Types & confusion of object

Hi all

I have not yet uses types and objects eversince. And how to use it even if I read the docs, I'm confused. :(

For example, I create type with the same description as the EMP table:
create or replace 
TYPE             "EMP" AS OBJECT (
EMPLOYEE_ID                             NUMBER(6),
 FIRST_NAME                              VARCHAR2(20),
 LAST_NAME                               VARCHAR2(25),
 EMAIL                                       VARCHAR2(25),
 PHONE_NUMBER                         VARCHAR2(20),
 HIRE_DATE                                DATE,
 JOB_ID                                      VARCHAR2(10),
 SALARY                                     NUMBER(8,2),
 COMMISSION_PCT                       NUMBER(2,2),
 MANAGER_ID                              NUMBER(6),
 DEPARTMENT_ID                         NUMBER(4));
How is different from the EMP table? How to use or manipulate this?

I can also count (*), update, delete, insert and truncate her?

Thank you very much


Published by: yxes2013 on 21.4.2013 19:11 > > > adding versions

yxes2013 wrote:

So it's more a java programmers? This is the reason why I have not the slightest idea or interest that the use of this thing.

Nothing to do with Java. Everything about an extra set of database tools to use in the development of solutions.

An object type is called a class in an object oriented programming language.

// create an abstract class as parent class for defining animals
SQL> create or replace type TAnimal is object(
  2          animal_id       integer
  3  ) not final;
  4  /

Type created.

// create a subclass under animals for horses - it is  a "final"
// class and cannot be further sub-classed
SQL> create or replace type THorse under TAnimal(
  2          horse_type      varchar2(20),
  3          horse_color     varchar2(50)
  4  ) final;
  5  /

Type created.

// we can create a persistent container, aka SQL object table,
// for a class - including abstract classes
SQL> create table animals of TAnimal(
  2          constraint pk_animals
  3          primary key( animal_id)
  4          using index
  5  );

Table created.

// we can insert any subclass into the SQL object table
SQL> insert into animals values( THorse(1,'Appaloosa','Blanket with spots') );

1 row created.

// we see the abstract class properties when querying the table
SQL> select a.* from animals a;


// we can also select all horses (sub-class) from the list of animals
SQL> select
  2          a.animal_id,
  3          treat(value(a) as THorse).horse_type    as HORSE_TYPE,
  4          treat(value(a) as Thorse).horse_color   as HORSE_COLOR
  5  from       animals a
  6  where      value(a) is of (THorse)
  7  /

---------- -------------------- --------------------
         1 Appaloosa            Blanket with spots

// we can now add new subclasses to an existing parent class
SQL> create or replace type TDog under TAnimal(
  2          dog_name        varchar2(10)
  3  ) final;
  4  /

Type created.

// and we can add objects of this class to the existing animals
// (parent class) table - note that the table had no idea that dogs
// existed at the time it was created
SQL> insert into animals values( TDog(2,'Lassie') );

1 row created.

// we can look at the objects stored in the animals container
SQL> select value(a) as ANIMAL_OBJECT from animals a;

THORSE(1, 'Appaloosa', 'Blanket with spots')
TDOG(2, 'Lassie')

// we can process the objects via standard SQL
SQL> select
  2          a.animal_id,
  3          case
  4                  when value(a) is of (TDog) then
  5                          'Animal is a dog called '||
  6                          treat(value(a) as TDog).dog_name
  7                  when value(a) is of (THorse) then
  8                          'Animal is horse breed '||
  9                          treat(value(a) as THorse).horse_type
 10                  else
 11                          'Unknown animal'
 12          end     as COMMENTS
 13  from       animals a;

---------- -------------------------------
         1 Animal is horse breed Appaloosa
         2 Animal is a dog called Lassie


This shows, quite simply, how object classes can be created and used as lines and tables.

Classes can also be used to add new SQL types to help you deal with complex SQL queries. For example, in {message identifier: = 10962761}, a type is used to provide a list of the values in columns in a sorted order.

Classes can also be used to define structures SQL that is returned and populated by data sources NON-SQL. For example, in {message identifier: = 10158148}, data CSV from a web interface are transformed into a SQL data and an SQL interface using object types and using a pipeline to do what it's designed to do - turn data.

