PL-JRXML2PDF with several report does not work inside the apex


I try to use PL -JRXML2PDF to create a PDF file inside the apex, so I follow the steps;

1. create the jdbc to my database connection

2 - create my report designer ireport 5.6.0 (with 4 subreports)

2 - Copy the XML to the report_definition table.

but when I try to print the report that I have this error:

Capture (1).PNG

and my xml:


<? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? >

" < jasperReport xmlns =" http://JasperReports.sourceforge.NET/JasperReports "" xmlns: xsi = " " "xsi: schemaLocation =" http://JasperReports.sourceforge.NET/JasperReports"name ="DMD CHANGE"language = 'groovy' pageWidth ="792"pageHeight ="612"orientation = columnWidth 'Landscape' ="752"leftMargin ="20"rightMargin ="20"topMargin ="20"bottomMargin ="20"uuid ="9e761d91-affc-4952-a301-1419c2299438"> "

< name = "ireport.zoom property" value = "1.0" / > "

< name = "ireport.x property" value = "0" / > "

< name = "ireport.y property" value = "0" / > "

< name of the parameter = "SUBREPORT_DIR" class = "java.lang.String" isForPrompting = "false" > "

< defaultValueExpression > <! [CDATA ["C:\\Users\\xtighfo\\Desktop\\"]] > < / defaultValueExpression >

< / parameter >

< language queryString As String = "SQL" >

<! [CDATA [SELECT so date_dac, sp, se, descr_statut,]]

ENT, descr_chg, descr_sp, no_frm, description

OF v_dac_frm

[[WHERE SO = 1003 AND ID_STATUT = 2]] >

< / queryString >

< field name = 'SO' class="java.math.BigDecimal"/ >

< name of field = class="java.sql.Timestamp"/ "DATE_DAC" >

< field name = "SP" class="java.lang.String"/ >

< field name = "SE" class="java.lang.String"/ >

< name of field = class="java.lang.String"/ "DESCR_STATUT" >

< name of field = class="java.lang.String"/ "NO_FRM" >

< field name = "ENT" class="java.lang.String"/ >

< name of field = class="java.lang.String"/ "DESCR_CHG" >

< name of field = class="java.lang.String"/ "DESCR_SP" >

< field name = "DESCRIPTION" class="java.lang.String"/ >

< back >

< band splitType = "Stretch" / >

< / background >

< title >

< band / >

< /title >

< Entetepage >

< band height = '24' splitType = "Stretch" >

< evaluationTime image = "Page" >

< reportElement x = "-1" y = "-20" width = "151" height = "40" uuid = "07bca3ff-be5d-43a1-b6bf-c2899ef36915" / >

< Expressioncharacter > <! [CDATA ["' #WORKSPACE_IMAGES #Logo_mtrl.png" "]] > < / Expressioncharacter >

< / image >

< / bands >

< / pageHeader >

< detail >

< band height = "352" splitType = "Stretch" >

< textField >

< reportElement x = '99' y = "31" width = "100" height = "20" uuid = "814087fc-2fea-4bb8-a1de-95e470f493fe" / >

< textFieldExpression > <! [CDATA [$F {SO}]] > < / textFieldExpression >

< / textField >

< staticText >

< reportElement x = "-1" y = "31" width = "100" height = "20" uuid = "f0db3e3a-6f29-415a-a3d7-f13a9d94c68c" / >

< textElement >

< font size = "10" isBold = "true" / >

< / textElement >

< text > <! [CDATA [quote:]] > < / text >

< / staticText >

< textField >

< reportElement x = "648" y = "31" width = "100" height = "20" uuid = "232fd18a-b291-4a19-9c31-64ae61492648" / >

< textFieldExpression > <! [CDATA [$F {DATE_DAC}]] > < / textFieldExpression >

< / textField >

< staticText >

< reportElement x = "548" y = "31" width = "100" height = "20" uuid = "ee828579-8433-4bdc-a9db-27ade9437e81" / >

< textElement >

< font size = "10" isBold = "true" / >

< / textElement >

< text > <! [CDATA [Date:]] > < / text >

< / staticText >

< textField >

< reportElement x = '99' y = "51" width = "40" height = "20" uuid = "f63d2ea1-f4a7-4498-970d-e38a017cf6d9" / >

