collect the session stats

Hi guys...

I'm in Oracle Database 10 g Enterprise Edition Release - Production on Solaris 64 - bit.

I'm collecting statistics of schema using DBMS_STATS. GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS ('PLAN', DBMS_STATS. AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE).

Now my session is suspended:

I checked if this session is blocked by another session, and I do not see those that is blocking this session.

I then checked the v$ session_wait and I found this:

SQL > /.

---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
1259 db file sequential read 816568 48

When I check further I discovered that I have a clue which may contribute to the problem.

When I check the status of the index it show N/A.

What does this mean and how I have dealt with this issue?

Published by: user11979518 on 7 Sep 2010 06:52

First of all it is unnecessary to type the capital subject to attract more attention.
Please change the subject and apologize to this forum.

Other other than the procedure is taken on time, I see no problem. The session is waiting for disk including normal,
and n/a probably means that the index is being analyzed.
Only when there is no I/O in this session, there could be a problem.

Sybrand Bakker
Senior Oracle DBA

Tags: Database

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    Better create report own region for debugging.

    SELECT *
    FROM apex_collections
    WHERE collection_name = 'SPECIMEN_BATCH'

    You can set the status of report never when you need, or just delete the entire region.

    Kind regards

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    Johnny98 wrote:

    I have a P7_PERIOD point Page, I put the value of the session state for the click of a button. I can confirm that the value of P7_PERIOD is correctly set in session state after the button is clicked. When I try and P7_PERIOD allows to set the value of an element in another page (P17_PERIOD) on the click of a button, it does not recognize the value of new session state.

    For the second button, I'm telling you "Redirect to Page in this application" on Page 17
    Place these items: P17_PERIOD
    With these values: & P7_PERIOD.

    P7_PERIOD has the correct values in session state, but passes the old values to P17_PERIOD during the click on the second button.

    Redirections are run in the browser using URL generated during page processing. This means that the redirect for the second button URL uses the value of P7_PERIOD is during the broadcast of the page, not as it is in session state after it is defined by the first button.

    The second button must execute a submit and branch to retrieve the new value of P7_PERIOD. If there are page accept treatment that should not be run when the user clicks this button, use a branch point before the execution of these processes (for example on submit: before calculating), or condition the process on the other buttons.

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    HI kinito_alc,
    It's what is expected. However if you want to leave a comment for developers, you can submit your comments directly to the team of awareness through the following page:

    The user outreach team will review all feedback and reports on results to the product teams and the parties concerned, in order to influence and shape our products.

  • Session state protection violation: this can be caused by manually editing the protected page P67_C point. If you don't know what caused this error.

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    How to disable the total at point C when I use the dynamic action to calculate the Total of A + B.

    Thank you.

    Hi Maxence,

    1. in the case of a display one element

    Change your point of P67_C and change the State of Session Save-> No.

    2. in the case of a text field

    Change your point of P67_C and make it read-only

    go to the attributes of the HTML Form element-> readonly = "readonly".

    Hope this helps you,

    Kind regards


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    : P23_SELECT_RUN_DT (date picker)
    Lines extracted according to the date picker. Initially, the query retrieves all rows because: P23_SELECT_RUN_DT (date picker) is null.

    I'm trying to follow {message identifier: = 9781139},
    I added a DA (event: change) with the following PL/SQL:
    But how do I specify the value to use is the date picker? I can't use: P23_SELECT_RUN_DT; It has the value null.

    I added this: point P23_SELECT_RUN_DT for an example, I'm already working:
    USER: demo
    PW: demo
    Application: 991203 - BPR_991203 Page 23 (tab: Master 3)
    Click the edit Pencil after 'ProgramName 1' to fill the three regions. The date picker is the third region.

    What is the approach to use? Can someone suggest an easier way to achieve this?

    Thanks in advance,

    Howard (in training) wrote:
    Re my goal:

    The current Question:... to assign a value that the user enters into the State of Session...?

