Circle of jittering on Rotation

I'm a beginner host, so I apologize if it's under my nose. I had this problem of months back, and after that a lot of Google research, I gave up.

I'm turning a circle imported via an Illustrator file on a blank publication. Its dimensions are 1280 x 960 (4:3) and will be broadcast on our network of closed circuit of buildings that is broadcast in standard definition. I have the settings active square pixel (which suggest all searches).

Everytime I go to turn the circle, it wobbles off the coast of central point a little and it is still not completely 360 degrees around, which is not nothing wrong with working with given design. Any suggestions on how to fix this? I have the feeling that it is something with the settings that is a little off it's what actually disappear the exact axis for a reason any.

Greatly appreciated!

Here's a real way without flaw, stupid enough to do.  This assumes that you are working at 1280 x 960 pixel SQUARES - a pixel aspect ratio of 1.0:

  • Make a 960 x 960 solid
  • Highlight
  • Double-click the ellipse tool

It's a perfectly circular mask on the solid and the anchor point is dead-solid-perfect.  Now, if you want a preview on the edge of the circle, use the effect of the race.  If you want the shot to refrain from cutting the edges, change the property to mask Expand/contract on the parameters of the mask of solid.

And if you try to use AE intuitively - resulting in a 95% failure in AE chance - maybe you should spend a good time here:

After effects CC tutorials | Learn how to use after effects CC

Tags: After Effects

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    Someone at - it a technique it are willing to share?

    Thanks for your help

    • Create a large circle to determine the rotation
    • Create a small circle and place it at the top of the large circle
    • Create the letter T with the text tool and place it inside the small circle
    • Use the alignment tools to center the T in the small circle
    • Select the two layers (T and small circle) and then convert to smart object
    • Press alt-ctrl-t or opt-cmd-t to enter the mode of transformation for duplication
    • move the pivot point at the center of the large circle
    • Place the cursor just next to the small circle, then turn the circle at the location following (use the SHIFT key to constrain in 15 degree increments)
    • Click on the Enter key or return to confirm
    • Hold down the ctrl-alt-t or cmd-opt-t to repeat the rotation, then repeat this step again once and so forth until the small circle is all around the big circle.
    • Change the large circle to taste.

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    Any help would be great, thanks in advance!

    Oh my LORD, what a STUPID question! EVERYONE knows the answer to this except you! You should be ashamed of yourself.

    Now that we have the useless self-flagellation out of the way (all questions must be stupid), there are several ways, actually a lot. And here's one:

    1. turn on smart guides and/or work in tracks mode, so you can see the anchor points and Center points.

    2. draw your circle of perimeter.

    3. draw your first circle of size drill hole centered directly on the anchor of the circle perimeter.

    4. with the selected hole circle, select the Rotate tool.

    5. option-click the center point of the circle perimeter. A rotation dialog box opens.

    6. enter 60 °, then click on copy.

    7. now the copied waiting drill circle is selected. Press command-D four times in a row.

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    See you soon,.


    Call circleF(), passing the obvious parameters:

    function circleF (mc:DisplayObject, centerX:uint, centerY: uint, RADIUS: uint, speed: number) {}
    var t:Timer = new Timer(10,360/speed);
    var circleAnimateF:Function = function (e:TimerEvent) {}
    var angle: Number = speed*Math.PI*t.currentCount/180;
    MC.x = centerX + radius * Math.cos (angle);
    MC.y = centerY + radius * Math.sin (angle);
    t.addEventListener (TimerEvent.TIMER, circleAnimateF);

  • Circular button

    HY there, I found a volume button in JavaFx 2.0 at

    I was wondering if there is an implementation that is already in the JFX 1.8

    You know, I mean a cursor as being "radial" or "circular".

    He would not even think of a circle where the button rotates around.

    I don't have the idea to start with it.

    Thanks for the tips,

    So long



    I could easily port code to JavaFX 8.

    The classes that I post here and one of the download page to check what has changed, you can diff.

