Update project CP8 CP9 form


I ran a little bit of a delicate situation.

I had a huge project with a lot of coding.

I needed to upgrade the CP8 CP9 to project.

You think it's where I ran into problems.

Each piece of code that I did no longer works.

So my question is.

Is there a way to upgrade a CP8 CP9 to project and still keep the code, advanced for most of the actions.

Thanks in advance!

I hope you kept the unchanged original CP8 project files.

It is a known problem with the upgrade to Cp9 and was resolved with a patch.

Hot fix | Adobe Captivate questions 9

Tags: Adobe Captivate

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    No, a sensitive project will have to be recreated from scratch, although you can use the active (open external library) since the original files.

    Sorry for this disappointing response.

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    Thank you


    Look at the form - request for project status. Here you see the summary amounts of actual costs and commitments. You could go down using the key commitments and get a list of all the commitments summarised.


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    We use

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    PRC: Refresh the summary amounts of project @ 12:04
    PRC: Update the amounts summary of transactions @ 12:16
    PRC: update project summary amounts for a single project @ 12:17
    PRC: Refresh the summary amounts of project @ 12:18

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    Thank you


    We only run every night the CPP process: amounts of summary of project update, for all projects. This process know to only add additional transactions added since new or updated commitments to date of last run and the only process.
    This process is planned after completing all the costing process.

    The process - people's Republic of CHINA: Refresh Project summary amounts - actually built from scratch the synthesis of all transactions and commitments. Therefore, this process can take more and more time to complete project data increases. You should perform this process once after the migration of data from an existing system, or if you have found a problem with the course summary. Remark that could arise from changes you can make with periods of declaration put in place not in the right order (period after period, never go back).


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    <cfif IsDefined("FORM.MM_UpdateRecord") AND FORM.MM_UpdateRecord EQ "content_edit">

      <cfquery datasource="everettweb">UPDATE Content

    SET Page_URL=<cfif IsDefined("FORM.Page_URL") AND #FORM.Page_URL# NEQ "">





    , Page_Category=<cfif IsDefined("FORM.Page_Category") AND #FORM.Page_Category# NEQ "">





    , Content_Description=<cfif IsDefined("FORM.Content_Description") AND #FORM.Content_Description# NEQ "">





    , Content_Heading=<cfif IsDefined("FORM.Content_Heading") AND #FORM.Content_Heading# NEQ "">





    , Content=<cfif IsDefined("FORM.Content") AND #FORM.Content# NEQ "">





    , Image_URL=<cfif IsDefined("FORM.Filename") AND #FORM.Filename# NEQ "">







      <cflocation url="#FORM.Page_URL#">


    Thanks for any help you can provide!


    Okay, so I rebuilt the page, and it worked. When I compared both versions it looks like when I did a montage for the sql, I had a bit of redundant code in the form that would throw things off. Thanks for all your help!

    Dan, with regard to the two types of variables, the URL variable that's so I can fill in the form with the data in the existing record. Here's the process:

    -Main page has a link to change the content, which is identified by the ID number.

    -The link change calls the form of update: content_editor.cfm? recordID = #ID #.

    -A queries on the calls page of content_editor.cfm for the data Records using the url variable (because at this point, it is the only remaining identifier from the previous page) to fill out the form.

    -A second query updates the record on form.

    If there is another way to do it, I don't know. I left Dreamweaver show me one way, and then I adapted this method to a couple updated various registration forms. I'm certainly open to other suggestions!


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    Help, please

    There is a syntax error in your statement.

    You must write:

    PROCEDURE update_current IS


    update abc set xculumn= :block_name.item_name2 where ycolumn = :block_name.item_name1 ;


    Hope it helps you,


    If this answer is useful or appropriate, please mark. Thank you.

    Published by: Fabrizio Delli Priscoli on 23 / ott/2008 14:30

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    As you probably understand, giving all your textareas eponymous means that when the form is submitted, you get a value that is a list of the contents of each text box comma-delimited.  If none of the commas are typed in the text box, you have a problem.

    My preferred method is to include some sort of identifier as part of the name of the form field.  Since you have ID photo available, I would use those.  This would give your names textareas as description_111, description_112, etc.

    When the form is submitted, I loop through the form.fieldnames list.  If the first 12 characters are 'description_111', I can remore 12 characters to get the id.  I also have the content of the text box using the array notation.

