Pass the string of subsequence reference to appellant

Hi, I'm unable to pass a string parameter on the basis of a subsequence to its caller. Is there something by doing this, or is not possible?

Thank you


Right click on the parameter in the subsequence.

Make sure you only pass by reference is verified.

Tags: NI Software

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  • Pass the string as params from a Java application to another

    I'm moving a String as a parameter to a Java Aplications of a second as a startup parameter

    for example I have applications that must call start another Java application (just contains only JOptionPane, simple JFrame or JDialog) before System.exit (0); I'm trying to send some descriptions to close the application to another.

    East of simulations of what these codes I tried this and in this form, the code works correctly and displays the string in the JTextArea...
        import java.util.concurrent.*;
        public class TestScheduler {
            public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
                ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor executor = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(10);
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                    final int j = i;
                    System.out.println("assign : " + i);
                    ScheduledFuture<?> future = executor.schedule(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            System.out.println("run : " + j);
                    }, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
                System.out.println("executor.shutdown() ....");
                executor.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
                try {
                    Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c start java -jar C:\\Dialog.jar 'Passed info'");
                } catch (IOException ex) {
                System.out.println("System.exit(0) .....");
            private TestScheduler() {
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Main {
        private static ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
        public Main() {
            JFrame frm = new JFrame();
            JTextArea text = new JTextArea();
            if (list.size() > 0) {
                for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) {
            JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(text,
            frm.add(scroll, BorderLayout.CENTER);
            frm.setLocation(150, 100);
            frm.setSize(new Dimension(400, 300));
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            if (args.length > 0) {
                for (String s : args) {
                    System.out.print(s + " ");
            Main m = new Main();
    My question:

    whether is there another way to pass a value to a Java application (it should be called System.exit (0);) to another Java application, another way I tried using process/ProcessBuilder

    My crospost

    Yes, there are other ways. Is this way do not meet your needs?

    1. There is another exec() signature that accepts an array where the first element is the command and the rest of the elements are its args. It may or may not be a varargs call. That looked something like this, but it might not work exactly as I.

    exec("cmd", "/c", "start", "java", "-jar", "C:\\Dialog.jar", "Passed info");
    // OR
    exec(new String[] {"cmd", "/c", "start", "java", "-jar", "C:\\Dialog.jar", "Passed info"});

    2. you can place the information in a file that the second process reads.

    3. you can store information in a database that the second dealing with applications.

    4. you can have a single process open a ServerSocket and either connect to it and send the data in this way.

    5. you can use a higher level like Active MQ, JMS messaging tool, etc.

    6. you can use the RMI.

    7. you can use CORBA.

    I don't know that there are other approaches as well.

    I have no idea to the approach that is best for your needs. It's something that you need to understand, if you do decide, if you view details about your needs here, someone can offer some advice.

  • By passing the string to a slider as a parameter

    need help

    Version: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release
         lv_dept VARCHAR2(100);
         Currec EMP%ROWTYPE;
         Cursor Cur_Dept(pv_dept VARCHAR2) IS SELECT * FROM EMP WHERE to_char(deptno) IN (pv_dept); 
           OPEN Cur_Dept(lv_dept);
            FETCH Cur_Dept INTO Currec;
                     Message(Currec.Ename||Currec.deptno); --Forms code
          EXIT WHEN Cur_Dept%NOTFOUND;     
       END LOOP;
       close Cur_Dept;
    If I pass the parameter as a string, it does not.

    Kind regards

    As others have said, avoid using dynamic SQL statements.

    As SQL running in SQL * Plus, something like that...

