DataStore Hearbeat y mejores practices

Hola a todos,

Probando Hoy a cluster 3 nodos esxi 5.1 me ha chocado if removed the Red of Administration las Máquinas no is caian, esto por el esxi aislado sigue al datastore hearbeat doing what are y piensa HA first una red n no las zip, pero're logico esto? a worm, usually no tratamos don't con mas 3 nodos, 4 o 5 a facilities lo sumo, entonces lo're logico ha caido el switch y to descansando than levantar en otro host y esto no pasa por el este hearbeat. Sin embargo claro, los cables fibra quitas y entonces TR than hace el reinicio.

Como ordere vosotros usually el cluster in the case of than caiga Red?

Porque me he planteado deshabilitar el datastore heartbeat...

ago that el antiguo las versiones anteriores los veo mas logico operation.

Ideas o sugerencias son good acogidas!


If falla una tarjeta? Quebec vswitch?

If falla en mgmt, el sigue dando servicio porque no encuentra x host

If falla of storage, the machine dies, tienes una alarma como UN castillo y ha reiniciarla in otro sitio should

If falla of production/vm/cuaqleuierotracosa're what siempre ha pasado, will you nagiosocualquierotro quien notifies you.

Solo HA entered an ODS por x total del host fallo masivo en red o


Tags: VMware

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    Tengo una consulta

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    The practica mejor are using storage vmotion, una vez that migras you coincidira el number of you VM con vidéoconférence, aunque you hard will con su original number.

    Migrando con sVmotion is migran todos los ficheros the vidéoconférence, lo puedes hacer en caliente.


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    I made UN programa than controla una fuente CRYOGENIQUES SMS VI - editor, I have a problema are in Quebec no case en datos to como to you can hacer para grabar los a UNICO archivo, este momento esta recording in back. CABE pasear than what quiero grabar son los back segmentos of data in which esta rutina recording. If any me dar una mano grateful quedo can.


    That tal GuillermoLP,

    Te Le than inside of the del Express VI "Write to a file as", config is has the option of "Save to file" there is can seleccionar as in case that exista el archivo is added information nueva mediante the option "add to the file". Te comparto una captured pantalla con esta config.

    Por otro lado. Como comment acerca Programación Peel than utilizando una secuencias structure estas para una series of pasos en you define Código. Aqui quisiera recomendarte UN Diseño llamado Máquina de Estados which boss are una mejor practica Programación are only reviewed problemas ligados con the structure of secuencias como for example el querer salirte problemas en UN paso intermedio sequence. Besides that el código al use estados maquinas to vuelve mas y readable easy to add new information. Por favor revised el siguiente tutorial there any detail quedo al pendiente. SUCCESS in the development of your applications.

    Tutorial: States Machines



    VMware dear Experts,

    If one of the esx host is then inaccessible using the Datastore Hearbeating how we identify that ESX host is down, some1 can you please shed some light on the same.



    MrVmware9423 wrote:

    Hearbeat data store means: once we choose 2 store data Commons, thewn all slave host will cretae a file on this data store and all hosts of esxi sene send a signal to that store of data for updating the file. If one of the host slve is inaccessible to the host master esxi. to confirm that he will make the data store process hearbeating the master host will check this weather common file of this file data store is getting updated by this host of esxi slave or not.

    Ricard Sir please correct me if I m wrong.

    Yes, it's more or less what will happen, however all guests will have its own file of heartbeat on the datastore (s) of the heart rate and will update those every second. If a slave disappears from the management network that the master will look at the file of heartbeat of the slaves as a kind of "second opinion."

    If the file is intact too he will declare the slave as dead and VMs were revived.

    If the file is always updating the master knows the slave is alive, but isolated from the network. It will depend on the response of Isolation strategy what's going to happen.

  • Sober vCenter instalacion

    Buenas tardes,

    Also inquire una tonteria, pero uno No aprende if none are a basis of studying, palos y long.

    I have 2 Server fisicos instalados esxi con cada uno 5.

    Queria gestionarlos ahora con vCenter.

    MI portatil are a Windows 7 32 bit.

    Al parecer vCenter 5 no corre in 32-bit systems.

    Esta claro as podrá instalar otra maquina con 2003 o 2008 64 e instalar vCenter.

    Pero if no dispones otra Máquina como haces para el sistema manage vCenter con.

