12.4 default iTunes homepage?

Is it possible to open iTunes with the same start page that I used to have?

When I run the upgraded application, it always opens the music > songs. Is there a way to open a summary page of the device which is connected?

It's boring...

Thank you


I'm not sure it would work, but I would try to uncheck system preferences > General > close the windows when you exit an application

Tags: iTunes

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    SearchEngines = {DuckDuckGo: {"name": "DuckDuckGo(SSL)", "searchUrl":
    "https://duckduckgo.com/?q=_searchTerms_", "image":
    "data:image/png;base64, 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"}}
    localStorage["search-engine"] = JSON.stringify(SearchEngines["DuckDuckGo"]);
  • Do remote iTunes library default?

    Is there a way to configure iTunes to use a default remote iTunes library?

    My main iTunes library is on an iMac and another Mac I want to use this default iTunes library.

    I work sharing at home between the two systems.

    Thanks in advance


    It's a little involved if you want to leave the library on the main drive of the first computer.  Will be have to make the folder containing the library reading and writing of the computer, so make sure that the first computer is always turned on and wake up when you use iTunes on the second computer. In addition, you can only use the library to a computer at a time.

  • Mozilla default homepage color

    Can I change homepage of Mozilla to the color other than white? Thank you!

    Take a look at these "User Styles" that modify the default value: homepage. Looks like about 160 "styles" view, so you should find something.

    In addition, have you worked with code css at all? If so, the connection: home page can be easily changed via a file userContent.css.

    Run the "script" with

    @-moz-document url(about:home) 

    and then add your CSS code for what you want to modify, change or hide.

  • ITunes with MS 2007. Default questions

    I use windows 7 with XP 2003. Previously I had itunes with XP. I have a new laptop with the 07 package.
    Does anyone know how to reverse the default Itunes process? When I install the program, all the icons of MS change the itunes icon, and the only app that opens is itunes.

    Hi Johnny.D_Structo,

    This occurs when the default program has been changed to itunes. You can make the default programs using set Associations.

    1. open default programs by clicking the Start button, click default programs.

    2. click on associate a type of file or Protocol with a program.

    3. click on the file type or protocol that you want the program to act as the default value.

    4. click on program change.

    5. click on the program that you want to use by default for the selected file type, or click the arrow next to other programs to show other programs. (If you don't see other programs or your program is not listed, click Browse to find the program you want to use, and then click on Open. ) If no other programs are installed that are able to open the type of file or Protocol, your choice will be limited.)

    6. click on OK.

    For more information, you can consult the following link:


    Hope this information is useful.

    Jeremy K
    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think

    If this post can help solve your problem, please click the 'Mark as answer' or 'Useful' at the top of this message. Marking a post as answer, or relatively useful, you help others find the answer more quickly.

  • Implementation even account itunes on 2 computers

    I have a second mac (macbook air) that I use on my travels and have setup an account for me on this computer. I have install itunes and tried to install one of the apps I bought previously (version first day which is not available on the app store any longer). Problem is I connect, but there is no application library - can someone tell me how to access my applications?

    Real-world applications are stored in the Mobile Applications folder in your iTunes Media folder.   iTunes 9 [and later]: understanding iTunes Media organization - http://support.apple.com/HT201979 I think that if you wanted to just transfer applications you can copy this folder to the other computer, and then drag add the folder to iTunes library so that it recognizes the content.

    See also:

    Page 6 of Apple, exhaustively meticulous instructions step by step: how to move your iTunes library to a new computer - https://support.apple.com/HT204318 it is convenient if you think that all your materials are not in the standard location.

    My resume in a sentence if you use preferences by default iTunes settings: copy the folder integer iTunes (and to ensure that all of its subfolders and files) intact at the other disk, hold down the option/alt key (shift on Windows) keys to start iTunes and on request to select a library select iTunes Library.itl file in the copied folder (open a different iTunes library file or create a new one - https://support.apple.com/HT201596).

    When it comes to a new car/computer put the iTunes folder copied to the default location of Macintosh HD > users > * user name * > music (or home > music) so you don't even have to start with the down option, iTunes will automatically look it there.  (Make sure that it is no anything already in the iTunes folder it that you want to keep because you will replace it with the one you are moving).  Don't forget to authorize computer in iTunes to your Apple ID if you use it to synchronize with Apple devices or play multimedia DRM protected (e.g., movies).