    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  select *
      2  from emp
      3  where deptno in (
      4                  with t as (select '&dept_numbers' as txt from dual)
      5                  select REGEXP_SUBSTR (txt, '[^,]+', 1, level)
      6                  from t
      7                  connect by level <= length(regexp_replace(txt,'[^,]*'))+1
      8*                )
    SQL> /
    Enter value for dept_numbers: 10,20
    old   4:                 with t as (select '&dept_numbers' as txt from dual)
    new   4:                 with t as (select '10,20' as txt from dual)
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE                   SAL       COMM     DEPTNO
    ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
          7369 SMITH      CLERK           7902 17/12/1980 00:00:00        800                    20
          7566 JONES      MANAGER         7839 02/04/1981 00:00:00       2975                    20
          7782 CLARK      MANAGER         7839 09/06/1981 00:00:00       2450                    10
          7788 SCOTT      ANALYST         7566 19/04/1987 00:00:00       3000                    20
          7839 KING       PRESIDENT            17/11/1981 00:00:00       5000                    10
          7876 ADAMS      CLERK           7788 23/05/1987 00:00:00       1100                    20
          7902 FORD       ANALYST         7566 03/12/1981 00:00:00       3000                    20
          7934 MILLER     CLERK           7782 23/01/1982 00:00:00       1300                    10
    8 rows selected.

    PL/SQL or, based on the same SQL...

    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  declare
      2    cursor cur_emps(p_deptnos in varchar2) is
      3      select *
      4      from emp
      5      where deptno in (
      6                       select REGEXP_SUBSTR (p_deptnos, '[^,]+', 1, level)
      7                       from dual
      8                       connect by level <= length(regexp_replace(p_deptnos,'[^,]*'))+1
      9                      );
     10  begin
     11    for e in cur_emps('10,20')
     12    loop
     13      dbms_output.put_line(e.empno||' - '||e.ename||' : '||e.deptno);
     14    end loop;
     15* end;
    SQL> /
    7369 - SMITH : 20
    7566 - JONES : 20
    7782 - CLARK : 10
    7788 - SCOTT : 20
    7839 - KING : 10
    7876 - ADAMS : 20
    7902 - FORD : 20
    7934 - MILLER : 10
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
  • By passing the string in app.launchURL

    Can Hi I pass a string like that

    var Link_Str = [];

    Link_Str [0] = 'www.' + 'google' + ".com";

    Link_Str [1] = 'www.' + 'yahoo' + ".com";

    Link_Str [2] = 'www.' + 'ebay' + ".com".

    l.setAction ("app.launchURL ('Link_Str [1]", true ")" ");


    Link_Str is not defined

    It should be something like:

    l.setAction ("app.launchURL (\'" + Link_Str [1] + "\", true ")" ");

    You attach this script for what type of object?

  • C# teststep: how to pass the correct Visa instrument reference?


    in c#, I have created a DLL for an instrument with functions as initialize, SetVoltage, close.

    In the Initialize function, I create the object of this session with:

    RM = new ResourceManager();
    Instrument = new FormattedIO488();

    Now, I put the Initialize function in TestStand as a 2014SP1. NET-Module-NumericLimitTest.

    When you open the properties of my new step in the Type Editor there is a button "default Module" where I can choose the function of c#-DLL.

    "All parameters are displayed (such as VISA / addresses) and also an additional parameter 'Return value' reference object ' OUT that was added by TestStand.

    -> I store this value in a StationGlobal.

    The question now is:

    If I have more than one device of the same type (means two or more calls Initialize) how can I pass references saved to the next function (SetVoltage) that is performed on the correct instrument?

    Thanks for help


    Select "Use object existing" UN - Net Invocation and past the reference saved in there.

  • Command button action is bean method. How to pass the ID parameter or reference?


    The action of the button order is bean method, as follows:
     <af:commandMenuItem id="gbl_cmi_1" action="#{tbBean.action1}"/> 
    Bean code is something like
    public String action1() throws IOException {
    if (id.equals.("gbl_cmi_1"))...
    Therefore, I would like to be able to know what the CommandButton ID, to be used in the assessment, etc..

    The reason is that several commandButtons are actually built dynamically as well and the action can be a redirect to URL. Therefore, I use the id to find what URL to redirect to.