Object classes also supports of the more flexible interfaces in the PL/SQL language. Instead of a caller directly using something like DBMS_PIPE, a class can be created that provides a much more flexible and intuitive interface for the caller to use.

So not - nothing to do with Java. Everything about a new set of tools in SQL and PL/SQL (not this again, like a lot of this was introduced in Oracle 8i and have since been improved on new versions).

One of the best examples of this new feature, is the type of custom object XMLTYPE SQL data - have a look at it. It's an excellent showcase for how a class should look like, what methods it should support and type of features, it must provide.

Tags: Database

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    2. How can I stop it?

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    Problem installation

        create or replace type Foo as object
          Bar1 NUMBER,
          Bar2 NUMBER,
          Bar3 NUMBER,
        create or replace type body Foo is
          -- Member procedures and functions
            SELF.Bar1 := p_Bar1;
            SELF.Bar2 := p_Bar2;
            SELF.Bar3 := p_Bar3;
            dbms_output.put_line('Foo Constructor Called');


        -- Constructor is called 6 times! 
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          FROM dual d
        ) x
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    Foo constructor called

    Foo constructor called

    Foo constructor called

    Foo constructor called

    Foo constructor called

    Foo constructor called


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        -- Once for each column in the inline view. 
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          SELECT /*+ materialize */ x.f.bar1 AS bar1, x.f.bar2 AS bar2, x.f.bar3 AS bar3
          FROM (
            SELECT foo(p_Bar1 => 1, p_Bar2 => 2, p_Bar3 => 3) f
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    Another solution is described in this thread... Access to the fields of an object custom type... which makes use of a type of collection combined with SCOREBOARD operator, like this...

    create or replace type FooTable as table of Foo;
    SELECT x.bar1 AS bar1, x.bar2 AS bar2, x.bar3 AS bar3, value(x) f
        FROM table(FooTable(
          foo(p_Bar1 => 1, p_Bar2 => 2, p_Bar3 => 3)
        )) x
        WHERE x.bar1 = x.bar1 AND x.bar2 = x.bar2
    BAR1 BAR2 BAR2 F
    1    2    3    (1, 2, 3)
    Foo Constructor Called

    Hope that helps...


