Scripts to help AP GL reconciliation

I need some scripts to help me reconcile AP to GL.

I hope that help you

SQL query to drilldown AP invoice, payment, details of newspaper


Tags: Oracle Applications

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    Hi Pros,

    The script that I created is attached. I have 3 groups of resources. Each assigned to a CSQ (so 3 CSQs too). Now, I need to configure the script such as whether agents CSQ 2 and 3 (nonapplications & material) are busy while the appellants are held in the queue, but if the agents are connected to or not is not ready so call should be redirected to CSQ 1 (applications). I don't really know if this is possible and how to configure it. Any help will be most appreciated.


    The attached script earlier is in 3.5.2 version. In the case where you cannot not open, attached is a screenshot of the same thing.

    Please rate of messages

  • New user - script needs help

    Hi people, new user here.

    Have a text field I want to be hidden until one of the two radio buttons in a group has been selected.  Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Rick S/San Antonio, TX

    You can do this in different ways. Here is an example. Use the following the calculation script customized in your text field that must be hidden or shown:

    var f1 = this.getField("Group1");
    var shouldBeVisible = (f1.value != "Off"); = shouldBeVisible ? display.visible : display.hidden;

    This can be shortened a bit, but the shorter code is not necessarily more readable. If you have problems to understand what is happening here, please see the core JavaScript language syntax. What you need to know, is that a group of radio buttons with no selection will report 'Off' as its value. If the field should be visible when the Group of radio buttons is not set to 'Off '. In this case, we set the property (you can find out what it means in the Acrobat JavaScript API documentation: Acrobat SDK Documentation DC: ) display.visible or in the other case display.hidden (once again, it details in the documentation of the API).

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    $Cluster = 'CLUS-1'
    $ClusterName = Get-Cluster $Cluster
    $Datastores = $ClusterName | Get-Datastore | Where {$_.Name -notlike '*LOCAL'  -and $_.Name -notlike 'VM_Datastore*' -and $_.Name -notlike 'Templates' -and $_.Name -notlike 'ISO' -and $_.Name -notlike '*SCRATCH*' -and $_.Name -notlike 'Archive'}
    $Clusters = Get-View -ViewType ComputeResource | Where {$_.Name -like $ClusterName.Name}
    $Clusters | % {
    $Cluste                      = $_
    $VMHostsView                 = $null
    $VMHostsView                 = Get-View $Cluste.Host -Property Name, Hardware, Config
    $VMss                        = $ClusterName | Get-VM
    $HostCount                   = ($VMHostsView | Measure-Object).Count
    $VMCount                     = 0 + ($VMss | Measure-Object).Count
    $VMsPerHost                  = [Math]::Round(($VMCount/$HostCount), 1)
    $vCPU                        = 0 + ($VMss | Measure-Object -Sum -Property NumCPU).Sum
    $allocatedram                = 0 + ($VMss | Measure-Object -Sum -Property MemoryGB).Sum
    $avgrampervm                 = [Math]::Round(($allocatedram/$VMCount), 1)
    $pCPUSocket                  = ($VMHostsView | % { $_.Hardware.CPUInfo.NumCpuPackages } | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum
    $TpCPUSocket                += $pCPUSocket
    $pCPUCore                    = ($VMHostsView | % { $_.Hardware.CPUInfo.NumCpuCores } | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum
    $vCPUPerpCPUCore             = [Math]::Round(($vCPU/$pCPUCore), 1)
    $TotalClusterRAMGB           = [Math]::Round((Get-Cluster $Cluster | Get-VMHost | % { $_ } | Measure-Object -Property MemoryTotalGB -Sum).Sum)
    $TotalClusterRAMusageGB      = [Math]::Round((Get-Cluster $Cluster | Get-VMHost | % { $_ } | Measure-Object -Property MemoryUsageGB -Sum).Sum)
    $TotalClusterRAMUsagePercent = [Math]::Round(($TotalClusterRAMusageGB/$TotalClusterRAMGB)*100)
    $TotalClusterRAMFreeGB       = [Math]::Round(($TotalClusterRAMGB-$TotalClusterRAMUsageGB))
    $TotalClusterRAMReservedGB   = [Math]::Round(($TotalClusterRAMGB/100)*15)
    $TotalClusterRAMAvailable    = [Math]::Round(($TotalClusterRAMFreeGB-$TotalClusterRAMReservedGB))
    $newvmcountram               = [Math]::Round(($TotalClusterRAMAvailable/$avgrampervm))
    $DSCount                     = 0 + ($datastores | Measure-Object).Count
    $TotalDSCapacityGB           = 0 + [Math]::Round((($datastores | Measure-Object -Sum -Property CapacityGB).Sum), 0)
    $TotalDSFreeGB               = 0 + [Math]::Round((($datastores | Measure-Object -Sum -Property FreespaceGB).Sum), 0)
    $TotalDSUsedGB               = [Math]::Round(($TotalDSCapacityGB - $TotalDSFreeGB),0)
    $allocatedstorage            = 0 + ($VMss | Measure-Object -Sum -Property ProvisionedSpaceGB).Sum
    $avgstoragepervm             = [Math]::Round(($allocatedstorage/$VMCount), 1)
    $newvmcountstorage           = [Math]::Round(($TotalDSFreeGB/$avgstoragepervm))
    New-Object PSObject |
    Add-Member -Pass NoteProperty "Cluster Name" $ClusterName.Name |
    Add-Member -Pass NoteProperty "Cluster - Host Count" $HostCount |
    Add-Member -Pass NoteProperty "Cluster - VM Count" $VMCount |
    Add-Member -Pass NoteProperty "Cluster - VM per Host" $VMsPerHost |
    Add-Member -Pass NoteProperty "Compute - Number of pCPU" $TpCPUSocket |
    Add-Member -Pass NoteProperty "Compute - pCPU per Core" $pCPUCore |
    Add-Member -Pass NoteProperty "Compute - Number of vCPU" $VCPU |
    Add-Member -Pass NoteProperty "Compute - vCPU per pCore" $vcpuperpcpucore |
    Add-Member -Pass NoteProperty "Compute - Total Memory (GB)" $TotalClusterRAMGB |
    Add-Member -Pass NoteProperty "Compute - Total Memory Used (%)" $TotalClusterRAMUsagePercent |
    Add-Member -Pass NoteProperty "Compute - Total Memory Used (GB)" $TotalClusterRAMusageGB |
    Add-Member -Pass NoteProperty "Compute - Total Memory Free (GB)" $TotalClusterRAMfreeGB |
    Add-Member -Pass NoteProperty "Compute - Total Memory Allocated (GB)" $TotalClusterRAMReservedGB |
    Add-Member -Pass NoteProperty "Compute - RAM Available for NEW VMs (GB)" $TotalClusterRAMAvailable |
    Add-Member -Pass NoteProperty "Compute - Average RAM allocated per VM" $avgrampervm |
    Add-Member -Pass NoteProperty "Compute - Remaining VMs based on available RAM" $newvmcountram |
    Add-Member -Pass NoteProperty "Storage - Datastore Count" $DSCount |
    Add-Member -Pass NoteProperty "Storage - Total Datastore Capacity (GB)" $TotalDSCapacityGB |
    Add-Member -Pass NoteProperty "Storage - Total Datastore Free (GB)" $TotalDSFreeGB |
    Add-Member -Pass NoteProperty "Storage - Total Datastore Used (GB)" $TotalDSUsedGB |
    Add-Member -Pass NoteProperty "Storage - Average storage allocated per VM" $avgstoragepervm |
    Add-Member -Pass NoteProperty "Compute - Remaining VMs based on available storage" $newvmcountstorage

