ADF shuttle select the items rendered as checkboxes

Thus, we use the ADF to develop our application.  We have an obligation to use control of the shuttle.  However, when it is rendered, it contains checkboxes (inputItem type = checkbox).  I'm sure that wasn't the case with, but I was wondering if anyone else has seen this behavior?  I think perhaps a CSS thing.

I noticed in the rich client demo he uses also an inputbox as a box to check, but it has a class of style associated with it.  However, in our application, there is no style associated with it.  Maybe it's because our style has not inherited Fusion skins?  Thus, our items are rendered "naked."  Another thing we noticed is that nothing appears on the right side of the control, but he used with

Any help would be greatly appreciated,


OK, so it was a matter of skin.  I have reset the skin in the config.XML - trinidad and violla!  Boxes are gone.  Now just to understand what the problem is with the side of the right hand done.  Separate issue.  Hope this helps someone.


Tags: Java

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    I want to put a video/image that is on my calendar, I want to know is, is it possible to simply select the item in the timeline and resize it in the program with the mouse (click and drag) monitor?  Currently, what I have to do is,

    a. Select the item in the timeline

    b. Select again the request in the control effects

    c. the scale with the mouse in the program monitor

    pls help,

    I'm working on first pro 2015.

    Kind regards

    Make sure the clip is visible in the program monitor

    Double-click on the screen and a bounding box will appear.

  • Activation click on the Item Renderer only event

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    Thank you!


    Hi RKaster,

    do you need the reference for the element by force converter or could you immagine a different approach? If you could work around this, you can use the change event instead of the click event. The change event gets fired whenever the selection of items in the list change. Click on an element of rendering of course will change the selection if the underlying element is already selected.

    If you can't get around the need for a reference point renderer that you should experiment with the List component mouseChildren property (inherited from the DisplayObjectContainer, see IMHO of course

    Kind regards


  • Selecting the item in a list of images

    Hi @ll,

    I tried to get the selected item in a list of images (bbui - 0.9.2.js). If I try to get the selected item as described here

    .. .the result is still "not defined".

    Here is my snip of code:

    var mc;
    var bb10HighlightColor = '#00A8DF';
    bb.init({bb10HighlightColor: bb10HighlightColor,
          bb10ActionBarDark: true,
          bb10ControlsDark: true,
          bb10ListsDark: false,
          bb10ForPlayBook: true,
          onscreenready: function(element, id) {
             if (id == 'dataOnLoad') {
        } else if (id == 'imagelist') {
                var resultList = element.getElementById('resultlist');
                for (var i = 0; i < mc.count; i++) {
                   var item = document.createElement('div');
                   item.setAttribute('data-bb-type', 'item');
                   item.setAttribute('id', mc.contactarray[i].ID);
                   item.setAttribute('data-bb-title', mc.contactarray[i].Company);
                   item.innerHTML = mc.contactarray[i].Zip + " " + mc.contactarray[i].City;
                   item.onclick = function() { onItemSelected('test'); };
          ondomready: function(element, id) {
    function doSearch() {
       parseJASONAndOpenList('{"count":3,"contactarray":[{"Company":"Acme Inc.","Lastname":"Jackson","Firstname":"Bill","City":"Maincity","ID":"45D6"},{"Company":"Backman Inc.","Lastname":"Burger","Firstname":"Marc","City":"Downtown","ID":"45D7"},{"Company":"Jingle Inc.","Lastname":"Sampson","Firstname":"John","City":"Outercity","ID":"45D8"}]}');
    function parseJASONAndOpenList(jsonString) {
       mc = JSON.parse(jsonString);
       bb.pushScreen('imagelist.htm', 'imagelist');
    function onItemSelected(text) {
       var selectedItem = document.getElementById('resultlist').selected;
       alert(selectedItem.getAttribute('id')); //selectedItem is always undefined here

    The image list:

    Test item

    The image list holds something hard (id = "TEST1"), then I add three objects dynamically. After selecting one of the items, I would like to show more details in a new screen.

    I tried to solve in different ways, but the result of

    var selectedItem = document.getElementById('resultlist').selected;

    is always "not defined".

    I'm looking for any help!


