Why a syntax error?

Well, it's stupid time. Why what follows gives me a syntax error in UPDATE statement?

< CFQUERY NAME = 'updateInfo' DATASOURCE ' gal/h' = >
UPDATE eventpics set
EventName = ' #form.eventname # ',.
pictext = ' #form.pictext # ',.
WHERE picpath = ' #form.picpath # '.

remove the 2nd comma

Tags: ColdFusion

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  • About applescript syntax error


    my itermExec1()

    on itermExec1()

    say application iTerm2

    Set newWindow to (create the window with the default 'yeongjun' value)

    end say

    end itermExec1

    It is this script run the ' iterm 2'. (reference. ( https://iterm2.com/applescript.html)

    Why is syntax error? Please

    Thank you

    I can't read the error, but you left on the keyword 'profile '.

  • Flash complains about XML? IM using AS3 why are there errors XML? Unknown syntax errors.

    Sorry to keep spamming these forums with my stupid mistakes, but I'm trying really hard to learn Flash/AS3 and when I got to wrestling with it, I will definitely love.

    I am a rookie flash trying to make a simple computing device and I'm doing me a world of errors, I've never seen before.

    My Code (excuse me, but maybe it's my bad syntax):

    import flash.ui.Mouse;

    var Hnum:String;

    var PCnum:String;

    var calc:Number = 25;

    var Total: Number;

    NUM1. Restrict = "0-9";

    num2. Restrict = "0-9";

    Est_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.Click, Calculate);

    function PartCount(event:MouseEvent):void {}

    PCnum = num2.text;

    If (PCnum > 0 & & < 10) {}

    parseInt (PCnum) * 10;


    or if (PCnum > 11 & & < 20) {}

    parseInt (PCnum) * 5;


    or if (PCnum > 21) {}

    parseInt (PCnum) * 1;



    Est_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.Click, Calculate);

    function calculate(event:MouseEvent):void {}

    Hnum = num1.text;

    PCnum = num2.text;

    Total = parseInt (Hnum) * calc + parseInt (PCnum);

    Total.toString ();

    Total_txt. Text = String (Total);



    I had all this work, I was only calculation Hnum by 25. But when I try to intergrate the fi or statement so bad, and I get these 5 mistakes.

    Scene 1, Layer 'Actions', frame 1, line 151104: invalid xml name

    Scene 1, Layer 'Actions', frame 11084: syntax error: expected xmltagendend before the end of the program.

    Scene 1, Layer 'Actions', frame 11084: syntax error: expected rightparen before the end of the program.

    Scene 1, Layer 'Actions', frame 11084: syntax error: expecting identifier before the end of the program.

    Scene 1, Layer 'Actions', frame 11084: syntax error: expected rightbrace before the end of the program.

    I don't understand what these errors are emphasizing? Why XML? What is my variable names?

    Here is the code that I had before the second function that worked well:

    var Hnum:String;

    var PCnum:String;

    var calc:Number = 25;

    var Total: Number;

    NUM1. Restrict = "0-9";

    num2. Restrict = "0-9";

    Est_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.Click, Calculate);

    function calculate(event:MouseEvent):void {}

    Hnum = num1.text;

    PCnum = num2.text;

    Total = parseInt (Hnum) * calc;

    Total.toString ();

    Total_txt. Text = String (Total);


    Any help would be greatly appreciated! I'll get the hang of this!


    Maybe is a parsing problem

    Date of arrival:

    PCnum = num2.text;

    If (PCnum > 0 &)< 10){ =""><   you're="" comparing="" text="" against="" numbers="" and=""><10 es="" comparing="" agaist="" nothing="" this="" can="" be="" a="">

    Use rather

    PCnum = int (num2.text);

    If (PCnum > 0 & PCnum)<>

  • Why my emails sent to customers yahoo and mindspring rejected for syntax errors?

    Here is the error message:

    Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

        Lisa@[email protected]

    Technical details of permanent failure:
    Google has tried to convey your message, but it was rejected by the server for domain yahoo.com by mta7.am0.yahoodns.netrecipient. [].

    The error that the other server returned was:
    501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments

    Having two ' @' characters seems quite problematic.

    What version of Thunderbird do you use? I read a different view today where there was apparently stray characters being added to the email address.

    Can you identify which parts of the address are correct, and the bits seem to have been added?

  • Why I'm getting a syntax error on the &lt; / head &gt; line in DW CC?