    Thank you.

    To do this, you have to use set listener(af:setPropertyListener) property to set an attribute in your bean or you use an action instead of the action listener (here you can get the source of the event).


  • Pass dynamic strings to procedure

    Oracle 11g r2 and Java

    Oracle procedure:

    procedure sp_get_account)

    p_rc on sys_refcursor,

    p_state varchar2


    Open the p_rc for

    Select *.

    of user_table

    where to report in (p_state);

    Example of HARD CODE: select * from user_table where State in ("NY", "FL", "MY");

    Now, I want to dynamically pass the string on the java side: call.setString (2, stateStr);

    I am now tring stateStr = "'NY', 'FL', 'MY" ";    Does not work.

    How the stateStr should be built?

    Thank you


    Or you can try this:

    (Sp_get_account) CREATE or REPLACE procedure

    p_rc on sys_refcursor,

    p_state varchar2




    Open p_rc for ' select * from user_table where State in ('|) REGEXP_REPLACE (p_state,'([A-Z]+) ', "'\1"') |') ' ;



    Pass p_state as in format NY, FL, MY:

    EXEC sp_get_account(:p_result,'NY,FL,MA');

    Take care of sql injection.

  • Unable to capture the String [] to a JavaCallOut

    Hi all

    I am applying where I have to make a legend of java that accepts the string and returns an array of strings as output. "The only java class works well but when I do the legend of Java and pass the string I get *" < con: java-Ref content = "jcid:-31630335:136f3572827:-3925 ' xmlns:con =""/ >" * as a response. " How can I access the variable table in OSB?

    Kindly help me in this.


    in the legends of Java, I would avoid types that are not in THE list of supported types:

    java.lang.String [] is supported for the ENTRY ONLY

    Simply return some CSV in a string and you will be happy
    or return an XmlObject containing several elements

    A con: java-thingie content can be dealt with in another legend of Java only rather than a stream of messages of OSB...

  • How can I pass a string reference in java?


    My question is how to pass a string reference in java.
    I tried to declare my variable, instead of using 'string xxx = 'f';', I used 'string xxx = new String ("f");':

    Public Shared Sub main (String [] args)
    String xxx = new String ("f");
    StatusEnum result2 = getErrorPointStr (xxx);

    public StatusEnum getErrorPointStr (String text)
    StatusEnum testStatus = StatusEnum.PASS;
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
    buffer. Append ("123");
    text = buffer.toString ();
    Return testStatus;

    After the call to getErrorPointStr (String text) function, xxx = 'f'
    If it does not work.

    How can I solve this? It is very important, the function will receive String and nothing else.
    Thank you!

    800512 wrote:
    Therefore, there is no way to do it? I mean, the way, as I've just described:

    To return to StatusEnum and pass by reference String?

    This question has already been answered.

    It is very important for me to know this.

    And already know you, 'cause I told you in the first answer here.

    Perhaps if you explain what you're trying to accomplishand why you think that need pass a reference string - in other words, why you think that a reference string is a solution to your problem - in fact we could be able to move forward with help you to solve this problem.

    And No, despite what you think, your problem isn't that you 'need to pass a string reference. It's your solution to the real problem of attempted (and failed). So let's get down to that, shall we?

  • TestStand 2012 Newbee question: How do I pass a string to a VI to TestStand to control the flow of sequence?

    I want to use a drop-down list box (or a similar control) in a VI to select from a list of strings to direct execution in TestStand.

    • How connect the channel selected in the combo box at the output of the VI Terminal so I can see it in TestStand?

    • What should I use as 'value' in the parameter module TestStand to retrieve the result of that VI?

    I tried "wiring" the result of the drop-down list box directly to a terminal of output without success.

    I tried "wiring" the exit from the drop-down list box to a wire string variable then this variable to an output without success Terminal.

