WHERE id_action =");

stringBuffer.append (idaction);


OADBTransaction oadbTransaction = am.getOADBTransaction ();

try {}

oraclePreparedStatement (OraclePreparedStatement) = oadbTransaction.createPreparedStatement (stringBuffer.toString (), 1);

oracleResultSet (OracleResultSet) = oraclePreparedStatement.executeQuery ();

If (oracleResultSet.Next ())


qidintervention = oracleResultSet.getString (1);



catch (sqlException Exception)


pageContext.putDialogMessage (new OAException ("OraclePreparedStatement OR OracleResultSet Exception"));

sqlException.printStackTrace ();


OAMessageTextInputBean idInterventionQItem = (OAMessageTextInputBean) webBean.findChildRecursive ("idInterventionQItem");

idInterventionQItem.setValue (pageContext, qidintervention);


When I run the page, the exception occurs, and of course the question that is supposed to receive the result of the query is always empty.


It seems that there is no space before the "WHERE" and no. ';' at the end, if the SQL statement was wrong.

Try to change the code below and see what happens:

stringBuffer.append("SELECT id_intervention FROM xx_onda_afaf_action WHERE id_action =  " + idaction + ";");

It is best to create a dynamic VO and use it.

See the link to the one below:

Blog of Anil Oracle Application Framework: create VO when running at the controller or dynamically created VO

See you soon


Tags: Oracle Applications

Similar Questions

  • How to call a partial fire action programmatically in a dynamic array.

    Hello everyone,

    I am facing a problem with a partial Action fire. I created a table that shows the lines of a particular table. I added a button to update my table by creating a transitional attribute and now I want to add a partial action of fire.

    So, whenever I click on that particular line, I should get relevant values on line or you can say the current line. Also, I want to pass parameters so whenever a partial action fire fires. I tried

    But his shot only once.

    FireAction firePartialAction = new FirePartialAction ("updateRecord");

    updateIcon.setAttributeValue (PRIMARY_CLIENT_ACTION_ATTR, firePartialAction);

    Please help me... Here's my code for the controller.


    |   Copyright (c) 2001, 2005 Oracle Corporation, Redwood Shores, California.

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    import java.sql.Connection;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.common.VersionInfo;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAApplicationModule;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAViewObject;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OADBTransaction;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAViewDef;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAViewDefImpl;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAViewObjectImpl;

    Import oracle.jbo.server.AttributeDefImpl;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAControllerImpl;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OADataBoundValueFireActionURL;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OADataBoundValueViewObject;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageContext;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OAImageBean;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OAWebBean;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAViewDef;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAViewObject;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.form.OACheckBoxBean;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.message.OAMessageStyledTextBean;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.message.OAMessageTextInputBean;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.table.OATableBean;


    Import oracle.cabo.ui.action.FireAction;

    Import oracle.jbo.server.AttributeDefImpl;

    Import oracle.jbo.AttributeDef;

    Import oracle.jbo.Row;

    Import oracle.jbo.ViewObject;

    Import oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException;

    Import oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement;

    Import oracle.jbo.domain.Number;

    import java.sql.ResultSet;

    to import java.sql.CallableStatement;

    import java.sql.Types;

    import impossible;

    import java.text.DateFormat;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanConstants;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OAWebBeanData;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.form.OASubmitButtonBean;

    Import oracle.cabo.ui.action.FirePartialAction;

    Import oracle.jbo.domain.Date;


    * Controller for...


    SerializableAttribute public class PocCO extends OAControllerImpl


    public static final String RCS_ID = "$Header$";

    public static final boolean RCS_ID_RECORDED =

    VersionInfo.recordClassVersion (RCS_ID, "packagename %");


    * Layout and logical configuration for a region page.

    @param pageContext OA page context

    @param webBean the grain of web for the region


    ' Public Sub processRequest (pageContext OAPageContext, OAWebBean webBean)


    super.processRequest (pageContext, webBean);

    Am = (QueryAMImpl) pageContext.getApplicationModule (webBean) QueryAMImpl;

    System.out.println ("HIKLJL");

    String xflag = "N";

    String aparam = "";

    If (pageContext.getTransactionValue ("xflag")! = null & &)

    ! pageContext.getTransactionValue("xflag").equals(""))

    xflag = pageContext.getTransactionValue("xflag").toString ();

    System.out.println ("Flag =" + xflag);

    Table and preparation of the query

    Added by Yves Tiwari

    If (xflag == 'Y')


    String ListTabs = pageContext.getParameter ("IntTabs");

    String TabsWhere = pageContext.getParameter ("IntWhr");

    String TabsSelect = pageContext.getParameter ("SelectItem");

    "String MainSQL = TabsSelect + ' ' + ListTabs + ' '+ TabsWhere;

    System.out.println (MainSQL);

    String TableName = pageContext.getTransactionValue("TableName").toString ();

    String WhereCondn = pageContext.getTransactionValue("WhereCond").toString ();

    String TableSelect = "SELECT a.* FROM" + "" + TableName + "a";

    String MainQuery = TableSelect + "" + "Where" + "" + WhereCondn;

    String FinalQuery = "SELECT a.* FROM (" + MainSQL + ") has";

    System.out.println ("FinalQuery" + FinalQuery);

    String OrclDataType ="";

    DbTransaction OADBTransaction = am.getOADBTransaction ();

    AttributeDef attrdef [] = null;

    Connection con = dbTransaction.getJdbcConnection ();

    St java.sql.Statement;

    java.sql.ResultSet rs;

    Announcement [] AttributeDefImpl (Attriba.rowid, uteDefImpl []) = vo.getViewDefinition () .getAttributeDefs ();

    If (am! = null)



    OAViewDefImpl viewdef = (OAViewDefImpl) am.getOADBTransaction () .createViewDef ();

    OAViewDef viewdef = (OAViewDef) am.getOADBTransaction () .createViewDef ();


    viewdef.setSql (MainQuery);

    viewdef.setSql (MainSQL);

    viewdef.setSql (MainQuery);

    OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject) am.findViewObject ("xxVO");


    If (vo! = null)


    VO. Remove();

    VO = (OAViewObject) am.createViewObject ("xxVO", (OAViewDef) viewdef);

    VO = (OAViewObject) am.createViewObject ("xxVO", viewdef);

    vo.addDynamicAttribute ("XXCompNameAttr");

    } else


    VO = (OAViewObject) am.createViewObject ("xxVO", (OAViewDef) viewdef);

    VO = (OAViewObject) am.createViewObject ("xxVO", viewdef);

    vo.addDynamicAttribute ("XXCompNameAttr");


    vo.executeQuery ();


    attrdef = vo.getAttributeDefs ();

