Change stacklayout to gridlayout in the listview

How can I change to battery/grid listview layout? Or how a list replacing with lines from the list of tiles? Can anyone help? Thank you!

Thanks for the inspiration!

I did this way:

Page {
    ListView {
        id: listView
        layout: (mainPage.listviewLayout == "stack") ? stackListLayout : gridListLayout
    attachedObjects: [
            GridListLayout {
                id: gridListLayout
                headerMode: ListHeaderMode.None
            StackListLayout {
                id: stackListLayout
                headerMode: ListHeaderMode.None
    actions: [
            ActionItem {
                title: "Change layout"
                onTriggered: {
                    if (mainPage.listviewLayout == "stack") {
                        mainPage.listviewLayout = "grid";
                        listView.layout = gridListLayout;
                    } else {
                        mainPage.listviewLayout = "stack";
                        listView.layout = stackListLayout;

    property string listviewLayout: "stack"

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    I know this question has been asked several times, but I have yet to find anything satisfactory.

    I have a ListView, filled with a QListDataModel.

    After some time I update an element of the model. So far, the only way I found to the ListView so that this change is to delete the model and then reappend all elements. But the problem with this approach is that ListView Flash and scroll to the top of the page. Is there anything better to just say ListView that it should update the visible elements?

    Thank you

    Well, I just signal myself in the WRITE method and it works.

  • Change the image, click the Listview item

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    I want to change the image of the listview element. When I touch on the element of the list the image is modified and after leave the key event the modified image remains same. Please solve my problem.

    Thank you & best regards


    remove the other part of the setHighlight function. This means that when you leave the touch, the other party will not perform.

    Press on as if that solves your problem.

  • How to change the layout of the listview in javascript?

    I need show listview two different data schemas.

    can I change the listview.layout of js?

    my code is like this:

    {Page 1

    function aaa (type) {}


    listschema = StackListLayout (); new StackListLayout();

    on the other

    listschema = new GridListLayout();

    listschema.cellAspectRatio = 3 / 4;

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    listschema.verticalCellSpacing = 5;
    listschema.columnCount = 2;


    {page 2

    property alias listschema lista.layout


    ListView {...}



    Thank you...


    You can set the layout for the listview dynamically from javascript by doing like this.

    Page {
        Container {
            ListView {
                id: listview
                dataModel: GroupDataModel {
                    grouping: ItemGrouping.None
                /*layout: StackListLayout {
                    orientation: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight
                listItemComponents: [
                    ListItemComponent {
                        type: "item"
                        Container {
                            id: cont
                            preferredWidth: 500
                            preferredHeight: 100
                            background: Color.Gray
                            Label {
                                text: ListItemData.title
                            Label {
                                text: ListItemData.description
                onTriggered: {
                    console.debug("listview triggered");
                onCreationCompleted: {
                    listview.layout = layout
        attachedObjects: [
            /*StackListLayout {
                orientation: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight
            GridListLayout {
                id: layout
                columnCount: 2

    Kind regards

    Naresh Kodumuri.

  • ListView, title change to header based on the stored value.


    I'm new to native development, always trying to get a hang of how things are done in QML. I was wondering how it was possible to format the header in the ListView based on the value of the header. For example, the datamodel is sorted by name and status. Status is stored as an integer 0,1,2,3,4,5 in the database. Whenever the ListView displays the headers, I want to show the actual title of the State (for example in progress, completed) instead of display 0 or 1.

    Thank you for your help.

    If... else if... else must have worked well, please send your code.

