TextField uppercase in QML

How can I set the textfield object to control all text entries in the field are UPPERCASE? Thank you!

TextField {}
ID: plutextfield
text: 'TEST '.
textStyle.fontWeight: FontWeight.Normal
textStyle.fontSizeValue: 12.0
textStyle.lineHeight: 2
textStyle {}
Base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.BodyText
textAlign: TextAlign.Right

TextField {}
onTextChanging: text = text.toUpperCase)

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    Thank you.


    There are more options for this:
    1. Add an onChange event of the element and a javascript function that changes the value in uppercase: toUpperCase()
    2 Add a trigger to your table that converts the value inserted uppercase (which is independent of the user interface, will also fire when you use SQLPlus, TOAD or anything to insert/change your data)
    3. Add a calculation to your page to convert the value to upper case (before submit)



  • pass data from childCardDone to a textfield in QML?

    I have a card camera call function that responds with the path of the image once a picture is registered using the childCardDone function.  I have no idea how to pass data from c ++ to qml.  I know that during the passage of the QML for C++ database, you set a QString & something.  How can I do the reverse?

    Here's my CPP code:

    void App::childCardDone(const bb::system::CardDoneMessage &message)
        if (message.reason() == "done")
    //      Need the message.data() info in my QML
        qDebug() << message.reason() << "\n";
        qDebug() << message.dataType() << "\n";
        qDebug() << message.data() << "\n";
            public slots:
            void childCardDone(const bb::system::CardDoneMessage &message);

    and I just want to get the value of message.data () into a textfield label in QML:

    id: capturedFilePath
    text: <>

    All help is appreciated and will be loved and accepted as a solution if it works.

    Thanks in advance.

    For use in your function you will need to decalre in the header.

    In the header to declare,

    AbstractPane * root;

    Then, change

    AbstractPane * root = qml->() createRootObject;


    root = qml-> createRootObject();

  • Adding textfeild dynamically in the second qml file


    I have two files qml, main.qml & second.qml, and there is navigation between main.qml & second.qml.

    Now, I want to dynamically add a textfield to second.qml...

    Any help would be appreciated

    Thank you

    C++ its as simple as using containers add and remove features.


    Here is an example for adding two labels...

        mRootContainer = Container::create()
                .margins(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        mTitle = Label::create()
                .translate(0.0, -5)
        mValue = Label::create()
        setRoot(mRootContainer);            // Set the root of the custom control.

    To put them in a file QML directly instead of doing everything in C++ you would just need to identify the place in the scene graph that you want to add the textfields somehow.  There are several options to achieve this, such as;

    -using the function findChild()

    -fixing of the class, and then call the function call to add components

    -creation of a customcontrol

  • Text hidden while allowing keyboard in blackberry10 field stunts qml

    I have a TextField in the qml layout, while allowing the keyboard the first TextField see below all the TextField is hiding. How can I solve this problem?

    My Code

    Container {
    Container {
    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill
    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
    layout: StackLayout {
    orientation: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight
    background: mybackground.imagePaint
    ImageView {
    preferredWidth: 200
    preferredHeight: 200
    scalingMethod: ScalingMethod.Fill
    id: img
    imageSource: "asset:///Icon/mess.jpg"
    attachedObjects: [
    ImagePaintDefinition {
    id: mybackground
    imageSource: "asset:///Images/image.amd"
    Label {
    text: "sample"
    ScrollView {
    Container {
    topPadding: 20
    TextField {
    inputMode: TextFieldInputMode.Text
    content {
    flags: TextContentFlag.Emoticons
    TextField {
    TextField {
    TextField {
    TextField {
    TextField {
    TextField {