  • SELECT statement to return a type in Oracle objects

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    create type appointment_t;
    create type property_t;
    create type telephone_t as object (
        weekdayDaytime varchar2(15),
        weekdayEveningAndWeekend varchar2(15));
    create type person_t as object (
        person char(6))
        not final;
    create type appointment_list_t as table of ref appointment_t;
    create type property_list_t as table of ref property_t;
    create type salesperson_t under person_t (
        sSurname varchar2(20),
        sForename varchar2(20),
        dateOfBirth varchar2(12),
        makes appointment_list_t,
        member function appointments_made return number );
    create type applicant_t under person_t (
        aSurname varchar2(20),
        aForename varchar2(20),
        dateOfBirth varchar2(12),
        aAddressLine1 varchar2(25),
        aAddressLine2 varchar2(25),
        aTown varchar2(20),
        telephoneNums telephone_t,
        maxPrice number(10),
        desiredArea varchar2(20),
        attends appointment_list_t,
        member function appointments_attended return number );
    create or replace type body salesperson_t as
    member function appointments_made return number is
        total number;
        total := self.makes.count;
        return total;
    create or replace type body applicant_t as
    member function appointments_attended return number is
        total number;
        total := self.attends.count;
        return total;
    create or replace type appointment_t as object (
        appointment char(10),
        appdate date,
        apptime varchar2(15),
        appointmentType varchar2(15),
        levelOfInterest integer(3),
        offerMade number(10),
        is_made_by ref salesperson_t,
        is_attended_by ref applicant_t,
        is_related_to ref property_t);
    create or replace type property_t as object (
        property char(10),
        dateOfRegistration date,
        propertyType varchar2(15),
        bedrooms integer(2),
        receptionRooms integer(2),
        bathrooms integer(2),
        garage varchar2(5),
        garden varchar2(6),
        regionArea varchar2(20),
        pAddressLine1 varchar2(20),
        pAddressLine2 varchar2(20),
        pTown varchar2(20),
        askingPrice varchar2(20),
        relatesTo appointment_list_t);
    create table person_tab of person_t (
        person primary key );
    create table property_tab of property_t (
        primary key(property))
        nested table relatesTo store as relates_to_table;
    create table appointment_tab of appointment_t (
        primary key (appointment),
        scope for (is_made_by) is person_tab,
        scope for (is_attended_by) is person_tab,
        scope for (is_related_to) is property_tab);
    insert into person_tab
    values (salesperson_t('s001', 'Fontigue', 'Farquar', '22-feb-1980', appointment_list_t()));
    insert into person_tab
    values (salesperson_t('s002', 'Richmond', 'Neil', '30-feb-1983', appointment_list_t()));
    insert into person_tab
    values (salesperson_t('s003', 'Devere', 'Jeremy', '03-mar-1977', appointment_list_t()));
    insert into person_tab
    values (salesperson_t('s004', 'Schofield', 'Paul', '07-dec-1969', appointment_list_t()));
    insert into person_tab
    values (salesperson_t('s005', 'Johnson', 'Richard', '04-jul-1992', appointment_list_t()));
    insert into person_tab
    values (salesperson_t('s006', 'Stevens', 'Rupert', '22-may-1989', appointment_list_t()));
    insert into person_tab
    values (applicant_t('ap007', 'Hadfield', 'Linda', '22-nov-1981', '3 Duckdoo Avenue', 'Rosemont', 'Neath Port Talbot',
    telephone_t('01639877103', '07756338175'), '110000', 'Mumbles', appointment_list_t()));
    insert into person_tab
    values (applicant_t('ap008', 'Walsh', 'Riley', '18-sep-1974', '12 George Street', 'Taibach', 'Neath Port Talbot',
    '01639890337', '075982228741', '125000', 'Ten Acre Wood', appointment_list_t()));
    insert into person_tab
    values (applicant_t('ap009', 'Kennedy', 'Shaun', '11-dec-1972', '101 Granada Close', 'Waun Wen', 'Swansea',
    '01792558447', '07894558123', '150000', 'Central Swansea', appointment_list_t()));
    insert into person_tab
    values (applicant_t('ap010', 'Redgrave', 'Steven', '30-jun-1988', '47 Victoria Gardens', 'City Apartments', 'Neath',
    '01639770183', '07774273391', '95000', 'Neath', appointment_list_t()));
    insert into person_tab
    values (applicant_t('ap011', 'Hopkins', 'John', '07-feb-1979', '130 Flanders Court', 'Richfield', 'Bridgend',
    '01656889227', '05589337123', '137500', 'Brechfa', appointment_list_t()));
    insert into person_tab
    values (applicant_t('ap012', 'Glover', 'Germaine', '14-aug-1983', '32 Regent Crescent', 'Cranforth', 'Cardiff', 
    '01210887336', '07975625195', '170000', 'Cardiff West', appointment_list_t()));


    The one I am running made the telephone_t in all households.

    Happy that you have your code working but that was not my point

    It comes to you providing us with the correct instructions to actually run the test case and help you efficiently.

    Regarding your last question, use the function of REGAL to caster level being superior in one of its subtype.

    for example

    SQL> select person
      2       , treat(object_value as applicant_t).aSurname as surname
      3       , treat(object_value as applicant_t).aForename as forename
      4  from person_tab
      5  where object_value is of (applicant_t) ;
    ------ -------------------- --------------------
    ap007  Hadfield             Linda
    ap008  Walsh                Riley
    ap009  Kennedy              Shaun
    ap010  Redgrave             Steven
    ap011  Hopkins              John
    ap012  Glover               Germaine
    6 rows selected.
  • ' Gets an attribute xsi: type with XMLType object relational storage.


    How to recover the attribute xsi: type, when you use storage relational XMLType object.

    When you have for example a ProductOrder object type and one object type MoveOrder what a CustomerOrder extensions type how to recover if the CustomerOrder is a kind of MoveOrder or ProductOrder attribute:

    < ns2:customerOrder xsi: type = "ns3:UpcProductOrder" >

    I would use the XMLTable service in combination with the XPath rewrite.

    version of the database

    Thanks for the details.

    As I said in my first answer, the prefix xsi is predefined, don't try to redeclare him.