  • changing value of text with the cursor

    Hi you all

    I need a help from your side

    I have created a slider and change the size of the listview text with the cursor

    Here is my code

     Slider {
                           id: slider
                            fromValue: 8.0
                            toValue: 16.0
                            value: 8.0
                            layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                                spaceQuota: 0.1
                            preferredWidth: 200.0
                            maxWidth: 250.0
                            preferredHeight: 20.0
                            visible: true
                            enabled: false
                            horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                   onImmediateValueChanged: {
    // descriptionText is the id of label
              descriptionText.textStyle.fontSize = FontSize.PointValue
               descriptionText.textStyle.fontSizeValue = immediateValue
    i am adding data to listview using remote source
      Container {
                id: listviewContainer
                layout: StackLayout {
                ListView {
                    id: myListView1
                    dataModel: dataModel1
                    //  source: "asset:///models/xmldata.xml"
                    //      }
                    // Use a ListItemComponent to determine which property in the
                    // data model is displayed for each list item
                    listItemComponents: [
                        ListItemComponent {
                            type: "item"
                            Container {
                                rightPadding: 20
                                leftPadding: 20
                                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
                                layout: StackLayout {
                                    orientation: LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom
                                Container {
                                    topPadding: 40
                                    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                                    layout: DockLayout {
                                    // The Item content container
                                    Container {
                                        verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Top
                                        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Right
                                        layout: StackLayout {
                                            orientation: LayoutOrientation.RightToLeft
                                // Description text label
                                Label {
                                    id: descriptionText
                               //     objectName: descriptionText
                                    //  leftMargin: 20
                                    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Right
                                    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Top
                                    text : ListItemData.des
                                    textStyle.color: Color.create("#868686")
                                    textStyle.textAlign: TextAlign.Justify
                                    multiline: true
                                    textFormat: TextFormat.Plain
                                    textStyle.fontSizeValue: 8.0
        attachedObjects: [
            GroupDataModel {
                id: dataModel1
                // Sort the data in the data model by the "pubDate" field, in
                // descending order, without any automatic grouping
                sortingKeys: [ "date" ] //[ "pubDate" ]
                sortedAscending: false
                grouping: ItemGrouping.None
            DataSource {
                id: dataSource1
                objectName: ""
                // Load the XML data from a remote data source, specifying that the
                // "item" data items should be loaded
                query: "/news/property/"
                type: DataSourceType.Xml
                onDataLoaded: {
                    // After the data is loaded, clear any existing items in the data
                    // model and populate it with the new data
                    //      dataModel.insert(data)
    // in the end i am calling on creating complete
    onCreationCompleted: {
            // When the top-level Page is created, direct the data source to start
            // loading data

    problem I am facing is, it does not find the descriptionText variable, which is the id of the label

    can someone help?

    OK, the problem is that listItemComponents attached to a control, such as ListView have their own context. ListItemComponent documentation refers to what I think. If you must do the following:

    1. do you have a property that is defined as an attribute of the ListView

    2 bind your fontSizeValue to listItemComponent tag to the ListView. Note, however, to do this, you need to get a reference to the ListView using your label ListItem.view is found in the container. Not obvious, I know.

    3. do you have your cursor to update the property you have defined for the ListView.

    Cursor---> p_font_size ListView property<---------->

    Like this:

    {To ListView
    ID: myListView1
    property real p_font_size: 10


    type: 'point '.
    ID: sample

    {Of container
    ID: mainListViewContainer

    ID: descriptionText

    textStyle.fontSize: FontSize.PointValue
    textStyle.fontSizeValue: mainListViewContainer.ListItem.view.p_font_size


    and elsewhere on your page

    Slider {}
    ID: slider

    fromValue: 8.0
    toValue: 16.0
    value: 8.0
    layoutProperties: {StackLayoutProperties}
    spaceQuota: 0.1
    preferredWidth: 200.0
    maxWidth: 250,0
    preferredHeight: 20.0
    visible: true
    enabled: true
    horizontalAlignment: P

    onImmediateValueChanged: {}
    myListView1.p_font_size = immediateValue

    I test it and it works. Please make this response as the solution if it works for you too :-)

  • To access the values from the row outside the ListView ListItem


    I spent two hours browsing the forums and documentation with no chance of finding a solution on how to access the list item data from outside the listview.

