visibility of object inside the function handling

Hello!  It is to animate CC HTML5 Canvas.  I am sure that it is extremely simple, but please explain why does not the following:

function hideButton() {}

This.Button.Visible = false;



At the same time, running this.button.visible = false; outside the service works very well.

How can I correct this clip from movie?

Thank you!

PS is there a reference library that I can look to animate CC JavaScript?

It does not work because the event handlers in JavaScript, 'this' by default refers to the window object, not the object that raised the event. Simplest solution is to use bind() when you assign to the event handler (the built-in code snippets illustrate this).

Best references for coding in canvas mode are:

CreateJS | A suite of tools designed to work with HTML5 and JavaScript libraries

JavaScript | DND

Tags: Adobe Animate

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    Can we call the procedure inside the function?

    Thank you

    845712 wrote:

    Can we call the procedure inside the function?

    Strange question to ask.

    Yes. This is the standard behavior in most (if not all) procedural and object oriented languages.

    A procedure, function or a method is a unit of code.

    You can call one of the other units. Units can call themselves (recursion). Technically, this means simply by pushing the battery current (to save the stack of the current device memory), the call to the new unit and then popping up battery when control is returned to the unity of the appellant.

    There are very few exceptions to this. The only one that comes to mind programming languages I've used through the years, is natural 1 - could not call a new unit of code to replace the existing one in memory. If no call-and-return was possible.

    Exactly what did you ask this question? Some newcomers to confused Oracle SQL and PL/SQL - two different languages aside server. And then also mistaken for PL/SQL client command vocabulary of SQL * more.

    You will need to make sure that understand the basics of programming (applies to most current programming languages) and Oracle concepts.

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    I have

    am a newbie in coldfusion. I need help. My database has records of names of companies as: abc, Inc. For now I'm using this query:

    SELECT DISTINCT COMPANY FROM ComapanyTable WHERE (Company IN (#ListQualify(form.cCompanyList2, "'", ",")#))

    This problem is that it separates CBA, Inc..

    SELECT DISTINCT Company FROM CompanyTableWHERE (Company IN ('abc',' Inc.','xyz','Inc.'))

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    Y at - it anyway to solve this problem.

    Thank you for your help.

    I managed to fix it.

    I posted the solution to StackOverflow

    SQL - how can I escape commas inside the function listQualify? -Stack overflow

    Thank you once again!

  • Get the value of the variable inside the function from the event (EventListener)

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    var StringVar="sample";
    myButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myClickReaction);
    function myClickReaction (e:MouseEvent):void{
    StringVar="other sample";
    trace(StringVar); /* it gives me "sample" value and i would get "other sample" value */ 

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    function myClickReaction():void{
    StringVar="other sample";
    trace(StringVar); /* it gives me result as i wanted to have - "other sample" value */ 

    I also know method of passing of arguments depending on the event, but it doesn't for me as I would like to

    var StringVar="sample";
    myButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(e:MouseEvent){ myClickReaction(e, StringVar) },false, 0, true);
    function myClickReaction (e:MouseEvent, StrVar:String):void{
    StrVar="other sample";
    trace(StringVar); /* it also gives me "sample" value and i would get "other sample" value */ 

    How to do it correctly?

    I do not know the structure of your screen lists so I can't tell you how to access the variable, but you're on the right track. If it's a parent, then you can always use the .parent property to cross to the top the list display to try to access.

    for example 1 level:

    MovieClip (this.parent). StringVar = "another sample";

    Add more properties .parent to continue to move to the top of the list.

    for example:

    MovieClip (this.parent.parent). StringVar = "another sample";

    Just like always, use traces (MovieClip (this.parent). StringVar); until you get the value that you want to know that you're accessing them correctly.

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    public void Function_One()



    public void Function_Two()


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    Or is there a better way to do this?

    Thank you.

    Try with method 1:

    If (getChildByName ("enemy_mc")! = null) removeChild (getChildByName ("enemy_mc"));

    Try with method 2:

    for (i = this.numChildren - 1; i > = 0; i--) {}

    trace (BG.getChildAt (i). (Name)  Make sure that the name that you specified on stage

    If (this.getChildAt (i) .name == "enemy_mc") bg.removeChildAt (i);


    Place a trace statement and identify first if he recover the movieclip 'enemy_mc '.

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    If you use Captivate 8 or 9, you can zip the HTML page and insert into Captivate as a HTML5 Animation. This should work for you.

