Creation of Data Type when the script crashes LabVIEW

When you use the script (LV2010) if I call the Create method of Data Type (available appeal node when a reference to the BD is cable), if I have all but 1 up to the wiring on 'style' terminal, LabVIEW, it blocks. LabVIEW then restarts with an error message saying that "the last time that you have run LabVIEW internal error or accident took place in lvmain.cpp, line 1756. If I have wiring 1 However, it creates a constant fine.

I see in the context-sensitive help that it always creates a control at the start, but it seems that I can't get it to create a constant. So, okay, I decided to go around, create the constant, take the new object refnum he returned and there to change the constant in one control... but I can't get this work. Can someone point me in the right direction? Here is the code and the screenshot; This is a quick drop plugin.

It is intended to run on a cluster that is perceived as an icon if you want to test, you need to create that.

I presented the 'style' value, 0 if if you don't want to plant LabVIEW, set it up to 1.

No time for an in-depth exploration now.  Create from Datatype killed my LV10.  What I was able to do after creating a constant of cluster, the consultation as an icon and select it.  (1) with the scripts, create a new VI and stick that the constant to figure (2) mount the pasted objected to the ClusterConstant and the change of control.

I think I know where you're going, should be interesting.

Tags: NI Software

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  • When not data type of the variant of wire to the data?

    When the data type of the sink of the thread (its destination) database is well defined, LabVIEW makes a type definition back from the variant to the data output. It does not work on polymorphic functions and structures border entries, etc. It is usually harmless to leave the type continuous wire in most of the cases but do not forget that you let LabVIEW decide for you, how to convert the data.

    In addition, if you put the following line in your file labview.ini:

    coerceFromVariant = TRUE

    you will be able connect variant directly to the sink, without variation in data (and its error handling).

  • A question about the conservation of fields (hour, min, sec) time DATE type in the table on the changes of NLS_DATE_FORMAT


    Oracle version: - 64 bit

                      OS:   Fedora Core 17 X86_64

    My question is about the conservation of fields (hour, minute, second) time DATE type in the array on NLS_DATE_FORMAT changes.

    Take the following test case:

    SQL> create table tmptab(dateval date);
    Table created.
    SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss';
    Session altered.
    SQL> insert into tmptab(dateval) values('2014-01-01 00:00:00');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into tmptab(dateval) values('2014-01-01 10:00:00');
    1 row created.
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete.
    SQL> select * from tmptab;
    2014-01-01 00:00:00
    2014-01-01 10:00:00
    SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = 'yyyy';
    Session altered.
    SQL> select * from tmptab where dateval > '2014';
    no rows selected

    I don't understand why it returns nothing. The second test case above insert statement inserted a line with 10 as the value for the time of the DATE field column dateval.

    Accordingly, while comparing this with the literal '2014' (which based on the new value of NLS_DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy" is implicitly converted to DATE), shouldn't the above query returns the line 2014-01-01 10:00 ?

    I mean, I changed the NLS_DATE_FORMAT but data from time in the table fields are preserved and that's why they should normally be taken into account in the comparison of date.

    What I'm trying to say is that for me (Please correct me if I'm wrong), no matter what NLS_DATE_FORMAT configuration is the following test

    SQL> select * from tmptab where dateval > '2014';

    is the same thing that

    SQL> select * from tmptab where dateval > to_date('2014-01-01 00:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss');

    And because the line 2014-01-01 10: 00:00 in the tmptab table. The following test

    2014-01-01 10:00:00 > to_date('2014-01-01 00:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')

    evolves normally true (beucase of TIME = 10 on the left side of the test) and therefore this line must be returned which is not the case in the test above.

    You kindly could you tell me what I misunderstood?

    Thanks in advance,

    This is the price for the use of implicit conversions. Implicit DATE conversion rules are not as direct as it can be assumed. In your case, all you provide is year as date format. In this case date implicit conversion rules assumes that month in the current month, day 1 and time as 00:00:00.

