Convert the function of transfer system model

It is a practice "IF convert to transfer function of" in the system identification toolkit, but is a VI to go the other way? I used the id of system tools to estimate the TF from my system, but I want to compare it to the base of the first order response of the system to my real stimulus data.

I can build a first TF command using the 'create order 1 CD' but I don't know how do to then turn this into a model of continuous system in which I can plug my real data.

I am able to build a model system using 'IF create system' but it is a polynomial model, if there is a way to cajole this in the form of an order of 1st exponential base, it would be a great solution as well.

(I'm experienced with LV, but my theory of control is rusty and I am totally new to CD modules and IF - then I apologize if this is a silly question)


You can use IF partially known continuous transfer (1st order) .vi model function and IF partially assess continuous known model transfer function (1st order SISO) .vi to estimate a 1st order TF, in which the parameters are defined as in CD create 1st order

Tags: NI Software

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    B2 = tf ([1 0], [7.6991]);
    B3 = tf ([1 0], [14.32433403]);
    B4 = tf ([1 0], [137.6017]);

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    Plot (F)

    I also change the encoding as Labview Mathscript does not support Matlab coding "tf" as function of transfer to "bilinear".

    I am facing problem to are:

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    {color: #993300} create or replace package metaphone
    function to generate (s varchar2) return varchar2;
    Metaphone end;
    display errors; {color}
    {color: #993300} create or replace package body metaphone
    type rule_rec is record
    whole f_off
    f_match varchar2 (10),
    f_result varchar2 (10)
    type rule_tab is table of the directory index rule_rec;
    g_rules rule_tab;
    g_vowels constant varchar2 (5): = 'AEIOU ';
    function cmp_rule
    p_rule rule_rec,
    p_off pls_integer,
    P_STR varchar2
    ) return a Boolean value;
    function to generate the varchar2 (s varchar2) return
    L_S varchar2 (32767).
    l_r varchar2 (32767).
    -get rid of the non-alphanumeric characters
    I'm looping 1.length (s)
    If (substr (s, i, 1)) upper between 'A' and 'Z' then
    L_S: l_s = | Upper (substr (s, i, 1));
    end if;
    end loop;
    If l_s is null then
    Returns a null value.
    end if;
    -clean the word a little
    If l_s as 'AE %' or l_s as 'GN %' or like «% KN» l_s
    l_s like '% FN' or like «% WR» l_s
    L_S: = substr(l_s,2); -first letter drop
    elsif l_s as 'X %' then
    L_S: = the of ' | substr(L_S,2); -Replace with S
    elsif l_s as 'WH %' then
    L_S : = « W » || substr(L_S,2); -change W
    end if;
    I'm looping 1.length (l_s)
    If I & gt; 1 and substr (l_s, i - 1, 1) = substr (l_s, i, 1)
    and substr (l_s, i, 1). = « C »
    -drop the second letter doubled except C
    elsif instr (g_vowels, substr(l_s,i,1)) & gt; 0 then
    -ignore all but the initial vowels
    If I = 1 then
    l_r: = l_r | substr (L_S, i, 1);
    end if;
    elsif substr (l_s, i, 2) = "GH."
    and I & lt; length (l_s) - 2
    and instr (g_vowels, substr(l_s,i+1,1)) = 0
    -a hard rule:
    -If silent "GH" and not at the end or before a vowel
    on the other
    -analysis of the structure of words
    for r loop 1.g_rules.count
    If cmp_rule (g_rules (r), i, l_s) then
    l_r: = l_r | g_rules (r) .f_result;
    end if;
    end loop;
    end if;
    end loop;
    l_r return;
    end generate;
    procedure add_rule (whole p_off, p_match varchar2, varchar2 p_result)
    l_rule_rec rule_rec;
    l_rule_rec.f_off: = p_off;
    l_rule_rec.f_match: = p_match;
    l_rule_rec.f_result: = p_result;
    g_rules (g_rules. (Count + 1): = l_rule_rec;
    end add_rule;
    function cmp_rule
    p_rule rule_rec,
    p_off pls_integer,
    P_STR varchar2
    ) return Boolean
    CH1 tank;
    Char CH2;
    If p_rule.f_match like '%c %' or p_rule.f_match like '% %' then
    I'm looping 1.length (p_rule.f_match)
    CH1: = substr (p_rule.f_match, i, 1);
    CH2: is substr (p_str, p_off + p_rule.f_off + i, 1);.
    If ch2 is null then
    Returns false;
    end if;
    If ch1 = 'v' then
    If instr (g_vowels, ch2) = 0 then
    Returns false;
    end if;
    elsif ch1 = 'c' then
    If instr (g_vowels, ch2)! = 0 then
    Returns false;
    end if;
    elsif ch1! = ch2 then
    Returns false;
    end if;
    end loop;
    Returns true;
    end if;
    If p_off & lt; = - p_rule.f_off then
    Returns false;
    end if;
    return p_rule.f_match
    = substr (p_str, p_off + p_rule.f_off, length (p_rule.f_match));
    end cmp_rule;
    -to initialize the rule table
    -order is important
    add_rule (-1, 'MB', null);
    add_rule (-1, 'CH', null);
    add_rule (-1, 'PH', null);
    add_rule (-1, 'SH', null);
    add_rule (-1, 'TH', null);
    add_rule (-1, 'CK', null);
    Metaphone end;
    display errors; {color}

