UH restauro como desfazer o instant?

Ola pessoal!

Restaurei snapshot um em cima da VM atual, so than como isso apaguei large sole of dados. Alguem sabe como desfazer esse e principle Pergunto voltar a como estava para poder copy VM meus dados?

Claudemir ABS.

Nao, sober perguntei a business option "Go To" only the para ter certeza's existiam but snapshots, very acordo com a imagem abaixo, você possui um instant unico e selecionando voltar para o mesmo realmente descarta todas as Reservoirvolume incursions desde a Criação mesmo, no seu caso desde o dia 25/11 :-(

Tags: VMware

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  • Instant Consolidando e depois executar um V2V Microsoft host para o mesmo

    Olá Senhores, me help a pensar em uma Solução


    Tenho um com um servidor ESX 4.1 client, com 690GB Datastore, ano passado EU fiz o P2V of Doi servidores e cada um com um 150 GB disco, Veeam Backup & Replication 6.5 atualmente o faz o backup e replicacao a lot VMS, notei Veeam esta deixando o snapshots VMS did, then of tempos em tempo preciso deletar instant estes na mao by os as discos consolidados seats , the snaps CFFO isso quando vejo o Datastore esta com 98 GB of Espaço book, em terms normais, sem, fica 320 GB com books

    Bem, vou fazer um a lot VMS V2V para o mesmo servidor, o objetivo e redimensionar o VMDK cada servidor couple 100 GB, POI faith notado than este size esta bom too, da as sobra, so only ate I tried uma vez, mas estava demorando uma eternidade first abortei e depois vi Quebec as VMS had snapshot com clubs 00001.vmdk, 00002.vmdk, etc com 18GB , 35 GB e com certeza isso torna o V2V but lento, em uma VM deletei instant o, antes hung - a lot has such impressive 3hs e claro terminasse while nao, nao poderia ligar a VM, deste jeito ate evito deletar snaps com a VM watch para nao afetar performance na client being Produção.Discos.jpgProvisioned.jpg

    Have any ideia Voces had nao is enxergando para fazer este V2V of forma rapida but? UO vou ter than face as horas mesmo, sendo some horas para deletar e instant os but some horas para o processo V2V.

    Another question, porque por exemplo uma VM tem em seu total 158GB, whereas disco VMDK e o Vmware provisiona 344GB e configuracao archives? APB, estou postage as imagens aqui não.

    Another question, agora of Veeam. Notei Québec em VMS com discos of 50 GB, Veeam nao mantem o snapshots, backups of os apos ele numbers mas com as VMS maiores, com 150 GB ele mantem discos instant vez enquando, ai ja parents themselves had nao ficar ligado, compromete o data store. Some expert of Veeam aqui para isso explain?

    Valeu pessoal, desde ja obrigado!


    Point 3 of em relaçao ao, o desabilitei SSL, os outros itens nao vi. MAS como e V2V converter Queer as a VM is desligada o e assim EU FACO, mesmo assim preciso mexer no MSConfig? Neste caso o V2V ocorre host a proprio para o A host, will be that isso pode estar ajudando na lentidao por causa do e/s? O servidor tem 03 fisico discos SATA RAID5 em em.

    Da forma that voce esta doing não precisa alterar o e MSConfig exportar os outros servicos comentei, mas Bivvy fazer o V2V instalando o VMware Converter no original Windows Server, perform like contact us as fiz that are documentadas no KB of best practices not VMware Converter, e talvez o tempo conversao seja menor... quanto ao fato V2V ser no mesmo host , OS discos SATA shaped estar causando a lentidao, very para ter certeza, you can try monitorar o Liveleak.com back discos utilizando o esxtop.

  • Instant e ESX4.0

    Hello to all,

    VI sewn pole sono in una location a tragica, mi sono imbattuto in una configurazione dove in. knew a server virtuale mi trovo to 50 file vmdk che sono Fanta ad occupare lo spazio su disco... tutto e any instant present dallo Snapshot Manager, Mi dicono che era stato fatto UN delet all my in realtà dei file non era stato nulla cancellato... Ho tried da riga di comandi an e verificare in effetti mi dice che any snapshot presents e... sta di fatto che oltre al main vmdk ho altri 49 collegati folder... Come posso fare per risolvere some dritta avete da consigliarmi?