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    Import fl.motion.AnimatorFactory;

    Import fl.motion.MotionBase;

    Import fl.motion.Motion;

    flash.filters import. *;

    to import flash.geom.Point;

    var __motion_NewBall_7: MotionBase;

    theButton.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, on_press1);

    function on_press1(event: MouseEvent): void {}

    If (__motion_NewBall_7 == null) {}

    __motion_NewBall_7 = new Motion();

    __motion_NewBall_7.duration = 60;

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("x", [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,-4.02143,-8.04286,-12.0603,-16.0857,-20.1071,-24.1246,-28.15,-35.6987,-43.2474,-50.7885,-58.3447,-65.8934,-73.4346,-80.9832,-88.5395,-96.0882,-103.637,-111.186,-118.727,-126.283,-133.824,-141.38,-148.929,-156.478,-164.026,-171.575,-179.124,-186.672,-194.221,-201.77,-209.311,-216.867,-224.416,-231.957,-239.506,-247.062,-254.611,-262.152,-269.708,-277.257,-284.805 -292.346 ([, - 299.903, - 307.451,-315]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("y", [0, 9.41071, 18.8214, 28.2227, 37.6429, 47.0536, 56.4549, 65.875, 75.2857, 84.6964, 94.1071, 103.518, 112.919, 122.339, 131.75, 124.157, 116.564, 108.979, 101.379, 93.7857, 86.2004, 78.6, 84.0237, 89.4474, 94.8656, 100.295, 105.718, 111.137, 116.56, 121.989, 127.413, 132.837, 138.261, 143.679, 149.108, 154.526, 159.955, 165.379, 170.803, 176.226, 181.65, 187.074, 192.497, 197.921, 203.345, 208.763, 214.192, 219.616, 225.034, 230.458, 235.887, 241.311, 246.729, 252.158, 257.582, 263.005 268.424]) 273.853, 279.276, 284,7]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("scaleX", [1.000000]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("scaleY", [1.000000]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("Scewx", [0]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("transformations", [0]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("rotationConcat", [0]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("blendMode", "normal");

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("cacheAsBitmap", [false]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("opaqueBackground", [null]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ('visible', [true]);

    var __animFactory_NewBall_7: AnimatorFactory = new AnimatorFactory (__motion_NewBall_7);

    __animFactory_NewBall_7.transformationPoint = new Point (0.500000, 0.500000);

    __animFactory_NewBall_7.addTarget (myClip, 0);




    Import fl.motion.AnimatorFactory;

    Import fl.motion.MotionBase;

    Import fl.motion.Motion;

    flash.filters import. *;

    to import flash.geom.Point;

    theButton.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, on_press1);

    var __motion_NewBall_7: MotionBase;

    var __animFactory_NewBall_7: AnimatorFactory; //<-just the="" declaration="" was="" to="" be="" moved. ="" not="" the="">

    function on_press1(event: MouseEvent): void {}

    If (__motion_NewBall_7 == null) {}

    __motion_NewBall_7 = new Motion();

    __motion_NewBall_7.duration = 60;

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("x", [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,-4.02143,-8.04286,-12.0603,-16.0857,-20.1071,-24.1246,-28.15,-35.6987,-43.2474,-50.7885,-58.3447,-65.8934,-73.4346,-80.9832,-88.5395,-96.0882,-103.637,-111.186,-118.727,-126.283,-133.824,-141.38,-148.929,-156.478,-164.026,-171.575,-179.124,-186.672,-194.221,-201.77,-209.311,-216.867,-224.416,-231.957,-239.506,-247.062,-254.611,-262.152,-269.708,-277.257,-284.805 -292.346 ([, - 299.903, - 307.451,-315]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("y", [0, 9.41071, 18.8214, 28.2227, 37.6429, 47.0536, 56.4549, 65.875, 75.2857, 84.6964, 94.1071, 103.518, 112.919, 122.339, 131.75, 124.157, 116.564, 108.979, 101.379, 93.7857, 86.2004, 78.6, 84.0237, 89.4474, 94.8656, 100.295, 105.718, 111.137, 116.56, 121.989, 127.413, 132.837, 138.261, 143.679, 149.108, 154.526, 159.955, 165.379, 170.803, 176.226, 181.65, 187.074, 192.497, 197.921, 203.345, 208.763, 214.192, 219.616, 225.034, 230.458, 235.887, 241.311, 246.729, 252.158, 257.582, 263.005 268.424]) 273.853, 279.276, 284,7]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("scaleX", [1.000000]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("scaleY", [1.000000]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("Scewx", [0]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("transformations", [0]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("rotationConcat", [0]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("blendMode", "normal");

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("cacheAsBitmap", [false]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ("opaqueBackground", [null]);

    __motion_NewBall_7.addPropertyArray ('visible', [true]);

    __animFactory_NewBall_7 = new AnimatorFactory (__motion_NewBall_7); Set after the motion, _motion_NewBall_7 exists

    __animFactory_NewBall_7.transformationPoint = new Point (0.500000, 0.500000);

    __animFactory_NewBall_7.addTarget (myClip, 1);



  • Cannot access object via the function

    Faced with the question while accessing the object to a different schema.