    Set up table bean

    OATableBean = tabbean

    CreateWebBean (OATableBean) (pageContext, TABLE_BEAN, null, "table");

    tabbean.setID ("TableBN");

    tabbean.setNumberOfRowsDisplayed (10);

    tabbean.setWidth("45%"); "

    tabbean.setUserCustomizable (true);

    tabbean.setViewUsageName ("xxVO");

    OAImageBean updateIcon is createWebBean (OAImageBean) (pageContext, OAWebBeanConstants.IMAGE_BEAN, null, "updateImage");.

    updateIcon.setSource (OAWebBeanConstants.APPS_MEDIA_DIRECTORY + "updateicon_enabled.gif");

    updateIcon.setLabel ("Update");



    updateIcon.setViewUsageName ("xxVO");

    updateIcon.setViewAttributeName ("MyAttr");

    FireAction firePartialAction = new FirePartialAction ("updateRecord");

    updateIcon.setAttributeValue (PRIMARY_CLIENT_ACTION_ATTR, firePartialAction);

    String pageName = pageContext.getRootRegionCode (); To get the region Code of the page

    updateIcon.setAttributeValue (PRIMARY_CLIENT_ACTION_ATTR, firePartialAction);

    / * OACheckBoxBean = boxBean

    CreateWebBean (OACheckBoxBean) (pageContext, OAWebBeanConstants.CHECKBOX_BEAN,

    (NULL, "MyAttr");

    boxBean.setID ("MyAttr");

    boxBean.setUINodeName ("MyAttr");

    boxBean.setChecked (false);

    boxBean.setLabel ("Print");

    boxBean.setName ("MyAttr");

    boxBean.setViewUsageName ("xxVO");

    boxBean.setViewAttributeName ("MyAttr"); * /

    If (boxBean! = null) {}

    FireAction firePartialAction = new FirePartialAction ("MyAttr");

    boxBean.setAttributeValue (PRIMARY_CLIENT_ACTION_ATTR, firePartialAction);

    //  }

    webBean.addIndexedChild ();

    tabbean.addIndexedChild (boxBean);

    tabbean.addIndexedChild (updateIcon);

    Is not of the columns at the bottom of the method.

    int numattr = vo.getAttributeCount ();

    Hashtable params = new Hashtable (1);

    params.put ("param1", pageName);

    for (int columnNo = 0; columnNo < numattr; columnNo ++)


    addr.setUpdateableFlag (AttributeDefImpl.UPDATEABLE);

    AttributeDef ad = vo.getAttributeDef (columnNo);

    String attrName = ad.getName ();

    String colName = ad.getColumnName ();

    System.out.println ("attr - name" + attrName);

    Get the name of the page that you want to present.

    String pageName = pageContext.getRootRegionCode ();

    Create a hash of a string parameter name-value table, as appropriate.

    added by karim

    the fireAction.

    added by karim

    If (vo.lookupAttributeDef ("MyAttr") is nothing)


    System.out.println ("yes I did");

    vo.addDynamicAttribute ("MyAttr");

    System.out.println ("dynamic attribute added try blockfdssd");


    AttributeDefImpl addr = (AttributeDefImpl) vo.findAttributeDef (colName);

    addr.setUpdateableFlag (AttributeDefImpl.UPDATEABLE);

    Hashtable paramsWithBinds = new Hashtable (1);

    paramsWithBinds.put ("param2",

    new OADataBoundValueFireActionURL (webBean (OAWebBeanData),


    System.out.println ("Yves ding"+ addr.getUpdateableFlag () ');

    query was written for the correct data type in TEX INPUT TO DEFINE THE VIEW USE MESSAGE

    Pran string ="";



    Pran = "SELECT DISTINCT DATA_TYPE FROM DBA_tab_columns WHERE table_name = UPPER (" + TableName + ") AND COLUMN_NAME = UPPER ("+ colName +")"; "

    St = con.createStatement ();

    RS = st.executeQuery ("SELECT DISTINCT DATA_TYPE FROM DBA_tab_columns WHERE table_name = UPPER ("+"'" + TableName + "'" +") AND COLUMN_NAME = UPPER("+"'"+colName+"'"+")");

    System.out.println ("DataType" + Pran);

    While (RS. Next())


    String colprompt = attrdef [columnNo] .getName ();

    System.out.println ("pranytiwaridynamicattr" + attrdef [columnNo]. GetName());

    OrclDataType = rs.getString (1);

    System.out.println ("DataType" + OrclDataType);


    RS. Close();

    St.Close ();


    {} catch (sqlexception Exception)

    pageContext.putDialogMessage (new OAException ("OraclePreparedStatement OR OracleResultSet Exception" + sqlexception));

    sqlexception.printStackTrace ();


    System.out.println ("DataType" + Pran);


    If ("false".equals (colName.matches(".*date.*")))

    System.out.println (colname. Matches(".*date.*"));

    If ("!" true".) Equals (colname. Matches(".*date.*")))

    If (!) "" LAST_UPDATE_DATE ". Equals (colname) & &! "" LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN ". Equals (colname) & &! "' CREATED_BY". Equals (colname) & &! "' CREATION_DATE". Equals (colname) & &! "" LAST_UPDATED_BY ". Equals (colname) & &! "" WH_UPDATE_DATE ". Equals (colname) & &! "" LAST_ORDERED_DATE ". Equals (colname) & &! "" PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE ". Equals (colname))

    If (!.) OrclDataType.equals ("DATE"))


    name of column = (colName.replace ('_', ' ')). toLowerCase();

    System.out.println ("the attribute name" colname);

    Pr = string (colName.replace ('_', ")). toLowerCase();

    String AttrNim = (colName.replace ('_', ")). toLowerCase();

    String colprompt = attrdef [columnNo] .getName ();

    String colprompt1 = attrdef [1] .getName ();

    System.out.println ("colprompt" + colprompt);

    SampleVO1 is the name of the ViewObject

    OAMessageTextInputBean = oamessage

    CreateWebBean (OAMessageTextInputBean) (pageContext,


    NULL, 'TEXT' + columnNo);

    oamessage.setPrompt ("Table name");

    oamessage.setMaximumLength (30);

    oamessage.setID (name of column, "col" + "0");

    oamessage.setViewUsageName ("xxVO");

    oamessage.setViewAttributeName (attrName);

    oamessage.setLabel (colName);

    oamessage.setUserCustomizable (true);

    oamessage.setWrapEnabled (true);

    oamessage.setDataType (OrclDataType);

    oamessage.setDataType ("VARCHAR2");

    oamessage. SETF

    setFireActionForSubmit ("MyAttr", params, paramsWithBinds, false, false);

    oamessage.setFireActionForSubmit ("MyAttr", params, paramsWithBinds, false, false);

    System.out.println ("PRANAYWINS-" + "col" + AttrNim);

    oamessage.setReadOnly (true);

    oamessage.setReadOnlyTextArea (true);

