VM combining the Get - And Get-VMGuest CSV output


I am trying to generate a CSV file that combines different properties between the cmdlets Get - VM and Get-VMGuest but struggled.

I am aware that the cmdlet Get - VM will give me an output like the number of processors, amount of memory per VM, vm name etc., but also want to retrieve properties such as its IP address, running OS, hostname, etc in the same CSV report.

I tried to mix the taste.

Get-vmguest - vm (get - vm). Select-object vmname, osfullname | Export-csv c:\vm_osreport.csv

and a previous post by LucD-


Get - vm | %{
$_ | Select name. Out-Default
$_ | Get-VMGuest | Select the State, IPAddress, OSFullName | Out-Default

Now if you want the result in 1 object (or an array of objects) you could make

Get - vm | %{
$vm = "" | SELECT name, State, IPAddress, OSFullname
$vm. Name = $_. Name
$guest = $_. Get-VMGuest
$vm. State = $guest. State
$vm. IPAddress = $guest. IPAddress
$vm. OSFullName = $guest. OSFullName


but can't seem to get what I want. Basically, I'm looking for is the output to a CSV file - next

  • vmhostname
  • IP address
  • numCPU
  • memoryMB
  • Allocated size of HD
  • GuestOS (as reported by VMTools)
  • Datacenter + file (if possible)

Can anyone help please?

Thank you!

Given that the ownership of comments is present inside the VirtualMachine object returned by Get - VM, you can get these values without running the Get-VMGuest cmdlet.

Something like that

Get-VM  | Select Name, @{N="Hostname";E={$_.Host.Name}}, @{N="IP addr";E={[string]::Join(',',$_.Guest.IpAddress)}}, NumCPU,MemoryMB, @{N="HD size allocated (KB)";E={[string]::Join(',',($_.HardDisks | Select -ExpandProperty CapacityKB))}}, @{N="GuestOS";E={$_.Guest.OSFullName}}, @{N="Datacenter";E={Get-Datacenter -VM $_ | Select -ExpandProperty Name}}, @{N="Folder";E={$_.Folder.Name}} | Export-Csv C:\report.csv -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture

Tags: VMware

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    Screen Shot 2012-01-18 at 4.32.51 PM.png

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    The problem is that you set your rotation of time and you have not deducted from the start of the present time. It also seems that you want to start the rotation to 6 seconds and 14 images. You can't put timecode in as of the time this way. Time is a decimal value. Assuming that 29.97 FPS 6; 14 = 6.4

    Try this:

    timeToStart = 6.47;
      if (time > timeToStart){

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    slider = effect("rpm")("Slider");//Expression Slider on this layer.
    sv = 0;//start value
    fNum = timeToFrames(inPoint);
    while (fNum < timeToFrames()){
    sv += slider.valueAtTime(framesToTime(fNum));

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    INSERT IN DIM values('2','XYZ','B','US',TO_DATE('3-FEB-2014','DD-MON-YYYY'),TO_DATE('31-DEC-2099','DD-MON-YYYY'));

    INSERT IN the values('A','US','C',TO_DATE('1-JAN-2014','DD-MON-YYYY'),TO_DATE('28-SEP-2014','DD-MON-YYYY ATTRIBUTES '));

    INSERT IN the values('A','US','C',TO_DATE('29-SEP-2014','DD-MON-YYYY'),TO_DATE('31-DEC-2099','DD-MON-YYYY ATTRIBUTES '));

    INSERT IN the values('A','CA','E',TO_DATE('1-JAN-2014','DD-MON-YYYY'),TO_DATE('28-OCT-2014','DD-MON-YYYY ATTRIBUTES '));

    INSERT IN the values('A','CA','E',TO_DATE('29-OCT-2014','DD-MON-YYYY'),TO_DATE('31-DEC-2099','DD-MON-YYYY ATTRIBUTES '));

    Thank you.

    Maybe let separate everything first delete duplicates


    Sun did

    (select id '1', the name of 'ABC', 'A' type, 'US' country, to_date('30-SEP-2013','DD-MON-YYYY') eff_dt, to_date('31-DEC-2099','DD-MON-YYYY') end_dt Union double all the)

    Select '1','ABC','A','CA',to_date('30-SEP-2013','DD-MON-YYYY'),to_date('31-DEC-2099','DD-MON-YYYY') of all the double union

    Select '2','XYZ','B','US',to_date('3-FEB-2014','DD-MON-YYYY'),to_date('31-DEC-2099','DD-MON-YYYY') of the double


    attributes such as

    (select 'A' type, countries 'US', 'C' class, to_date('1-JAN-2014','DD-MON-YYYY') eff_dt, to_date('28-SEP-2014','DD-MON-YYYY') end_dt Union double all the)

