
SpeedGrade 20141 crashes at startup when dual monostable display is enabled

Just updated to Speedgrade 20141 and I got the message "Adobe Speedgrade 2014 has stopped working" immediately after the splashscreen.After that I uninstalled and reinstalled it, it worked fine. So, I loaded my custom settings and did a ranking. Afte

I'm getting a new computer and I see that the speed Grade requires an i5 ~ i7, so is possible to use a processor AMD FX?

I would use an AMD processor based computer. I see the requirements for the SG is an i5 ~ i7. So the only option?Thank you

SpeedGrade "importer of sequence" is not displayed correctly

The name of my sequences of text are not displayed... It's the same on various computers I try to load the project first in speedgrade. I must be able to read the names of the sequences because there are many sequences in the project... I am able to

SpeedGrade will not meet the numeric keypad keys / partially cut 2nd monitor image

Very strange... I just opened a project in Speedgrade. When I started working, I noticed that the keys of the numeric keypad do not work. In addition, the changes made with the mouse are delayed. Apart from that, I use a second monitor and about a qu

In Speedgrade I have accidentally turn my sequence in black and white, how can I cancel it

So, I used my keyboard shortcuts to add some color preset to my clips and I accidentally pressed z, x, commad, or something and all my clips where black and white.Actually transformed all my clips in black and white or is just show them this.  I trie

RGB separation

Is it possible to just work on the blue part of the RGB parade?My first thought was to use the secondary layer to isolate all the blue, but I don't get to the bottom line, the R and G and still affected.What I want to do, is to just get the blue to m

SpeedGrade CC first pro CS6 trail / CC

I just tried speedgrade CC.First CC export does not work (duplicated on) and CS6 is really slow (so unusable from).Also used to Speedgrade CC open CS6 or CC first projectsI understand that the candidate countries must be equivalent versions which I a

What white rectangle next to the reset button on a layer do?

I tried to click on it, right-click on it, drag, scroll on it, drag with MMB - nothing.Is it a button or indicator? If the latter, then what this indicates? (never seen change)Thank you.

Shortcut to add primary / secondary layer?

HelloI wonder, if there is a shortcut to add a layer of primary or secondary layers stack?  Can't believe that you would need to click on the little + P or + buttons all the time of S.I read the PDF shortcuts, but found nothing.Am I missing something

Adobe Speedgrade CC 2014.0 has stopped working

I just did a new install of Windows 7 on my desktop and installed the trial version of AS CC 2014. When you open the program, I'll try to run any sort of action, and I will get an APPCRASH error, with the subject.Once I chose the close program, I als

Cannot expand the preview window.

How can I make a large preview window? Because change the "zoom level" does not help.

Not opening not QuickTime movie files.

The video files are Adobe SpeedGrade CC Classroom in a Book, purchased and downloaded from the site Adobe Press yesterday. The latest version of QuickTime is installed, downloaded yesterday as well. I even reinstalled SpeedGrade after that I've insta

Mask multi working with sequence first linked layers

How can I make a new layer of grade when my sequence is related to the project. I want to do two masks. I'm new to speedgrade. I can't go to the Schedule tab or press the button color, suite and fifth button above timeline, they appear in gray.Thank

How to restore the menu bar in Adobe Speedgrade?

How to restore the menu bar in Adobe Speedgrade?

FxLegalizeNTSC be trusted to protect the color for broadcasting?

During a promo for broadcast video and I want to just make sure that fxLegalizeNTSC at the top of the stack will keep color in areas without danger.

red lines in speedgrade for EXRs of first preview

HelloI'm trying to implement as much as possible a linear workflow using EXRs within our portfolio.Our 3D pipeline includes 3DSmax (export EXRs) to Nuke to computer and then hoping to be able to export EXRs as final to read in the first model. This i

Briefcase is missing

I learned the color in color correction, so I'm new to speedgrade and I find it... better, but more difficult to use. In any case, yesterday, there was a box of signal of clamp which is now defunct, please help. It's Hell to work with her the scale I

"Send To SpeedGrade' changed to 'Direct Link to Adobe SpeedGrade,' creates more .ircp, .dpx files?

In the process of learning SpeedGrade, I just watch a video on the Adobe site called "the adjustment of the Premiere Pro sequences in SpeedGrade" (https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/tutorials/videos/premierepro-speedgrade-integration-cc.html?prod

make it look more small icons/text

speedgrade with patches of camera work...Problem is that I can not read what they say... There is no way to read the news on the camerapatch... for example, I can see the first describers bit like canon 7 d.. UT after that, I can't read if we rec 709

SpeedGrade very slow on the GPU acceleration

My system has a nvidia gtx 590.I have run triple monitors so I need two GPU (590 is an FYI double card)When you run speedgrade in GPU acceleration even at 1/4 ground video is maybe 10-12 fpsthe software only reads it in real-time to the ground full..