Problem with Java Decompiler, please help

I use Mocha to decompile a standard OFA *.class file. I would like to reuse logic that has already set the Oracle. I want to decompile DetailDataInputCO.class error but synthetic «Field Ignoring attribute» moka

If someone has a good decompiler, could you please you decompile a class file for me. Please contact me at [email protected] and I can send you the file. It would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

After line 721

s = setup.getLocationFromField ();
If (s! = null &! s.equals ("DISABLED"))
OAMessageTextInputBean oamessagetextinputbean1 is createWebBean (OAMessageTextInputBean) (oapagecontext, oawebbean, "FromLocation");.
oatablelayoutbean.addIndexedChild (oamessagetextinputbean1);
oatablelayoutbean.addIndexedChild (oaspacerrowbean);
If ("required". Equals (s))
oamessagetextinputbean1.setRequired ("Yes");
s = setup.getLocationToField ();
If (s! = null &! s.equals ("DISABLED"))
OAMessageTextInputBean oamessagetextinputbean2 is createWebBean (OAMessageTextInputBean) (oapagecontext, oawebbean, "ToLocation");.
oatablelayoutbean.addIndexedChild (oamessagetextinputbean2);
If ("required". Equals (s))
oamessagetextinputbean2.setRequired ("Yes");

private createAccomodationFields Sub (OATableLayoutBean oatablelayoutbean, OAWebBean oawebbean, OAPageContext oapagecontext, oracle.apps.ap.oie.setup.OIESetup.Setup of installation)
OASpacerRowBean oaspacerrowbean is createWebBean (OASpacerRowBean) (oapagecontext, "SPACER_ROW");.
String s = setup.getEndDateField ();
If (s! = null &! s.equals ("DISABLED"))
OAMessageDateFieldBean oamessagedatefieldbean is createWebBean (OAMessageDateFieldBean) (oapagecontext, oawebbean, "EndDate");.
oatablelayoutbean.addIndexedChild (oaspacerrowbean);
oatablelayoutbean.addIndexedChild (oamessagedatefieldbean);
If ("required". Equals (s))
oamessagedatefieldbean.setRequired ("yes");

private createCarRentalFields Sub (OATableLayoutBean oatablelayoutbean, OAWebBean oawebbean, OAPageContext oapagecontext, oracle.apps.ap.oie.setup.OIESetup.Setup of installation)

private createMealsFields Sub (OATableLayoutBean oatablelayoutbean, OAWebBean oawebbean, OAPageContext oapagecontext, oracle.apps.ap.oie.setup.OIESetup.Setup of installation)
OASpacerRowBean oaspacerrowbean is createWebBean (OASpacerRowBean) (oapagecontext, "SPACER_ROW");.
oatablelayoutbean.addIndexedChild (oaspacerrowbean);
String s = setup.getAttendeesNumberField ();
If (s! = null &! s.equals ("DISABLED"))
OAMessageTextInputBean oamessagetextinputbean is createWebBean (OAMessageTextInputBean) (oapagecontext, oawebbean, "NumberAttendees");.
oatablelayoutbean.addIndexedChild (oamessagetextinputbean);
oatablelayoutbean.addIndexedChild (oaspacerrowbean);
If ("required". Equals (s))
oamessagetextinputbean.setRequired ("yes");
s = setup.getAttendeesField ();
If (s! = null &! s.equals ("DISABLED"))
OAMessageTextInputBean oamessagetextinputbean1 is createWebBean (OAMessageTextInputBean) (oapagecontext, oawebbean, "Guests");.
oatablelayoutbean.addIndexedChild (oamessagetextinputbean1);
If ("required". Equals (s))
oamessagetextinputbean1.setRequired ("Yes");