    I go from B a scheme A scheme object.

    synonyms and roles are created. When I select A schema I can't access the object of Figure B.

    But this error when accessing the service.

    Error: PLS-00904: insufficient privilege to access object


    Roles do not count in the procedures of stlored and functions with "AUTHID OWNER".

    Log in as user B and give A necessary privilege directly or change the function so that it uses "AUTHID CURRENT_USER.

    Published by: Frank Kulash, 24 March 2010 06:03

  • Resize the object inside the tab control


    I have problems with the design of a user interface. I need to have multiple controls resize with panel inside a tab control.

    I see it right, there is no way to have a resize done inside a tab with decorations control that separates controls?

    I have not yet checked LabVIEW 2013.

    I have attached a vi in LV2012 as an example.

    Thanks in advance.

    Yes it is a feature I've wanted also over the years.  Here's the first result that I got from the exchange of idea, but I think that there are duplicates autour.

    Basically, you can't do nativly but you can trick it work for you.  You make a tab that is false the user interacts with, changes to the value of another tab that things in it and then you fix every thing you want it is in the tab where it is demonstrated.  This works well if the thing in your tab is an element able to evolve to adapt to it, but if in a tab, you have a chart and another you have a bunch of buttons that should not change, then you will get a strange behavior.  You can tell the chart is more scope to this component, but then you lose the 'ladder while resizing objects' that make a lot more native user interface research.

  • The call for a Subvi without providing a reference to the objects inside the Subvi?

    Hi all

    Suppose I have a Subvi, which trace Y1 vs X 1 and Y2 X 2 vs on the same XYGraph. See attachment.

    XYGraph the property node is linked to the XYGraph. It sets the style width and point line for each curve on the XYGraph.

    If I call this Subvi 4 times in other code (make 4 diferent XYGraphs (XYGraph1, XYGraph2, XYGraph3, XYGraph4, each of which contains two lines Y1 X 1 and Y2 X 2 vs vs)).

    Why would I need to create 4 different references for 4 different XYGraphs?

    The question is really this: If the property node is explicitly linked to the XYGraph in the Subvi, why the property node must be updated via a reference if the Subvi is called

    several times to several XYGraphs? Wouldn't the Subvi take entries, draw the curves of the XYGraph, update the nodes property and then produce a final with XYGraph

    update properties?

    If there is to be a Subvi why you a graph on its façade and manipulate its properties? You will have to manipulate the properties of the chart on the front of the top-level VI. You see a graph is not a type of data - it is a display object. What is passed through calling screw terminals are given, and in this case, the data type is an array of clusters containing a table of x values and an array of values there.

    If you want to do a Subvi that performs this operation you must pass it a reference to the curve that you want to handle that one of them has entered the data values.


  • Why can't I access object inside the ListItemComponent.onCreationCompleted C++... ?

    Hello world

    My application has a HTTP connection to retrieve the XML stream and insert data to the ListView using DataSource and DataModel, and I want to hear at each of its ListView ListItem is created and completely to use a ListItemData for my c++ object. So I write my code like this

    In main.cpp

    int main (int argc, char * argv)


    App app (argc, argv);

    new MyApp (&app);)



    In MyApp.cpp

    MyApp::MyApp (bb::cascades:Application * app): //constructor

    {QObject (app)}

    QmlDocument * qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///main.qml").parent(this);

    QML-> setContextProperty ("app", this);

    AbstractPane * stream = qml-> createRootObject)

    App-> setScene (NCA);


    void MyApp::doMyFunction (const QString & someData) {}

    qDebug()< "yes!!="">


    In main.qml

    {Of container

    {To ListView

    dataModel: myDataModel



    type: 'point '.

    {Of container

    onCreationCompleted: {}


    app.doMyFunction (ListItemData.someData);    //<  but="" console="" print="" about="" "can't="" find="" variable="" "app"="">





    } //end listview

    } //end container

    onCreationCompleted: {}

    myDataSource.load ();




    ID: myDataModel


    DataSource {}

    ID: myDataSource

    Source: "some URLs to get RSS... blah blah."

    type: DataSource.Xml

    onDataLoaded: {}

    myDataModel.clear ();

    myDataModel.insertList (data);




    I try to run mycode. But a console is printed on "can't find variable: app". " How can I solve this problem?