    {color: #993300} source, 39044553,39200579,00.htm


    Its already a function. Only, it's that its interior of a package. Then you can simply use it in SQL like that.

    SELECT package_name.function_name FROM dual;

    See below...

    SQL> create or replace package metaphone
      2  is
      3      function generate(s varchar2) return varchar2;
      4  end metaphone;
      5  /
    Package created.
    SQL> show errors;
    No errors.
    SQL> create or replace package body metaphone
      2  is
      3      type rule_rec is record
      4      (
      5          f_off       integer,
      6          f_match     varchar2(10),
      7          f_result    varchar2(10)
      8      );
      9      type rule_tab is table of rule_rec index by binary_integer;
     10      g_rules rule_tab;
     11      g_vowels constant varchar2(5) := 'AEIOU';
     12      --
     13      function cmp_rule
     14      (
     15          p_rule rule_rec,
     16          p_off pls_integer,
     17          p_str varchar2
     18      ) return boolean;
     19      --
     20      function generate(s varchar2) return varchar2
     21      is
     22          l_s varchar2(32767);
     23          l_r varchar2(32767);
     24      begin
     25          -- get rid of non-alpha characters
     26          for i in 1..length(s) loop
     27              if upper(substr(s,i,1)) between 'A' and 'Z' then
     28                  l_s := l_s || upper(substr(s,i,1));
     29              end if;
     30          end loop;
     31          if l_s is null then
     32              return null;
     33          end if;
     34          -- clean up the word a bit
     35          if l_s like 'AE%' or l_s like 'GN%' or l_s like 'KN%'
     36          or l_s like 'PN%' or l_s like 'WR%'
     37          then
     38              l_s := substr(l_s,2);           -- drop first letter
     39          elsif l_s like 'X%' then
     40              l_s := 'S' || substr(l_s,2);    -- change to S
     41          elsif l_s like 'WH%' then
     42              l_s := 'W' || substr(l_s,2);    -- change to W
     43          end if;
     44          for i in 1..length(l_s) loop
     45              if i > 1 and substr(l_s,i-1,1) = substr(l_s,i,1)
     46                  and substr(l_s,i,1) != 'C'
     47              then
     48                  -- drop the second of doubled letter except C
     49                  null;
     50              elsif instr(g_vowels,substr(l_s,i,1)) > 0 then
     51                  -- ignore all except initial vowels
     52              if i = 1 then
     53                  l_r := l_r || substr(l_s,i,1);
     54              end if;
     55              elsif substr(l_s,i,2) = 'GH'
     56                  and i < length(l_s)-2
     57                  and instr(g_vowels,substr(l_s,i+1,1)) = 0
     58              then
     59                  -- a difficult rule:
     60                  -- silent if in "gh" and not at end or before a vowel
     61                  null;
     62              else
     63                  -- scan for word patterns
     64                  for r in 1..g_rules.count loop
     65                      if cmp_rule(g_rules(r),i,l_s) then
     66                          l_r := l_r || g_rules(r).f_result;
     67                          exit;
     68                      end if;
     69                  end loop;
     70              end if;
     71          end loop;
     72          return l_r;
     73      end generate;
     74      --
     75      procedure add_rule(p_off integer,p_match varchar2,p_result varchar2)
     76      is
     77          l_rule_rec  rule_rec;
     78      begin
     79          l_rule_rec.f_off := p_off;