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    Emre is correct, that you can do only with a formula. Note If you use a string PD type, the formula will display the value not on its label. This is useful if you want the label to be something that is easy to use, but the value can be a code or an abbreviation that is used elsewhere.

    Also an Emre says the formula field will be read-only, but can concatenate the value of the RFP by another string (entered manually, already on the form, of an another PD,...) implement a longer string. This type of approach is sometimes used to define the structures of coding for the elements.

    If you have an integer PD, then you can have the Boolean logic built into the form. Let's look at an example. You have an amount field that you want to split and or show it is Capital or a time-based fees. You can set the following configuration:

    • Amount: currency
    • Type: Costs of Capital (1), (2) [Note: If no value is selected, it will evaluate as a 0]
    • Amount of capital = Type * (Type 2) * amount
    • Fees = Type * (Type - 1) * amount / 2

    The results are:

    • If nothing is selected, the Type is 0, and the other two amounts are 0.
    • If the Capital is selected, the amount of Capital will be defined (1 * 1 * amount) and the amount of spending is 0.
    • If the expenditure is selected, amount of expenditure will be defined (2 * 1 * amount/2) and the amount of Capital is 0.

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    My apologies for this being so stretched, but I really wanted to know if anyone out there is having the same problem, or at least is aware of what happens with my shapes and strokes. To be a little more specific, it's almost as if the shape added several anchor points at himself, and these anchor points just in case then decide to change if they are all different directions. I say "random" because this does not happen to all forms and happens to those, I'm still not sure when this change happens or what is the same cause.

    And Yes, I tried to play around with the settings, and no, it's not only in the illustrator file. It seems even even after have exported them to a png or pdf.

    Hey, thanks for your time! And if you can't answer that, I hope I have at least the same problem you then we can feel a little better that we're not the only ones in the word scratching their heads in confusion and chaos. : 3

    Can you choose your items and see if they comply with the pixel grid?

    If they do, turn the power off.

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    If I just enter a text string, the data are updated without error, but the text box is varchar2 (4000) so I don't understand why I get this error.  Below is the data entry is successful - no error message, the data is refreshed.


    Help on what to look at to find the cause of this error would be appreciated.



    My report and the form was built using Apex tool wizards.  By the process of elimination, I realized that the error came from the "Show only" field I had put on the form for one of the file download I don't want the user to change.  So I rebuilt the form/report, so the interactive report shows just the displayable downloads (downloaded previously) by other users and the form only shows the appropriate field to download new files.  I have no more errors.

    Thanks to all for the replies!


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    Thank you.

    What recognition do you run. If you run the reconciliation target then it will update only the data on the form of courses. To update the data on the user profile, you will need to run Trusted reconciliation

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    Has anyone met image quality fell when a sensitive to the CP8 project publishing?

    I currently have a little. I need to use transparently and on different screen sizes that they resize as you would expect ic? NES PNG.

    But the quality really falls on iOS (iPhone 5) while when showing your desktop they look very good.

    Even seen when the image size is fixed correct pixels the. PNG always looks pixelated on the iPhone.

    I tried to change the quality settings but nothing works, my first thought was network compression is more 4 g / 3G, but it's the same on the WiFi.

    I hope I'm missing something obvious?

    Find this image file in output files and see if CP it can be compressed.

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    For all my projects, I use the list of contacts for project. I updated a contact group to add a secondary number/address.

    Is it possible to update all or several projects to contain adding contact information already in the list of contacts for project, without manually enter for all projects?

    It is a tool that was written by www.morpheustechgroup.com. I know they sold since then, but I don't know who. An e-mail to [email protected] you will probably get this information.

    Standard WARNING: otherwise that as a customer of the Morpheus technology group I am not otherwise affiliated with them.

  • Cannot find the project in the form of project serch

    Hi all

    In the search screen, I can't find any project that created after h24:mi:ss. dd/mm/yyyy (see message below).

    To benefit from the research above, the project must have been created or updated before: 08/01/2011 13:28:55

    How can I update the current data for the research?

    Thank you.

    Run the simultaneous program (ADM: rebuild indexes of project search Intermedia), and then try again.

    In 11.5.10 you must run the program above to search for projects through the PJT search screen.

    Thank you

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