    SE me compares crear una vm server 2008 con vclient e instalar vcenter en ella... Pero not the veo mucho sentido. Stink name that should of estar fuera los servidores.

    Instalar una vm en mi portatil con windows 7 64 (estoy seguro No. If puedo instalar windows 7 64 en a system of 32) (as he visto algun truco para poder instalar vcenter en w7 64)

    Seria mejor practica is?



    You respondo por punto:

    (1) need una Efectivamente license Win2003 adicional para instalar vCenter Server Win2008 o, y también an instance SQL Oracle u para vCenter comics, works that SQL Express solo is replaced by Recomiendan para entornos prueba y laboratorio.  Es a una plataforma central componente themselves must consider as vCenter Server VMware, por lo will be replaced by Recomiendan UN servidor para estas functions dedicated.  Efectivamente esta MV if no any reason, no podras usar vCenter, pero eso por lights you in a servidor virtual como, aun mas TR fisico tanto sucede're una estacion trabajo sujeto a manipulation of a user, por muy expert than the sea.

    (2) in a VMware Cluster of 2 o mas ESXi, having HA hosts enable, TR any hosts falla, las MVs that esten ahi, is including the MV con vCenter Server, son automatically reiniciadas in el otro host, sin do intervention.  An eso me refiero than como MV the Protección're sober Mayor Al estar a physical, as can the caida del servidor fisico soportar servidor, y estar en again online cosa of minutos.  No need clonar MV, pero if tenerla respaldada, como servicio critico any.  Como antes mencione ago, vCenter are a componente una plataforma vSphere, por lo than no debe escencial no verse como a servicio mas.

    Lo del soporte para Windows 7 lo desconozco, pero ten in a hotel as vCenter're UN servicio critico por lo than no esta pensado para trabajar in una estacion trabajo o laptop.


  • Add 2 NIC physical a una VM

    Foro, esta oportunidad Necesito UN Québec Hola me aconsejen como puedo hacer by add a una VM 2 cards network office, pero cada una're FISICA del host. Esto lo estoy necesitando para poder connect una ADSL of TELECOM directo al equipo a las while una cual tiene Québec verla VM.

    I have a RED 4 while con equipo

    Tengo a donde tengo 3 VMs creadas ESXi y una are a Microsoft TMG donde tengo Québec tener 2 while RED, una conectada a mi LAN y the otra con el ADSL of TELECOM directly.

    Hoy el ESXi has the config estándar donde todas las VMs tiene 1 sola NIC, 1 sola Plaça of red the fisica agregada al Vswitch, VM, Managmente Port network.

    Tendría as hacer como para map NETWORK FISICA 2 (donde esta conectado el ADSL) can add a VM del TMG directly?

    Espero haber sido claro.

    Desde is gracias.

    Standards organizations.

    Hola, you prepare este gráfico para ver TR are mas claro (no es mejor practica seguridad pero como example works)

    3 cards network physical esx vswitch dedicated UN en del has the lan

    1 network card fisica del esx in another vswitch conectado al modem, dmz internet o

    TMG El conecta una pata (nic) al portgroup than Crystal sober el vswitch1 (internet pata)

    TMG El conecta otra pata al portgroup of virtual machines in the lan.

    Las VMS is conectan al otro vswitch (lan).

    configuras el proxy model TMG.


    Diego Adrian Quintana

    Do not forget to reward points / no olvides puntar las responses.

    Diego Quintana

  • Mejores almacenamientos practices?

    Is, today I have 2 con Servidores 3 maquinas cada uno in addition functions HD own del Servidor... office esta well asi o seria mejor tener an almacanamiento device (NAS for example) y ahi tener los los warehouses 2 server y tener otro para respaldar esos warehouses SIN perhaps? o perhaps seguir con los data warehouses in los functions HD los servidores y hacer an ellos en el NAS backup?

    Some sugerencias como lo usan uds?



    been siempre are mejor tener a con shared storage environment, as for example, no ante UN fallo material del servidor donde fisico mimi las mv, if no is tiene is perderian las cattery mv.

    Storage shared, otra advantage Disponiendo're poder balancear las maquinas office between los servidores fisicos diferent.

    If además to has Las licenses apropiadas, is you can use/disfrutar of things como HA...