' Public Sub processFormRequest (OAPageContext oapagecontext, OAWebBean oawebbean)
If (oapagecontext.isLoggingEnabled (2))
oapagecontext.writeDiagnostics (Thi, "start processFormRequest", 2);
super.processFormRequest (oapagecontext, oawebbean);
OAApplicationModule oaapplicationmodule = oapagecontext.getRootApplicationModule ();
String s = (String) oapagecontext.getTransactionValue ("CCPage");
Boolean flag = s == null | s.Equals("Y");
String s1 = oapagecontext.getParameter ("LineNumber");
Whole whole number = Integer.valueOf (s1);
String tmp = (String) oapagecontext.getTransactionValue ("ENABLEGRANTS_ACCOUNTING");
String s2 = oapagecontext.getParameter ("NumLines");
Integer, integer1 = (Integer) oapagecontext.getApplicationModule (oawebbean) .invokeMethod ("getNumLines");
int i = integer.intValue ();
int j = i! = 1 ? i-1: 1;
oapagecontext.getParameter ("event");
oracle.apps.ap.oie.setup.OIESetup.Setup _tmp1 = (oracle.apps.ap.oie.setup.OIESetup.Setup) oaapplicationmodule.invokeMethod ("getSetup");
If (oapagecontext. GetParameter ("DetailNewLine")! = null)
oapagecontext.getApplicationModule (oawebbean) .invokeMethod ("newLine");
HashMap hashmap = new HashMap();
HashMap.put ("DistLineNumber", ((Number) oapagecontext.getApplicationModule (oawebbean) .invokeMethod ("getDistributionLineNumber")) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());
HashMap.put ("LineNumber", ((Number) oapagecontext.getApplicationModule (oawebbean) .invokeMethod ("getLineNumber")) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());
HashMap.put ("ButtonLink", "New");
HashMap.put ('NumLines', ((Integer) oapagecontext.getApplicationModule (oawebbean) .invokeMethod ("getNumLines")) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());
NavigationUtility.forwardToPage (oapagecontext, "ExpenseDetailsPG", hashmap);
} else
If (oapagecontext. GetParameter ("DetailDuplicate")! = null)
oapagecontext.getApplicationModule (oawebbean) .invokeMethod ("duplicateLine");
HashMap hashmap1 = new HashMap();
hashmap1.put ("DistLineNumber", ((Number) oapagecontext.getApplicationModule (oawebbean) .invokeMethod ("getDistributionLineNumber")) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());
hashmap1.put ("LineNumber", ((Number) oapagecontext.getApplicationModule (oawebbean) .invokeMethod ("getLineNumber")) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());
hashmap1.put ("ButtonLink", "Duplicate");
hashmap1.put ('NumLines', ((Integer) oapagecontext.getApplicationModule (oawebbean) .invokeMethod ("getNumLines")) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());
NavigationUtility.forwardToPage (oapagecontext, "ExpenseDetailsPG", hashmap1);
} else
If (oapagecontext. GetParameter ("DetailRemoveLine")! = null)
Boolean boolean1 = (Boolean) oapagecontext.getApplicationModule (oawebbean) .invokeMethod ("bIsItemized");
If (boolean1! = null & boolean1.booleanValue ())
OIEUtil.createDialogPage (oapagecontext, (byte) 3, null, new OAException ("SQLAP", "OIE_CCARD_CONF_REMOVE_ITEMIZED"), "YesRemoveItemize", "NoRemoveItemize");
on the other
If (flag)
OIEUtil.createDialogPage (oapagecontext, (byte) 3, null, new OAException ("SQLAP", "OIE_CCARD_CONFIRM_REMOVE"), "YesRemoveCCard", "NoRemoveCCard");
} else
Vector vector2 = (Vector) oapagecontext.getApplicationModule (oawebbean) .invokeMethod ("removeLine");
Number of _tmp2 = (Number) vector2.elementAt (0);
Issue number2 = (Number) vector2.elementAt (1);
int l1 = integer1.intValue () - 1;
If (l1<=>
L1 = 1;
HashMap hashmap7 = new HashMap();
hashmap7.put ("DistLineNumber", number2.toString ());
hashmap7.put ("LineNumber", Integer.toString (j));
hashmap7.put ("ButtonLink", "Delete");
hashmap7.put ("NumLines", integer1.toString ());
NavigationUtility.forwardToPage (oapagecontext, "ExpenseDetailsPG", hashmap7);
} else
If (oapagecontext. GetParameter ("YesRemoveItemize")! = null)
Vector vector = (Vector) (oawebbean) oapagecontext.getApplicationModule .invokeMethod ("removeLine");
Number = (Number) vector.elementAt (0);
Number Number3 = (Number) vector.elementAt (1);
Integer integer2 = (Integer) oapagecontext.getApplicationModule (oawebbean) .invokeMethod ("getTotalNumLines");
If (flag & integer2.intValue () == 0)
NavigationUtility.forwardToPage (oapagecontext, NavigationUtility.getPreviousPage (oapagecontext), null);
OIEUtil.OIEAssert (number! = null & integer2! = null, "DetailDataInputCO.processFormRequest.REMOVE_ITEMIZE", "iNewLineNumber!) = null & iTotLines! = null");
HashMap hashmap8 = new HashMap();
hashmap8.put ("DistLineNumber", number3.toString ());
hashmap8.put ("LineNumber" number.toString ());
hashmap8.put ("ButtonLink", "Delete");
hashmap8.put ("NumLines", integer2.toString ());
oapagecontext.removeParameter ("YesRemoveItemize");
NavigationUtility.forwardToPage (oapagecontext, "ExpenseDetailsPG", hashmap8);
} else
If (oapagecontext. GetParameter ("YesRemoveCCard")! = null)
Vector vector1 = (Vector) oapagecontext.getApplicationModule (oawebbean) .invokeMethod ("removeLine");
Number Number1 = (Number) vector1.elementAt (0);
Number numero4 = (Number) vector1.elementAt (1);
int i2 = ((Integer) oapagecontext.getApplicationModule (oawebbean) .invokeMethod ("getNumLines")) .intValue ();
OIEUtil.OIEAssert (i2 > = 0, "DetailDataInputCO.processFormRequest", "iTotLines > = 0");
if(I2 == 0)
NavigationUtility.forwardToPage (oapagecontext, NavigationUtility.getPreviousPage (oapagecontext), null);