    If (OrclDataType.equals ('DATE'))

    //    {

    oamessage.setDataType ("DATETIME");

    //   }

    on the other


    oamessage.setDataType (OrclDataType);


    / * Beans OAMessageStyledTextBean = (OAMessageStyledTextBean) createWebBean (pageContext, MESSAGE_STYLED_TEXT_BEAN, null, "beans");


    beans.setViewUsageName ("xxVO");

    beans.setViewAttributeName (attrName);

    beans.setLabel (colName);

    beans.setUserCustomizable (true);

    beans.setWrapEnabled (true);

    beans.setDataType ("VARCHAR2"); * /

    tabbean.addIndexedChild (oamessage);

    tabbean.getName (pageContext);

    System.out.println ("sal" + tabbean. GetName (PageContext));

    tabbean.addIndexedChild (beans);





    webBean.set (true);

    webBean.addIndexedChild (tabbean);

    webBean.addIndexedChild (updateIcon);


    pageContext.putTransactionValue ("xflag", 'Z');

    xflag = "N";




    throw new OAException (MainQuery + checkQVO2, OAException.INFORMATION);


    * How to manage remittances form for form elements in

    * a region.

    @param pageContext OA page context

    @param webBean the grain of web for the region


    ' Public Sub processFormRequest (pageContext OAPageContext, OAWebBean webBean)


    super.processFormRequest (pageContext, webBean);

    OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule (webBean);



    System.out.println ("event.." + pageContext.getParameter (SOURCE_PARAM));

    If (pageContext.getParameter ("Exct")! = null)


    String TableName = pageContext.getParameter ("TableName");

    String WhereCondn = pageContext.getParameter ("WhereCond");

    pageContext.putTransactionValue ("TableName", TableName);

    pageContext.putTransactionValue ("WhereCond", WhereCondn);

    pageContext.putTransactionValue ("xflag", "Y");

    pageContext.putTransactionValue ("param", MainQuery);

    pageContext.forwardImmediatelyToCurrentPage (null, true, "Y");


    System.out.println ("HI - EventName-" + PageContext.GetParameter (SOURCE_PARAM));

    If ('updateRecord".equals (pageContext.getParameter (OAWebBeanConstants.EVENT_PARAM)))


    System.out.println ("Yves WINS.");

    OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject) am.findViewObject ("xxVO");


    String DescrHdr = (String) vo.getCurrentRow () .getAttribute ("PARTY_NAME");

    throw new OAException ("TABLE 1 2 3 VALUES" + pageContext.getParameter ("Table1") + pageContext.getParameter ("Table2") + pageContext.getParameter ("Table3"), OAException.INFORMATION);

    String ListTabs = pageContext.getParameter ("IntTabs");

    String TabsWhere = pageContext.getParameter ("IntWhr");

    System.out.println (ListTabs + "" + TabsWhere);

    throw new OAException ("Hello! PranaY Tiwari "+ pageContext.getRootRegionCode () (, OAException.INFORMATION);"




    Thank you

    Import this package.

    import java.util.Hashtable;

    Delete import

    This should fix your error.

    FSL br

  • End of table in the OPS database

    Hi all

    I need help about table OAF related issue. I need to display data on the table of the OFA. But every time when I click on NEXT 5 RECORDS from a table and return to the previous page, all column values are substituted with the first column in a table value. Please look at the screenshot. This table created dynamically with dynamic VO



    Now, I click next 5 records


    I'll now have to first five records by clicking back. All column values are overwritten with the first values of the column.


    Code snippet:

    OATableBean = tabbean

    CreateWebBean (OATableBean) (pageContext, TABLE_BEAN, null, "table");

    tabbean.setID ("TableBN");

    tabbean.setNumberOfRowsDisplayed (5);

    tabbean.setWidth("45%"); "

    tabbean.setUserCustomizable (true);

    tabbean.setViewUsageName ("xxVO");

    Is not of the columns at the bottom of the method.

    int numattr = vo.getAttributeCount ();

    for (int columnNo = 0; columnNo < numattr; columnNo ++)


    AttributeDef ad = vo.getAttributeDef (columnNo);

    String attrName = ad.getName ();

    String colName = ad.getColumnName ();

    AttributeDefImpl addr = (AttributeDefImpl) vo.findAttributeDef (colName);

    addr.setUpdateableFlag (AttributeDefImpl.UPDATEABLE);

    System.out.println ("Yves ding"+ addr.getUpdateableFlag () ');

    query was written for the correct data type in TEX INPUT TO DEFINE THE VIEW USE MESSAGE

    Pran string ="";



    Pran = "SELECT DISTINCT DATA_TYPE FROM DBA_tab_columns WHERE table_name = UPPER (" + TableName + ") AND COLUMN_NAME = UPPER ("+ colName +")"; "

    St = con.createStatement ();

    RS = st.executeQuery ("SELECT DISTINCT DATA_TYPE FROM DBA_tab_columns WHERE table_name = UPPER ("+"'" + TableName + "'" +") AND COLUMN_NAME = UPPER("+"'"+colName+"'"+")");

    System.out.println ("DataType" + Pran);

    While (RS. Next())


    String colprompt = attrdef [columnNo] .getName ();

    OrclDataType = rs.getString (1);

    System.out.println ("DataType" + OrclDataType);


    RS. Close();

    St.Close ();


    {} catch (sqlexception Exception)

    pageContext.putDialogMessage (new OAException ("OraclePreparedStatement OR OracleResultSet Exception" + sqlexception));

    sqlexception.printStackTrace ();


    System.out.println (colname. Matches(".*date.*"));

    If ("!" true".) Equals (colname. Matches(".*date.*")))

    If (!) "" LAST_UPDATE_DATE ". Equals (colname) & &! "" LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN ". Equals (colname) & &! "' CREATED_BY". Equals (colname) & &! "' CREATION_DATE". Equals (colname) & &! "" LAST_UPDATED_BY ". Equals (colname) & &! "" WH_UPDATE_DATE ". Equals (colname) & &! "" LAST_ORDERED_DATE ". Equals (colname) & &! "" PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE ". Equals (colname))

    If (!.) OrclDataType.equals ("DATE"))


    name of column = (colName.replace ('_', ' ')). toLowerCase();

    String colprompt = attrdef [columnNo] .getName ();

    String colprompt1 = attrdef [1] .getName ();

    System.out.println ("colprompt" + colprompt);

    SampleVO1 is the name of the ViewObject

    OAMessageTextInputBean = oamessage

    CreateWebBean (OAMessageTextInputBean) (pageContext,


    (NULL, 'text');

    oamessage.setPrompt ("Table name");

    oamessage.setMaximumLength (30);

    oamessage.setID (name of column, "col" + "0");

    oamessage.setViewUsageName ("xxVO");

    oamessage.setViewAttributeName (attrName);

    oamessage.setLabel (colName);

    oamessage.setUserCustomizable (true);

    oamessage.setWrapEnabled (true);

    oamessage.setDataType (OrclDataType);



    webBean.set (true);

    webBean.addIndexedChild (tabbean);


    pageContext.putTransactionValue ("xflag", 'Z');

    xflag = "N";


    Please help me... Thanks in advance

    Is it not the same question as failed form Validation: "the value is not a date and time in the format" ?

