Adobe Story

All of a sudden is "Navigation to the webpage was canceled" on some sites.

Description of the problemall of a sudden, I get the message "Navigation to the webpage was canceled" when you try to test some sites in BrowserLab: is a list of sites that I'm having the problem with:http://demo.SilverStripe.

Validation e-mail is never in my Inbox

Hello. I logged in Adobe Story, and he said that he had sent a verification message. However, I do not receive e-mail; by clicking "Send" does not resolve the issue. And it is not in my Spam folder. It is a Gmail email address.Oddly enough, I just cr

Firefox 5 and the Firebug module

The Firebug add-on does not work for Firefox 5 stable at present.Note that Firefox is supposed to be 'rapid development', up to version 7 - for the best or the worst for its modules - in order to keep in touch with this is advisable.

Is it possible to see a history of versions?

My writing partner wrote something and then I "sync" the document with something I had bee working on "offline" - looks like he just erased the things that my writing partner put in there.(a) is there a way to avoid this?(b) at - it a history of the

all my projects has lost all of a sudden

I was using the desktop version of adobe story, which itself locked after several minutes of inactivity. When I typed the password to unlock it, told me that the adobe story had bad sync'ing in mode online and advised me to close and relaunch the pro

History is not stay connected.

Although I check the box stay connected , each opening story wonder for the connection. Is this a bug? How can I solve it?-Giuseppe

BrowserLab incredibly slow operation

Anyone else having this problem?Using the add-on Adobe BrowserLab Firebug, clicking on 'Local Source overview' page I want to see in BrowserLab. BrowserLab launches, takes 3-4 minutes to load the selected browser. When it is finally loaded, clicking

Problem loading script.

I don't know the best way to explain this, but I was doing some notes on my script through the iPhone (great app, btw) and I accidentally left a blank note in the file and disconnected. When I got home later I sat in front of my computer for more wor

Firefox 4.0 and 3.6 in BrowserLab - no image didn't upload!

I use BrowserLab of WINDOWS7, Firefox 4.0.Tested in all browsers (Chrome, Safari and IE) all available versions and they all show correctly.When I try to see how it will show in Firefox (3.6 or 4.0) none of the pictures show!

Visitors in google analytic

Is this normal when I check my site with Browserlab I get with 68 additional visitors in my Google Analytics account?

The owner of a document must be locked?

As the owner of a document, I just changed when one of my co-authors connected to change.  I was immediately locked.  The current solution would be to edit offline, but I'm not a co-author, edition of version online while I'm editing offline.  There

BrowserLab requires updating, but DW said he is up to date

When I launch BrowserLab he opened my browser Chrome and hangs for a while and then returns a message saying that I need to update to Dreamweaver, so I go to DW and click Refresh in the menu help and it says DW is up-to-date.On the Adobe Browserlab s

Communication using Google Font api problem

HelloWhen I try a link to the Google font api I get a communication error in BrowserLab. The page makes it OK outside BrowserLab in my usual browser and if I remove the link, then the page works in BrowserLab (but of course does not include the fonts

Installation of BrowserLab_pt2.mxp

I get the following error when I try to install the second, BrowserLab_Pt2.mxp. The first file installed fine.The XML parser reported an error of '.. '. Support/Adobe/CS4ServiceManager/extensions/ConnectNow/1/META-inf/manifest.xml/application' (cvc-c

Story about the Motorola Xoom

Story should run on the Xoom? If so it will not be for me. I downloaded Air very well since the Android Market, but it takes several will install. Even when it does not install when I try to install the desktop within the history on the web app it te

Adobe Story with OnLocation integration - list of plans

I am trying to export a script from Adobe Story and import it in OnLocation, but I can't seem to get "shot" elements in the story to become "space shot" in OnLocation. Is what I could get OnLocation to recognize entire scenes, but not of items in ind

CS Live icon not updated due to the Adobe Story

It is terribly boring. The icon in Photoshop will not update, even if I already signed in and used Adobe Story, although it is completely useless for me in my business. What should I do so that he can recognize I saw the service and remove the flag?

HELP, my script revert online MODE at first.

I need your help, I worked on a sript for weeks and I've been in line of thought, I noticed it says offline, so I clicked on the work online. I have not seen any error but it is just returned at the beginning of the script, and I have no idea how to

BrowserLab not loading and display of error page

Hello!Use BL for all ideal work for (HTML X sites). Now I started working with PHP and have a site with DW and Cartweaver, for a store, and I can't show her in BL. I'm on a Mac OSX MAMP (Apache/MySQL). My site shows in Live View and different browser


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