Assistance to access to the C++ class in QML

Hi all

Currently, I am having some problems of access to an object of class that is instantiated in C++, in my page QML.

First of all a little history on my app.  I create an application that enables users to register an account and then connect you on said account.  Account information is stored in a collection of that I can access by using their SDK BB10.  I have created a user class in my application that represent the users account and holds all the information I need from a user.  I create an instance of the class of user once different depending on whether the user is logged on or record.

My problem is that once the account is created for the first time or retrieved from and the object user is all set up, I'm trying to display information to the user on a Page in my TabbedPane.  I have problems getting information from the C++ to display in QML.  I tried to register the type with QML, and of using Q_PROPERTY macro, but I always get "undefined" as my output.  If I put qDebug prints in my Set and Get functions attributed to the macro that the expected values are printed in the console, but for some reason any the QML does not get the value.  The information stored in the user class are mainly QString and integers (ints).

I also tried to use SetContextProperty but when I try to use it I get errors in the console on the 'client' is null.

Does anyone have any suggestions?  I apologize for not posting any code, but I am posting this at work and do not have access to my code.  I can publish code snippets later if necessary.

Thank you


Yep, this macro is critical for the property system work. Note that if you do not specify it before the first compilation of your class, then you will probably get vtable errors when you try to compile and link later after it is added. Easy (but non-obvious) solution for this is a trivial edit make .pro to your application file, such as adding a space then by removing and saving the file. This will force the GPM to re-evaluate all dynamic links and resolve properties, signals and slots on your class.

Zymatic wrote:

greenmr - thanks for the response.  I'll post the code real when I get home tonight, but of what I myself remember I certainly inherited from QObject, would the import statement in my QML.  I happened to have an older copy of the code with me here at work and it doesn't have the used Q_OBJECT macro, so maybe that's my problem.  I remember reading in the documentation that the macro has been necessary, but maybe I forgot to add it.  I'll check when I get home tonight.

Thank you

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    If you have a VO with 2 attributes, you have defined the category value. (This poster Lov sense and sets the value for the category field).

    You want to get the value selected from the lov. Is this correct?

    When do you get this value? When they choose a new value from the LOV.

    If you have written the code in the valueChangeListener, you can check the link below:

    Code of the blog

    public void valueChanged(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
        this.setValueToEL("#{bindings.Deptno.inputValue}", valueChangeEvent.getNewValue()); //Updates the model
        System.out.println("\n******** Selected Value: "+resolveExpression("#{bindings.Deptno.attributeValue}"));
        System.out.println("\n******** Display Value: "+resolveExpression("#{bindings.Deptno.selectedValue ne ' ' ? bindings.Deptno.selectedValue.attributeValues[1] : ''}"));
    public Object resolveExpression(String el) {
        FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();
        ExpressionFactory expressionFactory =  facesContext.getApplication().getExpressionFactory();
        ValueExpression valueExp = expressionFactory.createValueExpression(elContext,el,Object.class);
        return valueExp.getValue(elContext);
    public void setValueToEL(String el, Object val) {
        FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();
        ExpressionFactory expressionFactory =   facesContext.getApplication().getExpressionFactory();
        ValueExpression exp = expressionFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, el, Object.class);
        exp.setValue(elContext, val);

    You can get the selected value and the value of display with the above code. You need to replace Deptno by category.

    See you soon


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    player_turn = Main.player_turn;

    {if (player_turn)}

    addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, initEnemyTurn);


    else {}

    Object (parent) .playerTurn ();



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    mTab.doubleClickEnabled = true;

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    SerializableAttribute public class MyPanel extends MovieClip {} Dynamics


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    ce. mTab.addEventListener (MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, clickedPanel);




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    trace ("here it is:", charger);




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    + 1 for siniouse. The class definition does not contain the charger of the instance, but the symbol in the library only. If you need to

    var view: AssetView new MyLibrarySymbolLinkageName() as AssetView;

    What he says is quite likely to happen to you, but I thought I would add my 2 cents in the matter contributed to the clarification.

