Cannot configure listener APEX Access 2.0.1 - 404 - Not Found


Fist of all I use:

Apex 2.0.1 on D:\listener listener
Apex 4.2
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition on C:\
Windows 7 x 64
Oracle 11g r2

I have deployed listener APEX 2.0.1 on GlassFish Server Open Source Edition successfully, but I can't access apex / http://hmarquez-lap:8090 / listenerConfigure. It returns a 404 not found error.
Also I can not access /listenerStatus

I followed the steps to deploy the earpiece of the apex on glassfish OracleDoc
I double checked properly, I created under default config-> Security-> file managerlistener on the list of the Manager of group and adminlistener on the list of the Admin group
The role of main default mapping is checked in the default configuration

I don't know if this has to do with any file in the directory or the config, it's configuration:

After running generate-jvm-report on console glassfish (asadmin.bat) = SUN_STANDARD
Sun.JNU.Encoding = Cp1252
Sun.Management.Compiler = levels of HotSpot 64-bit Com
Sun.OS.patch.Level = Service Pack 1 = en
User.dir = C:\glassfish3\glassfish\domains\domain1\
User.Home = C:\Users\hmarquez
User.language = en
User.Name = hmarquez
User.TimeZone = America/Mexico_City
User.Variant =
Web.Home = C:\glassfish3\glassfish\modules\web

C:\Users\hmarquez > echo %UserProfile%

C:\Users\hmarquez > echo folder

Where the Summit-config. XML?
Y at - it a tutorial to configure manually apex/WEB-INF/web.xml

I see this param in apex/WEB-INF/web.xml, but I have not found how to configure
config.dir < param-name > < / param-name >
<!-enter the location where the configuration of parameters to be stored-->
C:\apex < param-value > < / param-value >

Thanks in advance

Published by: 996127 on April 3, 2013 15:22

996127 wrote:

In fact, I followed the tutorial you mentioned to deploy the earpiece of the APEX. And I wanted to access listenerConfigure, because after I deployed to glassfish with success I can work with APEX

The page listenerConfigure does not exist with APEX listener 2.0.

You must either configure the jar before you deploy on Glassfish or use the interface configuration of SQL Developer - I've always used the pot without problem configuration.

Tags: Database

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    Here's the code I'm using to test things so far.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I've been spinning my wheels on that for too long already.

    using System;

    using System.Collections.Generic;

    using System.IO;

    using System.Linq;

    using System.Net.Http;

    using System.Net.Http.Headers;

    using System.Text;

    using System.Threading.Tasks;

    namespace Ivezt.Documents {}

    public class AdobeDCREST {}

    < Summary >

    A static variable that is defined by an initial call to GetBaseURIs() and used for all API calls later.

    < / Summary >

    Private Shared ReadOnly Property SERVICES_BASE_URL as string = string. Empty;

    < Summary >

    The end point of API to use.  This aspect will have to be changed if Adobe is moving to a new version of the API and we update this

    the code to use this new version.

    < / Summary >

    Private Shared ReadOnly Property API_URL as string = "api/rest/v5 /";

    < Summary >

    This BaseUrl is passed to the constructor and used to make a call to GetBaseURIs().

    < / Summary >

    private string m_strBaseUrl = string. Empty;

    < Summary >

    The IntegrationKey is passed to the constructor and must be added to the header of each API request.

    < / Summary >

    private string m_strIntegrationKey = string. Empty;

    public AdobeDCREST (string strBaseUrl, string strIntegrationKey) {}

    m_strBaseUrl = strBaseUrl;

    m_strIntegrationKey = strIntegrationKey;


    private HttpClient GetDefaultClient() {}

    HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

    Add an Accept header for JSON format.

    customer. () DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add

    (new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

    Add the access token

    customer. DefaultRequestHeaders.Add ("Access token", m_strIntegrationKey);

    customer feedback;


    private HttpClient GetClient() {}

    If we have not yet the SERVICES_BASE_URL, then we must do a GetBaseURIs call

    If (SERVICES_BASE_URL. Length == 0) {}

    HttpClient baseClient = GetDefaultClient();