     80          l_rule_rec.f_match := p_match;
     81          l_rule_rec.f_result := p_result;
     82          g_rules(g_rules.count+1) := l_rule_rec;
     83      end add_rule;
     84      --
     85      function cmp_rule
     86      (
     87          p_rule rule_rec,
     88          p_off pls_integer,
     89          p_str varchar2
     90      ) return Boolean
     91      is
     92          ch1 char;
     93          ch2 char;
     94      begin
     95          if p_rule.f_match like '%c%' or p_rule.f_match like '%v%' then
     96              for i in 1..length(p_rule.f_match) loop
     97                  ch1 := substr(p_rule.f_match,i,1);
     98                  ch2 := substr(p_str,p_off+p_rule.f_off+i,1);
     99                  if ch2 is null then
    100                      return false;
    101                  end if;
    102                  if ch1 = 'v' then
    103                      if instr(g_vowels,ch2) = 0 then
    104                          return false;
    105                      end if;
    106                  elsif ch1 = 'c' then
    107                      if instr(g_vowels,ch2) != 0 then
    108                          return false;
    109                      end if;
    110                  elsif ch1 != ch2 then
    111                      return false;
    112                  end if;
    113              end loop;
    114              return true;
    115          end if;
    116          if p_off <= -p_rule.f_off then
    117              return false;
    118          end if;
    119          return p_rule.f_match
    120                  = substr(p_str,p_off+p_rule.f_off,length(p_rule.f_match));
    121      end cmp_rule;
    122  begin
    123      -- initialize the rules table
    124      -- order is important
    125      add_rule(-1,'MB',null);
    126      add_rule(0,'B','B');
    127      add_rule(0,'CIA','X');
    128      add_rule(0,'CH','X');
    129      add_rule(0,'CI','S');
    130      add_rule(0,'CE','S');
    131      add_rule(0,'CY','S');
    132      add_rule(0,'C','K');
    133      add_rule(0,'DGE','J');
    134      add_rule(0,'DGY','J');
    135      add_rule(0,'DGI','J');
    136      add_rule(0,'D','T');
    137      add_rule(0,'F','F');
    138      add_rule(0,'GN',null);
    139      add_rule(0,'GNED',null);
    140      add_rule(0,'GI','J');
    141      add_rule(0,'GE','J');
    142      add_rule(0,'GY','J');
    143      add_rule(0,'G','K');
    144      add_rule(-1,'vHc',null);
    145      add_rule(-1,'CH',null);
    146      add_rule(-1,'PH',null);
    147      add_rule(-1,'SH',null);
    148      add_rule(-1,'TH',null);
    149      add_rule(0,'H','H');
    150      add_rule(0,'J','J');
    151      add_rule(-1,'CK',null);
    152      add_rule(0,'K','K');
    153      add_rule(0,'L','L');
    154      add_rule(0,'M','M');
    155      add_rule(0,'N','N');
    156      add_rule(0,'PH','F');
    157      add_rule(0,'P','P');
    158      add_rule(0,'Q','K');
    159      add_rule(0,'R','R');
    160      add_rule(0,'SH','X');
    161      add_rule(0,'SIO','X');
    162      add_rule(0,'SIA','X');
    163      add_rule(0,'S','S');
    164      add_rule(0,'TIA','X');
    165      add_rule(0,'TIO','X');
    166      add_rule(0,'TH','0');
    167      add_rule(0,'TCH',null);
    168      add_rule(0,'T','T');
    169      add_rule(0,'V','F');
    170      add_rule(0,'Wv','W');
    171      add_rule(0,'W',null);
    172      add_rule(0,'X','KS');
    173      add_rule(0,'Yv','Y');
    174      add_rule(0,'Y',null);
    175      add_rule(0,'Z','S');
    176  end metaphone;
    177  /
    Package body created.
    SQL> select metaphone.generate('stephens') from dual
      2  /