    Most of the changes is in the skin class and they host mainly so that the change in the skin and the API behavior between JavaFX 2.0 and 8.

    There is also a correction of syntax for the gradient in the CSS file.

    I have made no other changes to another class and I just put the provided NetBeans project to use the current platform of the JDK on my system (1.8.0_72) and the project could compile and run.

    I have not tested if it works fully well, but at least I can turn the knob with the mouse when you launch the application, then you should check if all sliders work properly.

    Now that said, keep in mind that: it will work not in JDK9 as the API packages and private classes will become inaccessible. the fact that behaviour what API will still not made public did not help either.

    Behavior class

    package fxexperienceplayer;
    import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.behavior.BehaviorBase;
    import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.behavior.KeyBinding;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import javafx.scene.control.Slider;
    import static javafx.scene.input.KeyCode.*;
    import static javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED;
    import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
    * A Behavior for slider that makes it into a circular knob
    * @author Jasper Potts
    public class KnobBehavior extends BehaviorBase {
        protected static final List SLIDER_BINDINGS = new ArrayList();
        static {
            SLIDER_BINDINGS.add(new KeyBinding(TAB, "TraverseNext"));
            SLIDER_BINDINGS.add(new KeyBinding(TAB, "TraversePrevious").shift());
            SLIDER_BINDINGS.add(new KeyBinding(UP, "IncrementValue"));
            SLIDER_BINDINGS.add(new KeyBinding(KP_UP, "IncrementValue"));
            SLIDER_BINDINGS.add(new KeyBinding(DOWN, "DecrementValue"));
            SLIDER_BINDINGS.add(new KeyBinding(KP_DOWN, "DecrementValue"));
            SLIDER_BINDINGS.add(new KeyBinding(LEFT, "TraverseLeft"));
            SLIDER_BINDINGS.add(new KeyBinding(KP_LEFT, "TraverseLeft"));
            SLIDER_BINDINGS.add(new KeyBinding(RIGHT, "TraverseRight"));
            SLIDER_BINDINGS.add(new KeyBinding(KP_RIGHT, "TraverseRight"));
            SLIDER_BINDINGS.add(new KeyBinding(HOME, KEY_RELEASED, "Home"));
            SLIDER_BINDINGS.add(new KeyBinding(END, KEY_RELEASED, "End"));
        private double dragStartX,dragStartY;
        @Override protected void callAction(String name) {
            if ("Home".equals(name)) home();
            else if ("End".equals(name)) end();
            else if ("IncrementValue".equals(name)) incrementValue();
            else if ("DecrementValue".equals(name)) decrementValue();
            else super.callAction(name);
        public KnobBehavior(Slider slider) {
            super(slider, SLIDER_BINDINGS);
    //    @Override protected List createKeyBindings() {
    //        return SLIDER_BINDINGS;
    //    }
        * @param position The position of mouse in 0=min to 1=max range
        public void knobRelease(MouseEvent e, double position) {
            final Slider slider = getControl();
            // detect click rather than drag
            if(Math.abs(e.getX()-dragStartX) < 3 && Math.abs(e.getY()-dragStartY) < 3) {
                slider.adjustValue((position+slider.getMin()) * (slider.getMax()-slider.getMin()));
        * @param position The position of mouse in 0=min to 1=max range
        public void knobPressed(MouseEvent e, double position) {
            // If not already focused, request focus
            final Slider slider = getControl();
            if (!slider.isFocused())  slider.requestFocus();
            dragStartX = e.getX();
            dragStartY = e.getY();
        * @param position The position of mouse in 0=min to 1=max range
        public void knobDragged(MouseEvent e, double position) {
            final Slider slider = getControl();
            slider.adjustValue((position+slider.getMin()) * (slider.getMax()-slider.getMin()));
        void home() {
            final Slider slider = getControl();
        void decrementValue() {
        void end() {
            final Slider slider = getControl();
        void incrementValue() {