    Try this in scrollView

    scrollMode: ScrollMode.Vertical

    Note: Mark your post as solved, if it works for you

  • How Textfield text on another page qml property access


    I started 10 BB development recently and need help. I searched this forum but could not find some information exactly related to my problem (unlike only), or I missed something from basically. My main.qml, I want to access the text property of the textfield of the InputControl.qml to be used as a parameter in my SQLQuery (attached object). I tried to use the fieldname method alias property, but it does not work. I can't feature outside. Here is my code:

    hand. QML

    import bb.cascades 1.4
    import bb.cascades.datamanager 1.2
    import bb.system 1.0
    import bb.data 1.0
    Page {
        id: root 
        titleBar: UIControls {
        //! [0]
       content: Container {
            leftPadding: ui.du(2)
            rightPadding: ui.du(2)
            topPadding: ui.du(2)
            bottomPadding: ui.du(2)
            InputControl {
            // The ListView that's used to display the artist data
            //! [1]
            ListView {
                id: myListView
                //property variant dq: defaultDataQuery
                // Associate the list view with the data model that's defined in the
                // attachedObjects list
                layout: StackListLayout {
                    headerMode: ListHeaderMode.Sticky
                layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                    spaceQuota: 1.0
                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill
                listItemComponents: [
                    ListItemComponent {
                        type:  "item"
                        Container {
                            Label {
                                text: ListItemData.Japanisch
                                layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                                topMargin: 5.0
                                textStyle {
                                    base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.TitleText
                                    fontWeight: FontWeight.Bold
                                    color: Color.create("#7a184a")
                            Label {
                                text: ListItemData.Lesung
                                textFit.maxFontSizeValue: 9.0
                                textStyle {
                                    base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.TitleText
                                    fontWeight: FontWeight.Normal
                                    color: Color.create("#ff1818e9")
                            Label {
                                text: ListItemData.Deutsch
                                textStyle {
                                    base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.TitleText
                                    fontWeight: FontWeight.Normal
                                multiline: true
                                textFit.maxFontSizeValue: 8.0
                            Divider {}
                        }// Container
                    // Use a standard list item to display the data in the model
            } // end of ListView
        attachedObjects: [
            //! [2]
            // One of the default provided DataModel's
            GroupDataModel {
                id: dataModel
                grouping: ItemGrouping.None
            DataSource {
                id: dataSource
                // Load the data from an SQL database, based on a specific query
                source: "WadokuJT.db"
                //query: "select Japanisch, Deutsch, Lesung from WadokuJT where Deutsch like '%Wasser%'"
                query: "select Japanisch, Deutsch, Lesung from WadokuJT where Deutsch like '%" + stext + "%'";
                onDataLoaded: {
                    // After the data is loaded, insert it into the data model
                type: DataSourceType.Sql
            } // end of DataSource      
        ]//! [2]  
        actions: [
            //! [8]
            ActionItem {
                title: qsTr("Search")
                imageSource: "asset:///images/ic_search.png"
                ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.Signature
                onTriggered: {
                    myListView.dataModel = null
                    //myListView.dq = defaultDataQuery
                    myListView.dataModel = dataModel 
            ActionItem {
                title: qsTr("Settings")
                imageSource: "asset:///images/ic_settings.png"
                onTriggered: {
            ActionItem {
                title: qsTr("Help")
                imageSource: "asset:///images/ic_help.png"
                onTriggered: {
    } // end of Page

    And here is my InputControl.qml

    import bb.cascades 1.4
     Container {
         property alias stext: txtSearchText.text
        Label {
            id: lblSearchText
            text: "Searchtext\r\n"
        TextField {
            id: txtSearchText
            layoutProperties: FlowListLayoutProperties {
            hintText: "Enter Searchtext"

    Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    Give InputControl an id (in main.qml), for example someId.

    Access the variable an alias like someId.stext

  • username (textfield) must not be empty

    Hi all...

    Can someone tell me how to print an error message (qml or c ++) when a user leaves a field blank IE user name or password.

    pls help me I've tried so many things, but not successful...

    check for textfield.text.length
    a joint systemdialog to view the message (qml). to use which adds "import bb.system 1.0" to the qml file.

