Conversion function XML AS2 AS3

Hi guys, how are you?

Once again I m here to ask for your help.

I m trying to convert an AS2 AS3 script, but I m not good in AS3 síntax yet. I Don t know how to create this structure. Please, could someone help me?





AS2 Function:

public static function getLanguage(tag:String):String
           if (languageObject[tag].data){

                    return slanguageObject.resources[tag].data;
             return "Error";

I can´t find a way to work in as3 without the parameter 'data '.

I want to call this as2 function, pass "levelTitle30" to the "tag" parameter and return by the return of the function of the content of "levelTitle30" of the xml tag.

Kind regards

is your code xml in an external file?

If so, (for example, resources.xml), you would use:

var xml

var urlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();

urlLoader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, completeF);

urlLoader.load (new URLRequest ("resources.xml"));

function completeF(e:Event):void {}

XML = e.Target.Data;


public static function getLanguage(tag:String):String{
return xml[tag];

} else {
return "Error";

Tags: Adobe Animate

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  • Script conversion link external as2 as3


    I used this script I found online to create an accessible Flash file a text file external full of hyperlinks via the buttons in the Flash animation. The code is as2. I had to update the Flash AS3 file and now the script does not work. I can't understand how to do the same thing as this script in AS3. Can someone help me?

    Here is the AS2 script:

    text file = new LoadVars()
    textFile.onLoad = function() {}
    buttonlink1 is this. BlackBooklink;
    buttonlink2 is this. Ashtraylink;
    buttonlink3 = this.bedroomlink;
    buttonlink4 = this.tvlink;
    buttonlink5 = this.spiderlink;
    buttonlink6 is this. Mirrorlink;
    buttonlink7 is this. Boomboxlink;
    buttonlink8 is this. Suitlink;
    buttonlink9 = this.cashlink;
    buttonlink10 = this.fastfoodlink;
    buttonlink11 is this. Idolatrylink;
    buttonlink12 is this. Trashlink;

    textFile.load ("LeftHouseLinks.txt");

    BlackBook.onRelease = function() {}
    getURL (buttonlink1, "_self");

    Ashtray.onRelease = function() {}
    getURL (buttonlink2, "_self");

    bedroom.onRelease = function() {}
    getURL (buttonlink3, "_self");

    tv.onRelease = function() {}
    getURL (buttonlink4, "_self");

    spider.onRelease = function() {}
    getURL (buttonlink5, "_self");

    Mirror.onRelease = function() {}
    getURL (buttonlink6, "_self");

    Boombox.onRelease = function() {}
    getURL (buttonlink7, "_self");

    Suit.onRelease = function() {}
    getURL (buttonlink8, "_self");

    cash.onRelease = function() {}
    getURL (buttonlink9, "_self");

    fastfood.onRelease = function() {}
    getURL (buttonlink10, "_self");

    idolatry.onRelease = function() {}
    getURL (buttonlink11, "_self");

    trashtalk.onRelease = function() {}
    getURL (buttonlink11,"_s)

    It is the content of the external txt file.

    & BlackBooklink =
    & Ashtraylink =
    & bedroomlink =
    & tvlink =
    & spiderlink =
    & Mirrorlink =
    & Boomboxlink =
    & Suitlink =
    & cashlink =
    & fastfoodlink =
    & Idolatrylink =

    I know not how to run the AS3 button, I do not know the code so that when I click the button, it accesses the external file and goes on the hyperlink specified by the button.

    Any help would be appreciated.


    It is probably not a question of buttonlink1 is not found, it is more likely a problem with buttonlink1 do not have a defined value entrusted to him.  If you go to the section of the tutorial I mentioned who is called "Loading Variables from a text file" you will see how values can be traced.  You want to do is to assign your buttonlink values in this function using these values... something like the following inside the function...

    buttonlink1 =;

    What you have now will assign nothing to them because it will run until the file is loaded (that is outside the service of FULL charge).  And you must declare variables at the beginning of your code.  The way you have it now, you run the risk of the variable exist not until you try to use it.

  • AS2 AS3 conversion please!

    Hi guys.