    {on the last line of the script after} add below line

    | ConvertTo-Html | Out-file c:\log.html

  • Guest OS script customization help.

    I am trying to run a script in a virtual machine after deploying a paralytic. The script sets the automatic logon to activate because we need this function to perform certain other actions before joining the domain.
    I activated the VM Guest OS customization VAPP ("customization of activate ', 'Change SID', 'Password Reset'") and I used William Lams script provided here, in the section of script Guest OS customization as a base.

    I have tried both:

    off @echo

    If '%1% ' == 'precustomization' (echo of the tasks precustomization) otherwise if '%1% ' == 'postcustomization' (c:\script\script.bat)


    off @echo
    If '%1% ' is "precustomization" (echo of precustomization task) if '%1% ' is 'postcustomization' (cmd/c reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" AutoAdminLogon t REG_SZ/d '1' f v)
    cmd /c reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" DefaultUserName t REG_SZ/d 'Administrator' f v
    cmd/d reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" v DefaultDomainName t REG_SZ/d 'localhost' f
    Shutdown r)

    The first example points to a file, c:\script\script.bat, locally on the virtual machine. If I use Williams script without changing the vm-is-ready file is created.

    The customscript.bat is created in a folder under C:\Windows\Temp\ on of Windows virtual machine with the content as described above, but it seems that it is never executed

    Any help appreciated.
    Thank you

    We that debogues in offline mode, so just to sum up the results so far:


    There are several things here.

