Another REGEXP question: how to extract multiple values from a string

Hi, how can I retrieve multiple values to a string with RegExp with Oracle SQL constructs?

Have looked at the various examples, I cannot understand this.
the following Sql code
   regexp_substr(sessie."rollen", 'CN=A_role') "A_role"
   from ( 
select '
'   "rollen" from dual
) sessie;
Returns CN = A_role.
I want him back all of the CN = concatenated values with a semicolon and stripped of the CN = bit.
So: A_role; Another_role; Users .

Any help would be much appreciated. Here I use database 11g

Does anyone have an idea how to do this in SQL?

best regards Mike

If using Oracle 11 g

with tst
  as (select   'CN=A_role,OU=a_org_unit,OU=another_org_unit,DC=bz,DC=ad,DC=min,DC=local,'
             ||'CN=Users,OU=Dep,DC=bz,DC=ad,DC=min,DC=local' as rollen
        from dual
select listagg(sub, ',') within group (order by rn) as res
  from (select regexp_substr(rollen, '(CN=)([[:alnum:]_]+)',1,rownum,'i',2) sub, rownum rn
          from tst
       connect by level <=length(rollen)
 where sub is not null       

Tags: Database

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          <ActivityId CorrelationId="4fc67c0d-4416-4c1f-92c5-0d6624fb41fd" 
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    Thank you, Tony
    SQL>  with t as (
    select xmltype('
                Hedwall Inc.
                Hedwall Inc.
    ') xml from dual
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    rowset <>
    < ROW >

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    Try this:

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           where upper(:APP_USER) = upper(student_id))
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    TEST 34567
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    If you want to return only the rows that contain the string 'TEST', followed by zero or more space characters, followed by one or more digits?

    How about this:

    SELECT *.

    FROM my_table

    WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(description,'^TEST\s*\d+$')

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    SELECT msi.segment1,
    IN l_chr_omc_item
    OF SGM_INV_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES SIIA, msi mtl_system_items
    WHERE msi.inventory_item_id = siia.inventory_item_id
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    Published by: Shivaji M on June 28, 2009 23:18

    Published by: Shivaji M on June 28, 2009 23:27

    cursor curGetxx (inpl_chr_tsb_item in SGM_INV_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES.attribute12%type)
    MSI. Segment1
    msi mtl_system_items
    WHERE msi.inventory_item_id = siia.inventory_item_id
    AND siia.attribute12 = inpl_chr_tsb_item;

    l_chr_omc_item SGM_INV_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES.attribute12%type;
    vStrl_chr_omc_item varchar (500);

    Open curGetxx (l_chr_tsb_item);
    extract the curGetxx in l_chr_omc_item;
    When the output curGetxx % NOTFOUND;
    vStrl_chr_omc_item: = concat (l_chr_omc_item, ',')
    dbms_output.put_line (l_chr_omc_item);
    end loop;
    vStrl_chr_omc_item: = substr (vStrl_chr_omc_item, 1, length (vStrl_chr_omc_item)-1);

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    Thanks in advance!

    You can go there.

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    select extract(xmltype('<root><test>&lt;unset&gt;</test></root>'), '/root/test/text()').getstringval() col1 from dual
    union all
    select col1
    from   xmltable('/root' passing xmltype('<root><test>&lt;unset&gt;</test></root>')
                    col1 varchar2(20) path 'test');
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    ETA: I looked through the standards xml from the list of available functions, and nothing seems relevant. {noformat} * scratches head * {noformat}

    Published by: Boneist on March 19, 2013 14:11

    You can emulate what do I EXTRACT / getStringVal () by projecting the node text() as XMLType and type-casting to VARCHAR2 in the SELECT clause:

    SQL> set scan off
    SQL> select cast(col1 as varchar2(20))
      2  from xmltable(
      3         '/root'
      4         passing xmltype('<unset>')
      5           columns col1 xmltype path 'test/text()'
      6       ) ;
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    Select col1, col2, col3 from table1 where col1 =: param1

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    Looks like I'm missing something here.

    Thanks in advance!

    you need to write it as:

    Select col1, col2, col3 from table1 where col1 in (: param1)

    It works for me.


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    < root >
    < resource >
    < id > 123 / < ID >
    < value > CBA < / value >
    < / resource >
    < resource >
    < id > 456 / < ID >
    def < value > < / value >
    < / resource >
    < / root >

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    Now, I want to get a particular value based on one id.

    I tried to use the following syntax

    ([Select case when existsnode(x.XML_CLOB,'/Root/Resource[Id="123"]') = 1
    then extractValue(x.XML_CLOB,'/Root/Resource/Value')

    but "/ Root / / value of resource" can mean either of the 2 values. How to solve this?