  • problems with application to a textfield focus

    It comes to the page, what am I doing wrong?

    import bb.cascades 1.0

    ID: addPage
    appScene variant property: Application.scene
    Signal custom to notify that this page should be closed
    signal is)
    title bar: title {} bar
    Title: qsTr ("Add Location") + Retranslate.onLocaleOrLanguageChanged
    dismissAction: {ActionItem}
    Title: "Cancel".
    onTriggered: {}
    The custom here signal to indicate that this page should be closed
    The signal would be treated by the page that invoked it
    addPage.done ();
    {Of container
    background: Color.Transparent
    TextField {}
    ID: cityfield
    hintText: qsTr ("enter city or Postal Code") + Retranslate.onLocaleOrLanguageChanged
    inputMode: TextFieldInputMode.Text
    input.submitKey: SubmitKey.Search


    onAppSceneChanged: {}
    This triggers the update if the stage of the application is set to
    This Page QML.
    cityfield.requestFocus ();

    Do you want the text field to get the focus (and pull up the virtual keyboard on Z-devices) as soon as the page is loaded?

    Try to create a property on the qml page:

    property bool showVKB: false

    And add this method in your qml:

     onShowVKBChanged: {
            if (showVKB) {
                // This focus request shows the VKB if the Page is created via a ComponentDefinition (see main.qml)

    And then, in your qml page that drives this page, set the showVKB property:

    page.showVKB = true;
  • QML liaison

    Hey developers

    I was looking for a way to bind the value of a textfield to a property of a C++ class. In this way, I get a nice separation between the view and the model.

    I found that it should be possible with the binding element


    But when I try to use the {} in QML binding element, it gives me the error that there is no... I have the SDK installed 10.1 so I think it should work with that one.

    Thanks in advance

    Link {} is a part of QtQuick.

    If you add:

    import of QtQuick 1.0

    Then, the following code will load without errors:


    If you do this job, please share with us.

  • HOWTO simply refer to a QML item and then work with it?

    Salvation a simple question:

    I have a QML layout and now want to access via c ++ to the Button, TextField oder Label e.g.

    I have the following code:

        QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("hellocascades.qml");
        qml->setContextProperty("cs", this);
        AbstractPane *root = qml->createRootNode();

    is there something like in Android devleopment findViewById?

    If it was all the app was going to do, then you wouldn't be even not bother with C++ without doubt, given that it could be done entirely in the QML with Javascript. I'll assume that you already knew and that is just one example of what could be a greater application.

    Although it is technically possible to do what you describe, I don't think that's how we're supposed to use QML.  You would rather the button to emit a Signal when it has been activated and, after you link to a location in C++ code, you would do the calculations, then probably update a property in the C++ class.  Label text would have been bound to the property at startup, then it would update automatically after you change the value of the property.

    See the examples and background here http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qtbinding.html and here http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/properties.html .

  • Signature of QML app problem


    Hi, I'm signing my application, but the blackberry-signer-check errors in declarations.

    I have read many topics on the forum, but I have not found a solution to my problem.

    This is my files:

    BlackBerry - tablet.xml:

    Learn language faster


    TARGET = StudyCards
    # Add more folders to ship with the application, here
    folder_01.source = qml/StudyCards
    folder_01.target = qml
    QMAKE_LFLAGS += '-Wl,-rpath,\'./app/native/lib\' '
    package.target = $${TARGET}.bar
    package.depends = $$TARGET
    package.commands = blackberry-nativepackager \
       -package $${TARGET}.bar -arg -platform -arg blackberry \
       -debugToken ./debugToken.bar \
       -arg -platformpluginpath -arg ./app/native/lib/platforms \
       -arg -pluginpath -arg ./app/native/lib/plugins \
       blackberry-tablet.xml $$TARGET \
       -e icon.png icon.png \
       -e splashscreen.png splashscreen.png \
    -e qml qml \
       -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtCore.so.4 lib/libQtCore.so.4 \
       -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtGui.so.4 lib/libQtGui.so.4 \
       -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtOpenGL.so.4 lib/libQtOpenGL.so.4 \
       -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtNetwork.so.4 lib/libQtNetwork.so.4 \
       -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtDeclarative.so.4 lib/libQtDeclarative.so.4 \
       -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtSql.so.4 lib/libQtSql.so.4 \
       -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtSvg.so.4 lib/libQtSvg.so.4 \
       -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtScript.so.4 lib/libQtScript.so.4 \
       -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtXmlPatterns.so.4 lib/libQtXmlPatterns.so.4 \
       -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/plugins/sqldrivers/libqsqlite.so lib/plugins/sqldrivers/libqsqlite.so \
       -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/plugins/platforms/libblackberry.so lib/platforms/libblackberry.so
    QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += package
    SOURCES += main.cpp
    # Please do not modify the following two lines. Required for deployment.
    OTHER_FILES += blackberry-tablet.xml