    As suggested in the other thread, use a name for the dynamic OAMessageTextInputBean.

    OAMessageTextInputBean = oamessage

    CreateWebBean (OAMessageTextInputBean) (pageContext,


    (NULL, 'text' + columnNo);

    See you soon


  • query sql in the OPS

    Hi all

    I need to get a value using a request in the LICS of the controller.below sql is the query

    sqlText = "SELECT application_id ';
    sqlText += 'FROM ego_attr_groups_v ';
    sqlText += ' WHERE attr_group_name = 'TREASURE "";

    I would like to know how get the jdbc connection, run the query and assign to a variable.

    Help, please.

    Thank you


    Import oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement;
    Import oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet;
    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OADBTransaction;

    see the following code

    OAMessageChoiceBean lineTypeBean = (OAMessageChoiceBean) webBean.findChildRecursive ("LineType");
    OraclePreparedStatement oraclePreparedStatement = null;
    OracleResultSet oracleResultSet = null;

    String lineTypeIdValue = null;
    StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();

    stringBuffer.append ("SELECT line_type_id FROM apps.po_line_types_val_v");
    stringBuffer.append ("WHERE SUPERIOR (line_type) = UPPER (" ' ");")
    stringBuffer.append (lineTypeStr);
    OADBTransaction oadbTransaction = am.getOADBTransaction ();
    try {}
    oraclePreparedStatement (OraclePreparedStatement) = oadbTransaction.createPreparedStatement (stringBuffer.toString (), 1);
    oracleResultSet (OracleResultSet) = oraclePreparedStatement.executeQuery ();
    {if (oracleResultSet.Next ())}
    lineTypeIdValue = oracleResultSet.getString (1);
    on the other
    oracleResultSet.close ();
    {} catch (sqlexception Exception)
    pageContext.putDialogMessage (new OAException ("OraclePreparedStatement OR OracleResultSet Exception"));
    sqlexception.printStackTrace ();

  • Insert value without vo and eo

    Hi all
    I need to insert the value without vo and Eo
    Here is my code for the controller, please help me
    ' Public Sub processFormRequest (pageContext OAPageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
    super.processFormRequest (pageContext, webBean);
    OADBTransaction a = null;
    String query = "INSERT INTO VALUES(?,?,?,?) EMPTEST";
    PreparedStatement ps = null;
    a.executeCommand (query);
    PS = a.createPreparedStatement (pageContext.getParameter ("empNO"), 1);
    PS = a.createPreparedStatement (pageContext.getParameter ("FirstName"), 2);
    PS = a.createPreparedStatement (pageContext.getParameter ("LastName"), 3);
    PS = a.createPreparedStatement (pageContext.getParameter ("Email"), 4);
    a.Commit ();


    Use the following query:

    StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
    stringBuffer.append ("INSERT INTO VALUES(:1,:2,:3,:4) EMPTEST ;");
    OADBTransaction oadbTransaction = am.getOADBTransaction ();
    oraclePreparedStatement (OraclePreparedStatement) = oadbTransaction.createPreparedStatement (stringBuffer.toString (), 1);
    oraclePreparedStatement.setString (1, pageContext.getParameter ("empNO"));
    oraclePreparedStatement.setString (2, pageContext.getParameter ("FirstName"));
    oraclePreparedStatement.setString (3, pageContext.getParameter ("LastName"));
    oraclePreparedStatement.setString (4, pageContext.getParameter ("Email"));

    oracleResultSet (OracleResultSet) = oraclePreparedStatement.executeQuery ();
    oadbTransaction.commit ();
    catch (sqlexception Exception)
    pageContext.putDialogMessage (new OAException ("OraclePreparedStatement OR OracleResultSet Exception"));
    sqlexception.printStackTrace ();

  • Entering data through prepared statement

    Hello everyone,

    I have a region, it contains some elements. These items are associated with their point of view the attributes of a basic VO EO

    I have a button to validate the insert transaction

    My requirement is:

    At the same time of the insertion (at the click event):

    1. I need to insert the values of these attributes in table1,
    2. I need to use among these 2 elements to do a different insertion into another table.

    For the first insertion, it works by combining these elements with attributes of an EO according to VO

    For the second insertion, I can't associate these two points with an another VO. If I create a method that contains a statement prepared with a request for insertion?

    This is the method that I created to be invoked to the click event: (he did not)

            OraclePreparedStatement oraclePreparedStatement = null;
            OracleResultSet oracleResultSet = null;
            StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
            stringBuffer.append("insert into xx_onda_afaf_trace ");
            stringBuffer.append("(ID_ACTION,ID_FACTURE,DATE_RELLE,DATE_SYSTEME,LAST_UPDATE_DATE,LAST_UPDATED_BY,Creation_date,created_by) ");
            stringBuffer.append("VALUES (20,'1E',SYSDATE,SYSDATE,SYSDATE,0,SYSDATE,0)");
            OADBTransaction oadbTransaction = this.getOADBTransaction();
            try {
                oraclePreparedStatement = (OraclePreparedStatement)oadbTransaction.createPreparedStatement(stringBuffer.toString(),1);
                oracleResultSet = (OracleResultSet)oraclePreparedStatement.executeQuery();
            catch(Exception sqlException)

    Is could someone please tell me what is the right thing to do in this case?

    Thank you

    Kind regards


    You can create of VO based on multiple EO also. Not sure if this is possible in your use case.

    See you soon


  • Read CD only Gold records: Portege 660

    I had to format my portege 660cdt. I had no disc provided with lattop.
    Have installed win95 cd and works fine except that it is only the reading of Gold records. He did read other disks before formatting.


    I put t really know what you mean with Gold records. You know very well that there is often no good explanation for some problems that occur especially for the oldies.

    If the device can read original discs of music or data discs I put t see any problem. It's always nice to know that someone is very pleased with these older devices.

    Good luck!

  • Flight sim gold edition has no voice

    I just got and charge of Flight Sim Gold Edition.  Everything worked fine except for the ATC, AI get clearances, etc., on the screen, but not the voice.  It is so difficult to follow radio traffic.

    Bill Roberts

    Hi Bill,

    1. what operating system is installed on your computer?
    2 concerns the flight Stimulator Gold Edition question?

