Alpha-transparent PNG

I found an article on the contribution of the boxes with rounded CSS corners. With the help of an alpha-transparent PNG, the author illustrates the ease and leaness of this approach. However, when I try to change the color of this PNG size goes from 5 k to 38 k!

My method:
Open in Fireworks, choose the blue with the magic wand and replace it with another color, and then do the same for white. Then save (oh, they are both 24 bits).

What I am doing wrong?

The game, October 5, 2006 18:03:21 + 0400, 34567yu

> I found an article on the contribution of the boxes with rounded CSS corners.
> Using a
> Alpha-transparent PNG, the author illustrates the ease and the leaness of
> This
> approach. However, when I try to change the color of this PNG the
> filesize will
> 5 k at 38 k!
> My method:
> Open in Fireworks, choose the blue with the magic wand and replace
> another
> color, then do the same for white. Then save (oh, they both
> 24 bits).
> What am I doing wrong?

Oh yes, of course, my original guess was right.

Your file contains mkBF, California, mkBT are exclusive pieces pieces
added by FW as it is for internal purposes. They take most of the size of the file.
You forgot the golden rule of FW: documents obtained by 'Save' are to
future edition only; documents obtained by 'Export' should be placed on
the Web. Then use 'Export' next time.

Ilya Razmanov - Photoshop plug-in filters

Tags: Fireworks

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  • bug in fireworks CS4 at 24/32-bit with alpha transparent png export?


    I recently upgraded to CS4 from CS3 and am very disappointed that the ease of export png to 24 or 32 bit png is then useless on my installation of fireworks (Vista). I have a colleague who reported the same behanviour on his mac.

    Please see this file png native fireworks CS4 and the attempt to export it as 24 or 34 bit png, ensuring the canvas is transparent (it shuold be already)...


    The visualization mode in CS3 would show the png with its alpha channel, indicated by the transparency checkerboard. Exporting as well would produce the desired result > a PNG with an alpha nice mix channel.

    Viewing in preview in CS4 mode displays an horrible rendering of the image on a white background. Export the image gives the same result. Please see this link for confirmation:


    Please also see this simple image, this time using a simple ellipse shape:


    You will notice that it is not transparent, and the ellipse has not been smoothed.

    Anyone can shed light on this behavior?

    Export of png as such is something I do every day at work, and is a fundamental requirement of an image editting application targeted to web site design.

    I'm doing something wrong? I been using Fireworks since 2003 so I'm inclined to think that I'm not.

    Transparency is only available when the file is exported as a PNG 8 or

    PNG 32. The sample you have to downloaded has been optimized for the PNG-24 format. When

    I changed optimization PNG 32, the file exported as planned.

    The shape simple PNG file seems to be a solid image, not a vector

    ellipse. In this case, the layout optimization of PNG 8

    with index transparency has solved the problem.


    Jim Babbage

  • Is it possible to restore the opacity in a semi transparent PNG?

    Through the window of the channels, I can paint on the R, G and B channels individually. That's fine, but where is the Alpha channel? Photoshop only allows me to create a new layer of opacity that simply subtracted from the native opacity of the PNG - may not add to it. What I need is increasing opacity.

    In other words: I have the parts of this semi transparent PNG, and I need them to become opaque. How can I do?

    Hey, doubtful.

    I'm not in front of my computer, so I can't test this theory out, and I don't know your exact layer configuration, but what happens if you duplicated the semi-transparent layer several times? Each repetition must add an additional layer of opacity, ultimately having an opaque image result.

    With this selected layer, CTRL + J (Windows) or command + J (Mac) is the shortcut to duplicate layer.

    Give that a shot and let us know if it works.

  • Transparent PNG to overlay loaded dynamically Gallery

    Hi guys,.

    I hope I can explain it properly. The current movie can be seen at

    There are buttons on each side that parade the images loaded dynamically left and right. The script is compiled from external IN the file I pasted below.

    What I have to do is to load a transparent PNG images above, but below the buttons. I inserted a chart below. I tried to insert the png directly in the timeline as well as dynamically load in to a clip. The fate always the overlay on the bottom. Any ideas?