    I do *.bar file:

    make Study-Cards.bar


    qcc -Vgcc_ntoarmv7le -lang-c++ -c -O2 -Wall -W -D_REENTRANT -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_DECLARATIVE_LIB -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -DQT_SHARED -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/mkspecs/unsupported/blackberry-armv7le-qcc -I. -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4/QtCore -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4/QtGui -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4/QtDeclarative -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4 -Iqmlapplicationviewer -I. -I/opt/bbndk2/target/qnx6/usr/include -I/opt/bbndk2/target/qnx6/usr/include/freetype2 -o main.o main.cpp
    qcc -Vgcc_ntoarmv7le -lang-c++ -c -O2 -Wall -W -D_REENTRANT -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_DECLARATIVE_LIB -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -DQT_SHARED -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/mkspecs/unsupported/blackberry-armv7le-qcc -I. -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4/QtCore -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4/QtGui -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4/QtDeclarative -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4 -Iqmlapplicationviewer -I. -I/opt/bbndk2/target/qnx6/usr/include -I/opt/bbndk2/target/qnx6/usr/include/freetype2 -o qmlapplicationviewer.o qmlapplicationviewer/qmlapplicationviewer.cpp
    /home/dwart/Desktop/qt-qnx/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/bin/moc -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_DECLARATIVE_LIB -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -DQT_SHARED -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/mkspecs/unsupported/blackberry-armv7le-qcc -I. -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4/QtCore -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4/QtGui -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4/QtDeclarative -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4 -Iqmlapplicationviewer -I. -I/opt/bbndk2/target/qnx6/usr/include -I/opt/bbndk2/target/qnx6/usr/include/freetype2 -D__QNXNTO__ qmlapplicationviewer/qmlapplicationviewer.h -o moc_qmlapplicationviewer.cpp
    qcc -Vgcc_ntoarmv7le -lang-c++ -c -O2 -Wall -W -D_REENTRANT -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_DECLARATIVE_LIB -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -DQT_SHARED -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/mkspecs/unsupported/blackberry-armv7le-qcc -I. -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4/QtCore -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4/QtGui -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4/QtDeclarative -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4 -Iqmlapplicationviewer -I. -I/opt/bbndk2/target/qnx6/usr/include -I/opt/bbndk2/target/qnx6/usr/include/freetype2 -o moc_qmlapplicationviewer.o moc_qmlapplicationviewer.cpp
    qcc -Vgcc_ntoarmv7le -lang-c++ -Wl,-rpath-link,/opt/bbndk2/target/qnx6/armle-v7/lib -Wl,-rpath-link,/opt/bbndk2/target/qnx6/armle-v7/usr/lib -Wl,-rpath,'./app/native/lib' -Wl,-O1 -o Study-Cards main.o qmlapplicationviewer.o moc_qmlapplicationviewer.o    -L/opt/bbndk2/target/qnx6/armle-v7/lib -L/opt/bbndk2/target/qnx6/armle-v7/usr/lib -L/home/dwart/Desktop/qt-qnx/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib -lQtDeclarative -L/home/dwart/Desktop/qt-qnx/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib -L/opt/bbndk2/target/qnx6/armle-v7/lib -L/opt/bbndk2/target/qnx6/armle-v7/usr/lib -lQtScript -lQtSvg -lQtSql -lQtXmlPatterns -lQtNetwork -lsocket -lQtGui -lQtCore -lm 
    blackberry-nativepackager -package Study-Cards.bar -arg -platform -arg blackberry -debugToken ./debugToken.bar -arg -platformpluginpath -arg ./app/native/lib/platforms -arg -pluginpath -arg ./app/native/lib/plugins blackberry-tablet.xml Study-Cards -e icon.png icon.png -e splashscreen.png splashscreen.png -e qml qml -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtCore.so.4 lib/libQtCore.so.4 -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtGui.so.4 lib/libQtGui.so.4 -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtOpenGL.so.4 lib/libQtOpenGL.so.4 -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtNetwork.so.4 lib/libQtNetwork.so.4 -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtDeclarative.so.4 lib/libQtDeclarative.so.4 -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtSql.so.4 lib/libQtSql.so.4 -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtSvg.so.4 lib/libQtSvg.so.4 -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtScript.so.4 lib/libQtScript.so.4 -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtXmlPatterns.so.4 lib/libQtXmlPatterns.so.4 -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/plugins/sqldrivers/libqsqlite.so lib/plugins/sqldrivers/libqsqlite.so -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/plugins/platforms/libblackberry.so lib/platforms/libblackberry.so
    Info: Package created: Study-Cards.bar