    This javascript interface comes in 0.9.3 still not available in the version you are using.

  • The mouse selects the items simply by placing the cursor over them.

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    Open my computer. Click on organize-> folder and search-> Select Option "double-click to open an item (single-click to select)"-> Apply-> OK.

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    < ! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional / / IN" "" > ""

    " < html xmlns =" "> < head > .

    < meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = text/html"; Charset = UTF-8 "/ >"

    < title > Untitled Document < /title >

    < style type = "text/css" >

    < / style >

    "" < link href = "... / navbar.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" / >

    < script type = "text/javascript" >

    function MM_swapImgRestore() //v3.0 {}

    var i, x = offline. MM_sr; for (i = 0; a & & I <.) Length & & (x = a [i]) & & x.oSrc; i ++) x.src = x.oSrc;


    function MM_preloadImages() {//v3.0

    var d = document; If (d.images) {if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p = new Array();

    var i, j is d.MM_p.length, a = MM_preloadImages.arguments; for (i = 0; i <.) Length; i ++)

    If (a [i].indexOf("#")! = 0) {d.MM_p [j] = new Image; d.MM_p [j ++] .src = a [i] ;}}


    function MM_findObj (n, d) {//v4.01

    var p, i, x;  if(!d) d = document; If ((p = n.IndexOf ("?")) > 0 & & parent.frames.length) {}

    d = parent.frames [n.Substring(p+1)] .document; n = n.Substring (0, p) ;}

    If (!) () x = d [n]) & & copyrights) x = d.all [n]; for (i = 0;! x & & i < d.forms.length; i ++) x = d.forms [i] [n];

    for (i = 0;! x & & d.layers & & I < d.layers.length; i ++) x = MM_findObj (n, d.layers [i] .document);

    If (! x & & d.getElementById) x = d.getElementById (n); Return x;


    function MM_swapImage() {//v3.0

    var i, j = 0, x, a = MM_swapImage.arguments; document. MM_sr = new Array; for (i = 0; i <(a.length-2); I += 3).

    If ((x = MM_findObj (a [i]))! = null) {document. MM_sr [j ++] = x; if(!x.oSrc) x.oSrc = x.src; x.SRC = a [i + 2] ;}



    < /script >

    "" < link href = "... / large - quilt.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" / >

    < style type = "text/css" >

    a: link {}

    color: #071f75;


    a: visited {}

    color: #0099ff;


    a: hover {}

    color: #00cc;


    a: active {}

    color: #cc3300;


    < / style >

    <!-[if IE 6] >

    <! [endif]-->

    < / head >

    < onload of the body = MM_preloadImages('..) «/images/nav_bar_guild_ro_home.gif ','... / images/Calendar_rollov er_01.gif ',' /images/nav_bar_guild_ro_general.gif ','... f/images/nav_bar_guild_ro_members.» GI ','... /images/nav_bar_guild_ro_community.gif ','... /images/nav_bar_guild_ro_contacts.gif «,» . (/ images/events_rollover_01.gif ') ">"

    < div id = 'wrapper' >

    < div id = "top" >

    "< div id ="logo"> < a href ="... / index.html "" > < img src = ""... / pictures/thanks "width ="280"height ="172"alt ="logo"/ > < /a > < / div > <! - logo - >"

    < div id = "quilt_top" >

    "" < img src = "... / images/quilt_top.png" width = "550" height = "209" alt = "Duvet" / > < / div > <! - quilt_top - >

    < / div > <! - top - > <! - top - >

    < div id = "bar1" > < / div > <! - bar1 - >

    < div id = "bottom" >

    < div id = "nav" >

    < ul >

    "" "< li > < a href ="... / index.html "MM_swapImgRestore" onmouseover = "MM_swapImage ('home button',",'... / images/nav_bar_guild_ro_home.gif ', 1) "> < img src =" "... / images/nav_bar_guild_home.gif" alt = "home button" name = "home button" width = "148" height = "129" border = "0" id = "home button" / > < /a > < /li > "

