convert the column to the SQL line

Hello world

I have table with 2 fields.

F1 f2
x x 1
x x 2
x x 3
x x 4

y y1
Y2 y
y y3
y y4

I want to get the data in this table as;
F1 f2 f3 f4 f5
x x 1 x 2 x 3 x 4
y y1 y2 y3 y4

Thank you in advance.

user1516131 wrote:

I want to get the data in this table as;

I guess that x 1, x 2... is just an example and in reality, it can be any value. If Yes, you can use (and, as hoek said, it's a static solution):

with t as (
           select 'x' f1, 'x1' f2 from dual union all
           select 'x', 'x2' from dual union all
           select 'x', 'x3' from dual union all
           select 'x', 'x4' from dual union all
           select 'y', 'y1' from dual union all
           select 'y', 'y2' from dual union all
           select 'y', 'y3' from dual union all
           select 'y', 'y4' from dual
select  f1,
  from  (
         select  f1,
                 lead(f2) over(partition by f1 order by f2) f3,
                 lead(f2,2) over(partition by f1 order by f2) f4,
                 lead(f2,3) over(partition by f1 order by f2) f5,
                 row_number() over(partition by f1 order by f2) rn
           from  t
  where rn = 1

F F2 F3 F4 F5
- -- -- -- --
x x1 x2 x3 x4
y y1 y2 y3 y4



Tags: Database

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    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' FROM odsmine_policy '    
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     SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' WHERE company_code IN (''IL'',''AL'') '    
     SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' WHERE company_code IN (''' + @CompanyCode + ''') '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND cont_status = ''I'' '    
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    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND I.mine_policy_no = R.mine_policy_no '    
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    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [AgentName] VARCHAR(255), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [AgentNumber] VARCHAR(9), '    
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     SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND AHCO IN (''AL'',''IL'') '    
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    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND mine.cont_status IN (''S'',''I'') '    
    IF @CompanyCode = 'ALL'    
     SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND mine.company_code IN (''AL'',''IL'') '    
     SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND mine.company_code = ''' + @CompanyCode + ''' '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND YEAR(mine.effective_date) BETWEEN '+ @StartYY +'  AND  '+ @EndYY +' '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = 'SELECT AgentName, AgentRank, AgentNumber, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' CONVERT(INT,SUM(CASE WHEN cont_status = ''S'' THEN no_count ELSE 0 END)) AS Surrrender_Count, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' CONVERT(INT,SUM(CASE WHEN cont_status = ''I'' THEN no_count ELSE 0 END)) AS InForce_Count, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' SUM(CASE WHEN cont_status = ''S'' THEN Annl_premium ELSE 0 END) AS SurrenderAP, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' SUM(CASE WHEN cont_status = ''I'' THEN Annl_premium ELSE 0 END) AS InForceAP, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' CASE WHEN count(*) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE CONVERT(DECIMAL(38,2),(SUM(CASE WHEN cont_status = ''S'' THEN no_count ELSE 0 END) * 100 / count(*))) END AS AgtSurrenderCount, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' CASE WHEN SUM(Annl_premium) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE CONVERT(DECIMAL(38,2),(SUM(CASE WHEN cont_status = ''S'' THEN Annl_premium ELSE 0 END) * 100 / SUM(Annl_premium))) END AS AgtSurrenderAP, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' CONVERT(varchar(100),@CompAvgCount) AS CompAvgCount, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' CONVERT(varchar(100), @CompAvgAP) AS CompAvgAP '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' FROM @tblODSmine_Policy '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' GROUP BY AgentName, AgentRank, AgentNumber '    
    EXEC (@SQLStr1 + @SQLStr2 + @SQLStr3)    
    --PRINT (@SQLStr1 + @SQLStr2 + @SQLStr3)    


    1. the scrap code.
    2. get the specification of the requirements of business origin.
    3. learn PL/SQL.
    4. write the PL/SQL code to meet the requirements of the company.