< textFieldExpression > <! [CDATA [$F {SP}]] > < / textFieldExpression >

< / textField >

< staticText >

< reportElement x = "-1" y = "51" width = "100" height = "20" uuid = "d59cd6bb-4c3d-4c71-b436-18f24eb071cf" / >

< textElement >

< font size = "10" isBold = "true" / >

< / textElement >

< text > <! [CDATA [subproject:]] > < / text >

< / staticText >

< textField >

< reportElement x = "430" y = "52" width = "100" height = "20" uuid = "d55df242-f4e8-4890-a5e3-7a8a3acf25c2" / >

< textFieldExpression > <! [CDATA [$F {DESCR_STATUT}]] > < / textFieldExpression >

< / textField >

< staticText >

< reportElement x = "384" = "51" width = "46" height = "20" uuid = "9decd368-e24d-4003-b154-b134a7da8ecf" / >

< textElement textAlignment = "Right" >

< font size = "10" isBold = "true" / >

< / textElement >

< text > <! [CDATA [status:]] > < / text >

< / staticText >

< textField >

< reportElement x = "648" y = "51" width = "100" height = "20" uuid = "adb7f5fa-b60a-4b48-bd60-cad865781042" / >

< textFieldExpression > <! [CDATA [$F {NO_FRM}]] > < / textFieldExpression >

< / textField >

< staticText >

< reportElement x = "548" y = "51" width = "100" height = "20" uuid = "cb2539d5-7ae9-4ea7-883b-6b4345e9a89f" / >

< textElement >

< font size = "10" isBold = "true" / >

< / textElement >

< text > <! [CDATA [No. request:]] > < / text >

< / staticText >

< textField >

< reportElement x = '99' y = "87" width = "256" height = "20" uuid = "9c9d791b-bc35-4311-ba3c-4c17551cccfe" / >


< pen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< topPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< leftPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< bottomPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< rightPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< / box >

< textElement >

< spacingBefore paragraph = "1" / >

< / textElement >

< textFieldExpression > <! [CDATA [$F {NTS}]] > < / textFieldExpression >

< / textField >

< staticText >

< reportElement mode = "Opaque" x = "-1" y = "87" width = "100" height = "20" backcolor = "#FAF7F7" uuid = "880100a9-c2b0-4b0b-8a51-dc02b1b709fd" / >


< pen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< topPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< leftPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< bottomPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< rightPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< / box >

< textElement >

< font size = "10" isBold = "true" / >

< / textElement >

< text > <! [CDATA [contractor:]] > < / text >

< / staticText >

< textField >

< reportElement x = "506" = "87" width = "242" height = "20" uuid = "2a18685e-3eab-4398-9c90-69225f765358" / >


< pen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< topPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< leftPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< bottomPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< rightPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< / box >

< textFieldExpression > <! [CDATA [$F {DESCR_CHG}]] > < / textFieldExpression >

< / textField >

< staticText >

< reportElement mode = "Opaque" x = "355" y = "87" width = "151" height = "20" backcolor = "#FAF7F7" uuid = "61dd181a-9c31-47b4-931b-da25967c8caa" / >


< pen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< topPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< leftPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< bottomPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< rightPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< / box >

< textElement >

< font size = "10" isBold = "true" / >

< / textElement >

< text > <! [CDATA [change of Nature of:]] > < / text >

< / staticText >

< isStretchWithOverflow textField = "true" >

< reportElement x = "156" y = "51" width = "163" height = "20" uuid = "a868dee8-f4a4-489a-9ab2-40cdea464e6a" / >

< textFieldExpression > <! [CDATA [$F {SE}]] > < / textFieldExpression >

< / textField >

< textField >

< reportElement x = "-1" y = "127" width = "749" height = "20" uuid = "8eb0212e-885c-405f-86ce-92b83ba2ad28" / >


< pen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< topPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< leftPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< bottomPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< rightPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< / box >

< textFieldExpression > <! [CDATA [$F {DESCR_SP}]] > < / textFieldExpression >

< / textField >

< staticText >

< reportElement mode = "Opaque" x = "-1" y = "107" width = "749" height = "20" backcolor = "#FAF7F7" uuid = "54598f76-0931-4325-a70a-0038e5d3bda1" / >