    "" "< class ="subNav"li > < a href ="... / general.html "MM_swapImgRestore" onmouseover = "MM_swapImage ('general',",'... / images/nav_bar_guild_ro_general.gif ', 1) "> < img src =" "... / images/nav_bar_guild_general.gif" alt = "rollover nav buttons" name = 'general' width = "205" height = "129" border = "0" id = "general" / > < /a > "

    < ul >

    "< li > < a href ="... / meetings.html "> dating < /a > < /li >"

    "< li > < a href ="... / showandtell.html "> view the & amp;" Say < /a > < /li >

    "< li > < a href ="... / library.html "> library < /a > < /li >"

    "< li > < a href ="... / retreat.html "> pension < /a > < /li >"

    "< li > < a href ="... / blogs.html "> items < /a > < /li >"

    "< li > < a href ="... / fundraising.html "> fundraising < /a > < /li >"

    < li > < /li >

    < /ul >

    < /li >

    "" "< li > < a href ="... / members.html "MM_swapImgRestore" onmouseover = "MM_swapImage ('members',",'... / images/nav_bar_guild_ro_members.gif ', 1) "> < img src =" "... / images/nav_bar_guild_members.gif" alt = button 'members' name = 'members' width = "198" height = "129" border = "0" id = "members" / > < /a > < /li > "

    "" "< class ="subNav"li > < a href ="... / community.html "MM_swapImgRestore" onmouseover = "MM_swapImage ('Community',",'... / images/nav_bar_guild_ro_community.gif ', 1) "> < img src =" "... / images/nav_bar_guild_community.gif ' alt = 'button community' name = 'Community' width ="215"height ="129"border ="0"id = 'Community' / > < /a >"

    < ul >

    "< li > < a href ="... / kids_kwilts.html "> < /a > < /li > children Kwilts"

    "< li > < a href ="... / storybook_quilts.html "> stories < /a > < /li >"

    < li > < /li >

    < /ul >

    < /li >

    "" "< class ="subNav"li > < a href ="... / adresses.html "MM_swapImgRestore" onmouseover = "MM_swapImage ('contacts',",'... / images/nav_bar_guild_ro_contacts.gif ', 1) "> < im g src =" "... / images/nav_bar_guild_contacts.gif ' alt = 'the button contacts' name = 'contacts' width ="185"height ="129"border ="0"id ="contacts"/ > < /a >"

    < ul >

    "< li > < a href ="... / board.html "> Council < /a > < /li >"

    "< li > < a href ="... / bees.html "> bees < /a > < /li >"

    "< li > < a href ="... / carriere/portfolio/index.html "> resources < /a > < /li >"

    "< li > < a href ="... / quiltshops.html "> Quilt Shops < /a > < /li >"

    "< li > < a href ="... / otherguild.html "> other guilds < /a > < /li >"

    < li > < /li >

    < /ul >

    < /li >

    < /ul >

    < / div > <! - nav - >

    < div id = "main_content" > <!-TemplateBeginEditable name = 'main'-> main <! - TemplateEndEditable - >

    < / div > <! - main_content - >

    < / div > <! - low - >

    < / div > <! - wrapper - >

    < / body >

    < / html >

    I stayed until the end, and here is the HTML and CSS code, you must


  • Patchwork shops
  • Other guilds
  • main


    #nav li.subNav:hover ul {}

    display: block;

    position: absolute;

    top: 370px;

    border: none;

    background-color: transparent;

    do-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif;

    do-size: 16px;

    color: #CA0F20;

    text-decoration: none;

    margin-top: 0px;

    right margin: 0;

    margin-bottom: 0;

    left margin: 0px;

    padding-top: 0px;

    padding-bottom: 10px;

    z index: 95;

    text-align: center;


  • The ADF button select the entry field


    I use JDeveloper 12 c. I have a problem with something, that can be very easy to fix. I have a page with table jsff and form layout Panel to display table data. Also, I have a button, after clicking, shows popup with another form of Panel and table. I want to make that change in this popup works as - I selected the line, and after I click on disabled edit text input is enabled.

    Anyone has confirmed how to solve my problem?

