The maximum size of the text entered in the field "Search" the list view

I created an APEX 5.0 application using theme 51. I have a simple list view for which the function 'Enable search' is checked.

I want to limit the length of the "search string" in the field "search". How can I do this?

There seems to be no limit on the size of the string in the search field. Enter a very large string in this field and submitting research causes APEX return an "Internal Server" error


Hi Michael,

the amount of data entering your users? Because the limit should be 32 KB.

Unfortunately, the search field is generated by the jQuery Mobile framework so we do not really have control of a limit, but you can specify the static 'ID' attribute in your area in order to "myListView" and then add the following code to your page "Run when the page loads" level attribute

$( "#myListView input[data-type=search]" ).attr( "maxlength", 255 );

But I doubt that this is necessary. Can you please post a screenshot of your error message "internal server".



Tags: Database

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                        layout: GridListLayout {
                            cellAspectRatio: 1.4
                        id: denominationList
                        dataModel: _model.denominationModel
                        listItemComponents: [
                            ListItemComponent {
                                id: component
                                type: "item"
                                CustomListItem {
                                    id: itemRoot
                                    dividerVisible: false
                                    highlightAppearance: HighlightAppearance.None
                                    Container {
                                        id: fieldContainer
                                        topPadding: 5
                                        leftPadding: 10
                                        rightPadding: 10
                                        bottomPadding: 5
                                        //maxWidth: 270
                                        layout: DockLayout {}
                                        Container {
                                            id: amountContainer
                                            layout: DockLayout {}
                                            background: Color.create("#ffffff")
                                            horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                                            verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
                                            ImageView {
                                                id: amountBorder
                                                preferredWidth: 400
                                                imageSource: "asset:///images/flux/amount-border-other.png"
                                            Container {
                                                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                                                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
                                                layout: StackLayout {
                                                    orientation: (!( > 4) ? LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom : LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight)
                                                Container {
                                                    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                                                    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Top
                                                    visible: ( > 4)
                                                    preferredHeight: 60
                                                    Label {
                                                        id: loadPromoName
                                                        textFit.mode: LabelTextFitMode.FitToBounds
                                                        //multiline: true
                                                        visible: ( > 4)
                                                            fontSize: FontSize.Medium
                                                            fontWeight: FontWeight.W300
                                                            color: Color.create("#b9babe")
                                                            textAlign: TextAlign.Center
                                                Container {
                                                    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
                                                    topPadding: 8
                                                    rightPadding: 0
                                                    ImageView {
                                                        visible: ( <= 4)
                                                        preferredHeight: 40
                                                        imageSource: "asset:///images/flux/pesosign-amount.png"
                                                Container {
                                                    verticalAlignment: (( > 4) ? VerticalAlignment.Center : VerticalAlignment.Bottom)
                                                    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                                                    leftPadding: 0
                                                    Label {
                                                        id: amountLabel
                                                        textFit.mode: LabelTextFitMode.FitToBounds
                                                            fontSize: FontSize.XLarge
                                                            fontWeight: FontWeight.W300
                                                            color: Color.create("#b9babe")
                                                            textAlign: TextAlign.Center
                                                        text: ListItemData.amount
                        onTriggered: {
                            var selectedItem =;

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    lable. Text =?
    navigationPane.push (bPage);

    Thank you (row) returns a QVariant. To call ".someProperty", you will need to know the type of the object (int, string, etc.) and call the appropriate function (toInt, toString, etc.). For example, if your QVariant has elements of the string:

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    Good day Starry001

    I hope this helps. Select 'Recently added' playlist on your sidebar, now in the menu bar go to "Display" and click on "View As"-> "Songs." Your playlist should now be displayed as a list of items. You can always switch between different views for each of your playlists.

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    Hey Rita,.

    How do you define the new data in the list? It has been discussed before that just affect the dataProvider of a new dataprovider does not correctly change the list. Instead, you must use the dataProvider class setItems() method. for example myList.dataProvider.setItems (newArray, true) hope that helps. Good luck!

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    Thank you!

    Not quite sure what your after.

    You can send the results of research to a custom page, I think you did that? This page can have its own model.

    The module itself for the search results:

    {module_webappsresults, bkp, resultsPerPage, hideEmptyMessage, rowLength, sort}

    They are key elements where bkp being true means that search results will use the backup of the web application on the main list.

    If you apply the rule of custom template by adding a space and a model = "PATHTOFILE", you can specify the search results to use a custom template.

    None of this is what your after?

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    But when I saw on the iPad using the TOC list view, aren't there. See attachment.

    Suggestions or ideas?

    Thanks in advance.


    Metadata Fields.png

    Actually, no. Descriptions are only visible when you scroll through the items using the view "flatplan' using the right top key.

    The table of contents displays Kickers and titles.

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                        layout: StackListLayout { orientation: LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom }
     Container {
                    property int pageShown
                    onCreationCompleted: {
                        listView.scrollToItem([0], ScrollAnimation.Smooth)
                    opacity: nightMode?0.8:1.0
                    id: tutorialContainer
                    layout: DockLayout {}
                    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                    maxHeight: 500
                    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Top
                    background: Color.Black
                    ListView {
                        id: listView
                        property int deviceWidth:  pixelWidth==""? originalPixelWidth: pixelWidth
                        property int deviceHeight: pixelHeight==""? originalPixelHeight: pixelHeight
                        property variant background: tutorialContainer.background
                            //XmlDataModel { source: "asset:///streamTutorialModel.xml" }
                        layout: StackListLayout { orientation: LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom }
                        flickMode: FlickMode.SingleItem
                        function updatePageShown(page) {
                            tutorialContainer.pageShown = page
                        listItemComponents: [
                            ListItemComponent {
                                type: "item"
                                Container {
                                    id: itemContainer
                                    layout: DockLayout {}
                                    onCreationCompleted: {
                                        console.log("fff" +
                                    preferredWidth: itemContainer.ListItem.view.deviceWidth
                                    preferredHeight: itemContainer.ListItem.view.deviceHeight
                                    attachedObjects: LayoutUpdateHandler {
                                        id: luhPosition
                                        onLayoutFrameChanged: {
                                            if (luhPosition.layoutFrame.x >= - itemContainer.preferredWidth / 2 && luhPosition.layoutFrame.x <= itemContainer.preferredWidth / 2) {
                                    Container {
                                        layout: DockLayout {}
                                        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                                        verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill
                                        ImageView {
                                            imageSource: ListItemData.artWork
                                            horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                                            verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
                                            maxHeight: itemContainer.ListItem.view.deviceHeight * 0.7
                                            maxWidth: itemContainer.ListItem.view.deviceWidth * 0.7
                                            scalingMethod: ScalingMethod.AspectFit
                                        Container {
                                            horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                                            verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Top
                                            opacity: 1
                                            background: itemContainer.ListItem.view.background
                                            Label {
                                                multiline: true
                                                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                                                    fontSize: FontSize.PointValue
                                                    fontSizeValue: 10
                                                    base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.TitleText

    I never got the hang of things UI in Cascades, any help would be appreciated

    Ah, that explains it.

    I looked at your code, can't really see something that would make a huge difference to my own, it's confusing to me, just completely disappears when I want to use LeftToRight :/

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    If anyone has found a solution to this let me know... or I ask Apple to allow us to display our playlists just like we would songs within our library...

    When your reading list is open, go to view > view > songs.

    That should fix it.

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