} else
HashMap hashmap9 = new HashMap();
hashmap9.put ("DistLineNumber", number4.toString ());
hashmap9.put ("LineNumber", number1.toString ());
hashmap9.put ("ButtonLink", "Delete");
hashmap9.put ("NumLines", Integer.toString (i2));
oapagecontext.removeParameter ("YesRemoveCCard");
NavigationUtility.forwardToPage (oapagecontext, "ExpenseDetailsPG", hashmap9);
} else
If ("goto". Equals (oapagecontext. ("GetParameter ("Event")) & OIEDetailNavBar".equals (oapagecontext.getParameter ("source"))) "
int k = integer1.intValue ();
int l = i + 1<= k="" i="" +="" 1="" :="">
int i1 = Integer.parseInt (oapagecontext.getParameter ("value"));
((DetailAMImpl) oapagecontext.getApplicationModule (oawebbean)) .onNext ();
if(i > I1)
HashMap hashmap5 = new HashMap();
hashmap5.put ("DistLineNumber", ((Number) oapagecontext.getApplicationModule (oawebbean) .invokeMethod ("getPrevLineDistributionLineNumber")) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());
hashmap5.put ("LineNumber", Integer.toString (j));
hashmap5.put ("ButtonLink", "Back");
hashmap5.put ("NumLines", s2);
NavigationUtility.forwardToPage (oapagecontext, "ExpenseDetailsPG", hashmap5);
} else
If (i<>
HashMap hashmap6 = new HashMap();
hashmap6.put ("DistLineNumber", ((Number) oapagecontext.getApplicationModule (oawebbean) .invokeMethod ("getNextLineDistributionLineNumber")) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());
hashmap6.put ("LineNumber", Integer.toString (l));
hashmap6.put ("ButtonLink", "Next");
hashmap6.put ("NumLines", s2);
NavigationUtility.forwardToPage (oapagecontext, "ExpenseDetailsPG", hashmap6);
} else
If (oapagecontext. GetParameter ("DetailUpdate")! = null)
oapagecontext.getApplicationModule (oawebbean) .invokeMethod ("setAwardOptionInitDetailTypesVO");
oapagecontext.getApplicationModule (oawebbean) .invokeMethod ("calculateReceiptBased");
HashMap hashmap2 = new HashMap();
hashmap2.put ("DistLineNumber", oapagecontext.getParameter ("DistLineNumber"));
hashmap2.put ("LineNumber", Integer.toString (i));
hashmap2.put ("ButtonLink", "Update");
hashmap2.put ("NumLines", integer1.toString ());
NavigationUtility.forwardToPage (oapagecontext, "ExpenseDetailsPG", hashmap2);
} else
If (oapagecontext.isLovEvent ())
Boolean Flag1 = ((Boolean) oaapplicationmodule.invokeMethod ("isVATEnabled")) .booleanValue ();
If ("LocationName". Equals (oapagecontext.getLovInputSourceId ()) & Flag1)
HashMap hashmap4 = new HashMap();
hashmap4.put ("DistLineNumber", oapagecontext.getParameter ("DistLineNumber"));
hashmap4.put ("LineNumber", Integer.toString (i));
hashmap4.put ("ButtonLink", "OIEChangeLocation");
hashmap4.put ("NumLines", integer1.toString ());
NavigationUtility.forwardToPage (oapagecontext, "ExpenseDetailsPG", hashmap4);
} else
If (("EmployeeTableRN". Equals (oapagecontext. GetParameter ("source")) | "GuestTableRN".equals (oapagecontext.getParameter ("source"))) & "addRows".equals (oapagecontext.getParameter ("event"))) "
OAAdvancedTableBean oaadvancedtablebean = null;
Boolean Flag2 = true;
If ("EmployeeTableRN". Equals (oapagecontext. GetParameter ("source")))
oaadvancedtablebean = (OAAdvancedTableBean) oawebbean.findChildRecursive ("EmployeeTableRN");
Flag2 = false;
} else
oaadvancedtablebean = (OAAdvancedTableBean) oawebbean.findChildRecursive ("GuestTableRN");
int j1 = oaadvancedtablebean.getNumberOfRowsDisplayed (oapagecontext);
Aserializable serializable [] = {}
new Boolean (flag2), new Number (j1)
Class aclass [] = {}
java.lang.Boolean.class, oracle.jbo.domain.Number.class
Number numero5 = (Number) oapagecontext.getApplicationModule (oawebbean) .invokeMethod ("addMoreLines", aserializable, aclass);
If (numero5! = null)
oaadvancedtablebean.setValue (number5.intValue ());
} else
OAException oaexception1 = new OAException ("SQLAP", "OIE_STILL_EMPTY_LINE", null, (byte), 2, null);
oaexception1.setApplicationModule (oaapplicationmodule);
oapagecontext.putDialogMessage (oaexception1);
} else
If (oapagecontext. GetParameter ("EmployeeRemove")! = null | oapagecontext.getParameter ("GuestRemove")! = null)
OAAdvancedTableBean oaadvancedtablebean1 = null;
Boolean Indicateur3 = true;
If (oapagecontext. GetParameter ("EmployeeRemove")! = null)
oaadvancedtablebean1 = (OAAdvancedTableBean) oawebbean.findChildRecursive ("EmployeeTableRN");
Indicateur3 = false;
} else
oaadvancedtablebean1 = (OAAdvancedTableBean) oawebbean.findChildRecursive ("GuestTableRN");
int k1 = oaadvancedtablebean1.getNumberOfRowsDisplayed (oapagecontext);
Aserializable1 serializable [] = {}
new Boolean (flag3), new Number (k1)
Class [] aclass1 = {}
java.lang.Boolean.class, oracle.jbo.domain.Number.class
oapagecontext.getApplicationModule (oawebbean) .invokeMethod ("removeAttendees", aserializable1, aclass1);
catch (OAException oaexception)
oapagecontext.putDialogMessage (oaexception);
If (oapagecontext.getDialogMessages (). Size() > 0)
HashMap hashmap3 = new HashMap();
hashmap3.put ("DistLineNumber", oapagecontext.getParameter ("DistLineNumber"));
hashmap3.put ("LineNumber", Integer.toString (i));
hashmap3.put ("ButtonLink", "Update");
hashmap3.put ("NumLines", integer1.toString ());
NavigationUtility.forwardToPage (oapagecontext, "ExpenseDetailsPG", hashmap3);
If (oapagecontext.isLoggingEnabled (2))
oapagecontext.writeDiagnostics (Thi, "end processFormRequest", 2);