    I suggest that you follow the steps in this article and check if the problem persists.
    Solve the problems associated with the sound of the games Microsoft or mapping programs

    Also applicable for the Gold Edition pacemaker flight steps.

  • FSX fatal error. (I think it's a BEX (branch Exception)) I tried searching everywhere and I can't make it work. I'm ready to give up!

    FSX has a fatal startup error. I tried reinstalling clean 3 times and the redone problem surface without fail. The problem started today, but after my reinstall FSX, I'm not sure a system restore will help.


    Win 7 Professional

    8 GB RAM

    Processor i2600k

    Error in the report of the event viewer:

    The failing application name: fsx.exe, version: 10.0.61637.0, time stamp: 0x46fadb14

    The failed module name: unknown, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000

    Exception code: 0xc0000005

    Offset error: 0x00000010

    ID of the process failed: 0x1f88

    Start time of application vulnerabilities: 0x01cc36e99e7533ff

    The failing application path: E:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\fsx.exe

    Path of the failing module: unknown

    Report ID: e0e181bb-a2dc-11e0-9af2-0026832bf68

    Error information :

    Fault bucket 107817089, type 5

    Event name: BEX

    Answer: No available

    Cabin ID: 0

    Signature of the problem:

    P1: fsx.exe

    P2: 10.0.61637.0

    P3: 46fadb14

    P4: unknown


    P6: 00000000

    P7: 00000010

    P8: c0000005

    P9: 00000008


    Attached files:

    C:\Users\W\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\fsx. CFG.txt




    C:\Users\W\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\dll. XML


    These files are available here:


    Symbol of the analysis:

    Recheck for solution: 0

    Report ID: e0e181bb-a2dc-11e0-9af2-0026832bf687

    State: 0


    0 x 80000000000000
    W PC

    Not available
    C:\Users\W\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\fsx. CFG.txt C:\Users\W\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\dxdiag.txt C:\Users\W\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\scenery.cfg C:\Users\W\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\fdr.dat C:\Users\W\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\dll.xml C:\Users\W\AppData\Local\Temp\WER1D17.tmp.WERInternalMetadata.xml

    I tried:
    Reinstall complete
    Deletion of UIAutomationCore
    Secure boot
    Setting virtual memory to 3072
    Memory virtual tuning system managed
    I am at my wits end and I'd really like a solution!
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi Fahimulla;

    I have the 'FSX 'Gold Edition' ' which is FSX (records 1 and 2) and acceleration.

    I tried the clean boot

    Registry cleaner

    I have searched the Internet for others like me and disabled the Dep. (this cause the BEX to become an error APPCRSH error).

    None of the above worked.

    The only thing that worked was to reinstall FSX in a directory that is:

    NOT in Program files (x 86)

    NOT the same name as the corrupted (earlier) version of FSX. (For example I got the defalut FSX gives the first installation. I then changed to the C:\FSX and I have the fatal error occur.

    I also use the 32-bit C:\windows\system32\uiautomationcore.dll in the FSX main folder (where the .exe is located) and I'm not having CTDs on using the menu while the Simulator works...

    While my problem may have been avoided, for now, I hope that something is done to address this recurring problem.

    Thank you very much for your help!

  • Fuseki adapter - displays debug log exceptions


    Today, I wanted to capture the error logs and wanted to see how the debugging log looks like.

    Then, I placed a file with log level to debug. I knew a bizzare - the server output began and responded very well, but the newspaper kept piling up with the below error

    25399 [OracleQueryProgressMonitor] DEBUG oracle.spatial.rdf.client.jena.OracleQueryProgressMonitor  - run: wake up after sleeping (ms) 3000
    25400 [OracleQueryProgressMonitor] DEBUG oracle.spatial.rdf.client.jena.OracleQueryProgressMonitor  - getConnection: starts
    25400 [OracleQueryProgressMonitor] DEBUG oracle.spatial.rdf.client.jena.OracleUtils  - getDataSource: starts
    25401 [OracleQueryProgressMonitor] DEBUG oracle.spatial.rdf.client.jena.OracleUtils  - getDataSource: detect jboss by class org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.WrapperDataSource
    25401 [OracleQueryProgressMonitor] DEBUG oracle.spatial.rdf.client.jena.OracleUtils  - getDataSource: not in jboss
    25402 [OracleQueryProgressMonitor] DEBUG oracle.spatial.rdf.client.jena.OracleUtils  - getDataSource: detect tomcat by class org.apache.catalina.ContainerServlet
    25402 [OracleQueryProgressMonitor] DEBUG oracle.spatial.rdf.client.jena.OracleUtils  - getDataSource: not in tomcat
    25403 [OracleQueryProgressMonitor] DEBUG oracle.spatial.rdf.client.jena.OracleUtils  - getDataSource: dsName: OracleSemDS
    25403 [OracleQueryProgressMonitor] DEBUG oracle.spatial.rdf.client.jena.OracleQueryProgressMonitor  - run: get connection
    javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Need to specify class name in environment or system property, or as an applet parameter, or in an application resource file:  java.naming.factory.initial
            at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(Unknown Source)
            at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(Unknown Source)
            at javax.naming.InitialContext.getURLOrDefaultInitCtx(Unknown Source)
            at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(Unknown Source)
            at oracle.spatial.rdf.client.jena.OracleUtils.getDataSource(
            at oracle.spatial.rdf.client.jena.OracleQueryProgressMonitor.getConnection(
            at Source)

    Seeing this, I created a data source named OracleSemDS and changed the config accordingly. This gave a new error-

    25603 [OracleQueryProgressMonitor] DEBUG oracle.spatial.rdf.client.jena.OracleQueryProgressMonitor  - run: wake up after sleeping (ms) 3000
    25605 [OracleQueryProgressMonitor] DEBUG oracle.spatial.rdf.client.jena.OracleQueryProgressMonitor  - run: exception
    java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
            at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
            at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
            at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.processError(
            at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIfun.receive(
            at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIfun.doRPC(
            at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.doOALL(
            at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.doOall8(
            at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.executeForDescribe(
            at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.executeMaybeDescribe(
            at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(
            at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeInternal(
            at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeQuery(
            at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatementWrapper.executeQuery(
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
            at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
            at oracle.ucp.jdbc.proxy.PreparedStatementProxyFactory.invoke(
            at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy1.executeQuery(Unknown Source)
            at Source)

    Can you let me know what is happening behind the scenes and if it is something that we should occupy ourselves with? What is OracleQueryProgressMonitor and there is an additional configuration that should be provided or additional packages that must be installed on the database instance?

    Thank you


    Hi Anthony,.

    What is expected. The reason is that we have a feature called management application which can cancel a SPARQL query via a servlet as end point:


    There is a wire that will be periodically wake up and check if there is no job (killing a query). Trying to read from a table, but the

    table was not created. The table will be automatically created when you ping this point Joseki servlet endpoint.