    Skin class

    package fxexperienceplayer;
    import java.util.Optional;
    import javafx.event.EventHandler;
    import javafx.scene.control.Slider;
    import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
    import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;
    * A simple knob skin for slider
    * @author Jasper Potts
    public class KnobSkin extends BehaviorSkinBase {
        private double knobRadius;
        private double minAngle = -140;
        private double maxAngle = 140;
        private double dragOffset;
        private StackPane knob;
        private StackPane knobOverlay;
        private StackPane knobDot;
        public KnobSkin(Slider slider) {
            super(slider, new KnobBehavior(slider));
            registerChangeListener(slider.minProperty(), "MIN");
            registerChangeListener(slider.maxProperty(), "MAX");
            registerChangeListener(slider.valueProperty(), "VALUE");
        private void initialize() {
            knob = new StackPane() {
                protected void layoutChildren() {
                    knobDot.setLayoutX((knob.getWidth() - knobDot.getWidth()) / 2);
                    knobDot.setLayoutY(5 + (knobDot.getHeight() / 2));
            knobOverlay = new StackPane();
            knobDot = new StackPane();
            getChildren().setAll(knob, knobOverlay);
            getSkinnable().setOnMousePressed(new EventHandler() {
                public void handle(MouseEvent me) {
                    double dragStart = mouseToValue(me.getX(), me.getY());
                    double zeroOneValue = (getSkinnable().getValue() - getSkinnable().getMin()) / (getSkinnable().getMax() - getSkinnable().getMin());
                    dragOffset = zeroOneValue - dragStart;
                    getBehavior().knobPressed(me, dragStart);
            getSkinnable().setOnMouseReleased(new EventHandler() {
                public void handle(MouseEvent me) {
                    getBehavior().knobRelease(me, mouseToValue(me.getX(), me.getY()));
            getSkinnable().setOnMouseDragged(new EventHandler() {
                public void handle(MouseEvent me) {
                    getBehavior().knobDragged(me, mouseToValue(me.getX(), me.getY()) + dragOffset);
        private double mouseToValue(double mouseX, double mouseY) {
            double cx = getSkinnable().getWidth() / 2;
            double cy = getSkinnable().getHeight() / 2;
            double mouseAngle = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan((mouseY - cy) / (mouseX - cx)));
            double topZeroAngle;
            if (mouseX < cx) {
                topZeroAngle = 90 - mouseAngle;
            } else {
                topZeroAngle = -(90 + mouseAngle);
            double value = 1 - ((topZeroAngle - minAngle) / (maxAngle - minAngle));
            return value;
        protected void handleControlPropertyChanged(String p) {
        void rotateKnob() {
            Slider s = getSkinnable();
            double zeroOneValue = (s.getValue() - s.getMin()) / (s.getMax() - s.getMin());
            double angle = minAngle + ((maxAngle - minAngle) * zeroOneValue);
        private void requestLayout() {
            final Optional slider = Optional.ofNullable((Slider) getNode());
            slider.ifPresent(s -> s.requestLayout());
        protected void layoutChildren(double contentX, double contentY, double contentWidth, double contentHeight) {
            super.layoutChildren(contentX, contentY, contentWidth, contentHeight);
            // calculate the available space
            double x = contentX;
            double y = contentY;
            double w = contentWidth;
            double h = contentHeight;
            double cx = x + (w / 2);
            double cy = y + (h / 2);
            // resize thumb to preferred size
            double knobWidth = knob.prefWidth(-1);
            double knobHeight = knob.prefHeight(-1);
            knobRadius = Math.max(knobWidth, knobHeight) / 2;
            knob.resize(knobWidth, knobHeight);
            knob.setLayoutX(cx - knobRadius);
            knob.setLayoutY(cy - knobRadius);
            knobOverlay.resize(knobWidth, knobHeight);
            knobOverlay.setLayoutX(cx - knobRadius);
            knobOverlay.setLayoutY(cy - knobRadius);
        protected double computeMinWidth(double height, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) {
            return (leftInset + knob.minWidth(-1) + rightInset);
        protected double computeMinHeight(double width, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) {
            return (topInset + knob.minHeight(-1) + bottomInset);
        protected double computePrefWidth(double height, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) {
            return (leftInset + knob.prefWidth(-1) + rightInset);
        protected double computePrefHeight(double width, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) {
            return (topInset + knob.prefHeight(-1) + bottomInset);
        protected double computeMaxWidth(double height, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) {
            return Double.MAX_VALUE;
        protected double computeMaxHeight(double width, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) {
            return Double.MAX_VALUE;