    Integer popup code:

    < childCreation = "deferred" autoCancel af:popup = "disabled" id = "p2" >

    < af:dialog id = "d2" type 'none' = >

    < af:panelSplitter id = 'ps2' splitterPosition = '502' dimensionsFrom = 'auto' >

    < f: facet = 'first' name >

    < af:panelStretchLayout id = "PSL2' dimensionsFrom = 'parent' >

    < f: facet name = "center" >

    < af:panelCollection id = "pc2" styleClass = "AFStretchWidth" >

    < f: facet = 'menus' name / >

    < name f: facet = "toolbar" / >

    < af:table value = "#{bindings." DeesrdatView2.collectionModel}.

    var = "row".

    lines = ' #{bindings. " DeesrdatView2.rangeSize}.

    emptyText = "#{bindings." DeesrdatView2.viewable? "{'No data to display.': 'Access Denied.'}".

    rowBandingInterval = '0 '.

    selectedRowKeys = ' #{bindings. " DeesrdatView2.collectionModel.selectedRow}.

    selectionListener = "#{bindings." DeesrdatView2.collectionModel.makeCurrent}.

    rowSelection = 'single '.

    fetchSize = "#{bindings." DeesrdatView2.rangeSize}.

    filterModel = "#{bindings." DeesrdatView2Query.queryDescriptor}.

    queryListener = ' #{bindings. " DeesrdatView2Query.processQuery}.

    filterVisible = 'true' varStatus 'vs' id = 't5' = >

    < af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}.

    filterable = "true" sortable = "true".

    headerText = "#{bindings." DeesrdatView2.hints.DataKwaterowania.label}.

    ID = "c7" >

    < f: facet = name 'filter' >

    < af:inputDate value = "#{bindings." DeesrdatView2Query.queryDescriptor.filterConjunctionCriterion.criterionMap.DataKwaterowania.value}.

    ID = "id3" >

    < af:convertDateTime pattern = "#{bindings." DeesrdatView2.hints.DataKwaterowania.format}"/ >

    < / af:inputDate >

    < / f: facet >

    < af:outputText value = "#{rank." DataKwaterowania}.

    shortDesc = "#{bindings." DeesrdatView2.hints.DataKwaterowania.tooltip}.

    ID = "ot7" >

    < af:convertDateTime pattern = "#{bindings." DeesrdatView2.hints.DataKwaterowania.format}"/ >

    < / af:outputText >

    < / af:column >

    < / af:table >

    < name f: facet = 'bar of Θtat' / >

    < f: facet name = "secondaryToolbar" >

    < af:toolbar id = "t6" >

    < kalasoftCompLib:standardButtons id = "sb2.

    DodajOutcome = "create1.

    EdytujDisabled = 'true '.

    dialogListener = "#{deleteBean.deleteDialogListener} '"

    UsunRole = "deesrdat-d".

    UsunBinding = "Delete1".

    UsunDisabled = ' #{not securityContext.userInRole ['deesrdat-d']}. "

    EdytujVisible = "false" >

    < name f: facet = "beforeButtons" / >

    < name f: facet = "afterButtons" / >

    < name f: facet = "deletePopupCenter" / >

    < / kalasoftCompLib:standardButtons >

    < / af:toolbar >

    < / f: facet >

    < / af:panelCollection >

    < / f: facet >

    < / af:panelStretchLayout >

    < / f: facet >

    < f: facet 'second' = name >

    < af:panelTabbed id = "pt3" >

    < af:showDetailItem text = "#{viewcontrollerBundle.Daneslownikowe} '"

    ID = "sdi3" stretchChildren = "first" >

    < af:panelSplitter id = "ps3" orientation = 'vertical '.

    splitterPosition = "75" >

    < f: facet = 'first' name >

    < af:panelFormLayout id = "pfl3" >

    < af:inputText value = "#{bindings." DataKwaterowania.inputValue}.

    label = "#{bindings." DataKwaterowania.hints.label}.

    required = "#{bindings." DataKwaterowania.hints.mandatory}.

    columns = "#{bindings." DataKwaterowania.hints.displayWidth}.

    maximumLength = "#{bindings." DataKwaterowania.hints.precision}.

    shortDesc = "#{bindings." DataKwaterowania.hints.tooltip}.