    If you don't want to put in place the Joseki, then you can create the following table manually in the schema that you use.

    create the table oracle_orardf_query_mgt_tab (NUMBER of QID, CREATION_TIME DATE) compress nologging;

    CREATE INDEX oracle_orardf_query_mgt_tab_idx on oracle_orardf_query_mgt_tab (CREATION_TIME) nologging;

    Thank you

    Zhe Wu

  • SQL exception while stretching, error object standard display - oracle.apps.per.selfservice.deployperson.PositionLovVO


    SQL exception while stretching, error object standard display - oracle.apps.per.selfservice.deployperson.PositionLovVO

    When I extend the standard above mentioned display object, with a substituted view object, the region of lov throws a sql error.
    I just added an extra column in the viewobject.
    I also tried to extend the view object without adding additional columns to the query of the view object, and it always up with the exception of sql.

    I've provided steps to reporduce and test cases.

    Thank you
    Kind regards

    Error Extension of VO - steps to reproduce

    Original view object

    Name: PositionLovVO

    Path: Oracle.apps.per.selfservice.deployperson.Server

    Request: SELECT pos.position_id position_id







    NULL effective_date





    OF hr_all_positions_f pos

    hr_all_positions_f_tl postl

    Where pos.position_id = postl.position_id (+)

    AND postl.language (+) = userenv ('LANG')

    Question: The Expression of the columns of the query appears as undesirable in the XML object view and see the code «SQL...» "in VO Assistant.

    Extended view object

    Nom : XxhrPositionLovVO

    Path: xxhr. Oracle.apps.per.selfservice.deployperson.Server


    SELECT POS.POSITION_ID position_id







    NULL effective_date





    , pos.attribute5 - newly added column

    OF hr_all_positions_f pos

    hr_all_positions_f_tl postl

    where pos.position_id = postl.position_id (+)

    AND postl.language (+) = userenv ('LANG')

    A substitution JPX

    Navigation: Self - Service Manager-> GTA

    Select any employee

    Click on continue

    Click on the name of post lov

    The first time when you click on the "Go" button works as expected.

    Second time when you click on the button go-error.

    Exception details:

    Details of the exception.

    oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: oracle.jbo.SQLStmtException: 27122 Houston: SQL error in the preparation of the statement.  Statement: SELECT * FROM (SELECT pos.position_id position_id, business_group_id, date_effective, date_end, name, job_id, organization_id, NULL, effective_date, status, effective_start_date, effective_end_date, availability_status_id, attribute5 FROM hr_all_positions_f pos, postl hr_all_positions_f_tl where pos.position_id = postl.position_id (+) AND postl.language (+) = QRSLT WHERE userenv ('LANG')) (business_group_id = : 1 and (to_date (: 2 "RRRR/MM/DD') between effective_start_date and effective_end_date) and organization_id =: 3 and job_id =: 4 and (status is NULL or status = 'VALID') and availability_status_id in (select shared_type_id from the PER_SHARED_TYPES where lookup_type = 'POSITION_AVAILABILITY_STATUS' and system_type_cd = 'ACTIVE') and DECODE (HR_SECURITY. VIEW_ALL, 'Y', 'TRUE', HR_SECURITY. SHOW_RECORD ('PER_ALL_POSITIONS', POSITION_ID)) = 'TRUE' and DECODE (HR_SECURITY. VIEW_ALL, 'Y', 'TRUE', HR_SECURITY. (SHOW_RECORD ('HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS', ORGANIZATION_ID)) = 'TRUE' AND (UPPER as UPPER(:5) (NAME) AND (NAME as: like 6 OR NAME: 7 OR similar NAME: 8 OR similar NAME: 9))) ORDER BY name

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException.wrapperException(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageErrorHandler.prepareException(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageErrorHandler.processErrors(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.processFormRequest(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(

    at _OA._jspService(

    at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(

    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(

    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(

    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(

    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

    at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(

    at oracle.apps.jtf.base.session.ReleaseResFilter.doFilter(

    at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(


    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(

    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(

    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(

    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(



    to$ (

    to com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$ (


    # # 0 in detail

    1. java.sql.SQLException: invalid column type

    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.setObjectCritical(

    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.setObjectInternal(

    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.setObjectInternal(

    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.setObject(

    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.setObjectAtName(

    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatementWrapper.setObjectAtName(

    at oracle.jbo.server.OracleSQLBuilderImpl.bindParamValue(

    at oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl.bindParametersForStmt(

    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl.bindParametersForCollection(

    at oracle.jbo.server.QueryCollection.buildResultSet(

    at oracle.jbo.server.QueryCollection.executeQuery(

    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl.executeQueryForCollection(

    at oracle.jbo.server.OAJboViewObjectImpl.executeQueryForCollection (unknown Source)

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAViewObjectImpl.executeQueryForCollection(

    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetImpl.execute(

    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetImpl.executeQueryForMasters(

    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetImpl.executeQueryForMode(

    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetImpl.executeQuery(

    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl.executeQuery(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAViewObjectImpl.executeQuery(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAViewObjectImpl.initQuery(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.setCriteriaOnVO(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAListOfValuesHelper.processFormRequestAfterController(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processFormRequest(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanContainerHelper.processFormRequest(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAListOfValuesHelper.processFormRequest(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.layout.OAListOfValuesBean.processFormRequest(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processFormRequestChildren(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processFormRequestChildren(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processFormRequest(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanContainerHelper.processFormRequest(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OABodyBean.processFormRequest(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.processFormRequest(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(

    at _OA._jspService(

    at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(

    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(

    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(

    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(

    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

    at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(

    at oracle.apps.jtf.base.session.ReleaseResFilter.doFilter(

    at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(


    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(

    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(

    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(

    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(



    to$ (

    to com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$ (


    1. java.sql.SQLException: invalid column type

    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.setObjectCritical(

    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.setObjectInternal(

    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.setObjectInternal(

    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.setObject(

    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.setObjectAtName(

    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatementWrapper.setObjectAtName(

    at oracle.jbo.server.OracleSQLBuilderImpl.bindParamValue(

    at oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl.bindParametersForStmt(

    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl.bindParametersForCollection(

    at oracle.jbo.server.QueryCollection.buildResultSet(

    at oracle.jbo.server.QueryCollection.executeQuery(

    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl.executeQueryForCollection(

    at oracle.jbo.server.OAJboViewObjectImpl.executeQueryForCollection (unknown Source)

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAViewObjectImpl.executeQueryForCollection(

    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetImpl.execute(

    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetImpl.executeQueryForMasters(

    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetImpl.executeQueryForMode(

    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowSetImpl.executeQuery(

    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl.executeQuery(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAViewObjectImpl.executeQuery(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAViewObjectImpl.initQuery(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.setCriteriaOnVO(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAListOfValuesHelper.processFormRequestAfterController(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processFormRequest(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanContainerHelper.processFormRequest(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAListOfValuesHelper.processFormRequest(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.layout.OAListOfValuesBean.processFormRequest(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processFormRequestChildren(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processFormRequestChildren(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanHelper.processFormRequest(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanContainerHelper.processFormRequest(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OABodyBean.processFormRequest(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.processFormRequest(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(

    at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(

    at _OA._jspService(

    at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(

    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(

    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(

    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(

    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

    at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(

    at oracle.apps.jtf.base.session.ReleaseResFilter.doFilter(

    at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(


    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(

    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(

    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(

    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(



    to$ (

    to com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$ (


    End of the document


    Try changing the style of binding of VO extended to positional Oracle.

