DRG validation for a specific name format?

Hi people,

My first question is this:

Is there a way to specify in a validation of the form the following:

If a member starts with "CCC", the format must be "CCC-XXXX-XXXX".

Thank you guys!


Try this one : If(Equals(String,Substring(Propvalue(Core.Abbrev),1,3),CCC),If(Equals(String,Substring(Propvalue(Core.Abbrev),4,1),-),If(Equals(String,Substring(Propvalue(Core.Abbrev),9,1),-),If(Equals(Integer,Length(Propvalue(Core.Abbrev)),13),True,False),False),False),True)

Let us know if it works.

Thank you

Tags: Business Intelligence

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    Hi royfarnol,

    1. what file you want to search?
    2. What are the numbers that rises instead of text?
    3. it happens with all file search?

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    In Firefox, a list of other names of the non-empty object overrides and replaces the common name field. If you need to list all the relevant host names in the field of SAN in your certificate.

  • New virtual machine for the model with the specific name


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    This is my code:

    ReferenceType vmTemplateRef = new ReferenceType();
    vmTemplateRef.setName ("MyNewVM"); This name is ignored. The name of the model is taken!
    vmTemplateRef.setHref (vmRef.getHref ()); reference to the model

    CompositionItemParamType vmItem = new CompositionItemParamType();
    vmItem.setSource (vmTemplateRef);

    create the type params VAPP recompose.
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    recomposeVAppParamsType.setName (vAppRef.getName ()); The name of vApp. It is ok.

    added the element of the virtual machine.
    The newItems < CompositionItemParamType > recomposeVAppParamsType = list
    . getItem().
    newItems.add (vmItem);

    Task task = vapp.recomposeVapp (recomposeVAppParamsType);

    Thank you


    For after this code fragment:

    vmTemplateRef.setName ("MyNewVM"); This name is ignored. The name of the model is taken!

    The model name is ignored because vmTemplateRef is the only reference to the object that will be used for the operation of recomposition. If changing the name it will be always ignored.

    I think that changing the name of the virtual machine template for recompose cannot be done as follows:

    (1) operation recomposeVApp().

    (2) get the recomposed VAPP

    (3) download the children-> VM you want to change.

    (4) change the name of the virtual computer.

    I hope this helps!

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    Hi James,

    It's how he used to work in Flash CS 6 in which the name of the class generated automatically for any library item used to be the same as the element. Then, you will need to manually fix the name if necessary.

    This behavior has been changed in Flash CC. The names of classes are now generated correctly (special characters are removed, the names of symbols from wit a number get preceded by an underscore and for all bitmaps the extension line getting undress the class name). You can always change the classnames manually based on your naming convention.

    I hope this helps.

    Thank you!


  • Search for a channel a specific name

    Can someone show or explain the fastest way to check the channels for a specifick name and if we find alert the user

    Not sure about the

    fastest way

    but it should work quite OK:

    // 2015, use it at your own risk;
    #target photoshop
    if (checkForChannelName("aaa") == true) {alert ("channel of that name exists")};
    function checkForChannelName (theName) {
    if (app.documents.length > 0) {
    var ref = new ActionReference();
    ref.putProperty(stringIDToTypeID("property"), stringIDToTypeID("numberOfChannels"));
    ref.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID("Dcmn"), charIDToTypeID("Ordn"), charIDToTypeID("Trgt") );
    var docDesc = executeActionGet(ref);
    var channelsNumber = docDesc.getInteger(stringIDToTypeID("numberOfChannels"));
    for (var m = 1; m <= channelsNumber; m++) {
    var ref = new ActionReference();
    ref.putProperty(stringIDToTypeID("property"), stringIDToTypeID("channelName"));
    ref.putIndex( charIDToTypeID("Chnl"), m);
    var channelDesc = executeActionGet(ref);
    var thisName = channelDesc.getString(stringIDToTypeID("channelName"));
    if (theName == thisName) {return true}
    return false
  • Flash AS3 Pro: How can I change a font for a specific column?

    I would like to use a font for a specific column in a DataGrid.

    Thank you

    Yes, you can set individual policies for cells in a datagrid control. Look at this tutorial: text formatting changes to cells in the DataGrid control. This will give you the basic idea for the outer class, you need to write. In the example, you will see that there are three cells that have changed their color of the text. To change the font, you must first import the new font in your file library and set a name for Actionscript police liaison. Then, you add just a line to set the font for a single cell:

    case "pending":

    TF. Color = 0xFF0000;

    TF.font = 'Times '.

    for example.