    Let explain me my code. It is marked with I work and what does not work and its expected behavior.

    Should work behavior

    Tapping & getting data

    The arrayDataModel is filled with 4 rows. Firstly the list item, second item in the list... etc.

    • Tapping on the order of the day, label with the id of triggeredText displays the value of a threaded list item.
    • The index of the tapped icon appears in the label with the id of triggerredIndex.

    Incrementing Index using ActionItems onBar

    By pressing action items 'previous' and 'next', you can increment the index value to the label with the id of triggeredIndex. The order of the index is 0-4, even as total of the items in the list.

    How to extract data from the index when the value of triggeredIndex?


    The buttons at the bottom of the screen... Select 1, select the 2nd, 3rd Select should select indexes 0,1,2 of the list and display the value in triggeredText and triggeredIndex. They do not work.

    How did I pull the values when you click the buttons?

    import bb.cascades 1.3
    TabbedPane {
        id: root
        showTabsOnActionBar: false
        Tab {
            id: mainTab
            title: "Test List"
                Page {
                    id: mainPage
                    titleBar: TitleBar {
                        title: "List Traversal Test"
                    actions: [
                        ActionItem {
                            title: "Previous"
                            ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.OnBar
                            onTriggered: {
                                // get current selected index from list=
                                var currentIndex = parseInt(triggeredIndex.text);
                                if(currentIndex <= 0){
                                    //do nothing already at first item
                                    // subtract 1 from index ( ci - 1) ?
                                    var newIndex = parseInt(triggeredIndex.text) - 1;
                                    // show data from new selected index
                                    // ???
                                    // triggeredItem.text = XXX // the data
                                    // ???
                                    // triggeredIndex.text = X // the current index
                                    triggeredIndex.text = newIndex;
                        ActionItem {
                            title: "Next"
                            ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.OnBar
                            onTriggered: {
                                // get current selected index from list=
                                var currentIndex = parseInt(triggeredIndex.text);
                                if(currentIndex == 4){
                                    //do nothing already at lastitem
                                // add 1 to index ( ci + 1) ?
                                var newIndex = parseInt(triggeredIndex.text) + 1
                                // show data from new selected index
                                // ???
                                // triggeredItem.text = XXX // the data
                                // ???
                                // triggeredIndex.text = X // the current index
                                triggeredIndex.text = newIndex;
                        ActionItem {
                            title: "Clear"
                            ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.OnBar
                            onTriggered: {
                                // set current index to 0 (top item in list)
                    Container {
                        preferredHeight: maxHeight
                        layout: StackLayout {
                            orientation: LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom
                            id: triggeredItem      // value of listitem from current index
                            text: "0"
                            id: triggeredIndex    // current index
                            text: "0"
                            onTextChanged: {
                                // set triggeredItem.text to contents of selected ListItem with same index
                                // STUCK HERE cannot access ListItem.dataModel(indexPath) from here....
                            ListView {
                                id: theList
                                objectName: "dalist"
                                dataModel: ArrayDataModel {
                                    id: theListModel
                                listItemComponents: ListItemComponent {
                                    StandardListItem {
                                        id: itemRoot
                                        title: ListItemData
                                onTriggered: {
                                    var si =;
                                    triggeredItem.text = "LIST ITEM CONTENT: " + si;  //set content when user taps on item
                                    triggeredIndex.text = "LIST ITEM INDEX INDEX: " + indexPath;  // set index when user taps
                                onSelectionChanged: {
                                onCreationCompleted: {
                                    //add some data to the listview
                                    theListModel.append("First List Item");
                                    theListModel.append("Second List Item");
                                    theListModel.append("Third List Item");
                                    theListModel.append("Fourth List Item");
                            layout: StackLayout {
                                orientation: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight
                            text: "Select 1st"
                            onClicked: {
                            text: "Select 2nd"
                            onClicked: {
                            text: "Select 3rd item"
                            onClicked: {
                                //expected behaviour is to show data from Third List Item
                                // triggeredIndex.text = INDEX 3
                                // triggeredText.text = (DATA FROM THIRD LIST ITEM)
                                // THIS IS NOT WORKING ....
                                triggeredItem.text = theListModel.dataModel(3);

    Thank you and have a happy and healthy 2015!