' Private boolean isExpenseFieldsDisplayed (String s, Boolean oaapplicationmodule, oracle.apps.ap.oie.setup.OIESetup.Setup installation OAApplicationModule, indicator)
Boolean Flag1 = false;
If (s! = null)
If (s.Equals ("AIRFARE"))
Boolean Flag2 = ((Boolean) oaapplicationmodule.invokeMethod ("isPolicyEnabled")) .booleanValue ();
If (Flag2 |!) "Disabled". Equals (Setup.getTicketClassField ()). !" Disabled". Equals (Setup.getTicketNumberField ()). !" Disabled". Equals (Setup.getLocationFromField ()). !" Disabled". Equals (Setup.getLocationToField ()))
Flag1 = true;
} else
If (! flag & s.equals ("MEALS"))
if(!") Disabled". Equals (Setup.getAttendeesNumberField ()). !" Disabled". Equals (Setup.getAttendeesField ()))
Flag1 = true;
} else
If (! s.Equals ("CAR_RENTAL") & s.equals ("ACCOMMODATIONS") &!) "" Disabled ". Equals (Setup.getEndDateField ()))
Flag1 = true;
return Flag1;

' Public Sub processFormData (OAPageContext oapagecontext, OAWebBean oawebbean)
OAApplicationModule oaapplicationmodule = (oawebbean) oapagecontext.getApplicationModule;
oaapplicationmodule.invokeMethod ("storeOldExchRateData");
super.processFormData (oapagecontext, oawebbean);

