A form of Google with http POST VI

Dear LabVIEW forum,

I'm filling out a very simple form of Google consisting of 4 text fields named AI0 AI1, AI2 AI3.

I use the http POST provided by LabVIEW VI:

When I run this, a new row is added to the answer sheet, but values do not appear, with the exception of the timestamp.

What I am doing wrong?

Thank you!


I had a quick look at the form and text next to the entry boxes is AI0... but the names of the input text boxes aren't AI0 etc.. You may need to get the page first and then scan the page for the name of the entry.


Tags: NI Software

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    In Internet Explorer it open in HTTP for me but in ff its open with HTTPS.

    Delete cookies from Google.com. Delete cookies

    Just make sure you read the first part so that you know what you could remove.


  • Problem when using SOAP requests with HTTP POST function


    Using the vi of HTTP POST to send SOAP requests to a device, I encountered a problem.

    Take care of the HTTP header for you HTTP POST vi and defines the type of 'content' as "Content-Type: application/x-www-formulaires-urlencoded. Who is considered to be 'non-soap' requests by some Web servers.

    Standards W3C says in this case, you should be content-type: "application/soap + xml".

    Link to the page to W3C standard: http://www.w3.org/TR/soap12-part0/#L26866

    That is possible to update this feature in a future release so that programmers can choose (or type) the necessary content type?

    Have you tried "Add header" to change?


  • Problem with the post OFFICE when using HttpsConnection

    Hello community,

    my scenario:

    I have a piece of code that runs on a BB and a Servlet located on a Tomcat 6.0.18. The code on the BB uses POST to send data. When you use with HTTP POST, everything works like a charm, but I have trouble with the POST and HTTPS.

    It seems that the data is not transferred from BB on the server. The use of the debugger I discovered that the data is written to the output stream (side), but when the servlet calls getParameter() only null is returned.

    To ensure a correct installation, I tried a GET with HTTPS which works very well.

    The given code example is on the side of the unit

    connection = Connector.open(url);
    HttpsConnection https = (HttpsConnection)connection;
    https.setRequestProperty(HEADER_CONTENTTYPE, String.valueOf(length));
    out = https.openOutputStream();out.write(PostMessage.getBytes());
    in = https.openInputStream();
    ResponseMessage = new byte[(int)https.getLength()];

    Any help is very appreciated!

    Thanks in advance.


    Simulator: 8300

    MDS: 4.1.4

    JDE: 4.5.0

    Eclipse: Version: 3.4.1
    Build id: M20080911-1700

    Dear community,

    I managed to solve the problem by myself. Its a classic copy & paste error.

    Lets take a look at:

    https.setRequestProperty(HEADER_CONTENTTYPE, String.valueOf(length));

    As you can see I used two times HEADER_CONTENTTYPE. Its not so bad, but to indicate the length of a post, you need to use HEADER_CONTENTLENGTH:-D.

    I have to take a break...

    You can consider the issue as resolved.

  • sign the document with 'Draw my signature' and send it via http-post


    I have a pdf document with a signature field. When im opening with AcrobatReader XI, I can sign / Place Signature / draw my signature. I can't 'save a copy '. It works pretty well.

    Now, I place a button in the pdf document to be sent via http post to a given address. When I now open this PDF in the XI AcrobatReader, trying to sign. I can only do this with sign / Place Signature / use a certificate. But there is no way to "draw my signature."

    Did I miss an option to do this? Pls tell me if he has a chance to sign the document with 'Draw my signature' and send it via http-post.

    Or is this part of the concept? When I'm looking for a solution, I found EchoSign electronic signature.

    What is available depends on how the as is put in place. If you include a button with an action of type 'Submit form' and/or reader - enable the form, then e-signature (signature of drawing) will not be available in the player. If the document is compatible player then digitally signing will. So for what you want, do not Reader-enable the document and you can use the submitForm JavaScript method to submit. The site that has the JavaScript documentation was not available at the time I wrote this, but post again if you need help with that.

  • Send a PDF form via HTTP Post: Newbie Questions


    I am completely new to PDF forms, so I was finding the documentation and the overwhelming options.

    I'm hoping to get directed to the documentation/tutorials/examples that I really need.