    See you soon,.



    package {}
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.display.Loader;
    Import 12345678910111213import;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.display.StageAlign;
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
    import flash.display.DisplayObject;
    import flash.display.LoaderInfo;
    to import;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.StyleSheet;
    import flash.text.AntiAliasType;
    import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
    import flash.text.TextFormat;
    import com.hybrid.ui.ToolTip;
    Import caurina.transitions.Tweener;

    SerializableAttribute public class Main extends MovieClip {}

    the constructor function
    public void Main (): void {}
    If init() (stage);
    of another addEventListener (Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);

    private var paramObj: Object;
    optional xml path
    private var xmlPath: String = "xml/gallery.xml;
    the stage size
    private var sw: number;
    private var sh: number;
    private void init(e:Event=null):void {}
    paramObj = LoaderInfo (this.root.loaderInfo) .parameters;
    for (var i in paramObj) {}
    xmlPath = String (paramObj [i])? String(paramObj[i]):xmlpath;

    loadXML (xmlPath);
    DisplayShortcuts.init ();
    FilterShortcuts.init ();
    ColorShortcuts.init ();
    internship. Align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
    stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
    stage.addEventListener (Event.RESIZE, resizeHandler)
    SW = stage.stageWidth;
    SH = stage.stageHeight;

    the xml loader
    private var _xmlLoader: URLLoader;
    private void loadXML(s:String):void {}
    loading the xml for news here
    _xmlLoader = new URLLoader();
    _xmlLoader.load (new URLRequest (s));
    _xmlLoader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, completeXML);


    private var _xml: XML;
    store the thumbnail
    private var thumbArr: Array = [];
    the number of items
    private var itemNum: number = 12;
    store the type of the element
    private var typeArr: Array = [];
    store the size of the media of the item file
    private var sizeArr: Array = [];
    store the location of the media of the item file
    private var urlArr: Array = [];
    color of the link in the content
    private var linkColor: String;
    store the location of the link
    private var linkArr: Array = [];
    the thumbnail title
    private var titleArr: Array = [];
    How to open the link
    private var _target: String;

    the number of columns of thumbnails
    private var columns: number;
    size of the thumbnail
    private var thumbWidth: number;
    private var thumbHeight: number;
    filling between each thumbnail
    private var thumbPadding: number;
    value of the assets of the image/video
    private var assetWidth: number;
    private var assetHeight: number;
    store the legend
    private var captionArr: Array = [];

    analyze the data
    private void completeXML(e:Event):void {}
    _xml = new XML (;
    _xml. IgnoreWhitespace = true;
    itemNum = _xml.item.length ();
    Columns = Number (_xml.@columns);
    thumbWidth = Number (_xml.@thumbWidth);
    thumbHeight = Number (_xml.@thumbHeight);
    thumbPadding = Number (_xml.@thumbPadding);
    assetWidth = Number (_xml.@assetWidth);
    assetHeight = Number (_xml.@assetHeight);
    linkColor = [email protected] ();
    _target = [email protected] ();
    for (var i = 0; i < itemNum; i ++) {}
    thumbArr [i] = (_xml.item[i].@thumbnail);
    titleArr [i] = (_xml.item[i].@title);
    typeArr [i] = (_xml.item[i][email protected] ());
    _Object var: Object = new Object();
    _Object.width = _xml.item[i].@width;
    _Object.height = _xml.item[i].@height;
    sizeArr [i] = _object;
    urlArr [i] = _xml.item[i].@url;
    linkArr [i] = _xml.item[i].@link;
    captionArr [i] = _xml.item [i] .text () m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ();
    _xmlLoader.removeEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, completeXML);
    _xmlLoader = null;

    store the thumbnail in a container
    private var thumbContainer: Sprite = new Sprite();
    width of the thumbnail box
    private var thumbContainerWidth: number;
    the navigation arrows
    private var nextBtn: ArrowButton = new ArrowButton();
    private var preBtn: ArrowButton = new ArrowButton();
    store the arrows in a container
    private var btnContainer: Sprite = new Sprite();
    store the miniature gripper
    private var thumbClipContainer: Sprite = new Sprite();
    size of the boder hover
    private var borderSize: number = 0;
    store the border
    private var borderArr: Array = [];
    see the thumbnail now or the active
    private var isThumb: Boolean = true;

    store the image or the active video
    private var assetContainer: Sprite = new Sprite();
    store the active clip
    private var assetClipArr: Array = [];
    which image/video is view now
    private var currentAssetNum: number = 0;

    the text of the legend style
    private var textStyle: StyleSheet = new StyleSheet();
    initialize the text style
    private function initText (): void {}
    var hoverObj: Object = new Object();
    var linkObj: Object = new Object();
    var bodyObj: Object = new Object();