    Your help will be greatly appreciated.

    I ran and got this:

    asset:///main.qml:161: TypeError: Result of expression 'theList.dataModel' [bb::cascades::ArrayDataModel(0x1091a838)] is not a function.

    But it works[3])

    But this isn't the solution, you have a more serious problem. You select a value, you trigger. If you add this in onTriggered you select it (and you can see that it changes color when it is selected).;

    If you want to use option to deselect, !theList.isSelected(indexPath));

    And if you want to have that one chose this


    Inside the button 'Select the 3rd point' allows to select programmatically[2]);

    It works but I'm not sure what you're trying to do

  • Scrolling of the ListView in the end does not work

    Hi, when creating completed page, I add items to listview and scrolltoposition (end, smooth) but it does not work. How can I auto-scroll down entering the page?

    It's almost a year, but it was the first match in google for my problem.

    I solved it by changing the orientation of my layout of the ListView and the sort order of my model.

    ListView {
        layout: StackListLayout {
            orientation: LayoutOrientation.BottomToTop
  • How to refresh the Listview after adding a new item


    I have the following list:

     ListView {
                                        id: channelsList
                                        dataModel: categoryModel
                                        listItemComponents: [
                                            ListItemComponent {
                                                type: "item"
                                                StandardListItem {
                                                    title: // Channel name
                                                    imageSource: ListItemData.imageFile
                                                    id: channelItemId
                                                    contextActions: [
                                                        ActionSet {
                                                            //title: contentView.title
                                                            ActionItem {
                                                                title: "Add to Favorites"
                                                                onTriggered: {
                                                                    console.log( + " will be added to the Favorites");
                                                                    //categoryModel.addFavorite(, ListItemData.imageFile,;
                                                                    channelItemId.ListItem.view.viewTriggered(, ListItemData.imageFile,;
                                        onTriggered: {
                                                var chosenChannel =;
                                                console.log("indexPath: " + indexPath);
                                                var playingPage = playpagedef.createObject();
                                                playingPage.chname =;
                                                playingPage.cid =;
                                        attachedObjects: [
                                            // The bucket categoryModel is a non visible object so it is set up as an attached object.
                                            // The categoryModel itself is a QListDataModel defined in categorymodel.h and registered
                                            // as a type in the creation of the application.
                                            CategoryModel {
                                                id: categoryModel
                                                // The path to the JSON file with initial data, this file will be moved to
                                                // the data folder on the first launch of the application (in order to
                                                // be able to get write access).
                                                jsonAssetPath: "models/channels.json"
                                                // The filtering is initially set to "Category 1" to show category channels
                                                filter: label.text
                                            ComponentDefinition {
                                                id: playpagedef
                                                source: "PlayingPage.qml"
                                        function viewTriggered(name, imageFile, id)
                                            categoryModel.addFavorite(name, imageFile, id);

    and the categoeymodel.h is as follows:

    #ifndef _CATEGORYMODEL_H
    #define _CATEGORYMODEL_H
    using namespace bb::data;
    // The category categoryModel is based on the QListDataModel template, which in turn
    // implements the abstract DataModel class.
    typedef bb::cascades::QListDataModel CategoryListModel;
    /* CategoryModel Description:
     * CategoryModel class for the Category List application, the data categoryModel
     * reads and write from a JSON file that keeps all item data
     * for the list.
    class CategoryModel: public CategoryListModel
    Q_PROPERTY(QString filter READ filter WRITE setFilter NOTIFY filterChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(QString jsonAssetPath READ jsonAssetPath WRITE setJsonAssetPath NOTIFY jsonAssetPathChanged)
         * Constructor that sets up the recipe
         * @param parent The parent Container, if not specified, 0 is used
        CategoryModel(QObject *parent = 0);
        QString filter();
        void setFilter(const QString filter);
        QString jsonAssetPath();
        void setJsonAssetPath(const QString jsonAssetPath);
        void filterChanged(QString filter);
        void jsonAssetPathChanged(QString jsonAssetPath);
    public slots:
        void addFavorite(QString channelName, QString channelImageFile, int channelId);
        bool jsonToDataFolder();
        // Property variables
        QString mFilter;
        QString mJsonAssetsPath;
        QString mJsonDataPath;
        // A list containing all data read from the JSON file
        QVariantList mData;
        //Invocation variables
        bb::cascades::Invocation* mInvocation;
    #endif // ifndef _CATEGORYMODEL_H

    My problem is that the listview is not get automatically updated when a new item is added to the datamodel (a favorite channel is added). I have to exit the application and restart to see the updated list.

    categoryModel.addFavorite(name, imageFile, id);

    categoryModel.clear ();

    does not work. I get:

    Asset: / / / hand. QML:180: TypeError: result of expression 'categoryModel.clear' [undefined] is not a function.

    I would like to know how to achieve using approach "more correct".

    QListDataModel does not expose its internal storage directly. It is possible to reconstruct the map by performing an iteration in a loop (with the help of data() and size() methods), the dataModel entries:

    but I don't see how this could help. If the filtered data is changed, it must be merged with the original sort data.

    Why the original approach has not worked?

    I could not understand from the description appearance of the interface user, please post a screenshot if possible.

  • Spacing between the delegates of the listview


    I have this layout on a Page

            ListView {
                id: listView
                dataModel: modelData
                listItemComponents: [
                    ListItemComponent {
                        Container {
                            background: Color.Cyan
                            Label {

    I want to insert a space between each listitem, how can I do this?

    I have created a new model of the ListView project and experimented a bit. The following seems to work:

                ListView {
                    dataModel: XmlDataModel {
                        source: "data.xml"
                    function itemType(data, indexPath) {
                        return "item"
                    listItemComponents: [
                        ListItemComponent {
                            type: "item"
                            Container {
                                topMargin: 50
                                bottomMargin: 50
                                background: Color.Cyan
                                Label {

    Don't forget to return a good itemType, otherwise default ListItemComponent will be used and the changes are not visible.

  • Created in the ListView lost when C++ ListItem custome context reference

    Hi all

    I have a listview that generates a list of the custome listviewItems (ie the containers). Containers have a setContextProperty to my database object. But when they are added to the list view, I can't access the database context property. I realize that the listview is not in the same context as the page but I don't understand why when I bind context for the real item the reference he lost?

    Error: asset:///WorkoutListItem.qml:17: ReferenceError: can't find variable: _Dal


    Container { ListView { id: workoutList horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
     dataModel: _Dal.ListofWorkouts listItemComponents: [ ListItemComponent {  type: "item" WorkoutListItem { workoutId: workoutName: } } ] }//End List }//End root


    Container { id:root property int workoutId: -1 property variant workoutName: ""
     layout: StackLayout { orientation: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight }
     Button { id: workoutDelete text: "Delete" onClicked: { var result = _Dal.DeleteWorkout(root.workoutId) } }
     Label { id: workoutNumberLabel text: root.workoutId }
     Label { id: workoutNameLabel text: root.workoutName }
     Button { id: workoutEdit text: "Edit" onClicked: { //TODO: Open workout page } }}


    QmlDocument *WorkoutListItem = QmlDocument::create("asset:///WorkoutListItem.qml").parent(this);
    WorkoutListItem->setContextProperty("_Dal", dal);

    Thanks in advance for any help



    yourFunction (data) is defined in the ListView itself

    from there, you have access to your context

  • How do I paste into the ListView?