    I want to build a 'proof of concept' for my boss.  I would like to include a screen in our webapp Java (JSP & spring) where either a PDF form is incorporated or is accessible via a link.

    I have

    • Standard Adobe Acrobat Distiller X license
    • Adobe Acrobat X Standard
    • Microsoft Office 2010

    I made a little, the form of Microsoft Word 3 field.  I then he converted via distill into a PDF form.

    I then found this document on how to submit a PDF form to a component side Server:


    My big problem with this document, is not an example, nor an example of what is happening in an HTML page complete.   Because I I have a few questions:

    1. I see such an example somewhere?
    2. The result of the call to the javascript function doc. SubmitForm (urlToMyServerSideComponent) go in a script tag on the HTML page as other javascripts?
    3. Can I submit the function from an HTML button run or I put a button 'send' the PDF form?
    4. Do I need Adobe LiveCycle to create a PDF form with a button "submit"?  Free versions?
    5. Can I send via HTTP POST?
    6. Do I need Adobe LiveCycle to create a PDF form with a digital signature?
    7. Is there a document/tutorial that fits where I want to? (Please no books, I am tyring to show to my boss that this is something which can be done in a reasonable amount of time, no time to get and go through a book).

    Thanks in advance for things which make me pointed in the right direction


    This seems to imply that I can do a such acroform without using an application or can I use an application with an option to write code by hand.  Am I wrong?  If yes could tell me on the document from the beginner to learn how to do this?    I have acrobat, but I don't have the 'send to server' option in the menu to distribute.

    No, you would use Acrobat to add the button and configure. As said earier, you want not to use distribute the form for this type of shape. Simply add a button on one of the pages of the PDF and give a mouse action upward to "submit a form":

    The video tutorial contains more information on the treatment of the submission on the server. Again, do not use the option to distribute the form in Acrobat.

  • Getting 7 error with the HTTP POST vi method when deplyed ISO crio as executable... urgent!

    Hi all

    I have an application where I can access the net server point of LabVIEW via the HTTP protocol to send the data. My application works fine when I run it on XP, and also sometimes on cRIO. I'm writing and reading files to store and read data from the server.

    When I do my application executable and deployed on cRIO I am constantly 7 error that says "Error in the node library function to call at the POST vi LabVIEWHTTPCLIENT".

    After getting this error if I try to run the my new project the crio (not through exe) I keep getting the same error. This means once the executable file is deployed on the crio, I get the error in my project application which was working fine before you deploy the executable file.

    7 occurs very frequently. and I am unable to find the reason. I gave all the paths in the constant form located on crio and files accessible also when the application is run.

    Is someone can you please help me what this error 7?

    as a result, that it is bound to the HTTP POST vi method...

    How can it be fix?

    Its quite urgent...

    Thanks in advance.

    Solution is provided by the NOR... Vi POST method missing two files that need to be there in the startup of the CRIO.insted folder there is in the system folder. That's why when running the exe that the startup on crio application it gives error as the files are not there. The fix for this HTTP POST vi update isn't out yet EITHER.

  • Help with JSON HTTP Post request

    Still fairly new to QT so I try to send a query with some json http post, I'm pulling the json to a file and which seems to work fine but I get a http 500 error. I want to just make sure that my code is correct before contacting the company that webservice I use here is my code:

     JsonDataAccess jda;
        QVariant list = jda.load(QDir::currentPath() +"/app/native/assets/jsonData/myjson.json");
        qDebug()<post(request, list.toByteArray());

    I have a feeling that I'm passing in json data in the wrong post method. Any help is appreicated


    You send an empty server string because list.toByteArray () returns an empty string.

    You must save the QByteArray list;

    QByteArray result;
    jda.saveToBuffer(list, &result);
    // and then
    QNetworkReply *reply = networkAccessManager->post(request, result);


    Simply load the json with QFile file

    QFile file(YOUR_JSON);
    if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)){
        qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << file.errorString();
    QByteArray result = file.readAll();
    QNetworkReply *reply = networkAccessManager->post(request, result);

    Hoe it helps

  • HTTP post with SSL v3


    I use Orchestrator version 4.2.1 build 555

    And I do an HTTP Post to a server that only accepts SSL v3

    The code is easy:

    //Auto-generated script
    var urlObject = new URL(url);
    result = urlObject.postContent(content) ;

    But that's what I get as error:

    HTTP GET error: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: building way PKIX failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: could not find the path of valid certification for target asked

    If I do a post manual to this url with the content of the message succeeds.

