Boolean search string limitation

When we enter a search string more than 10 words to Boolean searching for example chicken gun to GOLD OR ask brother GOLD flooding of the housing or the curry house GOLD OR GOLD OR fish Apple GOLD dog OR bird OR duck OR the request fails. Is there a way to fix this?

You get an error message?  Or not the query returns simply no result?

There is a dgraph flag that controls the maximum number of terms to assess when a search is called search_max.  This default value is 10, which makes me think that she might be related to your problem.  In a standard search mode, I thought it all starts with the 11th ignored word but Boolean may behave differently.

If you try to add a - search_max 20-your dgraph and test again, I would be curious what your results are.

Patrick Rafferty

Tags: Business Intelligence

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    Thank you


    Hi Ronnie,.

    It is possible, but to get this value, you can use the TestStand API. I have attached a sequence file that shows how to get the values of reference of object using AsPropertyObject, and then the associated GetVal method. It is much easier to understand with an example. Let me know if you have any questions about the sample file of sequence.

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    But I do not know how findgrep in window(ctrl+y) layout rather than the editor.

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    < media.block id = "001" Fig. > < media > < / media >

    < caption aid: pstyle = "Caption" > < num > FIG. 1.1 & #x2002; < / num >

    < para > < txt > the range of disciplines engaged in research and development

    in the field of nanoscience and technology. < / txt > < / para > < / legend > < media.block >


    < media.block id = "Fig001" > < media > * PASTE STRING * < / media >

    < caption aid: pstyle = "Caption" > < num > FIG. 1.1 & #x2002; < / num >

    < para > < txt > the range of disciplines engaged in research and development

    in the field of nanoscience and technology. < / txt > < / para > < / legend > < media.block >

    I have a script to paste into the current document rather than the window layout.

    App.Open (file (myFigDoc));

    app.activeDocument.pageItems.everyItem () .select ();

    App.Copy ();

    app.activeDocument.close ();

    app.findGrepPreferences = app.changeGrepPreferences = null;

    var figString = "FIG." + chapno + "'." + j; "

    app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = figString; Figure legend text

    app.findGrepPreferences.appliedParagraphStyle = "FigureCaption"; Figure caption Style

    myFinds = app.activeDocument.findGrep ();

    for (var i = 0; i < myFinds.length; i ++) {}

    myFinds[i].insertionPoints[0].contents="\r ';

    myFinds [i] .insertionPoints [0] .select ();

    App.Paste ();


    How do in the window layout?

    Try this,

    app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.NEVER_INTERACT;
    var myDoc = File("/D/template-sample.indd");//Figure File
    var myFigDoc = File("/D/fig1.indd");//Destination File;
    myObj = app.selection;
    app.findGrepPreferences = app.changeGrepPreferences = null;
    app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = "FIG. 1.1";//Figure caption text
    app.findGrepPreferences.appliedParagraphStyle = "Caption";//Figure Caption Style
    myFinds = app.activeDocument.findGrep();
    for(var i=0;i		   
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  • REF Cursor with search string

    Hello all,.

    I'm trying to implement a procedure that returns records in the hr.employees table when search strings are passed.