    ID = "it15" disabled = "true" >

    < f: validator binding = "#{bindings." DataKwaterowania.validator} "/ >"

    < af:convertDateTime pattern = "#{bindings." DataKwaterowania.format} "/ >"

    < / af:inputText >

    < af:inputDate value = "#{bindings." Kwaterowanie1.inputValue}.

    label = "#{bindings." Kwaterowanie1.hints.label}.

    required = "#{bindings." Kwaterowanie1.hints.mandatory}.

    columns = "#{bindings." Kwaterowanie1.hints.DisplayWidth}.

    shortDesc = "#{bindings." Kwaterowanie1.hints.ToolTip}.

    ID = "id4" disabled = "true" >

    < f: validator binding = "#{bindings." Kwaterowanie1.validator} "/ >"

    < af:convertDateTime pattern = "#{bindings." Kwaterowanie1.format} "/ >"

    < / af:inputDate >

    < af:selectBooleanCheckbox value = "#{bindings." Blokada.inputValue}.

    label = "#{bindings." BLOKADA.label}.

    shortDesc = "#{bindings." BLOKADA.hints.ToolTip}.

    ID = "sbc1.

    disabled = "true" / >

    < / af:panelFormLayout >

    < / f: facet >

    < f: facet 'second' = name >

    < af:panelStretchLayout id = "psl3.

    dimensionsFrom = 'parent' >

    < f: facet name = "center" >

    < af:panelCollection id = "pc3" >

    < f: facet = 'menus' name / >

    < name f: facet = "toolbar" / >

    < af:table value = "#{bindings." DeessiatView2.collectionModel}.

    var = "row".

    lines = ' #{bindings. " DeessiatView2.rangeSize}.

    emptyText = "#{viewcontrollerBundle.BRAK_DANYCH_DO_WY_U015BWIETLEN} '"

    rowBandingInterval = '1 '.

    selectedRowKeys = ' #{bindings. " DeessiatView2.collectionModel.selectedRow}.

    selectionListener = "#{bindings." DeessiatView2.collectionModel.makeCurrent}.

    rowSelection = 'single '.

    fetchSize = "#{bindings." DeessiatView2.rangeSize}.

    filterModel = "#{bindings." DeessiatView2Query.queryDescriptor}.

    queryListener = ' #{bindings. " DeessiatView2Query.processQuery}.

    filterVisible = 'true '.

    varStatus = 'vs' id = "t7".

    columnStretching "multiple" = >

    < af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}.

    filterable = 'true '.

    sortable = "true".

    headerText = "#{bindings." DeessiatView2.hints.Kwaterowanie.label}.

    ID = "c8" width = "50%" >

    < f: facet = name 'filter' >

    < af:inputDate value = "#{bindings." DeessiatView2Query.queryDescriptor.filterConjunctionCriterion.criterionMap.Kwaterowanie.value}.

    ID = "id5" >

    < af:convertDateTime pattern = "#{bindings." DeessiatView2.hints.Kwaterowanie.format}"/ >

    < / af:inputDate >

    < / f: facet >

    < af:outputText value = "#{rank." Kwaterowanie}.

    shortDesc = "#{bindings." DeessiatView2.hints.Kwaterowanie.tooltip}.

    ID = 'ot8' >

    < af:convertDateTime pattern = "#{bindings." DeessiatView2.hints.Kwaterowanie.format}"/ >

    < / af:outputText >

    < / af:column >

    < af:column sortProperty = "#{bindings."}.

    filterable = 'true '.

    sortable = "true".

    headerText = "#{bindings." DeessiatView2.hints.BlokadaFiltr.label}.

    ID = "c9" align = "center".

    Width = "50%" >

    < af:selectBooleanCheckbox value = "#{row.bindings.BlokadaFiltr.inputValue} '"

    label = "#{row." Bindings.BlokadaFiltr.label}.

    shortDesc = "#{bindings." DeessiatView2.hints.BlokadaFiltr.tooltip}.

    ID = "sbc2".

    disabled = "true" / >

    < / af:column >

    < / af:table >

    < name f: facet = 'bar of Θtat' / >

    < f: facet name = "secondaryToolbar" >

    < af:toolbar id = "t8" >

    < kalasoftCompLib:standardButtons id = "sb3.