    Grazie in pre-empted


    Tutto forward-looking to ESX 4.0 e pre o post update 2, col secondo procedure e easy Reed to hai pochissimo spazio libero, col previous devi unfortunately con organizzarti e procedere al as UN cloning della VM storage in modo da consolidare I brain.

    VMware ha una guida di Como in fare picture both I casi:

    VMware KB: Consolidation of the snapshots in ESX/ESXi 3.x and 4.x



  • Fichero borrado accidental hard como recover

    Hola debido has a corriente una vm error that is called xxx.vmdk al volver a try arrancarla to ha generated otro fichero xxx0001.vmdk y me ha llenado el datastore y no arranca por falta espacio.

    Al not peder liberar nada paso a revisar el fichero config (vmx), una vez revisado verifico that hace referencia apunta a este ultimo (xxx0001.vmdk), ante the arrancar el sistema o tr TR, procedido solo he need a clear el xxx.vmdk.

    Decision of the Mala porque al try arrancarla don't as soon as no ese fichero exists.

    Hay alguna manera alguna manera fichero ese recover.



    Siento take if no tienes backup of tus VM, lamentablemente no hay forma recuperarlo.

    El fichero xxx - 00001.vmdk're a fichero Delta, came por snapshots, donde is mantienen los cambios desde creation del facts instant. One of the problems that have instant los are only crece, growing, want pueden Sin are 'control' the y you LUN.

    El fichero delta, so lo editas, you apunta al xxx.vmdk como referencia. Al este... delete the VM no sabe arrancar

    In the case that you vuelva a pasar, hay several options:

    Eliminate snapshtos > haces one commit los cambios there is consolidated

    Dream of State previus > vuelves al estado dinna cuando los instant time

    Clonar the Máquina > esto you hace a commit los cambios


  • Instant restore: the virtual disk parent has changed since the child has been created

    Buenos dias,

    A worm if someone is ha sown con este problema y me can echar UN cable.

    Al trabajar con una maquina virtual en local con el disco en un disco external depuradora, to me broken instant crear of the United Nations (por el disco local creo en lo disgrace).

    Al use esta Máquina in casa, arranco perfectly, claro, pero sin los datos del snapshot.

    Hoy al arrancarla in the oficina ha generated a conflict: "the virtual disk parent has changed, since the child was creates," ha detectado what ha modified the virtual machine after ultima grabación del snapshot, no permite arrancarla.

    Could eliminando el solucionarlo snapshot, pero no puedo perder todo lo as he ido generating information.

    Alguna idea?

    Para eso estamos DiegoPS.

    No olvides close the discusion marcandola como respondida.


  • Instantly restore a domain controller

    Hola a to@s;

    I have a serious problem y necesitaria toda vuestra experience; solo tenemos UN dominio driver con windows 2008 r2, el

    problema what hicimos snapshot Hare 3 dias y hoy hemos tenido algun problema con una application than leave probando

    in nuestro dominio driver y spend Québec no works volvimos instant Hare al 3 dias, con lo cual todos los equipos y servidores

    What han montado estos dias last no estan los objetos in our driver of dominio; LOGiCO, bueno este no're mi problema porque

    Los return add y ago esta, hacer el trabajo pero bueno volver one respond, pero lo ncesitaria hacer're dejar mi dominio driver

    Estable than no tenga any problema, como hacer, pq there could me ha pasado than algun servidor no good sincroniza hora, I can

    hacer alguna gpo, etc...


    I think no, creo you driver to sincronize in su estado actual.

    No tienes UN backup?  If not, is hacer uno ahora, y aplicalo an otra VM, solo para test TR eso will be used.

  • No inician las maquinas office don't instant con

    Buenos dias. He tenido than realize United Nations turn to put all office maquinas para reiniciar los servidores ESX, por mantenimiento motivated. El problema as tengo ahora, that're todas las maquinas that have instant without y pull me dan el siguiente error:

    "Could not open the disk ' / Vmfs/volumes/xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx/maquinavirtual/maquinavirtual.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends." Reason: unknown error 137. »

    Alguien sabe than can estar pasando? The rest of maquinas how correctamente.

