Average table in a recursive way


I need a way to calculate the average of continuous 3 x 10 table without doing the math on all values each time.

I have blocks of 3 x 10 table as input (incoming continuously). First round, t1, I want to take the average of each line, so 3 x 1 table called 'current average '. It will be inserted into a 2d array called "all means".

The next iteration, t2, I'll have another block of 3 x 10 of incoming data. I will start again the average and insert it into "all means". Now, I want to take the average of the lines of "all means", so that the average of all the data that I currently have, if the average of t1 and t2.

This method works, except that since I am constantly introduce into array, the size increases and slows everything down.

Ideally, I want to have only 2 columns of table data at a point in the "all means". The old average calculated previously and the new block of data. So I need a way to save the "means old" and replacing it with the data in a 2d array.

I have attached a very simple doagram of what I have... it would be in a loop running continuously.

Tags: NI Software

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    Now code Luke used a hash table, so it had to be modified to use the CSV table at best.  Table CSV contained information to perform the configuration and customization of the virtual machine.  I couldn't really find a way for this very cleanly, I'm looking for suggestions on making it a little better.

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    Here is the modified version of the code of Luke:

    # $csv is the array in question with the required data.
    # Used to count which line in the array
    $csvline = 0
    # Count all the running tasks to feed into the while loop
    $tasks = $csv | %{$_.TaskID} | ?{$_ -match "Task"}
    $runningTasks = $tasks | measure | %{$_.count}
    while($runningTasks -gt 0){
    # Completion Meter
    $percomplete = (1 / $runningTasks)*100
    Write-Progress -activity 'Waiting for cloning operation to complete' -status 'Please wait...' -percentComplete ($percomplete)
    # Here is where it starts to get messy, there has to be a better way than using $csv[$csvline] and walking though
    if ((get-task | select id,state | ?{$_.id -eq $csv[$csvline].TaskId}).state -eq "Success"){
    Set-VM $csv[$csvline].name -NumCpu $csv[$csvline].vcpu -MemoryMB $csv[$csvline].MemoryMB -Description $csv[$csvline].Notes -Confirm:$false
    Get-vm -name $csv[$csvline].name | Get-NetworkAdapter | Set-NetworkAdapter -NetworkName $csv[$csvline].Network -StartConnected:$true -Confirm:$false
    Get-VM $csv[$csvline].name | Start-VM -RunAsync -Confirm:$false
    $csv[$csvline].TaskId = ""
    elseif ((get-task | select id,state | ?{$_.id -eq $csv[$csvline].TaskId}).state -eq "Error"){
    $csv[$csvline].TaskId = ""
    # Increment $csvline
    # Wash rinse repeat over and over (not very pretty)
    # Reset $CSV array line counter when greater than count of lines (minus 1 because the array/count starts at zero).
    if ($csvline -gt ($csv.count - 1)){
    $csvline = 0
    # Slow down the runningTasks loop since we are waiting for cloning operations to complete.
    # IMPACT: If you deploy 100 VM's it could take up to 200 seconds AFTER a VM is finished cloning before being noticed by the while loop
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 2

    It would be nice to create a Get-task monitoring loop who does not walk in the table.  But shoot any 'Sucess' ful tasknames and determine which line in the table of $csv it is (using the TaskId element).

    Is it possible to do another nesting a foreach ($line in $csv) inside the Get task monitoring loop and compare the TaskId values?  (It's perhaps faster without worrying - have not yet tested).

    I hope that I have explained things clearly enough.

    Thanks for your time.


    Andy, have a look at the thread called error with Get-OsCutomizationNicMapping, he does something similar to what you want to do I guess.

    Inside the loop of Import-Csv, the new virtual machine is created in Async and the Id of the task as well as some specific values of the CSV stored in the part of the value of the hash table.

    Later, these values are used to configure the new virtual machine further.