    linkObj.color = "#00FFFF";
    linkObj.textDecoration = "underline";
    bodyObj.fontFamily = "Arial";
    bodyObj.color = "#FFFFFF";
    bodyObj.letterSpacing = '0 '.
    bodyObj.leading = "4px";
    bodyObj.textAlign = 'left ';
    bodyObj.fontSize = 11;
    hoverObj.color = "#FFFFFF".
    hoverObj.textDecoration = "underline";
    textStyle.setStyle ("body", bodyObj);
    textStyle.setStyle ("a: link", linkObj);
    textStyle.setStyle ("" a: hover ", hoverObj");

    store the caption element
    private var captionClipArr: Array = [];
    Store the image loader
    private var imageLoaderArr: Array = [];
    How image loader
    private var imageLoaderNum: number = 0;
    store the location of the image
    private var imageURLArr: Array = [];
    Ranger miniature charger
    private var thumbLoaderArr: Array = [];
    Add thumbnail image and video assets, etc. to the scene
    private function initUI (): void {}
    addChild (thumbContainer);
    thumbContainer.addChild (thumbClipContainer);
    thumbContainerWidth = columns * (thumbWidth + thumbPadding)-thumbPadding;
    Add the tiles on the stage
    for (var i: int = 0; i < itemNum; i ++) {}
    var _shape: Sprite = new Sprite();
    _shape. Name = I.ToString;
    _shape. Graphics.beginFill (0x000000,. 4);
    _shape. Graphics.drawRect (0, 0, thumbWidth, thumbHeight);
    _shape. Graphics.endFill ();

    var ld: Loader = new Loader();
    LD. Load (new URLRequest (thumbArr [i]))
    _shape. AddChild (LD);
    thumbLoaderArr [i] = ld;
    var _border: Sprite = new Sprite();
    _border. Graphics.beginFill (0xFFFFFF, 0);
    _border. Graphics.LineStyle (borderSize, 0 x 191919);
    _border. Graphics.drawRect (0, 0, thumbWidth, thumbHeight);
    _border. Graphics.endFill ();
    _border.Alpha = 0;
    borderArr [i] = _border;
    _shape. AddChild (_border);
    Tweener.addTween (_shape, {_DropShadow_blurX:16, _DropShadow_blurY:16, _DropShadow_angle:90, _DropShadow_distance:4, _DropShadow_alpha:.4, time: 3});
    thumbClipContainer.addChild (_shape);
    _shape.x is thumbPadding + i *(thumbWidth+thumbPadding);.
    _shape.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, {function(e:MouseEvent):void}
    var s: Sprite = e.currentTarget as Sprite;
    var n: number = Number (;
    var tf: TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    TF. Bold = false;
    TF. Size = 12;
    TF. Leading = 1;
    TF. Color = 0 x 333333;
    var tt:ToolTip = new ToolTip();
    TT. Align = "center";
    tt.titleFormat = tf;
    TT. Hook = true;
    tt.cornerRadius = 0;
    tt.autoSize = true;
    TT. Show (s, titleArr [n]);


    Tweener.addTween (borderArr [n], {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    _shape.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, {function(e:MouseEvent):void}
    var s: Sprite = e.currentTarget as Sprite;
    var n: number = Number (;
    Tweener.addTween (borderArr [n], {alpha: 0, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    / * Remove click event
    _shape.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, function(e:MouseEvent):void {}
    var s: Sprite = e.currentTarget as Sprite;
    var n: number = Number (;
    var clip: DisplayObject = assetClipArr [currentAssetNum];
    If (clip! = null) Tweener.addTween (clip, {alpha: 0, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine", onComplete:function (): void {}})
    clip. Visible = false;
    currentAssetNum = n;
    {if (isThumb)}

    assetClipArr [currentAssetNum] .visible = true;
    Tweener.addTween (assetClipArr [currentAssetNum], {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    Tweener.addTween (thumbContainer, {y: sh + borderSize, time: 8, transition: "easeInOutExpo"})
    Tweener.addTween (btnContainer, {y: sh + 32, time: 8, transition: "easeInOutExpo"})
    Tweener.addTween (assetContainer, {y:(sh-assetHeight) > > 1, time: 8, transition: "easeInOutExpo"})
    isThumb = false;