public DetailDataInputCO()

public static final String RCS_ID = "$Header: 115.159 ELQ noship 2005/01/28-22:52:58 $;
public static final boolean RCS_ID_RECORDED = VersionInfo.recordClassVersion ("$Header: 115.159 2005/01/28-22:52:58 ELQ noship $", "oracle.apps.ap.oie.server");
private static final int INDEX_OF_DAILY_RATE = 2;
private static final int INDEX_OF_RECEIPT_AMOUNT = 6;
private static final String OIEChangeLocation = "OIEChangeLocation";




Tags: Oracle Applications

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    Hello salamander.

    Please contact Microsoft Community.

    I can understand the inconvenience caused, be assured that we are here to help with your concern.

    1. What is the model of the computer and do ?
    2. Do you see an error message when the menu bar is transparent?

    Please follow the link below and include a screenshot in your post,

    I suggest you follow the methods below to see if it helps.

    Method 1:

    Clean boot: to help troubleshoot error messages and other issues, you can start Windows by using a minimal set of drivers and startup programs. This type of boot is known as a "clean boot". A clean boot helps eliminate software conflicts.  Here is the link for your reference perform the clean boot.

    Important: please go through the section: How to reset the computer to start as usual after a clean boot troubleshooting section of Kb to start the computer to a normal startup after you fix the problem.

    Note: If the problem persists, continue with method 2

    Method 2:

    Check the problem by disabling the Aero transparency feature. Please follow the steps below to disable the Aero transparency feature.

    1. Right-click on a vacuum of space on the desktop and click on personalize.
    2. Click on the link to the color of the window at the bottom of the window.
    3. Uncheck the check box enable transparency to disable transparency and check the issue.

    For more information, aero feature please refer to the link below.

    Note: If the problem persists, continue with method 3

    Method 3:

    A Malware - scanner The Microsoft Security Scanner is a downloadable security tool for free which allows analysis at the application and helps remove viruses, spyware and other malware. It works with your current antivirus software. Please follow the steps below to use the scan to Microsoft Security.

    • Run the scanner from Microsoft from the link below:

    • Click on download now and click Run.
    • Choose complete system scan and wait for the full analysis.

    Important: The data files that are infected must be cleaned only by removing the file completely, which means that there is a risk of data loss.

    The above information was hoping to get useful, please return it to us if you need additional assistance.

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    Can try you it on another browser that the problem does not come up on top of our end.?

    Kind regards


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    Please help me, I'm desperate, I can't understand it.

    Thank you!


    I'm so clear with what you're saying...

    You have a movieclip that has its own animation of scenario of a bouncing ball and it stop on chassis 14? Even with text movieclip - he has his own animation of script for simple horizontal interpolation that ends on the frame of 10?
    And you placed these clips on the stage, put them on their own layers and moved the mc of ball to frame 2 and the text in the box 6 mc?

    Are there blank keyframes before the frame 2 on image 6 of the text layer and layer of ball? If not, then select frame 1 layer on the ball and press F7 to make an empty keyframe. Do the same on the text layer but select images 1-5 and click F7 to make them blank keyframes.
    What you don't want to do, is show the movieclip before the beginning of their animation. Therefore, you get the wild flashing.

    Also extended these layers to frame of 15 images? Otherwise, click on frame 15 (for the two layers) and press F5 to add frames.

    And you order stop() on plot of 15? Otherwise, create a new layer, call it actions and put a stop() on frame 15 command.

    Sure that your movie will play correctly now.

    NOTE: Just out of curiosity - why don't simply animate you everything on the main timeline?

  • Problem with PayPal IPN, please help


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    Element TX is not defined in the URL.

