delete file after sending an e-mail with an attachment


I looked in the forums and have not found any reference to it.
I need to send an email with an attachment that is source via a form.

The problem I'm having is that when I include the code to remove the file from the directory, the intrusion via cfmail is unable to run. When I do not include the code to delete the file, it works fine.
Any ideas?

I tried with paths, physical and virtual.

You need give time for email to send.

Figure 60 seconds or 60 seconds more your spool interval (if the coil is on (on))-whichever is greater.

It would be preferable not to delete the file here.

Set up a scheduled task that deletes files in the target directory that are, say, older than 24 hours.

Tags: ColdFusion

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  • Send an E-mail with an attachment procedure Oracle


    I have the procedure to send e-mail with excel attachment
    The data in the Excel file are built by using the query in my procedure. Send mail with attachment, it works well.
    Now the situation is if there is no data in the Excel worksheet that is built dynamically, we limit the sending of email
    is that possible, please let me know,
    Am using the utl_tcp method to build the excel file

    Thank you

    Something like that? But I have not tested. Please test carefully.

      rc          integer;
      crlf        VARCHAR2(2) := CHR(13) || CHR(10);
      mesg        VARCHAR2(1000);
      c           utl_tcp.connection;
      L_TO_DATE   DATE;
      msg_from        VARCHAR2(100) := '[email protected]';
      to_addresses    VARCHAR2(1000);
      cc_addresses    VARCHAR2(1000);
      email_addresses VARCHAR2(2000);
      msg_subject     VARCHAR2(200) := 'E-mail Alert: ';
      msg_text1       VARCHAR2(15) := 'Dear Sir,';
      msg_text2       VARCHAR2(500) := 'Please find the attached file,';
      msg_text3       VARCHAR2(25) := 'Division';
      msg_text4       VARCHAR2(25) := 'For the period : ';
      v_mail_to       VARCHAR2(1000);
      lv_gcn          varchar2(1000);
      next_column            number;
      recipient_email_length number;
      single_recipient_addr  varchar2(100);
      v_is_there_any_attachment CHAR(1):='N'; --New var.
      cursor cur_select(L_FROM_DATE DATE, L_TO_DATE DATE) is
        SELECT (substr(wdd.source_header_type_name, 5) || ',' ||
               oha.order_number || ',' || wdd.attribute1 || ',' ||
               TO_DATE(wdd.attribute2, 'dd/mm/rrrr') || ',' ||
               TO_DATE(oha.creation_date, 'dd/mm/rrrr') || ',' ||
               TO_DATE(ola.creation_date, 'dd/mm/rrrr') || ',' ||
               ola.ordered_item) gcn
          FROM apps.oe_order_headers_all oha,
               apps.oe_order_lines_all   ola,
               apps.wsh_delivery_details wdd
         WHERE oha.org_id = 92
           AND oha.org_id = ola.org_id
           AND oha.header_id = ola.header_id
           AND wdd.inventory_item_id = ola.inventory_item_id
           AND wdd.source_header_number = oha.order_number
           AND wdd.source_line_id = ola.line_id
           AND wdd.org_id = oha.org_id
           AND wdd.attribute_category = '92Freight'
           AND TO_DATE(wdd.attribute2, 'dd/mm/rrrr') <
               TO_DATE(ola.creation_date, 'dd/mm/rrrr')
           AND TO_DATE(wdd.attribute2, 'dd/mm/rrrr') BETWEEN L_FROM_DATE AND
           AND oha.flow_status_code NOT IN ('BOOKED', 'ENTERED');
      cursor cur_to_email is
        SELECT email_address
          FROM alert_users_ID
         WHERE org_id IN (1, 92)
           AND status_flag = 'Y'
           AND report_id = 3
           AND MAIL_TYPE = 'To'
           AND (module = 'AR' OR module IS NULL);
      cursor cur_cc_email is
        SELECT email_address
          FROM alert_users_ID
         WHERE org_id IN (1, 92)
           AND status_flag = 'Y'
           AND report_id = 3
           AND MAIL_TYPE = 'Cc'
           AND (module = 'AR' OR module IS NULL);
        from apps.gl_period_statuses
       where closing_status = 'O'
         AND APPLICATION_ID = 101
         AND SET_OF_BOOKS_ID = 2;
      for c_to in cur_to_email loop
        to_addresses := to_addresses || ',' || c_to.email_address;
      end loop;
      to_addresses := ltrim(to_addresses, ',');
      for c_cc in cur_cc_email loop
        cc_addresses := cc_addresses || ',' || c_cc.email_address;
      end loop;
      cc_addresses := ltrim(cc_addresses, ',');
      email_addresses := to_addresses || ',' || cc_addresses;
      recipient_email_length := length(email_addresses);
      email_addresses        := email_addresses || ','; -- Add comma for the last asddress
      next_column            := 1;
      if instr(email_addresses, ',') = 0 then
        -- Single E-mail address
        single_recipient_addr  := email_addresses;
        recipient_email_length := 1;
      end if;
      c := utl_tcp.open_connection(remote_host => '',
                                   remote_port => 25,
                                   tx_timeout  => null);
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, 'HELO');
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, 'EHLO');