    Para el tipo entorno tienes (pequeno) puedes echar a vistazo a este estilo algo:

    A level of backups, echa soluciones a vistazo a esto:

    Re: Backup of virtual machine

    Backup solutions for VMware ESXi

    Espero ayuda sido acercado

    Kind regards


  • Varios Datastores UO 1?


    Entrei recently em uma empresa wave ha um ambiente com 6 hosts ESXI 5.0 - Vcenter 5 Standard

    ELE possui 9 warehouses Quebec storage HDS AMS 2300 than are todos UM vem no DP POOL mesmo em don't RAID 5

    Cada datastore possui e 3 TB em media is among 150 one 450 GB pounds.

    Preencher estamos Agora um projeto backup com server mas estamos com problema POI existem VMs than believe, disco possuem 10 TB, little manobra Espaço e our data warehouses.

    Saber quem tem but experiencia e Gostaria Anthony das boas practices, seria EU criar um Datastore only certo para todas as vms? EU fiz a box of torno e ocupacao das VMs mas 40% of Espaço pra book instant soma backup e vai dar em 25 TB, pra models Isos etc. EU vou criar um Datastore em discos Near Line

    Desde ja Agradea§o pela ajuda.

    Ideal O nao e use LUN great tao para nao caber todos servidores em uma LUN, caso isso aconteca only, vai ter concorrência of I/O between os servidores.

    Recomendo ler esse pdf.

    Outro ponto e você criar por exemplo LUN 600GO e nao alocar Doi servidores banco dados that do very I/O em uma mesma LUN, then essas São some das consideracoes.

  • Mid-week mejor forma add discos VMs system

    Buenas tardes,

    Estoy dando vueltas has training in the configurated put en nuevas disco unidades VMs (access a LUN of mi storage).

    Tengo maquinas montadas in las as creo discos (unidades) mediante initiator Microsoft iSCSI, unidades RAW, unidades creadas en propia Máquina (virtual disk)...  El problema, no tengo claro cual're the mejor forma.

    (1) the option of Microsoft iSCSI initiator descarto directly por lo that there is hablamos en otro post as shelter.  You can reach a pudiendo el performance of Vcpu al usar misma CPD para iSCSI is the VM.

    (2) the option of crear las unidades RAW acceso mediante me dijeron than era muy recomendable. SE me plantea una duda con esta opcion. If por algun reason tengo mover the VM has otro storage, puedo moverlo con directly VMotion?. Tengo back equalogic, if the first falla tengo suerte of tener otra equalogic that poder mover of formed temporal los discos. ¿podria to get a mover una unidad RAW of the misma forma puedo mover than a virtual disk? Dando a migration Quebec mueva todo y a the diga donde...

    (3) virtual disk to add a VM of the. This option is no se tal behaved of performance o If tiene alguna pega.

    MUCHAS gracias,.


    Hola como estas?

    Esto you can serve. (ex of forma detailed)

    The mayoria of los casos para will be replaced by Recomiendan use discos Office VMDK, menos that exista una necesidad especifica, como crear a MSCS Cluster, Quebec requiera el uso clubs RDM.

    • Los mas VMDK son mobile discos
    • Los discos son mas easy redimensionar VMDK.
    • Hay menos environment administrativa con discos VMDK.
    • Los discos VMDK son mas easy respaldar y recover.
    • ES mas sencillo clonar MV con discos VMDK.
    • Taken by el uso instant.

    Tanto los discos VMDK como los discos RDM tienen features similar performance, por lo as esto no debiera ser a relevant factor was the hora to define el tipo do clubs use.

    En as casos podemos better use RDM discos?

    • Para configurar a MSCS Cluster in una Cluster config between boxes.
    • Para configurar una MV para usar NPort ID Virtualization (NPIV)
    • By using tools of Administration United Nations of SAN storage nativas.  For example, perform Snapshots has storage level, Replicación a level of storage, etc.
    • If requerimos adjuntar una LUN existente a MV, sin than sea formateada como esta una a VMFS Datastore.  For example, the LUN adjuntar a file server.  This can be of utility Esto con el end of avoid además the Migración of large volumes of data a UN disco VMDK during a P2V conversion.
    • Para eliminate potential compatibility problems o please than las applications to ejecuten in ambiente virtualizado sin perder na none.
    • Para run software of administration of SAN desde the MV, y este tiene impacto directo en the LUN.

    RDM compatibility o en física virtual?