    The error occurred in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\paypal\step2.cfm: line 60
    58 : <p align="left"><img src="../images/bridalText.jpg" width="257" height="59"></p>
    59 : <cfset authToken="WIdGltUcQs9sLX8vbFzjejE6QyMsO9JQh96G_ZM1JIY8mNPfhVW-aOqJzvy">
    60 : <cfset txToken = url.tx>
    61 : <cfset query="cmd=_notify-synch&tx=" & txToken & "&at=" & authToken>
    62 :

    I know this is a lot of code, but it is quite simple. How to set TX in the form? and how to decrypt the information in paypal?

    My code: (I'm cutting a lot, so you can see most of what I do)
    <!-paypal IPN and code-->

    < cfset authToken = "NUMBER MYIPN GOES HERE" >
    < cfset txToken = url.tx >
    < cfset query = "cmd = _notify-synch & tx =" & txToken & "& at =" & authToken > "

    " < CFHTTP url = ' "method ="GET"resolveurl ="false"> "
    < / CFHTTP >

    < cfif left (cfhttp. FileContent, 7) is "SUCCESS" >
    < cfloop list = '#cfhttp. ' FileContent #
    index = "Julian".
    Delimiters = "#Chr (10) #" >
    < cfif listGetAt(curLine,1,"=") "name" >
    < cfset firstName = listGetAt(curLine,2,"=") >
    < / cfif >
    < cfif listGetAt(curLine,1,"=") is "last_name" >
    < cfset lastName = listGetAt(curLine,2,"=") >
    < / cfif >
    < cfif listGetAt(curLine,1,"=") is 'payer_email' >
    < cfset email = listGetAt(curLine,2,"=") >
    < / cfif >
    < cfif listGetAt(curLine,1,"=") is 'address_street' >
    < cfset streetAdd = listGetAt(curLine,2,"=") >
    < / cfif >
    < cfif listGetAt(curLine,1,"=") is 'address_city' >
    < cfset city = listGetAt(curLine,2,"=") >
    < / cfif >
    < cfif listGetAt(curLine,1,"=") is 'address_state' >
    < cfset state = listGetAt(curLine,2,"=") >
    < / cfif >
    < cfif listGetAt(curLine,1,"=") is 'address_zip' >
    < cfset zip = listGetAt(curLine,2,"=") >
    < / cfif >

    < cfif listGetAt(curLine,1,"=") is "nom_element" >
    < cfset itemName = listGetAt(curLine,2,"=") >
    < / cfif >
    < cfif listGetAt(curLine,1,"=") is 'mc_gross' >
    < cfset mcGross = listGetAt(curLine,2,"=") >
    < / cfif >
    < cfif listGetAt(curLine,1,"=") is 'mc_currency' >
    < cfset mcCurrency = listGetAt(curLine,2,"=") >
    < / cfif >
    < / cfloop >
    < cfoutput >
    < p > < h3 > your order was successfully received. < / h3 > < / p >
    < b > < /b > < br > Details
    < style li = "line-height: 15px;" margin-left: 20px; "> name: #firstName # #lastName # < /li >
    < style li = "line-height: 15px;" margin-left: 20px; "> description: #itemName # < /li >
    < style li = "line-height: 15px;" margin-left: 20px; ' > amount: #mcCurrency # #mcGross # < /li >
    < hr >
    < / cfoutput >

    < cfelse >
    ERROR: Check to make sure that the game authToken value is EXACTLY what PayPal has given
    < / cfif >

    <! - end paypal IPN - >

    <! - my form by using the information in the IPN - >
    < name = "cfparam FORM.firstName" default = "#firstName #" > "
    < name = "cfparam FORM.lastName" default = "#lastName #" > "
    < name = "cfparam" default = "#email #" > "
    < name = "cfparam FORM.cPhone" default = "#phone #" > "
    < name = "cfparam FORM.streetAdd" default = "#streetAdd #" > "
    < name = "cfparam" default = "#city #" > "
    < name = "cfparam FORM.state" default = "#state #" > "
    < name = "cfparam" default = "#zip #" > "

    < name = "cfparam FORM.mype" default = "" > "
    < name = "cfparam FORM.bgName" default = "" > "
    < name = "cfparam FORM.bgEmail" default = "" > "
    < name = "cfparam FORM.bgAdd" default = "" > "
    < name = "cfparam FORM.bgCity" default = "" > "
    < name = "cfparam FORM.bgState" default = "" > "
    < name = "cfparam FORM.bgZip" default = "" > "

    < name = "cfparam FORM.message" default = "" > "

