Close VMWARE al close una maquina virtual

Estoy probando tool VMWARE por primera vez. He has achieved include una Máquina virtual XP of a team that corre con W7 dentro.

También he achieved mediante VMRUN y I START crear an acceso directo that abre the desde el solo con Desktop 2 click XP virtual machine.

Ahora El saber if possible Quebec, al close el XP (Inicio / Apagar) al cerrarse the virtual machine not me only the ventana abierta VMWARE. A worm if me explico, quisiera apagar Windows XP (mi Máquina virtual) y what cierre VMWARE automatically. Is esto posible?

Desde is muchas gracias, y aprovecho para desearles a buen ano.



Para of you doy una variant than quieres hacer lo. In el screenshot editor are posible Québec una Máquina virtual este arrancada sin ventana of VMware, asi puedes entrar por 'Remote Desktop' sin necesidad of that VMware is one abierto administrarla, cuando y Niños apagar the ventana no estara.

Tags: VMware

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    A greeting.

    Este tiene mayor information link y menciona some tools that you can use:

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    Dear, buenas tardes.

    Las maquinas office creadas en workstation son completely molten funcionales y viceversa.

    You can confirm this information in the link editor, donde otras things mas comenta el.

    Espero haber sido ayuda.

    Cordial greetings,

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    No can not copy con MVWARE CONVERTER una Máquina virtual an ESXi environment. The current situation are the following:

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    3 return has con clonar the VMWARE CONVERTER MV en este caso ESX - 02 one ESX-01. Arranco MV difinitivamente ESX-01 are the Máquina en production. TODO OK.

    El problema are real in Quebec are not can not volver has the ESX - 01 one ESX-02 MV clonar. Me da los errores segun following training to realize the injerto:

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    (OK) Starting at the level of files cloning for volume "C:".
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    (Al 8% error)

    Comentar than aunque teoricamente el tamano del archivo en mi entorno esxi esta limitado a 256GB, el fichero generated in origen (ESXi-01) y tambien en destino (ESXi-02) are 262 GB. ESO if, yo it solo asignado al virtual disco 250 GB.

    Hola Antonio como estas?

    No en you estoy following del todo lo estas intentando realize vamos por partes:

    • The virtual disk solo Máquina-virtual tiene a con 2 particiones. Esto are asi?
    • If the esta Máquina virtual configurada como is indica in el punto anterior lo ordered hacer're durante el proceso of conversion are seleccionar the option to create a virtual disco para cada n y esta forma evitarias el exceso en el datastore tamano
    • Otra opcion en TR of're volver a clonar Máquina sin x the size of los discos pero doing that each n is convierta en un nuevo disco y este momento el unico disco esta generating problems are el D, una las options are directly ampliar el tamano del disco (siempre y cuando los don't discos sean different y no UN disco unico particiones) y luego con diskpart mover n hasta el final del disco
    • No entiendo porque estas serve there such do disco pero TR los desmontando're por a formateo tema y cambio tamano of blocks con los puntos lo podes avoid arriba las options



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    Buenas a todos,

    Tengo a Servidor con el ESXi wont.

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    Gracias a todos.

    A worm, tener una contingencia en MV no mala idea, pero creo aren't respond mas eficiente, is that esa virtual machine clonada para contingencia not be mantendria actualizada con los cambios last.

    Lo ideal seria count con una respaldos respond para VMware than Permite restore una MV in algun punto Restauración, in case that the sea infectada o simplemente quédé inutilizable por razón any MV.  Clearly esto implica UN costo adicional, pero creo that perder information critica a business can reach a ser aun mas costoso.

    Ojo as instant los no son UN metodo respaldos, y the mid-week that're estos no permanezan por mas of 72 hours, are only doing performance posteriores problemas pueden y espacio in disco use.

    Virtualizacion, especially con VMware tiene muchos pro y pocos contras, pero depende as well disenes the respond, por muy pequeña than the sea, para as esta no problems in el futuro.


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    Buenos dias a todos,

    The escribo porque he intentado pasar una maquina fisica una DELL optiplex SX280 than esta corriendo bajo Windows 2003 Server a virtual y me ha sido imposible. The cuento esta maquina tiene una particion of fair 55MO y otra con el espacio remaining del disco that in this case are C:

    Conversion of the stupid hago particion of 55MO cuando termina of realizarme conversion me message el dice of da UN error y "Operating system error", if quito the particion of 55MO y solo dejo particion C: cuando realize termino arranco the Máquina conversion, abro consoled her there is is negra sin hacer nada sin arrancar or nada.

    The truth're that none is as can ocurrir.

    MUCHAS gracias to photos.