    UsunBinding = 'deleteRow' >

    < name f: facet = "beforeButtons" / >

    < name f: facet = "afterButtons" / >

    < name f: facet = "deletePopupCenter" / >

    < / kalasoftCompLib:standardButtons >

    < / af:toolbar >

    < / f: facet >

    < / af:panelCollection >

    < / f: facet >

    < / af:panelStretchLayout >

    < / f: facet >

    < / af:panelSplitter >

    < / af:showDetailItem >

    < / af:panelTabbed >

    < / f: facet >

    < / af:panelSplitter >

    < f: facet = 'buttonBar' name / >

    < / af:dialog >

    < / af:popup >

    Kind regards



    Why are you calling mode through the OperationBinding because it is not part of the pageDef

    you haven't set this variable in managed bean itself so no need to call the bindings, I asked that check your edit action receive the call where not

    Just use

    public void modee() {}

    System.out.printLn ("Called")

    this.setMode ("E");


    did you read my previous comment?

    Thank you

  • Select the items to include in the report

    I have a requirment where I want to run a report for a single client and include several sections in the report from the selections of the user. for example I would have checkboxes for each Subscriptins more details, Notes, Contacts etc, and if the users checks only the subscription details and Contacts only these 2 sections displayed on the page or in the PDF file hsoule. Is this possible in OBIEE?

    Is this something that can do BI Publisher?

    Thanks in advance

    I think it's possible, but it goes beyond the standard features of OBIEE. Using checkboxes will be the biggest challenge.

    It could be done with OBIEE alone or with a combination of BLEEP and OBIEE.

    Solution 1: OBIEE

    -a response to writing deferred-activated
    -HTML customized to render the checkboxes
    -Javascript custom to send the value of the checkbox by the mechanism of the writeback (I did with select-drop-down lists, but have not tried with boxes to tick)
    -a 'guided navigation trigger' answer for each checkbox
    -a dashboard with all sections. each section is configured to GuidedNav and display the value based on the 'trigger' response

    Here's how it works:

    1. the user check the sections you want to display and click on a button
    2. the button to perform writeback that updates a 'selection of the user' table in the database
    3. "guided nav trigger' answers to query the table of 'the user's selection.
    4 sections of the dashboard run responses of 'guided nav trigger' and show or hide the section based on the result
    5. Dashboard displays only the selected section and the user clicks on the button print.

    Solution 2 (probably easier): BI Publisher / OBIEE

    BEEP - request might include fields in the "select" list that a section for the display of the flag. These fields would be received as parameters
    Implementation model - BEEP would understand the logic of conditional display for each of the sections based on the value of the flag field
    -Params field Pavilion would be completed by the boxes custom dashboard HTML/Javascript
    Report - BEEP would be run through a URL with the params flag included
    BEEP - report will show a link, or in an iFrame

  • My vision is getting worse. How can I increase the font for windows? I mean the part of windows that love he menu bars, you need to select the items? Help

    My vision is getting worse, with difficulties to read the policy on menus.  I changed the resolution and changed the font size that does not affect the police in the menus, how to change that.  When I go to display and look at my make it 9 Sergie I want to increase that to a greater number how do I do that?  I believe that it will solve my problem.

    Hi Janice,.

    I understand that you want to increase the font size.
    Check out the following link and select Larger - 150% on the settings window.

    Make the text on the screen larger or smaller

    If this does not help, see the section "to create a custom DPI scale" link above.

    If you have additional questions, or if this problem persists, come in and we will be happy to help you.

  • How to pass the selections of muse (by selecting the item in the back)

    Is there a way to esay to make your selections in the muse? Sometimes, when I'm working with an element on the front of another element, for example text ontop of a solid box, I can't choose one that is originally without having to move the text to get to the box. Is there an easy way, or the button that I can use to capture the elements of the back without having to move things so I can get to work?

    Thank you!

    You can use Ctrl + click (Windows) and Cmd + click (Mac) to scroll through the selection of objects on the page that are on top of the other.

    See you soon,.


