PHP/MySql error message

I posted this before and didn't get the answer I need, probably because I didn't post all my codes. I use PHP/MySql.  I created a Web site that has several forms.  When I conducted three of the forms, I get the below error messages:

You have an error in your SQL syntax; consult the manual for your version of the MySQL server for the right syntax to use near ' condition, length, color, city, 'State', Email, Photo) VALUES ('29 ', ' 4',' used "in line 1.)

I write the codes below.  I hope this time that I posted everything I should have so that I can get help.


< form action = "<?" PHP echo $editFormAction;? ">" method = "POST" enctype = "multipart/form-data" name = "individual" class = 'individual' id 'individual' = >
< table width = "594" border = "0" class = "test" >
< tr > < /tr >
< b >
< td width = "166" class = 'td' > view < table > title
< td colspan = "3" > < span id = "sprytextfield1" >
< label >
< input name = "Display title" type = "text" class = "test" id = "Display title" size = "35" / >
< / label >
< span class = "textfieldRequiredMsg" > required </span > < / span > < table >
< /tr >
< b >
< td = 'td' class > price < table >
< td colspan = "3" > < span id = "sprytextfield2" >
< label >
< input name = "price" type = "text" class = 'test' id = 'price' size = '35' / >
< / label >
< span class = "textfieldInvalidFormatMsg" > Invalid format. </span > < / span > < table >
< /tr >
< b >
< class td = 'td' > < table > format
< td colspan = "3" > < label >
< select name = "size" = "1" multiple = "multiple" class = 'test' id = 'size' >
< option > 0 < / option >
< option > 2 < / option >
< option > 4 < / option >
< option > 6 < / option >
< option > 8 < / option >
< option > 10 < / option >
< option > 12 < / option >
< option > 14 < / option >
< option > 16 < / option >
< option > 18 < / option >
< option > 20 < / option >
< option > 22 < / option >
< option > 24 < / option >
< option > 26 < / option >
< / select >
< / label > < table >
< /tr >
< b >
< class td 'td' = > status < table >
< td colspan = "3" > < label >
< select name = "Condition" class = 'test' id = 'State' >
< option > new < / option >
< option > used < / option >
< / select >
< / label > < table >
< /tr >
< b >
< class td 'td' = > length < table >
< td colspan = "3" > < label >
< select name = "Length" class = 'test' id = 'Length' >
Long < option > < / option >
Short < option > < / option >
< option > mid-length < / option >
< / select >
< / label > < table >
< /tr >
< b >
< class td 'td' = > color < table >
< td colspan = "3" class = 'td' > < span id = "sprytextfield5" >
< label >
< input name = "Color" type = "text" class = "test" id = "Color" size = "35" / >
< / label >
< span class = "textfieldRequiredMsg" > required </span > < / span > < table >
< /tr >
< b >
< class td 'td' = > city < table >
< class td = 'td' > < span id = "sprytextfield4" >
< label >
< input name = "City" type = "text" class = 'test' id = 'City' size = "35" / >
< / label >
< span class = "textfieldRequiredMsg" > required </span > < / span > < table >
< class td = 'td' > < table >
< class td = 'td' > < table >
< /tr >
< b >
< class td 'td' = > status < table >
< td colspan = "3" > < label >
< select name = "State" class = 'test' id = 'State' >
< option > AL < / option >
< option > AK < / option >
< option > AZ < / option >
< option > AR < / option >
< option > CA < / option >
< option > CO < / option >
< option > CT < / option >
< option > OF < / option >
< option > DC < / option >
< option > FL < / option >
< option > GA < / option >
< option > HI < / option >
ID < option > < / option >
< option > HE < / option >
IN < option > < / option >
< option > HERE < / option >
< option > KS < / option >
< option > KY < / option >
< option > THE < / option >
< option > ME < / option >
< option > MD < / option >
< option > MY < / option >
< option > e < / option >
< option > MN < / option >
< option > MS < / option >
< option > MO < / option >
< option > MT < / option >
< option > NOT < / option >
< option > NV < / option >
< option > NH < / option >
< option > NJ < / option >
< option > NM < / option >
< option > NY < / option >
< option > NC < / option >
< option > ND < / option >
< option > OH < / option >
< option > OK < / option >
< option > OR < / option >
< option > PA < / option >
< option > LAUGHED < / option >
< option > SC < / option >
< option > SD < / option >
< option > TN < / option >
< option > TX < / option >
< option > c < / option >
< option > VT < / option >
< OPTION > < / option >
< option > WA < / option >
< option > WV < / option >
< option > WI < / option >
< option > WY < / option >
< / select >
< / label > < table >
< /tr >
< b >
< class td 'td' = > Email < table >
< td colspan = "3" > < span id = "sprytextfield3" >
< label >
< input name = "Email" type = "text" class = "test" id = "Email" size = "35" / >
< / label >
< span class = "textfieldRequiredMsg" > required </span > < span class = "textfieldInvalidFormatMsg" > Invalid format. </span > < / span > < table >
< /tr >
< b >
< height = "26" td class = 'td' > confirm Email < table >
< td colspan = "3" > < span id = "spryconfirm1" >
< label >
< input name = "Confirm Email2" type = "text" class = 'test' id = 'confirm Email2"size ="35"/ >
< / label >
< span class = "confirmRequiredMsg" > required </span > < span class = "confirmInvalidMsg" > the values don't match. </span > < / span > < table >
< /tr >
< b >
< height td = '26' class = 'td' > photo (s) < table >
< td colspan = "3" > < label >
< input name = "Photo" type = 'file' class = 'test' id = 'Photo' size = "35" / >
< / label > < table >
< /tr >
< b >
< height = '131' td class = 'td' > < table > Details
< td colspan = "3" > < label >
< textarea = cols "Additional Details" name = "40" lines "6" = class = 'test' id = "Détails" > < / textarea >
< / label > < table >
< /tr >
< /table >
< p >
< label >
< input name = "Submit" type = 'submit' class = 'test' id = "Submit" value = "Post" / >
< / label >
< /p >
< input type = "hidden" name = "MM_insert" value = "individual" / >
< / make >