    In the bar of the file look like this:


    I try to sing:

    /opt/bbndk2/host/linux/x86/usr/bin/blackberry-signer -keystore /home/dwart/.rim/author.p12 -storepass myPass ./Study-Cards.bar author


    Info: Bar signed.

    It's added to my file for files META_INF bar: AUTHOR. THIS and the AUTHOR. SF

    next step:

    /opt/bbndk2/host/linux/x86/usr/bin/blackberry-signer -verbose -cskpass myCSKpass -keystore /home/dwart/.rim/author.p12 -storepass myStorePass ./Study-Cards.bar RDK


    Developer Certificate TBS =
    30 81 b7 a0 03 02 01 02 02 04 4f 38 2f a6 30 0c
    06 08 2a 86 48 ce 3d 04 03 04 05 00 30 10 31 0e
    30 0c 06 03 55 04 03 13 05 64 77 61 72 74 30 1e
    17 0d 31 32 30 32 31 32 32 31 33 31 31 38 5a 17
    0d 33 32 30 32 30 37 32 31 33 31 31 38 5a 30 10
    31 0e 30 0c 06 03 55 04 03 13 05 64 77 61 72 74
    30 58 30 10 06 07 2a 86 48 ce 3d 02 01 06 05 2b
    81 04 00 23 03 44 00 03 00 6d 4d b3 f4 07 75 ba
    da 3d 5b b4 7c a8 4f 7d 90 01 0f 26 3d e9 e5 54
    07 40 64 b4 0b 11 70 f9 35 ca 5b 1e 9f 68 27 c9
    92 ab d3 a6 ec 4c 2e 20 40 d2 18 88 04 73 82 3d
    c4 84 b8 bb b2 66 e9 ab 37 dd
    Developer Certificate TBS Digest =
    0c 92 56 7d 1f 7d 88 a2 98 7e ea 60 01 e5 93 7d
    22 09 96 7c 68 c4 e8 be 2a d4 38 ee f2 84 06 3c
    a9 00 78 f6 63 6d b7 4c 3e 76 88 a6 ba 79 a6 12
    f0 8a fd 38 50 d9 4d b9 be 2e 6f d0 38 78 64 75
    Developer Certificate TBS Encoded Digest =
    44 4a 4a 57 66 52 39 39 69 4b 4b 59 66 75 70 67
    41 65 57 54 66 53 49 4a 6c 6e 78 6f 78 4f 69 2d
    4b 74 51 34 37 76 4b 45 42 6a 79 70 41 48 6a 32
    59 32 32 33 54 44 35 32 69 4b 61 36 65 61 59 53
    38 49 72 39 4f 46 44 5a 54 62 6d 2d 4c 6d 5f 51
    4f 48 68 6b 64 51
    Requesting signature from server...
    Reading CSK file...
    Properties of CSK file := [
    Version = 2
    Encoded Salt =
    2f 6d 35 46 4e 49 4f 58 55 53 45 3d
    Encoded and Encrypted PrivateKey =
    4f 46 53 49 5a 75 4a 51 73 70 62 6c 62 37 71 5a
    63 4b 78 37 61 48 39 5a 4e 65 45 6f 73 79 61 7a
    33 4c 63 39 4f 58 72 73 35 6b 5a 76 54 67 62 62
    59 33 4b 41 4b 48 74 36 38 73 70 38 70 2f 4d 2b
    70 45 5a 56 75 59 5a 53 6f 6a 76 42 38 49 70 59
    4e 43 6f 6a 6b 64 49 2f
    Salt =
    fe 6e 45 34 83 97 51 21
    Digest =
    3c 1e 47 62 fc ce 0b 13 35 25 70 56 ac d1 1a eb
    77 0e 9a 21 7e 8a 11 52 06 64 d2 79 da 4e 09 88
    97 96 c1 01 ec 53 f2 7a 6a 3e 75 70 6a f3 1f 51
    e2 28 1a 1a e8 c7 85 f7 d7 7a 98 05 b7 f6 bf 75
    Signature =
    30 81 88 02 42 01 06 b1 0c e3 2d fd f3 01 f7 5f
    14 a6 ef b4 4b a0 5c 2b a6 b3 ef aa 1d 25 ed 46
    62 8b 06 fe 35 eb 10 80 e8 b9 0a 8e a0 7b 6a ef
    c9 28 c9 53 85 89 66 26 1e 7f d8 67 0f ef e4 58