    <!-that's where it checks for if make sure that all required fields are filled, if not it publishes a message asking they fill in, if it is full, and then it sends an email with all the info in it and gives them a thank you message. I wanted to cut this part, you don't need the evidence, she, the problem is in my paramiters and form-->

    < cfoutput >
    < action = "" #cgi.script_name # cfform "method ="post"enctype =" application/x-www-formulaires-urlencoded">"

    < input type = "text" name = "FirstName" id = "first name" value = "" #firstName # "/ >"
    < input type = "text" name = "lastName" id = "lastName" value = "" #lastName # "/ >"
    < input type = "text" name = "email" id = "email" = value "" #email # "/ >"
    < input type = "text" name = "streetAdd" id = "streetAdd" value = "" #streetAdd # "/ >"
    < input type = "text" name = "City" id = "City" value = "" #city # "/ >"
    < input type = "text" name = "State" id = "Status" value = "" #state # "/ >"
    < input type = "text" name = "zip" id = "zip" value = "" #zip # "/ >"

    < / cfform >

    < / cfoutput >

    I also took a lot of fields that I need the user to fill out, but it's the meat of what I'm trying to do.
    Can someone help me? Please? It's driving me crazy!

    Thank you!


  • X 200 problems with MS office Please help!


    I tried the demo version of MS office teacher on my computer when my computer completely froze and I had to use the power button to restart. After I did that I couldn't use my Outlook he said to fix it using. PST. I tried and tried I couldn't fix or even find.

    I purchased Office Ultimate through my student website and now I installed it last night. I went to use Outlook and it still gives me the same error message that I need to repair it with PSTSCAN. I uninstalled and reinstalled again and I still can not use Outlook. I went to the MS site to see if there is a problem, and I can't always find something. I can't even call customer service without having charged $50 to talk to someone.

    I installed Thunderbird to get me by until I can find that hopfully, however, I would perfer to use Outlook. If there is someone who can I would greatly appreciate your time.


    I finally thought to her, I couldn't locate the Office\Office.pst file that needed repaired. I finally spotted after research on and off these days. I used the inbox repair tool scanpst.exe to repair the damaged file. The oulook file has been altered after that I had to use the power button after that my computer froze. Everything works fine now.

    Thanks for the posts.

  • Problem with db-link, please help!

    Hi all

    I'm deploying a mapping in a DWH. The source table is another DB in configure the mapping options I specify the location of the source database and the name of db-link. When I deploy the mapping I get error: table or view does not exist. Then I go to the DB and I compile the package created manually if I get the same error. Otherwise if I copy the statement (select * from table@dblinkname ;) and run since sqlplus window it works correctly (the db-link works).)

    Why go in the package of the db-link does not work? Db-link is public.

    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Victor,

    the problem is not the db-link. If you run the statement "select * from table@dblinkname;" in a pl/sql program, you get this error too. The user does not have the privilege to choose, perhaps only a role. Please allow the priveleg select directly to the user.

    Kind regards

  • I have several problems with my computer Please HELP

    Hi Megan,

    While the path that you have installed Vista out of the ordinary, he has obviously worked for you. It may be that some Dell installation media is linked to the Dell motherboards, but my experience is that this is certainly not true for all Dell Media. There are companies out there that brand sale Dell Support oem installation and advertising that it can be installed on any PC, not only the Dells. My experience is that these claims are valid.

    When you re-install on your replacement hard drive, just keep in mind that these media are unlikely to install drivers that are needed for your hardware works correctly. These drivers must be on a CD supplied with the mother/PC card and it would probably be the simplest method. If you do not have this CD, you will need to get from website of maufacturer of the motherboard and install them...

    Enter your 32-bit Vista or Vista 64-bit OS as the case may be.


  • Problem with IE showing - please help!

    I really need help to try to understand why display correctly in Internet Explorer.  It validates fine, but it's horrible in THE.

    I would REALLY appreciate the help.

    Thank you.

    We are talking about IE 9?

    The second



    First; There, please do not type in uppercase.  It is considered rude and make your post less readable.

    The version of Java to use depends on the browser.  Firefox is a 32-bit browser therefore uses the 32-bit version of Java.
    Internet Explorer, for example, has a 32-bit and 64-bit version in Windows 7, the two versions of Java may apply depending on whether you are using.

    The Windows Photo Viewer can open different types of graphic files, what is the problem?