    thumbLoaderArr [0] .load (new URLRequest(thumbArr[0]))
    thumbLoaderArr [0].contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, thumbComplete);
    thumbLoaderArr [0].contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, thumbIOError);

    var _mask: Sprite = new Sprite();
    _MASK. Graphics.beginFill (0xB22222,. 4);
    _MASK. Graphics.drawRect (thumbPadding-borderSize, - borderSize, thumbContainerWidth + borderSize * 2, thumbHeight + borderSize * 2);
    _MASK. Graphics.endFill ();
    thumbContainer.addChild (_mask);
    thumbClipContainer.mask = _mask;

    addChild (assetContainer);

    var panelWidth: number = 14;
    var leftPanel: ArrowButton = new ArrowButton();
    leftPanel.rotation = 180
    leftPanel.x = - 12;
    leftPanel.y = assetHeight*.5;

    var right panel: ArrowButton = new ArrowButton();
    rightPanel.x = assetWidth + 12;
    rightPanel.y = assetHeight*.5;
    leftPanel.alpha = rightPanel.alpha = 0;
    leftPanel.buttonMode = rightPanel.buttonMode = true;

    leftPanel.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, {function(e:MouseEvent):void}
    Tweener.addTween (leftPanel, {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    leftPanel.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, {function(e:MouseEvent):void}
    Tweener.addTween (leftPanel, {alpha: 0, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    leftPanel.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, function(e:MouseEvent):void {}
    var clip: DisplayObject;
    Clip = assetClipArr [currentAssetNum];
    Tweener.addTween (clip, {alpha: 0, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine", onComplete:function (): void {}})
    clip. Visible = false;
    if(currentAssetNum>0) {}
    } else {}
    currentAssetNum = itemNum-1;
    assetClipArr [currentAssetNum] .alpha = 0;
    assetClipArr [currentAssetNum] .visible = true;
    Tweener.addTween (assetClipArr [currentAssetNum], {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    rightPanel.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, {function(e:MouseEvent):void}
    Tweener.addTween (right panel, {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    rightPanel.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, {function(e:MouseEvent):void}
    Tweener.addTween (right panel, {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    rightPanel.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, {function(e:MouseEvent):void}
    Tweener.addTween (right panel, {alpha: 0, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    var cb: CloseButton = new CloseButton();
    rightPanel.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, function(e:MouseEvent):void {}
    If (currentAssetNum < itemNum-1) {}
    currentAssetNum ++;
    } else {}
    currentAssetNum = 0;
    assetClipArr [currentAssetNum] .alpha = 0;
    assetClipArr [currentAssetNum] .visible = true;
    Tweener.addTween (assetClipArr [currentAssetNum], {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    function pauseAsset (): void {}
    var clip: Sprite = assetClipArr [currentAssetNum];
    Tweener.addTween (clip, {alpha: 0, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine", onComplete:function (): void {}})
    clip. Visible = false;
    If (clip.getChildAt (0) is ApdevVideoPlayer) {}
    (clip.getChildAt (0) as ApdevVideoPlayer) () .pause;


    function tweenToAsset (): void {}
    var clip: Sprite = assetClipArr [currentAssetNum];
    clip.Alpha = 0;
    clip. Visible = true;
    Tweener.addTween (, {time: 2, delay:. 4, transition: "easeOutSine", onComplete:function (): void {}})
    If (clip.getChildAt (0) is ApdevVideoPlayer) {}
    (clip.getChildAt (0) as ApdevVideoPlayer) .play ();


    Tweener.addTween (clip, {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine", onComplete:function (): void {}})


    assetContainer.addChild (leftPanel);
    assetContainer.addChild (right panel);

    var _style:ApdevVideoPlayerDefaultStyle = new ApdevVideoPlayerDefaultStyle();
    _Style.bgGradient1 = 0 x 000000;
    _Style.controlsBg = 0 x 000000;
    _Style.controlsBgAlpha = 1.0;
    var closeBtn: CloseButton = new CloseButton();
    assetContainer.addChild (closeBtn);
    closeBtn.x = assetWidth - closeBtn.width*.5;
    closeBtn.y = - closeBtn.height*.5;
    closeBtn.buttonMode = true;
    closeBtn.visible = false; = j.toString ();
    closeBtn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, function(e:Event):void {}
    isThumb = true;
    var s: DisplayObject = e.currentTarget as DisplayObject;
    var n: number = Number (;
    Tweener.addTween (assetContainer, {y:-assetHeight, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    Tweener.addTween (thumbContainer, {y:(sh-thumbHeight) > > 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    Tweener.addTween (btnContainer, {y: sh > > 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})