    Here is the package:
    create or replace package search_app 
    TYPE emp_rec IS RECORD (last_name     hr.employees.last_name%TYPE
                                         ,first_name    hr.employees.first_name%TYPE
                                         ,job_id        hr.employees.first_name%TYPE
                                         ,salary        hr.employees.salary%TYPE
                                         ,dept          hr.departments.department_name%TYPE
    TYPE emp_curs  IS REF CURSOR RETURN emp_rec;
    PROCEDURE  get_employees (p_last_name_search   IN  hr.employees.last_name%TYPE
                                             ,p_first_name_search  IN  hr.employees.first_name%TYPE
                                             ,p_job_id_search      IN  hr.employees.job_id%TYPE
                                             ,pr_emps              OUT emp_curs
                                             ,p_error              OUT VARCHAR2
    END search_app;
    create or replace package body search_app
    PROCEDURE get_employees (p_last_name_search    IN  hr.employees.last_name%TYPE
                                            ,p_first_name_search  IN  hr.employees.first_name%TYPE
                                            ,p_job_id_search      IN  hr.employees.job_id%TYPE
                                            ,pr_emps              OUT emp_curs
                                            ,p_error              OUT VARCHAR2
      v_last_name_search       hr.employees.last_name%TYPE;
      v_first_name_search       hr.employees.first_name%TYPE;
      v_job_id_search             VARCHAR2(100);
      v_error_msg                  VARCHAR2(200);
      OPEN  pr_emps FOR
          SELECT e.last_name
                     ,d.department_name as dept
          FROM hr.employees    e
                  ,hr.departments d
          WHERE (e.first_name LIKE p_first_name_search
                      e.last_name  LIKE p_last_name_search
                       e.job_id     IN   p_job_id_search
          AND    d.department_id = e.department_id;
        p_error := v_error_msg;
       v_error_msg := SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200);
    END get_employees;
    END search_app;
    sho error
    here is the stub I am using to test.
    set serveroutput on size 1000000
    spool search_app_OR.log
      v_first_name_search     hr.employees.first_name%TYPE;
      v_last_name_search      hr.employees.last_name%TYPE;
      v_job_id_search           VARCHAR2(100);
      my_emps                    search_app.emp_curs;
      v_first_name            hr.employees.first_name%TYPE;
      v_last_name             hr.employees.last_name%TYPE;
      v_job_id                  VARCHAR2(100);
      v_salary                   hr.employees.salary%TYPE;
      v_dept_name           hr.departments.department_name%TYPE;
      v_error_msg             VARCHAR2(200);
      v_count                   PLS_INTEGER;
        v_first_name_search := '%';
        v_last_name_search  := 'De%';
    --        v_job_id_search := '%';
        v_job_id_search     := chr(40)||chr(39)||'AD_VP'||chr(39)||','||chr(39)||'SH_CLERK'||chr(39)||chr(41);
         search_app.get_employees(p_last_name_search   => v_last_name_search
                                 ,p_first_name_search  => v_first_name_search
                                 ,p_job_id_search      => v_job_id_search
                                 ,pr_emps              => my_emps
                                 ,p_error              => v_error_msg
            FETCH my_emps INTO v_last_name, v_first_name,v_job_id, v_salary, v_dept_name;
                EXIT when my_emps%NOTFOUND;
            DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('...last_name : '||v_last_name);
            DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('...first_name: '||v_first_name);
            DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('...job_id    : '||v_job_id);
            DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('...salary    : '||v_salary);
            DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('...dept      : '||v_dept_name);
            DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('...error_msg : '||v_error_msg);
         END LOOP;
         v_count := my_emps%ROWCOUNT;
         CLOSE my_emps;
            DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('v_last_name_search : '||v_last_name_search);
            DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('v_first_name_search : '||v_first_name_search);
            DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('v_job_id_search       : '||v_job_id_search);
            DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('num rec fetched      : '||v_count);
           v_error_msg := SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200);
           DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('error: '||v_error_msg);
    spool off
    The results I get are as follows:

    When I OR in the request for get_employees for search parameters, 106 records are returned.

    When I AND in the application, not of records returned is 0. It should return 2 records. Why is it not return all records? Any suggestion on how this procedure should be applied?

    Thank you


    Published by: rxshah on June 8, 2010 12:52 AM


    The problem is that you try to implement a dynamic list in a static SQL statement:

    job_id IN '(''AD_VP'',''SH_CLERK'')'

    It will not work like that.

    Check out these links for some tips:

  • Return only the hits that corresponds to 3 or more keywords in the search string

    I created a Multi context column index that works as expected.

    In my application, I would like to be able to search using the following (or similar) string:

    "man dog cat tree fetch stick."

    And I would like to return only results that contain 3 or more words. That is to say, any result which contained 'man' and 'dog' and 'stick' would be a match, but the results which contained only "fetch" and "dog" wouldn't.

    Can anyone think of a way to create such a feature?

    Thank you very much in advance for your suggestions.


    The "accum" operator (shortened - ",") could help here. Accum is set such that several results are guaranteed to produce a higher score than the terms less. He did this in 'zoning' results - if you do a search of accum for two words, then suddenly will always score in the range 1-50, and and two hits will always be in the range of 51 to 100.

    You can so work with your terms of six search, the result will be something like:
    1 Word hit 1-16
    2 words hit 17-33
    3 words reached 33-50
    4 words hit 51-83
    5 words hit 84-100

    So the search for at least three words is: CONTAINS (col, ' man, dog, cat, stick, tree, look for ") 32 >

    See the complete example below:

    SQL> drop table foo;
    Table dropped.
    SQL> create table foo(bar varchar2(60));
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into foo values ('man dog');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into foo values ('man dog cat');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into foo values ('man dog cat stick');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into foo values ('man dog cat stick tree');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into foo values ('man dog cat stick tree fetch');
    1 row created.
    SQL> create index foobar on foo(bar) indextype is ctxsys.context;
    Index created.
    SQL> select score(0), bar from foo where contains (bar, 'man , dog , cat , stick , tree , fetch', 0) > 0;
      SCORE(0)    BAR
    ----------    ------------------------------------------------------------
         17    man dog
         34    man dog cat
         51    man dog cat stick
         67    man dog cat stick tree
         84    man dog cat stick tree fetch
    SQL> select score(0), bar from foo where contains (bar, 'man , dog , cat , stick , tree , fetch', 0) > 32;
      SCORE(0)    BAR
    ----------    ------------------------------------------------------------
         34    man dog cat
         51    man dog cat stick
         67    man dog cat stick tree
         84    man dog cat stick tree fetch

    Of course you don't know the terms of research beforehand how many there are, in this case, you'll need to do the calculation, or use a lookup table to understand what are the limits of the partition.

  • search string and convert whole real or 8-bit 32 bit

    I was hoping to get some advice on how I could search for the following string and convert it to a real number or an integer.  The following data is output as a device ascii characters and I would look for both in each line (starting with 7699,72 seconds in this case) and convert each one to a real number.  Furthermore, I would like to get the integer values in each row (0, but could be 1,2,10,12, etc.) and convert them to an 8-bit integer.  I think that using the template Match followed by analysis of chain would screw that I need, but am not sure how to match in each case. Thank you!!

    7699,72 0

    7699,74 0

    7699,76 0

    7699,78 0

    What are the characters in the white space between the and the numbers?

    Scan chain can probably not what you want.  Note that in the image space characters include spaces, return carriage, line breaks and tabs.


  • search string in a vi within a llb

    Hi all

    I am looking for a string in a vi / vi within a law degree, I looked online and only the search-for-vi-name is possible. I read on the help files, but I don't really understand what I am supposed to do so can someone please let me know if there is a way to search for a specific string in a vi / vi s inside a llb file. Thank you very much.

    As Anan already pointed out, you can use LabVIEW to enumerate the contents of the LLB, load each VI and VI scripting on it can use to find the channel. Trying to do that on the LLB file directly is completely useless, since on the LabVIEW VI level today uses zlib deflate algorithm to compress most of the regions inside and the LLB also uses some (unless you fancy) compression algorithm to compress each VI resource too.

    And since VI scripting is a unique feature of development, you can not really use this option in a built application.

  • Search string and shorten

    Hi all! I'm kinda new to labview, but I learn right.

    I get a response from a picoammeter in the form of a string that contains the current and then of junk that I subsequently. Every thing is separated by a comma if I want to search the string to the comma and then cut the comma and after that all keeping the data that comes before the comma. I am struggling to find a good way to do it. Someone point me in the right direction? Thank you!

    Use 'match model' in the range of string with a comma as a model, and then use the exit 'before the substring"(the top terminal) for the purpose.

  • Search string in variable


    I'm trying to search for a string in a variable. He works to match the case when the string begins with the word you are looking for. Unfortunately his does not work through the complete chain.

    var title = "Hello World";
    var value = "world";
    var expr = new RegExp(value,'gi');
    if (! {

    Is this a bug in webkit or it is just the wrong way and there is a better?


    Substitute 'research' by 'game' and you're goot to go

  • Searches return only results that have a space before the search string

    [[For example, if I just enter the letter 'h' when you search a folder each of which contains an 'h', I retrieve only those in which the 'h' is preceded by a space, for example I get -A1:29 last part,] high-school, but not -A2:153b.2 three other boys,] don't forget.

    And no, I do not inadvertently enter a space before the "h".

    Ah, I see, it's because the default mode which is performing research is found only at the start of strings, rather than including matches at the breast.  You can use the symbols of a special syntax.  Come in:

    ~ = h

    [Update: apparently special search symbols such as ~ = do not work when no property specific such as the name isn't registered when looking to indexed locations, but do work during the search in unindexed locations.]  [Then, enter the name: ~ = h and not only ~ = h.]

  • Windows Explorer records with NO search string

    Using Win7, can I search for a file name that does NOT contain a certain string?  For example, I did a transfer of large files of a folder system to another and I used the code "777" to indicate reliable files, and «!» 666! "to indicate corrupt files I needed to repair before the so I didn't not lose data (files audacity - .aup and other files as well).  Can I run a search for any file not containing is not the "777" in the name?

    You can use the sign less or the syntax is NOT (NO uppercase are required, lower case will not work).  Work many variations:

    -name: ~ = 777

    NOT the name: ~ = 777

    Name :-(~ = 777)

    [edit: Skip next] name: (NOT ~ = 777)

    [edit: replace above line with] name: NOT (~ = 777)

  • search string that includes spaces, but not a comma

    Hi all

    I search all the records that have one or more spaces, but must not contain a comma.