    SQL > alter session set nls_date_format = "yyyy";

    Modified session.

    SQL > select to_char (to_date ('2014 "), ' mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') twice;

    TO_CHAR (TO_DATE('20)

    SQL >

    So, when you start:

    Select * from tmptab where dateval > '2014 '.

    Oracle implicitly converts date using "YYYY", which translates as August 1, 2014 '2014'. That's why your quesry returns no rows.


  • convert the varchar2 data type to the data number type

    How to convert the varchar2 data type to the data type number.

    It looks like my data

    create table one)
    col1 varchar2 (50)
    col2 varchar2 (500);

    Insert in a (col1, col2) values ('1234 ', ' 2345');

    Select Column1 of number (19)) cast (to_number (col1);

    IAM getting error invalid number

    I need to create a table with the same columns with data like number types (19)

    can someone help me

    Thank you

    You have changed your original post, so now I see that you get the invalid number.

    This is why you should always avoid the varchar columns to store numbers or dates...

    Since your table source contains a nonnumeric value, you can write a pl/sql to convert data and see what records are false:

    SQL> insert into a (col1,col2) values ('xxxx','2345');
    1 row created.
    SQL> select * from a;
    COL1     COL2
    -------- --------
    1234     2345
    xxxx     2345
    2 rows selected.
    SQL> create table b (col1 number(19), col2 number(19));
    Table created.
    SQL> set serverout on
    SQL> declare
      2  cursor c is
      3  select * from a;
      4  begin
      5    for r in c loop
      6     begin
      7       insert into b values (to_number(r.col1), to_number(r.col2));
      8     exception
      9       when invalid_number then
     10        dbms_output.put_line('Row rejected: col1='||r.col1||' col2='||r.col2);
     11     end;
     12    end loop;
     13  end;
     14  /
    Row rejected: col1=xxxx col2=2345
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select * from b;
          COL1       COL2
    ---------- ----------
          1234       2345
    1 row selected.


    Published by: Massimo Ruocchio, June 14, 2011 20:00
    Added the first query in the example

  • Data type of the other schema reference


    I want to reference the data type on the other schema, inv.customer, 1st schema table, 2nd table tran.order.

    then, when I declare my package.

    Procedure p_insertOrder
    p_empid in customer.customerid%type
    p_orderid in tran.order.orderid%type

    However, it gives me this error message

    PLS-00201: identifier 'tran.orde' must be declared.

    the following package is located in inv schema. so when I make reference to the customer table, I do not have the diagram for it.

    So what is the cause of this?

    ~ vincent.

    what grants do you have enabled on the table?

    Log in as tran or a dba and try:

    grant select on tran.order to inv;

    You can also create a public synonym so you don't have to precede the table with the schema name. Beware of the tables of the same name in your current schema if you do it well.

  • Modification of the data types of the custom shared variables

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    Thank you


    The variable is not in the Distributed System Manager, or Manager of the Variable, and cancellation of the deployment has not been resolved.  However, I found Labview from closing completely and reboot clears the memory of the previously used custom data types that sees the library.  Thus, the effective workaround I found is:

    1 make a significant change to the data type of the type (per your suggestion) FED. Record.

    2 - redefine the variable screw-notice type FED.

    3. save the project. Close and restart labview.

    4 - the old def type is now disabled.

    5. return the significant change of the def type, implement trivial change and save.

    6 redefine the variable using the type correct now def. Viola!

    Thank you!

  • Put the active table in respect of the development when the script was interrupted by a dialog box

    I adapted a script which browse tables in a file of Fm and asks the user if he wants the current to be reformatted or not active table

    I have not find a clean way to the table that is currently selected in the variable "tbl" or visible on the screen when the scripts sends a dialog box.

    The workaround I found is to launch a format on the table before sending the guest, in this case the table processing is apparent when the prompt arises.