    I had a major problem when trying to convert an old AS2 AS3 code.

    It would be great if you guys can help in anyway you can.

    onClipEvent (enterFrame)



    If (_x > 520)


    setProperty (this, _x,-20);

    } / / end if


    If (_x <-20)


    setProperty (this, _x, 520);

    } / / end if

    setProperty (this, _x, _x + (1.250000E + 000) Number);


    In the chronology of the object in question, try:

    addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveX);

    function moveX(evt:Event):void {}

    If (x > 520) {}

    x = - 20;


    If (x<>

    x = 520;


    x += 1.25;


  • Need help with as2 as3 conversion. Please, I beg you.

    Could someone help me to convert as2 as3, please?

    Source code:

    _root.magnet = 500;
    _root.magic = 10;


    onClipEvent (load)
        homex = this._x;
        homey = this._y;
        forcex = 1;
        forcey = 1;
    onClipEvent (enterFrame)
        x0 = this._x;
        y0 = this._y;
        x1 = this._xmouse;
        y1 = this._ymouse;
        distancex = x1 - x0;
        distancey = y1 - y0;
        distance = Math.sqrt(distancex * distancex + distancey * distancey);
        powerx = this._x - distancex / distance * _root.magnet / distance;
        powery = this._y - distancey / distance * _root.magnet / distance;
        forcex = (forcex + (homex - x0) / 2) / _root.magic;
        forcey = (forcey + (homey - y0) / 2) / _root.magic;
        this._x = powerx + forcex;
        this._y = powery + forcey;

    I am a newbie in flash so if anyone can help with this would be great.

    I really need to be done please help me.

    MovieClip(root).magnet = 500;MovieClip(root).magic = 10;


    var homex:Number = yourmc.x;var homey:Number = yourmc.y;var forcex:Number = 1;var forcey:Number = 1;
    yourmc.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loopF);
    function loopF(e:Event){    var x0:Number = e.currentTarget.x;    var y0:Number = e.currentTarget.y;    var x1:Number = e.currentTarget.mouseX;    var y1:Number = e.currentTarget.mouseY;    var distancex:Number = x1 - x0;    var distancey:Number = y1 - y0;    var distance:Number = Math.sqrt(distancex * distancex + distancey * distancey);    var powerx:Number = e.currentTarget.x - distancex / distance * MovieClip(root).magnet/distance;    var powery:Number = e.currentTarget.y - distancey / distance * MovieClip(root).magnet/distance;    forcex = (forcex + (homex - x0) / 2) /MovieClip(root).magic;    forcey = (forcey + (homey - y0) / 2) / MovieClip(root).magic;    e.currentTarget.x = powerx + forcex;    e.currentTarget.y = powery + forcey;}
  • Convert AS2 AS3

    So I made this game to base a few years ago, which was in AS2 and Flash 6.  Now I want to convert this AS2 AS3 game, but I have no idea where to start.  The code is approximalty 4 k lines long and I don't know what to change to make it work in AS3.  What do you guys suggest?

    I think you need to set the lower bar, do a few test tasks and see if you can complete them on Android. Code conversion takes a long time. You need an application view whole birds and you need to understand exactly how it works. You cannot convert random each piece to the equivalent AS3. You will need to rewrite it in a way that makes sense, using if everything going to OOPs.

    Make fun test applications on Android. Download a few buttons to make them do things, read the camera, vibrate the device, put up a StageWebView things and stick, etc.. Have fun. Otherwise, I think you're going to burn and/or will not convert the app very well.

    Believe me, I have come back to my own code a year later, with a lot more experience and didn't even know, I wrote and thought that the classic line... Who hell wrote this code? Oh... Yes, I did... What I thought?

  • actions AS2 as3 scripts

    can someone help me to get comparable to as2 as3 actions? as

    1. "Loadmovie" on different levels. Level 0, level 1, etc.

    2 in, click on "loadmovie".

    3 fscommand like, quiet, full screen, enable scale.

    4. on the release to go and play

    5. on the release of play and stop.

    6. play the content to the side of the clip with liberation.