  • Select the item of list apex

    Hi all,

    I have a report (created using elements of the apex region). In this report a single column of region's selection list.
    Here's the sql select query in the Source of the region. here in this column in the select list, I have to show more than two values in the selection list.but im get two values(cu_and_cu1).i have tried has given more than two values, but it shows only two values in the drop-down list.

    How to solve it?
    select .,.,.,apex_item.SELECT_LIST(4,'cu','cu1') from <table_name>;
    Thank you in advance


    the format of your selection is wrong. Take a look at the documentation:

    It should be like this:


    Kind regards

  • Select the item to collection

    Hi gems... I have a question...

    I write a proc... where I use view inline...

    Select < a.something, a.something... >
    (select something, something table_name);

    in the select clause below, should I use a collection type? means I want to take the bottom of the select clause in a collection and then I want to replace the clause select lower by the name of this collection... is this possible?

    pls help...

    You cannot use the name of the collection directly to replace the sub query.

    I think that better use you TEMPORARY GLOBAL session specific tables and store data temporarily.


  • By default auto select the item in anychart

    Apex 4.0, when I use the REPORT with the element select, I can set the defaule value, but in anychart, I can't run


    See page 2 in your workspace with a recommended point of calculation added as Jari. I value the u LOV 201104 value but it will let you set this value to more eloquently.

    The f

  • SQL in Question actually. Select the items for all 12 months

    I am creating a notification request where I SUMMARIZED all of the amounts in the database for all 12 mount and come up with a result even if it isn't a amount totaled. I created a table called monthsInYear that has the ID (unique identifier) 1-12 and the months of Jan - Dec. I want SUM to the amount per month and arrived to the top with 12 results (one per month).

    I tried the query below, but sometimes with only 1 month and all amounts amounted to him.


    I use:

    SELECT monthsInYear.month, IFNULL (SUM (income.amount), 0) AS amount

    OF monthsInYear

    Income ON EXTRACT(MONTH FROM income.dateAdded) = monthsInYear.monthID LEFT OUTER JOIN

    WHERE income.orgID = 10031

    AND the YEAR (income. DateAdded) = '2011'

    ORDER BY EXTRACT (MONTH FROM income.dateAdded) CSA

    Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong. I much prefer something like:

    January 3000

    February 3000

    March 4000

    April 0

    Maybe 5000

    June 6000

    July 5465


    But when I run the present, it gives me total for only the months which have in total and not 0 for those that go up as null. Any ideas?


    Also tried

    SELECT m.month, IFNULL (SUM (i.cost), 0) AS amount

    I have getExpenses LEFT OUTER JOIN monthsInYear m

    ON m.monthID = EXTRACT (MONTH FROM i.dateAdded)

    WHERE orgID = 10031

    AND YEAR (i.dateAdded) = '2011'

    GROUP BY m.month


    There are two problems. First of all, in your join tables are reversed. A LEFT JOIN returns all the records in the left table (spending) even if there is no matching record in the table to the right. What you want, it's the opposite. If the month table should be on the left side of the JOIN:


    OF monthsInYear m LEFT JOIN getExpenses i m.monthID = EXTRACTION (i.dateAdded MONTH)

    Second, when there is no corresponding record in the expense, the column values will be null. So as soon as you use one of the fresh fields in your WHERE clause, that is to say

    WHERE i.orgID = 10031

    AND YEAR (i.dateAdded) = '2011'

    ... these missing documents are deleted, because a null value is never equal to what it is. So you are denying the outer join altogether. You must move these conditions in the JOIN clause instead:

    SELECT m.month, IFNULL (SUM (i.cost), 0) AS amount

    MonthsInyear LEFT OUTER JOIN getExpenses m I have

    ON m.monthID = EXTRACT (MONTH FROM i.dateAdded)

    AND i.orgID = 10031

    AND YEAR = 2011 (i.dateAdded)

    GROUP BY m.month

    ORDER BY m.month

  • Select the item in the drop-down list box?

    Hello, I have a list box drop-down list box that contains numbers from 1 to 10. Normally, it will display "1" when the application starts, but how I put it in AS3 to show "3" instead?

    comboboxInstancename.selectedIndex = 2;

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