  • Convert the SQL query to Oracle

    Hi all

    I have two SQL queries to create the table.


    CREATE TABLE [dbo]. [DocumentType] (
    [DocType] [varchar] (20) GATHER SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,.
    [SubCat] [varchar] (20) GATHER SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL
    ) ON [PRIMARY]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo]. [DocumentType] ADD
    [SubCat]) ON [PRIMARY]


    CREATE TABLE [dbo]. [SBU] (
    [SBU] [varchar] (51) GATHER SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL
    ) ON [PRIMARY]
    ALTER TABLE [dbo]. [SBU] ADD
    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    What will be the query in Oracle?

    Please suggest!
    Kind regards


    CREATE TABLE dbo. DocumentType)
    DocType varchar2 (20) NOT NULL,
    SubCat varchar (20) NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT PK_DocumentType PRIMARY KEY (DocType, SubCat)


    SBU varchar2 (51),

    It is useful for you?

    Published by: insa on June 12, 2012 22:42

  • JSON to the sql result set

    Hi all

    I have this requirement to convert the JSON format in the result set (with the lines and columns).

    is their in any case I can achieve this?

    I was able to successfully convert the sql result set in JSON format but difficult time to do the reverse.


    At some point, I expect the lines to return no more than 2 & about 50 columns maximum.

    Therefore, the JSON itself can be stored in varchar2 (4000) and not need to use CLOB. (If necessary to be passed as an argument to the function).

    Oracle version:

    Kind regards


    There are at least the son on this site below:

  • 4.0 EA1 - save the .sql in .pkb

    If I have a .sql file (it happens to any .sql file) and try and save it as a .pkb through the spreadsheet editor (same choosing PL/SQL Source file as new Type), I get a save say error cannot convert the .sql file to the file .pkb.

    It's used to work before.

    Thank you


    Post edited by: Trotty I think that what follows in the logging page can be linked: 194 SEVERE 0 org.openide.util.RequestProcessor error in oracle.ideimpl.db.ceditor.PlSqlGutterPlugin$ $1 1 RequestProcessor SERIOUS 1612870 193 oracle.javatools.db.plsql.PlSqlDerivedPropertyBuilder provider should not be null

    Buggy as 17185264

    P.S. The message is not related.

  • utils is a packege so should I use the SQL instead of utils.


    everything in translating my MS in mssql to oracle is converted into code bit: utils

    utils is a set I think so is it good to use it or do I find any equivenlent sql function.

    so please tel me oracle sql function for utils.patindex ();

    Yours sincerely

    An Oracle database is not delivered with a package called "utils". We have no idea what is this package. We do not know what it contains.

    If someone in your organization or a tool that you use to convert the SQL Server T - SQL code to Oracle PL/SQL code created a package which simulates some T - SQL functions, you must determine if it is useful to use this package or using the built-ins Oracle. It may be wise to normalize the using the utils package if the hope is that the vast majority of the code will be converted by a tool and not touched by man so that there is consistency between the code base. It may be wise to normalize the Oracle built-in functions if the goal is to make easily understandable code for Oracle developers who do not know the T - SQL functions that are simulated. This isn't something that we can answer for you.


  • How can I change the first line of the table to a header row if it contains PGF with tblHead tags

    So far, I have the following text in a JavaScript:

    If (tbl. FirstRowInTbl.FirstCellInRow.FirstPgf.PgfFmt.Name = "tblHead")


    If (tbl. FirstRowInTbl.RowType = 1).

    1 is Constants.FV_ROW_BODY

    tbl. FirstRowInTbl.RowType = 0;

    0 is Constants.FV_ROW_HEADING

    on the other



    on the other


    It does not work. I'm not comfortable with tbl. FirstRowInTbl.FirstCellInRow.FirstPgf.PgfFmt.Name.

    It is clearly wrong. How I would I want to determine the tag of the first paragraph of the first line?

    Any help is very appreciated!