    I get a syntax error in DW CC.  Other threads have indicated it was a bug in CS6, but was set in CC.  This leads me to believe it's my fault, but I can't understand it.  Can anyone help based on the information that I've pasted below?  Thank you!

    <! doctype html >

    <!-[if lt IE 7] > < class = "oldie ie6" html > <! [endif]-->

    <!-[if IE 7] > < class = "ie7 oldie" html > <! [endif]-->

    <!-[if IE 8] > < class = "ie8 oldie" html > <! [endif]-->

    <!-[if gt IE 8] > <!-->

    < class html = "" >

    <!-<! [endif]-->

    < head >

    < meta charset = "utf-8" >

    < meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width, original scale = 1" >

    < title > Untitled Document < /title >

    < link href = "boilerplate.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" > "

    < link href = "style.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" > "

    "< link href="jQueryAssets/jquery.ui.core.min.css "rel ="stylesheet"type =" text/css">

    "< link href="jQueryAssets/jquery.ui.theme.min.css "rel ="stylesheet"type =" text/css">

    "< link href="jQueryAssets/jquery.ui.accordion.min.css "rel ="stylesheet"type =" text/css">

    "< link href="jQueryAssets/jquery.ui.tabs.min.css "rel ="stylesheet"type =" text/css">


    To learn more about the conditional comments around the HTML at the top of the file:


    Follow these steps if you are using your customized version of modernizr (http://www.modernizr.com/):

    * Insert the link to your js here

    * remove the link below for the html5shiv

    * Add the class "No. - js' to the above html tags

    * You can also remove the link to respond.min.js if you included in your version of modernizr Polyfill MQ


    <!-[if lt IE 9] >

    "< script src="//html5shiv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js "> < / script >

    <! [endif]-->

    < script src = "respond.min.js" > < / script >

    "< script src="jQueryAssets/jquery-1.8.3.min.js "type =" text/javascript"> < / script >

    "< script src="jQueryAssets/jquery-ui-1.9.2.accordion.custom.min.js "type =" text/javascript"> < / script >

    "< script src="jQueryAssets/jquery-ui-1.9.2.tabs.custom.min.js "type =" text/javascript"> < / script >

    <!-the following script tag downloads a font of Adobe Edge Web server fonts to use in the web page. "We recommend that you do not modify it.--> < script > var __adobewebfontsappname__ = 'dreamweaver' < /script > < script src ="http://use.edgefonts.net/adamina:n4:default.js"type =" text/javascript"> < / script > "

    < / head >

    < body >

    < div class = "gridContainer clearfix" >

    < div id = "div1" class 'fluid' = >

    < header id = "header" class 'fluid' = >

    "< p > < img src="Images/Logos/insidejoplinlogo.png "alt =" "/ > < / p >

    "< nav id 'mainnav' class = 'fluid' = > < ul class = 'fluid fluidList mainnavlist' > < class li = 'fluid mainnavitem zeroMargin_desktop' > < a href =" Index2.html"title ="inside Joplin Home"target ="_self"> home < /a > < /li > < li = class 'fluid mainnavitem' > < a href =" news.html "> news < /a > < /li > < li = class 'fluid mainnavitem' > < a href ="entertainment.html"> entertainment < /a > < /li > < class Li = 'fluid mainnavitem' > < a href = "announcements.html" > ads < /a > < /li > < li = class 'fluid mainnavitem hide_mobile' > < a href = "galleries.html" > galleries < /a > < /li > < li = class 'fluid mainnavitem hide_mobile' > < a href = "aboutcontact.html" > contact < /a > < /li > < /ul > < / nav > ""

    < / header >

    < section id = "indexguts" class = "fluid" > < article id = "indexarticle" class 'fluid' = >

