Output of color by the numbers

Hi, I have problems printing with numbers

I created a color scheme and it is gorgeous on screen but when I print out it print it different

what Miss me? What do I do?

Help, please!

Hi annacast,

Colors on paper will never match colors on the screen.

The colors of the screen are a mixture of red, green and blue. those on paper are created by the 'white' light crossing or bring absorbed by the points of cyan, yellow, magenta and black ink, reflecting on the 'white' paper and again through ink points towards your eyes. The color you see depends on several factors, including the 'white' light shadow, 'white' shade, the paper, the thickness of the layer of ink, the absorption capacity of the paper, and called the system printer color profile.

While Photoshop and other applications at the pro level offer access to the profile of many printers, this isn't true of software at the level of the consumer (as numbers) and consumer level, where the user has little control over the color profile used by the software and a color printer.

You can configure your color palette to the screen or printer, but probably not both.

Kind regards


Tags: iWork

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    Use an indicator in the table and then the color of the cells according to your needs.

    (You cannot change the property of the individual elements of the table anyway. Properties are global for all items in an array)

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    Thank you.


    It does not matter.

    It would be easy with Grep find & replace. But it is very difficult to do with Grep styles (without seeing the entire document). In this case, I can only give you the Grep styles:

    It is perhaps useful to you.

    Have fun

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    Take a look at the help of refernce.


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    Click the mouse cursor exactly on a Page number where it appears on a page.

    Set the color of the characters in the Type Panel.

    "Type" parameters are related to each field Photo text, the text of the Page text, text number of pages, which allows you to set the Style of individual text for each of these three "areas".

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    Thanks for any help! If there is no confusion, I could send you my chart.

    I don't remember the RGB values.

    You can check values chromatic AcrobatPro matlab via print > overview of output > object Inspector. Here I chose the object Inspector of the popup preview and clicked on the object I want to taste.

    I can see that the profile is sRGB and values of color in the form of percentages. To convert the percentages in ID RGB values multiplied by 256 (for example the channel red est.07800 x 256 = 20). Make sure the RGB profile assigned in your InDesign document is the same profile and plugin your background color of RGB RGB numbers.

  • Problem with font color in the report formatting


    I set up a script that reports on data warehouses of various code examples and Get-FriendlyUnit of LucD finction.

    The output formats the red color for the space put into service when it is larger than the Capactiy, but for some reason, in some cases, the police are still red even when Provisoned space is not greater than the capacity:


    This code I use to change the font color:

    If ($Capacity - gt $Provisioned)
    {$tableEntry = "< tr > < td > < font ="Tahoma"> $Name < / font > < table > < td > < Center > < font ="Tahoma"> $Capacity < / police > < / center > < table > < td > < Center > < font ="Tahoma"> $Provisioned < / police > < / center > < table > < td > < Center > < font ="Tahoma"> $FreeSpace < / police >"} "< / center > < / TD > < td > < Center > < / police > < / center > < table > < /tr >".
    Add-Content, $fileName $tableEntry
    Write-Host $tableEntry}

    ElseIf ($Capacity - lt $Provisioned)
    {$tableEntry = "< tr > < td > < font ="Tahoma"> $Name < / fonts > < table > < td > < Center > < of police ="Tahoma"> $Capacity < / police > < / center > < table > < td > < Center > < font ="Tahoma"color ="red"> $Provisioned < / font > < / center > < table > < td > < Center > < font ="Tahoma"> $FreeSpace < / fonts"} ' > < / center > < table > < td > < Center > < / police > < / center > < table > < /tr > ".
    Add-Content, $fileName $tableEntry
    Write-Host $tableEntry}

    Here's the complete code:

    If ((Remove-Item "DS-Report.htm»-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) - eq $null)
    {Remove-Item "DS - report.html"-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue}

    #Connect to vCenter Server
    $vC = "VC1.
    SE connect-VIServer $vC - WarningAction SilentlyContinue

    $date = (get-Date). ToString('yyyy/MM/dd')
    $Title = "report on the use of the data store.
    $DC = "Datacenter1".

    $DateStamp = get-date - uformat "%Y-%m-%d@%H-%M-%S."

    New course in the #Create file
    New-Item ItemType - file "DS - report.html.
    $fileName = "DS - report.html.