    Select 'A','US','C',to_date('29-SEP-2014','DD-MON-YYYY'),to_date('31-DEC-2099','DD-MON-YYYY') of all the double union

    Select 'A','CA','E',to_date('1-JAN-2014','DD-MON-YYYY'),to_date('28-OCT-2014','DD-MON-YYYY') of all the double union

    Select 'A','CA','E',to_date('29-OCT-2014','DD-MON-YYYY'),to_date('31-DEC-2099','DD-MON-YYYY') of the double


    SELECT id, name, type, country, class, eff_dt, end_dt

    NVL (lead (eff_dt) over (partition BY id, type, order of eff_dt countries) - 1, end_dt) end_dt_new

    from (select distinct id, name, coalesce(type_d,type_a) type, country, case when x = 'a' then class end class, eff_dt,)

    -case when end_dt = date ' 2099-12-31' then add_months (trunc (eff_dt, 'yyyy'), 12)-1 else end_dt end end_dt

    from (select d.id, d.name, d.typ subscription_type, a.typ type_a, d.country, a.class,)

    d.eff_dt d_eff_dt, d.end_dt d_end_dt, a.eff_dt a_eff_dt, a.end_dt a_end_dt

    Dim d

    full outer join

    attributes one

    We d.country = a.country

    and d.typ = a.typ


    UNPIVOT ((eff_dt,end_dt) for x in ((d_eff_dt,d_end_dt) as ' of,(a_eff_dt,a_end_dt) like 'a'))


    order by 1,2,3,4,6

    1 ABC A CA - 30/09/2013 31/12/2013 31/12/2013
    1 ABC A CA E 01/01/2014 28/10/2014 28/10/2014
    1 ABC A CA E 29/10/2014 31/12/2014 31/12/2014
    1 ABC A WE - 30/09/2013 31/12/2013 31/12/2013
    1 ABC A WE C 01/01/2014 28/09/2014 28/09/2014
    1 ABC A WE C 29/09/2014 31/12/2014 31/12/2014
    2 XYZ B WE - 03/02/2014 31/12/2014 31/12/2014



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    There should be no problem to combine vRO device and Windows vRO in a cluster.

    View functional-wise, camera and Windows distributions are roughly equivalent. They share the same files binary platform; the differences are mainly in the specific configuration/components (Linux vs Windows) OS.

    BTW, vRO 6.x is the latest version of the vRO server to ship with Windows Setup. From vRO 7.0, your only option to deploy the vRO server is to use the standalone vRO device or vRO grouped inside of vRA.

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    If I run the command Get-VMResourceConfiguration - VM xxx | Format-List-property CpuSharesLevel for example, I get the result OK but when I try the same thing in my script it doesn't work.

    $start = get-Date

    # Make an array with the result I want.
    # Name, then the property I want in the output.
    # A lot of sandfordit.com of the wiki code it thx much borrowed.

    $table = New-Object system. Data.DataTable 'results '.

    $col1 = New-Object system. Data.DataColumn ([string]) name
    $col2 = New-Object system. Data.DataColumn NumCpuShares, ([string])
    $col3 = New-Object system. Data.DataColumn CpuSharesLevel, ([string])

    $table.columns.add ($col1)
    $table.columns.add ($col2)
    $table.columns.add ($col3)

    $duration = (new-TimeSpan (Get-Date) $start). TotalSeconds
    "Lagde tahon etter $duration sekunder.

    # Me make a list of vmms in a folder of the virtual Center

    $vms = get-file Boris_test | Get - VM | Sort - the property name

    $duration = (new-TimeSpan (Get-Date) $start). TotalSeconds
    "Inte antall vmer etter $duration sekunder.

    foreach ($vm to $vms)
    $row = $table. NewRow()

    $row. Name = (Get-VM-name $vm). Name
    $row. NumCpuShares = (Get-VMResourceConfiguration - VM $vm |) Property Format-List-NumCpuShares). NumCpuShares
    $row. CpuSharesLevel = (Get-VMResourceConfiguration - VM $vm |) Property Format-List-CpuSharesLevel). CpuSharesLevel

    $table. Rows.Add ($row)
    "Til rad for $vm.

    $duration = (new-TimeSpan (Get-Date) $start). TotalSeconds
    "Tahon fyllt ut etter $duration dry.

    $table | Format-Table
    $table | Export-Csv-path test.csv

    THX Boris

    Hi Boris,.