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, 'MAIL FROM: ' || msg_from);
      while next_column <= recipient_email_length loop
        -- Process Multiple E-mail addresses in the loop OR single E-mail address once.
        single_recipient_addr := substr(email_addresses,
                                        instr(email_addresses, ',', next_column) -
        next_column           := instr(email_addresses, ',', next_column) + 1;
        --rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, 'MAIL FROM: '||msg_from);
        rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, 'RCPT TO: ' || single_recipient_addr);
      end loop;
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, 'DATA');
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c,
                               'Date: ' ||
                               TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'dd Mon yy hh24:mi:ss'));
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c,
                               'From: ' || msg_from || ' <' || msg_from || '>');
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, 'MIME-Version: 1.0');
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, 'To: ' || to_addresses);
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, 'Cc: ' || cc_addresses);
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, 'Subject: ' || msg_subject);
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, 'Content-Type: multipart/mixed;');
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, ' boundary="-----SECBOUND"');
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, '');
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, '-------SECBOUND');
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, 'Content-Type: text/plain');
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit');
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, '');
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, msg_text1);
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, ' ');
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, msg_text2);
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, ' ');
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, msg_text3);
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c,
                               msg_text4 || to_char(l_from_date, 'MON-YY') ||
                               ' to ' || to_char(l_to_date, 'MON-YY'));
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, '');
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, '-------SECBOUND');
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, 'Content-Type: text/plain;');
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, ' name="GCN_Details.csv"');
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, 'Content-Transfer_Encoding: 8bit');
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, 'Content-Disposition: attachment;'); --Indicates that this is an attachment.
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, ' filename="GCN_Details.csv"');
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, '-------SECBOUND');
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, '');
        rc := utl_tcp.write_text(c, 'BRANCH' || ',' || 'ORDER NUMBER');
        rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, ' ');
        for c1 in cur_select(L_FROM_DATE, L_TO_DATE) loop --You are starting to write the data
          lv_gcn := c1.gcn;
          rc     := utl_tcp.write_text(c, lv_gcn);
          rc     := utl_tcp.write_line(c, ' ');
          v_is_there_any_attachment:='Y';--Is there any data ?
        end loop;
        when others then
          dbms_output.put_line('error : ' || sqlerrm);
          rc := utl_tcp.write_text(c, 'Data Error');
      If v_is_there_any_attachment ='Y' THEN
         rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, '');
         rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, '.');
         rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, '-------SECBOUND');
      --end loop;
      END If;
      rc := utl_tcp.write_line(c, 'QUIT');
      dbms_output.put_line(utl_tcp.get_line(c, TRUE));
      when others then
        raise_application_error(-20000, SQLERRM);
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    The sender has not knowingly set any security or passwords.
    Require that all attachments sender recipient username and password.
    Using XP with Outlook Web Access, Internet Explorer 7.

    Hi Swhiteside11,

    Thanks for visiting the site of the community of Microsoft Windows XP. The question you have posted is related to Exchange and would be better suited to the Technet community. Please visit the link below to find a community that will provide the support you want.

    Shawn - Support Engineer - MCP, MCDST
    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think

  • Sending E-Mail with an attachment using PL/SQL


    I am trying to send an E-Mail with an attachment using pl/sql on Oracle 9i.
    I found the code from the link below.
    but the attachment it sends is defined in the pl/sql block.
    I want to attach a file in a different location. How can I do this?