    Add image/video assets to step
    for (var j: int = 0; j < itemNum; j ++) {}
    var s: Sprite = new Sprite(); (0 x 000000, 1); (0, 0, assetWidth, assetHeight); ();

    s.buttonMode = true;
    s.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, function(e:MouseEvent):void {}
    _s var: Sprite = e.currentTarget as Sprite;
    var n: number = Number (
    try {}
    navigateToURL (new URLRequest (linkArr [n]), _target);

    } catch(err:Error) {}

    s.Visible = false;
    s.Name = j.toString ();
    assetContainer.addChildAt (s, 0);
    assetClipArr [j] = s;
    Tweener.addTween (closeBtn, {_DropShadow_blurX:2, _DropShadow_blurY:2, _DropShadow_angle:75, _DropShadow_distance:4, _DropShadow_alpha:.3, time: 3});

    closeBtn.visible = false;
    s.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, {function(e:MouseEvent):void}
    Tweener.addTween (leftPanel, {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    Tweener.addTween (right panel, {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    _s var: Sprite = e.currentTarget as Sprite;
    var n: number = Number (
    captionClipArr [n] .visible = true;
    Tweener.addTween (captionClipArr [n], {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    s.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, {function(e:MouseEvent):void}
    Tweener.addTween (leftPanel, {alpha: 0, time: 4, delay:. 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    Tweener.addTween (right panel, {alpha: 0, time: 4, delay:. 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    _s var: Sprite = e.currentTarget as Sprite;
    var n: number = Number (
    Tweener.addTween (captionClipArr [n], {alpha: 0, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine", onComplete:function (): void {}})
    captionClipArr [n] .visible = false;


    var imageLoader: Loader = new Loader();
    var _loading: loading = new Loading();
    s.addChild (_loading);
    _loading.x = assetWidth*.5;
    _loading.y = assetHeight*.5;
    _loading. Name = "loading";
    s.addChildAt (chargeurImage, 0);
    imageLoaderArr [imageLoaderNum] = imageLoader;
    imageURLArr [imageLoaderNum] = urlArr [j];
    imageLoaderNum ++;
    } else {if(typeArr[j]=="video")
    var videoPlayer: ApdevVideoPlayer = new ApdevVideoPlayer (assetWidth, assetHeight, _style);
    videoPlayer.videostill = ""; = 'video ';
    position of the videoplayer at the bottom of the video controls
    videoPlayer.controlsOverVideo = true;
    checks should not fade out (not in mode full-screen)
    videoPlayer.controlsAutoHide = true;
    videoPlayer.autoPlay = false;
    videoPlayer.load (urlArr [j]);
    s.addChildAt (videoPlayer, 0);


    var _caption: Caption = new Caption();
    captionClipArr [j] = _caption;
    _caption.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, function(e:MouseEvent):void {}
    e.stopPropagation ();
    _caption.Alpha = 0;
    _caption. Visible = false;
    _caption. Name = "caption";
    _caption.Alpha = 0;
    _caption. Visible = false;
    _caption._text. Width = assetWidth - 24;
    _caption._text. StyleSheet = textStyle;
    _caption._text. Selectable = false;
    _caption._text. Multiline = true;
    _caption._text. AutoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
    _caption._text.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED;
    var st:String = encodeURI (captionArr [j]);
    var model: RegExp = /(%09) + | (0 %) + | (0 % D) + / g ;
    St = st.replace (model, "");
    St = decodeURI (st);
    _caption._text. StyleSheet = textStyle;
    _caption._text.htmlText = m;
    _caption._bg. Width = assetWidth;
    _caption._bg. Height = _caption._text.height + 24;
    _caption.y = assetHeight - _caption.height;
    s.addChild (_caption);

    imageLoaderArr [0] .load (new URLRequest(imageURLArr[0]));
    imageLoaderArr [0].contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, imageProgress);
    imageLoaderArr [0].contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, imageComplete);
    imageLoaderArr [0].contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, imageIOError);


    addChild (btnContainer);
    btnContainer.addChild (nextBtn);
    btnContainer.addChild (preBtn);
    preBtn.rotation = 180;
    nextBtn.buttonMode = preBtn.buttonMode = true;
    nextBtn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, click Next);
    preBtn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, clickPre);
    the progress of loading the image
    private void imageProgress(e:ProgressEvent):void {}