< pen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< topPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< leftPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< bottomPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< rightPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< / box >

< textElement >

< font size = "10" isBold = "true" isUnderline = "false" isStrikeThrough = "false" / >

< / textElement >

< text > <! [CDATA [contract:]] > < / text >

< / staticText >

< isStretchWithOverflow textField = "true" >

< reportElement x = "-1" y = "167" width = "749" height = "23" uuid = "5b7f29c9-0d01-4d44-90fa-e1ac26e3964c" / >


< pen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< topPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< leftPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< bottomPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< rightPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< / box >

< textFieldExpression > <! [CDATA [$F {DESCRIPTION}]] > < / textFieldExpression >

< / textField >

< staticText >

< reportElement mode = "Opaque" x = "-1" y = "147" width = "749" height = "20" backcolor = "#FAF7F7" uuid = "af600e87-6b77-4d25-bc97-9f717729b7e8" / >


< pen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< topPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< leftPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< bottomPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< rightPen lineWidth = "1.0" / >

< / box >

< textElement >

< font size = "10" isBold = "true" / >

< / textElement >

< text > <! [CDATA [Nature and necessity of the work (if it is necessary, add plans, sketches or photographs):]] > < / text >

< / staticText >

< subreport >

< reportElement positionType = "Float" x = "0" y = "194" width = "100" height = "37" uuid = "2d2d25ec-a272-4f28-948c-c9c62fbb90cb" / >

< connectionExpression > <! [CDATA [$P {REPORT_CONNECTION}]] > < / connectionExpression >

< subreportExpression > <! [CDATA [$P {SUBREPORT_DIR} + 'DMD CHANGEMENT_subreport1.jasper']] > < / subreportExpression >

< / the subreport >

< subreport >

< reportElement positionType = stretchType "Float" = "RelativeToTallestObject" x = "2" y = "232" width = "100" height = "38" uuid = "a5a5e764-f57e-4370-b6c8-30e8d35ede7e" / >

< connectionExpression > <! [CDATA [$P {REPORT_CONNECTION}]] > < / connectionExpression >

< subreportExpression > <! [CDATA [$P {SUBREPORT_DIR} + 'DMD CHANGEMENT_subreport2.jasper']] > < / subreportExpression >

< / the subreport >

< subreport >

< reportElement positionType = 'Float' x '2' = y = "272" width = "100" height = "37" uuid = "17893552-6183-46c6-9458-9740cf8b4797" / >

< connectionExpression > <! [CDATA [$P {REPORT_CONNECTION}]] > < / connectionExpression >

< subreportExpression > <! [CDATA [$P {SUBREPORT_DIR} + 'DMD CHANGEMENT_subreport3.jasper']] > < / subreportExpression >

< / the subreport >

< subreport >

< reportElement positionType "Float" = "1" x = y = "311" width = "101" height = "40" uuid = "881e18e8-ac31-455b-bc39-df109790319f" / >

< connectionExpression > <! [CDATA [$P {REPORT_CONNECTION}]] > < / connectionExpression >

< subreportExpression > <! [CDATA [$P {SUBREPORT_DIR} + 'DMD CHANGEMENT_subreport4.jasper']] > < / subreportExpression >

< / the subreport >

< staticText >

< reportElement XY = "2" = "0" width = "746" height = "20" uuid = "83604423-a377-4bac-a1da-1c07919b2dba" / >

< textElement textAlignment = "Center" >

< font size = isBold "14" = "true" / >

< / textElement >

< text > <! [CDATA [authorization change request]] > < / text >

< / staticText >

< / bands >

< / details >

< / jasperReport >


It will be very useful for me to make the PDF file.

AND IF I have a similar example in the oracle workspace, it will be useful.

Thank you

Thank you, Christoph.

But it does help me no more, because this is the first time I use ireport.

Another Question:

Should I create definitions for all subreports (4) in the reports_definitions table?

and put the name that I create. in

Thank you

Tags: Database

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    The BONE grows quite well how the interface will work.  An item number presented at an office of the OS will allow you to select a number via a up/down control.  The same page that an iPhone will present the number pad and allow the entry of a number any.  So in this case, the same application is is has differently based on the device or the operating system accesses the page.