    1 AS3 doesn't have a Level0, level1, etc..  You can use the Loader class to load an external swf,

    2 AS2 doesn't have any such orders - the loader allows you to load an external file.  If you want to have an insider click it then use an event listener for a CLICK MouseEvent.

    3. search Google AS3 fscommand

    4 AS3 uses the same command gotoAndStop that AS2, except that the arguments for scene/frame are reversed to frame/scene - again, happens with a click, use an event listener for a CLICK MouseEvent

    5 AS2 doesn't have any orders to play and stop, they are against orders, nor is AS3.  If you want to say stop, it's the same for both except, once again, the order of the arguments

    6. This would be the same in AS2 where you target the movieclip using the dot notation and tell the play() - once again, using an event listener for a CLICK MouseEvent.

    Explaining the AS3 button Code

    Assume that you create a button symbol.  Since this is a button, it is already a car animation object that will react to mouse interactions, but only visually at this stage.  The first thing you need to do to make it useful down must assign a unique instance name.  If you drag a copy of it on the stage of the library, and while it is still selected, enter you this unique instance for her name in the Panel properties... say you name "btn1.

    In AS3, to make a button with the code, you must add a listener of events and event handler for it function.  You may need to add a little (for different events, like reversal, deployment, by clicking on it, but for now let's just say you want to be able to click them to get a web page.)  In the scenario that contains this button, a layer of separate actions that you create in a similar framework where this button exists, numbered, you must add the event listener:

    Btn1.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, btn1Click);

    The name of the unique function for the treatment, the click of this button is specified at the end of the assignment of event listener, so now you just have to write this function:

    function btn1Click(evt:MouseEvent):void {}

    var url: String = "";

    var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest (url);

    navigateToURL (req);


    Here's what this is:

    evt:MouseEvent - event listeners get an argument automatically the function should be implemented to receive.  In this case I just this argument a name of variable evt, although I could choose anything.

    : Sub - this defines the class of the value that the function returns.  In this case, the function does not return anything, so "Sub" is used.  If she returned a value, you will see a line that contains "return xyz." in the function (where xyz is not literal, it represents just the variable or the value returned)

    The normal code that opens a web page contains three distinct elements, the url, the application and command to get the page, so I showed in three separate lines.  Many people combine in a single line.

    In AS3, in strict mode, it is necessary to identify the types/classes of variables being created, that's why you see: String,: MouseEvent, etc. display everywhere.

    I know it's probably clear as mud in the explanation, but I hope that it will shed some light on what you're working with.

    Now, to create another button with a single function for it, you could just drag another copy of the library, give it a unique name, say btn2, copy / paste the code from btn1 and replace "btn1" "btn2" in this code copied, adding a new url to the page, this button opens.

  • Replace code as2 as3

    I used a tutorial make a menu for my application, I tried following advice on how to change code AS2 AS3, but it simply doesn't.

    menu = ['bulls', 'about', 'alignment', 'plan'];

    current var menu = [0];

    for (var i = 0; i < menu.length; i ++) {}

    var b = menu [i];

    ce.stars._visible [b + '_btn'] = false;

    this .txt [b + '_btn'] = b;

    this [b + '_btn'] .onPress = function() {} [current + "_btn"].stars._visible = false; [this.txt + "_btn"].stars._visible = true;

    current = this.txt; (this.txt)



    Cette.stars._visible [current + "btn"] = true;

    this.onEnterFrame = function() {}

    this [current + '_btn']. stars.s1._rotation += 1;

    this [current + '_btn']. stars.s2._rotation & = 0.5;


    Thank you


    Hi, I have fixed that and you sent the mail, check the Inbox.

  • To AS2 AS3, need help.

    I learned Flash using AS2 and I try now migrate to AS3, but some of the simplest things have changed.  I know I can't put script directly on movieclips now, but I do not know how to use if the conditions to check for movieclips hit some frames, etc.

    Can someone direct me to the tutorials on the displacement of AS2 AS3 and some of the fundamental behaviors of AS3.