    One is on unattend.xml required by sysprep. The way in which it is used is the following:
    -VCD uses the ' basic' version of guestcustomization/windows/unattend.xml
    -obtained set cached in guestcustomization/ on the first request to customize Vista + or any other virtual Windows computer in case "change SID is false."
    d ' after the above, I believe that it is possible to use the unattend.xml file "basic" to "extend" VCD offer out-of-the-box. Remember that any time that you do this, you must manually backup or remove guestcustomization/ Then the system takes care of regenerate automatically using the most recent version of the unattend.xml file
    -I think that this is not the right way to go in this particular case. This approach would severely limit flexibility due to the need to specify a password for automatic logon. So, you would have to live with a hard-coded pass which is very precarious. But it works very well for 'static' things like "company name".
    -I think change unattend.xml inside the virtual machine (probably see you \Windows\Panther) is not going to work somehow. I don't know exactly the purpose of this file, but I think that it is generated by sysprep itself during its work
    -I work on improvements for the next version and followed bug add this feature. Basically I dynamically update unattend.xml based on the password set in VCD
    The other is about performance after customization. The way it works now (for the case of "change SID is true") is that we rely on the Windows Task Scheduler. Basically plan us customization after execution of the script to run after reboot to the very last point inside the sysprep mini-setup phase. If the warning you see is probably the Scheduler and I think it's harmless. It also means that after customization will be the last thing that is performed on your virtual machine. So not sysprep after that and I don't expect anything to delete your registry values or either reboot.
    Now, I suspect that these keys are not simply added because of a problem with the keys themselves or (as you well pointed out) this could be the permissions problem.
    We went with the first approach, which is a good enough compromise for this particular client:
    0) be careful with the update of file system of the cell while signed in as 'root' ssh, because most of the files (if not all) is the property of vcloud:vcloud
    (1) to add:
              true</PlainText> </div> <div>         </div> <div> </div> <div> <AutoLogon> </AutoLogon></div> <div>         <Password> </Password></div> <div>           <Value>XXX</Value> </div> <div>           <PlainText>true</PlainText> </div> <div>         </div> <div>         <Domain>localhost</Domain> </div> <div>         <Enabled>true</Enabled> </div> <div>         <LogonCount>8</LogonCount> </div> <div>         <Username>Administrator</Username> </div> <div> </div> <div>at $VCD_HOME/guestcustomization/windows/unattend.xml</div> <div>(2) to remove the $VCD_HOME/guestcustomization/ that caches the unattend.xml file. System must regenerate. If she doesn't do something like:</div> <div>Su - vcloud</div> <div> <div>CD/opt/vmware/vcloud-director/deploymentPackageCreator</div> <p class="reply">export LD_LIBRARY_PATH = / opt/vmware/vcloud-Director/deploymentPackageCreator</div></div><p class="reply"> <div>. / deploymentPackageCreator... / guestcustomization/windows... /guestcustomization/ "Customize - guest.exe" 1</div> <div>(3) be aware that on some models sysprep automatically disables the administrator account. It was not a problem on the model of the customer, but for me it does not on any of my models in the laboratory. The solution is to create another account to the Administrators group, and to be used for automatic logon. I'm working on the fix.</div><p class="reply"> <p class="reply">(4) for debugging this kind of things always start to do it manually on an own virtual computer (run sysprep.exe to register commands from the command line, run update) and check to succeed before trying to mess with VCD</p> <p class="reply">(5) we have no debug update registry problem, I'll put it on my TODO list</p> <p class="reply">Andrii</p> </li> <a name="LZy7AVQG"></a> <li> <p class="similar_list"><a href="">Script to help delivery of VM</a></p> <p class="help">I need help, try to understand why the cmdlet new - vm is an error.  Any help would be appreciated.</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">code snip (excuse the crappy line wraps)</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">$VIServer = "vCenterServer" Connect-VIServer $VIServer<br>$VMCSV_Builds = import-Csv-chemin.\VM_Config.csv<br>$i = 0<br>$VMCSV_Builds | % {<br>card # my variables<br>$Clust = get-data center | Get-Cluster ($_.) Cluster)<br>$templatevm = $_.templatevm<br>$datastore = $_.datastore<br>$vmhost = $Clust | Get-VMhost | get-random<br>$custspec = $_.custspec<br>$vmname = $_.vmname<br>$NUMCPU = $_. NUMCPU<br>$MemoryMB = $_. MemoryMB<br>$ipaddr = $_.ipaddress<br>$subnet = $_.subnet<br>$gateway = $_.gateway<br>$pdns = $_.pdns<br>$sdns = $_.sdns<br>#$vlan = $_.vlan<br>$description = $_.notes</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">#debugging</p><p class="help">Write-Host $Clust<br>Write-Host $vmhost. Name<br>$Step = '1 '.<br /><br />If {($Step-eq «1»)}<br>#Step 1<br># To connect VM<br>If (!) (Get - VM $vmname - ErrorAction) 0))<br>{<br># B configure the IP address<br>Get-OSCustomizationSpec<br>$custspec | Get-OSCustomizationNicMapping |<br>Game-OSCustomizationNicMapping - IpMode UseStaticIp - IpAddress SubnetMask - $subnet - $gateway - Dns $pdns passerelle_par_defaut, $sdns $ipaddr<br># C copy the model and apply the customizations<br>"$item = New - VM - VMhost $vmhost - name $vmname - model $templatevm - NumCpu $NUMCPU - MemoryMB $MemoryMB - Datastore $datastore'DiskStorageFormat - slim - $description - OSCustomizationSpec $custspec - RunAsync Description ' ' n step 1 is now running. ' n »<br>Get task? | {<br>{$ - eq $}<br>Start-Sleep - 30 seconds<br>}<br>on the other<br>{<br>««nVM aleady exists, check for task execution...»» ' ' n '.<br>$Task = @(get-tâche |?) {$_. Description - eq "Clone virtual machine"})</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">If ($Task)<br>{<br>#$Task<br>Write-Host "task is $($Task [$i].). PercentComplete) % complete. »<br>$i ++<br>}<br>on the other<br>{<br>"Task is complete, proceed to the next step (2) ' n '.<br>}<br>}<br>}<br>}</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">end Snip</p><p class="help">This is the error I get:</p><p class="help"><span style="color: #ff0000;">New-VM: all parameters can be resolved by using the specified named parameters.<br>D:\Users\hal0210\desktop\Scripts\CreateVM.ps1:45 tank: 27<br>+ $item = new virtual machine &lt; &lt; &lt; &lt; - VMhost $vmhost - name $vmname - model $templatevm - NumCpu $NUMCPU - MemoryMB $MemoryMB - data $datastore store - say<br>thin kStorageFormat - $description - OSCustomizationSpec $custspec - RunAsync Description' ' n step 1 is now running. ' n »<br>+ CategoryInfo: InvalidArgument: (:)) [new-VM], ParameterBindingException)</span><br>+ FullyQualifiedErrorId: AmbiguousParameterSet, VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Cmdlets.Commands.NewVM<p class="help"> <p class="reply">Hello, <a href="" rel="external nofollow noreferrer">halibut</a>-</p> <p class="reply">Ah, Yes, there is another problem: the parameters you use for New - VM.  