    But I would like to have the visible table and avoid doing all the treatments on the table until the user has had a chance to respond to the prompt.

    I guess that there must be a method to draw the attention of the active window on an item that is selected in a variable?

    function ApplyTableFormat (doc)
    If (doc.) ObjectValid())
    var tbl is doc. SelectedTbl
    var tbltitle;
    var tblTextItem;
    While (tbl. ObjectValid())
    tbltitle = "";
    tblTextItem = tbl. FirstPgf.GetText (Constants.FTI_String);
    for (var i = 0; i < tblTextItem.length; i ++)
    tbltitle += tblTextItem [i] .sdata;

    / * How my "tbl" visible in the window active doc? */
    If (Alert ("format:" + tbl.)) "Tbltitle + FirstPgf.PgfNumber + '? \nClick Cancel to abort. ((', Constants.FF_ALERT_CANCEL_DEFAULT))
    / * Insert here the table formatting code * /.

    TBL = tbl. NextTblInDoc;
    on the other
    Alert ('no active doc', Constants.FF_ALERT_CONTINUE_WARN)

    There is a document feature that allows to scroll the window to a location of particular text:

    doc. ScrollToText (textRange);

    You might be able to do something like this:

    doc. ScrollToText (new TextRange (tbl. TextLoc, tbl. TextLoc));


  • change the data type of the columns

    Oracle 10g version.
    I have a table with 150 columns.
    I would like to change the data type of the columns in my table to varchar.
    Do we have a query for this task?

    Thank you.

    Not knowing yet what you meet John:

    If your table is empty, you can use the datadictionary to generate a statement and run the query to a file that makes the DDL using dynamic SQL or spool and run that...


    MHO%xe> create table bla (col1 number, col2 number);
    Tabel is aangemaakt.
    MHO%xe> select column_name, data_type from user_tab_columns where table_name = 'BLA';
    COLUMN_NAME                    DATA_TYPE
    ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    COL1                           NUMBER
    COL2                           NUMBER
    MHO%xe> declare
      2    l_sql varchar2(4000);
      3    l_sep varchar2(1);
      4  begin
      5    l_sql := 'alter table BLA modify ('||chr(10);
      6    for rec in ( select column_name from user_tab_columns where table_name = 'BLA')
      7    loop
      8      l_sql := l_sql||l_sep||' '||rec.column_name||' varchar2(50)'||chr(10);
      9      l_sep := ',';
     10    end loop;
     11    --
     12    dbms_output.put_line(l_sql||' )');
     13    --
     14    execute immediate l_sql||' )';
     15    --
     16  end;
     17  /
    alter table BLA modify (
     COL1 varchar2(50)
    , COL2 varchar2(50)
    PL/SQL-procedure is geslaagd.
    MHO%xe> select column_name, data_type from user_tab_columns where table_name = 'BLA';
    COLUMN_NAME                    DATA_TYPE
    ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    COL1                           VARCHAR2
    COL2                           VARCHAR2
  • y at - it Systemtable of the data types of the column?

    Is QUESTION 1 Systemtable of the data types of the column?


    IF REGEXP_SUBSTR (p_datatype, "[''!" [¤ % & / =? *; >: <]') IS NOT NULL

    We say: you can not write that! » ¤ % & / = ? ' ^ * ; >: <-each of each example ">".

    How can I say... you can NOT write PENIS, NIPPLES, hole word "NIPPLES".

    Published by: user619226 on 19-sep-2008 01:15

    Do you mean something like this...