    Use the BaseUrl passed to the constructor

    baseClient.BaseAddress = new Uri (m_strBaseUrl);

    URI BaseURIs_Response = GetBaseURIs (baseClient);

    SERVICES_BASE_URL = string. Format ("{0} {1}", uris.api_access_point, API_URL);

    baseClient.Dispose ();


    If (SERVICES_BASE_URL. Length == 0)

    throw new Exception ("failed to retrieve Adobe Document cloud Base URI");

    HttpClient client = GetDefaultClient();

    customer. BaseAddress = new Uri (SERVICES_BASE_URL).

    customer feedback;


    public BaseURIs_Response GetBaseURIs(HttpClient client) {}

    Call base_uris

    HttpResponseMessage response = client. GetAsync ("base_uris"). Result;  Call blocking!

    If (answer. IsSuccessStatusCode) {}

    Analyze the response body. Blocking!

    answer back (BaseURIs_Response). Content.ReadAsAsync (typeof (BaseURIs_Response)). Result;


    else {}

    throw new Exception (string. Format ("{0} ({1})", (int) response. ") StatusCode, response. ReasonPhrase));



    public TransientDocument_Response PostTransientDocuments (string strFilePath) {}

    Call transientDocuments

    Content the HttpContent = new StreamContent (new FileStream (strFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read));

    content. Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/pdf");

    content. Headers.ContentDisposition = new ContentDispositionHeaderValue("form-data") {}

    Name = "file."

    FileName = 'Template.pdf.


    HttpClient client = GetClient();

    HttpResponseMessage response = client. PostAsync ("transientDocuments", content). Result;  Call blocking!

    If (answer. IsSuccessStatusCode) {}

    Analyze the response body. Blocking!

    answer back (TransientDocument_Response). Content.ReadAsAsync (typeof (TransientDocument_Respons e)). Result;


    else {}

    throw new Exception (string. Format ("{0} ({1})", (int) response. ") StatusCode, response. ReasonPhrase));




    public class BaseURIs_Response {}

    public string web_access_point {get; set ;}}

    public string api_access_point {get; set ;}}


    public class TransientDocument_Response {}

    public string transientDocumentId {get; set ;}}



    I think I found my problem.  I was not a multi-part post form data.  Once I changed this, everything worked as expected.  Here is an updated version of the PostTransientDocuments() method that works:

    public TransientDocument_Response PostTransientDocuments (string strFilePath) {}

    Call transientDocuments

    using (var = {GetClient() customer)}

    using (var content = new MultipartFormDataContent()) {}

    var multiplesContent = new StreamContent (new FileStream (strFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read));

    fileContent.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/pdf");

    fileContent.Headers.ContentDisposition = new ContentDispositionHeaderValue("form-data") {}

    Name = "file."

    FileName = 'Template.pdf.


    content. Add (FileContent);

    HttpResponseMessage response = client. PostAsync ("transientDocuments", content). Result;  Call blocking!

    If (answer. IsSuccessStatusCode) {}

    Analyze the response body. Blocking!

    answer back (TransientDocument_Response). Content.ReadAsAsync (typeof (TransientDocument_Respons e)). Result;


    else {}

    throw new Exception (string. Format ("{0} ({1})", (int) response. ") StatusCode, response. ReasonPhrase));





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    I tried to get the apex running on glassfish, I tried deployment ORDS3 to market. The deployment of ords3 gave no problem, it is successfully connected to the database and configured the users affected, but whenever I try to access apex, I get an error 404-not found .

    Research on the Glassfish server log file gives this error whenever I refresh the page

    The pool named: apex_pu is not properly configured, error: not a valid Cache active DataSource or connection caching disabled

    And gives the same errorfor the named apex_al and apex pools

    I checked the file defaults.xml and the content seems OK, host, port, and sid are all correctly defined. The face that I could set up ords3 correctly (must connect to the database with SYS) shows the connection to the database. The passwords for the users of four (APEX_PUBLIC_USER, APEX_LISTENER, APEX_REST_PUBLIC_USER and ORDS_PUBLIC_USER) are all set correctly, none of these users is locked or expired password.