    Thanks in advance

    If the attachment is also on the server (it must be on the server), you can load into a BLOB and which attach to your e-mail (you will need to create an Oracle Directory that points to the file to be attached). #68529763836665
    This thread is big enough, a ctrl + f there might give you some clues.

    Currently I do not have the mail api available on here, but I still have it on a "test/playground DB", so I'll take a look later, when I have time and place.

  • redirect e-mail with photos attached

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    No picture.  This is not consistent with each email, which cannot live mail search image when it appears on my

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    Submit all Live and Hotmail queries on the forum right here:

    Windows Live Solution Center

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    / * moved from answers Feedback * /.
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    Sometimes, WinMail settings get screwed up and you must remove the account and then add it back back.  Make sure first that the antivirus software not interfere (see   Delete your account completely, then close WinMail.  Then compact and repair the database of WinMail (see  Add your account to mail back once again, and then make sure you have the correct settings under Tools | Accounts | Mail | Properties | Servers and | Advanced to what AT & T Specifies to WinMail (or OE).  Then see if it works.


  • Sending mail with an attachment using UTL_SMTP

    Hi all

    I'm working on a PL/SQL code, where do I send a mail with an attachment using UTL_SMTP. I use the following code, I changed the value of p_to and p_from


    l_mail_conn UTL_SMTP.connection;

    l_boundary VARCHAR2 (50): = '-= * #abc1234321cba #* =';

    l_step PLS_INTEGER: = 12000; -Make sure you define a multiple of 3 would not exceed the 24573

    p_to VARCHAR2 (100): = ' [email protected] ';

    p_from VARCHAR2 (100): = ' [email protected] ';

    p_subject VARCHAR2 (100): = "UPLOAD of FILE MAIL."

    p_text_msg VARCHAR2 (100): = 'it is a system generated email';

    p_attach_name VARCHAR2 (100);

    p_attach_mime VARCHAR2 (100);

    p_attach_blob BLOB;

    p_smtp_host VARCHAR2 (100): = 'localhost ';

    p_smtp_port NUMBER: = 25;


    l_mail_conn: = UTL_SMTP.open_connection (p_smtp_host, p_smtp_port);

    UTL_SMTP. HELO (l_mail_conn, p_smtp_host);

    UTL_SMTP.mail (l_mail_conn, p_from);

    UTL_SMTP. RCPT (l_mail_conn, p_to);

    UTL_SMTP.open_data (l_mail_conn);

    UTL_SMTP.write_data (l_mail_conn, ' Date: ' |) TO_CHAR (SYSDATE, ' ' DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS) | UTL_TCP. CRLF);

    UTL_SMTP.write_data (l_mail_conn, ' from: ' | p_to |) UTL_TCP. CRLF);

    UTL_SMTP.write_data (l_mail_conn, ' from: ' | p_from |) UTL_TCP. CRLF);

    UTL_SMTP.write_data (l_mail_conn, ' subject: ' | p_subject |) UTL_TCP. CRLF);

    UTL_SMTP.write_data (l_mail_conn, ' Reply-To: ' | p_from |) UTL_TCP. CRLF);

    UTL_SMTP.write_data (l_mail_conn, "MIME-Version: 1.0 ' |") UTL_TCP. CRLF);

    UTL_SMTP.write_data (l_mail_conn, ' Content-Type: multipart/mixed; limit = "" | ") l_boundary | '"' || UTL_TCP. CRLF. UTL_TCP. CRLF);

    IF p_text_msg IS NOT NULL THEN

    UTL_SMTP.write_data (l_mail_conn, '-' | l_boundary |) UTL_TCP. CRLF);

    UTL_SMTP.write_data (l_mail_conn, ' Content-Type: text/plain; charset = "iso-8859-1" ' |) UTL_TCP. CRLF. UTL_TCP. CRLF);

    UTL_SMTP.write_data (l_mail_conn, p_text_msg);

    UTL_SMTP.write_data (l_mail_conn, UTL_TCP.crlf |) UTL_TCP. CRLF);

    END IF;

    IF p_attach_name IS NOT NULL THEN


    OF xx_mail_test_table


    ORDER BY last_update_date DESC) LOOP

    UTL_SMTP.write_data (l_mail_conn, '-' | l_boundary |) UTL_TCP. CRLF);

    UTL_SMTP.write_data (l_mail_conn, ' Content-Type: ' | p_attach_mime |) '; name =' ' | I.FILE_NAME | '"' || UTL_TCP. CRLF);