    BR, 906099

  • OraclePreparedStatement

    Public Shared Sub main (String [] args) throws Exception {}
    ODS OracleConnectionPoolDataSource = new OracleConnectionPoolDataSource();
    ods.setUser ("user");
    ods.setPassword ("password");
    Connection c = ods.getConnection ();
    OraclePreparedStatement st (OraclePreparedStatement) = c.prepareStatement ("SELECT: start OF THE double");
    st.setObjectAtName ("start", "0");
    ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery ();
    While (RS. Next {}
    System.out.println (RS. GetString (1));

    Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-01745: invalid host variable name / identification

    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.processError(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIfun.receive(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIfun.doRPC(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.doOALL(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.doOall8(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.executeForDescribe(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.executeMaybeDescribe(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeInternal(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeQuery(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatementWrapper.executeQuery(
    at OracleConnector.main (

    Oracle 10g XE

    With name other than the one of 'start', it's works fine. WTF?

    Start is probably a reserved word and therefore did not. This has nothing to do with JDBC.

  • SQL syntax exception: lack of expression?

    I got following exception during execution:

    public HolidayDAO locateByDate (local channel, Date date) {}
    Dim queryString As String = "select o o HolidayDAO where o.locale = '" + local + "' and =: date;
    Ask selectQuery = em.createQuery (queryString);
    selectQuery.setParameter ("date", date, TemporalType.DATE;)

    I've stated in the HolidayDAO class:

    @Column (name = "DATE")
    @Temporal (TemporalType.DATE)
    private date;

    Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse - 2.3.0.v20110604 persistence Services - r9504): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException
    Inner exception: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00936: lack of expression

    Error code: 936
    link = > [2 bound parameters]
    Query: ReadAllQuery (referenceClass = HolidayDAO sql = "SELECT HOLIDAY_ID, LOCAL DATE, YEAR OF ORA47111. S_HOLIDAY WHERE ((LOCALE =?)) AND (DATE =?)) »)
    at org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException.sqlException(
    at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor.basicExecuteCall(
    at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor.executeCall(
    at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession.basicExecuteCall(
    at org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.ServerSession.executeCall(
    at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.queries.DatasourceCallQueryMechanism.executeCall(
    at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.queries.DatasourceCallQueryMechanism.executeCall(
    at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.queries.DatasourceCallQueryMechanism.executeSelectCall(
    at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.queries.DatasourceCallQueryMechanism.selectAllRows(
    at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.queries.ExpressionQueryMechanism.selectAllRowsFromTable(
    at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.queries.ExpressionQueryMechanism.selectAllRows(
    at org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadAllQuery.executeObjectLevelReadQuery(
    at org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ObjectLevelReadQuery.executeDatabaseQuery(
    at org.eclipse.persistence.queries.DatabaseQuery.execute(
    at org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ObjectLevelReadQuery.execute(
    at org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadAllQuery.execute(
    at org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ObjectLevelReadQuery.executeInUnitOfWork(
    at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl.internalExecuteQuery(
    at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession.executeQuery(
    at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession.executeQuery(
    at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession.executeQuery(
    at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EJBQueryImpl.executeReadQuery(
    at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EJBQueryImpl.getResultList(
    at projapis.projrollup.beans.ManagedHolidayDAOBean.locateByDate(
    Caused by: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00936: lack of expression

    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.processError(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIfun.receive(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIfun.doRPC(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.doOALL(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.doOall8(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.executeForDescribe(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.executeMaybeDescribe(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeInternal(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeQuery(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatementWrapper.executeQuery(
    at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor.executeSelect(
    at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor.basicExecuteCall(
    ... 25 more

    'DATE' and 'YEAR' are SQL reserved keywords. You will need to use identifiers delimited for these names @Column("\"DATE\"") columns or change the name of the column: H_DATE

  • setARRAYatName throws exception-&gt; discussion of named parameter by default/now

    Hi, I'm pretty new with the help of JDBC and
    I have a question about using the following method of an OracleCallableStatement setARRAYatName, so I don't have to fill in default values (I guess this is corect?)
    the signing of sqlmethod I call

    PROCEDURE create_timecard_bb)
    p_start_time IN hxc_time_building_blocks.start_time%TYPE,
    p_stop_time IN hxc_time_building_blocks.stop_time%TYPE,
    -p_approval_status IN hxc_time_building_blocks.approval_status%TYPE,
    p_resource_id IN hxc_time_building_blocks.resource_id%TYPE,
    -default to anyone because there is no other type of resource at the present time.
    p_resource_type IN hxc_time_building_blocks.resource_type%TYPE
    DEFAULT hxc_timecard.c_person_resource
    -We can't use approval_style_name because it is not unique.
    p_approval_style_id IN hxc_time_building_blocks.approval_style_id%TYPE
    p_comment_text IN hxc_time_building_blocks.comment_text%TYPE
    p_app_blocks hxc_block_table_type IN OUT NOCOPY,
    p_time_building_block_id OUT NOCOPY hxc_time_building_blocks.time_building_block_id%TYPE

    The following code works.