    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  declare
      2    v_txt VARCHAR2(200) := 'FRED,JOE';
      3  begin
      4    IF regexp_like(v_txt, '^[[:alnum:]]*$') THEN
      5      dbms_output.put_line('Text is OK as it contains just a word');
      6    ELSE
      7      dbms_output.put_line('Text is not OK.  Must only contain a single word');
      8    END IF;
      9* end;
    SQL> /
    Text is not OK.  Must only contain a single word
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  declare
      2    v_txt VARCHAR2(200) := 'FRED';
      3  begin
      4    IF regexp_like(v_txt, '^[[:alnum:]]*$') THEN
      5      dbms_output.put_line('Text is OK as it contains just a word');
      6    ELSE
      7      dbms_output.put_line('Text is not OK.  Must only contain a single word');
      8    END IF;
      9* end;
    SQL> /
    Text is OK as it contains just a word
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  declare
      2    v_txt VARCHAR2(200) := 'FRED JOE';
      3  begin
      4    IF regexp_like(v_txt, '^[[:alnum:]]*$') THEN
      5      dbms_output.put_line('Text is OK as it contains just a word');
      6    ELSE
      7      dbms_output.put_line('Text is not OK.  Must only contain a single word');
      8    END IF;
      9* end;
    SQL> /
    Text is not OK.  Must only contain a single word
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
  • stop the script with labview

    Let's say that I run a script using the "DIAdem"run"due to the demand of the user.  Later, the user wants to cancel because it took longer than expected.

    How to stop the script using labview tools?


    Hi Jim,.

    It is possible, but not in the way I think you hope.  I don't know any way to end a VBScript script running in the DIAdem of the 'outside '.  If you have been watching DIAdem you could hit the key, but a subsequent application of LabVIEW goes in "Script stack" of DIAdem and does not run until the first VBScript happens naturally.

    Of course, you need to run all your calls of LabVIEW to Sophie in an asynchronous way, or does not.

    If you can do is set up each VBScript that you think you might want to abandon to periodically query a global variable of tiara, say "B9" and end of inside the VBScript if B9 = TRUE.  LabVIEW DIAdem (ToCommand) command interface will stack Script tiara, but variable interface of LabVIEW DIAdem (ToDataSheet) does not work.  If you can "poke" during execution of the first VBScript variable B9 of LabVIEW and influence its behavior, but only if and when this VBScript uses this variable (B9) get bitten.

    Of course, none of this helps if your VBScript is busy waiting for a simple VBScript command to run, and it helps only if your VBScript executes several activities, among which it can interrogate the variable (B9).

    Hope that helps,

    Brad Turpin

    Tiara Product Support Engineer

  • ORA-00902 error invalid data type when you use CAST in the PL/SQL Package

    I'm getting ORA - 00902 Datatype not valid error when you use cast in getEmpValues (see code below) method in the package I created.
    I don't know what is the cause of the error. Any help would be appreciated



    FUNCTION str2tbl (p_str IN VARCHAR2)
    RETURN myTableType;

    PROCEDURE getContactValues (p_ParameterString IN VARCHAR2, p_Cursor1 to REF_CURSOR);



    FUNCTION str2tbl (p_str IN VARCHAR2)
    RETURN myTableType
    l_str LONG default p_str | ',';
    l_n NUMBER;
    myTableType l_data: = myTabletype();


    l_n: = INSTR (l_str, ",");
    WHEN the OUTPUT (nvl(l_n,0) = 0);
    l_data (l_data.count): = ltrim (rtrim (substr(l_str,1,l_n-1)));
    l_str: = substr (l_str, l_n + 1);
    L_data return;

    p_ParameterString is a string of the form 3, 6, 8, 9'

    PROCEDURE getEmpValues (p_ParameterString IN VARCHAR2, p_Cursor1 to REF_CURSOR)


    OPEN FOR P_Cursor1

    SELECT *.

    OF THE (SELECT CAST (TEST.) (TEST_PKG.str2tbl (p_ParameterString) as myTableType) double)

    END getEmpValues;



    This type must be created outside of the package as a SQL type if it must be used in a select statement.

  • Access error of data while running the script in the script fdm workbench Editor

    Hello Experts,

    I get the error when I run the script in the script of fdqm established client.this editor is the error

    -2147467259 data access error and he navigates the error on line 30 on this script «Set rsAppend = DW.» DataAccess.farsTable (strWorkTableName).