    UTL_SMTP.write_data (l_mail_conn, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' |") UTL_TCP. CRLF);

    UTL_SMTP.write_data (l_mail_conn, ' Content-Disposition: attachment; filename = "" | ") I.FILE_NAME | '"' || UTL_TCP. CRLF. UTL_TCP. CRLF);

    FOR J FROM 0... TRUNC ((DBMS_LOB. GetLength (I.file_name) - 1) / l_step) LOOP

    UTL_SMTP.write_data (l_mail_conn, UTL_RAW.cast_to_varchar2 (UTL_ENCODE.base64_encode (DBMS_LOB.substr (I.FILE_NAME, l_step, J * l_step + 1)));)


    UTL_SMTP.write_data (l_mail_conn, UTL_TCP.crlf |) UTL_TCP. CRLF);


    END IF;

    UTL_SMTP.write_data (l_mail_conn, '-' | l_boundary |) '--' || UTL_TCP. CRLF);

    UTL_SMTP.close_data (l_mail_conn);

    UTL_SMTP. Quit (l_mail_conn);


    WHEN utl_smtp.transient_error OR utl_smtp.permanent_error THEN

    UTL_SMTP. Quit (l_mail_conn);



    dbms_output.put_line (SQLERRM);


    This is when I execute the block that I get 2 mails to the same but there are some attachments, I checked the table and he gave.

    Could someone help me as to where I'm wrong?

    Create the raw DATA for the SMTP protocol can be tricky.

    I cheat and use a package that has been designed to do easily.



  • Direct mail disconnects after sending an e-mail and then connect without a restar the computer what is the problem

    Direct mail disconnects after sending an e-mail and then will reconnect until the computer is restared why?


    ·        Is it limited only to live mail?

    ·        It's a Windows Live Mail client?

    You did changes to the computer before the show?

    Check the status of the question in the clean boot:

    How to troubleshoot a problem by performing a clean boot in Windows Vista or in Windows 7

    Note: after a repair, be sure to configure the computer to start as usual as mentioned in step 7 in the above article.

    You can also post your question in the forum of Live Mail for assistance:

    Windows Live Mail Forum

  • When I try to send an e-mail with attached pictures, I am told that the photos will not appear in the e-mail message.

    When I try to send an e-mail with pictures, a pop-up window appears when I hit SEND and says that the photos will not appear in the e-mail message.  How can I fix it?

    original title: e-mail problems.


    I suggest that ask you your question on the following link.

  • The siren sounds no end after opening an e-mail with an audio file

    After that I opened an e-mail with a song (sender reputation), which he soon changed to a boring Mermaid and me cannot stop. I tried to restart without result. What I can do is cut the sound, which means that I can not hear sounds or music. I tried Microsoft 'no sound' assistant, and it did not work. Any ideas appreciated. I also ran McCaffey scan and no viruses detected.


    If the sender is trustworthy then they must also know to occur and may have the solution.

    Must be something in the system startup to check using these methods:

    How to troubleshoot a problem by performing a clean boot in Windows Vista
    How to check and change Vista startup programs

    Autoruns - free - see what programs are configured to start automatically when you start your system
    and you log in. Autoruns also shows you the full list of registry and file locations where applications can
    Configure auto-start settings.
    I hope this helps.

    Rob Brown - MS MVP - Windows Desktop Experience: Bike - Mark Twain said it right.

  • Trouble by sending an e-mail with a video or images

    He is a recent problem with my Outlook Express.  When I get an email with a video or photos attached, when I send this e-mail to others, they email saying that the video or photos are not there.

    He is a recent problem with my Outlook Express.  When I get an email with a video or photos attached, when I send this e-mail to others, they email saying that the video or photos are not there.

    Just a thought...

    If you open Outlook Express and go to... Tools / Options /.
    Send tab / section sending Mail Format / HTML parameters
    button... Make sure that the box "send pictures with Messages.
    is checked. Then... OK / apply / OK...

    Also, you can copy attachments in a folder on your
    Hard drive and to compose a new e-mail message and to set
    the files.

  • How can I send an e-mail with Windows7 link using Internet Explorer as I used to be able to do this with Windows XP?

    When l click on file and go on Send-> the only option is a shortcut on the desktop when l want to send Web etc. page with e-mail.  I can do it the old way with Google, but l don't want 2 browsers.  Thank you.