    (see attached files)

    Can someone give me an example of a VI that allows you to select from a list of strings: {'Bob', 'Mary', 'Bill', 'Jennifer',...} using a

    (or similar) drop-down list box control and routing of the string selected to the output terminal?

    Also, how to reference this (result) setting within TestStand?

    It is a simple task and there can be only one solution TestStand, I'm looking for a simple direct execution sequence by the operator to select a string in a list.

    I studied this problem, but could not find instances of the digital comparisons or string canned and did not find a generic model that would return a string to a VI to TestStand result.

    Thank you for suffering through this fundamental question.


    Melbourne, Florida

    Marco beat me but here is my interpretation. TS 2010, LV 2011

    Also, look at the example of demo which comes with TestStand: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\National Instruments\TestStand 2010 SP1\Examples\Demo\LabVIEW\Computer Test of the motherboard

    Demonstration should be a version of what you want.

    See you soon,.

  • How to pass an xml CDATA in the string element when OSB call a webservice?

    How to pass an xml CDATA in the string element when OSB call a webservice?

    I have a business service (biz) this route to exploitation of a Web service.

    An example of this legacy Web service request:
    < soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv = '' xmlns: ex = "example" >
    < soapenv:Header / >
    < soapenv:Body >
    < ex: run >
    < ex: arg > <! [CDATA [< searchCustomerByDocumentNumber >
    < documentNumber > 12345678909 < / documentNumber >
    [[< / searchCustomerByDocumentNumber >]] > < / ex: arg >
    < / ex: run >
    < / soapenv:Body >
    < / soapenv:Envelope >

    type ex: arg is a string.

    How to pass this structure CDATA webservice in OSB?

    Steps to resolve this problem:
    1 create an XML schema. For example:

    elementFormDefault = "unqualified" >








    With this XSD, XML can be generating:


    2 create an XQuery query to create a ComplexType searchCustomerByDocumentNumber. For example:
    (: pragma bea: element global-element-return = "searchCustomerByDocumentNumber" location = "searchCustomerByDocumentNumber.xsd" ::))

    declare namespace xf = "";

    declare function xf:CreateSearchCustomerByDocumentNumber($documentNumber_as_xs:string)
    as {(searchCustomerByDocumentNumber)}



    declare the variable $documentNumber as XS: String external;

    XF:CreateSearchCustomerByDocumentNumber ($documentNumber)

    3. in your step in proxy pipeline add to assign the created the XQuery function call from the number of the document of your payload.
    Assign to a variable (for example: called searchCustomerByDocumentNumberRequest)

    4. create an another Transformation of XQuery (XQ) to create a request to the existing Web service. For example:
    {fn - bea: serialize ($searchCustomerByDocumentNumberRequest)}

    For more information about xquery Serialize function:
    41.2.6 fn - bea: serialize()
    You can use the fn - bea: serialize() function if you need to represent an XML document as a string instead of as an XML element. For example, you can share an XML document through an EJB interface and the EJB method takes the string as an argument. The function has the following signature:

    FN - bea: serialize($input as item()) as xs: string


  • Pass a string value to the dialogue


    I have a dialog box in a pop-up window. In the dialog box, I text with messages hardcoded as "are you sure you want to delete this item? However, I want to make the most significant message passing a string value, while she reads "Are you sure you want to remove the 'New York' from your database?" My guess is to set up the Group of resources such as:

    MESSAGE = are you sure you want to remove {0} from your database?

    But how I pass 'New York '?

    Thanks a bunch!