    How many images have been loaded
    private var imageLoadedNum: number = 0;

    start loading the next image when an image is loaded, start playing the slideshow when images are loaded
    private void imageComplete(e:Event):void {}
    var _loader:Loader = Loader (;
    If (_loader.content is Bitmap) {}
    get the Chargers in the form of bitmap content
    var _bitMap:Bitmap = Bitmap (_loader.content);
    Turn on anti-aliasing
    _bitMap.smoothing = true;
    var _loading: loading = _loader.parent.getChildByName ("loading") as loading;
    if(_loading!=null) _loading.parent.removeChild (_loading);
    if(imageLoadedNum<imageLoaderArr.Length) {}
    imageLoadedNum ++;
    var nextLd: Loader = imageLoaderArr [imageLoadedNum];
    nextLd.load (new URLRequest (imageURLArr [imageLoadedNum]));
    nextLd.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, imageProgress);
    nextLd.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, imageComplete);
    nextLd.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, imageIOError);
    } else {}



    The location of the error image manager e/s etc.
    private void imageIOError(e:IOErrorEvent):void {}
    if(imageLoadedNum<imageLoaderArr.Length) {}
    imageLoadedNum ++;
    var nextLd: Loader = imageLoaderArr [imageLoadedNum];
    nextLd.load (new URLRequest (imageURLArr [imageLoadedNum]));
    nextLd.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, imageProgress);
    nextLd.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, imageComplete);
    nextLd.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, imageIOError);
    } else {}



    start loading the next thumbnail when it can't load the previous tile
    private void thumbIOError(e:IOErrorEvent):void {}
    if(thumbLoadedNum<itemNum) {}
    thumbLoadedNum ++;
    var _nextLd: Loader = thumbLoaderArr [thumbLoadedNum];
    _nextLd.load (new URLRequest (thumbArr [thumbLoadedNum]));
    _nextLd.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, thumbComplete);
    _nextLd.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, thumbIOError);



    How many tile is responsible
    private var thumbLoadedNum: number = 0;
    force the miniature customed size in the xml when they were loaded
    private void thumbComplete(e:Event):void {}
    var _tempLoader:Loader = Loader (;
    If (_tempLoader.content is Bitmap) {}
    get the Chargers in the form of bitmap content
    var _bitMap:Bitmap = Bitmap (_tempLoader.content);
    Turn on anti-aliasing
    _bitMap.smoothing = true;

    _tempLoader.content.width = thumbWidth;
    _tempLoader.content.height = thumbHeight;
    _tempLoader.content.Alpha = 0;
    Tweener.addTween (_tempLoader.content, {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    if(thumbLoadedNum<itemNum) {}
    thumbLoadedNum ++;
    var _nextLd: Loader = thumbLoaderArr [thumbLoadedNum];
    _nextLd.load (new URLRequest (thumbArr [thumbLoadedNum]));
    _nextLd.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, thumbComplete);
    _nextLd.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, thumbIOError);


    private var currentCol: number = 0;
    Move the following block of vignette
    private void clickNext(e:MouseEvent=null):void {}
    currentCol ++;
    If (currentCol < Math.ceil (itemNum/columns)) {}
    Tweener.addTween (thumbClipContainer, {x:-currentCol *(thumbContainerWidth+thumbPadding), time: 8, transition: "easeInOutExpo"})
    } else {}
    currentCol = 0;
    Tweener.addTween (thumbClipContainer, {x: 0, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})

    Move the previous tile
    private void clickPre(e:MouseEvent=null):void {}
    If (currentCol > = 0) {}
    Tweener.addTween (thumbClipContainer, {x:-currentCol *(thumbContainerWidth+thumbPadding), time: 8, transition: "easeInOutExpo"})
    } else {}
    currentCol = Math.ceil(itemNum/columns)-1;
    Tweener.addTween (thumbClipContainer, {x:-currentCol *(thumbContainerWidth+thumbPadding), time: 8, transition: "easeInOutExpo"})


    resize the layout
    private void resizeHandler(e:Event=null):void {}
    SW = stage.stageWidth;
    SH = stage.stageHeight;
    thumbContainer.x = (sw - thumbContainerWidth - thumbPadding * 2) > > 1;

    nextBtn.x = thumbContainer.x + thumbContainerWidth + thumbPadding;
    nextBtn.x = sw - 24;
    preBtn.x = 24;

    assetContainer.x = (sw - assetWidth) > > 1;
    {if (isThumb)}
    assetContainer.y = - assetHeight;
    thumbContainer.y = (sh - thumbHeight) > > 1;
    btnContainer.y = sh > > 1;
    } else {}
    assetContainer.y = (sh - assetHeight) > > 1;
    thumbContainer.y = sh + borderSize;
    btnContainer.y = sh + 32;