Since you are using the - model parameter, which excludes using some of the other New - VM settings, because the set of model parameters.</p> <p class="reply">The valid parameters for use with New - VM deployment of the model are:</p> <div>* AdvancedOption</div> <div>Confirm</div> <div>* Data store</div> <div>Description</div> <div>* DiskStorageFormat</div> <div>DrsAutomationLevel</div> <div>HAIsolationResponse</div> <div>HARestartPriority</div> <div>Location</div> <div>* Name</div> <div>* OSCustomizationSpec</div> <div>ResourcePool</div> <div>RunAsync</div> <div>Server</div> <div>* Model</div> <div>VApp</div> <div>VMHost</div> <div>WhatIf</div> <p class="reply">Thus, you must remove the parameters - NumCpu and - MemoryMB (and values) of the appeal of New - VM.  Then, after the call for New - VM is closed, you can use the <a href="" rel="external nofollow noreferrer">Set-VM</a> cmdlet to set newly created NumCpu and MemoryMB of the virtual machine.</p> <p class="reply">Who give a shot.  And, you can get more info on ParameterSets by running: Get-Help-full about_Functions_Advanced_Parameters</p> </li> <a name="7JzkQk0G"></a> <li> <p class="similar_list"><a href="">script need help to change the VMinfo Get to include no RDM</a></p> <p class="help">Hello world</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">Could someone help me with the script which retrieves information for VMGuests. I would like to modify this script to include NO RDM, if possible.</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">Thanks for your help</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help"># The Get-VMInformation function gets information of VM<br>Function Get-VMInformation {}<br>{in process<br>Get - VM | Sort-Object-property name. `<br>Select-Object Name,@{N="UsedSpaceMB; E = {[math]: tour ($_.)} (UsedSpaceGB * 1 Ko, 0)}}, NumCpu, MemoryMB,.<br>@{N = "SnapshotSizeMB"; E = {[math]: round (($_ |))} Get-Snapshot | Measure-Object-SizeMB property-sum). Sum, 0)}}<br>}<br>{end}<br>"" | Select-Object @{N = "Name"; {E = {"{0:yyyy - MM - DD} ' f (Get-Date)"}}, UsedSpaceMB, NumCpu, MemoryMB, SnapshotSizeMB<br>}<br>}</p><p class="help"># Get all information from the virtual machine and export it to the output file<br>Get-VMInformation |<br>Export-Csv-path $OutPutFile - NoTypeInformation - UseCulture</p> <p class="reply">Try this</p> <pre> # The Get-VMInformation function gets all the VM information function Get-VMInformation { process { Get-VM | Sort-Object -Property Name | ` Select-Object Name, @{N="UsedSpaceMB";E={[math]::Round((Get-HardDisk -VM $_ | where {"RawPhysical","RawVirtual" -notcontains $_.Disktype} | Measure-Object -Sum -Property CapacityKB).Sum/1KB)}}, NumCpu,MemoryMB, @{N="SnapshotSizeMB";E={[math]::Round(($_ | Get-Snapshot | Measure-Object -Property SizeMB -Sum).Sum,0)}} } end { "" | Select-Object @{N="Name";E={"{0:yyyy-MM-dd}" -f (Get-Date)}},UsedSpaceMB,NumCpu,MemoryMB,SnapshotSizeMB } } # Get all the VM information and export it to the output file Get-VMInformation | Export-Csv -Path $OutPutFile -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture </pre> </li> <a name="0Pp923OZ"></a> <li> <p class="similar_list"><a href="">Strange glitch in my script&period; Help&comma; please&excl;</a></p> <p class="help">I worked on a script that could help a friend to me to prepare pictures for his website. It was working fine until after some small change, it suddenly started telling me this: "<strong>cannot open the file because the options are incorrect</strong>." The ExtendScript Toolkit highlights the line 44: <strong>var doc = (queue);</strong></p><p class="help">I looked at all the variants of the (); work, but do not understand what is wrong.</p><p class="help">I hope someone will have noticed the problem. Thanks in advance!</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><!--[CodeBlockStart:5b173cfc-9b44-45b8-851a-5a77f0978f11][excluded]--><pre class="javascript" name="code"> #target photoshop var outputWidth = 1500;&#160; alert("You will now need to select a folder with photos to be processed."); var inputFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Select Input folder"); // Creating a new&#160; subfolder based on user input var outputFolder = new Folder(inputFolder + "/" + "PROCESSED");&#160; outputFolder.create(); var Destination = outputFolder.path + "/" +; // Replacing %20 with space for clean alert var CleanDestination = Destination.replace('%20', ' ');&#160; var CleanerDestination = CleanDestination.replace('%20', ' ');&#160; var startRulerUnits = preferences.rulerUnits;&#160; app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS; // our web export options var options = new ExportOptionsSaveForWeb(); options.quality = 70; options.format = SaveDocumentType.JPEG; options.optimized = false; options.includeProfile = true; if (inputFolder != null &amp;&amp; outputFolder != null) {&#160; &#160;&#160;&#160; var files = inputFolder.getFiles();&#160; &#160;&#160;&#160; for (var i = 0; i &lt; files.length; i++) {&#160; &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; var file = files[i];&#160; &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; var doc =;&#160; &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; // get a reference to the current (active) document and store it in a variable named "doc" &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; doc = app.activeDocument;&#160; &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; //get the filename without the extension&#160; &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; var Name =\.[^\.]+$/, '');&#160; &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; if (doc.height &gt; 1000) { //build up the output file name and path&#160; &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; var goodFolder = new Folder(outputFolder + "/" + "READY FOR WEB");&#160; &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; goodFolder.create(); &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; var saveFile = File(goodFolder + "/" + Name + "-web" + ".jpg");&#160; // do the resizing.&#160; if height &gt; width (portrait-mode) resize based on height.