Projector downloads missing

"The requested URL /pub/flashplayer/updaters/15/flashplayer_15_sa.exe was not found on this server."

Where could I download the last projector of?

Due to the size of the Flash Player user base, we have only one server.  Content is pushed to thousands of distributed worldwide breaks (aka. a network of Distribution of content or CA).  Unfortunately, what happens sometimes is that one or more of the nodes does not receive the message, or the initial push fails and he will serve as content expired to everyone who is routed to it.  The thing that is particularly difficult to treat, it's that you are routed to the closest location to you.  I check a few nodes using virtual private networks with endpoints different offices around the world, but there is no way to validate thousands of possible places where the content actually lives.

Usually when this happens, the nodes will be automatically refresh regularly plan (every day or every few hours, I am not sure which), so this kind of problems where you do not see the last thing will usually clear on their own quickly enough.  It's just one of the interesting things about treatment with technology on this scale - the calculation works such that even if you have a failure rate of 0.001% in something, someone using the Flash is guaranteed to hit him.

Tags: Flash Player

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