    I know that sounds strange and is in contradiction with what the manual, but it seems to work that way with the storage of GOLD.


    You can use these prefixes in XQuery expressions without first declaring in the prologue of the XQuery expression. You can redefine any of them except xml in the prologue.

    If documentation bug or implementation bug? I do not know.

    In any case:

      2    DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.registerSchema(
      3      SCHEMAURL => 'test_otn.xsd',
      4      SCHEMADOC => bfilename('TEST_DIR','test_otn.xsd'),
      5      CSID => nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8')
      6    );
      7  END;
      8  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
    SQL> insert into cust_order values (xmltype
      2  ('
      6  a
      7  b
      8  '));
    1 row inserted
    SQL> SELECT order_id
      2       , order_item
      3       , order_type
      4  FROM cust_order
      5     , XMLTABLE (
      6         XMLNamespaces ('http://bla.com' as "ns1")
      7       , '/ns1:customerOrder'
      8         passing object_value
      9         columns order_id   varchar2(20) path 'ns1:orderId'
     10               , order_item varchar2(20) path 'ns1:orderItem'
     11               , order_type varchar2(30) path '@xsi:type'
     12       ) ;
    ORDER_ID             ORDER_ITEM           ORDER_TYPE
    -------------------- -------------------- ------------------------------
    a                    b                    http://bla.com:ProductOrder

    And if you do want the local name:

    SQL> SELECT order_id
      2       , order_item
      3       , order_type
      4  FROM cust_order
      5     , XMLTABLE (
      6         XMLNamespaces ('http://bla.com' as "ns1")
      7       , '/ns1:customerOrder'
      8         passing object_value
      9         columns order_id   varchar2(20) path 'ns1:orderId'
     10               , order_item varchar2(20) path 'ns1:orderItem'
     11               , order_type varchar2(30) path 'local-name-from-QName(@xsi:type)'
     12       ) ;
    ORDER_ID             ORDER_ITEM           ORDER_TYPE
    -------------------- -------------------- ------------------------------
    a                    b                    ProductOrder

    Hope that helps.

  • ProcessEntry (...) consistency: unknown user type: java.lang.Object


    I created a new class that extends the VersionedPutAll class. When I replace processEntry (...) method I get an exception:
    Exception in thread "main" (Wrapped: Failed request execution for DistributedCache service on Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2012-08-09 18:02:13.598, Address=, MachineId=49553, 
    Location=site:,machine:StBook,process:18387, Role=IntellijRtExecutionAppMain) (Wrapped) unknown user type: java.lang.Object) java.io.IOException: unknown user type: java.lang.Object
    The original VersionedPutAll works well. My class without processEntry (...) works well also. But the simple substitution of processEntry (...) as
    protected Object processEntry(InvocableMap.Entry entry, Map mapAll, boolean fInsert, boolean fReturn) {
        return new Object();
    throws an exception.

    Does anyone know what is the problem? Thank you.