    Definition of debugging on and displayed on the screen are the following below the 404 message

    mapped using the request: / * to: PLSQL:apex

    Did not find any dispatcher to manage demand:


    org.glassfish.web.RequestFacadeHelper = org.apache.catalina.core.RequestFacadeHelper@12c59b7c

    nanoStart = 1436890023283

    apex.diagnostic.Context = attempt to treat it as a Service that can be distributed

    Main-ECID = ECIDPrincipal [ecid = 45dyLNyQxd4uJdTxKkefYg...]

    Oracle.DBTools.http.ECID = c0tz58LbxdehVOK8u30zbw...

    oracle.dbtools.common.di.Services = Scope Request

    I'm under glassfish on Linux on a database of 12 c (on a separate Linux, Apex 4.2)

    I use the oracle instant client to connect.

    Using Glassfish 4.1

    And JDK 1.7.79 (I spent 1.8 because of this)

    GlassFish is running as root (recommended/not desirable), but all the configuration files affected are owned by the same user

    What comes to mind is something to do with permissions, or something to do with java/jdk, but I can't do the problem.

    Can someone give me an idea what could be the problem?

    With regard to the Ferrari.

    Solved... Somehow.

    When you have eliminated the impossible, what remains, however improbable, must be the truth!

    I have created another domain of glassfish, deployed the exact same .war, with the exact same defaults.xml file... and it worked. It seems that the glassfish domain (default domain?) had a form of problem.


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    I tried to get the apex running on glassfish, I tried deployment ORDS3 to market. The deployment of ords3 gave no problem, it is successfully connected to the database and configured the users affected, but whenever I try to access apex, I get an error 404-not found .

    Research on the Glassfish server log file gives this error whenever I refresh the page

    The pool named: apex_pu is not properly configured, error: not a valid Cache active DataSource or connection caching disabled

    And gives the same errorfor the named apex_al and apex pools

    I checked the file defaults.xml and the content seems OK, host, port, and sid are all correctly defined. The face that I could set up ords3 correctly (must connect to the database with SYS) shows the connection to the database. The passwords for the users of four (APEX_PUBLIC_USER, APEX_LISTENER, APEX_REST_PUBLIC_USER and ORDS_PUBLIC_USER) are all set correctly, none of these users is locked or expired password.

    Definition of debugging on and displayed on the screen are the following below the 404 message

    mapped using the request: / * to: PLSQL:apex

    Did not find any dispatcher to manage demand:


    org.glassfish.web.RequestFacadeHelper = org.apache.catalina.core.RequestFacadeHelper@12c59b7c

    nanoStart = 1436890023283

    apex.diagnostic.Context = attempt to treat it as a Service that can be distributed

    Main-ECID = ECIDPrincipal [ecid = 45dyLNyQxd4uJdTxKkefYg...]

    Oracle.DBTools.http.ECID = c0tz58LbxdehVOK8u30zbw...

    oracle.dbtools.common.di.Services = Scope Request

    I'm under glassfish on Linux on a database of 12 c (on a separate Linux, Apex 4.2)

    I use the oracle instant client to connect.

    Using Glassfish 4.1

    And JDK 1.7.79 (I spent 1.8 because of this)

    GlassFish is running as root (recommended/not desirable), but all the configuration files affected are owned by the same user

    What comes to mind is something to do with permissions, or something to do with java/jdk, but I can't do the problem.

    Can someone give me an idea what could be the problem?

    With regard to the Ferrari.

    Solved... Somehow.

    When you have eliminated the impossible, what remains, however improbable, must be the truth!

    I have created another domain of glassfish, deployed the exact same .war, with the exact same defaults.xml file... and it worked. It seems that the glassfish domain (default domain?) had a form of problem.


  • Error 404 - not found listenerConfigure but not with the apex page


    I just installed the listener APEX 2.0.1 as a stand-alone installation.
    I don't use EPG.

    I get the error 404 - Not Found When I pass in my browser the url:

    http:// < My Server >: 7777/apex/listenerConfigure

    but I have the correct application page when I get home:

    http:// < My Server >: 7777/apex

    Does anyone have an idea about goes wrong with that?