    Thank you


    Ruth, here is a function that converts the body lines to the header of a table lines. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. -Rick

    #target framemaker
    var doc = app.ActiveDoc;
    // Set a variable for the selected table.
    var tbl = doc.SelectedTbl;
    // Convert the first body row to a heading row.
    bodyToHeadingRow (tbl, 1, doc);
    function bodyToHeadingRow (tbl, num, doc) {
        var row = 0;
        // Select the top "num" rows in the table.
        tbl.MakeTblSelection (0, num - 1, 0, tbl.TblNumCols - 1);
        // Push the current clipboard contents and cut the selected rows.
        PushClipboard ();
        doc.Cut (Constants.FF_CUT_TBL_CELLS);
        // Add "num" number of heading rows to the table.
        row = tbl.FirstRowInTbl;
        row.AddRows (Constants.FV_Heading, num);
        // Select the new heading rows.
        tbl.MakeTblSelection (0, num - 1, 0, tbl.TblNumCols - 1);
        // Paste the rows from the clipboard into the new heading rows.
        doc.Paste (Constants.FF_REPLACE_CELLS);
        // Restore the clipboard contents.
  • How to convert the lines into columns dynamically

    I have a 'report_line' with the following data table

    location_code line_code value
    LOC1 L1 12
    loc2 L1 13
    LOC1 L2 15
    loc2 L3 11
    LOC3 L1 9

    Now I want the o/p by converting the line_codes in clumns as below

    L1 L2 L3
    LOC1 12 15
    13 11 loc2
    LOC3 9

    How can I do this dynamically. Line codes are not constatnt, they can change for each scenario.

    Thank you

    I want just a sql for this query and no. columns ' maximum of are 6.

    In this case you can do.

    --sample data
    with t
    select 'loc1' location_code, 'L1' line_code, 12 value from dual union all
    select 'loc2', 'L1', 13 from dual union all
    select 'loc1', 'L2', 15 from dual union all
    select 'loc2', 'L3', 11 from dual union all
    select 'loc3', 'L1', 9 from dual
    --end of sample data
    select location_code,
           max(decode(line_code, 'L1', value, null)) L1,
           max(decode(line_code, 'L2', value, null)) L2,
           max(decode(line_code, 'L3', value, null)) L3,
           max(decode(line_code, 'L4', value, null)) L4,
           max(decode(line_code, 'L5', value, null)) L5,
           max(decode(line_code, 'L6', value, null)) L6
      from t
     group by location_code

    Here I used the WITH clause as an example of table. You can replace the "t" table name in the select statement with your actual table and remove the WITH clause.

  • Convert the equivalent function stragg columns in oracle sql


    Sorry I forgot my version of Oracle:
    SQL> select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    I searched on google but I have not found the solution.

    I'm looking for a function equivalent to the SQL stragg discoverer.

    Note: stragg function convert columns in lines.

    Thank you
    SELECT   deptno, stragg ('-' || ename)
        FROM emp_test
    GROUP BY deptno;
        DEPTNO STRAGG_STR                                                  
    ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------
            10 -CLARK-KING-MILLER                                          
            20 -SMITH-FORD-ADAMS-SCOTT-JONES                               
            30 -ALLEN-BLAKE-MARTIN-TURNER-JAMES-WARD                       
    3 rows selected.
    Published by: Salim champion 2010-01-29 08:32

    Hello Salim
    This feature does not exist inside the discoverer.

    My suggestion would be to create a SQL function, then import it in Finder using the System Administration tool. Now, you will be able to pass the deptno to the function and the function returns a single string containing the concatenated names.

    This isn't a function difficult to write and if you would like some help please let us know.

    Best wishes

  • How to display the columns in the wise line in pl sql

    I have to display some values of constant wise online using the select statement. For example, after query both display constant columnwise...

    Select 83: 42 double;

    83 42

    I want to display the rowwise... IE


    I can create temporary table and add them then ask, but there should be a way I can use double to show the values line wise. something like

    Select a double where an in (83, 42)

    Appreciate your help.