    For example:

    If I had a movieclip I used as a button and I tried jumping a specific image when another movieclip on the stage struck a framework?  With AS2, I could simply put a script on the movieclip itself that says something like:

    onClipEvent (EnterFrame)


    If (this ._currentframe is 10)


    _parent.sampleClip.gotoAndStop (2);



    I don't know how to do simple same navigation like this in AS3 code.

    Thanks for the help.

    There are a lot of tutorials and a few great books too. For tutorials that you probably want just a search on any specific problems that you find. Regarding the example you gave, it is a little different in 3 and also better:

    someMovieClip.addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkFrame);
    function checkFrame(e:Event) {}
    if(someMovieClip.currentFrame == 10) {}
    sampleClip.gotoAndStop (2);

    I say better because you don't need to worry about scope as you did in 2 - checkFrame is not executed in the context of the someMovieClip - sampleClip is available directly, you don't need to 'parent' to access.

  • AS2 AS3 help.

    Hi guys.

    I had a major problem when trying to convert an old AS2 AS3 code.

    It would be great if you guys can help in anyway you can.

    What I try to do is, load in a clip again and again to create a rain effect, the clip is a drop of falling rain.

    I need for the MovieClip name is also updated every time. For example, Name1, name2, Name3, name4 ect

    AS2 code:

    {onClipEvent (load)}

    _root.d_counter = 1;


    {onClipEvent (enterFrame)}

    If () {}

    _root.attachMovie ("particles", "particle", + _root.d_counter, _root.d_counter, {_x:0, _y:0});})

    _root.d_counter = _root.d_counter + 1;




    My AS3 Code:

    particle.addEventListener (Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, loaded);
    function loaded(event:Event):void {}
    var _counter:Number = 1;
    particle.addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, entered);
    function entered(event:Event):void {}
    if (MovieClip (root) .d_counter < 100) {}
    MovieClip (root) .addChild (particle);
    . D_counter (root) of MovieClip is MovieClip (root) .d_counter + 1;.
    My code is close to what I want, but it does not load in multiple instances of the same object.
    Any help would be great.


    var d_counter:Number = 1;
    particle.addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, entered);
    function entered(event:Event):void {}
    If (MovieClip (root) .d_counter< 200){="">
    trace ("Yes");
    rain in the var: MovieClip = new Particle();
    Rain.x = Math.Random () * stage.stageWidth;
    MovieClip (root) .addChild (rain);
    . D_counter (root) of MovieClip is MovieClip (root) .d_counter + 1;.
    } else {}
    remove your particles and their ready for gc
    particle.removeEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, entered)
  • Declare the new color of AS2 AS3

    Hi all

    Could you let me know how to 'convert' the following AS2 AS3 code:

    var distracterBkgdColor = new Color (this.distracterBkgd_mc);

    Thank you!

    var ct:ColorTransform = this.distracterBkgd_mc.transform.colorTransform;

    CT. Color = 0xrrbbgg;
    this.distracterBkgd_mc.transform.colorTransform = ct;

  • Conversion of AS2 AS3

    I have a button with the following ActionScript code:

    function blurbOut (blurb) {}

    Blurb._x = 1600;


    function stagetitle (blurb, box) {}

    Blurb._x = box._x + 180;

    Blurb._y = box._y + 1;



    on (release) {}

    _level0.stagetitle (_level0.info1, this);


    on {(deployment)

    _level0.blurbOut (_level0.info1);


    This works like a ToolTip. I want to convert these scripts in AS3... So that when I include the Captivate 6 animation, it works. Can someone help me.

    function blurbOut(blurb:DisplayObject) {}

    Blurb.x = 1600;


    function stagetitle (blurb: DisplayObject, box: DisplayObject) {}

    Blurb.x = Box.x + 180;

    Blurb.y = Box.y + 1;



    this.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);

    this.addEventListener (MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, outHandler);

    function clickHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {}

    MovieClip (root) .stagetitle (MovieClip .info1 (root), this);


    function outHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {}

    MovieClip (root) .blurbOut (MovieClip (root) .info1);


  • Simple conversion of AS2 AS3.