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    Import fl.motion.AnimatorFactory;

    Import fl.motion.MotionBase;

    Import fl.motion.Motion;

    flash.filters import. *;

    to import flash.geom.Point;

    var __motion_NewBall_7: MotionBase;

    theButton.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, on_press1);

    function on_press1(event: MouseEvent): void {}

    If (__motion_NewBall_7 == null) {}

    __motion_NewBall_7 = new Motion();

    __motion_NewBall_7.duration = 60;

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("x", [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,-4.02143,-8.04286,-12.0603,-16.0857,-20.1071,-24.1246,-28.15,-35.6987,-43.2474,-50.7885,-58.3447,-65.8934,-73.4346,-80.9832,-88.5395,-96.0882,-103.637,-111.186,-118.727,-126.283,-133.824,-141.38,-148.929,-156.478,-164.026,-171.575,-179.124,-186.672,-194.221,-201.77,-209.311,-216.867,-224.416,-231.957,-239.506,-247.062,-254.611,-262.152,-269.708,-277.257,-284.805 -292.346 ([, - 299.903, - 307.451,-315]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("y", [0, 9.41071, 18.8214, 28.2227, 37.6429, 47.0536, 56.4549, 65.875, 75.2857, 84.6964, 94.1071, 103.518, 112.919, 122.339, 131.75, 124.157, 116.564, 108.979, 101.379, 93.7857, 86.2004, 78.6, 84.0237, 89.4474, 94.8656, 100.295, 105.718, 111.137, 116.56, 121.989, 127.413, 132.837, 138.261, 143.679, 149.108, 154.526, 159.955, 165.379, 170.803, 176.226, 181.65, 187.074, 192.497, 197.921, 203.345, 208.763, 214.192, 219.616, 225.034, 230.458, 235.887, 241.311, 246.729, 252.158, 257.582, 263.005 268.424]) 273.853, 279.276, 284,7]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("scaleX", [1.000000]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("scaleY", [1.000000]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("Scewx", [0]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("transformations", [0]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("rotationConcat", [0]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("blendMode", "normal");

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("cacheAsBitmap", [false]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("opaqueBackground", [null]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ('visible', [true]);

    var __animFactory_NewBall_7: AnimatorFactory = new AnimatorFactory (__motion_NewBall_7);

    __animFactory_NewBall_7.transformationPoint = new Point (0.500000, 0.500000);

    __animFactory_NewBall_7.addTarget (myClip, 0);




    Import fl.motion.AnimatorFactory;

    Import fl.motion.MotionBase;

    Import fl.motion.Motion;

    flash.filters import. *;

    to import flash.geom.Point;

    theButton.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, on_press1);

    var __motion_NewBall_7: MotionBase;

    var __animFactory_NewBall_7: AnimatorFactory; //<-just the="" declaration="" was="" to="" be="" moved. ="" not="" the="">

    function on_press1(event: MouseEvent): void {}

    If (__motion_NewBall_7 == null) {}

    __motion_NewBall_7 = new Motion();

    __motion_NewBall_7.duration = 60;

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("x", [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,-4.02143,-8.04286,-12.0603,-16.0857,-20.1071,-24.1246,-28.15,-35.6987,-43.2474,-50.7885,-58.3447,-65.8934,-73.4346,-80.9832,-88.5395,-96.0882,-103.637,-111.186,-118.727,-126.283,-133.824,-141.38,-148.929,-156.478,-164.026,-171.575,-179.124,-186.672,-194.221,-201.77,-209.311,-216.867,-224.416,-231.957,-239.506,-247.062,-254.611,-262.152,-269.708,-277.257,-284.805 -292.346 ([, - 299.903, - 307.451,-315]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("y", [0, 9.41071, 18.8214, 28.2227, 37.6429, 47.0536, 56.4549, 65.875, 75.2857, 84.6964, 94.1071, 103.518, 112.919, 122.339, 131.75, 124.157, 116.564, 108.979, 101.379, 93.7857, 86.2004, 78.6, 84.0237, 89.4474, 94.8656, 100.295, 105.718, 111.137, 116.56, 121.989, 127.413, 132.837, 138.261, 143.679, 149.108, 154.526, 159.955, 165.379, 170.803, 176.226, 181.65, 187.074, 192.497, 197.921, 203.345, 208.763, 214.192, 219.616, 225.034, 230.458, 235.887, 241.311, 246.729, 252.158, 257.582, 263.005 268.424]) 273.853, 279.276, 284,7]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("scaleX", [1.000000]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("scaleY", [1.000000]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("Scewx", [0]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("transformations", [0]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("rotationConcat", [0]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("blendMode", "normal");