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    < style >

    .table-container {}

    position: relative;

    Width: 350px;

    height: 100%;

    border: 2px solid red;

    display: inline-block;


    table {}

    float: left;


    Th {}

    border: 1px solid black;

    padding: 10px;


    TD {}

    border: 1px solid black;

    padding: 10px;

    margin: 0;

    white-space: nowrap


    . Right {}

    overflow: auto;


    < / style >

    < div class = "container-table" >

    < div class = "headcol" >

    < table >

    < thead >

    < /Th > < th > room

    < / thead >

    < tbody >

    < b >

    Fooname < td > < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    barname < td > < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    Barfoo < td > < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    Zorzor < td > < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    Ipsname of Lorname < td > < table >

    < /tr >

    < / tbody >

    < /table >

    < / div >

    < div class = "right" >

    < table >

    < thead >

    < th > < /th > 8-10

    < th > < /th > 10-12

    < th > < /th > 12-14

    < th > 14-16 < /th >

    < th > 16-18 < /th >

    < th > < /th > 18-20

    < / thead >

    < tbody >

    < b >

    < class td reserved 'cell' = > already booked < table >

    < class td available 'cell' = > available for booking < table >

    < class td reserved 'cell' = > already booked < table >

    < class td reserved 'cell' = > already booked < table >

    < class td available 'cell' = > available for booking < table >

    < class td available 'cell' = > available for booking < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < class td available 'cell' = > available for booking < table >

    < class td reserved 'cell' = > already booked < table >

    < class td reserved 'cell' = > already booked < table >

    < class td available 'cell' = > available for booking < table >

    < class td reserved 'cell' = > already booked < table >

    < class td available 'cell' = > available for booking < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < class td reserved 'cell' = > already booked < table >

    < class td available 'cell' = > available for booking < table >

    < class td reserved 'cell' = > already booked < table >

    < class td reserved 'cell' = > already booked < table >

    < class td available 'cell' = > available for booking < table >

    < class td available 'cell' = > available for booking < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < class td reserved 'cell' = > already booked < table >

    < class td available 'cell' = > available for booking < table >

    < class td available 'cell' = > available for booking < table >

    < class td available 'cell' = > available for booking < table >

    < class td reserved 'cell' = > already booked < table >

    < class td reserved 'cell' = > already booked < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < class td reserved 'cell' = > already booked < table >

    < class td available 'cell' = > available for booking < table >

    < class td reserved 'cell' = > already booked < table >

    < class td reserved 'cell' = > already booked < table >

    < class td reserved 'cell' = > already booked < table >

    < class td available 'cell' = > available for booking < table >

    < /tr >

    < / tbody >

    < /table >

    < / div >

    < / div >

    The following link leads to a small JavaScript that can sort your table. He's very nice and it is easy to use. Thanks to booth for the first time talked about on this forum.


  • Call library function node, large table DLL by the way


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    Statement of header file:
    CORRTABLE * pDestCorrectionTable;

    Fundamental data type:
    struct {}
    long [65 * 65];
    long [65 * 65];
    long [65 * 65];

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    I need 20 100 tables replicate tables.
    In this way or

    source_object_name = > ' SCOTT. EMP',.
    source_database_name = > ' DB1. WORLD ',.
    instantiation_scn = > iscn);
    source_object_name = > ' SCOTT. DEP. ',.
    source_database_name = > ' DB1. WORLD ',.
    instantiation_scn = > iscn);

    This way:

    source_object_name = > ' SCOTT. EMP',.
    source_database_name = > ' DB1. WORLD ',.
    instantiation_scn = > iscn);

    source_object_name = > ' SCOTT. DEP. ',.
    source_database_name = > ' DB1. WORLD ',.
    instantiation_scn = > iscn);

    How can I apply ISCN even or the of the ISCN individual.

    Thank you


    Find the RCS of the source, and set if for all tables by using the dbms_apply_adm.set_table_instantiation_scn API.

    Thank you

  • Refresh the table after popup

    I have a popup that the user gets when they click my button 'Add '. The form inside the pop-up window is linked to the same database as the table.
    The table that his partialTrigger is configured for the popup and when I opened the popup, I see the new row in the table which is ok. However, when I click the ok button in my popup and data are saved in the database (with a commit), the table does not get updated.
    How can I do so?