    Hi all

    Can someone help me convert this script in AS3, I tried it, but I'm not very good.

    import flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter;

    import flash.display.BitmapData;

    to import flash.geom.Point;

    this.createEmptyMovieClip ("waterHold", this.getNextHighestDepth ());

    waterHold._visible = false;

    var numOfRipples:Number = 65;

    var speed: number = 18;

    for (var i: Number = 0; i < numOfRipples; i ++) {}

    undulation of the var: MovieClip = waterHold.attachMovie ("wave",

    "wave" + waterHold.getNextHighestDepth (), waterHold.getNextHighestDepth (), "."

    {_x:random (Stage.width), _y:random(Stage.height)}) ;

    ripple.gotoAndPlay (random (65));


    onEnterFrame = function () {}

    var bm:BitmapData = new BitmapData (waterHold._width + 65, + 65 waterHold._height, true,

    50000000 (0 x);

    BM. Draw (waterHold);

    photo_mc.filters = [new DisplacementMapFilter (bm, new Point (0, 0)-1, 1, 1, speed)];


    It would be a great help for me...
    Thanks in advance!

    import flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter;

    import flash.display.BitmapData;

    to import flash.geom.Point;

    import flash.sampler.NewObjectSample;

    import flash.display.MovieClip;


    var waterHold:MovieClip = new MovieClip();

    addChildAt (waterHold, numChildren);

    waterHold.visible = false;

    var numOfRipples:Number = 65;

    var speed: number = 18;

    for (var i: Number = 0; i

    var w: wave = new wave();

    undulation of the var: MovieClip = waterHold.addChildAt (w, waterHold.numChildren);

    Ripple.x = Math.random () * stage.stageWidth;

    Ripple.y = Math.random () * stage.stageHeight;

    ripple.gotoAndPlay (1 + int (Math.random () * 64));


    addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrameF);

    function onEnterFrameF(e:Event):void {}

    var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData (waterHold.width + 65, + 65 waterHold.height, true, 0 x 50000000);

    var bm:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bmd,PixelSnapping.AUTO,true);

    BM. Draw (waterHold);

    photo_mc.filters = [new DisplacementMapFilter (bm, new Point (0, 0)-1, 1, 1, speed)];


  • AS2 AS3 helps conversion

    I have three base type of navigation and buttons in a movie. Using action script 2, but I would like to pass to the action script 3. Can anyone suggest how convert or rewrite these lines (below) for AS3?

    I've been away from Flash for a while and try to get the acknowledgement of receipt. I'm not a programmer, and won't any programmer lingo if thrown out there. Any help would be appreciated until I have the time to learn more. Thanks in advance for any help. Yes I am reading and trying to figure out as you read this. Just under pressure. :-)


    I use it to simply navigate a calendar:

    btn_back_main.onRelease = function() {}

    _root.gotoAndPlay ("main");



    I use it to open the PDF files:

    This.sec_01_btn_01.onRelease = function() {}




    I use it to load external SWF in a particular place:

    This.btn_video.onRelease = function() {}

    (" load_targ.loadMovie("loads/sec_01.swf ");



    Fun with AS3.

    Please mark this as answered.

  • AS2 AS3 conversion


    I think I understand how to convert the majority of an old script. But a single line throws me for loops:

    var _tempClip2 = _root.attachMovie ("explosion2", "explosion2_" + _root.getNextHighestDepth (), _root.getNextHighestDepth ());

    The foregoing is the first line where explosion2_ is mentioned. I thought so far:

    var explosion2:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
    var explosion2_:MovieClip = new explosion2();
    this.addChild (explosion2_)

    but this code does not mention _tempClip2

    Here's the complete code of AS2:

    var explosionParticleAmount:Number = 15;
    var explosionDistance:Number = 30;
    var explosionSize:Number = 100;
    var explosionAlpha:Number = 75;

