Como puedo des-instalar a cloud programa creative said are programa cuando no lo tengo in el pc?


Hola a todos/as, como should read en the pregunta, tengo error a pequeño, el cual than cuando intento des-instalar a program (in this case AE) me as hay UN error.

Entonces, me gustaria me dijeseis como desinstalarlo is that not me already. Otro Dato Qué hay than into account, are only este programa are no lo tengo en PC el, decir don't me cured as lo instaled mediante CC y como me salto UN error al iniciar el AE respond that tapeworm that reinstalarlo pues lo des-instaled como UN programa y normal no mediante creative cloud, al of that el problema no poder des-instalarlo por creative cloud don't me lo puedo instalar nuevo , pero tampoco me lo puedo instalar mediante an external instalador.

Por favor como puedo esto, lo agradeceria dress fits.

Delivery of link:

Error CreativeCloud -> Al simplice Más Info. sale me esto-> - al nuevo simplice y a Más Info. sale me esto-> - y in the bar of address html: / / sale me esto-> file:///C:/Users/Ivan/AppData/Local/Temp/%7B91548586-8F67-4E68-AD3B-C286C60C9040%7D/Summar y.htm

Error de Instalacion, Instalador external por -> - todos los pasos what Realizó me dice pero sigue igual, TR hago click me en resumen errores sale esto->

Please help me.

PD: Completo todos los del programa al 100% have


Hi all, as you have read in the question, I have a small error, that is when I try to uninstall a program (in this AE case) tells me that there is an error.

So I'd dijeseis me like uninstall and will not let me. Another point to keep in mind is that this program will no longer be in the PC, that is to say not remind me I installed by creative cloud and I jumped a problem starting the AE saying I had to reinstall because it of I - install and not as a normal creative cloud program, the problem is the inability to uninstall creative cloud for me I can't reinstall , but not me I can install it using an external Setup program.

Please tell me how I can solve this, I would be grateful.

Links to screenshots:

-> Error CreativeCloud -in giving it I more information-> - and to give more information. I get this-> - and html to address bar: / / I get this-> file:///C:/Users/Ivan/AppData/Local/Temp/%7B91548586-8F67-4E68-AD3B-C286C60C9040%7D/Summar y.htm

Setup by external Installer error -> - do all the steps, but it just tells me if I click on abstract errors I get this-->

Please help me.

PS: All the requirements of the program 100% [Google Translate]

Hi Ivan,.

Please try to proceed as suggested by Megha; in case the problem persists, please see Re: Getting fatal exit Code 34 when installing an application

Kind regards


Tags: Adobe

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