    These are fragments of my code:

    the table:
    <af:table value="#{bindings.RekeningFullVO1.collectionModel}"
                                emptyText="#{bindings.RekeningFullVO1.viewable ? 'No data to display.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
                                filterVisible="true" varStatus="vs"
                                rowSelection="single" id="t1"
    the pop-up window:
    <af:popup id="popAdd" popupFetchListener="#{RekeningBean.addPopup}"
                <af:dialog id="dlgAdd" title="Rekening toevoegen" dialogListener="#{RekeningBean.addListener}"
                        affirmativeTextAndAccessKey="Toevoegen" cancelTextAndAccessKey="Annuleren">
        public void addPopup(PopupFetchEvent popupFetchEvent) {
          BindingContainer bindings = BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
          OperationBinding createInsert = (OperationBinding) bindings.get("CreateInsert");
          if(createInsert.getErrors().size() > 0) {
              List errors = createInsert.getErrors();
              Iterator it = errors.iterator();
              while(it.hasNext()) {
                  System.out.println("Error: " + it.next());
        public void cancelAdd(PopupCanceledEvent popupCanceledEvent) {
          BindingContainer bindings = BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
          OperationBinding createInsert = (OperationBinding) bindings.get("Rollback");
        public void addListener(DialogEvent dialogEvent) {
          if(dialogEvent.getOutcome().name().equals("cancel")) {
            BindingContainer bindings = BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
            OperationBinding createInsert = (OperationBinding) bindings.get("Rollback");
          else if(dialogEvent.getOutcome().name().equals("ok")) {
            BindingContainer bindings = BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
            OperationBinding createInsert = (OperationBinding) bindings.get("Commit");
    So when I run the validation, the table must be informed that the data has been updated but who can't... My popup closes and the blank line in the table remains the same. When I press F5 to refresh the page, I see my data. How can I do this without making the F5?

    I guess the problem is that the trigger part that you put on the table gets called before validating the data in the code of the bean.
    Try adding a partial trigger in the bean code that refreshes the table.
    Put an ID to your table (or link the table to the bean), then use the code below to trigger an update after the transaction commit or rollback.

               UIComponent ui = JSFUtils.findComponentInRoot("tableid");

    Here is the code for the findCommponentInRoot method:

         * Locate an UIComponent in view root with its component id. Use a recursive way to achieve this.
         * Taken from http://www.jroller.com/page/mert?entry=how_to_find_a_uicomponent
         * @param id UIComponent id
         * @return UIComponent object
        public static UIComponent findComponentInRoot(String id)
            UIComponent component = null;
            FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
            if (facesContext != null)
                UIComponent root = facesContext.getViewRoot();
                component = findComponent(root, id);
            return component;
         * Locate an UIComponent from its root component.
         * Taken from http://www.jroller.com/page/mert?entry=how_to_find_a_uicomponent
         * @param base root Component (parent)
         * @param id UIComponent id
         * @return UIComponent object
        public static UIComponent findComponent(UIComponent base, String id)
            if (id.equals(base.getId()))
                return base;
            UIComponent children = null;
            UIComponent result = null;
            Iterator childrens = base.getFacetsAndChildren();
            while (childrens.hasNext() && (result == null))
                children = (UIComponent) childrens.next();
                if (id.equals(children.getId()))
                    result = children;
                result = findComponent(children, id);
                if (result != null)
            return result;


  • Table with numeric columns and string

    Hello everyone. I am a new labviewer, so I have 2 questions fundamental.

    1. I found this basic timer loop, which I need to get inside my structure of the event. How to wire this loop with my writing and reading?

    2. I need to wire my digital indicator "Elapsed time" with my table, so I want the 'measure' in the first column and "elapsed time" in the second column. I know I can't mix string and digital indicator in the same table, so the best way would be to make two tables 1 d (digital channel), or there are more basic ways to correct the problem?