    I thought that maybe this works. I added P23_SELECT_RUN_DT 'Page to present '. I removed the former DAs. Then I added a refresh of the region for the date picker, thinking that the: P23_SELECT_RUN_DT value would be submitted whenever the changed date picker. No joy. The newly selected value is not in Session State.


    You're going to hate this :D (although I admit it's obscure uber - I was quickly running out of ideas when I noticed it...)

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  • To find the value of a dynamic element to session state,

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    Is it possible to find the value of an item in the session state, but the name of the element is stored in a variable


    where v_variable would be the name of the element?

    Thanks in advance,

    You describe the default feature?

      v_variable  VARCHAR2(20) := 'P1_ITEM';
      v_value     VARCHAR2(255);
      v_value := APEX_UTIL.GET_SESSION_STATE (p_item => v_variable);

    I missed something?

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    My version of db is a business with Apex 11.1.

    You'll want to use the built-in views. Here is a sample of something that I use to record values report.

    CURSOR c_items IS
          SELECT item_name
            FROM apex_application_page_items
           WHERE application_id = p_application_id AND
                 page_id = p_page_num AND
                 (region_id = p_region_id OR
                  p_region_id IS NULL) AND
                 display_as NOT IN ('Stop and Start HTML Table (Displays label only)', 'Hidden and Protected');
        FOR r_items IN c_items LOOP
          store_report_value(p_report_id, r_items.item_name, v(r_items.item_name));
        END LOOP;

    You can pass the values of Apex as: APP_SESSION,: APP_PAGE_ID,: APP_USER as parameters in a procedure.

  • What are the values of the State of Session State?

    No one knows what the I, R and U values in the status column for the status of Session screen average?

    Can't seem to find any documentation about them.

    For a given page or element of the request:

    Inserted - the value is stored in the table of session state for the first time in the session.

    Update: the value that was already in the table of session state has acquired a new value.

    Reset - the value that was already in the session state table is changed to null using a clear-cache event.


  • Session state and checkboxes

    Hi guys,.

    I'm a little hard with the checkboxes in the APEX 4.2

    I am trying to add 2 boxes in my application to filter the data

    The problem is how then to value by default when the user opens the page, some data are displayed

    If I use the 'Default' section in the details of the box (setting may 1 as default), when I open the web page, the checkbox is marked, but in the session state is not defined so no data will appear. If I submit the new page then Yes, the data is displayed

    I could use a calculation that defined the box = 1 if it is not set when the page loads, but it would not work as the calculation would give it 1 time and again when the user the box remove the flag

    Anyone know how I could apply this?

    Thank you very much


    so I found a solution according to the following:

    -create box 2 or more

    -create a hidden text field

    -create a header after calculation that has always defined the hidden field = 1

    -create one before the calculation of header for each box the value = 1 box only if the value of the hidden text field is null

  • Apex DatePicker setting session state problem.

    Hi all

    Workspace: hanamike

    User name: test

    Password: test

    With the help of dynamic action, run PL/SQL, to set the session state.

    Using Firefox console showing too many recursion error but session state is defined so slow.

    But when the use of Ipad screen will freeze when the session state setting.


    Already had the application properties, security, Mode of escape from HTML to base but still display the date value as a unicode type (c, c ++).

    Please advice.

    Thanks in advance.


    You have set something on the change of P1_DATE1 to change the same domain, and "Remove Change Event" is set to no.

    It is an infinite loop.

  • Only display element - Session State

    APEX 4.2.2

    Display only the page element. Settings: Save Session State = Yes. Output = based on the PL/SQL code. Security > escape = No special characters.

    The PL/SQL code uses htp.p to display HTML and page is rendered fine with browser showing HTML code.

    But when the page is submitted, the value is not saved in session state is not available for the apex_mail.send process.

    What Miss me? How can I get the value of page element to be available in session state to submit after process use?

    [I tried other alternatives such as Textarea with Readonly = Always element but anyway this mess up the rendering of the code HTML. [The only thing that appears in many working on the rendering side is only show the item, but then I can't read after the value of submit processing]

    Help! Thank you.