    Bones Jones

    You can set the value read from the resource group in a variable as the value for the outputText and pageFlowScope in the dialog box

    {} public void onClick (ActionEvent actionEvent)

    Read the value of the resource as in your code and put the result in the PageFlowScope
    String confirmDelete = resourceBundle.getString ("CONFIRM_DELETE");
    Object [] args = {"New York"};
    String result = MessageFormat.format (confirmDelete, args);

    Map = pageFlowScopeMap
    AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance () .getPageFlowScope ();
    pageFlowScopeMap.put ("ConfirmationMessage",
    * "Do you want to delete'); *

    Tips RichPopup.PopupHints = new RichPopup.PopupHints ();
    Popup.Show (Hints);

    . JSPX Page:

    actionListener = "#{ContainerPageBean.onClick}" > "
    contentDelivery = "lazyUncached".
    Binding = "#{ContainerPageBean.Popup}" > "

    ID = "ot1" / >

    Thank you

  • Error #2101: The string passed to URLVariables.Decode must be a URL-encoded query string residues

    : Error #2101: the string passed to URLVariables.Decode must be a query string URL-encoded containing name/value pairs. to Error$ /throwError () to to to::URLLoader/onComplete() _ stop(); var DepartVars:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); var DepartURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("scripts/"); DepartURL.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = DepartVars; var DepartLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader; DepartLoader.dataFormat = pouvez; DepartLoader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, completeDepart); depart_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, DepartUser); Function to execute when you press the start function DepartUser (event: MouseEvent): void {/ / Ready variables here for shipment to PHP DepartVars.post_code = 'Start';}         Send the data to the PHP DepartLoader.load (DepartURL);         welcome_txt. Text = "processing of application...". Good journey. " } / / Close function DepartUser / / / / / function for when the PHP talk back to Flash function completedepart(event:Event):void {if ( == 'success') {var refreshPage:URLRequest = new URLRequest("javascript:NewWindow=window.location.reload();)} NewWindow.focus (); ("void (0);");             navigateToURL (refreshPage, "_self");         } / / CompleteDepart close function / / / / / View Code for the res button var viewRes:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("view_res.php"); viewRES_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, viewResClick); function viewResClick(event:MouseEvent):void {navigateToURL (viewRes, "_self") ;} / / / / / / / / Code for the edit profile button var editRes:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("edit_res.php");} editRES_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, editResClick); function editResClick(event:MouseEvent):void {navigateToURL (editRes, "_self") ;}}}

    you need a function named completeDepart to handle the return of you php script.  for example:

    function completeDepart(e:Event):void {}

    trace (e.Target.Data);


  • By passing a string as the name of a function of mouse event listener?


    I am trying to essentially pass a string as a function name in an event listener, but I do not know how to approach the issue.  Is there a way to convert a string to a function?  I don't know how to Word my question, so I apologize.

    Here's some code I have for me to show you what I'm doing.

    package {}

    some import declarations

    public class changes extends MovieClip {}

    var functionName:String
    var aBox: Sprite;

    public void changes() {}

    nomfonction = "hemagg";

    createButtonBox (16, 16, 32, 32, functionName);


    public void createButtonBox (anX:Number, aY: number, aWidth:Number, aHeight:Number, aFunction:String) {}

    aBox = new Sprite();
    Some code for box drawing

    aBox.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, [aFunction] ())?

    addChild (aBox)


    public void aFunction(event:MouseEvent) {}

    trace ("test");




    I'm on the right track, or is not possible?

    Anyway, thanks in advance.

    If you pass a string representing a function name, then you must use the notation of support to have this interpreted as an object/function string.  Try to use...

    aButton.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, this [functionToCallTo]);

  • Pass the URL query string variable to Captivate?

    I created a Flash button for my total Captivate, it uses PHP to update a CSV file with the user name and the id of course.

    The user name is from a URL string. If it was just a Flash file, I could pass the page HTML using FlashVar values. My flash button is not exposed until the last slide in the room of Captivate. How can I get this value so that my Flash button can pass it?

    If the value passed to the FlashVar to the Captivate swf, is a local variable that can be called from the Flash button? I know I did not adequately explain this right, but maybe someone can decipher this enough to get the gist.


    Just write a javascript in html function that returns the user name.

    Call this function in your flash movie using the external interface call

    Hope this helps

    Delighted Kishore.

Maybe you are looking for