    Hi Silleebee,

    Unlike Windows XP, Windows 7 does not include a default email Client.

    You will need to install the Windows Live Mail client or Microsoft Outlook and set it as your default for mail in CUSTOM (<>) article in Set Program Access and defaults of the computer , then restart your computer before any function send to or MailTo will become available.

    Hope this information helps and let us know if you need help. We will be happy to help you.

  • UTL_SMTP mail with an attachment (problem by attaching the zip file)

    Hi all

    I used the code for sending email with attachment below. but when I try to add the body of the message its does not work in the sense of sound do not attach my file. When I commented that border its attach the file.
    commented lines:
     -- utl_smtp.write_data(mail_conn,UTL_TCP.CRLF ||'Body' ||':'|| text || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
      --utl_smtp.write_data(mail_conn,UTL_TCP.CRLF||text || UTL_TCP.CRLF );
    How to solve this problem?

    Full procedure.
    create or replace
    procedure sssl_send_mail (
          p_sender varchar2,
          p_recipient varchar2,
          p_cc varchar2,
          p_subject varchar2,
          p_filename varchar2,
          text varchar2) is     
        --c utl_smtp.connection;
        v_raw raw(57);
        v_length integer := 0;
        v_buffer_size integer := 57;
        v_offset integer := 1;
        mailhost    VARCHAR2(64) := 'xxxxxxxxxx';
        port constant number(2):=25;
        timeout number :=180;
        mail_conn  utl_smtp.connection;   
     p_blob Blob;
     temp_os_file bfile;
     ex number;  
       temp_os_file := BFILENAME ('xxxxxxxx',p_filename);
       ex := dbms_lob.fileexists(temp_os_file);
          if ex = 1 then
             dbms_lob.fileopen(temp_os_file, dbms_lob.file_readonly);
             dbms_lob.loadfromfile(p_blob,temp_os_file, dbms_lob.getlength(temp_os_file));
           end if;
       mail_conn := utl_smtp.open_connection(mailhost, port,timeout);
       utl_smtp.helo(mail_conn, mailhost);
       utl_smtp.mail(mail_conn, p_sender);
       utl_smtp.rcpt(mail_conn, p_recipient);
       utl_smtp.rcpt(mail_conn, p_cc);
      utl_smtp.write_data(mail_conn,'From'||':'|| p_sender || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
      utl_smtp.write_data(mail_conn,'To'||':'|| p_recipient || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
      utl_smtp.write_data(mail_conn,'CC'||':'|| p_cc || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
      utl_smtp.write_data(mail_conn,'Subject' ||':'|| p_subject || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
     -- utl_smtp.write_data(mail_conn,UTL_TCP.CRLF ||'Body' ||':'|| text || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
      --utl_smtp.write_data(mail_conn,UTL_TCP.CRLF||text || UTL_TCP.CRLF );
        utl_smtp.write_data( mail_conn, 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' || p_filename || '"' || utl_tcp.crlf);
        utl_smtp.write_data( mail_conn, 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' || utl_tcp.crlf );
        utl_smtp.write_data( mail_conn, utl_tcp.crlf ); 
        v_length := dbms_lob.getlength(p_blob);     
        while v_offset < v_length loop
 p_blob, v_buffer_size, v_offset, v_raw );
          utl_smtp.write_raw_data( mail_conn, utl_encode.base64_encode(v_raw) );
          utl_smtp.write_data( mail_conn, utl_tcp.crlf );
          v_offset := v_offset + v_buffer_size;
        end loop while_loop;
        utl_smtp.write_data( mail_conn, utl_tcp.crlf );
        when utl_smtp.transient_error or utl_smtp.permanent_error then
        when others then
    Please, help me to solve this problem.

    Thanks in advance.

    See you soon,.

    Published by: Shan on January 13, 2011 13:08

    Published by: Shan on January 14, 2011 15:22

    I don't have your question on the BLOB store. I read the disk file (BFILE) and then storing it in temporary LOB. I send a file in my hotmail and it came as an attachment.