    < h4 class = "articleH4 fluid zeroMargin_mobile" > news < / h4 >

    < p > < / p >

    < div id = "Accordion1" >

    < h3 > < a href = "#" > Section 1 < /a > < / h3 >

    < div >

    < p > content 1 < /p >

    < / div >

    < h3 > < a href = "#" > Section 2 < /a > < / h3 >

    < div >

    < p > content 2 < /p >

    < / div >

    < h3 > < a href = "#" > Section 3 < /a > < / h3 >

    < div >

    < p > content 3 < /p >

    < / div >

    < / div >

    < / section > < section id = "1" class article 'fluid' = >

    < h4 class = "articleH4 fluid zeroMargin_mobile" > last entertainment < / h4 >

    < p > < / p >

    < div id = "Accordion2" >

    < h3 > < a href = "#" > Section 1 < /a > < / h3 >

    < div >

    < p > content 1 < /p >

    < / div >

    < h3 > < a href = "#" > Section 2 < /a > < / h3 >

    < div >

    < p > content 2 < /p >

    < / div >

    < h3 > < a href = "#" > Section 3 < /a > < / h3 >

    < div >

    < p > content 3 < /p >

    < / div >

    < / div >

    < / section > < article id = "2" class 'fluid' = > < h4 class = "articleH4 fluid zeroMargin_mobile" > latest ads < / h4 >

    < p > < / p >

    < div id = "Tabs1" >

    < ul >

    < li > < a href = "#tabs - 1" > obituaries < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = "#tabs - 2" > weddings < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = "#tabs - 3" > more < /a > < /li >

    < /ul >

    < div id = "tabs-1" >

    < p > content 1 < /p >

    < / div >

    < div id = "tabs-2" >

    < p > content 2 < /p >

    < / div >

    < div id = "tabs-3" >

    < p > content 3 < /p >

    < / div >

    < / div >

    < / article > < article id = "indexbotleft" class 'fluid' = > This is the content of Article layout tag "indexbotleft" < / article > < article id = 'article 3' class = 'fluid' > This is layout Article content tag "indexbotleft" < / article > < / article > < id side = "mainsidebar" class 'fluid' = > This is the content for Tag Layout side "mainsidebar" < / side > < id side = "mainsidebar2" class 'fluid' = > This is the content for Tag Layout side "mainsidebar2" < / side > < article id = "indexbotrot" class 'fluid' = > This is the content of Article layout tag "indexbotrot" < / section >

    < footer id = "footer" class 'fluid' = >

    < nav id = "footernav' class 'fluid' = >

    < ul id = "footernavlist" class = 'fluid fluidList' > < class li = 'fluid footernavlistitem zeroMargin_mobile' > < a href = "Index2.html" > home < /a > < /li > < li = class "fluid footernavlistitem hide_mobile" > < a href = "news.html" > News < /a > < /li > "

    < class li = "fluid footernavlistitem hide_mobile" > < a href = "entertainment.html" > entertainment < /a > < /li > ""

    < class li = "fluid footernavlistitem hide_mobile" > < a href = "announcements.html" > ads < /a > < /li > ""

    < class li = "fluid footernavlistitem zeroMargin_desktop zeroMargin_mobile" > < a href = "galleries.html" > galleries < /a > < /li > ""

    < class li = "fluid footernavlistitem zeroMargin_mobile" > < a href = "aboutcontact.html" > About Us < /a > < /li > ""

    < class li = "fluid footernavlistitem zeroMargin_mobile" > < a href = "mailto: " [email protected] "> email < /a > < /li > < class li = 'fluid footernavlistitem zeroMargin_mobile' > < a href ="www.facebook.com/insidejoplin"target ="new"> < /a > < /li > < /ul > Facebook .

    < / nav >

    "< article id ="footerarticle"class ="fluid"> < img src="Images/Logos/insidejoplinlogo.png "alt =" "/ > < / section >

    < / footer >

    < / div >

    < / div >


    < script type = "text/javascript" >


    . $(«#Accordion1») accordion();



    . $(«#Accordion2») accordion();



    . Tabs() $(«#Tabs1»);


    < /script >

    < / body >

    < / html >

    Hmm, nothing does highlight for me, but I'm on an older version of DW, maybe it's less picky.

    What happens if you ad a semicolon immediately before the tag in this line...

  • dbms_scheduler.create_window fails with ORA-27418: syntax error in the interval of recurrence or calendar

    I tried to create a window to test the activation of plans of RM. But I get this error.

    SQL > EXECUTE dbms_scheduler.create_window.

    > (-)

    > window_name = > 'day ', -.

    > resource_plan = > 'my_plan ', -.

    > start_date = > systimestamp + 1 /(24*60).

    > repeat_interval = > ' freq = > daily '.

    > time = > ' 0 01:00:00 '.