    In case of decide use RDM discos, to debe decide además TR use el virtual compatibility mode o el modo compatibility física.

    • Modo de virtual compatibility: Este modo virtualiza completely el device Editor, el cual appears in the virtual Máquina como a UN volumen VMFS virtual disco.  Este modo benefits of VMFS, the protection of datos como los provee y el uso of Snapshots.
    • Physical compatibility mode: Este modo provee acceso a las caracteristicas del device editor material most.  VMKernel pasa todos los comandos SCSI al device, exponiendo este modo todas las caracteristicas del physical material subyacente.

    El virtual compatibility mode are el recomendado para los casos, a menos most what requiera explicitamente el uso of the physical compatibility.  For example, en UN sober Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Failover Cluster, is it requires a persistent group (PMP) SCSI-3, which booking are available solo in utilizando RDM en física compatibility mode.

    Al use discos RDM en modo compatibility fisica we must consider what habra una series of funcionalidades that there is no be available encontraran:

    • Snapshots.  Esto especially can be muy crítico, whereas muchas respaldo soluciones, como vDR sub-granting del uso of Snapshots.
    • vMotion; No posible mover are not con una MV vMotion RDM compatibility física en con.
    • Clonado of stupid MV RDM compatibility fisica en.
    • No en are posible convert MV una con discos RDM modelUnited Nations.

    Al use RDM virtual compatibility mode en discos to pueden superar casi todas estas reduced, permitting the use of vMotion, snapshot y Clonado of VM.

    Para los discos VMDK

    Cuando is crea a disco virtual en VMware, por defecto, el tipo use are thick.  Reserva UN thick disco todo el espacio durante the creation del disco, utilizandolo efectivamente en el Datastore especificado.

    UN do thin disco no annual una reserva todo el espacio durante disco the creation del asignado previa.  Los blocking in el archivo VMDK not el son en reserved storage fisico ellos son written during the course of normal until knew Operación.

    Cada tipo disco tiene advantages claras y and/or, y del uso as the al disco daremos depends decision.  For example, if el disco will be used por una base datos con muchas helps, will be replaced by Recomiendan el uso clubs in thick formato, are only in formato thin el disco creceria muy rapidamente el uso injustificado doing this type of nightclubs.

    Guide is thick and/or of Provisioning:

    • Config y Monitoreo of storage mas simple
    • Fault tolerance Soporte en para VMware
    • Menos in el espacio uso eficiente
    • Mayores costos storage

    Advantages y and/or of Thin provisioning

    • El costo of storage to reduce
    • Elimina the need of dedicar desde a King, toda capacidad por una application required.
    • The fragmentacion los discos tiene effects fan en del disco performance.
    • Thin only Provisioning could no ser lo mas spending en ambientes donde el tamano los discos office will have a rapida tasa of politics.
    • Thin Provisioning aumenta of El riesgo quedarse sin espacio in a data store.  Este riesgo can be mitigado using alarmas is deferred storage.
    • SE deben monitorear y crear alarmas apropiadas.
  • Best practices for a NFS data store

    I need to create a data store on a NAS and connect to some servers ESXi 5.0 as a NFS datastore.

    It will be used to host virtual machines less used.

    What are the best practices to create and connect a datastore NFS or networking and storage view bridges in order to get the best possible performance and decrease is not the overall performance of the network?



    Create a new subnet of layer 2 for your NFS data warehouses and set it up on his own vSwitch with two uplinks in an active configuration / eve of reunification. Uplink should be variously patches in two distinct physical switches and the subnet must have the disabled bridge so that NFS traffic is not routable in other parts of your network. NFS export can be restricted to the IP address of storage host IP (address of the VM kernel port you created for NFS in the first step), or any address on that subnet. This configuration isolates traffic NFS for performance, ensures the security and redundancy. You should also consult your whitepapers of storage vendors for any specific recommendation of the seller.

    Data warehouses can be made available for the guests you wish and you can use Iometer to compare PAHO are / s and flow rate to see if it meets your expectations and requirements.

  • What best practices to remove a host server data store without emptying the contents of the data store

    Hi all

    This question was probably asked a million times. the best practice to remove a host server data store without emptying the contents of the data store?

    I have two clusters and I moved host group A to group B. host A is now to see data from Cluster Both A store and Group B datastore. We want that host A to store data in Cluster B. The Cluster a data store is not and can not be empty coz VM A Cluster using data warehouses. So I just unpreset the data LUN to host A store and Reanalyze the data store? Or there is a better way to do it?