    In el converter than choice SOLO tienes las particiones ntfs, not las preconfiguracion las o fat "eisa".

    Tambien hay una opcion in cual seleccionas el useful of discos, tienes as evidence of "source to preserve" a "buslogic" o "free."

    y los newspapers to encuentran el el del converter directory. Pero puedes exportarlos desde el propio converter (not uno tengo a mano para la desde donde)

    If esta u otra respuesta're util, por favor su marca used notificador.

    Gracias / looks

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    Buongiorno a tutti

    avrei need overtaking the Super di una macchina virtuale di

    Quale e strada corrett als?

    Thanks Alberto

    Con di Solito I have domain controller i problemi if hai to sono più Uno, my basta seguire I consigni di e VMware will tutto liscio (

    The questioned dei più DC da virtualizzare e relative alla replica di Active Directory che, being by sua natura rognosa, deve essere sempre garantita durante the migrazione a virtuale. By VMware often suggerisce di migrazione dei DC a fare questo caldo, Così da enable ad Active Directory di replicarsi durante correctly it processo, solo e a P2V fine sara necessario spegnere he fisico by network he virtuale.



    Rocco Sicilia

  • Open una macchina virtuale dentro una macchia virtuale xp xp

    Salve a tutti,

    Premetto che sono autodidatta da e poco conosco vmware.

    Player of uso Vm in 2 portatili

    It primo che ha come di operating system base xp lo use con una macchina virtuale sempre che apro dal con Office windows xp, poi sempre con link link apro una seconda macchina virtuale xp resident in United Nations external disco e fin which tutto funziona.

    I like putting open macchina virtuale del disco external dentro alla macchina virtuale international. Ho tried an installando player vm realizzarlo dentro alla macchina virtuale international my Apertura mi dice che non chiedo quando ho impostazioni afke by he customer.

    Spiegarmi could be e possibile e I passi che devo fare?

    Stessa cosa per it secondo laptop che ha di of it operating system based windows 7

    Grazie a tutti


    Domanda 1) Dove li devo add in fondo?

    Nowhere is fine as long as each is on its own line, the background is fine.

    domanda 2) must be preceduti da # como con altre istruzioni happens?


    # monitor_control.restrict_backdoor = 'TRUE '.

    # monitor.virtual_exec = "hardware".

    oppure come?

    No, they must be like them, I posted.  Place a # before will prevent them from being treated as comments # the line.

    Questa twice going inserita nel file di configurazione dell 'ospite dell' ospite di host

    oppure anche nel file di configurazione dell'ospite di host.

    These parameters go outside Virtual Machine on the host itself, not the embedded Virtual Machine (not the VM in a Virtual Machine).

  • Error: "VMware Workstation has suspended this virtual machine because the disk on which the virtual machine is stored is almost full."

    I get this error message:

    VMware Workstation has suspended this virtual machine because the disk on which the virtual machine is stored is almost full. To continue, free 1.3 GB of additional disk space.

    I read up on the subject and found that I have to re size a partition. Anyone know what it could be? I can't find anything that looks like it has something to do with VMware. Does anyone know what size and what file system is it?

    My OS:
    Tumbleweed OpenSUSE x 64

    Thanks in advance

    On more creative, my home and root file systems were not extended to my full disk space :^)

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    I was wondering if it is possible to transfer everything to a virtual hard disk that is smaller on a virtual hard disk that is larger in VMWare Workstation, using the same virtual machine? In the affirmative, please could someone advise me on how to do it. Also utility management and disk transfer can be used in virtual machines to do this?

    Thank you very much

    Tim Auluck

    I'm not sure what exactly you are asking. Can you please clarify!

    Basically you can resize a virtual drive or add a second virtual disk to a virtual machine and transfer/copy files. You can also resize the virtual disk using VMware Converter for example.


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    Luca Dell'Oca


    vExpert 2011

    [Assegnare punti a useful risposta e una a modo di say thank you]

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    'This product could not be executed on the virtual machine.

    so please help...

    It is possible, but not supported.  See nested running VMs.

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    Good afternoon!

    APOs converter matriculado tolls reparei o IP das Máquinas criadas em Máquinas is alteram, tem como configurar isso para as mantenha - be original IP o?


    Unfortunately nao.

    During the P2V (physical to virtual) solvent of tem o converter as rede physical while e add novas, agora tolls. Por isso, você tem that put os IPs again.

    Com certa said a remocao das rede lap vestigios physical while not Windows registry, e por isso, você pode ver um erro acusando o address IP already exists. Veja o KB IP address duplicate (when you use the converter) and then hardware error possible when ping para Solução.

    PS: Please consider dar pontos has este or any poster caso seja util lhe outro.

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