Where can I download MDT 2008?

Our installation of MDT 2008 is very personal and is not compatible with newer versions (and bosses do not want to spend the time and money it would take to make it compatible). I can't seem to find the x 86 or x 64 downloads for MDT 2008 and I need them in case I need to rebuild the development server. Thank you!

Our installation of MDT 2008 is very personal and is not compatible with newer versions (and bosses do not want to spend the time and money it would take to make it compatible). I can't seem to find the x 86 or x 64 downloads for MDT 2008 and I need them in case I need to rebuild the development server. Thank you!

Always keep backups of your files/media to install software.  101 system administration, point two.

(Point was: always save.)

Microsoft could probably provide you with a link for $245 (US) for the phone call - then again - they could just take your $245 and tell you no.

Think - I just deleted my backup of the installation files of MDT 2008 less than a week ago – summer 2010 running for a LONG time, but just has not the will to erase old media installation and instructions and other collections for 2008 until recently.  System admin thing.  That and 2012 being officially released.

I would like to ask around--you might cling to system administrator friends who - as I did - the old configuration files.

Tags: Windows

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