    Example: in the "Test_Tab", he should seek only 1 form: "onlyspace."

    Database version:


    create table test_tab (col1 varchar2(100));
    insert into test_Tab values ('onlycommma,');
    insert into test_tab values ('onlyspace ');
    insert into test_tab values ('both ,');

    I did it using INSTR like

    select * from test_tab
    where instr(col1,',') = 0 and instr(col1,' ') > 0;

    But I will try to achieve this by using regular expressions. I tried to do the same thing but cannot write to several conditions REGEXP_LIKE.

    Help, please.

    Thanks in advance.



    Hi, Vikram,

    Here's one way:

    SELECT *.

    OF test_tab


    , '^[^,]*\s[^,]*$'



    You could also write this way

    SELECT *.

    OF test_tab


    , '^'      || -Since the beginning of the string

    '[^,]*'  || -0 or more characters, with the exception of commas

    '\s'     || -a white space character

    '[^,]*'  || -0 or more characters, with the exception of commas

    ' $' - at the end of the string



  • Boolean search

    Why can't get John NOT Bob?  It would be a very simple thing.  PSE made a lot of fancy things, I don't see why he can't do it.

    Mind, if possible, support staff doesn't.

    I have a small number of images, about 22 000.  John is my uncle and my father Bob (not that this is important).  There are pictures of two of them together... on holiday, at the level of the swimming hole, a riding truck.  I also have pictures of John just... on a bike, a speech on a Chair.  I want to choose some shots of John only, not both.

    When I do a search of binoculars-tag, I end up with pictures of John.  It's a good thing.

    I want just a way to eliminate those who are also Bob.

    Adobe Photoshop Elements v 14

    You don't need to "Boolean".

    In the Panel on the right tags, put a check mark for John and the other to Bob. Right-click on Bob and choose to exclude from the search, which will show you all files with John without Bob.

    I agree in the "detail search" options should include the criteria "does not contain" or a. NOT. option as well as the. and and .or. operators.

  • Why Search String do not work in the ADF. ?


    I created the application in the ADF with Search Options. Search operation is used for all integer values in this page, but its does not work for string values.

    I don't know why its not able to search for string values.

    My grain of AppModule Code:



    Import model.portfolio.portfolio.view.ResourceViewChildObjImpl;

    Import oracle.jbo.VariableValueManager;

    Import oracle.jbo.ViewCriteria;

    Import oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl;

    Import oracle.jbo.server.ViewLinkImpl;

    Import oracle.jbo.server.ViewObjectImpl;

    public class portfolioappmoduleamimpl extends ApplicationModuleImpl implements {PortfolioAppModuleAM}


    * This is the default constructor (do not remove).


    public PortfolioAppModuleAMImpl() {}


    {} public void applyVCforGlobalSearchPortfolios (String theString)

    ViewObjectImpl vo = getPortfolio1();

    ViewCriteria vc = vo.getViewCriteria("PortfolioVOCriteria");

    System.out.println ("on criteria");

    vc.resetCriteria ();

    VVM VariableValueManager = vc.ensureVariableManager ();

    System.out.println ("on the channel");

    vvm.setVariableValue ("globalSearchString", theString);

    System.out.println ("after String");

    vo.applyViewCriteria (vc, true);

    vo.executeQuery ();


    * All the Getters and setter of all VO and VLs *.


    My query created for criteria:

    ((UPPER (SHORTNAME) AS SUPERIOR (: globalSearchString:))) '%')) OR (UPPER (DESCRIPTION) AS SUPERIOR (: globalSearchString:)) ('%')) AND (PROGRAMMES_COUNT =: globalSearchString) OR (KK_COUNT =: globalSearchString) OR (KPI_KRA_VALUE =: globalSearchString))

    Something more interesting in after creating the view criteria if I try to test this application, its gives me as error msg

    "Cannot complete the request to determine the display attributes.  The query is invalid or timeout occurs.  Please review the application or manually create the display attributes.

    "com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: you have an error in your syntax SQL; consult the manual for your version of the MySQL server for the right syntax to use near ': globalSearchString | '%')) GOLD (SUPERIOR (QRSLT.) DESCRIPTION) AS SUPERIOR (: globalSe' at line 1 ")

    I n don't know why... Can someone help me please?

    IM using Jdev 12 c

    It seems that its known issues with MYSQL...

    Here's the URL for that

    filter table ADF

Maybe you are looking for