    Please return me asap where I should charge peoplesoft data to one of my database of planning through fdm.

    Thanks in advance...

    You will need to build a script for integration that is an import Script that allows you to import data from SQL in FDM.

    When you create your import format, you will need to configure it with the file Type = Script and then assign the script of integration as an Expression. Assign your import format to the location that you use to import data.

    Then you can test it by going to the import stage and clicking the import button. FDM will run the integration script and data import by running the SQL query that you have defined.

    To the contrary, "Data Pump" import Scripts are used as import expressions in the import formats

    You can run a script to integrate the customer that this script requires input parameters that are passed only when then FDM import step is executed. If you want to see the raised error open the errorlog FDM. You will only be able to run this Workbench script when you want to debug data is being extracted, but in this case, you will need to comment code that inserts the data in the table. Don't forget that the work table is a temporary table that is created when you click on the import button and if you run Workbench this table does not exist

  • table col name get the details of the table column and inserting of values depending on the data type of the column


    I am train to write a procedure where I would spend the table as a parameter name and then the code would determine it is column names, and then he would insert records in each column depending on the data type. could someone help me with this.

    Thank you



    Perhaps you need to dummy data just for the table.

    Here is my exercise

    create or replace
    procedure generate_rows(p_table_name varchar2, p_count number)
      function insert_statement(p_table_name varchar2) return clob
        l_columns clob;
        l_expressions clob;
        l_sql clob default
          'insert into p_table_name (l_columns) select l_expressions from dual connect by level <= :p_count';
          -- l_columns
          listagg(lower(column_name), ',') within group (order by column_id),
          -- l_expressions
            when data_type = 'DATE'
              then  'sysdate'
            when data_type like 'TIMESTAMP%'
              then  'systimestamp'
            when data_type = 'NUMBER'
              then  replace('dbms_random.value(1,max)',
                      'max', nvl(data_precision - data_scale, data_length)
            when data_type = 'VARCHAR2'
              then  replace(q'|dbms_random.string('a',data_length)|',
                      'data_length', data_length
            end, ',') within group (order by column_id)
        from user_tab_columns
        where table_name = upper(p_table_name);
        l_sql := replace(replace(replace(l_sql,
          'p_table_name', p_table_name),
          'l_columns', l_columns),
          'l_expressions', l_expressions);
        -- debug
        return l_sql;
      execute immediate insert_statement(p_table_name) using p_count;
    -- test
    create table mytable(
      id number(4,0),
      txt varchar2(10),
      tstz timestamp with time zone,
      dt date,
      xml clob
    set serveroutput on
    exec generate_rows('mytable', 10);
    select id, txt from mytable
    drop procedure generate_rows
    drop table mytable purge
    Procedure GENERATE_ROWS compiled
    Table MYTABLE created.
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    insert into mytable (id,txt,tstz,dt,xml) select dbms_random.value(1,4),dbms_random.string('a',10),systimestamp,sysdate,NULL from dual connect by level <= :p_count
            ID TXT
    ---------- ----------
             3 WnSbyiZRkC
             2 UddzkhktLf
             1 zwfWigHxUp
             2 VlUMPHHotN
             3 adGCKDeokj
             3 CKAHGfuHAY
             2 pqsHrVeHwF
             3 FypZMVshxs
             3 WtbsJPHMDC
             3 TlxYoKbuWp
    10 rows selected
    Procedure GENERATE_ROWS dropped.
    Table MYTABLE dropped.

    and here is the vision of Tom Kyte for the same

    Edit: to improve my code, it must use p_count as bind as Tom.

  • How can I fill a date field when the document is signed?

    I have 4 fields of digital signature in a PDF form.  Next to each signature is a field of date (format dd/mm/yyyy).  I would like it so when a user registers the signature box that fills the date next to her field with today's date, then change to read only (so it cannot be changed).

