OSB: Call service business, proxy non-MTOM MTOM


It is very easy to call non-MTOM MTOM active business the proxy service, but I don't know how to do it in an opposite way. I have the web service (http) with binary data in Base64 proxy in a soap body element and I would call a business (web service over http again) using MTOM format service to send binary data in binary format (and not base64 as in proxy). Is it possible to decode Base64 binary data in a kind of proxy service and send them this proxy for a service business using MTOM?

I understand the flow that you propose, but I do not know how to pass the decoded data from legend of Java to mail flow. As far as I know I can return only primitive, String and XmlObject, because nothing else can be handled in mail flow.

Yes you are right. But you can also return DataSource in the legend of java. Please http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E13159_01/osb/docs10gr3/userguide/pojo.html

Now the solution/POC - tested on my linux machine local work

package manoj.javacallout.binary;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream.
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStream;

javax.activation.DataSource import;
Import javax.mail.util.ByteArrayDataSource;

import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.utils.Base64;
* TODO: I use sun internal API for decoding for simplicity. You must modify this code and base64 decoding library
* Ideally should use using http://commons.apache.org/downloads/download_codec.cgi
* @author mneelapu
public class Util {}
Public Shared DataSource decodeBase64 (DataSource ds) throws Exception {}
InputStream in = ds.getInputStream ();
BufferedReader bin is new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (in));.
Byte [] decodedB64 = Base64.decode (bin);
ByteArrayDataSource decodedDS = new ByteArrayDataSource(decodedB64,"binary/octet-stream");
Return (decodedDS);

Java legend at decodeBase64
javax.activation.DataSource = [$body / *]
javax.activation.DataSource = response

Now, replace the $body with the answer decoded base64 of the legend of java

Replace [content of the node] [XPath undefined]
in [body] with [$response]

Use $BEA_HOME/modules/javax.mail_1.4.jar for the compilation.
Let me know if this solves your problem.

Thank you

Published by: mneelapu on April 20, 2009 15:23

Tags: Fusion Middleware

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    By default doesn't mean that demand for the generators must provide this value. The value is for the analyzers. When a schema-aware parser detects an optional attribute with a default value is MISSING in the inbound document, the parser must register the default value in the model of analyzed data.

    When SoapUI generates the entries to the default settings, so it's good to do. But when the test console does not generate them, it is fair to do so too, because they are optional.

    XML Schema Part 0: second edition Primer

    > Default values for elements or attributes are declared using the attribute by default, even if this attribute has a slightly different consequence in each case.


    > When an attribute is declared with a default value, the value of the attribute's value as the value of the attribute in an instance document;

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    So the question is: when you run the query from a test console and do a transformation inside the proxy, not you or do you not see the default values on the output? If you do not, the OSB Analyzer is then, mmm, not meet the standards.



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    If your question is only about the performance analysis,
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    Sameh salvation,

    Ideally, if all your projects of OSB are under the same setup OSB project, then you can directly reference the proxy in your Department of Integration.proxy services.

    Otherwise, you can create commercial services for the file.proxy and the Callout.proxy services in your project of OSB (where your integration.proxy service is hosted) and then call these commercial services of the integration.proxy service.

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    If you need to call several Business Service and use the legend of Service actions and at the end, use action road. If he's single legend in proxy service using only course of Action.

    I'm not clear what you mean! Please develop...

    And in the Action of the road... > you can use request action replace action to replace the application payload content (Business Service).
    Replace the Action:
    Leave the empty Xpath in variable body with Expression [request payload structure] and use the content of the node replace!


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    [I does not mark the question as answered, once obtained the answer.]

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    There's a good table, explaining what should be used here...


    Also, check these...



    See you soon,.


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    It worked. I used Service Call Out instead of node of the road. And it worked with questions.