  • PC can see and access the laptop without asking for a user name and password but the laptop cannot access the PC because it asks me a username and password that I don't know.

    Vista - Windows 7 network connection. username and password is unknown.


    I just got a laptop with windows 7 on it and I want to connect to my other PC for it, they are on the same network through a router. the PC can see and access the laptop without asking for a user name and password but the laptop cannot access the PC because it asks me a username and password that I don't know.

    If someone could answer this question, it would be great.

    Maybe this can help.

    Win7 when configured on the peer-to-peer network has three types of configurations of sharing.

    Group residential network = only works between Win 7 computers. This type of configuration, it is very easy to entry level users to start sharing network.

    Working network = fundamentally similar to previous methods of sharing that allow you to control what, how and to whom the records would be shared with.

    Public share
    = network Public (as Internet Café) in order to reduce security risks.

    For the best newspaper of the results of each computer screen system and together all computers on a network of the same name, while each computer has its own unique name.


    Make sure that the software firewall on each computer allows free local traffic. If you use 3rd party Firewall on, Vista/XP Firewall Native should be disabled, and the active firewall has adjusted to your network numbers IP on what is sometimes called the Zone of confidence (see part 3 firewall instructions

    General example, http://www.ezlan.net/faq.html#trusted
    Please note that some 3rd party software firewall continue to block the same aspects it traffic Local, they are turned Off (disabled). If possible, configure the firewall correctly or completely uninstall to allow a clean flow of local network traffic. If the 3rd party software is uninstalled, or disables, make sure Windows native firewall is active .


    If your network consists only of Win 7 and you want a simple network, use it.


    After you have configured the homegroup, scroll to the bottom for the Permission/security section.


    Win 7 networking with other version of Windows as a work network.

    In the center of the network, by clicking on the type of network opens the window to the right.

    Choose your network type. Note the check box at the bottom and check/uncheck depending on your needs.


    Win 7 - http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows7/Networking-home-computers-running-different-versions-of-Windows

    Win 7 network sharing folder specific work - http://www.onecomputerguy.com/windows7/windows7_sharing.htm

    Vista file and printer sharing - http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb727037.aspx

    Windows XP file sharing - http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;304040
    Sharing printer XP - http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/networking/expert/honeycutt_july2.mspx

    Setting Windows native firewall for sharing XP - http://support.microsoft.com/kb/875357
    Windows XP Patch for sharing with Vista (no need for XP - SP3) - http://support.microsoft.com/kb/922120

    When you have finished the configuration of the system, it is recommended to restart everything the router and all computers involved.


    If you have authorization and security problems, check the following settings.

    Point to a folder that wants to share do right click and choose Properties.

    In the properties

    Click on the Security tab shown in the bellows of the photo on the right) and verify that users and their permissions (see photo below Centre and left) are configured correctly. Then do the same for the authorization tab.

    This screen shot is to Win 7, Vista menus are similar.


    The Security Panel and the authorization Panel, you need to highlight each user/group and consider that the authorization controls are verified correctly.

    When everything is OK, restart the network (router and computer).

    * Note . The groups and users listed in the screen-shoot are just an example. Your list will focus on how your system is configured.

    * Note . There must be specific users. All means all users who already have an account now as users. This does not mean everyone who feel they would like to connect.


    *** Note. Some of the processes described above are made sake not for Windows, but to compensate for different routers and how their firmware works and stores information about computers that are networked.

    Jack-MVP Windows Networking. WWW.EZLAN.NET

  • How to make a free software for my laptop newly formatted? In addition to Windows 8.

    How to make a free software for my laptop newly formatted? In addition to Windows 8. I have an extended warranty at the dealer where I bought my laptop and do not know if the installation of free software is covered. But I want to do it myself if the resources are available.

    You can order Windows 8 update from the following link:


    The following link will offer you if HP has tested your system for Windows 8:

    If your system is not tested, HP will not release the drivers directly for your site template Web HP.com.

    The following hyperlink will suggest if your system is compatible with Windows 8:

    If your system is compatible with Windows 8, most of the pilots would be available through Windows 8. If you need any specific driver, please follow these steps:
    1. in the run box, type devmgmt.msc.
    2 unknown devices would be listed as such and plotted with a yellow question mark.
    3. Select the unknown device or any other device you need of drivers and right-click to access the properties.
    4. in the Properties window, click the Details tab and select Device Instance of Id or hardware ID from the drop-down.
    5. an alphanumeric string, like this DEV_7130 & PCI\VEN_1217 & SUBSYS_012F1025 & REV_01\4 & 6B16D5B & 0 & 33F0 is the marker for the identification of the unit.
    6. Please provide this number so we can offer you the appropriate driver.