    Here's one way:

    SELECT     column_value    AS cnstnt
    FROM     TABLE (sys.odcinumberlist (83, 42))

    CONSTANT is a keyword from Oracle is not a very good name for your own column.

  • SQl query to find out time between the different lines of transactions

    (See both images from an attachment to get the clear picture of the data and understand the question correctly.)

    I have a set of data like this in one of my paintings. (This is a simple representation of the original data.)

    Reference table1.jpg

    Id        | Type               | Value | Start_date | End_date


    ZTR0098 | ALLOW | 0 | 1 JUN | 2 JUN |

    ZTR0098 | ADTAX | 0 | 1 JUN | 2 JUN |

    ZTR0098 | MXTAX | 0 | 1 JUN | 9 JUN |

    ZTR0098 | ALLOW | 4. 3 JUN | 15 JUN |

    ZTR0098 | ADTAX | 44.00 | 3 JUN | 17-JUNE |

    ZTR0098 | MXTAX | 2. 10 JUN | 17-JUNE |

    ZTR0098 | ALLOW | 5. 16-JUNE | 20 JUN |

    ZTR0098 | ADTAX | 55,34 | 18 JUN | 22 JUN |

    ZTR0098 | MXTAX | 1. 18 JUN | 25 JUN |

    ZTR0098 | MXTAX | 6. 26 JUN | 31 AUG |

    ZTR0098 | ADTAX | 20.09. 23 JUN | 23 JUL |

    ZTR0098 | ALLOW | 8. 21 JUN | 31 AUG |

    ZTR0098 | ADTAX | 45. 24 JUL | 31 AUG |

    each line has a type and a rasthaus id to it. ID belongs to other parent tables. the value of each type is given, and the validity of each value is followed by a field start_date and end_date.

    All values start from 1 - JUN and expires on 31 - AUG. Now my requirement is to obtain a report that gives three columns for three different types (ALLOW, ADTAX and MXTAX) with combination of unique values in the effective time interval. Let me put the result below.

    Reference table2.jpg

    Id         | ALLOW | ADTAX | MXTAX |  Start_date | End_date


    ZTR0098 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 JUN | 2 JUN |

    ZTR0098 | 4. 44.00 | 0 | 3 JUN | 9 JUN |

    ZTR0098 | 4. 44.00 | 2. 10 JUN | 15 JUN |

    ZTR0098 | 5. 44.00 | 2. 16-JUNE | 17-JUNE |

    ZTR0098 | 5. 55,34 | 1. 18 JUN | 20 JUN |

    ZTR0098 | 8. 55,34 | 1. 21 JUN | 22 JUN |

    ZTR0098 | 8. 20.09. 1. 23 JUN | 25 JUN |

    ZTR0098 | 8. 20.09. 6. 26 JUN | 23 JUL |

    ZTR0098 | 8. 45. 6. 23 JUL | 31 AUG |

    As you can see there are no duplicate rows for a combination of (ALLOW, ADTAX and MXTAX) with their respective dates in force. resulting in the above table. the first step is to convert lines to the column which is pretty obvious to do that by grouping on start_date and end_date colum, but the real deal is the time interval during which the combination of the values (ALLOW, ADTAX, and MXTAX) has remained constant.

    I wrote under query using Group by.



    NVL (max (decode (type, "ALLOW", value)), 0) as ALLOW

    NVL (max (decode (type, 'ADTAX', value)), 0) as ADTAX

    NVL (max (decode (type, 'MXTAX', value)), 0) as MXTAX



    from my_table

    Group of start_date, end_date, id

    start_date, end_date

    the results it gives are like this:

    Reference table3.jpg

    Id       | ALLOW | ADTAX | MXTAX |  Start_date | End_date


    ZTR0098 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 JUN | 2 JUN |

    ZTR0098 | 0 | 0 | 2. 1 JUN | 9 JUN |

    ZTR0098 | 4. 0 | 0 | 3 JUN | 15 JUN |

    ZTR0098 | 0 | 44.00 | 0 | 3 JUN | 17-JUNE |

    ZTR0098 | 0 | 0 | 2. 10 JUN | 17-JUNE |

    ZTR0098 | 5. 0 | 0 | 16-JUNE | 20 JUN |

    ZTR0098 | 0 | 55,34 | 0 | 18 JUN | 22 JUN |

    .   .