&#160; otherwise, resize based on width &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; if (doc.height &gt; doc.width) { &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; doc.resizeImage(null,UnitValue(outputWidth,"px"),null,ResampleMethod.BICUBIC); &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; } &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; else { &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; doc.resizeImage(UnitValue(outputWidth,"px"),null,null,ResampleMethod.BICUBIC); &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; } } else { &#160;&#160; //build up the output file name and path&#160; &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; var smallFolder = new Folder(outputFolder + "/" + "TOO SMALL");&#160; &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; smallFolder.create(); &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; var saveFile = File(smallFolder + "/" + Name + ".jpg");&#160; } &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; doc.convertProfile('sRGB IEC61966-2.1', Intent.RELATIVECOLORIMETRIC, true, true); &#160;&#160; &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; //you need to have a full filepath not a folder&#160; &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; doc.exportDocument(/*outputFolder */saveFile, ExportType.SAVEFORWEB, options);&#160; &#160;&#160;&#160; doc.close(SaveOptions.DONOTSAVECHANGES);&#160; &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; $.writeln('File ' + (i + 1) + ' of ' + files.length + ' processed');&#160; &#160;&#160;&#160; }&#160; //restore ruler units&#160; app.preferences.rulerUnits = startRulerUnits;&#160; alert(files.length + " files have been processed into " + CleanerDestination); }&#160; </pre><!--[CodeBlockEnd:5b173cfc-9b44-45b8-851a-5a77f0978f11]--><div style="display:none;"></div> <p class="reply">This isn't an image, and that's why you can not open in Photoshop. In general, you can trust all the images to be pictures because the user might be confused and there might be system files hidden as only the user knows not of. I would definitely filter files [i] to the supported types and also wrap the in a try-catch block - and check if Photoshop actually managed to open it.</p> </li> <a name="0Pp9YMlZ"></a> <li> <p class="similar_list"><a href="">Calculation of Script - Please help&period;</a></p> <!-- migxf:done -->Hello<br> <br>I'm working on a calculation script, but unfortunately not in yet. Can someone help me please by giving some ideas on how this can be done?<br> <br>There is a 'Place' dimension attribute and its basic dimension is "Customer."<br> <br>For example:<br> <br>Customer dimension has 15 members - C1 to C15.<br>The attribute dimension has 5 members - Loc1 to Loc5.<br> <br>Customer<br>-Total (level 1 - the value ignores member)<br>-Loc1 - Total<br>-Loc2 - Total<br>-Loc3 - Total<br>-Loc4 - Total<br>-Loc5 - Total<br> <br>-All clients (member of level 2)<br> <br>-C1 (East with attribute Loc1) (value = 10)<br>-C11 (member of level 0)<br>-C12 (member of level 0)<br> <br>-C2 (is with attribute Loc2)<br>-C3 (is with attribute Loc3)<br>-C4 (Loc4)<br> <br>-C5 (Loc5)<br>-C51 (member of level 0)<br>-C52 (member of level 0)<br>-C6 (Loc1) (account value = 20)<br>-C7 (Loc2)<br>-C8 (Loc3)<br>-C9 (Loc4)<br>-C10 (Loc1) (account value = 20)<br> <br>I need something like this:<br>Account-&gt; "Loc1 - Total" = A account-&gt; account A + C1-&gt; account-&gt; C10 A + C6;<br> <br>I.e. A account values for 3 guests (C1 + C6 + C10) that are associated with the attribute "Loc1" should be added and kept in "Loc1 - Total" and the same for all the others like "Loc2 - Total" etc..<br> <br>In the example above, the value of the account to the "Loc1 - Total ' should be equal to 50 (only C1 = 10, C6 = 20, C10 = 20)<br> <br>Can someone please help by giving their ideas? Thanks in advance.<br> <br>-Krrish<br> <br>Published by: Krrish on June 19, 2012 12:30 <p class="reply">What is the error you get? I guess it's that you don't have the formula in a block calco<br>Try</p> <p class="reply">DIFFICULTY (mentioned all required members of all dimensions, with the exception of the dimension B, @ATTRIBUTE ("Loc1"))<br>("Account has")</p> <p class="reply">"Account has"-> "Loc1 - Total" = "account has"-> "Loc1 - Total" + "account has";<br>)</p> <p class="reply">ENDFIX;</p> </li> <a name="8ZNna28Z"></a> <li> <p class="similar_list"><a href="">Failed to save script files&comma; help&excl;</a></p> <p class="help">I was hitting away at my first script for some time now, and I've tracked down the problem. I can't save all files to all locations of the script interface. I wrote a simple test script to see if she would ever save a file:</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help"><code> </code></p><p class="help"><code>var savePath = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\ExtendscriptTesting\sploof.txt";</code></p><p class="help"><code></code></p><p class="help"><code>var saveFile = new File(savePath);</code></p><p class="help"><code>"e");</code></p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">even if this does not work, and she basically plagiarized it verbatim page 118 of the book Adobe Scripting by Chandler McWilliams</p><ul><li>I also tried setting photoshop and extendscript toolkit to run as administrator</li><li>I am logged in as the administrator of the machine</li><li>Windows 7 pro, photoshop cs5</li><li>I can get to read and open files in photoshop, simply not save</li></ul><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">Any help? There is another reason that I'm not able to save files from extendscript?</p> <p class="reply">var savePath = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\ExtendscriptTesting\sploof.txt";</p> <p class="reply">This is incorrect, if using the backslash have you use a double bar backslash.</p> <p class="reply">var savePath = "C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\ExtendscriptTesting\\sploof.txt";</p> <p class="reply">or you can use a slash...</p> <p class="reply">var savePath = "/ C/Users/Public/Documents/ExtendscriptTesting/sploof.txt";</p> </li> <a name="7JzMzAKZ"></a> <li> <p class="similar_list"><a href="">the XML reader - need assistance to change the script&comma; please help</a></p> <div><div><div><div><div><p class="help">Hi all, I don't know if this is the right place for this question but I want to change a xml flash drive so that it creates the playlist with the name I want and not the default. Some can tell me please how to change this so that when the player has found songs in the "<strong>my_mp3s</strong>" folder it creates a named xml playlist</p><p class="help">'<strong>mymusic.xml '</strong> instead of the default "<strong>audioplaylist.xml</strong>".  I tried to edit the script of the player's actions and overwrite changes but it still does not work, here is the code please help. I found this script online.</p><p class="help">Thank you</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">Stop();</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">/ * ALL BUTTONS BELOW ARE MARKED FOR EDITABLE AND DON'T CHANGE, BUT IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING<br>THEN YOU CAN ACTUALLY CHANGE WHAT YOU WANT BUT FOR THIS APP WORKS CORRECTLY ONLY CHANGE IF NECESSARY<br>ENTRIES... ONCE YOU HAVE MADE YOUR CHANGES, COPY AND PASTE THIS ENTIRE SCRIPT PAGE IN<br>THE FIRST IMAGE OF THE SCENARIO THAT HE RIGHT THE SCRIPT THATS ALREADY THERE.<br>The button labels for the XML READER text * /.