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    < soapenv:Header / >
    < soapenv:Body >
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    < documentNumber > 12345678909 < / documentNumber >
    [[< / searchCustomerByDocumentNumber >]] > < / ex: arg >
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    With this XSD, XML can be generating:


    2 create an XQuery query to create a ComplexType searchCustomerByDocumentNumber. For example:
    (: pragma bea: element global-element-return = "searchCustomerByDocumentNumber" location = "searchCustomerByDocumentNumber.xsd" ::))

    declare namespace xf = "http://tempuri.org/NovoSia/CreateSearchCustomerByDocumentNumber/";

    declare function xf:CreateSearchCustomerByDocumentNumber($documentNumber_as_xs:string)
    as {(searchCustomerByDocumentNumber)}



    declare the variable $documentNumber as XS: String external;

    XF:CreateSearchCustomerByDocumentNumber ($documentNumber)

    3. in your step in proxy pipeline add to assign the created the XQuery function call from the number of the document of your payload.
    Assign to a variable (for example: called searchCustomerByDocumentNumberRequest)

    4. create an another Transformation of XQuery (XQ) to create a request to the existing Web service. For example:
    {fn - bea: serialize ($searchCustomerByDocumentNumberRequest)}

    For more information about xquery Serialize function:
    41.2.6 fn - bea: serialize()
    You can use the fn - bea: serialize() function if you need to represent an XML document as a string instead of as an XML element. For example, you can share an XML document through an EJB interface and the EJB method takes the string as an argument. The function has the following signature:

    FN - bea: serialize($input as item()) as xs: string

    Source: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E14571_01/doc.1111/e15867/xquery.htm

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    How to stop creating multiple instances.

    Thank you and best regards,


    Automatic recovery is enabled by default in bpel, you can try catch the fault. You can also change the value of MaxRecoverAttempt please go through this link: https://svgonugu.wordpress.com/2013/05/08/auto-recovery-feature-in-bpel/

    Kind regards


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    With respect,

    Please go through the link that explains the parameters to set up a Service of Proxy FTP below


    I have

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    Thank you



    Content Presenter (based on CPT or model region) are thinking of use only for the presentation. Business logic blurs the line between the presentation and business.

    However, if you want to call IdcService inside your model of area just make calls AJAX for your IdcServices in the model of your region.

    Kind regards.

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    Blog at http://blogs.oracle.com/christomkins/2007/12/sending_an_email_from_oracle_s.html by Chris Tomkins should help. You have configured server SMTP in OSB?
    See you soon

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    Pls check below the doc for source Composite.xml and BPEL.


    It looks like an access problem, but I am able to call the SFDC API using SOAP UI. Help, please.

    The soa stack error - diagnostic.log


    [2014 07-09 T 17: 47:04.272 - 07:00] [soa_server22] [NOTIFICATION] [] [oracle.soa.adapter.cloud] [tid: orabpel.invoke.pool - 4.thread - 9] [username: GOPAL_TARITLA] [ecid: c17d2d5e5766b07e:-65660a9c:14711d970c3:-8000-00000000000d3eba, 1:33309] [APP: soa-infra] [composite_instance_id: 50029] [composite_name: Dell_Zuora_to_Oracle_Invoice_Iface! 1.4] [Component_name: SFDC] resource found by Solver of location

    [2014 07-09 T 17: 47:05.266 - 07:00] [soa_server22] [WARNING] [] [javax.xml.ws.Service] [tid: orabpel.invoke.pool - 4.thread - 9] [username: GOPAL_TARITLA] [ecid: c17d2d5e5766b07e:-65660a9c:14711d970c3:-8000-00000000000d3eba, 1:33309] [APP: soa-infra] [composite_instance_id: 50029] [composite_name: Dell_Zuora_to_Oracle_Invoice_Iface! 1.4] [Component_name: SFDC] could not read the URL wsdlDocumentLocation WSDL definition: null

    [2014 07-09 T 17: 47:05.718 - 07:00] [soa_server22] [ERROR] [] [oracle.soa.adapter] [tid: orabpel.invoke.pool - 4.thread - 9] [userId: GOPAL_TARITLA] [ecid: c17d2d5e5766b07e:-65660a9c:14711d970c3:-8000-00000000000d3eba, 1:33309] [APP: soa-infra] [composite_instance_id: 50029] [composite_name: Dell_Zuora_to_Oracle_Invoice_Iface! 1.4] [component name: SFDC] Salesforce Dell_Zuora_to_Oracle_Invoice_Iface:SFDC [SFDCPortType::query (parameters, parameters)] error sending bytes to socket: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cipher uninitialized