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    private void init() {}

    var square: Array = [];

    for (var i: Number = 0; i < 11; i ++) {}

    for (var j: Number = 0; j < 11; j ++) {}

    var temp: grassSquare;

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    addChild (temp);

    Square.push (temp);

    } Else if (i %2! = 0) {}

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    addChild (temp);

    Square.push (temp);

    myArray.push (false);

    } else {}

    myArray.push (true);


    } else {}

    If (j %2 == 0) {}

    Temp = new grassSquare (i * 50, j * 40);

    addChild (temp);

    Square.push (temp);

    myArray.push (false);

    } else {}

    myArray.push (true);










    var User1:Player1 = new Player1;

    stage.addEventListener (KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, User1.fl_SetKeyPressed);

    User1.x = 75;

    User1.y = 60;

    addChild (User1);

    package {}

    import flash.display.MovieClip;



    import flash.ui.Keyboard

    SerializableAttribute public class extends MovieClip {Player1

    private var upPressed:Boolean = false;

    private var downPressed:Boolean = false;

    private var leftPressed:Boolean = false;

    private var rightPressed:Boolean = false;

    private var currentSquare:uint = 12;

    public void Player1() {}

    this.addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, fl_MoveInDirectionOfKey);

    stage.addEventListener (KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, fl_SetKeyPressed);


    public void fl_MoveInDirectionOfKey(event:Event)


    If (upPressed & & this.y > = 100 /* & & document.myArray [currentSquare-1] * /)


    This.y-= 40;

    upPressed = false;

    currentSquare-= 1;


    If (downPressed & & this.y < = 340 / * & & this.myArray [currentSquare + 1] * /)


    This.y = 40;

    downPressed = false;

    currentSquare += 1;


    If (leftPressed & & this.x > = 125 / * & & /*this.myArray[currentSquare-11]*/)


    This.x-= 50;

    leftPressed = false;

    currentSquare = 11;


    If (rightPressed & & this.x < = 425 / * & & /*this.myArray[currentSquare+11]*/)


    This.x += 50;

    rightPressed = false;

    currentSquare += 11;


    trace (currentSquare);


    public void fl_SetKeyPressed(event:KeyboardEvent):void


    switch (event.keyCode)


    case Keyboard.UP:


    upPressed = true;



    case Keyboard.DOWN:


    downPressed = true;



    case Keyboard.LEFT:


    leftPressed = true;



    case Keyboard.RIGHT:


    rightPressed = true;







    any class that is added to your list of display:

    MovieClip (root) .myArray

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    MovieClip (this.parent) .getChildByName ("qwe")

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    TypeError: Error #1034: Type coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::Stage@26d03041 to flash.display.MovieClip.

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    public void EnemyShip(ship:MovieClip)


    _qwe = ship;

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    I hope I did, it's understandable.

    Thanks in advance!

    Sincerely of Smith

    Is your code in a separate class? If so, simply extend a display object (for example public class Foo extends Sprite). Then, you have access to the scene, as well as objects in the timeline panel.

    The code for hittest is quite simple. Continually check the hitTest, a test against an another movieclip movieclip method to see if it returns true. How do optimize you how many tests is performed are up to you. Management if the person is on the path you will help understand what are the objects to test against.

  • To access the upper class instance variables


    See the code provided below. If home * variable 'i' is not set to 4, the output will be 3, if it is set, it will be 4.
    My question is... Well, I don't know exactly, there would be a lot. All this is strange to me.
    (For example, it seems that for the super class constructor runs when I access an instance of her variable).
    Could someone explain this topic or maybe help me to direct to an article?
    public class TryThis {
        public static void main (String args[]){
             Child c = new Child();
    public class Parent {
         int i;
              i = 3;
    public class Child extends Parent{
              //i = 4;  //***
         public void seeSuper(){
    Note: Parent could also simply look like this:
    public class Parent {
         int i = 3;

    I see now that it is wrong to use the word 'object '.

    No, it isn't.

    they are there for the child to use, object

    That's where you're going wrong. Don't think about "the parent" and "child object. There is only one object, and it is mentioned by "this". You should think about members of the base or the classes and members of the (current) derived class. They are all members of the 'object', but the members of the base class can be hidden by the current members of class with the same name. That's all. Nothing too special about it.

    but they aren't the fields of it.

    Yes they are, but if they are hidden by local declarations that they are not visible to 'this', only to 'super '.

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    How can I access a timeline of a static class variable / singleton?

