[ADF, JDev12.1.3] Can I use this FacesUtils.java in applications of the ADF with no problems?


I would like to know if I can use this http://www.google.it/url?sa=t & rct = j & q = & esrc = s & source = web & cd = 2 & ved = 0CCoQFjAB & url = http %3 C % 2F % www.icesoft.org%2Fwiki%2Fdo 2F... in my ADF applications without any problem.

Ore is at - it a specific class of more JDev ADF to use?

Thank you


Federico, the code can be used without problem. However, if you use the class you get a different path to the "org.icesoft.samples.mobi.example1.view.util" package; That points to a different framework. As you have the source, you can easily create your own class in your package structure. You can get almost the same code of samples of the oracle too.

The code is standard, and I don't think you break anything by copying in your path.


Tags: Java

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