If (! function_exists ("GetSQLValueString")) {}
function GetSQLValueString ($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "")
If (via PHP_VERSION < 6) {}
$theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc()? stripslashes ($TheValue): $theValue;

$theValue = function_exists ("mysql_real_escape_string")? mysql_real_escape_string ($TheValue): mysql_escape_string ($theValue);

Switch ($theType) {}
case 'text ':
$theValue = ($theValue! = "")? « " ». $theValue. "" "": "NULL";
case "long":
case "int":
$theValue = ($theValue! = "")? intval ($TheValue): 'NULL ';
case "double":
$theValue = ($theValue! = "")? doubleVal ($TheValue): 'NULL ';
case "date":
$theValue = ($theValue! = "")? « " ». $theValue. "" "": "NULL";
case "set":
$theValue = ($theValue! = "")? $theDefinedValue: $theNotDefinedValue;
Return $theValue;

$editFormAction = $_SERVER ['PHP_SELF'];
If (isset {}
$editFormAction. = « ? ». htmlentities($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);

If ((isset($_POST["MM_insert"])) & & ($_POST ["MM_insert"] == "individual")) {}
$insertSQL = sprintf ("INSERT INTO donations (postingTitle, 'size', condition, length, color, city, 'State', email, photo) VALUES (%s, %s %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", ")
GetSQLValueString ($_POST ["'validation title"], "text").
GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['size'], "text").
GetSQLValueString ($_POST ["State"], "text").
GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['Length'], "text").
GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['Color'], "text").
GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['city'], "text").
GetSQLValueString ($_POST ["State"], "text").
GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['Email'], "text").
GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['Photo'], "text"));

@mysql_select_db ($database_bridesmaidsrack_db, $bridesmaidsrack_db);
$Result1 = mysql_query ($insertSQL, $bridesmaidsrack_db) or die (mysql_error ());

$insertGoTo = "donations.php";
If (isset {}
$insertGoTo. = (strpos ($insertGoTo, '?'))? « & » : « ? » ;
$insertGoTo. = $_SERVER ['QUERY_STRING'];
header (sprintf ("location: %s", $insertGoTo));


# FileName = "Connection_php_mysql.htm"
# Type = 'MYSQL '.
# HTTP = 'true '.
$hostname_bridesmaidsrack_db = "localhost";
$database_bridesmaidsrack_db = "bridesmaidsrack";
$username_bridesmaidsrack_db = "";
$password_bridesmaidsrack_db = "";
$bridesmaidsrack_db = mysql_pconnect ($hostname_bridesmaidsrack_db, $username_bridesmaidsrack_db, $password_bridesmaidsrack_db) or trigger_error (mysql_error (), E_USER_ERROR);

OK, so your initial problem was the condition of the word, because it is a reserved word for MySQL.

Here is a list of the reserved words.