    . .

    like wise

    but I'm not able to determine the time intervals by using the SQL query.


    Table1 as

    (select the id 'ZTR0098', 'ALLOW' type, 0 val, to_date('1-JUN','dd-MON') start_date, end_date Union to_date('2-JUN','dd-MON') double all the)

    Select 'ZTR0098', 'ADTAX', 0, to_date('1-JUN','dd-MON'), to_date('2-JUN','dd-MON') of all the double union

    Select 'ZTR0098', 'MXTAX', 0, to_date('1-JUN','dd-MON'), to_date('9-JUN','dd-MON') of all the double union

    Select 'ZTR0098', 'ALLOW', 4, to_date('3-JUN','dd-MON'), to_date('15-JUN','dd-MON') of all the double union

    Select 'ZTR0098', 'ADTAX', 44.00, to_date('3-JUN','dd-MON'), to_date('17-JUN','dd-MON') of all the double union

    Select 'ZTR0098', 'MXTAX', 2, to_date('10-JUN','dd-MON'), to_date('17-JUN','dd-MON') of all the double union

    Select 'ZTR0098', 'ALLOW', 5, to_date('16-JUN','dd-MON'), to_date('20-JUN','dd-MON') of all the double union

    Select 'ZTR0098', 'ADTAX', 55.34, to_date('18-JUN','dd-MON'), to_date('22-JUN','dd-MON') of all the double union

    Select 'ZTR0098', 'MXTAX', 1, to_date('18-JUN','dd-MON'), to_date('25-JUN','dd-MON') of all the double union

    Select 'ZTR0098', 'MXTAX', 6, to_date('26-JUN','dd-MON'), to_date('31-AUG','dd-MON') of all the double union

    Select 'ZTR0098', 'ADTAX', 20.09, to_date('23-JUN','dd-MON'), to_date('23-JUL','dd-MON') of all the double union

    Select 'ZTR0098', 'ALLOW', 8, to_date('21-JUN','dd-MON'), to_date('31-AUG','dd-MON') of all the double union

    Select 'ZTR0098', 'ADTAX', 45, to_date('24-JUL','dd-MON'), to_date('31-AUG','dd-MON') of the double


    days like

    (select level - 1 dte + to_date('1-JUN','dd-MON')

    of the double

    connect by level<= to_date('31-aug','dd-mon')="" -="" to_date('1-jun','dd-mon')="" +="">


    Select id, allow, adtax, mxtax, min (dte) start_date, max (dte) end_date

    (select ID, dte, max (allow) allow, max (adtax) adtax, max (mxtax) mxtax,

    ROW_NUMBER() over (order by dte) row_number() - courses (partition by order max (allow), max (adtax), max (mxtax) by dte) gr

    go (select id, dte,

    -case when type = 'ALLOW' and dte between start_date and end_date then end val 0 otherwise allow.

    -case when type = "ADTAX" and dte between start_date and end_date then val 0 otherwise end adtax.