    Kind regards

    Hola nuevo,

    Checks that tienes ESPACIO SUFICIENTE en el datastore como para as the VM can arrancar.

    A greeting.


  • Instant borrado.

    Buenas a todos.

    Estoy doing los DataStore limpieza y me he found that una las maquinas tiene instant of the United Nations. No suelo las maquinas instant hacer, lo hago son backup con vRanger connection.

    Quiero ese instant attention, pero tengo duda of TR is esta utilizando Manager Snapshots of the machine are as pulso en cuando me appears con el signo play verde sober instant said.

    Quiere decir esto that the esta utilizando el instant? Como puedo asegurarme of Quebec is an el borrado of snapshots of ese influence?



    revisando los ficheros estan in el directory as of you maquina you confirmed that esa maquina esta virtual using a snapshot "previo base 4 virtual cores. In concreto el fichero donde is estan los cambios desde guardando what did el snapshot (07/10/09) are el noether (webmail)-000001 - delta.vmdk.

    Como supongo than no quieres perder los cambios pair y volver al estado in el cual estaba el momento Québec the Máquina is el was not instantaneous, lo unico debes hacer as are United Nations 'remove' o 'remove all' desde el Manager of snapshots. Las guardaran los cambios options back any that han estado en el fichero guardando * delta - delta.vmk aplicandolos al fichero original of the virtual machine (noether (webmail) - flat hard).

    Te recomendaria back cosas:

    (1) additional seguridad do UN previo medida como backup of the virtual machine antes hacer el remove the snapshot of the led.

    (2) a ser posible that the virtual machine tengas parada are el proceso del to delete will be algo mas rapido. Aunque lo puedes hacer con perfectly the Máquina virtual arrancada.

    Best wishes / Saludos.


    Please consider providing any useful answer. Thank you!! - Por favor considered premiar las useful responses. ¡¡MUCHAS gracias!

    Virtually noob blog

  • Serious problem with instant


    Bueno estamos pensando by NO snapshots of hacer (o por lo menos informarnos mas sober ellos), porque hemos tenido UN par of malas experiences.

    Had 2 snap en una Máquina virtual, a momento dado is decidio 'eliminate' todos los instant y luego... maquina ¡¡¡la no ¡¡¡arrancaba.

    is are el los instant operation?, what hacen¿. For example, yo tengo una maquina virtual, with a 20 GB supongamos disco c:, if the hago snapshot crea an archivo vmsnp, if the otro mas crea otro archivo mas, o use el mismo hago?, cuando yo voy doing changes in the virtual machine... ¿el archivo snap will be no bigger?...

    End of en, creo me van leaving labor dudas, a worm if alguien me las you can clarify there if os ha dado snap los problemas.


    Buenas akumal2

    A worm if soy capaz explicarlo hacerte UN taco sin y sin hacermelo yo


    operation of las snapshots are sencillo cuando haces una instant

    básicamente El ESX that hace lo're forzar al sagna a Quebec escriba in disco

    todo lo tiene pendiente Los puts in buffer (como hacer an en sync)

    (Linux), una vez as eso esta, como crea property of snap UN fichero

    sober el a starting from ese momento will realizando las operaciones.

    Esto right para casi any Máquina Québec no tenga UN aplicativo ' as vaya a poco a bola knew ' bbdd, for example servidores como Exchange y alguna than otra mas, gestionan los access a disco is heard propio sort, don't con lo than forzar al sagna a United Nations synchronisation as haga no means that for example el Oracle to vaya a dar por enterado.  Para estos aside of the snapshot you need perform some actions para tener a consistent point.


    posteriormente realizas instant otra is repeated of el nuevo

    procedure earlier pero esta vez sober el fichero previous snap.

    is consolidan los datos one there is crea a snap fichero nuevo

    where is con continua con the run, y asi cada vez.


    ficheros snap can reach uno crecer in cada tanto of como el disco

    original, decir con tienes una Máquina if a 20 GB disco y haces

    snapshot instant esa una can reach a crecer hasta 20 GB, so haces

    Otra, ditto... con lo than hay than tener cuidado con esto... Asimismo una

    Snapshot requires tener acceso al disco original como tanto a todas las

    snapshots as tenga por behind, no son isolated, the decir sales are

    Primera snapshot requiere el acceso al disco d'origina, instant 5º

    requiere el acceso las 4 anteriores y al original disco.