If you use a reserved word, you must place the accents around it like this...


then MySQL knows you use it as a standard Word and he interprets not as command.

OK now on the following problem.

'Photo' column cannot be null

When you have created your table in MySQL tells you that the photo field can not be empty. If you are forcing people to add a photo, then you need to do the checked field before the script runs / inserts. If you're ok with them NOT to add a photo, then you have to allow NULL values for this field in your table. This is a function that you would normally control via PHP MyAdmin or other MySQL database management software.

Now, the last question:

The Dynamic (form.action...) attribute is just how the FIELD itself will appear in SB (Server Behaivors) who is not the insertion of a plug.

Record insertion as I said probably disappeared because some how you two when you shouldn't have one. So when we removed a DW (Dreamweaver) now think his party but is not. This can sometimes be corrected by opening the page again and closing or manually set or remove all SB side code, and then add the insertion of a plug anywhere. But at least you know what was the original problem so you can fix it after add it again.

Tags: Dreamweaver

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    $insertSQL = sprintf ("INSERT INTO stuff (title, number) VALUES (%s, %s)," ")
    GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['titla'], "text").
    GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['numbers'], "int"));

    @mysql_select_db ($database_connection, $connection);
    $Result1 = mysql_query ($insertSQL, $connection) or die (mysql_error ());

    cause I get an error like cannot be null

    Thank you.

    [Subject line edited by moderator to make it more explicit]

    If you want to replace the MySQL error message, you can put your own error in quotes in the die() command. Change this:

    $Result1 = mysql_query($insertSQL, $connection) or die(mysql_error());

    to do this:

    $Result1 = mysql_query($insertSQL, $connection) or die('Database error');

    However, it is not very useful for a user, because all that appears is "Database error" with no indication of what caused the error or sort of a return to the page, except using the browser back button.

    A better way of handling things is to remove the or of the article die (mysql_error ()) code altogether and replace it with a PHP conditional statement that returns the user to an error page if the SQL code fails for some reason any. However, these changes will prevent you to make other changes to the server through the server behaviors panel behavior.

    $Result1 = mysql_query($insertSQL, $connection);
    if (!$Result1) {
      $insertGoTo = 'error.php';
    } else {
      $insertGoTo = 'another_page.php' // <-- this is the original $insertGoTo line
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    I'm at this stage:

    1. Open comments.php . You must have a PHP page open in the Document window to create a MySQL connection.
    2. In the databases Panel (choose window > databases), click on the sign located on the Panel and select MySQL Connection.The MySQL connection dialog box appears.
    3. Type connTest as login name.
    4. For the MySQL server, type localhost. If you use MAMP ports by default on a Mac, use localhost:8889.
    5. For the user name, type phptestuser.
    6. Type the password that you chose for the phptestuser account in the password field.
    7. To the database, type php_test. Note: You need not precede the underscore with a backslash character here. It was inserted by phpMyAdmin in the previous section (see Figure 20) only because phpMyAdmin uses a query which allows wildcards.
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      • Check the settings in the file that Dreamweaver uses to process dynamic pages (see specification of a Dreamweaver testing server).
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    9. Click OK. The new connection appears in the data Panel.
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    The problems on the 404 message are:

    1. There is no server running on the server test.

    Sure the testing server is running. Is there a way to test this, another that note that xampp is certainly running right now and I can connect to phpMYadmin without problem?

    2 test specified for this site server is not mapped with the http://localhost/php_test/_MMServerScripts/MMHTTPDB.php URL check that the URL prefix maps to the root of the site.

    UH... I'm sure that I put things where I was told to put them in the tutorial, but I'm lost right now where I should check that. A clue here? The files are where they are supposed to be, but maybe I entered something wrong? Except... I don't know what it might be or where to find it. Whatever IT is.

    Everything in the local files is fine.

    Thanks for your help!

    PS: Extra points to anyone who figures how to make copy/pasteable error messages! These guys are the bane of my life!

    Stop and restart the services he. Stop Xampp if still the same behavior. It should look like as below

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    $pwd = $_POST ["password"];
    $dbn = $_POST ['database_name'];
    $hnm = $_POST ["hostname"];

    $link_id = mysql_connect ($hnm, $dbn, $pwd);       This is line 7 where I get the error message
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    echo $result;
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    echo $result;
    $result = mysql_list_fields ("hppumps", "models");
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    else {echo "$rows response (s) has been added to the database." ;}}
    on the other
    echo "error.  You were unable to connect to the MySql database";
    ? >


    marcusinfla wrote:

    If it is an exact copy of your code, the problem here and not on the 7 line.