    Thanks in advance



  • How can I register an event as a value in a table?

    I have a Boolean value that is True, whenever I'm recording data exceeds a certain value. What I want to do is to keep a journal of every time that happens and store it in a table, preferably in a way that every event has a new number (for example the first event is recorded as 1, second title 2, etc.).

    The goal is that whenever this condition is met, an output signal is sent to a different DAQ card and the signal is dependent on the current iteration of the event (the computer, the other DAQ card reading can interpret this with if statements for ranges of voltage, which seems to work).

    I would be very grateful if you had any input on how to go about it.

    Thank you very much!

    Try something like this...

  • Detect the PEAK, mount and average

    I use a loop in LabVIEW 8.5 to capture the signals emitted continuously by a card, peak detector.VI is used to detect the signal peaks, then fit.VI nonlinear curve is used to climb the summits, signal now capture, detection of peaks, mount and display pics are all works very well permanently, but there are still some problems annoying me.
    1. the received signals is not very stable, so editing results expected on average for 100 times, then how can I averaged the results of fitting on the condition that the capture of signal is not interrupted, this is the time loop does not stop, when the average is made this time, average is reset for the next 100 fitting results can be average again?
    2. There is another way, that's 100 results of fitting is automatically saved to excel, then the results is an average manually in excel, then how to store results like this: the first 100 results of connection are stored in an excel file and the next 100 results for other excel connector or they are stored in an excell , but in different columns? Of course the thses are subject to the capture of signal is not interrupted.
    3. There is a threshold for the detector.VI peak, but the captured signals entry isn't very stable, so the number of peaks detected is not the same every time, like this time, the number of vertices is 40, next will be 39, this will affect the results of fitting slightly, then how do to detect the same number of vertices every time such as the number is 40 each time?

    Any advice will be appreciated!

    Maybe the pic attached detect.vi 'test' can help you. "medium signal.vi" is a sub VI on average the signal in a way online.

    There are three methods using the input signal:

    1. no average.

    2. average exponential.

    3. linear average.

    Your problem is when the input signal is damaged by some noise, and you want the input signal before the detection of peaks on average. I use white noise to simulate a noisy environment.

    By default, the average mode is 'Linear', and the number of averages is 50. The more averages, the best on the result, but more time to update.

    Swith mode between 'Linear' and 'No way' to compare the difference before average and average.

    Average exponential is not appropriate in your case.

    Let me know if it works for you.

  • Word, lines background color table


    I need help working table, the background color of line.

    I have a different table from the doc. but this specific table will be the place where the bookmark (test2). And this table should have all the lines of even number of color gray or any other color, just like all the other table that you see in the attached doc.

    Any help?

    agyna wrote:

    I want to just change the shading on this specific table and a table right after the table is inserted into the report, wherever this table will, which means that wherever I put my bookmark to insert the table.

    Because we cannot get the array index, you will not be able to use Word and Shading.vi table borders

    Another way to grab a handful of table must use its range. For this we will use the range (wd) - start (xl) out of the Table to add to Report.vi, ungroup this output to get the value of start (wd) and end (wd). You will now work with Word activeX properties and methods.

    Here is a picture that show you how to proceed. Now, what you need to do is to become familiar with the Word activeX objects, the GTA (Report Generation Toolkit) is useful for the basic operation but want you want to do, is beyond his reach.

    I strongly recommend you have a look at the methods and properties that I used in the next screen shot and use this link to watch carefully their definition and their use.


  • table format

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    I have this requirement where I control the format of the data of individual cells of a table. Look at the table below.

    is it possible to have the no. measures to only show as integer values (1 2 3 4 etc) instead of (0.00000, 1.00000, 2,00000) and keep the format of the second column. so I ideally I would have the rest of the table.

    A Table hint is a way to display a 2D channels table. As wrote billko, if you replace your Table Express with a normal table hint, then you can to format the data in an array of strings as you want, and it may be different for each cell, if that's what you want.