  • Downloaded and paid of Minecraft and having problems with Java, Anti Virus Scan and Windows Update - error code 800F081F

    Downloaded and paid of Minecraft and having problems with Java, Anti Virus Scan and Windows Update - error code 800F081F

    Would you advice, thank you.

    Hi Hugo,.

    1. what anti-virus software you have installed in the computer?

    2. What is the full error message/code?

    3. the issue occurred after you install Minecraft?

    4. are you able to play Minecraft without any problem?

    5. what happens with Antivirus and Java?

    Windows Update can occur if one or more of the following conditions are met:

    1. the Windows Update database is damaged.

    2. antivirus software is configured to scan the %Windir%\SoftwareDistribution folder.

    3. the service (BITS) Background Intelligent Transfer Service does not receive a content link header.

    4. a required system file is incorrectly registered.

    5. Windows Installer has encountered an error.

    6. the manifesto of component maintenance (EC) is damaged.

    7. the Windows Update service has stopped during the installation.

    8. a version of the file conflict exists with Windows Update agent files.

    Please follow the steps described in the methods to solve the problem:

    Method 1: We will try the steps from the following link and check the result:

    Important: This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems can occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you proceed with caution. For added protection, back up the registry before you edit it. Then you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click the following article:

    How to reset the Windows Update components?

    Method 2:

    To correct the errors that occur when you use Windows Update, install, and run the system update readiness tool. The tool analyzes inconsistencies on your computer and fixes as its current installation.

    You can view the following link to download the system update readiness tool and check:

    System tool update that corrects problems of Windows Update is available for Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2008

    Details of the event log to find what caused the Antivirus and Java to fail:

    What are the information contained in the logs of the event (Event Viewer)?

    Hope that the information provided is useful.

    For any help related to this problem or any question of Windows, you can still display in the Microsoft Community Forum!

  • Problems with Java and Internet Explorer9

    Bought this Compaq Presario in August 2011 with IE8 in it without any problem.  October or November, updates installed IE9 and since then I have had problem with Java on IE9.  Mainly with the signature in some sites mainly Pogo (don't remember the others).  Checked in the Java Control Panel under Advanced and browsers only IE and Firefox are indicated (although I also have Chrome).  IE and Firefox are archived for Java, but while Firefox is written in dark letters, IE is gray and I can't it darkened.  Even when I switched browsers default to IE, it is always grey.  I already follow the article on Pogo and Java problems and I have no problem with Firefox or Chrome, only Internet Explorer.

    Thank you


    Why Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 hang after that I have visits a web page with Java applets?

    Install Java in Windows Internet Explorer 9

    Use Reset Internet Explorer settings (RIES)

    You see the same problems if you test with another Windows user?

    You are running version 64 bit or 32 bit IE 9?  Even if you're a machine 64-bit by default IE 8 or 9 should be the 32-bit version.  This is the version that runs on 64-bit computers by default.  If you use this version, then the problems would disappear.

    Questions: 64 - Bit Internet Explorer

  • problem with java and pogo games

    I use mozilla, and now with the problems with java and hackers cannot play my pogo, what can I do? I disabled my java I tried java 6 does not work or is not safe, what is a safe way to play games on pogo using java? is determined as a website SAFE to use Java with Mozilla Firefox?

  • Problems with Java games Sites

    I have java installed on my computer, when I go to the gaming sites they say I don't have it. Their site brings me to the Java site for re install I have. I do and I still get the same results. Frustrating. I did the Java offline also and that no longer works. I checked that it is also enabled.



    It seems that you are facing problems with Java during the visit of the gaming sites.

    1. This problem occurs on all the gaming sites?
    2. Other sites work well?
    3. What is the operating system installed on the computer?

    You can Remove all existing versions of Java on the computer and reinstall the last being. We know the result.

    Also see this link for more information.

    Thank you.

  • I use xport 360 and I can't put my save game back on the program profile it shows a circle with a cross please help me

    I use xport 360 and I can't put my save game back on the program profile it shows a circle with a cross please help me


    If you try to recover the gamer tag, then I suggest you follow the steps from the link below:

    If this does not work then I recommend you to ask your question here:

    Hope this information is useful.

Maybe you are looking for

  • I live in the United States, but Firefox gives me GB of the search engines (such as

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    Hi all I have recently (2-3 weeks ago) changed my router to a Linksys BESFR41 wireless WRT120N-related.  I started having problems with my phone voip service - it was OK for 1 year - and after a repair with support, they suggested to disable the SPI