<br>SIDE MENU BUTTONS\\\<br>Btn1.buttText.ButtonText.text = "DOWNLOAD FILES"; DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn2.buttText.ButtonText.text = "SYSTEM VOLUME"; DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn3.buttText.ButtonText.text = 'EDIT PLAYLIST XML'; DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn4.buttText.ButtonText.text = "BURN CD"; DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn5.buttText.ButtonText.text = "CREATE a FOLDER"; DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn6.buttText.ButtonText.text = 'DELETE FILE'; DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn7.buttText.ButtonText.text = "CDROM OPEN"; DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn8.buttText.ButtonText.text = 'OPEN DVD'; DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn9.buttText.ButtonText.text = "FTP CLIENT"; DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn14.buttText.ButtonText.text = "VIEW PLAYLIST"; DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn23.buttText.ButtonText.text = "INFO"; DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn25.buttText.ButtonText.text = 'HELP '; DO NOT EDIT<br>btn26.buttText.ButtonText.text = 'HELP MDM'; DO NOT CHANGE<br>LOW BTNS<br>btn19.buttText.ButtonText.text = "OPEN TRAY"; DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn20.buttText.ButtonText.text = 'CLOSE CD TRAY'; DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn21.buttText.ButtonText.text = "OPEN DVD TRAY"; DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn22.buttText.ButtonText.text = "CLOSE DVD TRAY"; DO NOT CHANGE</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">Here ARE the FUNCTIONS THAT CAN BE CHANGED, BUT THAT THOSE BRAND 'YOU CAN CHANGE this PATH' are sure to change<br>MY DOWNLOAD FILES<br>Btn1.onRelease = function() {}<br>MDM. Dialogs.BrowseFile.filterList = "MP3 files | * .mp3 ';<br>MDM System.exec ("E:\\My Music\\").    Path to the download of the file //YOU CAN CHANGE THIS path<br>}<br>SYSTEM VOLUME / / / DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn2.onRelease = function() {}<br>MDM. System.exec("sndvol32.exe");    System volume .exe<br>}<br>EDITING XML PLAYLIST / / / DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn3.onRelease = function() {}<br>MDM. System.exec (MDM. System.Paths.programFiles+"Mgamerz\\audiolist2.xml");    XML list<br>}<br>BURN CD / / YOU CAN CHANGE THIS PATH<br>btn4.onRelease = function() {add your way here to your burning nero for example software<br>MDM. System.exec (MDM. System.Paths.programFiles+"Nero\\nero.exe");<br>}<br>CREATE FOLDER / / / DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn5.onRelease = function() {}<br>MDM FileSystem.makeFolderUnicode ("C:\\Program Files\\Mgamerz\\Burn").    Creates a working folder for burning mp3s<br>}<br>DELETE FOLDER / / / DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn6.onRelease = function() {///Deletes working folder if you want to remove it<br>MDM. FileSystem.deleteFolder ("C:\\Program Files\\Mgamerz\\Burn", "ask", "Are you sure");<br>}<br>OPEN CDROM / / YOU CAN CHANGE THIS PATH<br>btn7.onRelease = function() {///Opens change of cdrom drive letter to match your pc<br>MDM System.exec("I:\\."); "<br>}<br>OPEN DVDROM / / YOU CAN CHANGE THIS PATH<br>btn8.onRelease = function() {///Opens changing the letter to match your pc dvdrom drives<br>MDM System.exec("I:\\."); "<br>}<br>FTP CLIENT / / YOU CAN CHANGE THIS PATH<br>btn9.onRelease = function() {///File path to your ftp software (I use here the cover page)}</div></div></div></div></div><br>MDM. System.exec (MDM. System.Paths.programFiles + "Microsoft FrontPage Bar\\Office\\Microsoft Office\\Office10\\Shortcut"); "<br>}<br>Buttons in the header at the top<p class="help"><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">DRIVE C: / / / DO NOT EDIT<br>btn10.onRelease = function() {///Opens to the top of drive c: for navigation<br>MDM. System.exec (MDM. System.Paths.programFiles+"\\");<br>}<br>* btn11.onRelease = function() {///Opens to the top of the unit for navigation<br>MDM System.exec("D:\\."); "    YOU CAN CHANGE THIS PATH<br>}*/<br>MY DOCUMENTS / / / NOT EDIT<br>btn12.onRelease = function() {///Opens my documents for navigation}<br>MDM. Dialogs.BrowseFile.filterList = "MP3 files | * .mp3 ';<br>MDM. ("my Documents\\");<br>}<br>MP3 FILE / / / DO NOT CHANGE THE<br>btn13.onRelease = function() {//main directory for mp3 files<br>MDM. System.exec (MDM. System.Paths.programFiles+"Mgamerz\\my_mp3s\\");<br>}<br>VIEW PLAYLIST / / / DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn14.onRelease = function() {///View playlist as a text file<br>MDM. System.exec (MDM. System.Paths.programFiles+"Mgamerz\\my_mp3s\\mp3.t xt");<br>}<br>UPDATE XML FILE / / / DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn15.onRelease = function() {///Creates xml playlist once new mp3s have been added<br>MDM. System.exec (MDM. System.Paths.programFiles+"Mgamerz\\audiolist2.xml");<br>}<br>MINIMIZE BUTTON<br>* btn16.onRelease = function() {//Minimizes application<br>MDM. Application.Minimize (///DO) NOT EDIT<br>}*/<br>CLOSE BUTTON<br>* btn17.onRelease = function() {///Closes application<br>MDM. Application.Exit ('ask', ' are you sure you want to go out to? ") DO NOT EDIT<br>}*/<br>SCREEN CAPTURE DEVICE / / / DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn18.onRelease = function() {///Screen capture sofdtware<br>MDM. System.exec (MDM. System.Paths.programFiles+"Mgamerz\\apps\\Capture screen Studio\\css.exe");<br>}<br>OPEN CDROM TRAY / / YOU CAN CHANGE THIS PATH<br>btn19.onRelease = function() {}<br>MDM System.openCDTray ("I").<br>}<br>CDROM TRAY CLOSE / / YOU CAN CHANGE THIS PATH<br>btn20.onRelease = function() {//Closes cdrom tray<br>MDM System.closeCDTray ("I").<br>}<br>OPEN DVDROM PLATEAU / / YOU CAN CHANGE THIS PATH<br>btn21.onRelease = function() {//Opens dvdrom<br>MDM System.openCDTray ("H").<br>}<br>CLOSE TRAY DVDROM / / YOU CAN CHANGE THIS PATH<br>btn22.onRelease = function() {//Closes dvdrom plateau<br>MDM System.closeCDTray ("H").<br>}<p class="help"><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">* btn23.onRelease = function() {//DO NOT EDIT<br>nextFrame();<br>}*/<br>HELP / / DO NOT EDIT<br>btn25.onRelease = function() {//Closes dvdrom plateau<br>MDM. System.exec (MDM. System.Paths.programFiles+"Mgamerz\\help.exe");<br>}<br>HELP OF MDM / / DO NOT EDIT<br>btn26.onRelease = function() {//Closes dvdrom plateau<br>MDM. System.exec (MDM. System.Paths.programFiles + "MDM helps 2.5 file\\MDM 2.5 UserManual.chm"); "<br>}</p> <p class="reply">use:</p> <blockquote><div> <p class="reply">/ * ALL BUTTONS BELOW ARE MARKED FOR EDITABLE AND DON'T CHANGE, BUT IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING<br>THEN YOU CAN ACTUALLY CHANGE WHAT YOU WANT BUT FOR THIS APP WORKS CORRECTLY ONLY CHANGE IF NECESSARY<br>ENTRIES... ONCE YOU HAVE MADE YOUR CHANGES, COPY AND PASTE THIS ENTIRE SCRIPT PAGE IN<br>THE FIRST IMAGE OF THE SCENARIO THAT HE RIGHT THE SCRIPT THATS ALREADY THERE.<br>The button labels for the XML READER text * /.