    In Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro, I have this form and it has the following fields









    Signature fields trigger a Topaz.GemSignPlus driver where the end-user will sign on an electronic signature pad.

    How do I use Javascript to detect when one of these Signature fields is populated and fill in the date in the appropriate date field?  I tried to create Boolean variables initialized as false for each field of GIS.  Then when the signature is complete, I try to change it true, but for some reason any my javascript detect that the value does nothing.

    I searched the net endlessly for this solution.  I can't believe I'm having a difficult time finding an answer.  I mean how many places you go where they ask you to "sign and date here."  Each document signature base I've ever seen also requires a date.

    In any case, here's what I have.  Functions, I have a script called JavaScript Document name populate date:

    function populatedate()
    var bSignature1 = new Boolean();
    var bSignature2 = new Boolean();
    var bSignature3 = new Boolean();
    var bSignature4 = new Boolean();

    If {(bSignature1)
    DateField1.value = util.printd ("d/m/yyyy", new Date());

    If {(bSignature2)
    DateField2.value = util.printd ("d/m/yyyy", new Date());

    If {(bSignature3)
    DateField3.value = util.printd ("d/m/yyyy", new Date());

    If {(bSignature4)
    DateField4.value = util.printd ("d/m/yyyy", new Date());

    In each signature field, I on the signing tab "this script is run when the field is signed:

    var bSignature1 = new Boolean (true);

    I'm changing to true see.  My thought is that if it is true that DateField1.value should print jj/mm/aaaa in her building in the Date() function.

    But maybe I do not get the correct context.  I'm new to Javascript in Adobe.

    It's a round script. Why not just use the signature signature of script to set the value of the field date? The correct syntax for this is:

    this.getField("DateField1").value = util.printd ("d/m/yyyy", new Date());

  • question of content repository of data control when the webcenter applications running.

    Hi all

    I created the content repository connection in my local jdeveloper and
    exposed as a data control.
    data control I display some path and name based on some search criteria.

    Whenever I am runnig this application I get following exceptions and no data is displayed.
    Since I have set the connection to the server content locally on my jdeveloper do I need to create some jndi
    the server-side.
    TestContentServer is the content repository connection, that I created in jdeveloper.
    If yes tell me how can I do and how it will port to my data control.


    [2010-10 - 05T 09: 34:39.245 - 07:00] [wc_custom] [WARNING] [] [oracle.adf.controller.faces.lifecycle.Utils] [tid: [ASSETS].] [ExecuteThread: '3' for the queue: "(self-adjusting) weblogic.kernel.Default"] [userId: anonymous] [ecid: 0000IhxFdvi4ulWpTwp2ic1CemrZ0000fT, 0:1] [ WSRP_v2_Markup_Service] [APP: application1] [ TestContentService-ViewController-context-root] [ WSRP_v2_Service] [ application1] ADF: addition of the following JSF error: TestContentServer []
    javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: TestContentServer; another name 'TestContentServer '.


    Thank you

    Fixed it :)
    I had to put the following parameter: IntradocServerPort = 4444

    When I ran my program I saw results in my table. Also, I do not see the warning...

    I used the search instead of getItems operation.
    I need to set the path to "/" and recursive to true in order to see the results in my table.

    When I use the getItems operation and set the path to "/" and run the file, I get a single record with the record of the contribution.

    I notice in your links, you use links to set the path, so I think you want the user to go through the files and update the list when the user selects a folder, correct?

    To test your connection, set the path in your links to the getItems operation to / instead to your EL expression.
    If you have a result, that there is something wrong with your logic. If you do not see a result, there is something else wrong.

    For example, here are my links:


    If you do not see results when "code you" the path to /.
    What type of connection do you use? What is your type of socket RIDC in your area? Web, sleeve or socketssl?

Maybe you are looking for

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