    public class ExtVersionedPutAll extends VersionedPutAll {
        private static final Object NO_RESULT = new Object();
        public ExtVersionedPutAll() {}
        public ExtVersionedPutAll(Map map) {
        public ExtVersionedPutAll(Map map, boolean fAllowInsert, boolean fReturn) {
            super(map, fAllowInsert, fReturn);
        protected Object processEntry(InvocableMap.Entry entry, Map mapAll, boolean fInsert, boolean fReturn) {
            Object oKey = entry.getKey();
            if(mapAll.containsKey(oKey)) {
                Versionable oValueCur = (Versionable)entry.getValue();
                Versionable oValueNew = (Versionable)mapAll.get(oKey);
                boolean fMatch;
                if(oValueCur == null) {
                    fMatch = fInsert;
                } else {
                    Comparable verCur = oValueCur.getVersionIndicator();
                    Comparable verNew = oValueNew.getVersionIndicator();
                    fMatch = verCur.compareTo(verNew) < 0;
                if(fMatch) {
                    entry.setValue(oValueNew, false);
                    return NO_RESULT;
                } else {
                    return fReturn ? oValueCur : NO_RESULT;
            } else {
                return NO_RESULT;
    Exception in thread "main" (Wrapped: Failed request execution for DistributedCache service on Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2012-08-09 18:02:13.598, Address=, MachineId=49553,
     Location=site:,machine:StBook,process:18387, Role=IntellijRtExecutionAppMain) (Wrapped) unknown user type: java.lang.Object) java.io.IOException: unknown user type: java.lang.Object
         at com.tangosol.util.Base.ensureRuntimeException(Base.java:288)
         at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.Grid.tagException(Grid.CDB:36)
         at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.grid.partitionedService.PartitionedCache.onInvokeAllRequest(PartitionedCache.CDB:97)
         at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.grid.partitionedService.PartitionedCache$InvokeAllRequest.onReceived(PartitionedCache.CDB:111)
         at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.Grid.onMessage(Grid.CDB:34)
         at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.Grid.onNotify(Grid.CDB:33)
         at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.grid.PartitionedService.onNotify(PartitionedService.CDB:3)
         at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.grid.partitionedService.PartitionedCache.onNotify(PartitionedCache.CDB:3)
         at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.Daemon.run(Daemon.CDB:42)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)
    Caused by: java.io.IOException: unknown user type: java.lang.Object
         at com.tangosol.io.pof.ConfigurablePofContext.serialize(ConfigurablePofContext.java:351)
         at com.tangosol.util.ExternalizableHelper.serializeInternal(ExternalizableHelper.java:2597)
         at com.tangosol.util.ExternalizableHelper.toBinary(ExternalizableHelper.java:211)
         at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.grid.partitionedService.PartitionedCache$ConverterValueToBinary.convert(PartitionedCache.CDB:3)
         at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.grid.partitionedService.PartitionedCache$Storage.invokeAll(PartitionedCache.CDB:63)
         at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.grid.partitionedService.PartitionedCache.onInvokeAllRequest(PartitionedCache.CDB:78)
         ... 7 more
    Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unknown user type: java.lang.Object
         at com.tangosol.io.pof.ConfigurablePofContext.getUserTypeIdentifier(ConfigurablePofContext.java:430)
         at com.tangosol.io.pof.ConfigurablePofContext.getUserTypeIdentifier(ConfigurablePofContext.java:419)
         at com.tangosol.io.pof.PofBufferWriter.writeUserType(PofBufferWriter.java:1671)
         at com.tangosol.io.pof.PofBufferWriter.writeObject(PofBufferWriter.java:1623)
         at com.tangosol.io.pof.ConfigurablePofContext.serialize(ConfigurablePofContext.java:345)
         ... 12 more

    The problem is that you try to return an instance of the EntryProcessor NO_RESULT and No_Result is of type Object. Coherence cannot serialize an ordinary object, so you get this error. You need to do something No_RESULT that can be serialized - object to primitive type or a custom class that is serializable POF.


  • ON the collection of type of the object does not not with GROUP BY


    I have an object of type with the collection defined as:
    create or replace type individu_ot as object (
       numero_dossier          number(10),
       code_utilisateur        varchar2(8 char),
       nom                     varchar2(25 char),
       prenom                  varchar2(25 char),
       map member function individu_map return number
    create or replace type body individu_ot is 
       map member function individu_map return number 
          return SELF.numero_dossier;
       end individu_map;
    create or replace type individu_ntt is table of individu_ot
    When I use simple SQL without no aggregation, the distinct keyword works well and returns me the separate entry of my type of object in the collection:
    SQL> select cast(collect(distinct individu_ot(indivmc.numero_dossier, indivmc.idul, indivmc.nom, indivmc.prenom)) as individu_ntt) as distinct_list
    from   site_section_cours    sisc
              inner join enseignant_section_mc   ensemc
              on sisc.code_session = ensemc.code_session and
                 sisc.numero_reference_section_cours = ensemc.numero_reference_section_cours
              inner join individu_mc indivmc
              on ensemc.numero_dossier_pidm = indivmc.numero_dossier
    where  sisc.seq_site_cours = 6
    1 row selected.
    However in SQL with a wide range in group by, the separate no longer works.
    SQL> select *
    from   (
             select sisc.seq_site_cours,
                    cast(collect(distinct individu_ot(indivmc.numero_dossier, indivmc.idul, indivmc.nom, indivmc.prenom)) as individu_ntt) as distinct_list
             from   site_section_cours      sisc
                       inner join enseignant_section_mc   ensemc
                       on sisc.code_session = ensemc.code_session and
                          sisc.numero_reference_section_cours = ensemc.numero_reference_section_cours
                       inner join individu_mc indivmc
                       on ensemc.numero_dossier_pidm = indivmc.numero_dossier
             group by sisc.seq_site_cours
    where seq_site_cours = 6
    SEQ_SITE_COURS DISTINCT_LIST(NUMERO_DOSSIER,CODE_UTILISATEUR,NOM,PRENOM)                                                                                                                                                                                             
    -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 6 INDIVIDU_NTT(INDIVIDU_OT(15,PROF5,Amidala,Padmé),INDIVIDU_OT(15,PROF5,Amidala,Padmé),INDIVIDU_OT(15,PROF5,Amidala,Padmé),INDIVIDU_OT(15,PROF5,Amidala,Padmé),INDIVIDU_OT(15,PROF5,Amidala,Padmé))                                                     
    1 row selected.
    There are cases where I need to return collections with more than one, separate entries in it.