    You can pass any object to display list to your class when instantiating it.  all objects in the display list has a placement property that allows access to the stage and them you can use the correct path/name to your variable.

  • Access the ArrayCollection class MXML ActionScript collection?

    I have a MXML file that has a collection for my tree component arraycollection. I am overriding the updateDisplayList function to add lines to all of my nodes in the tree... However, I can't seem to understand how to access this ArrayCollection collection of inside the actionscript class?

    I tried the methods used to pass variables between two MXML files (like a popup window - which I've used in the past and it works very well).

    My actionscript class code is almost identical to this example here:


    In the example above, the data is static, but sometimes my data's going to change and I need to access the set dataProvider (collection ArrayCollection) in order to make the lines work well... This has been very frustrating for me! :)

    If someone knows a better way to reach gettign lines for brothers and sisters in a tree... Please let me know!

    Any help would be super duper awesome!

    I found the solution to this. My problem was similar to cheftimo was seen in this post: = 1367784 & enterthread = y

    The answer is to import the component you are trying to access the variable from and then call using mx.core.Application ' Application.application.'

    Thanks to Greg Lafrance!

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    var prefsFile:File = File.applicationDirectory;

    prefsFile = prefsFile.resolvePath ("preferences.xml");

    I feel that it is perhaps a silly question, but I have to ask.

    See you soon

    Yes, but you probably don't want to use applicationDirectory because of security concerns.

    and is there a reason you can't use your urlloaders?

  • How to access the inner class fields in refleciton?

    I have:
    class Outer {
        class Inner {
            int field;
        Inner inner;
    I use reflection to get the Outer.field field and recognize that it is a reference to the inner class. What should I do to get the inner.field (or something that looks remotely like this at Inner.field)?

    We would like to

    Well, precedent is too messy for me even follow my example. I've simplified it, and I think I found where my error was. I suspect that you were doing a similar error:

    package scratch;
    import java.lang.reflect.Field;
    public class Scratch {
      public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        new Scratch().go();
      void go() {
        Outer1 o1;
        Field[] fields = Outer1.class.getDeclaredFields ();
        for (Field field : fields) {
          final String fn = field.getName ();
          final Class ft = field.getType ();
          final Class fc = field.getClass ();
          final Class fdc = field.getDeclaringClass ();
          System.out.println ();
          System.out.println ("Outer1 field : " + fn);
          System.out.println ();
          System.out.println ("field's class (field.getType()) : " + ft.getName());
          System.out.println ("field.getType().isMemberClass() (" + ft.getName() +" isMemberClass()) : " + ft.isMemberClass ());
          System.out.println ("field.getType(). getDeclaringClass() (" + ft.getName() + "'s declaring class) : " + fdc);
          System.out.println ();
          System.out.println ("field.getClass()) : " + fc.getName());
          System.out.println ("field.getClass().isMemberClass() (" + fc.getName() +" isMemberClass()) : " + fc.isMemberClass ());
          System.out.println ("field.getClass().getDeclaringClass() (" + fc.getName() + "'s declaring class) : " + fc.getDeclaringClass ());
          System.out.println ();
          System.out.println ("Note the difference between Field.getClass() (" + field.getClass () + ") and Field.getType() (" + field.getType() + ")");
          System.out.println ();
    class Outer1 {
      class Inner1 {
      Inner1 i1;
    Outer1 field : i1
    field's class (field.getType()) : scratch.Outer1$Inner1
    field.getType().isMemberClass() (scratch.Outer1$Inner1 isMemberClass()) : true
    field.getType(). getDeclaringClass() (scratch.Outer1$Inner1's declaring class) : class scratch.Outer1
    field.getClass()) : java.lang.reflect.Field
    field.getClass().isMemberClass() (java.lang.reflect.Field isMemberClass()) : false
    field.getClass().getDeclaringClass() (java.lang.reflect.Field's declaring class) : null
    Note the difference between Field.getClass() (class java.lang.reflect.Field) and Field.getType() (class scratch.Outer1$Inner1)

    field.getClass () does NOT get the class of the field. It get the class of the field object that points to the field reference variable, which is always java.lang.reflect.Field. To get the class of the field, use field.getType ().

    Do you see the difference?

    Edited by: jverd February 5, 2011 17:18

Maybe you are looking for