    You should be able to use addChildAt() once you have loaded evrything else to place the png to the index that you want to.

  • Translucent transparent Alpha-transparency and Lunacy

    QUESTION:  What is the difference between transparency and alpha transparency in the context of imaging DW?

    OTHER TERMINOLOGY technical AND non technical RELATED:  Opacity, opaque and translucent.



    I posted a demo of the CSS and PNG alpha transparency opacity effects on my Web site at

  • Make my transparent .png file?

    Can what iMac software I use to make my transparent .png file?

    Personally, I use Adobe Fireworks, but I believe that Photoshop will work as well. Alternatively, you can use a snippet.

  • Flatten the two (or more) transparent PNG images (32-bit)


    How to flatten two (or more) transparent PNG (32-bit) images.

    The result must also be a transparent PNG (32 bit).

    It is the solution that I was looking for.

    Thanks Darin.K.

  • Export of transparent png files

    I am creating assets for the purposes of book for children and drew their in on an iPad pro. While it exports png files, it does not culture to the bounds of the object, I need to animate. So I export the png and have to crop in another application. But I'm not find all the apps that export with transparency png files! Y at - it all apps iPad mobile Adobe who will import png with transparency, crop and then allow me to export it as a png with transparency? I really do not have to go to the computer for that.

    Hey there, tangofilly!

    Unfortunately, you're out of luck one finding. Option in the Adobe mobile apps in PNG export. If you take the files on the desktop for animation, perhaps cropping can happen just before the Office?

    I apologize for the inconvenience. If you want to ask. Export PNG in a specific mobile application, please press on "give us feedback" in the application and which will go to the team produced.

    Thank you!


  • How to apply a shadow to transparent PNG files


    I would like to apply a shadow to a transparent png file. But Edge still apply around the image of the box.

    Any ideas?

    Best regards

    Hi, Felipe.

    What you need are filters CSS, which are not fully supported on all browsers, but support browsers based on Webkit (Safari/Chrome, including mobile).  You can find our CSS filters under the section "Filters" in the properties panel.

    Thank you


  • [CS6] Export a transparent PNG image in InDesign CS6

    I usually export a page element to a transparent PNG in InDesign CS5.5 (and below) image by using the following script:

    pageItem.exportFile(ExportFormat.pngFormat, exportImageFile);

    But this script does not work in InDesign CS6: it exports an opaque PNG image instead. It seems that CS6 adds a new option to decide if the PNG transparent or not - and the default image export is non-transparent.

    I tried to change this option for a transparent PNG but failed, can you please help?

    Try this:

    app.hostObjectDelegate.pngExportPreferences.transparentBackground = true;
  • Create a transparent PNG of 2 layers - a normal, multiply it

    I am trying to create a single transparent PNG (for use on the web and in an iPhone application) which was created as two layers of photoshop; one that is normal and one that has a blend mode 'multiply '. I tried their fusion in different ways, but each time I find myself with shadow (the product layer) actually transformed normal and to be a dull grey, opaque. You can download the PSD to

    The file was created (I think) in InDesign exported to the PSD so I cut for use in the app while the obvious solution would be to get the designer to do it again in a different way, they're on vacation for the next 2 weeks and I really need this sorting prior to that date.

    Actually, I need a PNG image of the photo and full set with transparent shadow so that it can sit on top of any background (except Photoshop), but keep the same shadow effect.

    Thank you


    PS. I'm using Photoshop CS4 on mac.

    The thumbnail of the layer shadow drop Cmd-click to select non-transparent pixels.

    Fill it with black (or a different color).

    Reduce the opacity as desired.

    Merge visible, remove background and save as png.

  • I need to convert hundreds of files PDF TRANSPARENT PNG or TIFF

    I need to convert hundreds of files PDF TRANSPARENT PNG or TIFF.