    Do not space between the question mark and the php. The opening PHP tag should look like this:

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    The answer is simple: create a test server local with php, Apache, MySQL and phpMyAdmin on your Mac. Connect to your local test server/database (located on your Mac as localhost) and you'll be good to go as far in local development on your test server. I can help you to implement in Leopard but Tiger is a little outdated so you'd have to Google information about it. If you decide to upgrade to Leopard let me know and I can guide you through the steps of setting up!

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    ... "phpflash", which has a number of subdirectories that contain PHP pages that are not open for me

    Don t know if each of these 'subfolders' is actually a separate project, or if the "phpflash" directory is to assume that the root directory of project´s - in the following description I guess that the last cites, ok?

    When your Definition of "site" site´s dialog box open, let´s try the following steps:

    1. click on the 'Advanced' tab and copy the current contents of your "local root folder" (should be something like "C:\htdocs\phpflash\") in the Clipboard,-we´ll use it later...

    2. now select the server 'test' category and here...

    (a) choose your model 'server' in the list - probably the last entry "PHP MySQL".

    (b) ' access' should be set to "Local/network.

    (c) record test server": is the same as the"local root folder"site´s, so just paste what you copied before

    (d) into basic see a text "prefix URL" field: Please Don t just enter " http://localhost/" in here (because this URL is already in use by your 'PHP info screen') - for example make "" http://localhost/phpflash/ " "

  • Error message in the contact form - PHP script does not

    Hi, excuse my bad English.

    I have an error message when the filled contact forms:

    They are: the form of the web server PHP script is missing or PHP is configured correctly on your web hosting provider. Check the script PHP of the downloaded form correctly, then contact your webhost to see the configuration of PHP.

    The support of my server application now:

    -What version of PHP is updated?

    - And what additional adjustments are required and more?

    Unfortunately only am the user, not a programmer and do not understand a lot.

    Can help you please? Maybe someone speaks German?

    Greetings from the Germany


    Here's the sceens!

    Here are the options to upgrade my server!

    But I don't know PHP what settings do I need?

    And what version of PHP used Adobe Muse to this day? 5.5? 7.0? or?

    Thank you

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    Thank you.


    Please check the email that is in use, try to change it and check if the notification is received that would isolate the issue.

    Also check spam/junk mail folders to check.

    Thank you


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    An error was encountered

    Severity: WARNING

    Message: mysql_connect() [Function.mysql - connect]: host ' s15449709.onlinehome -' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts '.

    File name: mysql/mysql_driver.php

    Line number: 66

    A database error has occurred

    Unable to connect to your database server using the provided parameters.

    It's a problem on their end.

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    $query_rsMainItems = ' SELECT * FROM mainitems; $where = false; If (isset($_GET['category']) & &! empty($_GET['category'])) {$. query_rsMainItems = 'category WHERE ='.} GetSQLValueString ($_GET ['category'], 'text');      $where = true; } If (isset($_GET['price']) & &! empty($_GET['price'])) {if ($where) {$query_rsMainItems. = 'AND';}}   } else {$. query_rsMainItems = "WHERE";}     $where = true;   } $query_rsMainItems. = 'price ='. GetSQLValueString ($_GET ['price'], 'text'); } If (isset($_GET['time1']) & &! empty($_GET['time1'])) {if ($where) {$query_rsMainItems. = 'AND';}}   } else {$. query_rsMainItems = "WHERE";}     $where = true;   } $query_rsMainItems. = '(EDT) 1 ='. GetSQLValueString ($_GET ['time 1'], 'text'); } If (isset($_GET['time2']) & &! empty($_GET['time2'])) {if ($where) {$query_rsMainItems. = 'AND';}}   } else {$. query_rsMainItems = "WHERE";}     $where = true;   } $query_rsMainItems. is 'time2 ='. GetSQLValueString ($_GET ['time2'], 'text'); } If (isset($_GET['city']) & &! empty($_GET['city'])) {if ($where) {$query_rsMainItems. = 'AND';}}   } else {$. query_rsMainItems = "WHERE";}     $where = true;   } $query_rsMainItems. = 'city ='. GetSQLValueString ($_GET ['city'], 'text'); } If (isset($_GET['zip']) & &! empty($_GET['zip'])) {if ($where) {$query_rsMainItems. = 'AND';}}   } else {$. query_rsMainItems = "WHERE";}     $where = true;   } $query_rsMainItems. = 'zip ='. GetSQLValueString ($_GET ['zip'], 'text'); } If (isset($_GET['neighborhood']) & &! empty($_GET['neighborhood'])) {if ($where) {$query_rsMainItems. = 'AND';}}   } else {$. query_rsMainItems = "WHERE";}   } $query_rsMainItems. = 'quarter ='. GetSQLValueString ($_GET ['suburb'], 'text');

    I copied and pasted the code in a local page. Aside from a missing brace after the last line ($query_rsMainItems. = 'quarter ='.) GetSQLValueString($_GET['neighborhood'], 'text');), it works perfectly.