    #HTML header for the output
    Function writeHtmlHeader
    Param ($fileName)

    Add-Content $fileName "< html >".
    Add-Content $fileName "< head >".
    Add-Content $fileName "< meta http-equiv ="Content-Type"content = text/html"; " charset = iso-8859-1 "" > ""
    Add-Content $fileName '< title > $Title < /title >'
    "Add-Content $fileName ' < STYLE TYPE =" text/css">"
    Add-Content $fileName "<!--
    Add-Content $fileName "td {}.
    Add-Content $fileName ' do-family: Calibri;
    Add-Content $fileName "-font size: 13px;
    Add-Content $fileName "border-top: 1px solid #999999;"
    Add-Content $fileName "border-right: 1px solid #999999;"
    Add-Content $fileName "border-bottom: 1px solid #999999;"
    Add-Content $fileName "border-left: 1px solid #999999;"
    Add-Content $fileName "padding-top: 0px;"
    Add-Content $fileName "padding-right: 0px;"
    Add-Content $fileName "padding-bottom: 0px;"
    Add-Content $fileName "padding-left: 0px;"
    Add-Content $fileName '} '.
    Add-Content $fileName 'body {} '.
    Add-Content $fileName ' left margin: 5px; "
    Add-Content $fileName "margin-top: 5px;"
    Add-Content $fileName ' margin-right: 0px; "
    Add-Content $fileName "margin-bottom: 10px;"
    Add-Content $fileName «»
    Add-Content $fileName "table {}.
    Add-Content $fileName ' border: thin solid #000000; "
    Add-Content $fileName '} '.
    Add-Content $fileName "->".
    Add-Content $fileName "< / style >.
    Add-Content $fileName "< / head >.
    Add-Content $fileName "< body >".
    Add-Content $fileName ' < table width = 60% ">".
    Add-Content $fileName "< tr bgcolor ="#FFFFFF">."
    Add-Content $fileName "< td colspan = '7' height = '25' align ="center">"
    #Edit title below
    #Add - Content $fileName "< font ="Tahoma"color = 'red' size = '3' > < strong > criticism - < facilities > < / font >.
    #Add - Content $fileName "< police ="Tahoma"color = 'gold' size = '3' > WARNING < strong > - < facilities > < / font >.
    Add-Content $fileName "< police ="Tahoma"color =" #003399 ' size = '3' > < strong > $Title - $Date < / strong > < / police >»»

    #Edit title above
    Add-Content $fileName "< table >.
    Add-Content $fileName "< /tr >".
    Add-Content $fileName "< / table >.


    # Function to write the HTML header to the file
    Function writeTableHeader
    Param ($fileName)
    Add-Content $fileName ' < table width = 60% ' > < tbody >.
    Add-Content $fileName "< tr bgcolor = #003399 >.
    Add-Content $fileName "< td align ="center"> < of police ="Tahoma"color ="#FFFFFF"> < b > data store name < /b > < / police > < table >.
    Add-Content $fileName "< td align ="center"> < of police ="Tahoma"color ="#FFFFFF"> < b > capacity < /b > < / police > < table >.
    Add-Content $fileName "< td align ="center"> < police ="Tahoma"color ="#FFFFFF"> < b > space configured < /b > < / police > < table >.
    Add-Content $fileName "< td align ="center"> < of police ="Tahoma"color ="#FFFFFF"> < b > free space < /b > < / font > < table >.
    #Add - Content $fileName "< td align ="center"> < of police ="Tahoma"color ="#FFFFFF"> < b > % free < /b > < / police > < table >.
    Add-Content $fileName "< /tr >".


    # Function to write the HTML footer
    Function writeHtmlFooter
    Param ($fileName)
    Add-Content $fileName "< / table >.
    Add-Content $fileName "< / body >".
    Add-Content $fileName "< / html >".