    Is there something that I am missing?
    Thank you

    Not a bug, rather an undocumented feature.

    Here are some alternatives that you can test:

    (1) using the operator SET to eliminate duplicates:

    SELECT sisc.seq_site_cours,
               collect(individu_ot(indivmc.numero_dossier, indivmc.idul, indivmc.nom, indivmc.prenom))
               as individu_ntt
           ) as distinct_list
    FROM site_section_cours sisc
         INNER JOIN enseignant_section_mc ensemc
                 ON sisc.code_session = ensemc.code_session
                 AND sisc.numero_reference_section_cours = ensemc.numero_reference_section_cours
         INNER JOIN individu_mc indivmc
                 ON ensemc.numero_dossier_pidm = indivmc.numero_dossier
    GROUP BY sisc.seq_site_cours

    (2) using the MULTISET with a subquery

    SELECT sisc.seq_site_cours,
               SELECT distinct
                      indivmc.numero_dossier, indivmc.idul, indivmc.nom, indivmc.prenom
               FROM enseignant_section_mc ensemc
                    INNER JOIN individu_mc indivmc
                            ON ensemc.numero_dossier_pidm = indivmc.numero_dossier
               WHERE sisc.code_session = ensemc.code_session
               AND sisc.numero_reference_section_cours = ensemc.numero_reference_section_cours
             AS individu_ntt
           ) AS distinct_list
    FROM site_section_cours sisc
  • How to get the data type of an object?

    I have some custom classes, and I would like to make conditional function that behaves differently depending on the data type of the object. How can I do this?

    you could do something like

    var obj:CustomObject = new CustomObject();

    If (obj is Objetpersonnalise)


    do something


    or you could look at using getQualifiedClassName() or getDefinitionByName()

  • ExternalInterface: Type? String, object and any types?

    Hello dear guys,

    I want to know ExternalInterface - just, I have same problem with string or array - if I like it.

    But I work with AS3 with-Javascript block like Api Libraries Facebook thing.

    I just know same functions for Boolean and object...

    The code is MyLibrary.as



    to import flash.external.ExternalInterface;

    public class MyLibraray



    * MyLibrary output


    private static var _exit:Object;

    Public Shared function Exit (): void


    try {}

    {if (ExternalInterface.available)}

    _exit(2) = ExternalInterface.call("saveglobalscore",score) (jsBirdge.script ());

    _exit(2) = ExternalInterface.call("saveglobalscore",score) ("JSL.jsExit"); //


    } catch (error: Error) {}




    And jsBirdge.as <-c' block with Javascript in XML Format and the Format of Doement as a Version of Javascript in Actionscript



    to import flash.external.ExternalInterface;

    public class jsBirdge


    private static var NS:String = "JSL";

    public static void script (): String


    try {}

    {if (ExternalInterface.available)}

    ExternalInterface.call("saveglobalscore",score) (script_js);

    ExternalInterface.call("saveglobalscore",score) ("JSL.setSWFObject", ExternalInterface.objectID);


    } catch (error: Error) {}

    return NS;


    script_js:XML = private static const

    < script >

    <! [CDATA]

    function () {}

    curwin var = Titanium.UI.currentWindow;

    JSL = {}

    setSWFObjectID: function {(swfObjectID)

    JSL.swfObjectID = swfObjectID;


    / * Functions * /.

    jsExit: function() {}

    Titanium.Exit ();




    []] >

    < /script >;



    How ExternalInterace works with the current type?