    Moved al mundo real're como if you pones a UN libro write there para eso you

    Shopping logbook 100 hojas UN super chulo's super caro, empiezas one

    write y UN dia ves Québec the trama are you esta complicando too there

    Quebec perhaps para no estropear el cuaderno bonito, mejor continuas the

    Historia en as cuadernos, uno por cada chapter, y cuando are

    Lo tengas claro form los nuevos capítulos en el cuaderno original.


    El punto del lector vista (you virtual machine) para enterarse of the

    Historia El leerse todos cuadernos para saber of Quebec the va

    Historia...  (uff chapa, como vaya is noted that no tengo ahora that hacer mucho... an este el paso that goes a tener as comprar los cuadernos yo soy...)

    Eliminate snapshots como todo tiene cierto riesgo y depending del tamano to capture instant can carry hasta horas..., yo you recomendaria has the hora of eliminarlas if tienes muchas, lo do poco a poco (una cada vez) no todas del tiron, y Sue hacerlo in moments in which the Máquina y esten mas descargadas infrastructure.

    Por lo demas las instant're algo you da muchisimo juego y that in many cases facilitated you mucho el trabajo.


  • Instant con problemas

    Hola a todos

    Tengo 4 servidor virtual montado in una cabia discos back servidores con ellos 3 don't me dan problemas al building snapshot pero ellos uno una me devuelve el siguiente error "a configuration invalid snapshot was detectec" ¿Alguien sabria como solucionarlo?

    A greeting is gracias por anticipado.

    Hola Arcige,

    Someone made changes in the config of the VM mientras el instant Alicia walked in? Typing ahora mismo en esa VM UN instant walked in?

    Entrada prueba a hacer UN clon of the VM (con the VM parada) y ver el clon en TR not you pasa.

    If no you can try United Nations work around:

    -Para the VM

    -Adhere to consoled her del ESX Québec tiene ahora the name VM y teclea:

    VMware-cmd - l

    Con esto veras una lista las rutas of VMs is.

    -In the VM directory el Metete, y desde dentro el, localiza ficheros .vmsd, ellos uno are el you estara causando problemas (ignored because). El that sea en Cuestión, lo cambias in number:

    MV orig.vmsd - wink wink - orig.vmsd.orig

    -Una vez hecho esto arranca e VM brought hacer a snapshot.


  • Files that are opened in a bound iCloud application are instantly copied to the application folder in iCloud.

    When I open a file in any folder in the finder, in an application that is linked to iCloud, i.e. 'Expert PDF' or 'Preview', I opened, the file will be copied to the application folder instantly. This only happens on Mac.

    On Mac, the file appears in the folder something like a shortened (as in the picture):

    If I open the mobile application (i.e. PDF Expert) there is a copy of the file in the application folder.

    I first thought that would happen only with Expert PDF, but I discovered that it happens with any application that is enabled in the settings of the iCloud drive. It's really annoying to remove them, every time that you open the. That this feature was actually supposed to do, is create a folder in iCloud drive that is assigned to the application on any device to iCloud.

    Maybe someone knows how to turn it off, or maybe it's just a bug.

    It looks like a feature and not a bug.

    iCloud is not really duplicate files in the files collection of application.  It looks like a file duplicate of the same size as the original, that you have opened, but iCloud is record storage by creating symbolic links. .

    I checked several of apparent duplicates in the Terminal, and if I list the file with the Terminal command

    LS - li somefileoniclouddrive

    I see that the inodes are identical to the original and the duplicate.  So no additional storage is required.

  • Storage of 1 TB icloud is 'Full' instantly


    I just bought a 1 TB of storage icloud and with the 1st attempt to copy a file, I got the message ' point 'Photos' cannot be copied because there is not enough free space. "

    How does the iCloud?  I bought the extra space in order to save my old NTFS hard drives so I could then wipe them and format them to HFS before returning data

    I am so - drag files directly from an external drive, so they are copied. It is true that the first case was big enough - 220 GB. So I went to smaller - 1 GB worked, 9 GB worked, but then 14 GB does not.

    Then I tried a few new smaller files - about 1 GB and they worked but then a record 2.6 GB failed.