    Is it possible that the Orchestrator can only use SSL v2?

    And is there a way I can make the post HTTP messages with SSL3

    This is not the right place to import the certificates from the remote host.

    Please open the vCO Web Configurator, go to the tab 'network' (not 'server certificate' tab), and then select the 'SSL Trust Manager' tab in the right pane.

    There is a labeled text box "URL from which import a certificate". Provide the remote host/port (IE. (, and then click the "Import" button on the right. Then restart the vCO server and try again the POST.

  • How to pass the parameters in the http post method?


    I want to download the mp3 file on server and I need to pass two parameters with the post method.

    Here is my code for this.

                          String userid="id_user=8379";
                  String filename="trackName=sample.mp3";
                  String params=userid+"&"+filename;            
                bos=new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                byte[] data=new byte[50000];
                int ch;
                while ((ch=fileis.read(data,0,data.length))!=-1) {
                System.out.println("Response code From server"+httpcon.getResponseCode());
                    System.out.println("Failed to upload bytes");
                    DataInputStream dis=httpcon.openDataInputStream();
                    int ch1;
                    StringBuffer buffer1=new StringBuffer();
                    while ((ch1=dis.read())!=-1) {
                    System.out.println("Response From Server"+buffer1.toString());
            } i am getting response code ok but fail to upload file.

    may I passing the parameter in the wrong way?



    Nitin I currently do a midlet project.

    So I used multipart post method.

    I just read this article. http://MindTouch.firmstep.com/AchieveForms/Design_Guide/Integration_Actions/types/HTTP_POST#top

    package com.http.main;
    import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
    import java.io.InputStream;
    import java.io.OutputStream;
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import javax.microedition.io.Connector;
    import javax.microedition.io.HttpConnection;
    import com.sun.midp.io.BufferedConnectionAdapter;
    public class HttpMultipartRequest
        static final String BOUNDARY = "----------V2ymHFg03ehbqgZCaKO6jy";
        byte[] postBytes = null;
        String url = null;
        public HttpMultipartRequest(String url, Hashtable params, String fileField, String fileName, String fileType, byte[] fileBytes) throws Exception
            this.url = url;
            String boundary = getBoundaryString();
            String boundaryMessage = getBoundaryMessage(boundary, params, fileField, fileName, fileType);
            String endBoundary = "\r\n--" + boundary + "--\r\n";
            ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            this.postBytes = bos.toByteArray();
        String getBoundaryString()
            return BOUNDARY;
        String getBoundaryMessage(String boundary, Hashtable params, String fileField, String fileName, String fileType)
            StringBuffer res = new StringBuffer("--").append(boundary).append("\r\n");
            Enumeration keys = params.keys();
                String key = (String)keys.nextElement();
                String value = (String)params.get(key);
                res.append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"").append(key).append("\"\r\n")
                System.out.println("****In while Loop:-****"+res);
            res.append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"").append(fileField).append("\"; filename=\"").append(fileName).append("\"\r\n")
                .append("Content-Type: ").append(fileType).append("\r\n\r\n");
            return res.toString();
        public byte[] send() throws Exception
            HttpConnection hc = null;
            InputStream is = null;
            ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            byte[] res = null;
                hc = (HttpConnection) Connector.open(url);
                hc.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + getBoundaryString());
                OutputStream dout = hc.openOutputStream();
                int ch;
                is = hc.openInputStream();
                StringBuffer buffer=new StringBuffer();
                while ((ch = is.read()) != -1)
                res = bos.toByteArray();
            catch(Exception e)
                    if(bos != null)
                    if(is != null)
                    if(hc != null)
                catch(Exception e2)
            return res;

    and use it in this way

    public void getBytes()
            ByteArrayOutputStream bos=null;
                bos=new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                InputStream fis=getClass().getResourceAsStream("/super.mp3");
                int ch;
                byte[] data=new byte[120];
                Hashtable params=new Hashtable();
                HttpMultipartRequest httpreq=new HttpMultipartRequest("http://api.upload.com/gStorage/uploadSong?", params,"file1","xpressMusic.mp3","audio/mpeg",bos.toByteArray());
            catch (Exception e) {

    Here, the key is contenttype, contentLength.you can get the info on it from the link above.