    CSS (fixed the linear gradient towards the end of the file):

    #volume .knobOverlay {
        -fx-background-color: linear-gradient(from 0% 0% to 0% 100%, rgba(255,255,255,0.1) 0%,  rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 100%);
        -fx-background-radius: 500;
        -fx-background-insets: 0;
        -fx-background-image: url("images/volume-highlights.png");
        -fx-background-position: center center;
  • Is it possible to do not include area clipped in a mouseover trigger?

    Having a bit of trouble getting this work. I have an animation which is basically a donut chart and want to have a rollover information box that appears when I drive on each particular corner. The issue I'm having is that every corner is created by circle cutting claw (and rotation) and a div container No matter what I do, the "active" area, a corner will just overlap that of another without some kind of control of this hot area outside excluding the cut area.

    I thought maybe to draw shapes for each hot area separate real wedge, symbols etc., but without the ability to edit the vertices of a rectangle, there is no way to change the shape of rectangle into something workable.

    What are my options, or is it simply impossible on board animate?

    Is it possible to have something other than a rectangle and circle? or a way to only visible area (not cut) as the trigger for the event?

    When you have forms that are not rectangles or squares that you can use either the tag map html with polygons for areas. you will have to do it manually to find the coordinates


    use the SVG edgeCommons plugin.

    Either one works very well.

  • Best way to 'bend' an object

    I have a custom rectangular object, I want to bend along a path of arcing.  My goal is to take 3 of my custom rectangular objects and bend each other along an arc that roughly 1/3 of a circle (~ 120 degrees) and position them so that they form a phase 3, the pie chart of cycle.

    Any suggestions?

    Thank you!


    ... end of the arrow is distorted in the process.  So, I'm looking for a way around this problem...

    You can get past by and get the straigt arrowheads by:

    (1) create three concentric circles: two to form trees of the arrow, the third at least the size to hold the extreme parts of the arrowheads.

    (2) create the shape of the triangular end, like a triangle, to duplicate and train the arrowheads;

    ((3) place 2) while its base extends equal amounts before the circles of the tree at the same horizontal level as the Center;

    ((4) select 3) and the circle outside and copies rotation 120 degrees twice in order to have the three arrows pointing one way;

    (5) remove the outer circle;

    (6) group, select all and reflect a copy horizontally in order to also have the arrows opposite;

    (7) turn the copy to get the gap want between the arrow points;

    (8) select all and Pathfinder > divide;

    (9) remove the parts between the arrow points;

    (10) merge forms forming each double arrows / color / be it;

    (11) rotate the batch to the final direction.

    (9)-10) you can ungroup (enough) or use the direct Selection tool.

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    I have an imac 27 "... on power there is no signal to startap, usb ports are not working and its deadlock with the logo of the Apple with the circle of rotation... Help, please

    Wake the computer to your Apple store or Apple authorized service for the service provider. He probably suffered a hardware failure.

  • Firefox is no longer load any website on my iMac Yosemite 10.10.5 running upward. It was working fine but now it does nothing but show the circle of rotation.

    Help! One day he was working, and the next day he was not. No update, nothing. I deleted and then got a new copy of Mozilla, but it did not.
    All I get is the circle of rotation; no load Web sites.

    Start Firefox in Safe Mode {web link} by holding down the < shift >
    (Mac options)
    key and then from Firefox. Is always the problem?

  • circle of rotation (not connected)

    Since Skype updated to 7.6 something the other day, I was unable to connect. I literally star in the program and it shows just the circle of rotation points, yet gets to the point where I can put in my log in details.