    I have a text field which I would like to get suggestions, which should be above him. For this I need ListView sticking inside, like this:

    the first item so should one just above the text field. When changes to data and ListView is greater that the amount of available space, I want to align at the bottom. How can I do?

    So far, I tried to do this in two ways:

    1. turn the ListView upside (rotationZ: 180) and each ListItem also upside down to make it readable. It works fine, but the shot is reversed (slide upward moves ListView downstairs and vice versa). The screenshot comes from there.

    2. something like this:

    ScrollView {        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill        verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill
        Container {                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill
            layout: DockLayout {}
            ListView {
                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Bottom
                preferredHeight: myModel.content.length * itemHeight

    I had to reverse the data in my data model and call scrollView.scrollToPoint (0, infinite) each time when the changed data. The code was this very complicated and ugly. The problem was that ListView or ScrollView anime oddly when data is modified.

    Is it a normal solution to this?

    Hi, I'm not in front of my computer, but it looks promising. Maybe by setting StackListLayout.orientation I could achieve this. I'll try it soon.

  • Cannot create aliases form container in the listview

    I tabpane wich call page of the listview. If a tab is trigerred the container property will change (as the background) based on the value I initialize in tab pane with alias:

    But I can't create aliases to change the ListView:

    Like this:

     id: page
     property alias color: containerColor.background
          listItemComponents: [
            ListItemComponent {
                type: "item"
                Container {
                  id: containerColor
                  //other code

    What should I do?

    Thank you.

    Unlike ListItemData, ListItem is defined only for top-level ListItemComponent element. I think it should work:

    ListItemComponent {
      type: "listItem"
      Container {    id: topContainer // <----------- added line


    background: topContainer.ListItem.view.getBackgroundColor()
  • How to refresh the listview that is in another function

    Hi all,
    I have a problem with a refreshing of the listview.

    I have 3 features in the application, let's say 'feature A' 'feature B' and 'C'.

    I also have 2 tables and sqlite db (local) .and 1 view their names are 'A table', 'table B' and 'see C.

    View C is like this:

    create view C as

    Select a.oneColumn

    Table has a


    Select b.oneColumn

    Table B b;

    Each function has the main and each of them has listview values from the (local) sqlite DB.

    According to A, I can add new row to the database (line update or delete) and the list is updated with the help of the "ProviderChangeSupport".

    Same thing happens in the function (B) everything is ok so far. But according to C, there also listview. When I delete operation or update functionality or B.

    the listview in C function is not updated.

    I hope you all can easily understand the problem and help me with the solution. Oracle Mobile Application Framework.


    you need to reset a feature - navigating it--you want to ensure the functionality and so refreshes the view. The change of supplier support works in the ClassLoader (feature film) it is issued to. You can use a listener to refresh the controls collection of data used by a list, but it does not work automatically.


  • How to refresh the ListView

    I have try change item in the ListView. But ListView refreshed only after add a new point.
    How can I refresh the ListView?
    My code:
         public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception
         void buildForm(Stage stage)
              BorderPane root = new BorderPane();
              Scene scene = new Scene(root, 800, 650);
              items.add(new SimpleStringProperty("1"));
              items.add(new SimpleStringProperty("Line" + i));
              HBox buttons = new HBox();
              Button buttonChange = new Button("Change");
              buttonChange.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>()
                             public void handle(ActionEvent event)
                                  String value = items.get(0).get();
                                  if(value.length() == 1)
                                  //not refresh
              Button buttonAdd = new Button("Add item");
              buttonAdd.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>()
                             public void handle(ActionEvent event)
                                  items.add(new SimpleStringProperty("Line" + i));
              buttons.getChildren().addAll(buttonChange, buttonAdd);


Maybe you are looking for