    86 6b ca 4e b8 57 6a 02 42 01 27 e4 29 2a 9f ee
    2b ad 59 48 77 ff 39 87 98 5a 9c ae 2d ac 72 93
    d1 33 fc 7f 4e 6a 87 ab 88 46 af 59 22 65 c6 6f
    81 f8 ef 3c da 79 c4 74 36 c1 35 c1 b0 21 d5 1d
    e3 1b 3e 72 24 47 bf c1 1a 19 fc
    Flat Signature =
    01 06 b1 0c e3 2d fd f3 01 f7 5f 14 a6 ef b4 4b
    a0 5c 2b a6 b3 ef aa 1d 25 ed 46 62 8b 06 fe 35
    eb 10 80 e8 b9 0a 8e a0 7b 6a ef c9 28 c9 53 85
    89 66 26 1e 7f d8 67 0f ef e4 58 86 6b ca 4e b8
    57 6a 01 27 e4 29 2a 9f ee 2b ad 59 48 77 ff 39
    87 98 5a 9c ae 2d ac 72 93 d1 33 fc 7f 4e 6a 87
    ab 88 46 af 59 22 65 c6 6f 81 f8 ef 3c da 79 c4
    74 36 c1 35 c1 b0 21 d5 1d e3 1b 3e 72 24 47 bf
    c1 1a 19 fc
    Properties of request := [
    Version = 1
    Command = Signature Request
    SignerID = RDK
    ClientID = 3903770746
    MF =
    51 58 4a 6a 61 47 6c 32 5a 53 31 4e 59 57 35 70
    5a 6d 56 7a 64 43 31 57 5a 58 4a 7a 61 57 39 75
    4f 69 41 78 4c 6a 45 4e 43 6b 46 79 59 32 68 70
    64 6d 55 74 51 33 4a 6c 59 58 52 6c 5a 43 31 43
    65 54 6f 67 51 6d 78 68 59 32 74 43 5a 58 4a 79
    65 53 42 55 59 57 4a 73 5a 58 51 67 54 31 4d 67
    52 57 78 6d 49 45 4a 42 55 69 42 51 59 57 4e 72
    4f 52 66 38 75 2f 59 48 69 54 32 38 30 42 54 4d
    76 72 2b 30 50 30 70 61 56 49 54 4b 6d 6a 51 35
    49 6a 41 67 34 32 43 48 33 4d 59 56 44 73 30 7a
    4e 66 47 66 57 75 52 72 4a 70 31 6b 54 43 55 3d
    Connecting to URL http://www.rim.net/Websigner/servlet/RDK-Waterloo
    Sending properties to server...
    Properties of response := [
    Version = 1
    Response = Signature Response
    Confirm = Signing server ID RDK signed code file from client ID 3903770746.
    Error = null
    Encoded Package-Author-Id =
    67 59 41 41 67 48 6e 46 64 76 48 73 53 38 33 30
    51 55 71 46 38 71 4c 73 4d 54 45
    Encoded Package-Id =
    67 59 41 42 67 47 4a 65 7a 68 55 79 4a 6d 6a 47
    5f 37 76 57 34 48 4a 71 57 32 6b
    Encoded Package-Version-Id =
    67 59 41 43 67 46 6c 63 4b 6e 4e 64 65 46 79 4d
    6a 66 56 31 50 78 4c 32 6e 6e 73
    Encoded Application-Id =
    67 59 41 44 67 43 34 6f 48 63 59 47 78 77 32 6d
    41 50 32 68 4f 75 63 67 46 76 49
    Encoded Application-Version-Id =
    67 59 41 45 67 44 46 55 35 62 57 6a 37 71 5f 49
    67 6f 65 37 55 4e 57 41 35 51 45
    Encoded Signature =
    41 65 4a 71 6c 55 56 68 67 68 46 7a 49 34 46 51
    69 33 73 35 35 59 30 43 38 62 30 43 4e 43 31 38
    39 2f 70 69 49 41 44 34 4a 4d 6c 62 49 46 39 50
    53 4b 32 66 33 79 41 58 6c 5a 75 46 4b 79 58 42
    2f 50 72 39 6b 37 63 49 61 56 45 34 4d 69 42 52
    31 61 55 49 32 33 57 39 41 55 39 72 38 30 6f 47
    56 34 48 6b 55 61 54 76 6e 74 4a 36 67 42 31 33