    I went to this since the update with no result. I tried;

    -go back to prgram data and call Login1 login to create a new

    -go back to appdata and call Skype on skype_old

    -modification of firewall settings

    -checking for ports

    -new installation

    -deleting a file temporary db

    -all this even once, but in safe mode with networking

    -Reset my firewall

    -remove records

    and I even left is 3 hours with no result

    I am running on windows 7 64 bit, please someone help it really bugs me.

    OK let me find the problem

    jscript9.dll was not loading and so to fix it I went in the previous updates and uninstall internet explore after a reboot my Skype worked perfectly well and the JavaScript in ie worked perfectly

    For more description, on the uninstall IE go to

  • AppStore does not load just the rotation circle

    AppStore Mac does not load. Just a circle rotation. Any suggestions please?

    Hi DarkHuntress,

    I see that your Mac has problems with the connection to the Mac App Store.  For assistance with this issue, I would like you to please follow the steps in troubleshooting provided in the link below.

    If you cannot connect to the iTunes Store on your computer, a software conflict or Internet services (ISP) provider may block your access. The following steps can help you solve the problem.


    If there is still a problem after trying the above steps, contact your Internet service provider and confirm these ports and servers are enabled for your network.

    If you cannot connect to the iTunes Store

    Take care.

  • Computer stopped at reception with the icon of circle of rotation just before the office has on screen. __

    I had to stop the computer holding in the power button / stop. I have it turned on and opt to start windows normally and loading normally initially. When he got to the Welcome screen with a circle of rotation which is where it has been since-for about an hour or two. I'd appreciate any help with this, all I have is a hammer.thanks


    Restore point:

    Try typing F8 at startup and in the list of Boot selections, select Mode safe using ARROW top to go there > and then press ENTER.

    Try a restore of the system once, to choose a Restore Point prior to your problem...

    Click Start > programs > Accessories > system tools > system restore > choose another time > next > etc.



    If restore work not and you do not have a Vista DVD from Microsoft, do a repair disc to do a Startup Repair:

    Download the ISO on the link provided and make a record of repair time it starts.

    Go to your Bios/Setup, or the Boot Menu at startup and change the Boot order to make the DVD/CD drive 1st in the boot order, then reboot with the disk in the drive.

    At the startup/power on you should see at the bottom of the screen either F2 or DELETE, go to Setup/Bios or F12 for the Boot Menu.

    When you have changed that, insert the Bootable disk you did in the drive and reboot.

    Link above shows what the process looks like and a manual, it load the repair options.

    NeoSmart containing the content of the Windows Vista DVD 'Recovery Centre', as we refer to him. It cannot be used to install or reinstall Windows Vista, and is just a Windows PE interface to recovering your PC. Technically, we could re-create this installation with downloadable media media freely from Microsoft (namely the Microsoft WAIK, several gigabyte download); but it is pretty darn decent of Microsoft to present Windows users who might not be able to create such a thing on their own.

    Read all the info on the website on how to create and use it.

    ISO Burner:

    It's a very good Vista startup repair disk.

    You can do a system restart tool, system, etc it restore.

    It is NOT a disc of resettlement.

    And the 32-bit is what normally comes on a computer, unless 64-bit.

    See you soon.

    Mick Murphy - Microsoft partner

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    Sorry to have troubled you. I rebooted and everything works now.

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    I downloaded some trial versions of Lightroom and Photoshop with CC and it loaded LW - Moble 5.7.1 but I use a desktop computer with Windows 7. I uninstalled LR through instead of CC Control Panel (didn't know I could do through CC). I am trying to reinstall the trial version of LR but I get the circle of blue rotation under the 'Apps '. The homescreen in CC still shows as installed LR. When I try to uninstall CC it says that it is still necessary for other applications (Photoshop). Uninstall Photoshop so that I can uninstall CC and then start all over again? I'm afraid that nothing will work then. At least Photoshop works now.

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    See if the following can help:

    White screen

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