      /*LOB operation related varriables */
      v_src_loc  BFILE := BFILENAME('SAUBHIK', 'Waterlilies.jpg');
      l_buffer   RAW(54);
      l_amount   BINARY_INTEGER := 54;
      l_pos      INTEGER := 1;
      l_blob     BLOB := EMPTY_BLOB;
      l_blob_len INTEGER;
      v_amount   INTEGER;
      /*UTL_SMTP related varriavles. */
      v_connection_handle  UTL_SMTP.CONNECTION;
      v_from_email_address VARCHAR2(30) := '[email protected]';--change your email address
      v_to_email_address   VARCHAR2(30) := '[email protected]'; --change your email address
      v_smtp_host          VARCHAR2(30) := ''; --My mail server, replace it with yours.
      v_subject            VARCHAR2(30) := 'Your Test Mail';
      l_message            VARCHAR2(200) := 'This is test mail using UTL_SMTP';
      /* This send_header procedure is written in the documentation */
      PROCEDURE send_header(pi_name IN VARCHAR2, pi_header IN VARCHAR2) AS
                            pi_name || ': ' || pi_header || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
      /*Preparing the LOB from file for attachment. */
      DBMS_LOB.OPEN(v_src_loc, DBMS_LOB.LOB_READONLY); --Read the file
      DBMS_LOB.CREATETEMPORARY(l_blob, TRUE); --Create temporary LOB to store the file.
      v_amount := DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(v_src_loc); --Amount to store.
      DBMS_LOB.LOADFROMFILE(l_blob, v_src_loc, v_amount); -- Loading from file into temporary LOB
      l_blob_len := DBMS_LOB.getlength(l_blob);
      /*UTL_SMTP related coding. */
      v_connection_handle := UTL_SMTP.OPEN_CONNECTION(host => v_smtp_host);
      UTL_SMTP.HELO(v_connection_handle, v_smtp_host);
      UTL_SMTP.MAIL(v_connection_handle, v_from_email_address);
      UTL_SMTP.RCPT(v_connection_handle, v_to_email_address);
      send_header('From', '"Sender" <' || v_from_email_address || '>');
      send_header('To', '"Recipient" <' || v_to_email_address || '>');
      send_header('Subject', v_subject);
      --MIME header.
                          'MIME-Version: 1.0' || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
                          'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; ' || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
                          ' boundary= "' || 'SAUBHIK.SECBOUND' || '"' ||
      UTL_SMTP.WRITE_DATA(v_connection_handle, UTL_TCP.CRLF);
      -- Mail Body
                          '--' || 'SAUBHIK.SECBOUND' || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
                          'Content-Type: text/plain;' || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
                          ' charset=US-ASCII' || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
      UTL_SMTP.WRITE_DATA(v_connection_handle, UTL_TCP.CRLF);
      UTL_SMTP.WRITE_DATA(v_connection_handle, l_message || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
      UTL_SMTP.WRITE_DATA(v_connection_handle, UTL_TCP.CRLF);
      -- Mail Attachment
                          '--' || 'SAUBHIK.SECBOUND' || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
                          'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' ||
                          'Content-Disposition: attachment; ' || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
                          ' filename="' || 'Waterlilies.jpg' || '"' || --My filename
                          'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
      UTL_SMTP.WRITE_DATA(v_connection_handle, UTL_TCP.CRLF);
      /* Writing the BLOL in chunks */
      WHILE l_pos < l_blob_len LOOP
        DBMS_LOB.READ(l_blob, l_amount, l_pos, l_buffer);
        UTL_SMTP.WRITE_DATA(v_connection_handle, UTL_TCP.CRLF);
        l_buffer := NULL;
        l_pos    := l_pos + l_amount;
      END LOOP;
      UTL_SMTP.WRITE_DATA(v_connection_handle, UTL_TCP.CRLF);
      -- Close Email
                          '--' || 'SAUBHIK.SECBOUND' || '--' || UTL_TCP.CRLF);
                          UTL_TCP.CRLF || '.' || UTL_TCP.CRLF);

  • How to automatically delete files after the attachment to an insurance program

    Original title: I have files which I attach to an insurance program from a file of work in PROGRESS
    How can I automatically delete when he moved.


    1. what insurance program do you use?

    In case you want to automatically delete files there should be a setting in the program. If it has no option to automatically delete the files then you should remove them manually.

  • When I receive e-mails with an attachment can not open, it says: Windows media player cannot access the file, Please HELP


    Help, please

    How this is related to Windows Update, John?

Maybe you are looking for

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