    Hi Vikas,

    This isn't how this parameter "based on" specific is designed to work.  If you look at the underlying HTML associated with the item, you will find that the real value of the element is distinct from what is emitted from your PL/SQL code.  The output of PL/SQL is simply what you want made on the page, but it's nothing associated with the underlying session state value.  If you have a dynamically calculated in the session state for this article, you would be better to use a calculation or specify PL/SQL in the attribute 'Source value or expression.

    I don't blame yourself if you find confusing - it is certainly not clear in the documentation or the help text for item-level.


    PS still waiting to see you at the WORLD KScope or Oracle OpenWorld.  You must be to avoid us.

  • Page Item refresh only in the session

    Hello APEX Experts

    I have some problems with dynamic Action "set value". What I want to do is located a Page element with a variable derived from javascript. So basically, I have a JavaScript variable ' test' which is changed by javascript code. I use dynamic Action "Set Value" to set this value in a page element. As a source, Im using "Javascript Expression." He was, however, the value set with JAvascript expression dynamic Action does not reflect this change in the session, then the page item is not updated.

    I tried:

    $s-> does not work
    Apex. Submit-> works, but submits the page. I need to present only the Page element.

    Any idea?

    Best regards

    SebastianScholz wrote:
    but I am interested in solutions better and not unerstand why for Expression Javascript 'Page points to submit' option is not available?

    because JavaScript itself cannot change the session state from points, it must be done via ajax - which is the case at present.

    If this isn't a solution and this is how you use.

  • Protection of session state - Arguments must have Checksum - help needed

    Hello world

    I use apex 4.0 and that you have defined:

    Protection of session state = True
    Page = Arguments access protection must have the checksum
    Point of application protection = Cecksum required - Session level
    Page data entry point Protection = required Cecksum - Session level
    Page Display-Only item = Cecksum required - Session-level Protection

    On the pages that contain an interactive report, calls to other pages updated and or to delete a record from the pharmacokinetics of recording work OK.
    I put these as follows:
    In the Interactive report link-> Link attribute column = onclick = "new top. Ext.apex.PopupWindow ({url: this.href, title: 'Change collation details', width: 530, height: 500, listeners: {'success':}}). show(); return false; »
    Target = this Application Page
    Page = 302Item = P302_IDCLASS
    Value = #IDCLASS #.
    Page Checksum = - default user.

    The problem is the button 'Create a new record' that is on the page of interactive report. I set the button as:
    The attributes button = onclick = "new top. Ext.apex.PopupWindow({url:'f?p=&APP_ID.:302:&APP_SESSION.::NO:302:::',_title:_'Create_New_Classification',_width:_530,_height:_500,_listeners:_{'success'}}).show (); return false; »
    Action when click = redirect to the Page of this Application
    Page = 302
    Clear Cache = 302

    When I click the button I get the following message:
    Session state protection violation: this can be caused by a manual change to a URL containing a checksum or using a link with a missing or incorrect checksum. If you don't know what caused this error, contact the administrator of the application for assistance.

    If I change the attributes of the button to be:
    OnClick = "new top. Ext.apex.PopupWindow({url:'f?p=&APP_ID.:302:&APP_SESSION.::NO:::',_title:_'Create_New_Classification',_width:_530,_height:_500,_listeners:_{'success'}}).show (); return false; »

    It works OK, bu page elements are not clear.

    Could somebody please explaing to me what I am doing wrong so I understand my mistake?

    Thank you



    If I understand correctly what you need...

    Create a point of the MY_BTN_URL application.
    You can set this element of Protection of the Session State to 'Restricted - cannot be resolved in the browser.
    Create the calculation of demand for this article
    Calculation Point: Before header
    Calculation type: PL/SQL Expression

      p_url => 'f?p=&APP_ID.:302:&APP_SESSION.::NO:302::::',
      p_checksum_type => 3

    Change your attributes of button

    onclick="new top.Ext.apex.PopupWindow({ url:'&MY_BTN_URL.', title: 'Create New Classification', width: 530, height: 500, listeners: {'success':} }).show(); return false;"

    Kind regards

    Published by: jarola October 25, 2011 15:50

    Published by: jarola October 25, 2011 16:16

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