    Published by: Karthick_Arp on January 14, 2009 23:29

  • Function button "Transfer" CTS?

    We run 1.7 on our endpoints CTS and the Midlet running on PSTN phones as well.  I've been asked for the ability to transfer a call from one piece of CTS to the other.

    Currently, it seems that the MIdlet control programmable keys that are presented on the phone, is that correct?

    I can't get a transfer softkey to appear on PSTN phones.  Is it normal?  Endpoints support CTS same call transfer feature?

    Thank you!


    The soft keys are part of the MIDlet which are served by the codec software.  The function button 'transfer' is not included, as CTS endpoints do not support the call transfer feature.

    Thank you


  • Convert the equivalent function stragg columns in oracle sql


    Sorry I forgot my version of Oracle:
    SQL> select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    I searched on google but I have not found the solution.

    I'm looking for a function equivalent to the SQL stragg discoverer.

    Note: stragg function convert columns in lines.

    Thank you
    SELECT   deptno, stragg ('-' || ename)
        FROM emp_test
    GROUP BY deptno;
        DEPTNO STRAGG_STR                                                  
    ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------
            10 -CLARK-KING-MILLER                                          
            20 -SMITH-FORD-ADAMS-SCOTT-JONES                               
            30 -ALLEN-BLAKE-MARTIN-TURNER-JAMES-WARD                       
    3 rows selected.
    Published by: Salim champion 2010-01-29 08:32

    Hello Salim
    This feature does not exist inside the discoverer.

    My suggestion would be to create a SQL function, then import it in Finder using the System Administration tool. Now, you will be able to pass the deptno to the function and the function returns a single string containing the concatenated names.

    This isn't a function difficult to write and if you would like some help please let us know.

    Best wishes

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    Could there be other issues behind this failure?
    Thanks in advance


    Follow these methods and check if that helps.

    Method 1:

    I suggest to download from the link provided below windows easy transfer tool and install it and then try to transfer the data back.

    Method 2:

    Refer to step 2 and step 4 from the link provided below:



    Method 3:

    I recommend you to try different types of transfers using different media. You can also do a disk clean up of the Windows XP computer. Remove unwanted programs from the Windows XP computer. Do a disk clean, right click on the C drive, and then click Properties. Clean, then click on the disc.

    For use with different media windows easy transfer, you can click on this link for steps to follow:



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    You can not install XP on a Flash as his unsupported drive. Your only two options are a traditional hard drive or Solid State Drive (SSD).

    J W Stuart:

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    Use telephone activation, say nothing, and you will possibly connected to a human being.  They should be able to sort out you.

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    How to create a model of VMware Windows 7 | Notes of MWhite

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    Thank you

    Sysprep runs automatically when the new virtual machine is cloned from the model. You must run Sysprep specially on your model. The deployment of the new virtual machine of the model, in the last step, select the specification of customization of comments which was created and that should take care of the rest.

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    faultCause = (vmodl. NULL in MethodFault),

    MSG = "received error [< p:1f2aea80, TCP:localhost:80 cs >] SOAP response: markAsTemplate.

    The mode is not supported on the object. »


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    Thank you


    You need a vCenter server used with models... vCenter can then be managed using PowerCLI.

    / Rubeck

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    The location is added to the customer (internal part).

    Kind regards

    Isabelle Syed

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    Y does it can someone help me? Thank you in advance to all

    Good bye


    I would say to start from this article

    How to create a mobile website with Adobe Muse | Adobe Muse CC tutorials

    Let me know if you have any question.

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