    function addExplosion(_targetX:Number,__targetY:Number,__explosionParticleAmount:Number,__distance:Number,__explosionSize:Number,__explosionAlpha:Number):Void
    loop based on the amount of particles of explosion
    for (var i = 0; i < _explosionParticleAmount; i ++)
    create particles
    var _tempClip2 = _root.attachMovie ("explosion2", "explosion2_" + _root.getNextHighestDepth (), _root.getNextHighestDepth ());
    var _tempClip = _root.attachMovie ("explosion", "explosion" + _root.getNextHighestDepth (), _root.getNextHighestDepth ());
    set the position of the particle
    _tempClip._X is _targetX + random (_distance)-(_distance/2);.
    _tempClip._y is _targetY + random (_distance)-(_distance/2);.
    _tempClip2._X is _targetX + random (_distance)-(_distance/2);.
    _tempClip2._y is _targetY + random (_distance)-(_distance/2);.

    get the scale of the random particle
    var tempRandomSize = random (_explosionSize) + _explosionSize/2;
    Set the scale of the particle
    _tempClip._xscale = tempRandomSize;
    _tempClip._yscale = tempRandomSize;
    get the scale of the random particle
    var tempRandomSize = random (_explosionSize) + _explosionSize/2;
    Set the scale of the particle
    _tempClip2._xscale = tempRandomSize;
    _tempClip2._yscale = tempRandomSize;

    rotation of the whole of the particles
    _tempClip2._rotation = random (359);

    Alpha particle Set
    _tempClip._alpha = random (explosionAlpha) + explosionAlpha/4;
    _tempClip2._alpha = random (explosionAlpha) + explosionAlpha/4;

    * The mouse controls
    Create an object that we will hear
    mouseListener = new Object();

    Click, create explosionle
    mouseListener.onMouseDown = function()
    addExplosion (_xmouse, _ymouse, explosionParticleAmount, explosionDistance, explosionSize, explosionAlpha);

    Add listener
    Mouse.addListener (mouseListener);

    Please notify.



    to convert:

    var _tempClip2 = _root.attachMovie ("explosion2", "explosion2_" + _root.getNextHighestDepth (), _root.getNextHighestDepth ());


    var _tempClip2:explosion2 = new explosion2();

    addChild (_tempClip2);

  • Functions table of AS2 AS3 migration

    The code below is intended to load randomly selected "koan sovereign wealth funds" in a clip on the timeline main root called "koan_loader_mc" by using a loader, called "koan_loader."  The actions in this table are correctly migrated to AS3?  Thanks for your help

    create the function that is called at the end of koan_ # .swfs

    This code is in the first frame of the root timeline

    Array.prototype.shuffle = function() {}

    for (var koan.length - 1; ivar = ivar > = 0; ivar-) {}

    var p = random (ivar + 1);

    var t = this [ivar];

    This [ivar] = this [p];

    This [p] = t;



    MovieClip (root) .index = 0;

    var koan_loader:Loader = new Loader();

    koan var: Array = ['swfs/koans/koan_1.swf","swfs/koans/koan_2.swf', 'swfs/koans/koan_3.swf', 'swfs/koans/koan_4.swf', 'swfs/koans/koan_5.swf', 'swfs/koans/koan_6.swf', 'swfs/koans/koan_7.swf', 'swfs/koans/koan_8.swf', 'swfs/koans/koan_9.swf', 'swfs/koans/koan_10.swf', 'swfs/koans/koan_11.swf', 'swfs/koans/koan_12.swf'];

    KOAN.shuffle ();

    koan_loader. Load (new URLRequest (koan [index]));

    MovieClip (root).koan_loader_mc.addChild (koan_loader);


    This is the code in a frame at the end of the koan SWFs:

    MovieClip (root) .index ++

    If (root.index > _root.koan.length - 1) {}

    root.index = 0;

    root. KOAN.shuffle ();


    var koan_loader:Loader = new Loader();

    koan_loader. Load (new URLRequest (koan [root.index]);

    MovieClip (root).koan_loader_mc.addChild (koan_loader);

    loadMovie (_root.koan [root.index]);

    function shuffle(a:Array) {}

    for (var = ivar. Length-1; Ivar > = 0; Ivar-) {}

    var p = random (ivar + 1);

    var t = a [ivar];

    a [ivar] = a [p];

    a [p] = t;



Maybe you are looking for