    Some elements used in iTunes related activities are not stored in the iTunes library folder, but in special folders.  If you move a library to another computer, you can copy these too:

    -Music files Apple cache: http://dougscripts.com/itunes/2015/09/new-flush-apple-music-cache-files/ - ~/Library/Caches/com.apple.iTunes/SubscriptionPlayCache/ file, which is a bit like a "iTunes Media" folder for music from Apple

    -device iOS, various preferences files backups: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3285925

  • Disorganized iTunes Media after moving to NAS


    I have moved my iTunes for Synology NAS library and am maintaining the logical structure of the different media files.

    On the NAS, I created volume 'Media' where I moved to the iTunes library and where I want all kinds of media to reside and to share with others (Synology, Plex) apps. This volume is now the default iTunes media folder.

    I have relinked the library in ITunes without problem and can see everything as before, but when for example I am adding new content to music to iTunes (with 'Keep media' and 'Copy media in the iTunes folder') organized checked it lands directly in the 'media' instead of ' Media /Music"." Why and how can I solve this problem?

    I want to keep the structure of file like this:

    Media (volume)


    -Artist name

    -Album name


    -Name of film

    TV - series

    -Show Name



    Is this possible? Is to select a volume than the main iTunes folder of media app messes things why?

    It seems OK, I had to «Organize library...» "after moving and all the orphaned files have been moved to /Music they belong.

    I think I like iTunes a little more now

  • Put iTunes on Macbook Pro external drive

    I have a new Macbook Pro running OS X El Capitan. With my older iMac, I wanted to save space so I consolidated my iTunes library and put all my music on my external hard drive and then deleted all my music off my old iMac. I did the same thing with my photos. With the new Macbook, I ran some more of my music on the external hard drive, but now I want to recover my external hard drive so you can use it for Time Machine and put all my music on the Macbook, since it has a bigger HD and I'm more worried about space. I also noticed on the Macbook, in the iTunes folder, there are now "iTunes Media" and that "automatically add to iTunes". I understand that Apple has changed the iTunes Music iTunes Media folder but I am unsure of the other folder. On my external hard drive, I have a 'Music' folder and inside that I have: of Garage Band, iTunes album art file folder, album art iTunes, Bigasoft Flac Converter folder. In the iTunes folder: folder of iTunes Library.itl Album artwork file, iTunes Music Library.xml file Genius.itdb from the iTunes library, previous record of libraries iTunes, Mobile Applications folder, iTunes Library Extras.itdb, Temp File.tmp file, iTunes Library.xml and iTunes folder Music, which has all my music files. I didn't know if I should just replace the music folder on my Macbook with the music folder from my drive external hard because some of the files as "iTunes Media" and "Automatically add to iTunes" would probably disappear. I hope I'm not too hike and it makes sense. I tried to consolidate my music but I don't know if that did anything. Thanks for any help.

    I am running iTunes on my Macbook and I was running last iTunes OS X Lion 10.7.5

    iTunes 9: understanding the "Automatically add to iTunes" folder - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3832 - files placed in this folder are actually moved from this folder to the correct location in the iTunes Media folder.

    On the iTunes library files - https://support.apple.com/HT201610 - does not mention that a complete library of work also includes other files and also files in the iTunes folder.

    More about the library files iTunes and what they do - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ITunes#Media_management

    What are all these files in iTunes? - http://www.macworld.com/article/139974/2009/04/itunes_files.html

    Where are my iTunes files located? - http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1391

    iTunes 9 [and later]: understanding iTunes Media organization - http://support.apple.com/HT201979 - more information on the Organization of the new structure https://discussions.apple.com/message/26404702#26404702

    == Moving a library ==

    Apple 6 pages (and therefore overwhelming) step by step instructions: how to move your iTunes library to a new computer - https://support.apple.com/HT204318 it is convenient if you think that all your materials are not in the standard location.

    My resume in a sentence if you use preferences by default iTunes settings: copy the folder integer iTunes (and to ensure that all of its subfolders and files) intact at the other disk, hold down the option/alt key (shift on Windows) keys to start iTunes and on request to select a library select iTunes Library.itl file in the copied folder. Open a different iTunes library file or create a new one - https://support.apple.com/HT201596

  • Several iTunes library issue


    So, my question is about my MacBook Pro 15 "(early 2011), who crashed. I have been using a loan MBP and MBA from my wife. Within 6 months or that I plugged my iPhone 6 more to make backups, or install iOS 10 public beta, I don't know all the problems I've had in the past.

    In the past, I connect to one of my computers and if I backed up and tried to synchronize new items, he would inform me what would therefore lead in the media currently on my phone to delete. I understand this aspect of the question. However, it seems that now when I plug my phone into my wife of Air and make a backup (sometimes I'm on my user account with my AppleID and rarely I use his), it works very well. In the past, he alternates between asking his AppleID password or mine (and would also do it on the phone, as well).