    If I use call custom such as exit to titanium Desktop ExternalInterface will verify current type - as the type exit() function = Titanium.exit (); as the Type "String".

    Or another example: file and the FileStream file system types as an object, is it good?

    Or Booleam example true or false as the type Booleam. ...

    It is posskible that externalInterface works very well with any types/functions?

    I've been tested with ExternalInterface and Javascript = bulk IT works fine... Look out! http://developer.Appcelerator.com/question/135288/how-do-you-know-Flash-and-titanium

    But I hate disturbated function of communication as external GWT / fscommand...

    I want to only use AS3 / JS. Just, I missed this fine example, because I remember - where are the examples? I want because you'd think all current result

    Thanks I hope because I get nice answer / result to migrate the types / function for externalinterface via inblock: Javascript.


    I've not really understood with your post above. But you can communicate with javascript from flex by the way below.


    function CallMe()


    Alert ("Call Me");


    function CallMeWithArg (value)


    Alert ("this is your value:" + value);


    Action Script:

    ExternaInterface.call ('CallMe'); without argument.

    ExternaInterface.call ('CallMeWithArg', 'HelloWorld'); with the argument.

  • CREATE TYPE subscription_type AS OBJECT - ERROR

    I'm not able to create objects of type also tried with different versions of oracle.
    I am currently using Oracle 11 g enterprise edition (2.9 GB).
    The problem is when I create an object TYPE and when I finish the command with a semicolon ';', oracle sql does not stop only (the query does not run) the loop goes on and on.
    I did like this and found that the SYNTAX is also perfect.

    SQL > CREATE TYPE subscription_type AS OBJECT
    2 (street varchar2 (30),)
    3 city varchar2 (30),
    4 PIN number code (10));
    It turns on and it never ends. Command runs.
    Help, please!

    You must end with a slash: /

    create type address_type as object
           (street varchar2 (30), city varchar2 (30), pincode number (10));
  • Type of legacy objects, dynamic storage safe?


    I'm trying to store objects of mixed type inherited from a common base class in a way that preserves the original type.

    I tried with globals functional attributes, with labview globals, all without success. Whenever I read about a stored object, it degrades to the base class.

    A project that should illustrate the behavior is attached.

    -class "device of Base' base with screws on members 'Init', 'Read', 'Write' (intended to serve as an interface)

    -"GPIB", "TCP", "DAQmx" derived classes

    All required start-up designed (according to the test script) are created and stored in the Device Manager. Device Manager is a global functional, containing a Variant that manages a list of 'DeviceId => 'Device Base' object' assignments.

    Storage and playback to and from the job manager, at least until the borders of VI are available. In VI, the correct type of origin (for example "GPIB device") is returned. Outside the VI, the type is cast in the "Base Unit" and the bad member of a dynamic forwarding VI gets called (basic implementation)

    How can I safely dynamically store and read mixed objects from the same base class without losing the concrete type?

  • Get the name and the data type into an object?


    I would like to know if there is a way to get the names and the types of data encapsulated in an object of labview?

    For example, let's say I make a simple object, called myObject to be commonplace, with private data: myObjectName (string), myObjectValue (int 32) (etc.)

    So, how to build a method to return the type of the data of myObjectValue, or infact back the names and types of all data in the object field, which could be a lot?

    Thank you


  • Cast: more specific type where the object EXPECTED

    I extend an interface that expects an argument of type Object. My implementation of this interface knows that the object passed is a specific class, I've defined. I can't compile my code no matter what I try, because of the error "incompatible types.

    In my case, I set my own observer / Observable class. Below is the method of observation which does not compile:

        public void update (Observable obj, Object arg) {
            if (arg instanceof Message ) {
                message = arg;
                if (message.success) {
                    System.out.println("received success notification ");
                    // do some other stuff
                } else {
                    System.out.println("received failure notification ");
            } else {
                System.out.println("received notification without a valid Message");

    I tried a few other forms that do not work also. I like to keep my interface like that so that I can reuse it in other places. What I really want is to cast 'arg' of a generic object of type "Message", but this does not seem to be supported in the desktop. Thoughts?