    Thank you all

    Yes that's what I meant - should have specified where virtual machines are running.

  • Best practices... VCenter

    Buenos dias,

    Llevo UN my intentando realize the best practica para el stage as voy a comentar, read y releido documentation y foros, y aun no me claros some basic concepts like that Creo. A worm if alguien me los you can row.

    Tengo 2 Servidores Proliant essential vmware con. Cada uno tiene 44GB RAM y 6 red cards.

    The tests we are doing crazy cabinas office. Estamos con probando P4000 VSA (left) y Stormagic. (OL me will an aconsejar cabinas are physical I designed). Pero este're mi laboratorio.

    Y estas son put dudas:

    1 - if alguien conoce estas 2 cabinas. Cual how you look? El precio creo that are similar.

    2 - Instalo los ESXi 5 en memorias PEN. I have 2 por equipo. Las puedo clonar y comprobe than injerto works perfectly. Lo hago para no disco malgastar is para tener una copia del fair rapida. Is buena opcion?

    3 - where instalar Vcenter? This is one of the set large dudas. If instalo stormagic, be replaced by Recomiendan that part of los 2 servidores tenga a failover donde instale Vcenter haga PC y Stormagic.

    Para esto El otro windows 2008. Instalarlo como sin if instalo Vcenter for windows, no soy capaz configurar solapa LDAP, AD. ¿Pero para that voy a instalar en AD a PC if el driver del dominio goes a ser una las VM than instalare in los servidores?

    Y las VM not las puedo instalar hasta as tenga las cabinas office. (El pez that muerde cola). If lo instalo con el device of suse. El instalarlo como una VM for example el Vmware Workstation en PC, porque luego tambien el instalar el software stormagic en este windows y corre.

    A mi me gustaria instalar todas las VM, in las cabinas office. Pero me is the duda el TR VCenter instalarlo directly in el servidor, y luego clonarlo al otro servidor sin ser virtual cabina, instalarlo en PC...

    Algo parecido me pasa con el Lefthand VSA.

    3 - ¿Mejor VCenter para windows o linux device? Salvando problems than waiting antes con LDAP. ¿Mejor en los servidores o los servidores dentro fuera PC? Case of ser fuera. ¿Cuanta RAM?

    Gracias y saludos.

    1 - if alguien conoce estas 2 cabinas. Cual how you look? El precio creo that are similar.

    Me gusta mas Lefthand

    2 - Instalo los ESXi 5 en memorias PEN. I have 2 por equipo. Las puedo clonar y comprobe than injerto works perfectly. Lo hago para no disco malgastar is para tener una copia del fair rapida. Is buena opcion?

    Yes, pero prefiero eso in laboratory tests of o entornos.

    3 - where instalar Vcenter? This is one of the set large dudas. If instalo stormagic, be replaced by Recomiendan that part of los 2 servidores tenga a failover donde instale Vcenter haga PC y Stormagic.

    Para esto El otro windows 2008. Instalarlo como sin if instalo Vcenter for windows, no soy capaz configurar solapa LDAP, AD. ¿Pero para that voy a instalar en AD a PC if el driver del dominio goes a ser una las VM than instalare in los servidores?

    Prefiero instalarlo in una VM, y ojo con el DNS y AD TR are virtual, debe iniciar antes as el VC.

    Y las VM not las puedo instalar hasta as tenga las cabinas office. (El pez that muerde cola). If lo instalo con el device of suse. El instalarlo como una VM for example el Vmware Workstation en PC, porque luego tambien el instalar el software stormagic en este windows y corre.

    A mi me gustaria instalar todas las VM, in las cabinas office. Pero me is the duda el TR VCenter instalarlo directly in el servidor, y luego clonarlo al otro servidor sin ser virtual cabina, instalarlo en PC...

    Algo parecido me pasa con el Lefthand VSA.

    3 - ¿Mejor VCenter para windows o linux device? Salvando problems than waiting antes con LDAP. ¿Mejor en los servidores o los servidores dentro fuera PC? Case of ser fuera. ¿Cuanta RAM?

    Linux right para entornos development o Pequeños y no paga additional lic.

    But Windows.



  • VMFS datastore and advised LUN (IO queue)?


