Centro desktop doesn't install it to the previous thread palm desktop and cannot uninstall old version

The Centro CD installs access desktop Palm Centro
desktop computer - it stops and says that I have to uninstall existing Palm desktop as it will not be to level the previous version.

Problem is, I can't install off Sony palm desktop. It's in c:\program
files, but not displayed in Control Panel / Add Remove prgrams. has no
allow revo uninstall it.

I tried to plug just in the Centro but windows might find usb drivers
(no doubt)

So I'm a little stuck. Help!

It was the next step.

I just needed to know what was the operating system of the PC and the version of Palm desktop so I could tell you where to get the correct files.

Here is some info. For you.

Click on the following link to the support page for your device on the kb.palm.com Web page.

There are links on the page the user Troubleshooting Guide, how to, downloads, etc.

The best way to protect your data is to export the data in each category of Palm Desktop in a separate folder on your PC.

Create a new folder on your PC somewhere that suits. Name it something like Palm Desktop data. Click on the link below and follow the instructions on this page for the export procedure.


Make sure you only select everything for the beach in the export window.

With the data stored in the created folder, make a copy of this file and save it on a USB key, cd - rw or external hard drive.

Whenever you change in Palm Desktop, export the data that has been changed in this file and save again to external media.

With this process you can always import the data in Palm Desktop, whenever you have a problem with the data in Palm Desktop, or if your computer/hard drive/device crash.

Message relates to: Palm i705

Tags: HP Tablets

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