    If the element 'id' is unique you just specify XPath to the 'value' on the basis of extractvalue (given that you are pregnant of a single node):

    WITH x AS (
     SELECT xmltype(
     ) xml_clob
     FROM dual
    SELECT extractvalue(x.xml_clob, 'root/resource[id="123"]/value')
    FROM x
    WHERE ...
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    loading a flat file, I have a table (simplified example) as follows

    Interface line Id Type value line Num
    1 1 4 header
    1 line 1 2
    1 2 3 line
    1 5 4 header
    1 line 19 5
    1 line 3 6
    1 7 7 header
    1 line 66 8
    1 33 9 header
    1 line 2 10

    Can anyone tell me with a single piece of SQL I'm looking for the record header for each line.

    for example, in my example

    Line 2, 3 = Header 4
    Line 5, 6 = header 5
    Line 8 = Header 7
    Line 10 = Header 33

    Thanks for your comments,


    It's pretty generic:

    in my query, replace the Tag with your real Table (I don't have the table!):

    SELECT Interface_Id,
              'Header = '
           || (SELECT VALUE
               FROM    q1
               WHERE  q1.num = (SELECT MAX(num)
                                FROM    q2
                                WHERE  q2.num < q.num
                                AND    row_type = 'Header')) header
    WHERE  row_type = 'Line'
  • Return multiple values from a function in a SELECT statement

    I hope I've provided enough information here. If not, let me know what I'm missing.

    I create a view that will combine the information from several tables. Most are pretty simple, but there are a couple of columns in the view that I need to get by running a function within a package. Even if this is quite simple (I have a function named action_date in a package called rp, for example, that I can use to return the date that I need through SOME rp.action_date (sequence_number).

    Here is the question: I really need to return several bits of information of the same record (not only action_date, but also action_office, action_value, etc.)-a join of the tables will work not here, as I will explain below. I can, of course, perform a function separate for each statement, but this is obviously inefficient. Within the select statement of the view, however, I don't know how each of the values that I need to get back.

    For example, right now, I have:

    Table 1:
    sequence_number NUMBER (10),
    name varchar (30),

    Table1_seq NUMBER (10),
    action_seq NUMBER (10),
    action_date DATE,
    action_office VARCHAR (3),
    action_value VARCHAR (60),

    I can't just simply join Table1 and Table2 because I have to perform processing in order to determine the rows returned matching, I really need to select. If the package opens a cursor and treats each line until it finds the one I need.

    The following works but is ineffective since all calls to the package returns the columns of the same record. I don't know how to put all the values that I need in the SELECT statement.
    CREATE VIEW all_this_stuff AS
    SELECT sequence_number, name,
    RP.action_date (sequence_number) action_date,
    RP.action_office (sequence_number) action_office,
    RP.action_value (sequence_number) action_value
    FROM table1

    Is there a way to return multiple values in my SELECT statement or I'm going about this all wrong?

    Any suggestions?

    Thank you very much!


    What you want is a Query of Top - N , what you can do using the ROW_NUMBER analytic function in a subquery, like this:

    WITH     got_rnum     AS
         SELECT     action_seq, action_dt, action_office, action_type, action_value
         ,     ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( ORDER BY  action_date
                                   ,            action_seq
                             ,            action_serial
                           ) AS rnum
         FROM     table2
         WHERE     action_code     = 'AB'
         AND     action_office     LIKE 'E'     -- Is this right?
    SELECT     action_seq, action_dt, action_office, action_type, action_value
    FROM     got_rnum
    WHERE     rnum     = 1

    As written, this returns a single line (at most).
    I suspect you'll actually get a rank for each group , where a group is defined by a value in a table in which you join.
    In this case, add a PARTITION BY clause to the ROW_NUMBER function.
    If post you a small example of data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements), I could show you exactly how.
    As I don't have your tables, I'll show you the use of the tables in the scott schema.
    This is a view containing data in the scott.dept table and also to scott.emp, but only for the highest employee in each Department (in other words, the employee whose oldest hire date). If there be a tie for the first hire date, while the candidate with the lowest empno is selected.

    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW     senior_emp
    WITH     got_rnum     AS
         SELECT     d.deptno
         ,     d.dname
         ,     e.empno
         ,     e.ename
         ,     e.hiredate
         ,     ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( PARTITION BY  d.deptno
                                   ORDER BY          e.hiredate
                             ,                e.empno
                           ) AS rnum
         FROM     scott.dept     d
         JOIN     scott.emp     e     ON     d.deptno     = e.deptno
    SELECT     deptno
    ,     dname
    ,     empno
    ,     ename
    ,     hiredate
    FROM     got_rnum
    WHERE     rnum     = 1
    SELECT     *
    FROM     senior_emp


    .    DEPTNO DNAME               EMPNO ENAME      HIREDATE
    ---------- -------------- ---------- ---------- ---------
            10 ACCOUNTING           7782 CLARK      09-JUN-81
            20 RESEARCH             7369 SMITH      17-DEC-80
            30 SALES                7499 ALLEN      20-FEB-81

    Moreover, one of the conditions to the query you posted has been

    action_office     LIKE 'E'

    which equals

    action_office     = 'E'

    (AS is always equivalent to = if the string that follows AS does not contain the winning cards.)
    Did you mean say that or did you mean something like this:

    action_office     LIKE 'E%'


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