    > Comments = > ' C know if it works without a job "-"


    BEGIN dbms_scheduler.create_window (window_name = > 'day', resource_p)

    LAN = > 'my_plan', start_date = > systimestamp + 1 /(24*60), repeat_interv

    Al = > ' freq = > daily ', duration = > ' 0 01:00:00 ', comments = > ' C so she

    works without employment '); END;


    ERROR on line 1:

    ORA-27481: 'SYS '. "' DAY ' has an invalid schedule

    ORA-27418: syntax error in the interval of recurrence or calendar

    ORA-06512: at "SYS." DBMS_ISCHED", line 486

    ORA-06512: at "SYS." DBMS_SCHEDULER', line 1295

    ORA-06512: at line 1

    I have tried many tips found on the web, nothing works.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Also, can you pls tell me if this command run once automatically activates the my_plan after 1 minute, 1 minute, after which, it will disable the my_plan? So, you do not need to create a JOB for this. If you create a window, that is, as a job creation to enable an RM plan?

    2734369 wrote:

    Wow, discovered the issue: the repeat interval is broken (I use a database of 12.1 in Windows 7). It must be uppercase. Very surprising in the windows to be case-sensitive.

    SQL >

    SQL > EXECUTE dbms_scheduler.create_window.

    >  (-

    > window_name-online 'day ', -.

    > resource_plan-online 'my_plan ', -.

    > start_date-online systimestamp + 1 /(24*60).

    > repeat_interval-online ' FREQ = DAILY; BYHOUR = 10; BYMINUTE = 30', -.

    > time-online ' 0 01:00:00 '.

    > Comments => ' C know if it works without a job "-"

    >  );

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    Problem is, after 1 minute, always that the plan is not activated?



    ------------------------------------ ----------- ----------------------

    resource_manager_plan chain

    Why the Plan is not activated after 1 minute. Have we not create a job (I don't think).

    I think you misunderstand the meaning of "start_date".  Please see the documentation on what this means exactly.

    This attribute specifies the first date and time where it is scheduled to open in this window. If the value start_date specified is in the past or is not specified, the window opens, from its inception.

    To repeat windows using an expression of the calendar to specify the repetition interval, the value of start_date is a reference date. The first time the window opens depends on the specified repeat interval and the value of start_date .

    (From Types and Oracle® packages of PL/SQL Database 11g Release 2 (11.2) reference E40758-03); dbms_scheduler, create_window.  DBMS_SCHEDULER

    Once you have done this, you will see that it is pretty useless to specify that you have.

    Your repeat_interval said "every day at 10:30.

  • PHP syntax error

    I wonder why this bit of code

    Return $this-> results() [0]

    is considered a syntax error in dreamweaver when it works fine?

    Because it is the reference to which is new to PHP 5.4 using table and I don't think DW is informed on this subject.

  • question from ud32: ud detected a syntax error, no service in FBFR

    The test with ud32 we are facing an error in one of our servers for the other his works very well:

    CMDTUX_CAT:988: ERROR: detected ud syntax error in buffer #1 layouts
    LIBFML_CAT:8: ERROR: unknown domain name
    CMDTUX_CAT:989: ERROR: no FBFR service

    We checked:
    Server_a: / apps/tuxapps > set | grep 32
    FIELDTBLS32 = MessageBuffer.F32, fings. F32, Usysfl32, tpadm
    FLDTBLDIR32 = / apps/tuxapps/intserv/fml: / opt/bea/tuxedo11gR1/udataobj
    Server_a: / apps/tuxapps/intserv/test > cd $TUXDIR/bin
    Server_a: / opt/bea/tuxedo11gR1/bin > ls-l ud *.
    -r-xr-x - Tux Tuxedo 22316 1 30 Oct 19:10 ud
    -r-xr-x - Tux Tuxedo 22620 1 30 Oct 19:10 ud32
    Server_a: / opt/bea/tuxedo11gR1/bin > cd $TUXDIR/udataobj
    Server_a: / opt/bea/tuxedo11gR1/udataobj > ls-l | grep SRVCNM *.
    Usysfl32:SRVCNM 8 channel - requested service
    Usysflds:SRVCNM 8 channel - requested service
    Server_a: / opt/bea/tuxedo11gR1/udataobj > set | grep TUX
    TUXCONFIG = / apps/tuxapps/intserv/config/TUXCONFIG
    TUXDIR = / opt/bea/tuxedo11gR1

    In our other server it works:

    SERVER_A1:tuxuat | / apps/tuxapps/intserv_uat/test > ud32 < FFT_PAXLIST_2.ud
    SENT pkt (1) is:

    RTN pkt (1) is:

    We ran the same check is SERVER_A1:
    SERVER_A1:tuxuat | / opt/tuxedo/udataobj > set | grep 32
    FIELDTBLS32 = MessageBuffer.F32, fings. F32, Usysfl32, tpadm
    FLDTBLDIR32 = / apps/tuxapps/intserv_uat/fml: / opt/tuxedo/udataobj

    the tuxedo of August 2, 2011 20 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root->/opt/bea/tuxedo11gR1

    SERVER_A1:tuxuat | / opt/bin/tuxedo > ls-l ud *.
    -r-xr-xr-x 1 Tux Tuxedo 22316 ud August 9, 2011
    -r-xr-xr-x 1 Tux Tuxedo 22620 ud32 August 9, 2011

    SERVER_A1:tuxuat | / opt/tuxedo/udataobj > ls-l | grep SRVCNM *.
    Usysfl32:SRVCNM 8 channel - requested service
    Usysflds:SRVCNM 8 channel - requested service

    SERVER_A1:tuxuat | / opt/tuxedo/udataobj > set | grep TUX
    TUXCONFIG = / apps/tuxapps/intserv_uat/config/TUXCONFIG
    TUXDIR = / opt/tuxedo

    There is no significant difference in the installation program.
    And we also use the same file to test.

    SERVER_A1:tuxuat | / apps/tuxapps/intserv_uat/test > cksum FFT_PAXLIST_2.ud
    2344 3219487196 FFT_PAXLIST_2.ud
    Server_a: / apps/tuxapps/intserv/test > cksum FFT_PAXLIST_2.ud
    2344 3219487196 FFT_PAXLIST_2.ud

    Unable to understand why this happens?
    Any help is welcome.

    Published by: Deb_1 on December 12, 2012 17:18

    (1) maybe you have an empty Usysfl32 defined in/apps/tuxapps/intserv/fml.
    Due to the definition of FLDTBLDIR32 it would override that of/opt/bea/tuxedo11gR1/udataobj

    (2) Serveur_A and SERVER_A1 are different machines. Were the binary of the server that contains the FFT_PAXLIST function
    built to the same thing? The FFT_PAXLIST service is announced?

    (3) try to turn on the TMTRACE on both machines and then comparing the ULOGs resulting to see what differences
    There are. Where the error occurs first on the ulog SERVER_A?
    Tuxedo Shutdown (tmshutdown - y), set the TMTRACE environment variable (e.g. export TMTRACE = ' *: ulog:dye: "), Tuxedo boot (tmboot - y)

    Kind regards
    Bob Finan

  • Syntax error when you use 'let '.

    HI gentlemen,

    I have a small XQuery file that works A1 if I do not use leash $p... However, the scheme is deeply nested and I tried to do for the sake of readability. Now I always get a syntax error - it will put in place with 'let' and 'element' together. Here is a test for a single line. By removing $p and re - his replacement by its content, it's OK.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding='windows-1252'?>
    <!--<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="icd.xsl"?>-->
    <page xmlns:xsql="urn:oracle-xsql"  connection="gksconnection">
    <xsql:include-xml xmlns:xsql="urn:oracle-xsql">
      'xquery version "1.0"; (: :)
       declare namespace n1="urn:ehd/001"; (: :)
       declare namespace n2="urn:ehd/icd/001"; (: :)
    let $p := /n1:ehd/n1:body/n2:icd_stammdaten/n2:kapitel_liste/n2:kapitel
       element h 
         element kap 
           element group 
              element diag
      PASSING xml_document
    ) as result
    FROM icd
    where id = {@idno} 
    Can someone help me find the cause of the error? Unfortunately, I need some 'header' < chapter > and < group > data too, which lies over the "core" of the query: < diagnose > node. That's why I chose the technique of qualification.

    Thank you, best regards

    Miklós HERBOLY

    OK, you get the empty elements on, so there is certainly a problem on this version.
    The fact that the NO_XML_QUERY_REWRITE indicator work means that there is a problem with the optimizer tries to use the internal binary XML structure to deal with the XQuery.

    I can't say much more than that, but since the test case is simple enough, you probably connect a SR with Oracle Support on that one.

  • Syntax error to execute a javaScript script

    Hi all

    I want to run a JavaScript using AppleScript script method.