    Sorry for the long backstory, (to make a dump of the brain), but ultimately, my question is when I replace my old MacBook Pro with a new machine (probably a Mac Mini that I can buy the base model and just put my RAM and HARD drive in), once I plug my phone into the computer and I will start to use for backups and regular synchronization will I have problems that could be avoided by doing something different now in preparation?

    Thanks, and I hope that makes sense!

    A device to sync with a library, apparently your wife now.  Copy the library to the other computer, and then modify it as you wish.

    Moving a library: quick response if you use preferences by default iTunes settings: copy the folder integer iTunes (and to ensure that all of its subfolders and files) intact at the other disk, hold down the option/alt key (shift on Windows) keys to start iTunes and on request to select a library select iTunes Library.itl file in the copied folder. Open a different iTunes library file or create a new one - https://support.apple.com/HT201596

    Apple has a page 6 and therefore a bit tedious and preview mind-boggling, step by step in the process I just summarize in one sentence above: how to move your iTunes library to a new computer - https://support.apple.com/HT204318 it is convenient if you think that all your materials are not in the standard location.

  • Move iTunes library to a different location on the computer


    I use the latest version of iTunes running on MacBook Air El Capitan. I'd like to keep my music library on my Mac itself that I travel and may or may not have connectivity.

    Now, my library grew to about 45 GB and get the crisis for space on my MacBook.

    Question: I have an extra car for the MacBook and you want to move my entire library over there, but don't know how to do without adding all the files again. (I have 45 GB of songs but only 65 to 70% of it are added to ITunes). Also note that I have disabled the option move files added to the iTunes folder.

    Thank you


    Moving a library: quick response if you use preferences by default iTunes settings: copy the folder integer iTunes (and to ensure that all of its subfolders and files) intact at the other disk, hold down the option/alt key (shift on Windows) keys to start iTunes and on request to select a library select iTunes Library.itl file in the copied folder. Open a different iTunes library file or create a new one - https://support.apple.com/HT201596

    However, you say that you have disabled iTunes organize media. I too use this setup and moved to my library from player to player, but I did pass my HDD and the system to another drive. I suspect since you use songs outside the normal structure that iTunes must use the addressing very specific to keep track of these files and this address should not remain the same on the new drive.  You do not specify files scattered how are.  You can (or not) find that copy the folder iTunes main and all the individual media files wherever they are exactly the same directory structure, more to appoint the external drive exactly the same thing that your internal drive doesn't work. Moving a library to another drive when the Manager media yourself is not something iTunes like and is a consequence of do you things like that.

  • Definition of user profiles by default for all Windows 7 users?

    How can I configure Firefox to have the same default values for all users, the same homepage specifically, among other things?

    Thank you!

    Hi LarryMal, probably the best way to pre-set parameters is with the way that is described in http://kb.mozillazine.org/Locking_preferences
    for the homepage especially, see also https://mike.kaply.com/2012/08/29/setting-the-default-firefox-homepage-with-autoconfig/

  • Transfer iTunes and external HARD disk media library

    To build capacity on my 13-inch MacBook Pro (SSD) I want to transfer my music and files from the iTunes library on an external HARD drive. By following the online instructions I copied the iTunes folder of high level of my MBP on the external HARD drive and have chosen the new library (.itl) on the first reopening of iTunes. Everything seems fine but to verify music file information, it seems that the music files are always read in the MBP files. How do I order the new library to the remote disk copy of music files so that I can remove them safely from MBP. Thank you

    Move a library: quick response if you use preferences by default iTunes settings: copy the folder iTunes integer (and to ensure that all of its subfolders and files) intact at the other disk, hold down the option/Alt (shift on Windows) keys at the start of iTunes, and request select a library select iTunes Library.itl file in the copied folder. https://support.Apple.com/HT201596

  • A strange homepage keeps replacing mine: genio? News of blinkers etc., yuk

    This has started to happen a few weeks ago and replicated even when I set preferences to always open on the default firefox homepage. The only way that I can't return to my usual home page is to be online when I get a message like "someone is trying to change your home page. If I catch him one click on 'Cancel' all's well until next time.
    Thank you

    Usually, a malware will produce this result.
    The most basic will replace your homepage simply by changing the command launched by your shortcut (icon). You can check that by right clicking on the icon you use to start Firefox and looking at the used command ('Target' field).

    But it also means that your computer has a hijacker (a program of changing the behavior of another program).

    It is not related to Firefox in particular, if you use Internet Explorer you will certainly get the same result.

    Plan to run some anti-malware on your computer programs to find the culprit.

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