    72 79 69 55 41 78 67 45 62 6e 35 62 62 71 48 4b
    74 76 34 59 64 58 6a 71 4f 78 55 5a 37 2b 43 33
    48 2b 45 4c 75 62 48 63 49 6b 2b 79 36 45 52 33
    62 69 55 37 35 54 52 68 37 47 72 62 44 6c 65 4a
    Decoded Signature =
    01 e2 6a 95 45 61 82 11 73 23 81 50 8b 7b 39 e5
    8d 02 f1 bd 02 34 2d 7c f7 fa 62 20 00 f8 24 c9
    5b 20 5f 4f 48 ad 9f df 20 17 95 9b 85 2b 25 c1
    fc fa fd 93 b7 08 69 51 38 32 20 51 d5 a5 08 db
    75 bd 01 4f 6b f3 4a 06 57 81 e4 51 a4 ef 9e d2
    7a 80 1d 77 af 28 94 03 18 04 6e 7e 5b 6e a1 ca
    b6 fe 18 75 78 ea 3b 15 19 ef e0 b7 1f e1 0b b9
    b1 dc 22 4f b2 e8 44 77 6e 25 3b e5 34 61 ec 6a
    db 0e 57 89
    ASN.1 Signature =
    30 81 88 02 42 01 e2 6a 95 45 61 82 11 73 23 81
    50 8b 7b 39 e5 8d 02 f1 bd 02 34 2d 7c f7 fa 62
    20 00 f8 24 c9 5b 20 5f 4f 48 ad 9f df 20 17 95
    9b 85 2b 25 c1 fc fa fd 93 b7 08 69 51 38 32 20
    51 d5 a5 08 db 75 bd 02 42 01 4f 6b f3 4a 06 57
    81 e4 51 a4 ef 9e d2 7a 80 1d 77 af 28 94 03 18
    04 6e 7e 5b 6e a1 ca b6 fe 18 75 78 ea 3b 15 19
    ef e0 b7 1f e1 0b b9 b1 dc 22 4f b2 e8 44 77 6e
    25 3b e5 34 61 ec 6a db 0e 57 89
       Adding: META-INF/RDK.SF
       Adding: META-INF/RDK.EC
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      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/TextSelectionHandle.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/QueryDialog.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/Page.qml
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      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/StatusBar.qml
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      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/TabBarLayout.qml
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      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/extras.1.1/Tumbler.qml
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      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/ScrollDecorator.qml
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      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/TextContextMenu.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/TabGroup.js
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/ListHeading.qml
      Signing: native/qml/StudyCards/card.png
      Signing: native/qml/StudyCards/main.qml
      Signing: native/qml/StudyCards/lisc.png
      Signing: native/lib/libQtCore.so.4
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      Signing: native/lib/plugins/sqldrivers/libqsqlite.so
      Signing: native/lib/platforms/libblackberry.so
      Signing: native/blackberry-tablet.xml
    Info: Bar signed.