    String stmtString = "start HXC_TIMESTORE_DEPOSIT.create_timecard_bb(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?); end; « ;
    cstmt = conn.prepareCall (stmtString) (OracleCallableStatement);
    System.out.println (cstmt.getParameterMetaData (). GetParameterCount());
    GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
    Calendar.Set (2009, Calendar.JUNE, 1);
    cstmt.setDate (1, java.sql.Date (calendar.getTime () .getTime ())) of new;
    Calendar.Set (2009, Calendar.JUNE, 7);
    cstmt.setDate (2, new java.sql.Date (calendar.getTime () .getTime ()));
    cstmt.setInt (3, 4760);
    cstmt.setString(4,"PERSON"); default value
    cstmt.setInt (5,267); set, a value can also be null by default
    cstmt.setNull VARCHAR (6); default value is normally zero
    cstmt.setARRAY (table 7);
    cstmt.registerOutParameter (TABLE 7, "HXC_BLOCK_TABLE_TYPE");

    ... during the extraction of results

    the following does NOT work code and throws an exception that er is een parameternaam geprobeerd in you stellen die niet voorkomt in SQL code of. : p_app_blocks (translated: you have tried to assign a parametername which does not excist in sql code)

    String stmtString = "start HXC_TIMESTORE_DEPOSIT.create_timecard_bb(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?); end; « ;
    cstmt = conn.prepareCall (stmtString) (OracleCallableStatement);
    System.out.println (cstmt.getParameterMetaData (). GetParameterCount());
    / * the following code does not work, for arrayatname, difference which is parametesr with the default are not assigned by name, otherwise they are now affected by his name,

    GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
    Calendar.Set (2009, Calendar.JUNE, 1);
    cstmt.setDate ("p_start_time", new java.sql.Date (calendar.getTime () .getTime ()));
    Calendar.Set (2009, Calendar.JUNE, 7);
    cstmt.setDate ("p_stop_time", new java.sql.Date (calendar.getTime () .getTime ()));
    cstmt.setInt ("p_resource_id", 4760);
    cstmt.setARRAYAtName ("p_app_blocks", array); <-DURATION says this line throws an exception
    cstmt.registerOutParameter ("p_time_building_block_id", INTEGER);
    cstmt.registerOutParameter ("p_app_blocks", ARRAY "HXC_BLOCK_TABLE_TYPE");


    So I make a false assumption that if you assign one with the name of those you do not assign a default value?
    Or something is wrong with setARRAYAtName?

    PS the trace (in Dutch)

    Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQLException: Er is een parameternaam geprobeerd in you stellen die niet voorkomt in SQL code of. :
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.setARRAYAtName(
    at be.interaccess.timecard.TimecardDaoImpl._doCreateTimecard(
    at be.interaccess.timecard.TimecardDaoImpl.main(

    Published by: user2561357 on May 27, 2009 13:48

    Looks like it says here

    (b) bind parameters by name

    What is the reason behind this requirement? Any reason why you cannot use solution 1?

  • AQJMS Exception in B2B

    Hi all

    We tried to send a message to the server FTP using B2B. We have published the message and it's been successful. When I looked in the server, the file was missing. We are confronted to exceptional AQJMS in the B2B.log file. Please find the stack trace below. Please specify.

    2008.12.10 to 12:49:13:363: Thread-10: repository - oracle.tip.repos.core.driver.CatalogDriver@16de067 getDriverjava.lang.InheritableThreadLocal@1682598 CatalogMetaManager (DEBUG)
    2008.12.10 to 12:49:14:206: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUGGING) initialize Enter
    2008.12.10 to 12:49:25:150: Thread-10: B2B - MsgListener:run (ERROR) - ORA-04031: could not allocate 4194344 bytes of shared memory ('pool feed', 'unknown object', 'pool feed', 'set the allocation callback')
    ORA-06512: at "SYS." DBMS_AQADM_SYS', line 5751
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    ORA-06512: at "SYS." DBMS_AQJMS', line 129
    ORA-06512: at line 1

    2008.12.10 to 12:49:25:153: Thread-10: B2B - oracle.jms.AQjmsException (ERROR): ORA-04031: could not allocate 4194344 bytes of shared memory ('pool feed', 'unknown object', 'pool feed', 'set the allocation callback')
    ORA-06512: at "SYS." DBMS_AQADM_SYS', line 5751
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    ORA-06512: at "SYS." DBMS_AQJMS', line 129
    ORA-06512: at line 1

    at oracle.jms.AQjmsSession.addDurableSubscriber(
    at oracle.jms.AQjmsSession.createSubInOldMode(
    at oracle.jms.AQjmsSession.createDurableSubscriber(
    at oracle.jms.AQjmsSession.createDurableSubscriber(
    at oracle.jms.AQjmsSession.createDurableSubscriber(
    at (

    [Related exception]
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-04031: unable to allocate 4194344 bytes of shared memory ('pool feed', 'unknown object', 'pool feed', 'set the allocation callback')
    ORA-06512: at "SYS." DBMS_AQADM_SYS', line 5751
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    ORA-06512: at "SYS." DBMS_AQJMS', line 129
    ORA-06512: at line 1

    at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.receive(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CCallableStatement.doOall8(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CCallableStatement.execute_for_rows(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeInternal(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.execute(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement.execute(
    at oracle.jms.AQjmsSession.addDurableSubscriber(
    at oracle.jms.AQjmsSession.createSubInOldMode(
    at oracle.jms.AQjmsSession.createDurableSubscriber(
    at oracle.jms.AQjmsSession.createDurableSubscriber(
    at oracle.jms.AQjmsSession.createDurableSubscriber(
    at (

    2008.12.10 to 12:49:25:153: Thread-10: B2B - end of wire (DEBUG) ignore JMSException
    2008.12.10 to 12:49:25:156: Thread-10: repository - CatalogDriver.disconnect () (DEBUG)
    2008.12.10 to 12:49:25:158: Thread-10: B2B - end of wire (DEBUG)
    2008.12.10 to 12:50:43:191: B2BStarter wire: deployment - exclude design true to query (DEBUG) null Lifecycle status Active Configurations
    2008.12.10 to 12:50:43:192: B2BStarter wire: repository - persistence Manager (DEBUG) == oracle.tip.model.metadata.CatalogMetaManager@1855562
    2008.12.10 to 12:50:43:192: B2BStarter wire: repository - use of seizure cases (INFORMATION): queryConfiguration
    2008.12.10 to 12:50:43:193: B2BStarter wire: BusinessLogicLayer - disabled (DEBUG) authorization. UserBootstrapped:false, useAuthorization:true

    1. is this a problem with the database or any problem with B2B environment. We use B2B in unix. Is there an available soln. There seems to be a problem with memory allocation. Please specify.

    2. also clarify if this exception is thrown from internal delivery of QA

    Published by: 619855 on December 11, 2008 02:25

    As saying the previous posts that this is a matter of database, I saw several times for different clients as well.

    You need more memory in the SGA, normally I would use 1.5 G for B2B and never less than 700 M. However, this does not. The SGA consists of several memory locations and you run out of space in the pool of water courses. You must increase the size of the streams pool OR you must configure the database so that the sizes of the various sectors are managed automatically by the database. In this way, Oracle can increase one domain at the expense of the other.

    Note: If one of the parameters for the different sectors has been set and the installation for B2B notes says to some of them, this value will be used as a minimum for this area. In other words, the memory that Oracle can re-use between areas becomes more limited. If I remember correctly define the individual limits on 0 and allowing the target LMS with automatic management allow Oracle manage memory available freely.

    I hope that your DBA can help. Good luck!

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