    -case when type = "MXTAX" and dte between start_date and end_date then val 0 otherwise end mxtax

    Table 1 t,

    days d

    where d.dte between t.start_date and t.end_date


    Group by id, dte


    Group by id, gr, allow, adtax, mxtax

    order by id, gr

    ZTR0098 0 0 0 01/06/2015 02/06/2015
    ZTR0098 4 44 0 03/06/2015 09/06/2015
    ZTR0098 4 44 2 10/06/2015 15/06/2015
    ZTR0098 5 44 2 16/06/2015 17/06/2015
    ZTR0098 5 55,34 1 18/06/2015 20/06/2015
    ZTR0098 8 55,34 1 21/06/2015 22/06/2015
    ZTR0098 8 20.09 1 23/06/2015 25/06/2015
    ZTR0098 8 20.09 6 26/06/2015 23/07/2015
    ZTR0098 8 45 6 24/07/2015 31/08/2015



  • How to convert the column of ROW using DBMS_REDIFINITION object type column

    Hi all
    Suppose I have the following table to convert:
    create table customer as select customer_id cid, cust_first_name name, cust_address street from customers;
    alter table customer modify cid primary key;
    I created the table based on the customers of the OE schema table, while the street column has cust_address_typ with the following attribute object type
    SQL> describe cust_address_typ
     Name                                     Null?     Type
     ----------------------------------------------------- -------- ------------------------------------
     STREET_ADDRESS                               VARCHAR2(40)
     POSTAL_CODE                                   VARCHAR2(10)
     CITY                                        VARCHAR2(30)
     STATE_PROVINCE                               VARCHAR2(10)
     COUNTRY_ID                                   CHAR(2)
    I want to convert the object attribute adresse_rue in a column of RDM. Consider the following temporary table:
    NAME VARCHAR2(30),
    street varchar2(100)
    First of all, I checked if the table can be redefined:
    --Verify if the table can be redefined
     4  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    But when I started the redefinition, I got an error:
    uname => 'OE',
    orig_table => 'CUSTOMER',
    int_table => 'INT_CUSTOMER',
      9  /
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_REDEFINITION", line 52
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_REDEFINITION", line 1646
    ORA-06512: at line 2
    What seemed to be the problem?

    Best regards

    Published by: Valerie good-natured October 9, 2011 21:43

    Have you tried this one:

    uname => 'OE',
    orig_table => 'CUSTOMER',
    int_table => 'INT_CUSTOMER',

    Looking at your trace file, I claim that when you use the call above to START_REDEF_TABLE, the inner workings of this procedure will create this SQL statement:


    (You can prove or disprove my claim by tracing it ;-)))

    And this statement has had an alias - even if the alias is the same as the name of the table...

  • Column of the row on a table (using the SQL query)

    Data in my table looks like this.

    Data in the table


    COL_1, COL_2

    ----------    ----------

    1 ABCD

    2 ABC

    3 ABCDE

    4             AB


    Now, he must, for the entire line, length COL_2 text exceeds 3, display the text remaining in the new line. For example, the first row (COL_1 = 1), COL_2 length is 4, so in SQL output two lines will be displayed as shown below. Also, the last row (COL_1 = 5), the length is 8, then, in SQL, output 3 lines will be displayed as below. And for the COL_1 = 2 & 4, only 1 rank will be displayed as the text COL_2 length is less than or equal to 3.



    COL_1, COL_2

    ----------    ----------

    1 ABC

    1             D

    2 ABC

    ABC 3

    3             DE

    4             AB

    5 ABC

    5 DEF

    5             GH

    We need to implement using SQL only.


    the solution of etbin uses recursive subquery factoring available on Oracle 11 g 2.

    Since you have not mentioned your version I write here 2 alternatives using CONNECT BY and Xquery:

    with mydata as


    Select 1 c1, c2 'ABCD' Union double all the

    Select 2, 'ABC' from dual union all

    Select 3, 'ABCDE' from dual union all

    Select option 4, "AB" dual union all

    Select 5, "ABCDEFGH" of the double


    Select c1, substr (c2, level * 3-2, 3) C2

    of mydata

    connect by substr (c2, level * 3-2, 3) is not null

    and c1 = c1 prior

    and prior dbms_random.random is not null;

    C1 C2

    ---------- ---

    1 ABC


    2 ABC

    ABC 3


    4 AB

    5 ABC

    5 DEF

    5 GH

    9 selected lines.

    with mydata as


    Select 1 c1, c2 'ABCD' Union double all the

    Select 2, 'ABC' from dual union all

    Select 3, 'ABCDE' from dual union all

    Select option 4, "AB" dual union all

    Select 5, "ABCDEFGH" of the double


    Select a.c1, x.c2

    of mydata one

    , xmltable ("ora: tokenize($c2,",")")

    passing regexp_replace (a.c2, '(.{1, 3}) \1 ',',') as "c2".

    path of columns c2 varchar2 (30) '.'