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("cacheAsBitmap", [false]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("opaqueBackground", [null]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ('visible', [true]);

    __animFactory_NewBall_7 = new AnimatorFactory (__motion_NewBall_7); Set after the motion, _motion_NewBall_7 exists

    __animFactory_NewBall_7.transformationPoint = new Point (0.500000, 0.500000);

    __animFactory_NewBall_7.addTarget (myClip, 1);



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    Original title: due tapes dpm powershell online


    Can someone please? I migrated from DPM2010 to DPM2012 and reporting does not work. The mmc console crashes.

    I intend to remove DPM and re - install, but in the meantime, I was wondering if anyone knows how to use Powershell to know which bands are due online and also the most Due strips to go?

    I searched through Google on all day, but found nothing so thought I would ask here.

    Thank you very much



    It would be better if you reposted the question to the Forum 2012 DPM.  Professionals will help you resolve the problem you are experiencing.

    DPM TechNet

  • Responsive HTML5 with mergedprojects, creates a hyperlink to a file in the project html parent to a child html file and it does not work! The child has with the parent TOC, but need to tie. Help, please!

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    I have a brilliant parent project that serves as a springboard for other projects. Users click a component of software they want and are redirected to a page with a list of all the documentation available for this component. Click on the name of a document and access - a lot of PDF files. BUT I also wish they were able to tie the online help for the component. After having read up on the link through / between projects, I knew that I needed to create a parent project (for the page intro and links brilliant) and projects for children (for software components).


    I created a parent sensitive HTML5 project and the projects of two children. I compiled the parent to create mergedprojects files, and then open the projects children and collected to the appropriate mergedprojects folder. I then created a hyperlink to the file list html documentation in the project parent towards the child file software component html (output folder and start page [which is the same as the default theme]) and the link does not work! The child and its table of contents appears in the parent TOC so topics are here, but I can't link to them. If necessary, I can send screenshots.

    Where I am dorking this place?

    Thanks in advance for your time and help!

    Scottie 'needs help' gear

    What is your relationship like? And how did you create the link?

    A typical reactive merged help is structured as follows:

    index.htm (Master home page)



    index.htm (starting page for child)

    A child from the index.htm page link would look like this:... /... index.htm

    Kind regards


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    Error 213:19 | Problem is the license for this product

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    Please give me.

    for example

  • Satellite P100-324 - GPU overheating due to fan does not work in the operating system

    Hello world.

    While trying to solve the problem of RAM of 4 GB ([this thread |]), I meet another weird thing - gpu overheating due to fan does not work in the operating system.

    Now, I restored the XP MCE using the Toshiba Recovery and I was VERY surprised to see that the problem still exists! As soon as loading the system GPU fan stops, and there is only tranquility. The application load is heavy on GPU and reaching 104 results by reducing its GPU and MEMORY clock values and NOT in the activation of the fan.

    The same thing happens in 64-bit gentoo. ACPI can be turned on or off, it is not serious, the GPU fan always dies as soon as the system load. In non-OS environments (bios, program of recovery, etc.) the fan works fine, GPU cooling from time to time.

    This problem occurs in versions of BIOS: 2.40, 4.00, 4.20.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated, since this laptop is my main working tool and I can't let go 14 days (service).

    I saw in your other thread that you have updated the BIOS and you have installed several different OS.

    Fact is that the BIOS v 4.2 package contains BIOS 32-bit and 64-bit OS.
    Your laptop has been preloaded with Win XP MCE 32 bit. Please use the 32-bit BIOS if the original XP MCE running on the laptop.

    Best regards

  • Search does not work on the mapped network drive

    Separated from this thread.