    This is not possible with Acrobat. It is possible to convert hundreds of files PDF into PNG or TIFF using batch processing. But transparency is LOST!

    Photoshop is the software that I know of who is able to keep transparency in the conversion of PDF to PNG.

    But now I have problems to get the batch running.

    I made an Action with "Open a file", "Save as PSD" and "export of PNG.

    By using this Action in source batch-process-files as a folder with several PDF files and target as a different folder results in multiple PDFs open in Photoshop. Nothing else :-(.

    Any ideas?

    Thank you


    You can find this script useful... 3

    The latest version will work with Photoshop CS2 or better.

  • How to create a transparent png of sem

    I created a rectangle with corners rounded in Fireworks and I would like to save it as a transparent png, so that the central part of the rectangle is transparent, but the outside of corners is not transparent.  This is so that I can overlay on a background image to a Web page, which makes the image have rounded corners.  How can I do in the middle of the rectangle is transparent?

    Make a standard rectangle that is the same size as your rounded rectangle (or whatever it is, to display). The information panel is an easy way to ensure that the size and location is accurate.

    Use the layers panel, move the rectangle below your rounded rectangle.

    Select both objects, then go into the menu modify > combine paths > Punch. It will drill a hole of rectangle to round in your rectangle corners.

    (Punch punches of the superior shape in the lower order, that is why your existing rounded rectangle should be above your new standard rectangle in the stack of layers).

    Something like this (where I have the biggest standard rectangle rounded rectangle). Half upper picture shows the two individual forms. Half lower shows the standard rectangle with the rounded rectangle knocked out of him.

    But... what you can do is to select your image, copy (Ctrl-c), then select your rounded rectangle (or any shape), then go to the Edit menu > paste inside (or Ctrl-Shift-V). (It's a good technique when your image is exactly the size you want, you want just rounded corners).

    Or, you can do a white rounded rectangle, place it on the part of your picture that you want to display, select the rectangle and the image and go to the Edit menu > mask > Group as mask. (It's a good technique when your image is larger than the part that you want to display, but you don't know exactly what you want to do).

  • Create an advanced lightning effect and then export it to the transparent PNG sequence


    I am new to AE, so please be gentle

    I need to generate a lightning effect, then export the images to several PNG images.

    I figured out how to make lightning and export the png transparent, but I can't get rid of the background lightning Uni (which is black in my case).

    Do you have any advice?

    When you apply the lightning effect advanced to a solid, the default values of composition effect the effect on transparency.  You must have other layers in your computer, or you have changed the default setting.

    Turn off the visibility of the other layers, or change to Composite the effect on the frame and you should have transparency.  If you do not, you're hurting your PNG sequence by including only not the Alpha channel.

  • Indexed color and transparency png

    I work with a software developer who reviews his subtitle rendering application to meet the specifications of my company. The rendering engine produces a sequence of images, and we agreed on the use of the PNG with transparent background as the format for the image sequence. The rendering engine produces PNGs in indexed color mode, Photoshop and Windows Photo Viewer recognize the background transparent, but Premiere Pro CS5.5 and CS6 don't. I can re - register one PNG after this passage in RGB mode in Photoshop, and then the Premiere Pro recognizes the transparency. I'm not surprised by this. What I'm surprised by, is that the software developer said that it can import the same PNGs, without going in RGB mode, in his copy of first Pro CS3, and first recognized transparency.

    Is there something I can do in addition to batch processing in Photoshop to get the first Pro CS5.5 or 6 to recognize transparency in an indexed color PNG? If something has changed since CS3? I look under Edit > interpret footage to make sure my box to ignore the Alpha channel is not checked for the png, but I can't find another relevant definition to check, and I can't understand why CS3 would be able to recognize an indexed color PNG.

    PNG should be RGB.

    CS3 was a long time ago...

    However, you can import in color indexed with transparent GIFs.

Maybe you are looking for

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    I am retired a HP laptop with VISTA (factory installed). Can I legally use the VISTA software to upgrade an old Inspiron laptop computer with XP?  I will NOT use the HP computer more in the future - so the VISTA would be used on a single computer - e

  • Hot battery for blackBerry Smartphones

    I bought my 9810 Torch at the end of March, the AT & T service. During the last week, I noticed autonomy from 36 to 48 hours to maybe 12 hours and the battery is hot, if the load or on my Hip Holster.  Anyone know what is happening? Jim