<br>SIDE MENU BUTTONS\\\<br>Btn1.buttText.ButtonText.text = "DOWNLOAD FILES"; DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn2.buttText.ButtonText.text = "SYSTEM VOLUME"; DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn3.buttText.ButtonText.text = 'EDIT PLAYLIST XML'; DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn4.buttText.ButtonText.text = "BURN CD"; DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn5.buttText.ButtonText.text = "CREATE a FOLDER"; DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn6.buttText.ButtonText.text = 'DELETE FILE'; DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn7.buttText.ButtonText.text = "CDROM OPEN"; DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn8.buttText.ButtonText.text = 'OPEN DVD'; DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn9.buttText.ButtonText.text = "FTP CLIENT"; DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn14.buttText.ButtonText.text = "VIEW PLAYLIST"; DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn23.buttText.ButtonText.text = "INFO"; DO NOT CHANGE</div></blockquote><br>btn25.buttText.ButtonText.text = 'HELP '; DO NOT EDIT<br>btn26.buttText.ButtonText.text = 'HELP MDM'; DO NOT CHANGE<br>LOW BTNS<br>btn19.buttText.ButtonText.text = "OPEN TRAY"; DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn20.buttText.ButtonText.text = 'CLOSE CD TRAY'; DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn21.buttText.ButtonText.text = "OPEN DVD TRAY"; DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn22.buttText.ButtonText.text = "CLOSE DVD TRAY"; DO NOT CHANGE<p class="reply"> <p class="reply">Here ARE the FUNCTIONS THAT CAN BE CHANGED, BUT THAT THOSE BRAND 'YOU CAN CHANGE this PATH' are sure to change<br>MY DOWNLOAD FILES<br>Btn1.onRelease = function() {}<br>MDM. Dialogs.BrowseFile.filterList = "MP3 files | * .mp3 ';<br>MDM System.exec ("E:\\My Music\\").    Path to the download of the file //YOU CAN CHANGE THIS path<br>}<br>SYSTEM VOLUME / / / DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn2.onRelease = function() {}<br>MDM. System.exec("sndvol32.exe");    System volume .exe<br>}<br>EDITING XML PLAYLIST / / / DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn3.onRelease = function() {}<br>MDM. System.exec (MDM. System.Paths.programFiles+"Mgamerz\\audiolist2.xml");    XML list<br>}<br>BURN CD / / YOU CAN CHANGE THIS PATH<br>btn4.onRelease = function() {add your way here to your burning nero for example software<br>MDM. System.exec (MDM. System.Paths.programFiles+"Nero\\nero.exe");<br>}<br>CREATE FOLDER / / / DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn5.onRelease = function() {}<br>MDM FileSystem.makeFolderUnicode ("C:\\Program Files\\Mgamerz\\Burn").    Creates a working folder for burning mp3s<br>}<br>DELETE FOLDER / / / DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn6.onRelease = function() {///Deletes working folder if you want to remove it<br>MDM. FileSystem.deleteFolder ("C:\\Program Files\\Mgamerz\\Burn", "ask", "Are you sure");<br>}<br>OPEN CDROM / / YOU CAN CHANGE THIS PATH<br>btn7.onRelease = function() {///Opens change of cdrom drive letter to match your pc<br>MDM System.exec("I:\\."); "<br>}<br>OPEN DVDROM / / YOU CAN CHANGE THIS PATH<br>btn8.onRelease = function() {///Opens changing the letter to match your pc dvdrom drives<br>MDM System.exec("I:\\."); "<br>}<br>FTP CLIENT / / YOU CAN CHANGE THIS PATH<br>btn9.onRelease = function() {///File path to your ftp software (I use here the cover page)}<br>MDM. System.exec (MDM. System.Paths.programFiles + "Microsoft FrontPage Bar\\Office\\Microsoft Office\\Office10\\Shortcut"); "<br>}<br>Buttons in the header at the top</p> <p class="reply">DRIVE C: / / / DO NOT EDIT<br>btn10.onRelease = function() {///Opens to the top of drive c: for navigation<br>MDM. System.exec (MDM. System.Paths.programFiles+"\\");<br>}<br>* btn11.onRelease = function() {///Opens to the top of the unit for navigation<br>MDM System.exec("D:\\."); "    YOU CAN CHANGE THIS PATH<br>}*/<br>MY DOCUMENTS / / / NOT EDIT<br>btn12.onRelease = function() {///Opens my documents for navigation}<br>MDM. Dialogs.BrowseFile.filterList = "MP3 files | * .mp3 ';<br>MDM. ("my Documents\\");<br>}<br>MP3 FILE / / / DO NOT CHANGE THE<br>btn13.onRelease = function() {//main directory for mp3 files<br>MDM. System.exec (MDM. System.Paths.programFiles+"Mgamerz\\my_mp3s\\");<br>}<br>VIEW PLAYLIST / / / DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn14.onRelease = function() {///View playlist as a text file<br>MDM. System.exec (MDM. System.Paths.programFiles+"Mgamerz\\my_mp3s\\mp3.t xt");<br>}<br>UPDATE XML FILE / / / DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn15.onRelease = function() {///Creates xml playlist once new mp3s have been added<br>MDM. System.exec (MDM. System.Paths.programFiles+"Mgamerz\\mymusic.xml");<br>}<br>MINIMIZE BUTTON<br>* btn16.onRelease = function() {//Minimizes application<br>MDM. Application.Minimize (///DO) NOT EDIT<br>}*/<br>CLOSE BUTTON<br>* btn17.onRelease = function() {///Closes application<br>MDM. Application.Exit ('ask', ' are you sure you want to go out to? ") DO NOT EDIT<br>}*/<br>SCREEN CAPTURE DEVICE / / / DO NOT CHANGE<br>btn18.onRelease = function() {///Screen capture sofdtware<br>MDM. System.exec (MDM. System.Paths.programFiles+"Mgamerz\\apps\\Capture screen Studio\\css.exe");<br>}<br>OPEN CDROM TRAY / / YOU CAN CHANGE THIS PATH<br>btn19.onRelease = function() {}<br>MDM System.openCDTray ("I").<br>}<br>CDROM TRAY CLOSE / / YOU CAN CHANGE THIS PATH<br>btn20.onRelease = function() {//Closes cdrom tray<br>MDM System.closeCDTray ("I").<br>}<br>OPEN DVDROM PLATEAU / / YOU CAN CHANGE THIS PATH<br>btn21.onRelease = function() {//Opens dvdrom<br>MDM System.openCDTray ("H").<br>}<br>CLOSE TRAY DVDROM / / YOU CAN CHANGE THIS PATH<br>btn22.onRelease = function() {//Closes dvdrom plateau<br>MDM System.closeCDTray ("H").<br>}<p class="reply"> <p class="reply">* btn23.onRelease = function() {//DO NOT EDIT<br>nextFrame();<br>}*/<br>HELP / / DO NOT EDIT<br>btn25.onRelease = function() {//Closes dvdrom plateau<br>MDM. System.exec (MDM. System.Paths.programFiles+"Mgamerz\\help.exe");<br>}<br>HELP OF MDM / / DO NOT EDIT<br>btn26.onRelease = function() {//Closes dvdrom plateau<br>MDM. System.exec (MDM. System.Paths.programFiles + "MDM helps 2.5 file\\MDM 2.5 UserManual.chm"); "<br>}<p class="reply"> </li> <a name="aJV31r2G"></a> <li> <p class="similar_list"><a href="">Script quick help&sol;change necessary&period;</a></p> <p class="help">I've searched the forums, but can't seem to find what I need. I found the original script here and modified slightly to fit what I need as well as a detail. I have this as a Batch process that I have to apply this to several documents. Right now, he recorded with the date and time, the batch is executed, and then updates the date when it is printed. I wish I had the date of update when the document is opened as well. If you are able to help me with this, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for taking a peek!</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help"><br>for (variety p = 0; p &lt; this.numPages; p ++)<br>{<br>var fd = this.addField ("Date", "text", p, [72,66,540,50]);<br>fd.textSize = 8;<br>FD. Value = "this is a control Document.    Printed copies are valid for the last 24 hours: "+ util.printd (" dddd dd mmmm yyyy hh: mm tt', new Date() ");"<br>FD.allignment = 'right ';<br>fd.fillColor = color.transparent;<br>fd.textColor =;<br>fd.borderColor =;<br>FD. ReadOnly = true;</p><p class="help">"var txtWillPrint = ' var d = this.dirty; \r".<br>+ ' var fd = this.getField ("Date"); \r'<br>+ "fd.value ="this is a control Document.    