    I think that everything is OK, but:

    /opt/bbndk2/host/linux/x86/usr/bin/blackberry-signer -verbose -verify Study-Cards.bar


    Error: Invalid signature file digest for Manifest main attributes

    Someone knows how to solve?

    PS Sorry for the long post and my English

    OK, I change the order of:

    /opt/bbndk2/host/linux/x86/usr/bin/blackberry-signer -verbose -cskpass myCSKpass -keystore /home/dwart/.rim/author.p12 -storepass myStorePass ./Study-Cards.bar RDK
    /opt/bbndk2/host/linux/x86/usr/bin/blackberry-signer -keystore /home/dwart/.rim/author.p12 -storepass myPass ./Study-Cards.bar author

    Now it's work

    Info: Bar verified.

    Thank you much for the help

  • Create button to create a new TextField

    Hi all

    I'm new to BlackBerry and development building an application. I want to make a button that could create a new TextField. So, whenever I hit this button, a new TextField will appear. Is it possible to do this with qml?

    I managed in the onClicked understanding signal handler to display a text or image, but I still don't know how to create a new TextField with Manager signals. Is it possible to create with slot and signal or function?

    Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

    So what it will do is add some QML you have test.qml in the scenegraph.

    This line,

    var createdControl = compDef.createObject ();

    Refers to the attachedObject and creates a fromt the test.qml object.

    This line,

    rootContainer.add (createdControl);

    then it adds to the scenegraph.

    Nothing else is necessary other than the creation of the test.qml with your TextField in, you can also replace the source: line with an element itself, if you do not want to put the dynamic qml in a separate file.

  • findChild with TextField gives error

    In my main.qml, I have a TextField with

    objectName: "mainMsgTxtFieldObj"

    Then in my applicationui.hpp file I have using the suite of codes

        bb::cascades::TextField *msgTextField;

    Finally, I try to access this TextField inside my file applicationui.cpp as below

    msgTextField = root->findChild("mainMsgTxtFieldObj");

    When I Isaiah to compile my project, I get error with mentioned threshold. When I take the mouse pointer to the error, it will display the folling message

    Several markers on this line

    -No function matching for call to ' bb::cascades:AbstractPane:findChild(const_char)


    -candidate is:

    -"TextFiled" has not declared in this scope

    -analyze the error in the template argument list

    But when I try to use following code in the constructor, instead of the above code, it will give no error

     TextField *textField = root->findChild("mainMsgTxtFieldObj");

    Can someone explain why this phenomenon occurs?

    Thank you

    Hello! There is a typo in: TextFiled should be TextField.

  • The substitution or replacement TextField Validator icon


    I currently have a validator associated with a TextField, but I want to change the icon that is displayed when the user input is invalid or valid. I don't want the user to input is correct (and thus gets a green check mark) to be confused with the effective verification of the users entry. Is there a way in QML which allows me, or customize the icons used or I need to define my own custom component?

    Thank you

    before the validators lacked API I did


    If the invalid regulations do something


  • Virtual keyboard key is incorrectly gray (disabled) when a TextField inputMode is TextFieldInputMode.Password


    I meet a strange behavior of the virtual keyboard the virtual keyboard to submit key incorrectly becomes gray (disabled) when the inputMode of a TextField is TextFieldInputMode.Password, here's the qml:

    import bb.cascades 1.0
    Page {
        TextField {
            inputMode: TextFieldInputMode.Password
            input {
                submitKey: SubmitKey.Go
                onSubmitted: {
                    //do something

    If I change the inputMode of a TextField is to something else (for example, TextFieldInputMode.EmailAddress), it's ok (i.e., the virtual keyboard submit key is correctly (active) white).

    Is this a bug of platform? (System Z10,

    Thank you

    Hi, I have tested the code on below and can't reproduce what you see. Please see the attached screenshot.

Maybe you are looking for