    #---Fonction Get-FriendlyUnit-
    Function Get-FriendlyUnit {}
    < #.
    . Numbers converted small binary multiples SYNOPSIS
    . DESCRIPTION the function accepts a value and him will convert
    in the largest available binary unit.
    . Author NOTES: Luc relaxing
    . Value of the PARAMETER
    The value to convert.
    This number must be positive.
    A switch to indicate whether the function should return the CIS
    Unit, or the names of the units most commonly used names.
    The default is to use the commonly used unit names.
    PS > Get-FriendlyUnit-value 123456
    PS > 123456 | Get-FriendlyUnit - CIS
    PS > Get-FriendlyUnit-value 123456,789123, 45678
    PS > Get-Datastore-name DS1 |
    Select Name,@{N="Capacity; E = {}
    Get-FriendlyUnit-value ($_.) CapacityMB * 1 MB) |
    % {"{0, 7:f2} {1,2} ' f $_"} Value, $_. Unit}}
    # >
    [parameter (mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    [double []] $Value,.
    [switch] $IEC

    Begin {}
    $OldUnits = "B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB".
    $IecUnits = 'B', 'KiB', 'MiB', "GiB", "TiB", "PIF", "BANK", "ZiB", "YiB".
    If ($IEC) {$units = $IecUnits} else {$units = $OldUnits}

    {in process
    $Value | %{
    If ($_ - lt 0) {}
    Write-Error "Numbers must be positive."
    If ($value - gt 0) {}
    $modifier = [math]: Floor([Math]::Log($_,1KB)))
    else {}
    $modifier = 0
    New-object PSObject-property @ {}
    Value = $_ / [math]: Pow(1KB,$modifier)
    Unit = & {if ($modifier - lt $units. {Count) {$units [$modifier]} else {'1KO E {0}' f $modifier}}
    #---Fin of the Get-FriendlyUnit function-

    Function GetDS {}
    $report = get-data center $DC | Get-Datastore.
    Where-Object {$_.} {Name - notlike "DataStore1 *"} | %{
    New-object PSObject-property @ {}
    Name = $_.name
    Capacity = Get-FriendlyUnit-value ($_.) CapacityMB * 1 MB) |
    % {"{0, 7:f2} {1,2} ' f $_"} Value, $_. Unit}
    Put into service = Get-FriendlyUnit-value ($_.) ExtensionData.Summary.Capacity - $_. ExtensionData.Summary.FreeSpace +.
    $_. ExtensionData.Summary.Uncommitted) |
    % {"{0, 7:f2} {1,2} ' f $_"} Value, $_. Unit}
    FreeSpace = Get-FriendlyUnit-value ($_.) FreeSpaceMB * 1 MB) |
    % {"{0, 7:f2} {1,2} ' f $_"} Value, $_. Unit}

    } | Sort-Object-property name
    $report | %{
    WriteData $_. Name $_. Capacity $_. Provisioned $_. FreeSpace

    # Function compiles the data transmitted by the GetDS function in HTML table format
    Function writedata {}
    Param ($Name, $Capacity, $Provisioned, $FreeSpace)

    If ($Capacity - gt $Provisioned)
    {$tableEntry = "< tr > < td > < of police ="Tahoma"> $Name < / font > < table > < td > < Center > < of police ="Tahoma"> $Capacity < / police > < / center > < table > < td > < Center > < fonts"}

    "face ="Tahoma"> $Provisioned < / police > < / center > < table > < td > < Center > < font ="Tahoma"> $FreeSpace < / police > < / center > < table > < td > < Center > < / police > < / center > < table > < /tr >".
    Add-Content, $fileName $tableEntry
    Write-Host $tableEntry}

    ElseIf ($Capacity - lt $Provisioned)
    {$tableEntry = "< tr > < td > < of police ="Tahoma"> $Name < / font > < table > < td > < Center > < of police ="Tahoma"> $Capacity < / police > < / center > < table > < td > < Center > < fonts"}

    face = "Tahoma" color = "red" > $Provisioned < / police > < / center > < table > < td > < Center > < font

    "face ="Tahoma"> $FreeSpace < / police > < / center > < table > < td > < Center > < / police > < / center > < table > < /tr >".
    Add-Content, $fileName $tableEntry
    Write-Host $tableEntry}

    < #.
    ElseIf ($_.) PercFree - $Warning lt)
    {$tableEntry = "< tr > < td > < of police ="Tahoma"> $Name < / font > < table > < td > < Center > < b > < of police ="Tahoma"> $Capacity < / police > < / b > < / center > < table > < td > < Center > < b > < fonts"}

    face = "Tahoma" > $Provisioned < / police > < / b > < / center > < table > < td > < Center > < b > < of police = "Tahoma" > $FreeSpace < / font > < / b > < / center > < table > < td > < Center > < b > < fonts