    You are missing a cast. Also, I don't see where the variable 'message' has been declared.

    Try this:

    If (arg instanceof Message)

    Message message = arg (Message);

  • CallFunction return type of the object instead of boolean


    I used getScript("Somescriptname").callFunction to call a function in another script which has a boolean as a return type.

    The call above always returns type object, I tried an explicit cast to a boolean, but his throw syntax error.

    Please suggest

    Thanks and greetings


    Hello Suresh,

    getScript (.callFunction) always returns an object.  Initially, it should be stored in an object and then analyze Boolean value as shown below:

    Object Val = getScript("ScriptName").callFunction ("FunctionName", past of the arguments for the function, if any);

    Analyze as below

    Giveme Boolean = Boolean.parseBoolean (val.toString ());

    System.out.println ("return val:" + giveme);

    This should solve your problem.  Please let me know if this isn't...

    A happy test...

    Kind regards

    Plot of Sri

  • What types of Spec/object are... in the configuration, not found in the documentation.

    We know that the id of type object or spec for hardware specs is 1004 and for trade, but 2147.   I got a few guys spec in our configuration that I couldn't identify from the documents.  Configured objects are for extended attributes:

    2078.ExtendedAttributes.search.enabled = True

    3151.ExtendedAttributes.search.enabled = True

    3202.ExtendedAttributes.search.enabled = True

    5822.CustomSection.search.enabled = True

    5822.ExtendedAttributes.search.enabled = True

    If we try to discover...

    What is type 2078?  What is type 3151? What is type 3202? and what is of type 5822?

    Are these deprecated items and if so, what was the purpose?  Thank you.  -BeckieC

    You can find each type of object with the following SQL statement:

    Select type, classname, tablename in orclassmetainfo where to type (2078,3151,3202,5822)

    3202 NPDProjectDO npdProjects
    3151 CSSTradeItemPublicationDO cssTradeItemPublication
    5822 SmartIssueRequest SmartIssueRequest
    2078 TestingProtocol TestingProtocol
  • How to upgrade to a nested Table of Types of legacy objects?

    Anyone know why the (commented) next line does not work and what I can do? Is it possible to mount the column I'm trying to update? I think I'm going crazy...

    create or replace type person_ot as an object (the varchar2 (10)) no final name.

    create or replace type student_ot under person_ot (number s_num) not final;

    Create type person_tt as table of the person_ot;

    lv_person_list person_tt;
    lv_sql varchar2 (1000);
    ref_cur sys_refcursor;
    lv_sql: = ' select new student_ot ('fred', 100) double
    Union of all the
    Select new student_ot ("sally", 200) of the double ';
    Open the ref_cur for lv_sql;
    collect the fetch ref_cur in bulk in lv_person_list;
    close ref_cur;
    dbms_output.put_line (lv_person_list. (Count);
    for me in lv_person_list.first... loop of lv_person_list. Last
    lv_person_list (i) .name: = initcap (lv_person_list (i) .name); -It works!
    lv_person_list (i) .s_num: = 9999;  Why this line does not work and how do I update the s_num column? :-(
    end loop;

    As default lv_person_list (i) is treated as person_ot object do not type student_ot. You must use a combination of a temporary object of type student_ot and TREAT the function:

    lv_person_list person_tt;
    lv_sql varchar2(1000);
    ref_cur sys_refcursor;
    tmp student_ot;
    lv_sql:= 'select new student_ot(''fred'', 100) from dual
    union all
    select new student_ot(''sally'', 200) from dual';
    open ref_cur for lv_sql;
    fetch ref_cur bulk collect into lv_person_list;
    close ref_cur;
    for i in lv_person_list.first..lv_person_list.last loop
    lv_person_list(i).name := initcap(lv_person_list(i).name ); -- This works!
    tmp := treat(lv_person_list(i) as student_ot);
    tmp.s_num := 9999;
    lv_person_list(i) := tmp;
    end loop;
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


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