    [2014 07-09 T 17: 47:05.720 - 07:00] [soa_server22] [ERROR] [] [oracle.soa.adapter] [tid: orabpel.invoke.pool - 4.thread - 9] [username: GOPAL_TARITLA] [ecid: c17d2d5e5766b07e:-65660a9c:14711d970c3:-8000-00000000000d3eba, 1:33309] [APP: soa-infra] [composite_instance_id: 50029] [composite_name: Dell_Zuora_to_Oracle_Invoice_Iface! 1.4] [Component_name: SFDC] JCABinding = > Dell_Zuora_to_Oracle_Invoice_Iface:SFDC [SFDCPortType::query (parameters, parameters)] could not invoke operation "application" against the "sales force" due to: []

    Error sending bytes: java.lang.IllegalStateException: encryption algorithm not initialized


    [2014 07-09 T 17: 47:05.722 - 07:00] [soa_server22] [NOTIFICATION] [] [oracle.soa.adapter] [tid: orabpel.invoke.pool - 4.thread - 9] [username: GOPAL_TARITLA] [ecid: c17d2d5e5766b07e:-65660a9c:14711d970c3:-8000-00000000000d3eba, 1:33309] [APP: soa-infra] [composite_instance_id: 50029] [composite_name: Dell_Zuora_to_Oracle_Invoice_Iface! 1.4] [component name: SFDC] JCABinding = > Dell_Zuora_to_Oracle_Invoice_Iface:SFDC [SFDCPortType::query (parameters, parameters)] modify the logging at TRACE level: n to see the full error stack

    [2014 07-09 T 17: 47:05.745 - 07:00] [soa_server22] [ERROR] [] [oracle.soa.adapter] [tid: orabpel.invoke.pool - 4.thread - 9] [username: GOPAL_TARITLA] [ecid: c17d2d5e5766b07e:-65660a9c:14711d970c3:-8000-00000000000d3eba, 1:33309] [APP: soa-infra] [composite_instance_id: 50029] [composite_name: Dell_Zuora_to_Oracle_Invoice_Iface! 1.4] [Component_name: SFDC] JCABinding = > [by default/Dell_Zuora_to_Oracle_Invoice_Iface! 1.4 * soa_bee5ce9f-a39a-4023-b5a6-8c13cbcbf2ad.] SFDC]: query operation failed two-way query()

    [2014 07-09 T 17: 47:05.748 - 07:00] [soa_server22] [ERROR] [] [oracle.soa.bpel.engine.ws] [tid: orabpel.invoke.pool - 4.thread - 9] [username: GOPAL_TARITLA] [ecid: c17d2d5e5766b07e:-65660a9c:14711d970c3:-8000-00000000000d3eba, 1:33309] [APP: soa-infra] [composite_instance_id: 50029] [component_instance_id: 50029] [composite_name: Dell_Zuora_to_Oracle_Invoice_Iface! 1.4] [Component_name: Dell_Zuora_to_Oracle_Invoice_Iface] had FabricInvocationException []

    java.lang.IllegalStateException: encryption algorithm not initialized


    TV Gopal

    OK guys, we found the solution. We had to update the files of PVE strategy on our SOA server Linux machine.

    Thanks to Varun Guruvugari (Support Salesforce) who responded with below the answer on another forum:

    There are countless reasons for uninitialized encryption error, but I'm sure that this reason is because of SSL certificates and you saw the error above for good reasons that salesforce.com ensures the safety and security.

    You will be able to integrate successfully in this instance, by deploying the latest version of the files of Extension JCE (Java Cryptography) unlimited strength jurisdiction policy-6 for JDK1.6 on the server SOA in FMW. Here is a good article to allow strong encryption algorithms FMW:http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19644-01/817-5447/sgencryp.html#wp15647



    TV Gopal

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    Just before installing the new Acrobat without buying it. Your serial number will only be for 9.0.  And there will be no support, it was long after the end of life. Use your original disks.

Maybe you are looking for