    If you change the two lines:

    $row. NumCpuShares = (Get-VMResourceConfiguration - VM $vm |) Property Format-List-NumCpuShares). NumCpuShares
    $row. CpuSharesLevel = (Get-VMResourceConfiguration - VM $vm |) Property Format-List-CpuSharesLevel). CpuSharesLevel


    $VMResourceConfiguration = get-VMResourceConfiguration - VM $vm

    $row. NumCpuShares = $VMResourceConfiguration.NumCpuShares
    $row. CpuSharesLevel = $VMResourceConfiguration.CpuSharesLevel

    your script works.

    In the new code, I inserted an additional line to call Get-VMResourceConfiguration only one time. This will make the script a bit faster.

    Best regards, Robert

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    I need to get the following lines in a loop for, but miss me the possibility in actionscript3 to use this ['string' + i + 'word2'

    wing_mc.prop1_mc.rotation = - wing_mc.rotation;
    wing_mc.prop2_mc.rotation = - wing_mc.rotation;
    wing_mc.prop3_mc.rotation = - wing_mc.rotation;
    wing_mc.prop4_mc.rotation = - wing_mc.rotation;
    wing_mc.prop5_mc.rotation = - wing_mc.rotation;
    wing_mc.prop6_mc.rotation = - wing_mc.rotation;
    wing_mc.prop7_mc.rotation = - wing_mc.rotation;
    wing_mc.prop8_mc.rotation = - wing_mc.rotation;
    wing_mc.prop9_mc.rotation = - wing_mc.rotation;

    I tried things like

    for (i = 1; i < 10; i ++) {}
    This ["wing_mc.prop" + i + "_mc"] .rotation = - wing_mc.rotation;


    for (i = 1; i < 10; i ++) {}
    "wing_mc.prop"+ i +"_mc".rotation = - wing_mc.rotation;

    It seems very simple
    I must be overlooking something

    Thanks in advance


    "Although it works there is a little thing, I do not understand:
    This.wing_mc ["prop" + i + "_mc"] .rotation
    I think a point to separate the this.wing_mc ["prop" + i + "_mc"] AND .rotation '.

    Well, that's how. In fact, the syntax is similar to the table. There are no points when you read the value of a member of the group. In a way that object is an array of methods and parameters - we simply refer to them not whole but by name.

    I know it's all confused sometimes. :-)

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    http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=28 & t = 1588535

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    Someone on this forum would have hot suggestions to make?


    Although you cannot select HOME directory as such, but you can select and copy some or all the elements in the HOME directory and copy only once on the SD card.

    In the FOLDERS menu go to the HOME directory and select the first item and press ENTER, the element highlight will receive a number 1 next to it. In addition to the selection of items with the button ENTER will be number 2, 3 etc. According to him.

    When you have selected all the items you want, COPY and select destination (SD). Unfortunately the built-in FILES does not select the subdirectories of the SD card, but I think that can SDFILER: SDFILER 1.3

    Kind regards


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    You cannot combine internet connections to increase your speed (or for any other reason).  You must choose one or the other.

    Sorry if this isn't what you wanted to hear, but it's like that.

    I hope this helps.

    Good luck!

    Lorien - MCSA/MCSE/network + / has + - if this post solves your problem, please click the 'Mark as answer' or 'Useful' button at the top of this message. Marking a post as answer, or relatively useful, you help others find the answer more quickly.

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    Audit of the resolution should not be difficult.

    var theRes = app.activeDocument.resolution;
    if (theRes < 300) {/*insert code here*/};

    This could be used to write a txt file, but there are probably other examples on this Forum and http://ps-scripts.com/bb/

    ////// function to write a preference-file storing a text //////
    function writePref (theText, thePath) {
      try {
        var thePrefFile = new File(thePath);
        for (var m = 0; m < theText.length; m ++) {
      catch (e) {};
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    Hi, ballet,

    As Manu said, WHERE only works on a query.
    You can base a query relative to the double, like this:

    tdc_imarspc (ANUMBER,     EMF_ID,     PRODUCT)
    SELECT          '1234567',     '65',     'ITFS'
    FROM         dual
    WHERE          anumber      NOT LIKE '1234567';

    Of course, you can use a literal, such as "1234567" in both places where I used the variable binding, but if you do not use a variable, why would you?
    You could also put all the literals in a subquery (duplicate), and column names of reference in the WHERE clause LIKE THIS:

    tdc_imarspc (     ANUMBER,     EMF_ID,          PRODUCT)
    WITH     sub_q
    AS  (
        SELECT    '1234567' AS an,     '65' AS ei,     'ITFS' AS pr
        FROM      dual
    SELECT          an,          ei,          pr
    FROM     sub_q
    WHERE      an      NOT LIKE '1234567';

    I guess that you don't really say

    an      NOT LIKE '1234567'

    If you use any ambiguity after LIKE, you may as well use! =

    an      != '1234567'

Maybe you are looking for

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