    I tried 3 files totalling 39 GB of my local documents directory - and they moved (not copied) "instantly".

    What happens here? Is it because it's an external hard drive? Because it is NTFS? The fact that I have less than 1 GB of storage available on my boot drive it affect?

    Also - when I moved the data to local storage to icloud, when will I see the space on my local drive actually become free?

    In a perfect world, I really wish I could you select the 990 GB of several files on my external hard drive, and then drag to icloud only once - then leave from one day to the next, or more.

    Is this possible?

    Thank you

    If these data you "move" to iCloud aren't on your system drive, it is your question.

    iCloud is a synchronization between your local system drive and iCloud service. So if you copy data to an external hard drive, what you're doing is to copy it to your local HD and your iCloud drive.

    The message of the space isn't likely your system drive, icloud.

    The documents folder moved smoothly, because this content was already on your system disk. You just change the file locations.

    iCloud is NOT a hard drive in the sky that you can move data. It is a service of synchronization between the file called iCloud drive on your local system drive and iCloud himself.

    At the end of synchronization, they will have the same content. Same amount of occupied space.

    "In a perfect world, I really wish you select the 990 GB of several files on my external hard drive, and then drag to icloud only once - then leave from one day to the next, or more."

    N ° not like iCloud is currently being implemented.

  • Firefox instantly hangs at startup

    When I try to open Firefox it flashes an error instantly "Screenshot attached (Error)" and the past in the background report.

    Pop lasts for 1 or 2 frames so its went very quickly, try to click on safe mode or refresh does nothing.

    I tried to uninstall and reinstall Firefox.

    I tried to uninstall Firefox and ensuring that everything is removed, Run applications to delete all the files and all add-ins, cache cleaning and then restarted the computer and run again clean it before reinstalling. Still the same error.

    Firefox worked very well for many years, I update it every time there is an update. He was working a little more than 2 hours. I closed it to work on something else, when I back to open again this starting happening in Firefox.

    Other browsers work fine. IE Chrome and Edge everything works fine.

    Could you please advice what I can try next. Thank you.

    Oh, thanks for the recent report of incidents. It is a problem with the secure certificate.

    I suggest renaming the cert8.db file in case it is damaged, although if you deleted all your Firefox data, this will probably not help.

    This file is located in your current Firefox profile folder, you can find by following the steps in this article: profiles - where Firefox stores your bookmarks, passwords and other user data.

    Firefox starts after that?

    You can also try the following if you delete your Firefox program folder when reinstalling previously:

    Clean reinstall it

    We use this name, but it isn't about deleting your settings, this is to ensure that the program, files are clean (not incompatible, corrupt or exotic code files). As described below, this process does not disrupt your existing settings. Don't uninstall NOT Firefox, that does not need.

    (A) download a fresh Installer for Firefox 42.0 https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/all/ in an ideal location. (Scroll down your preferred language).

    (B) the release of Firefox (if any).

    (C) simply rename the folder of the current programme, either:

    (Windows 64-bit folder names)

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox


    C:\Program Files (x86)\OldFirefox

    (Windows 32-bit folder names)

    C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox


    C:\Program Files\OldFirefox

    (D) run the installer downloaded to (A). It should automatically connect to your existing settings.

    Firefox works normally?

    Note: Some plugins can only exist in this OldFirefox file. If it is missing something essential, present in these files:

    • \OldFirefox\Plugins
    • \OldFirefox\browser\plugins

    Otherwise, there is no reason to keep the old folder except research/curiosity.

  • Watch a video, when you click to enlarge full screen, it makes this SLOW slide and thing slow expansion. Safari is INSTANT full screen. How can I fix thi

    Example: I am on YouTube. I play a video. I click to enlarge to full screen. He SLOWLY slips stuff on. It SLOWLY expands to fill the screen. Is anyone seriously lame attempt to try to be cool? It wasn't always like that. And Safari is always: click the full screen and it is full screen INSTANTLY.

    How can I make Firefox expand a video in full screen INSTANTLY?

    Thank you!

    It is possible that they have the same effect.
    I don't know about it, then you have to check that the extension disabled.
    I don't know if this setting is saved and continues after you close and then restart Firefox.

Maybe you are looking for