  • OutofMemoryException/EOFException when bleow data via HTTP POST


    I got OutofMemoryException when I download data with size larger than 2 MB. I use http post by specifying

    'Content-Type', ' multipart/form-data; Boundary = boundaryvalue.

    in the header of the request.

    The stacktrace of the exception of 9000 "BOLD" is as below.

    No detail message

    net_rim_cldc (4AAABCA5)



    0 x 3690

    net_rim_cldc (4AAABCA5)


    To write


    net_rim_crypto_1-3 (4AAAC974)


    To write


    net_rim_cldc-1 (4AAABCA5)


    To write


    net_rim_os-2 (4AAAC894)



    net_rim_os-2 (4AAAC894)



    0 x 1422

    net_rim_os-3 (4AAAC894)




    net_rim_os-2 (4AAAC894)




    net_rim_os-3 (4AAAC894)





    When I test Simulator 8300, I got EOFException.

    No detail message
    0 x 1917
    0 x 1613
    0 x 2335


    This code seems to work for the file with a size less than 2 MB.

    Any suggestions would be very appeciated.

    Thank you


    I was able to replicate that when you use an OutputStream.  OutputStream to DataOutputStream switching enabled me to show 3 MB of data.  Please give that a try and making me know if you encounter other problems.

  • How to run Oracle Forms in Google Chrome


    How can we run our applications Oracle Forms in Google chrome (with SSO)? This has not worked quite awhile and a lot of our other company activities revolve around Chrome in the standard user interface.

    We are in form 11g.

    Thank you! HJ

    976327 wrote:

    Hey Hamid,

    Chrome says: this plugin is not supported. I did some research and found something about NPAPI unsupported.

    The error appears when you try to run our applications Forms via a URL

    Thank you, HJ

    Hello HJ


    1. https://java.com/en/download/faq/chrome.xml

    2 https://productforums.google.com/forum/#! m5sRq0_UKek/chrome/section

    Use of IE


    You want a 3rd party?

    Try TalkingByte

    Hope this helps


  • Encoding of the string for HTTP Post


    I work with HTTP get and post at the moment, I have a server with a REST of apache based interface. Obtaining and displaying the data are no problem for 'normal' strings and characters, but I can't send characters like German "Umlaut" (Ä Ü Ö) or Japanese or Chinese characters. Coding for the Socket connection is UTF-8 and the command POST also contains a line of Content Type with character set UTF-8. The server expects UTF - 8, so I need my data in this encoding.

    When I send strings of InDesign now, I always get an error 'Bad Request' from my server. Looks like that the strings in ESTK is not UTF-8 - How can I create UTF-8 strings? I can't find methods of encoding conversion...

    Thank you


    OK, it took a while to find that - maybe someone else has the same problem and it is looking for a solution, I'll try to explain:

    I downloaded the source files for tomcat to know how tomcat with my data. I debugged deep into the code until I reached the CotoyeInputStream - here the reading of data from InDesign. And although I understood that the stream is read in the form of bytes and characters are counted. The Umlaute and other special characters are encoded as two bytes, but they are counted as a single character. For every Umlaut transferred the number of bytes is 1 higher than the number of characters.

    And at a time the flow is cut to the number of characters.

    So these are 13 bytes and 12 characters:

    {'name': 'u'}

    The byte stream is cut to 12 - last byte is lost and it will happen in my application server:

    {'name': 'u'}

    Support of closing is absent and that throws the Exception.

    My simple solution/solution: I'm adding several spaces. Tomcat is always cut the last characters, but now there are only spaces to be cut. And with spaces, it worked...

  • How to make http post in the Webcenter Portal Application?

    Hi all

    We have a requirement in which we must train to an external URL.

    We have created a Taskflow bounded with page fragment. Added a button on the page fragment and had to form POST to an external URL the button click. Expected features, the URL of the external site will open in the same tab.