    "face ="Tahoma"color ="Orange"> $PercFree < / police > < / b > < / center > < table > < /tr >".
    Add-Content, $fileName $tableEntry
    Write-Host $tableEntry}
    # >

    VCenter server ##Disconnect
    Disconnect-VIServer-confirm: $False

    The script ##End

    Hello, AGFlora-

    It seems that comparisons of the value (the "-lt" and "-gt") you here are values after they were formatted to units 'friendly' and then processed into strings.  Comparison operations then do not give the results you expect, because comparisons are these strings, instead of the actual numbers.  Illustration:

    PS C:\> "600.00 MB" -lt "594.75 GB"
    PS C:\> "600.00 MB" -gt "594.75 GB"

    Clearly not what you expect if the comparisons are numbers instead of strings.

    Then, you'd better keep the values of size in the form of numbers until it is time to display them (or write HTML code).  That way comparison operations (numbers) will be behave as desired/expected, and your conditional formatting should work.  The key to making comparisons of real numbers, and then use the values of string shaped numbers for the HTML output.  Make sense?

  • Track of the position of a specific color using the webcam

    Hey guys, I'm desperately need assistance. I am extremely new vision LabView module and have found dealing with the last part of my main project. I am using a Microsoft lifecam to follow a green circle that is attached to an object. My goal is to be able to press a button (Boolean) and freeze an image, this image for only a certain color output of the filter and highlight the shape. And then once the image has been frozen, store a bitmap and overlay on a video stream in real time to try to recreate the position. Seems fairly complex and I know that I am deeply in above my head, but what I really need is a video output real time, then the output position of when an object there. I search for long on different methods people have used and not found much that applies to what I'm trying, probably because of my lack of experience with the program. I joined my current vi and a picture of what looks like the filter. Thanks a lot for your help in advance!

    See the attached example.  I just used the particle analysis stage to find the position of the colored object, then superimposed an oval in the same position on the live stream.  I hope that this will put you on the right track.

  • Look for the string of the numbered array element.

    This is my first post, so I'll probably miss one thing or another.  I will look nothing missed as soon as possible. I write code LV to test additional County stored in a CSV text file. Counties represent the stimulated current of a diode in a beam of radiation. The product is a QA device for a medical radiation treatment machine. The Integrator output proportional to the current diode accumulates as a whole into account in the text file. My LV code puts the numbers in the tables, calculates the incremental time derived and analyzed statistically. Numbers of the columns in the table data represent unique components. Default number of data column is sorted in a 1 d table has no column number. As if not column 10 represents CR39 of PCB 11. I need an algorithm how to connect a string such as CR39-PCB11 to the element of the array 1 d failure or relate to the string to the column in the data table that fails. Could you suggest a way to do this?

    If I understand you correctly, instead of these numbers that are in the Updates (odd) 'zero', you want to get premium channels. For the moment, the operator uses a lookup table, to find the chain (component) that corresponds to the column number.

    It's easy, because you only need an array of strings (corresponding to the column number 0 n) and use the array index with the index of the column. Place it in a loop for get all the clues of failures (the loop autoindexing for).


  • Change of FG and background color of the individual elements in the array

    Is it possible to change the color of foreground and background of the individual elements of the array?

    According to the the link below it is not.  But that was 4 years ago and I wonder if it's possible with the new version of Labview.


    I could not find a way to do it using Labview 8.2.1.

    Thank you


    No, you can't.  The tables have to share almost everything except the real value of the data.  As mentioned, you can use a second indicator to indicate your values of interest.  If you just want to change the background color, you can make a table of squares of color which lies behind the numbers array.  Make the background of the numbers (and the transparent table container.  You can do it 'look' as the BG of the numbers is changing.  The FG Color is not as easy.

    A (maybe better) alternative is to use a table or a listbox control to display your table.  They allow you to change the colors of the cells.  You will need to convert your table to an array of strings.  If your table is small, the hit on the treatment will be not significant.  But if you have REALLY large picture, you'll notice put worn times on day of the table/list box.

  • How programmatically change the color of the text in each cell in a table

    Assuming that if I have an array of 20 elements, table data type can be assumed for integer type string or, if it is possible to change the color of the text in a table running?

    The final result should be similar to this model: 0 to 5 in green, 6 to 10 items in orange, 11 and 19 elements in black color

    Items in a table share all properties except the 'value '. As a result, all the elements will always have the same color of the text/context...

