
Speed Grade Crash at launch in point 8.1 of Windows after update of December 2013

Speed grade crashes on launch Windows 8.1 after update of December 2013. Reset preferences did not help

SpeedGrade hangs with Direct link

I tried the link for the last months of SpeedGrade unsuccessfully as it crashes when direct linking. If there is empty space at the beginning of the sequence, it loads but crashes when you try to move the cursor jumping on a clip. Never, it displays

Scopes flat when SG begins by is project PP

When I open a project PP my litters are just a flat line until I chose an adjustment to make.  Once I have selected, for example the contrast slider they open to show the waveform.  Once I have adjust and change the blows that the waveforms are flat

Where is SpeedLooks?

I've updated to the latest version of Speedgrade (7.2 x 34) and I can't seem to locate the new SpeedLooks who were supposed to be included in this version?  What Miss me?  Is there a separate download that I need to recover?

Where is the sound of my video?

Hello everyone. The issue im having is that when I made a video and I transfer it to Premier Pro, there is no noise. Am I missing a step? Thank you!

Lumetri effect freezes first Photo Pro

Hello.I explore the wonder of the Direct link. I applied a LUT to a clip in SpeedGrade. Then I directly linked the first sequence where the clip shows the effect of Lumetri in the effect controls panel. The problem: first will not play back the clip

SpeedGrade WON'T get

Hey, gang.I classified my calendar, and I'm going to tab out.  I appoint the timeline, choose all the settings and press 'make '.  He jumps the percent of progress, as it will start rendering, but it never does.  It is stuck at 0%.  I spent all night

SpeedGrade CC crashes during launch.

I worked my way through the forums and Adobe has yet to respond. I would firstly using Speedgrade, but during the launch, the icon start SG, or first, launch crashes with an 'SpeedGrade close unexpectedly.' Quite annoying. I rebooted, dumped prefs, a

Dual display feature works not

I work with the latest version of Speedgrade CC on an iMac 2010 running OS X 10.9, I also have a secondary screen connected to the iMac. When I activate dual display output, nothing appears on the other screen. I can see what needs to be on the secon

Applying the glance on the timeline does nothing...

I'm dragging a glance to the timeline directly above my sequence of clips in the Official Journal. It does not add the glance to one of the clips. What gives?

Speedlooks by LookLabs - where are these files?

Saw in several places that some camera based LUTs and files look watch Labs had to be included in the download of SG CC. Cannot find these files anywhere on my system. Can someone point me to a place to download these files? Thank you.

Do not preview of masks

I'm a student just starting to learn SpeedGrade CS6.  In the past I've played around with masks a bit and worked flawlessly, but recently they stopped preview.  I can see them when I enter in the output pane, but they do not appear in the monitor.  I

How can I control the widget of mask in SDI monitor

I now have my ranking monitor the work through the Kona III card and I noticed in high school, I can get my eydropper in ranking monitor to select a color, but when I select a thumbnail or other mask there is no way I found to get my cursor over the

Problem with masks at sending back of Speedgrade first (CC)

HelloI'm color ranking a clip in SpeedGrade CC using the new direct link function. For calibration of the colors I used masks and also the different layers. Once I'm done, I sent my sequence back to first Pro CC.I see, first shows me exactly the colo

Designated where to save a file LOOK?

The location of the ridiculous file for the looks is frustrating.  I would like to record my resembles a specific location on my drive... is it possible to designate a folder to save the looks?Also... the Panel of LOOKS that is set by default at the

SpeedGrade crashing with dynamic link

every time I open a project first pro cc in speedgrade through links dynamic or just open the project in speedgrade to open it crashes. is there a way to prevent that from happening? I'm using a windows 7, core i7.

Speedgrade includes subitems?

I created a sequence in first pro cc. The sequence contains subitems created in first pro via the Clip-> command to Sublcip. I then exported an EDL that I opened in SpeedGrade. SpeedGrade shows all the rolls in pink as not loaded. I browse the office

Why certain LUT seems black in first?

Some of my LUT look wonderful in SpeedGrade,.but when I switch back to creation, the image looks gray/black.1 kinematics in SpeedGrade1 film premiereAny ideas?

Mask following keyframe, but graduated result does not work

I am a project related to coloring and I have a mask that moves across the frame very well, but the real ranking does it remains stationary, located on the last keyframe. I can look at the mask moves, but the results of the mask do not move.
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