    I have a few quick questions regarding best practices SAN LUNS and VMFS data warehouses.


    1 iSCSI SAN (single storage processor)

    2. 2 disk pools (2 x RAID5 @ 3 discs/RAID5)

    3 4 LUNS (LUN/Disk 2 pool)

    4 LUN size: 500 GB/LUN for a toal of 2 TB of storage


    1. on what data store VMs would have a larger disk performance?

    A. Datastore1 created on LUN0 on disk pool 1 and Datastore2 on LUN1 on disk pool OR 1

    B. Datastore1 created the LUN0 on disk pool 1 and Datastore2 created the LUN0 on disc 2 of pool?

    I guess what I'm trying to ask here is to have LUNS on clusters of separate drives faster than to have all the LUNS on the same disk pool? If A VM hard exists on Datastore1 of B above, setting hard of VM B on Datastore2 of B above would improve the overall performance for both virtual machines? On the other hand, respectively, capping A VM and hard of B VM on Datastore1 and Datastore2, of A above still an effective option? This brings me to question 2.

    2 - is data on separate warehouses LUN fracture the queue of e/s of SAN LUNS on all LUNS? In other words, the SAN will access all LUNS at the same time, thereby increasing the performance vs having all VMs on a single LUN shared with a single e/s queue?

    Thank you


    In General, you're trading the guaranteed 90 IOPS / sec per IOPS VMDK / s maximum 180, but shared between 2 VMDK.

    This seems to be an entirely theoretical question and sometimes almost philosophical, whether for trade this broad for this.

    If you think about it more later, it is quite similar to place vCPUs and VMs on ESX host - is it better to share some CPU more Rapids (= more expensive systems) or gives a processor dedicated Basic (= more material)?

    If I stick my neck, I would say that the difference between the aforementioned buildings is visible only marginally and you could probably be very happy with a flat 6 pin R5 datastore as well.

    But the specific difference between 2 R1s and an A10 with 2 LUNS or even a R10 with 1 LUN but 2 VMDK worth thinking.

    As I've already said:

    If speed and performance is a problem (MSSQL IOPS requirements) then you're already wrong with the SATAs and plan instead to study in an array of more powerful than to try to get the last bits of your SATAs.

    Don't get me wrong, surely SATA can do miracles in the small environment, but especially if I notice a 50 GB DB MSSQL for P2V I would first collect some perfmon data and plan my storage as a result even more than I would normally do in SMB environments.

    You will not get a PRIUS to take the load of a SUV, no matter how long and diligent, you plan to distribute the load.

  • datastore_name WARNING Datastore use disk

    Hi all

    We have a SSD data store that has the following warning;

    datastore_name WARNING Datastore use disk

    the actual use (from OS) is less than the size of the data store, is there a way to reduce the size (used in real)?  is it still necessary or good practice?

    If you want to recover the space your options are to use VMware converter or use sdelete inside the VM for the vMotion space and free storage to zero this vmdk in another store of data specifying the fine disc.

    If you have found this device or any other useful post please consider the use of buttons useful/correct to award points


  • Rename directories, machines and disk files on my store of data, better practice?


    I'll have a go at cleaning our SAN. We have created a standard name and now I want to bury all the old sins...

    So, what is VMware supported for the following scenarios and best practices:

    Question 1

    How to rename the directories on our SAN?

    My idea:

    1. turn off the virtual computer

    2. remove the inventory

    3 Rename the file (mv?) on my SAN

    4 browse datastore in VC and rightclick add to the inventory

    5 start the virtual machine

    Question 2

    How to rename my files (vmdk and flat files) disk, disks in the system (C :) and the data on the disks (D :)?

    My idea:

    1. turn off the virtual computer

    2. remove VM disk

    3 Rename the file with vmkfstool (VMware KB)

    4. Add the disk to the virtual machine

    5 start the virtual machine

    Cordially Jens

    shootking wrote:

    . I would prefer a method with the virtual machine is stopped, rename and configure, then restart the virtual machine. With minimal impact on the machine and the SAN...

    As indicated, you have a few options, which you have linked in the article above, which does with vmkfstools.  However, in my opinion, if you can take the time to stop a migration off line is the simplest and most effective way.  You can probably do two at a time without impact to your environment.  sVMotion is I/O intensive, so if you going that route, to just after hours or a guest at a time.

Maybe you are looking for