    You can use a table instead for this purpose, but you'll have some overhead in order to create the layout you want to have (coloring, distribution, "work tables with strings, not numbers",...)

    hope this helps,


  • Some otherwise identical digital controls have white behind the numbers, other gray

    On the attached screenshot, there are two Express Digital controls in the lower right corner.  I did the replace operation to make sure that both are the same type of control, still it white behind the numbers and the other is grey behind the numbers.

    I do not change the settings of these controls when I inserted the.  I don't see anyway to change the background number without having to build a custom control.

    The two controls appear in the same loop, are of type DBL, floating point with 2-digit precision.

    Can someone tell me why these environments is different and if there is anything I can do about it?

    You must choose the background color to change the background of the indicator.  Note that there are two color boxes in the choice of colors.  The upper left corner is for the text.  Bottom right is for the background.

  • RegExp with padding for the numbers

    Hi all

    I have a column VARCHAR2 representing Article and paragraph of a document and I need to sort in a sophisticated this column method.

    The problem is that because this value is from a form using free text, the format is quite heterogeneous. Then we would have something like:

    select '1' as section from dual union all
    select '7(1), 8(3)' as section from dual union all
    select '9(2)(b)' as section from dual union all
    select '11(1)(c)' as section from dual union all
    select 'Annex VI' as section from dual;

    the problem is that if we use the lexicographical order, that we'd end up with 11 front of 9.2 b (1)

    select  section from (
    select '1' as section from dual union all
    select '7(1), 8(3)' as section from dual union all
    select '9(2)(b)' as section from dual union all
    select '11(1)(c)' as section from dual union all
    select 'Annex VI' as section from dual)
    order by 1;
    7(1), 8(3)
    Annex VI 

    It is true that articles go not beyond say 1000 thought I replace all the groups of digits of 0 left padded values. An expression that I would get the right result

    select  section from (
    select '001' as section from dual union all
    select '007(001), 008(003)' as section from dual union all
    select '009(002)(b)' as section from dual union all
    select '011(01)(c)' as section from dual union all
    select 'Annex VI' as section from dual)
    order by 1;




    007 (001), 008 (003)

    009 (002) (b)
    011 (01) (c)
    Annex VI

    This can be achieved with regexp?, the thing is I can locate the numbers and normally the depth of numbers would be only 2 directions 1 (2) and no 1 (2) (3) so with 2 nested regexp_replace could be good. The thing is that I don't realize to fill in the 3rd parameter:

    Best regards


    Using REGEXP_REPLACE to fill in the numbers:

    SELECT section

    , REGEXP_REPLACE (REGEXP_REPLACE (section - for debugging only

    , '(\d+)'

    , "000\1".


    , « 0+(\d{4}) »

    , '\1'

    ) AS sort_str



    , '(\d+)'

    , "000\1".


    , « 0+(\d{4}) »

    , '\1'



    The inner REGEXP_REPLACE adds 3 major 0 ' to all numbers, so that all the numbers are at least 4 digits.

    Removes from the external REGEXP_REPLACE 0 ' to all numbers, so that all numbers are exactly 4 digits.

    In Production, you will not want to repeat the expression in the SELECT clause. I just did here to help us see what's going on.



    ---------- ------------------------------

    1 0001

    7 (1), 8 (3) 0007 (0001) 0008 (0003)

    9 2 b 0009 (0002) (b)

    11.1 c 0011 (0001) (c)

    Annex VI to annex VI

  • Question: CP9: color of the web page outside of the project area.

    CP9, HTML5, output only.


    Question: How can I change the color of the web page outside of the project area?

    I want that my projects in 100% white as in example 1.

    I tried changing all kinds of options on the slide master and made sure that both projects have the same settings, but I still get a gray color as in example 2.

    (If the solution is to edit the index.html file or any other file I'm happy about it).

    Any help will be much appreciated.

    Thank you


    Example 1

    This project page is 100% white.


    Example 2

    This is another project, but the page outside of the project area is a very pale gray.


    Hi Peter,.

    You can change the color of the HTML box around the Captivate project from:

    1. in the menu bar, click themes and select the skin editor.

    2. in the skin Editor window, open the borders page (second means of icon on the left, under the name of skin).

    3. in the theme section, specify the background color of the HTML.

    This solves your question?

Maybe you are looking for