  • Insert in the table of waveform

    This is a snippet of code that I use in a larger program, but the functionality remains the same. I read two waveforms of an oscilloscope and insert them in my DataSet happening in the world. For some reason, when I do the table insert, no data ever made in this table. What concept am I missing here and how can I remedy this?

    Build table is the correct way about 99.9% of the time.

    I don't think I've ever actually used insert into the table.  It is intended for those situations where you want to Insert and in the middle of a table element, not when you want to build on the table at the beginning or at the end.

    Your original mode has not worked because you wired the value of the N terminal in the insertion index in the table.  This value is 3.  If the next table in the loop is empty, then you cannot insert an element at index 3 because the rest of the table before does not exist.

  • With an average of a spectral waveform and view / save

    Hello world!

    I am currently on a University project that consists on the use of Labview to obtain data and spectra of atmospheric plasmas using a spectrometer Ocean Optics HR4000.

    After not not using Labview for almost a year, I managed to get most of my knowledge back and I managed to display the spectral waveform, that I expect to get. However, as this is a fairly simple design I get a lot of noise and I would on average it for a graphic display more smooth.

    I looked into a lot of messages from the forum, but I couldn't really find what I was looking for.

    I also had a problem when you try to save the data and Spectra: I can't find anything in the directory of my VI.

    In the attachment you will find the current VI I'm trying.

    Thanks in advance for your answers!


    I wrote an example for you below. This is an excerpt from VI, so you can drag the .png in your diagram and it becomes code. Pretend that everything in the green box is your Subvi spectrum acquisition.

    -Place the Subvi in a loop to run as many times as you like on average there

    -Out of the loop For is a table 2D with individual spectra on the lines

    -Transpose output, so individual spectra on the columns

    -Enter the table another loop to take the average rank by rank (with an average of different Spectra togeter).

    -Output is 1 d spectra average table

  • Construction in real time of the table and the data tracing


    I have a project in which I am waiting for a message from the chain coming to my serial port that contains two parameters of a voltage sensor compared to the position

    I will then draw two parameters for a XY chart as they arrived at my port to build a chart that is continuously updated with all the points came to the COM port (all from the position of the reading pressure readings).

    I know that to draw the two parameters against each other that I must use the XY-graph and for this, I have to insert my data in the tables first and then give them to the chart.

    The problem is that the message of the series is not at fixed intervals (for example a message now comes, the other may be after 1 minute, then another after one half minute.. .and so on). and the chart should be updated with the points once they arrive (in addition to displaying the previous points too of course).

    I don't know where to start! can someone put me on a track for it?

    Note: I have no problem with the interpretation of the data series, at the end I will have two numeric values which I'll then draw against each other

    Thank you

    One thing that I had not noticed before on your VI is that you use the wrong function when generating data in your table.  You should use table to build.  No insertion in the table which is more intended for stuff that goes in the middle of a table.  And the way you use it, you insert in fact data at the beginning and not at the end.

    I don't know what you have tried and why you think that the circular buffer is not what you want to do.

    Take a look for a function called data queue Pt by Pt that effectively does what you want.

    I will attach a Subvi I used.   I changed it to something that I found.  I think I found somewhere in LabVIEW itself, or an example, maybe the forums, but I can't find the original source.  And I don't see in the comments of the VI. (If anyone knows, please comment.)

  • ListField using the hash table

    Hi guys, new here so please, be gentle.

    I was wondering if there is way to a ListField (or something similar) but using a hash instead of a vector table. I searched through the forums without success. And if it is would it be possible to display the incredible list. (List in the hash table and sort by alphabetical order, via the keys)

    The hash table structure K = String (name of player), V = object reader.

    If this can be done using a hash table, is there a way to do this using a vector. So that I could search the data structure for a players name and return the object.

    Sorry if it's confusing or vague. I'm not not used to describe my problems!

    Thank you very much for the help.

    You can also move forward and persist in the hash table, and then build an index using a few stores of SimpleSortingVector who keys in order.

    There are a lot of options... you just need to decide which is best for you.

Maybe you are looking for

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