  • "This action is only valid for products that are currently installed.

    A computer virus hit the machine so that the operating system must be reinstalled. In order to save the programs installed, I don't have a format and reapplied just windows + service pack. I saved the data user as shown in this link: http://pcworld.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http :// www.pcworld.com/howto/article/1, aid, 111652, pg, 4, 00.asp

    The office and programs are correct, but when I go to launch some programs (such as Excel, Word, WordPerfect), I get "this action is only valid for products that are current installed. I found a MS fix, but it doesn't install it stating that the level of the OS already contains the fix. I also found a pointer to move to the word 'Detect and repair' but Word does not start, so I can't have this option.

    I suspect I am missing some link between the old installation of windows and the new facility. I do not have the older Office CD so I can't reinstall. Did someone knows something I can check to try to get the Office to acknowledge that it is valid for this user. Betsy

    You are missing a lot of the associations. You need to reinstall your programs from the CD or the installable executables. I'm sorry that you do not have your Office CD-ROM, but you cannot reinstall Office without it. You can:

    1. try to contact Microsoft:
    How to replace lost, broken, or Missing Microsoft Software or Hardware - http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=KB;en-us;326246

    2. buy a current version of Microsoft Office to your shop online/brick & mortar favorite.

    3. download/install the suite free OpenOffice to http://www.openoffice.org . MS - MVP - Elephant Boy computers - don't panic!

  • Error: 0XC004F050 Windows Vista Home Basic product key is not valid for activation

    I bought this dell laptop 2 years. my laptop is to sometimes have blue error screen, but when I restart it, allows it to function normally. recently, when I turn on my laptop, my screen goes black and a box come up saying that the Windows Vista Home Basic product key you typed is invalid for activation.

    Then he gives me 3 options
    1. access your computer with reduced functionality
    2. enter a different product key
    3. contact Microsoft to help solve this problem

    I was trying to enter the product key as indicated on the sticker attached to the bottom of my laptop but still invalid product key. Code: 0XC004F050

    I had

    Diagnostic report (1.9.0027.0):


    Validation of Windows data-->

    Validation status: invalid license

    Validation code: 50

    Validation caching Code online: n/a, hr = 0xc004f012

    Windows product key: *-* - 4WD8X - M9WM7-CH4CG

    The Windows Product Key hash: EkdqJZ28Y9zyrh7DU/lHNjTXlQY =

    Windows product ID: 89572-OEM-7332166-00096

    Windows product ID type: 2

    Windows license Type: OEM SLP

    The Windows OS version: 6.0.6001.2.00010300.1.0.002

    ID: {B353C367-9E97-407C-A335-269CB0707324} (3)

    Admin: Yes

    TestCab: 0x0

    LegitcheckControl ActiveX: N/a, hr = 0 x 80070002

    Signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002

    Product name: Windows Vista (TM) Home Basic

    Architecture: 0x00000000

    Build lab: 6001.vistasp1_gdr.100608 - 0458

    TTS error:

    Validation of diagnosis:

    Resolution state: n/a

    Given Vista WgaER-->

    ThreatID (s): n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002

    Version: 6.0.6002.16398

    Windows XP Notifications data-->

    Cached result: n/a, hr = 0x80004005

    File: No.

    Version: N/a, hr = 0 x 80070002

    WgaTray.exe signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002

    WgaLogon.dll signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002

    OGA Notifications data-->

    Caching the result: 103


    OGAExec.exe signed by: Microsoft

    OGAAddin.dll signed by: Microsoft

    OGA data-->

    Office status: 103 blocked VLK

    Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 - 103 blocked VLK

    OGA Version: Registered,

    Signed by: Microsoft

    Office Diagnostics: 025D1FF3-364-80041010_025D1FF3-229-80041010_025D1FF3-230-1_025D1FF3-517-80040154_025D1FF3-237-80040154_025D1FF3-238-2_025D1FF3-244-80070002_025D1FF3-258-3

    Data browser-->

    Proxy settings: N/A

    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Win32)

    Default browser: C:\Users\Tien Siew\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe

    Download signed ActiveX controls: fast

    Download unsigned ActiveX controls: disabled

    Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins: allowed

    Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe: disabled

    Allow the Internet Explorer Webbrowser control scripts: disabled

    Active scripting: allowed

    Recognized ActiveX controls safe for scripting: allowed

    Analysis of file data-->

    Other data-->

    Office details: {B353C367-9E97-407C-A335-269CB0707324}1.9.0027.06.0.6001.2.00010300.1.0.002x 32*-*-*-*-CH4CG89572-OEM-7332166-000962S-1-5-21-2878899211-3288161655-3842348923Dell Inc.. Inspiron 1420 Dell Inc.. A07 20080203000000.000000 + 00034303507018400EA04090409peninsula malaise Standard Time(GMT+08:00)03DELL M08 103103Microsoft Office Enterprise 200712fFic3JgCreGGRxyF8uMWB4R4Jcg =89388-707-1528066-6588114 ACD7202654E586

    Content Spsys.log: 0 x 80070002

    License data-->

    C:\Windows\system32\slmgr.vbs(1635, 9) (null): 0xC004E017

    Windows Activation Technologies-->


    --> HWID data


    Activation 1.0 data OEM-->


    Activation 2.0 data OEM-->

    BIOS valid for OA 2.0: Yes

    Windows marker version: 0 x 20000

    OEMID and OEMTableID consistent: Yes

    BIOS information:

    ACPI Table name OEMID value ValueOEMTableID





    Original title: my windows vista Home Basic product key is not valid for activation



    SSDT PmRefCpuPm

    How can I solve the problem? Thank you.

    Run the Diagnostics of Genuine tool at this link http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=52012.

    Hi steph_ts,

    In addition to the suggestion of Andre.Ziegler, following links and check

    1. you remember to make changes to the computer before this problem?

    You can consult the following KB articles and try the suggested methods for error: 0XC004F050

    How to troubleshoot the error codes Activation Volume Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 and on Windows Vista computers


    Error message when you try to activate a copy of Windows using the Windows Activation Wizard: "the Software Licensing Service reported that the product key is not valid: 0xC004F050.


    Also see the following link for more information about reduced functionality mode:

    Error message when you start Windows Vista: "your activation period has expired".


    Hope this information is useful.

    Jeremy K
    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

    If this post can help solve your problem, please click the 'Mark as answer' or 'Useful' at the top of this message. Marking a post as answer, or relatively useful, you help others find the answer more quickly.

  • Try to activate the Windows Narrator and get your license is not valid for this computer

    I try to activate the Windows Narrator for my son who is visually impaired and all he repeats to me "warns your license is not valid for this computer" I can't find anything that tells me what license is not valid.

    Download and run this tool of validation. If all goes well he will identify what is "not valid", or at least eliminate some possibilities:

    Validate Windows and Office using WGA Diagnostic tool -http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=52012

    Please download and run the tool diagnoses of Genuine:

    • http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=52012.
    • Save to your hard drive (the specifications vary according to the browser)
    • When downloaded, run it (double-click on it)
    • When the utility has finished its run, click on the "Copy" button

    Paste the report into your message here

    If you read this tip and it helps you, please click on the "useful Vote"button to "reward" myself with 'points'! '. Thank you

    Please click propose as answer to let others know the solution that worked for you

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    It is a new installation on a system that currently has Vista 32 bit.

    Thank you
    ... /Ed

    Now that I know that Win 7 64 bit works very well with my hardware.  Can I legally get my Windows Vista 32 bit to Windows 7 32 bit?  And keep two versions of Windows 7 on the same machine.

    If you have a license of Windows 7, you can have a Windows 7 installation.

    To install Windows 7 32 bit, you will need to first format/remove 64-bit install.

    You will need to purchase a license/second key to install Windows 7 twice at the same time. There is no discount on a second license if you already have a license.


    Questions about installing Windows 7?
    FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions from Installation Windows 7 & responses

  • Switch to the correct encryption certificate I get the error: "Key not valid for use is specified state."

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    When you try to pass the correct encryption certificate I get the error:
    "Key not valid for use is specified state."

    See this http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-security/keeping-passwords-secure-microsoft-policy-on/39f56ef0-5d68-41ad-9daa-6e6019c25d37

    It is as it's supposed to as an anti theft precautions. I mean that data is encrypted, if somebody stole your hard drive and the hard drive boots and the other account it can receive data.

    If you not export recovery certificates and encrypting the data, you cannot redo the decryption.


    If it's a default domain recovery agent. admin area. If it's home, to look for recovery certified you have exported.

    But third-party tools are there if you can remember old password the is to encrypt you can recover. But they are not free... and premium software is not be recommended or guided through support free forum due to the effort of preventing unnecessary advertising.

    You can do you own research about recovering data... just try to get you using the favorite search engine... "Restore access to encrypted EFS format files" or "Advanced EFS Data Recovery.

    Many more free guides will be available... Just keep in mind this is not a method to escape... you must remember your old password at least for decryption in the case where you export a certificate.

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