Control of files - how to add when clause


I have a file of control as follows:


However, the file has the following values:

00 | 20090311103034
A | Apple | 231234 | 2

There is an error as the first line is divided into 2 columns, but the second line is divided into 4 columns.

I need to change my control files so that it reads only the lines when there are only 4 columns.

How can I add the WHEN clause in my control file?
    INFILE 'sample.dat'
    BADFILE 'sample.bad'
    DISCARDFILE 'sample.dsc'
    INTO TABLE emp
    WHEN (57) = '.'
  (hiredate SYSDATE,
      deptno POSITION(1:2)  INTEGER EXTERNAL(2)
              NULLIF deptno=BLANKS,
              NULLIF job=BLANKS  "UPPER(:job)",
       mgr    POSITION(28:31) INTEGER EXTERNAL
       ename  POSITION(34:41) CHAR
              TERMINATED BY WHITESPACE  "UPPER(:ename)",
              ":comm * 100"

WHEN (57) = '.'
57th column contains '.'

WHEN (deptno = '10') AND (work = 'SALES')

Tags: Database

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    My experience is that most of these 'extra fields' no existence not as fields in the directory (folder) itself.  On the contrary, these fields exist in the target file itself. Each file type has its own format and established file except for the types of files that belong to Microsoft, Microsoft cannot control or arbitrarily change the format of a particular file type.

    For example, a ".jpg" file  The format of this file type allows a large number of areas such as comments, Tags, date taken, opening, device manufacturer and so on.  If you go into the properties on a .jpg file, you will see a lot of them and will be able to change.  After changing any of these fields, you will find that the file itself has been changed to contain this information (as can be verified by the parity of the file and to come check upward with a different checksum).  If you display one of these fields in Explorer and 10000 ".jpg" files in this folder, then Explorer must open each of these 10000 files to extract the data in the corresponding fields, you have chosen to display.  May take some time.

    Compare that to the same picture saved to a file ".bmp".  The ".bmp" format has no provisions for any of these fields, so you will not be able to view, save, edit, or sort by them.  If the editable fields are directly related to the type of file that is displayed.

    Microsoft has apparently interviewed a lot of file types and made a compilation of the editable fields in each type of file and the Union of the selected fields in which can be displayed and modified.   That's apparently what you see in the option «More...» ».   So, in summary, the file type determines which fields are available for editing and posting.



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    Hi Katharina,

    What happens when you drag your tiara BROWSER or Windows Explorer data files in the data portal?  See all date/time values in a table in VIEW of this channel?  The problem may be that you do not have a use but which properly load your data files.  The example is designed to show you how to concatenate several files of data together, but assumes that you could provide / have your own use.  If you use work already, then look for these lines to the top of the VBScript and substituting the name of your use "CSV".  If your files have a file extension different "*.csv", then you must also change the line "FileExt '.

    FileExt  = ' CSV files, *.» CSV »  ' « *. DAT; *. CSV '.
    Use = "CSV" ' "' or 'SpecificDataPluginName '.

    Brad Turpin

    Tiara Product Support Engineer

    National Instruments

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    Hi all

    I was having the same problems and this message is used to solve this problem

    (1) the correct syntax for the activation of the Administrator's

    NET user administrator / Active: Yes

    Notice, there is no space after the slash

    (2) that works, I logged as administrator.

    I could just go in the folder, click on security, to change users, to remove the

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    Highlight all users, EDIT, all DENY options to checked, will APPLY, you receive a warning about using the DENY option, just OK, OK OK, return to the Security tab.   NOW, come on in, user of the IDE and you should be able to remove this

    (4) another thing, make sure that the is not owner on any of the folders.  I've changed them all to someone else, but be careful, that could spoil you

    Hope this helps

    Happy holidays from cold, wet PHX, who would have thunk it!


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    String where_clause = "COST_ALLOCATION_KEYFLEX_ID LIKE ' %: 1" ";
    vo.setWhereClause (where_clause);

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    You can follow the steps in the link:

    You can also post your request in the link:

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    Hi Harry,.

    Oddly enough, you can actually do it in msconfig except if it is already there and simply not checked as opposed to not being do not at all (although you would think that they would understand this option).

    The easiest way is to add the program (or a shortcut to the program) in the folder all Menu Programs Startup.   Here is the procedure:  Remember, to do this, you must either a shortcut existing (perhaps on the desktop or elsewhere in the menu all programs) or you need to find the source file (probably somewhere in C:\Program Files depending on what you want to add) and either copy it and add it to the startup folder or right-click on it and create a shortcut to copy into the startup folder.  Once you reboot, this program starts during the initial commissioning process and you will now be able to control using msconfig.exe, if you wish.

    Another option is to do this by using the registry editor.  If you decide to try this, first create a restore AND system restoration point backup of the registry before you begin.  Here is the procedure:  I recommend to use this ONLY if the previous procedure does not work for some reason any as long as that the procedure is simpler and safer.