    But we can not directly use html form tag in the page jspx because it cannot have two form elements.

    Example code snippet that we use:

    " < form id ="meetingPost"action =" http://XYZ/reg.aspx "

    method = "POST" >

    < input type = "hidden" name = "userId" value = "12345" / >

    < / make >

    We have tried to do this programmatically as below. But it does not work.

    JSPX code:

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF - 8"? >

    " < = xmlns:jsp jsp:root ' http://Java.Sun.com/JSP/page "version ="2.1" "

              xmlns:f=" http://Java.Sun.com/JSF/core "

              xmlns:h=" http://Java.Sun.com/JSF/HTML "

    ' xmlns:af = ' http://xmlns.Oracle.com/ADF/faces/rich "> "

    < jsp:directive.page contentType = text/html"; Charset = UTF - 8 "/ >

    < f: view >

    < af:document id = "d1" >

    < af:form id = "f1" >

    < af:region value = "#{bindings." TestTF1.regionModel}"id ="r1"/ >

    < / af:form >

    < / af:document >

    < / f: view >

    < / jsp:root >

    JSFF code:

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF - 8"? >

    " < = xmlns:jsp jsp:root ' http://Java.Sun.com/JSP/page "version ="2.1" "

    ' xmlns:af = ' http://xmlns.Oracle.com/ADF/faces/rich "" "

              xmlns:f=" http://Java.Sun.com/JSF/core ">

    < af:resource type = "javascript" >

    function postToURL (url) {}

    var form = createElement ('form');

    form.setAttribute ("method", "POST");

    form.setAttribute ("action", url);

    Form._submit_function = form.submit;

    form.appendChild (document.createElement ("input", {type: "hidden", name: "userId", value: "12345"}));

    document.body.appendChild (form);

    Form._submit_function ();


    < / af:resource >

    < af:panelGroupLayout id = "pgl1" layout = "horizontal" >

    < af:commandButton text = "Submit" id = "cb1".

    actionListener = "#{pageFlowScope.SampleBean.postToCvent}" > < / af:commandButton >

    < / af:panelGroupLayout >

    < / jsp:root >

    Managed Bean Code:

    {} public void postToCvent (ActionEvent actionEvent)
    FacesContext fctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance ();
    String url = " " http://XYZ/reg.aspx ";
    ExtendedRenderKitService service = Service.getRenderKitService (fctx, ExtendedRenderKitService.class);
    StringBuffer script = new StringBuffer();
    script. Append ("postToURL('");
    script. Append (URL);
    script. Append("')"); "
    service.addScript (fctx, script.toString ());


    Thank you


    Abhijit salvation,

    sendRedirect don't GET, POST.

    in any case I solved the problem by substituting the attribute action for af:form using java script and adds input fields on the fly and able to reach the POST form to an external URL.

    JavaScript (test.js file):

    function postToCvent (event) {}

    If (event! = null) {}

    Get the source Customer attribute

    var url = event.getSource () .getProperty ('url');

    var userId = event.getSource () .getProperty ("userId");

    Get the form by Id element, it will be af:form Id

    var form = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId ("mform");

    If (form! = null) {}

    formId var = form.getClientId ();

    document.getElementById (formId) .setAttribute ("method", "POST");

    document.getElementById (formId) .setAttribute ("action", url);

    Create and add the input field to your

    var hiddenField1 = document.createElement ("input");

    hiddenField1.setAttribute ("type", "hidden");

    hiddenField1.setAttribute ("name", "userId");

    hiddenField1.setAttribute ("value", username);

    document.getElementById (formId) .appendChild (hiddenField1);


    document.getElementById (formId) .submit ();



    JSFF code:

    http://XYZ/reg.aspx"/ >

    JSPX code:

    source="/resources/test.js"/ >

    Thank you


  • Connect in HTTP-Post


    am I right if I think that it is not possible to connect to rwservlet via http-post, only http-get.
    And that's the reason why I get REP-56048 when I try?

    Thank you.



    Hi Chris,
    Take a look at the code in the following document can help.

    REP-0788 warning message when the report with a form of parameter of the HTML form on the web (Doc ID 359819.1)

    Best regards, RZ

Maybe you are looking for