    Kind regards.


    http:// : 7777/apex/listenerConfigure

    This URL does not exist for APEX listener 2.0.1 because the web configuration interface has been removed with 2.0. There was improvements to the command line interface to configure the listener of the APEX and there is a new interface, you can use with SQL Developer since 3.2 (current version 3.2.2 is recommended).

    Always take a glance the documentation that matches the version of software you are using. In your case, it would be the [url]APEX earphone 2 Installation and Configuration Guide.


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    I tried to export and import the page with no luck.  The import/export process works successfully; However, I get the same error on the new exported page.

    I can edit the page and the rest of the application is operational - I can not simply run the page without receiving the "Not found" error

    I use the Oracle database.  I use thepl/sql gateway to connect to the APEX.

    I looked at many articles from forum, but nothing seems to be due to my problem.

    It seems that the key generated on the URL is damaged:

    http://localhost:8585/apex/f? p = 101:3:1337553032969279:NO:

    If I remove the 1337553032969279:NO: URL, the login page is running successfully, but a time Oracle tries to access the page it adds the BACKSPACE on the URL and I get the message "not found".

    The keys for the other pages of the DBMS work very well. Only, I have a problem with this page.


    You get this error when you run the APEX page?

    Can you import your application to or reproduce the HTTP 404 not found error?

    If you share the developer connection information in the workspace, I can try to take a look at what could be the problem.

    Kind regards


  • 404 not found error while accessing em


    I have installed SOA in my machine with the following configurations.

    DB: Oracle XE


    Weblogc: wls1035_oepe111172_win32


    I'm able to start Admin Server and server run without any problems, but when I connect in em, it gives me an error

    Error 404 - not found

    Of RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP/1.1:

    Server not found anything matching the request URI. No indication is given whether the condition is temporary or permanent.

    If the server does not wish to make this information available to the client, the status code 403 (refused) can be used instead. The 410 (Gone) status code SHOULD be used if the server knows, through a configurable mechanism, that an old resource is permanently unavailable and has no forwarding address.

    I don't think that it's a browser problem as I tried to access em in different browsers.  Please suggest if there is no configuration that I need to look?

    Thank you and best regards,


    The name of the company nursery service is em that you can find under deployment in weblogic console. Its status must be active and ok.

    Have you tried that



  • Why 404 not found continue to flock to the top whenever I try to access my yahoo email?

    Email account every time I try to access my yahoo 404 not found is displayed, it indicates the requested/dc/launch URL was not found on this server, and I don't know how to solve this problem, so I can't get into my email account yahoo what happens with that, and what must be done to stop it?


    · You use Internet explorer to access webmail?

    · What version of internet explore on your computer?

    · Do you remember all the recent changes on the computer before the show?

    · What is the service pack installed?

    · This behavior occurs only with this particular Web site?

    If you use Internet explorer, explore on your computer, and then try the steps listed in the link below: try the steps listed in the link below and check if this can help: in Internet Explorer 8 and Internet Explorer 9, you can not access your Webmail:

    See also: help with errors (HTTP error) Web site:

  • APEX 5.01 ADR 3.0.1 error 404 not found ordsapex_admin. All the steps done installations, ADR started with SQLDeveloper.

    Newbie, Dan:

    Chrome after http://localhost: 8080/apex/apex_admin "error HTTP 404 problem access/ordsapex_admin. reason: not found".

    Installation steps:


    @apxrtins.sql SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP/i /;




    Hi adamar,.

    Adamar wrote:

    Chrome after http://localhost: 8080/apex/apex_admin "error HTTP 404 problem access/ordsapex_admin. reason: not found".

    Installation steps:


    @apxrtins.sql SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP/i /;

    First of all what you have installed 'Runtime Environment' for Oracle APEX 5.0 and 'Runtime Environment' has no GUI as in "Development Environment". 'Runtime environment' has GUI access only for applications deployed in it.


    You need to convert "Runtime Environment" to "Development Environment".


    Are you using the correct installation procedure Oracle APEX and configuration ADR?