    The error message is a unexpected T_IF in line 66. This means that the PHP engine is not expected a conditional clause at this time here. In all likelihood, there is an error at an early stage in the code, which resulted in an unmatched brace.

    The code I provided works. I tested completely before posting originally and tested again. The problem is that I tested it in isolation from the rest of the code in your page. Without seeing the whole page, it is impossible to determine where the error is located.

  • How can I fix this error message, the address has not been understood Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because one of the following values for protocols (connectag

    We have a new computer and I can't get my watch running from garmin for synchronization with mozilla. The error message I get is "address not was heard.

    Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because one of the following protocols (connectagent) is not associated with any program or is not allowed in this context.

       You might need to install other software to open this address."

    Help please

    Hi grranchgirl, if you have an "Always enable" and "never activate?

    I don't know if the terms 'modern' and 'classic' mean anything to you, but there is a thread on the Garmin forums that might be useful - it is very long and I didn't read it all. & p = 330634 #post330634

  • How can I get FF to work with organizing Mod (for the mods used with ARE: Skyrim)? I get an error message that it cannot understand the given address.

    I am a big fan of the Elder Scrolls and uses the new 2.2.9 STEP Setup. They went to the organizer of the Mod (MO) and I can't seem to get my FF working with the mod download things part. I click on the icon "Earth", that takes me immediately to the page file Nexus Mod, but when I choose a file to download after clicking on "Download Manager" I get this error message:
    The address was not included
    Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because one of the following protocols (nxm) is not associated with any program or is not allowed in this context.
    You may need to install additional software to open this address.

    The address when clicking "Download Manager" begins with nxm://Skyrim/mods/ the address is such because trying to download with the Manager.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated! I pulled out my hair for the last few hours trying to find a solution. I disabled Adblock, other popups blockers and activated the main address in my exception rules. It simply doesn't get it. Ugh!

    Thank you in advance!

    In order to use nxm: / / links, Nexus Mod Manager must be installed and associated with the Protocol nxm .

    Problems with this program to third parties, please see the support forum:

  • In e-mails AOL, verification of the individual messages in the results of regular system in this error message: there was an error while loading the message. Please try again later.

    In access to AOL e-mail via the full version, I can navigate my account (old messages, new messages, spam, etc.) very well, but when I try to open an individual email, I get this error message: "there was an error while loading the message. Please try again later. »

    This is identical to a problem someone else was described in another thread... Unfortunately, nothing suggested you him seemed to work. I have BEEN cheated at the opening of a file attached to an e-mail immediately before this started, so I think it's a virus or something. IN ANY CASE... I AM able to open the messages when I use the basic version of AOL. Initially, the problem seemed to be in Firefox, but I tried with Internet Explorer now also and it's the same thing, and the basic version is accessible while the full version is still blocked.

    On both browsers, after the error message, I can't even click on individual posts to TRY to open another, and there are a few not-very-right boxes and the x and the things that appear on the screen that do not belong.

    Please tell me that you can not do that, go away... I tried uninstalling and reinstalling... Firefox who did not. I also enjoy McAffee, and that has not changed anything.

    You can do a check of malware with several digitization programs of malicious software on the Windows computer.

    Please scan with all programs, because each program detects a different malicious program.

    All of these programs have free versions.

    Make sure that you update each program to get the latest version of their databases before scanning.

    Alternatively, you can write a check for an infection rootkit TDSSKiller.

    See also:

  • Whenever I play a Face Book or other web sites after that time is up I get an error message that says something about a Script is not responding or her busy. Gets very boring

    After playing for some time a game face book or other websites, I begin to receive an error message that says a busy Script or does not. He has the ability to 'Continue' or 'stop' the script when I click to continue the same error keeps popping up all the time. Same as with by clicking on the 'Stop' the script option. Script # is Why I get this error? It gets really annoying. I hope you can help.

    can you check this problem on Firefox 10?

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