    I first create a document to help

    say application "Adobe InDesign CS5.5.

    set myDocument to do document

    end say

    Now I run this script

    the value ScriptPath to alias "HD:private:var:root:Documents:Adobe Scripts: Source1.jsx.

    say application 'Adobe InDesign CS5.5'

    script ScriptPath language javascript

    end say

    But it gives error

    error "Adobe InDesign CS5.5 was an error: syntax error" number 8

    I also try:

    the value ScriptPath to alias "HD:private:var:root:Documents:Adobe Scripts: Source1.jsx.

    say application "Adobe InDesign CS5.5.

    set myDocument to do document

    script ScriptPath language javascript

    end say

    No compilation error

    The runtime gives the same error "Adobe InDesign CS5.5 was an error: syntax error" number 8

    If I create the document using this:

    say application "Adobe InDesign CS5.5.

    set myDocument to do document

    end say

    and run Source1.jsx using extend Script Toolkit CS5.5 then script executed successfully.

    My Java Script is:

    indesign #target

    myDocument var = app.activeDocument;

    with (myDocument.documentPreferences)


    pageHeight = "11i";

    pageWidth = "8.5I";

    pagesRegard = false;

    pageOrientation = PageOrientation.portrait;

    pagesPerDocument = 1;


    myLayer var = myDocument.layers.add ();

    myLayer.name = "myFirstLayer";

    myLayer.visible = true;

    var masterspread = myDocument.masterSpreads.add (1);

    masterspread.baseName = "NewMasterPage";

    masterspread. Select (1919250519);

    var myTextFrame = masterspread.textFrames.add (myDocument.layers.item ("myFirstLayer"));

    myTextFrame.geometricBounds = ["6 p", "p 25", "30 p", "30 p"];

    myTextFrame.contents = 'Spread Master';

    I don't understand where is syntax error.

    say application "Adobe InDesign CS5.5.

    script alias "HD:private:var:root:Documents:Adobe Scripts: Source1.jsx" javascript language

    --> error 'Syntax error' number 8


    error "Adobe InDesign CS5.5 was an error: syntax error" number 8

    Thank you.

    have you tried to flee the estk javascript? or debug?

    and... Why the hell you mix the applescript a javascript like that?

    var myTextFrame = masterspread.textFrames.add (myLayer);

  • Syntax error in the loop statement For


    Normally my staements FOR were not a problem as only the access one table. I have the example below, I'm to access the three table and that's why I get a syntax error.

    I want only to select the 'product' recored but need the other table to select it the good results.

    and product.supplier_key = company_no

    Can someone make the correct syntx for this statement.

    Thank you


    As Dom says:

    and product.supplier_key = company_no

    Or what he meant by "nice to have", use aliases:

    select p.*
      product p,
      product_group pg,
      prod_prod_group ppg
      pg.product_group_key = ppg.product_group_key
      and ppg.product_key = p.product_key
      and p.supplier_key = company_no
      and ppg.multi_web_dis = 1
    order by

    Also note that company_no is not an alias in the above query. If there is a column, it should be an alias also (although with the full table name or alias if you switch to their use). If it is a PL/SQL variable, it is fine as it is.

    Published by: cmartin2 on February 2, 2011 13:56

  • Dreamweaver CS5 shows a PHP syntax error

    I just started with CS5 because I was hard to navigate with CS3 after for so long.

    CS5 tells me that I have a syntax error that relates to the last line;

    < / body >
    < / html >
    <? PHP mysql_free_result ($WADAreferences);? >

    But I don't see why.

    Any ideas?

    If you get an error of syntax on the last line of PHP, this means that you have a missing closing brace for a block of code somewhere balance braces allows to check the matching opening and closing braces.

  • Help! It drives me crazy. Report CASE (missing operator) statement syntax error


    Can anyone help with this SQL statement please. It uses a CASE statement but again I get a syntax error (missing operator) error message. The SQL statement runs without the CASE statement, so everything else is fine - it's just when I put the CASE back statement in.

    Here is the SQL statement:-

    SELECT transactions.ourRef, transactions.transDate, CASE WHEN transactions.transTypeID = 2 THEN transactionDetails.goodsVatable *-1 ELSE transactionDetails.goodsVatable END, transactionDetails.goodsNonVat, transactionDetails.VAT, transactionDetails.grandTotal, clients.clientCode, transTypes.transTypeDesc
    Operations, customers, transactionDetails, transTypes
    WHERE transactions.transID = transactionDetails.transID
    AND transactions.clientID = clients.clientID
    AND transactions.transTypeID = transTypes.transTypeID

    TransID = 2 means that it is a credit not instead of a Bill, that's why I want the goods vatable returned as a negative number.