    Second thing : when you use Oracle REST Data Services like Web listener option, there is no /apex but /ords. So, your connection APEX links will be:

    Third thing : on 404 - when setting up ADR 3.0 have you skipped configuration "PL/SQL gateway '? (This step refers to the configuration of Oracle APEX with ADR (APEX_PUBLIC_USER configuration) which is required for the operation of Oracle APEX with ADR)?

    Otherwise, you will run into the following error message:

    Also open your "ords." folder and run the "readme.html" file in a browser and go to the section "404 errors when Oracle configuration REMAINS Data Services" on the causes of 404.

    Finally , go through the following threads on the Oracle APEX installation and configuration ADR where talked to errors of detail in the course of setting up ADR and the means to solve them:

    Kind regards


  • Any time I try to access the web site GOOGLE, this message 404 not found (nginx)

    Any time I try to access the web site GOOGLE, this message appears.

    Any suggestions as to what is the cause and what is the fix.

    Thank you

    Hi LindaPhillion,

    1. Did you the latest changes on the computer?
    2. What web browser do you use?
    3. Are you having similar issue with any other search engine?

    You will usually receive this error when Internet Explorer is able to connect to the website, but the webpage cannot be found. This error is sometimes caused because the webpage is temporarily unavailable or that the Web page has been removed.

    Get help with the Web site (HTTP error) error messages.

    Note: Above article also applies to Windows XP.

    Note: Try the step only if you are using the web browser Internet explorer below.

    Refer to the article below and try the steps mentioned, check if it helps.

    How to optimize Internet Explorer

  • Unable to access WSDL on Instance of Fusion demo... 404 not found

    Is the path of Service of Webservice seen in this YouTube video training :

    and here is the WSDL I see to this endpoint:

    Screen Shot 2014-11-10 at 10.07.04 AM.png

    I'm trying to access the URL on my instance of merge path service and here is what I see:

    Screen Shot 2014-11-10 at 10.06.56 AM.png

    Are there additional configuration that must be done on the instance to allow access to objects FA Webservices?

    If the answer is "Yes" - could you please point me to the documentation for the same thing.

    Thanks in advance to 1 million!

    See you soon,.


    Post edited by: 2790891 fixed endpoint URL

    For Cloud environments no MS Access is available.

    This document explains how to derive the end points:

    Hope this helps,


    Fusion applications Developer Relations

  • When I try to access Google I get a not found message "404" this never happened before

    Same thing with 'Bling '.

    Hi Jim,.

    ·         The question is limited to Bing and Google?

    ·         Do you use Internet Explorer to browse the internet?

    ·         Other sites work well?

    ·         It happens every time you access these Web sites?

    Check to see if this article helps you.

    Can't access some Web sites in Internet Explorer

  • Once the site is opened cannot be selected or product-Yahoo 404 not found page to order, the page loads, I can watch all the photos in their respective categories, but as soon as I click on a specific product to choose the details he suddenly takes me to a page that says "Oops, sorry, the page you are looking for is not found on Yahoo! Search.
    Display related results for: & nrd = 1 & fr = slv404-tyc.
    Is it a problem to yahoo? I don't seem to get all the answers from them either. Thanks for you help with anything that can give me.

    Do you get this problem with another browser?

  • Error message 404 not found nginx is displayed when I try to access you tube or google search

    When I try to visit Google, Youtube and other sites I get this 404 not found, nginx page rather than the requested Web sites.


    • What browser do you use?
    HTTP errors are sent to your browser from a Web site, if a problem occurs when you try to view a Web page. If unable to view the Web page, Internet Explorer displays the error page sent by the Web site or a friendly error message built into Internet Explorer. Below you will find some errors and ideas on how to solve the problem which is originally common.
    See also:
    Note: This article assumes also on Windows XP
    If you use Internet explorer, you can check this link:
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    Computer brand/model?

    Have you tried to uninstall/reinstall the software?

    Adobe Premiere Pro returns an error during startup, which indicates that it can not find capable video game modules.

    Right-click on the program icon > select Properties

    Click on the Compatibility tab

    Select Windows 2008 Server (Service Pack 1)

    Select run as administrator

    Click on apply, Ok

    See Solution on this thread:

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