Printed copies are valid for the last 24 hours: "+"<br>+ ' util.printd ("dddd mmmm dd yyyy hh: mm tt", new Date()); \r'<br>+ 'this.dirty = d;';</p><p class="help">this.setAction ("WillPrint", txtWillPrint);</p><p class="help">}</p> <p class="reply">For the last two lines of your script, use:</p> <p class="reply">this.setAction ("WillPrint", txtWillPrint);  You already have it</p> <p class="reply">this.addScript ("init", txtWillPrint);  This adds a script to the document level</p> <p class="reply">The addScript method is documented here: <a href="" rel="external nofollow noreferrer"></a></p> <p class="reply">This new script to the document level runs whenever the document is opened and will update the date field that you add the current date and time.</p> </li> <a name="0G1wdMRZ"></a> <li> <p class="similar_list"><a href="">New to scripting - need help&excl;</a></p> <p class="help">I have a purchase order of acrobat (pro 9.0) containing 4 fields called <em>sub1, sub2, sub3 &amp; sub4</em>. Here is the subtotal fields that should contain the number 8 if the user entered numbers correctly. I have a field of <em>total</em> which should have the following code in it:</p><p class="help"><br>If <em>sub1</em> = 8,</p><p class="help">Then, add 20 to the <em>total</em>.</p><p class="help">If <em>sub2</em> = 8,</p><p class="help">Then add 20 to <em>total.</em></p><p class="help">If <em>sub3</em> = 8,</p><p class="help">Then add 20 to <em>total.</em></p><p class="help">If <em>sub4</em> = 8,</p><p class="help">Then add 20 to <em>total.</em></p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">I need to translate this in Javascript and need all the help I can get.</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">Thanks in advance</p> <p class="reply">No. I assumed you wanted the result in a field of text called 'Total '.</p> <p class="reply">Create a text field named "QtyBoxSetTotal" and put this code in the custom tab calculation script box calculate (found in the text field properties) to this text box.  You also need that box 'Read only' so that nobody tries to enter a number in this area since its value will be calculated.</p> <p class="reply">Then you'd have five areas of text in total.  Four would not make any script (and would be named "Sub1", "Sub2", "Sub3',"Sub4"and the fifth area named 'QtyBoxSetTotal' would have the javascript code I gave you.  The value of the event would be calculated by the script and displayed in this text box ("QtyBoxSetTotal"), and the other four boxes would display the number entered by the user.</p> <p class="reply">In addition, you can put a verification code in the other four areas to prevent the entry of a number which is not equal to 8 If you do not want the user to enter a number that is not equal to 8.  Do you need to set the text under the number format and then enter a valid numbers range from: 8 in: 8, in your example.</p> <p class="reply">I hope it clears.</p> </li> <a name="gZ7v9wgP"></a> <li> <p class="similar_list"><a href="">Scripting challenge - help please</a></p> <p class="help">Hi all, hopefully, out there, can someone help me with this. I want to run a batch of photographs through PS (CS4) using the procedure described below. If anyone knows how I could automate this process, or if there is such a script already hit, please let me know - manually would take an age.</p><p style="padding-left: 30px;"><em><br></em>1 open the file (which would be less than 300 dpi).<br>2 convert in 300 dpi.<br>3 enter the dimensions of the image for printing at 300 dpi (wd x ht in cm)<br>4 save the file and includes the dimensions of the image in the file name.</p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">For example:</span></p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">The original file is 72 dpi and named:</p><p class="help"><strong style="color: royalblue;">photofile01.jpg</strong></p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">The output file is converted up to 300 DPI and is registered with the dimensions in the name of the file, something like:</p><p class="help"><strong style="color: royalblue;">photofile01_40x30cm.jpg</strong></p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">(wash, rinse, repeat...)</p><p class="help"><br>I'm not familiar with scripting in PS and can't see how to get around the few enter the dimensions and rename the file.</p><p class="help">All greatly appreciated solutions<span aria-label="Happy" class="emoticon_happy emoticon-inline" style="height:16px;width:16px;"></span></p><p style="min-height: 8pt; padding: 0px;"><p class="help">Paul</p> <p class="reply">Please try this...</p> <pre> main(); function main(){ var inputFolder = Folder.selectDialog ("Please select folder to process"); if(inputFolder == null) return; var outputFolder = Folder.selectDialog ("Select ouput folder"); if(outputFolder == null) return; var fileList = inputFolder.getFiles("*.jpg"); for (var a in fileList){ open(fileList[a]); var doc = activeDocument; if (activeDocument.resolution != 300){ doc.resizeImage(undefined, undefined, 300, ResampleMethod.NONE); } var Width ='cm').toFixed(2).toString().replace(/\./g,'-'); var Height ='cm').toFixed(2).toString().replace(/\./g,'-'); var suffix = Width +"x"+Height+"cm"; var Name =\.[^\.]+$/, ''); var saveFile = File(outputFolder +"/"+Name+"_"+suffix+".jpg"); SaveJPEG(saveFile,8); app.activeDocument.close(SaveOptions.DONOTSAVECHANGES); } } function SaveJPEG(saveFile, jpegQuality){ jpgSaveOptions = new JPEGSaveOptions(); jpgSaveOptions.embedColorProfile = true; jpgSaveOptions.formatOptions = FormatOptions.STANDARDBASELINE; jpgSaveOptions.matte = MatteType.NONE; jpgSaveOptions.quality = jpegQuality; activeDocument.saveAs(saveFile, jpgSaveOptions, true,Extension.LOWERCASE); } </pre> </li> <a name="MZ8p19DZ"></a> <li> <p class="similar_list"><a href="">&quot;The Bank bank of Baroda&quot; site said during the operation &apos;Java script disabled&apos;&comma; but is enabled in preferences &amp;gt&semi; content &amp;gt&semi; enable java script&period; Help&comma; please</a></p> <p class="help">I use linux (ubunut 10.04). My operation is not complete, during the transaction, the site of the Bank says 'java script disabled', but in edition &gt; Preferences &gt; content &gt; enable java is marked as a control. So, what's the problem? , But this site is running in Windows XP internet explore.</p> <h2>URL of affected sites</h2> <p class="help"><a href="" rel="external nofollow noreferrer"></a></p> <p class="reply">you have the Options JavaScript, JavaScript Debugger, JavaScript Deobfuscator NoScript and installed QuickJava.</p> <p class="reply">Is it possible that one or several are at the origin of the problem?<br>Do you know how to use these points?<br>U of tried to turn all these OFF, restart FF, visit the site and see if it works?</p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="similar_msg"> <h3>Maybe you are looking for</h3> <ul> <li> <p class="similar_list"><a href="">Windows cannot open this file&period;</a></p> <p class="help">When you copy a large number of files from the PC to a flash drive, I ran out of time and interrupted or canceled the download. The files copied to the flash drive are inaccessible. 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