XP system files get corrupted frequently when access to the content of a Vista system

I don't know if it's my specific machine or if there is problem of Vista. I have several machines. One is an XP box when I use as a server to store the data. I have another box of Vista that I use as a workstation. I map a folder on the server and access the files on the Vista box. Once in a while, I have a few corrupted files and they will not be recovered. When I do a scan of the drive, it says something about the corrupt header and is deleted. I have another XP box as access to other folders on the server with the same method of mapping, but I never see the problem on the XP machine.

Could it be caused by differences in system between Vista and XP? Do I need to get a system Vista or Windows Server to back up and share files as indicated above?

If someone knows the answer, please shred some light.

Thank you.

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