    If you want a simpler way to manage and control startup programs, you can try it free WinPatrol that change monitors for startup programs if you set it to run in real-time so that you know when to try new programs are added to your Start menu and, for the purposes of this question includes an Add button which opens a link to a window of Windows Explorer where you can browse the program you want to add, click open to select and then add it directly to the commissioning.  If you prefer it does not work all the time, you can simply uncheck the box which includes this program and it will work only when you choose to run (but at the start, will work as an indication otherwise or configured).  It will appear not in the start menu in all programs (Finally, WinPatrol is, but not programs, it adds to the start), but it will appear in WinPatrol (which also lets you manage what you want or not start with checkboxes as in msconfig) and sure in msconfig - but only after a reboot is complete the process of adding.

    I hope this helps.  Personally, I use WinPatrol myself and let it run in real time.  Since I do a lot of installations, it helped me often prevent the addition of a startup item I haven't really need and reduces how many times I actually need to check what is happening out there.

    If this answers your question without the need to repost in another forum, please mark it as an answer.  If this isn't the case, then of course you must republish as suggested above.

    Good luck!

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    Screen Shot 2016-02-19 at 10.27.40 PM.png

    I mean this in the nicest way possible, but it's very wacky workspace you put in place there. Create titles is muuuuch easier in the standard workspace Edition. When you create / open a title in the editing workspace, he creates a floating large window with the title of all the members of panels. It is about the only time I am ok with windows in the first floating. You will create the title in the window title, and then close the window title entirely. The video for the title will then be in your project Panel (which you can not common to see in your current workspace configuration, but will be very apparent in the workspace standard edition in the lower left). So the best thing to do is to simply drag the title element of the project to sequence Panel (another Panel today, you don't see in your current workspace arrangement.

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    Thank you

    Images to be imported into Lightroom. When you go through the import process, when it has finished, it will seek you images of the previous import (import you just made). It's normal. If you look at the different sections on the left side of the library module, you'll see that "Previous import" is one of the sections. You will also notice that there is another section called "files". If you choose this section, you will be able to see the other folders that you have imported.

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    I must read data from the database and need to add all the records in a file.

    Thanks in advance.


    I think you have a while loop to hit the DB in your process (as you said you need to extract data from DB 10 times if 1000 rec is here)
    First sopy your DB O/P to a var
    and second time add to previous data. (Otherwise you can directly use Add to start instead of copy and add)
    When the loop ends, you can turn to the file adapter Var.

    Otherwise, you can configure yourFileadapter as it will be aapend current recordings for previous records.

    You can use 'Append = true' in your adapter wsdl file.
    It will add the previous records to existing records in the same file.


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    I use a template for all my jspx pages in my application. This model provides a header which includes the menu of the page all the others. So when I click on a menu it will redirect to the related page. But my problem is that there are so many cases of Flow Control adfc-config.Xml file. For example, 64 cases of control flow must be if there are 8 menus. How can I when a user has clicked on a menu, the case of control flow will be created in the CommandMenu action method?
    Thank you


    No you don, t, you can use rules of global control flow, simply do not define the "of-activity-id". Then, if the result occurs, where he come, the user will be moved to the target activity id. 8 pages should probably be 8 control-flow-case within a single global-flow-control rule.

    Kind regards

    ~ Simon

  • Cloning Database 10 g mode archive - how to add new files to archive created

    DEAT all

    I want to clone the oracle 10g database using hot backup. archive database mode.
    Database is running user data entry contifue, during the hot backup there is about 3 to 5 news archive created log. Please guide me how to add these new created log archiving in the cloning process.

    Thank you

    Alter system switch logfile;

    SQL > select SNA max(first_change#) from v$ archived_log;


    alter tablespace tablespace1 begin backup;
    alter tablespace tablespace2 begin backup;
    alter tablespace tablespace3 begin backup;

    alter tablespace tablespace1 backup end;
    alter tablespace tablespace2 backup end;
    alter tablespace tablespace3 backup end;

    Select name from v$ archived_log where first_change # > = order by name 8592924


    create pfile = "< new sid of the database > init .ora ' of spfile;"

    ALTER database backup controlfile to trace as "/ home/oracle/cr_ < new sid > .sql"

    GROUP 1 'E:\oracle/oradata/dg9a/redo01.log' SIZE 100 M

    Published by: Mohamed najib on November 15, 2008 12:54

    When you try to start the database copied to the new server you will find that it must recover - because it was taken in hot backup mode.
    This is why you must copy the archivelogs that are generated from the first archivelog after the first "alter tablespace begin backup" to the first after the last archivelog "alter tablespace end backup.
    I see that you also include a script CREATE CONTROLFILE.
    You that would go to the cloned environment.
    Then you type the command RECOVER database using BACKUP CONTROLFILE until CANCEL to standardize the clone.
    You can, of course, use the same method to copy these archivelogs that you use to copy the files from database - tar, cpio, Ribbon, etc.

Maybe you are looking for