    ) x

    where x.c2 is not null;

    C1 C2

    ---------- ------------------------------

    1 ABC


    2 ABC

    ABC 3


    4 AB

    5 ABC

    5 DEF

    5 GH

    9 selected lines.

    Edit: corrected the Xquery solution using a simplified regexp_replace.

    Kind regards.


  • How to get line numbers to display on the SQL worksheet?

    Dear Forum,

    I learn the SQL Developer.  I use it in my work and school.  At school, when I enter a query in the SQL worksheet, line numbers show in a column to the left of the editing area.  In my work, no line number.  I'm working on a fairly long query at my work, and the line numbers would be useful.

    I looked at tools / preferences / settings for the Code Editor, but do not find a setting for line numbers.  I looked at the other tabs in preferences and found nothing that looked useful.

    I have looked at all of the choices on the display list, but can't find anything on line numbers.

    Am I missing something obvious?  Line numbers is also available?  If so, how?

    I looked at various hits "line number" in this forum, but I've not found anything exactly the point.


    PS Oracle 11g, SQL Developer 3.0.04, Linux x 86-64 (don't have version)

    Tools-> preferences /-> Code Editor-> line gutter

  • Return the first line with a non-null value in a column

    Hey there, gurus. Can someone give me a hand with this?

    I have a table with six columns: Class_ID, Course_ID, start_date, Last_Name, First_Name, company. When our students take a class and will fill in an evaluation form, they fill in the Class_ID Last_Name First_Name, and Company. The Course_ID and Start_Date are filled automatically based on the Class_ID.

    I am trying to generate a report that contains Class_ID, Course_ID and Start_Date, PLUS the value of the first not null in the column of company for a combination given to the three first columns. Here is my SQL that does not quite do the trick:

    Select distinct c.class_id, c.course_id, c.start_date,
    class c, person p, student s
    where substr (c.course_id, 1, 3) = "OBI".
    and c.start_date > = SYSDATE-30
    and c.class_id = s.class_id
    and =
    order start_date, company, class_id, course_id

    At present, if in a given class, a student entered "CCCC" under the name of the company and another entry "Collin Co Comm Coll" and another between "Collin College", I would get three rows of this class when you use the SQL above. I want just one line. I don't really like which company names gets selected - one of them will be great for our needs. I just need to see a line for each class_id and single value that some students entered the area of the company. And I guess I have to say that if no student fills in the name of the company I need to see the value null, because I need to see the line no matter what.

    Looks like some sort of funky outer join or a coalesce, but it is beyond my ability to understand.

    Now I get this:
    During class 1234 SQL271 Date 22/07/2013 company XYZ Inc.
    Made up of class 1234 SQL271 Date 22/07/2013 company XYZ
    1234 SQL271 Date 22/07/2013 company XYZ, class

    What I want:
    Class 1234 SQL271 22/07/2013 Date course XYZ Inc. or one of the other 2

    Thanks in advance!
    select c.class_id, c.course_id, c.start_date, max( company
    from class c, person p, student s
    where substr(c.course_id,1,3) = 'OBI'
    and c.start_date >= SYSDATE-30
    and c.class_id = s.class_id
    and =
    group by c.class_id, c.course_id, c.start_date
    order by class_id, start_date, course_id

    Or if you want to list all businesses, you can use LISTAGG if you're on the latest version of ORACLE

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