    Thanks in advance.


    .. .the customer wish for me to use a MS Access db

    Too bad that you said that in a first time. I think you can consider using IIF() with access.

    Syntax: IIf (expr, truepart, falsepart)

    SELECT transactions.ourRef,
    IIf (transactions.transTypeID = 2, transactionDetails.goodsVatable *-1, transactionDetails.goodsVatable).
    Operations, customers, transactionDetails, transTypes
    WHERE transactions.transID = transactionDetails.transID
    AND transactions.clientID = clients.clientID
    AND transactions.transTypeID = transTypes.transTypeID


  • DRG-50901: text query parser syntax error

    The query
    SELECT * FROM ij
    CONTAINS (ij.summary, 'ATTENZIONE!') > 0 
    Returns an error:

    ORA-29902: error in executing ODCIIndexStart() routine
    ORA-20000: Oracle text error:
    DRG-50901: text analysis on line 1, column 13 query syntax error


    There is a TEXT index on the column of synthesis:
        lexer           MITO_LEXER
        wordlist        DEFAULT_WORDLIST
        stoplist        IJL_STOPLIST
        storage         IJL_TEXT_STORAGE
        SYNC (EVERY "SYSDATE + 10/1440")')
    where is the MITO_LEXER

    CTX_DDL.create_preference ("mito_lexer", "BASIC_LEXER");
    CTX_DDL.set_attribute ('mito_lexer', 'INDEX_STEMS', 'ITALIAN');
    -MITO-318: the asterisks text Index research
    CTX_DDL.set_attribute ('mito_lexer', 'printjoins', ' *');

    Because mark exclamation (""! "") is a reserved operator, soundex of sense and must appear before the word, it applies to.

  • Author syntax error rule

    I'm new to this forum. Recently, I worked with Oracle SOA platform. I'm currently building rules to the author of rules using XML facts. The Java code is generated using JAXB. I'm able to import the java generated types and use them in the definition of both RL and RuleSets. But when I generate the code RL and RL syntax check syntax check fails.

    I get the following error message

    A syntax error is located.
    Error:' generated. DriverType' is not defined in column 14 of the line 4 in DM

    1. the DM ruleset
    3. {}
    4 class generated materiality. DriverType supports xpath {hide property ableToDrive, driverLicenseNumber, preAccidents, preConvictions, vehicleType, licenseType ;};
    5 class generated materiality. ObjectFactory supports xpath;
    6 class generated materiality. RepositoryType supports xpath; {color}

    So I have two questions. Why the author is not able to find the Drivertype and if it does NOT load the class files where should we keep the files for the RuleAuthor to see these classes. And also during the execution.

    I work with the following XML schema

    & lt;? XML version = "1.0"? & gt;
    & lt; scheme xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema".
    targetNamespace = "http://rules.oracle.com/carrental."
    elementFormDefault = "qualified".
    xmlns: xsi = "http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema-instance."
    xmlns:car = "http://rules.oracle.com/carrental" & gt;

    & lt; element name = "repository" type = "auto: repositoryType" / & gt;
    < p >
    & lt; complexType name = "repositoryType" & gt;
    & lt; sequence & gt;
    & lt; element name = 'pilot' type = "auto: driverType.
    minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded" / & gt;
    & lt; / sequence & gt;
    & lt; / complexType & gt;

    & lt; complexType name = "driverType" & gt;
    & lt; sequence & gt;
    & lt; element name = "permit number drive" type = "string" / & gt;
    & lt; element name = "name" type = "string" / & gt;
    & lt; element name = "age" type = "int" / & gt;
    & lt; element name = "type of vehicle" type = "string" / & gt;
    & lt; element name = "license type" type = "string" / & gt;
    & lt; element name = "of the convictions" type = "int" default = "0" / & gt;
    & lt; element name = "accidents before" type = "int" default = "0" / & gt;
    & lt; element name = "able to drive" type = "boolean" / & gt;
    & lt; / sequence & gt;
    & lt; / complexType & gt;
    < /p >
    < p >
    & lt; / pattern & gt;
    As you can see is the example of the car...

    Thank you
    < /p >

    The classes must be on the classpath then the code RL can be run. One way to do it is to put them in the directory:

Maybe you are looking for