Complex scenario... If anyone can help...

There are report havin

year, product, revenue in coloumn
2000, s, 300
2001, a, 100
2002, b, 200

prompt is created on the year and the drop value wen u click on year 2001 from falling down, we get the data of 2001 only, but requirement is wen u click on 2001, you should get the revenue of the previous year in the report.

Thanks in advance.

(1) create a quick dashboard on year with so-called variable presentation column 'year'--> record
(2) to create the report with the column of the year and the rest of the columns--> filter on the year column option-click--> Select... operator... is equal to / is in--> goto Add--> Expression SQL--> in the writing as box @{year}-1--> save
(3) put your command prompt and to report on the table edge... Check the results...

Tags: Business Intelligence

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