    Thanks for any suggestions.

    Its because the listitem is not in the same document as the Page tree really, he lives with ListView and does not have direct access to the elements of the Page.

    What you can do is create a javascript function in the ListView, and then the listitemcomponent facing, which in turn can relay to your environment variable "app."

    int listitemcomponent add id: itemContainer your container can
    itemContainer.ListItem.view.someFunctionDefinedInTheListView (data)

    in the listview:

    function somefunctiondefinedinlistview (data) {}
    app.doMyFunction (data)

  • QTextStream will not work inside the function

    Hi all, new here and trying to teach myself some C + c++ / Cascades.

    I'm trying to modify the sample application broadcastreceiver in Cascades samples so that it records a QUdpSocket messages in a text file on the device.  So, I create a QFile and a QTextStream (theStream) in the receiver manufacturer.  Everything I send to the stream coming from the manufacturer is very good, is written to the file, but what I want is the receiver:rocessPendingDatagrams slot for the message in the output stream.  However, any attempt to produce anything (even a simple string) in the stream of in processPendingDatagrams (Q_SLOT, as I said) won't work - it does nothing.

    Any ideas?

    (By the broadcastreceiver project) reference code:

    receiving void:rocessPendingDatagrams()


    While (m_udpSocket-> hasPendingDatagrams()) {}

    QByteArray datagram;

    Datagram.Resize (m_udpSocket-> pendingDatagramSize());

    m_udpSocket-> readDatagram ( (), datagram.size ());

    m_ = tr("%1").arg(;)

    theStream< "from="" processpendingdatagrams\n";=""  ="" won't="">

    theStream< m_status;=""  ="" won't="" work="">

    issue of statusChanged();



    But theStream< "from="" constructor"'="" from="" receiver::receiver()="" works.="" the="" qfile="" and="" qtextstream="" objects="" are="" initialised="" there="" and="" are="" public="" members="" of="" the="" receiver="">

    You create a local copy of theStream in the constructor:

    QTextStream theStream(&logFile);

    Variable member is left not initialized.

    p.s. Please use the 'Code' button on the toolbar when you paste the code, it will preserve the formatting (the one with the letter 'c').

  • Update statement works only inside the function

    The logic of this function:


    The system of billing, we will post data to the ERP system once the invoice is processed this function will update the invoice of erp number and treat a flag to the table of billing system.


    / * Update function treated invoice status back to the invoice table number * /.







    FRETVAL: = 1003;

    END IF;



    FRETVAL: = 1004;

    END IF;




    exception when others then

    FRETVAL: = - 1;


    When I try to run as these values are not updated. But when I run this code using anonymous block of his work. Someone help me please


    number of RET: = 0;





    Hello Abisheksiva,

    when I try to run as these values are not updated. But when I run this code using anonymous block his work. >>

    What do you mean 'try to start like that...'?  Maybe you mean that SOME myfunction (...) DOUBLE; gives you an error message? It is good, as in this case using Returns is not really enjoyable because your 'function' is much more than calculation and returns its result. You must use a procedure with a parameter 'OUT', if you wish.

    ((Remarque: votre bloc d'exception met-1 en FRETVAL mais ne retourne pas cette valeur))


    RET number;


    ERP_TO_MOPS_INV_UPD (ret);

    DBMS_OUTPUT. PUT_LINE ("RETURN VALUE:" | ") To_char (retired));


    Best regards

    Bruno Vroman.

  • Change the color of an object inside the svg image?


    I would like to draw an animal with several fill colors, but creating a different image for each color does not seem reasonable. It would then be possible to change the color of the image with the help of code svg.

    I found the following: ery-svg-image-replacement


    But I get an error of installation with two options - mad.

    Maybe someone here can create an example on how to change the color of the svg image added in stage with a click of a button?

    Thank you

    This is an optimized version (less code and navigation): file attached.

    About 1.

    What functions are you talking about [. createRect(),. changeImages(),. colorizeParts()]?

    These functions: what is stopped? What place?

    A function is a single task. You have a task list?

    About 2.

    21. you can hide and see the mouth open or closed mouth.

    22. you can use many features of jQuery:.css(z-index) or before(), after(). Maybe,. map().

  • Visibility of objects to the re-opening

    I have a form that allows users to show or hide subforms via checkboxes. However, when the user saves the form and then reopen to change all settings for visibility of origin are kept. And so, the user must pass through and re-set/deselect all checkboxes for subforms to return to the show/hide. How to open with the last saved settings?

    It's simple!

    Goto menu file-> properties of the form. Automatically change the 'Préserver Scripting' option. That's all.

    See the attached screenshot.


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