    Same problem: search does not work on the mapped network drive, but works if the shared folder is accessible via the network as a UNC path:
    Mapping as UNC path after a server reported results navigation:

    The impression that it is something in the drive mapping in Win 8 (running 8.1). Problem does not appear in Win 7

    Hi Simon,.

    Please contact Microsoft Community. I understand that you have a problem with research on mapped network drives.

    Advanced networking issues are supported in the TechNet Forums. I suggest you send the request in TechNet Forums to get help.

    Hope this information helps.

  • Tip action DOES not work in the Flash output


    I created a module in line with Captivate 9 using an advanced conditional action to display the button at the end of 2 sections.

    The trigger works well in the release of HTML5, but it does not work in the Flash output: users need to go back to the slide with the action advanced a second time in order to show the next button.

    It is the created tip action:


    Help, please. Thank you


    Change the order in the updated standard measure jump to slide as last order, or at least after the command of the increment.  The actions are executed in sequence, if you jump first to this slide, where the on enter event is executed, the variable has not yet been incremented. Try to see if it solves the problem. HTML is different from SWF to react (it is converted to JS so that SWF to ACE).

    You post the screenshot of the timeline.

    Moreover, as I have indicated already, I would add continue to the part of the TIME as well as the ELSE part. I learned that, in certain circumstances, a conditional action with that one decision, and no ELSE part does not work well. It is not a problem if you have several decisions.

  • After upgrading to LR 6.2 G (grid mode) command shortcut does not work in the library module. How to fix?

    After upgrading to LR 6.2 G (grid mode) command shortcut does not work in the library module. It works well to return to the grid when in the develop module. The problem was not resolved with LR 6.2.1.

    PS: Being a urser LR since 2008 I hate the new import dialog so I have stopped using the program and will do so until the classic dialogue is back. Or it won't and I should start looking for alternatives?


    One number of others have experienced this problem - please add your vote and details of this bug report in the Adobe official feedback forum: Lightroom: keyboard shortcut 'G' does not not in the library module.

    A few others have reported that restart the computer immediately after resetting preferences seems to fix the problem.  Also note that you can use the ESC key to exit the view library Loupe return to the display of the grid.

  • The eyedropper tool does not work in the levels, curves adjustments

    I have installed PS CS 5 extended on a new computer with Vista Home Premium. Any other version of Photoshop has already been installed on this system.

    The problem I encounter is the eyedropper tools in the two curves and levels adjustment does not work. The real sliders seem to work fine, but clicking on a dropper and then a spot on the photo has no effect at all on the image.

    I encounter this problem when I run the 64 bit version of the program. It occurs only in the standard version of CS5, I need to continue to use because of plugin incompatibility with the 64-bit version.

    I checked what is obvious and ensure that the 'Preview' is checked, and that I have the correct layer selected!  

    For any help or suggestion would be greatly appreciated!

    I'm sorry to hear that none of those things cleaned up the problem for you.  I am almost sure this is a video driver issue, and it is unfortunate that the latest version of the driver does not solve it.  As a general statement: the Intel GPU and OpenGL drivers are known to be problematic with Photoshop.  A good number of people with Intel GPU report a problem on this forum.

    Just to be absolutely sure...  You have disabled the drawing OpenGL, closed and reopened in Photoshop, and the problem remains the same?  Have you tried both ways after the release of the pilot?  Make sure and close and reopen Photoshop after the change is made.

    There is another thing you could try...  Clear preferences for Photoshop 32-bit.  Press and hold Ctrl - Shift - Alt immediately after you start Photoshop of its menu item or a shortcut.  If you're fast enough, you will be asked if you want to restore all of the default preferences.


  • I have iphone5s and my contact id does not work, all the time he show faild Setup touch id please help?

    I have iphone5s and my contact id does not work, all the time he show faild Setup touch id please help?

    Hi yjain51,

    I understand you had some problems recently with getting Touch ID to work reliably on your iPhone 5s. I know that it is a feature of great security for your iPhone, so I'm happy to help you.

    When you use Touch ID, make sure that your hands are free of any dirt or moisture so that fingerprints can be read clearly. This article explains further:

    Use the ID Touch on iPhone and iPad - Apple Support

    Thank you for using communities Support from Apple. See you soon!

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