example of Denoise image (walevet)


How to change the image to another?


I assume you have access to Vision live.  Wavelet data samples VI included in the example has a variety of 'integrated' data  Replace this VI (first one called in the VI Denoise) with a similar one below VI (this is an extract - if you use a LabVIEW 2015, you should be able to drag that image into a blank diagram and have it 'magical' turn in code LabVIEW - otherwise, it should be simple enough for you to code yourself).

First the file dialog box prompts the user to choose an Image file (here limited to *.jpg and *.png), originally from the folder images samples (on Windows 7).  It uses then several IMAQ functions to create a buffer zone for the picture, read the Image file in the buffer, extract the pixels as a 2D U8 array and has the buffer.  It returns the Image Pixels for you to experiment with the operation 'noise '.

I hope it's useful.

Bob Schor

Tags: NI Software

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    I don't care about the export of this format of first, just to be able to read a single image or a sequence of images to use as images.

    Hi Rotem,

    A standard importer plugin is the way to go for an importer of still images.  You could start from SDK_File_Import in the SDK.  There is also a plugin WebM on GitHub:

    fnordware/AdobeWebM · GitHub

  • Problem example application v207 Image turnkey editing game patches

    I use the sample application v207 pre-built image provided as a demo/bin to sand Oracle Linux. I was hoping the patch to to crush a few bugs, even though I'm relatively new to the patching process OBIEE. I'm running into errors when you try to apply the 1st patch of the game (14696072). It seems he is trying to auto-restaurer one or more previous patches, as expected, but these rollback backup directories no longer exist. Maybe they have been removed from before the image in order to save storage space?

    I searched the entire disk for traces of patch 14223977 , because there are references to this patch with errors in the log opatch. There is no such thing as the directory, he's trying to copy the files. I found two directories below that had references to this patch, but does not include any subdirectories that OPatch is looking for:

    / Home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/cfgtools/opatch/14223977_Jul_02_2012_16_48_19 /.
    / Home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/inventory/oneoffs/14223977 /.

    So I was wondering if someone else tried to do these updates on this particular image and that he has found a solution. Maybe, it won't be possible if the files backup or restore to previous patches are missing actually. I'm kinda new to use opatch, so it is very possible, that is not the image, but I admittedely that is missing something. Any help would be appreciated.

    Complete log the attempt to patch:

    [apply opatch $ +[Oracle@obieesampleapp 14696072] +.

    + [WARNING] [jrockit] MaxPermSize = 768 m ignored: not an option valid for JRockit +.
    Setup Oracle interim Patch version
    Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

    Oracle homepage: / home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1
    Inventory Center: / home/oracle/app/oraInventory
    from: /home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/oraInst.loc
    OPatch version:
    YES version:
    YES location: / home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/Yes
    Location of the log file: /home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/cfgtoollogs/opatch/14696072_Nov_16_2012_05_12_44/apply2012-11-16_05-12-43AM_1.log

    History of patch file: /home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch_history.txt

    OPatch detects the House of Middleware as ' / home/oracle/obiee.

    OPatch will do the following:
    + [Oracle Home discovered]: Configure and Validate Oracle Home information. +
    + [Prerequisite to apply]: invoke the prerequisites to see if the patch can be applied. +
    + [Patch conflict detection to apply patch]: check if no conflict with already installed patches Oracle home. +

    ApplySession fix provisional application '14696072' OH ' / home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1.

    Prior running check...
    + Acting patch 14696072 is a superset of the patches [14223977] in the Oracle Home +
    OPatch will restore the subset patches and apply the given patch.
    To continue, OPatch will do the following:
    + [Prerequisites for self catering]: check if conflict patches are rollbackable. +
    + [Back to restore]: 92 backup to restore in the case of Oracle Home error correction. +
    + [Patch of conflict resolution to apply patch]: Rollback patches [14223977]. +
    + [Back to restore]: backup 24 files for the restoration of the future update. +
    + [Patch Oracle Home to apply]: copy 24 files in Oracle Home. +
    + [Updated inventory to apply]: change the inventory of record patch [14696072]. +

    + Do you want? y+
    The user responded with: Y
    The prerequisite check failed "CheckRollbackable" on the patches of self-catering.
    The details are:

    Patch 14223977 :
    Copy Action: Source file ' / home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/.patch_storage/14223977_Apr_5_2012_19_27_27/files/bifoundation/admin/provisioning/biinstallhandlerutils.jar ' does not exist.
    + 'oracle.bi.biinst,': failed to copy file 'biinstallhandlerutils.jar' to ' /home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/bifoundation/admin/provisioning/biinstallhandlerutils.jar'+
    Copy Action: Source file ' / home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/.patch_storage/14223977_Apr_5_2012_19_27_27/files/bifoundation/admin/provisioning/biinstutils.jar ' does not exist.
    + 'oracle.bi.biinst,': failed to copy file 'biinstutils.jar' to ' /home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/bifoundation/admin/provisioning/biinstutils.jar'+
    Copy Action: Source file ' / home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/.patch_storage/14223977_Apr_5_2012_19_27_27/files/bifoundation/admin/provisioning/bisecurityprovision.jar ' does not exist.
    + 'oracle.bi.biinst,': failed to copy file 'bisecurityprovision.jar' to ' /home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/bifoundation/admin/provisioning/bisecurityprovision.jar'+
    Copy Action: Source file ' / home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/.patch_storage/14223977_Apr_5_2012_19_27_27/files/bifoundation/admin/provisioning/bisecurityprovision_install.jar ' does not exist.
    + 'oracle.bi.biinst,': failed to copy file 'bisecurityprovision_install.jar' to ' /home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/bifoundation/admin/provisioning/bisecurityprovision_install.jar'+
    Copy Action: Source file ' / home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/.patch_storage/14223977_Apr_5_2012_19_27_27/files/bifoundation/admin/provisioning/biwlsprovision.jar ' does not exist.
    + 'oracle.bi.biinst,': failed to copy file 'biwlsprovision.jar' to ' /home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/bifoundation/admin/provisioning/biwlsprovision.jar'+
    Copy Action: Source file ' / home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/.patch_storage/14223977_Apr_5_2012_19_27_27/files/bifoundation/install/applyJDBCDataSourceImpl.py ' does not exist.
    + 'oracle.bi.biinst,': failed to copy file 'applyJDBCDataSourceImpl.py' to ' /home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/bifoundation/install/applyJDBCDataSourceImpl.py'+
    Copy Action: Source file ' / home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/.patch_storage/14223977_Apr_5_2012_19_27_27/files/bifoundation/install/oracle.bi_base_simple_template_11.1.1.jar ' does not exist.
    + 'oracle.bi.biinst,': failed to copy file 'oracle.bi_base_simple_template_11.1.1.jar' to ' /home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/bifoundation/install/oracle.bi_base_simple_template_11.1.1.jar'+
    Copy Action: Source file ' / home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/.patch_storage/14223977_Apr_5_2012_19_27_27/files/bifoundation/jee/biadminutils.ear ' does not exist.
    + 'oracle.bi.biinst,': failed to copy file 'biadminutils.ear' to ' /home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/bifoundation/jee/biadminutils.ear'+
    Copy Action: Source file ' / home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/.patch_storage/14223977_Apr_5_2012_19_27_27/files/bifoundation/jee/bicontentserver.ear ' does not exist.
    + 'oracle.bi.biinst,': failed to copy file 'bicontentserver.ear' to ' /home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/bifoundation/jee/bicontentserver.ear'+
    Copy Action: Source file ' / home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/.patch_storage/14223977_Apr_5_2012_19_27_27/files/bifoundation/provision/scripts/bi-bidomain.properties ' does not exist.
    + 'oracle.bi.biinst,': unable to copy the file from ' bi - bidomain.properties' at ' /home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/bifoundation/provision/scripts/bi-bidomain.properties'+
    Copy Action: Source file ' / home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/.patch_storage/14223977_Apr_5_2012_19_27_27/files/bifoundation/provision/scripts/bi-bidomainprov.xml ' does not exist.
    + 'oracle.bi.biinst,': unable to copy the file from ' bi - bidomainprov.xml' at ' /home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/bifoundation/provision/scripts/bi-bidomainprov.xml'+
    Copy Action: Source file ' / home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/.patch_storage/14223977_Apr_5_2012_19_27_27/files/bifoundation/provision/scripts/bidomain/bi-adminservices.xml ' does not exist.
    + 'oracle.bi.biinst,': unable to copy the file from ' bi - adminservices.xml' at ' /home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/bifoundation/provision/scripts/bidomain/bi-adminservices.xml'+
    Copy Action: Source file ' / home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/.patch_storage/14223977_Apr_5_2012_19_27_27/files/bifoundation/provision/scripts/bidomain/bi-content.xml ' does not exist.
    + 'oracle.bi.biinst,': unable to copy the file from 'bi-content .xml' to ' /home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/bifoundation/provision/scripts/bidomain/bi-content.xml'+
    Copy Action: Source file ' / home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/.patch_storage/14223977_Apr_5_2012_19_27_27/files/bifoundation/provision/scripts/bidomain/inst/rpdSnippet-template.txt ' does not exist.
    + 'oracle.bi.biinst,': unable to copy the file from ' rpdSnippet - template.txt' at ' /home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/bifoundation/provision/scripts/bidomain/inst/rpdSnippet-template.txt'+
    Copy Action: Source file ' / home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/.patch_storage/14223977_Apr_5_2012_19_27_27/files/bifoundation/provision/scripts/bidomain/lib/bifaprovision.jar ' does not exist.
    + 'oracle.bi.biinst,': failed to copy file 'bifaprovision.jar' to ' /home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/bifoundation/provision/scripts/bidomain/lib/bifaprovision.jar'+
    Copy Action: Source file ' / home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/.patch_storage/14223977_Apr_5_2012_19_27_27/files/bifoundation/provision/scripts/bidomain/xslt/jps-config-jse.xslt ' does not exist.
    + 'oracle.bi.biinst,': unable to copy the file from ' jps-config - jse.xslt' at ' /home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/bifoundation/provision/scripts/bidomain/xslt/jps-config-jse.xslt'+
    Copy Action: Source file ' / home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/.patch_storage/14223977_Apr_5_2012_19_27_27/files/bifoundation/provision/scripts/common/bi-datasource.xml ' does not exist.
    + 'oracle.bi.biinst,': unable to copy the file from ' bi - datasource.xml' at ' /home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/bifoundation/provision/scripts/common/bi-datasource.xml'+
    Copy Action: Source file ' / home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/.patch_storage/14223977_Apr_5_2012_19_27_27/files/bifoundation/provision/scripts/common/py/configure-existing-datasource.py ' does not exist.
    + 'oracle.bi.biinst,': unable to copy the file from ' configure existing - datasource.py' at ' /home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/bifoundation/provision/scripts/common/py/configure-existing-datasource.py'+
    Copy Action: Source file ' / home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/.patch_storage/14223977_Apr_5_2012_19_27_27/files/clone/provision/bicloning.jar ' does not exist.
    + 'oracle.bi.biinst,': failed to copy file 'bicloning.jar' to ' /home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/clone/provision/bicloning.jar'+
    Copy Action: Source file ' / home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/.patch_storage/14223977_Apr_5_2012_19_27_27/files/clone/provision/dbclone-beans.jar ' does not exist.
    + 'oracle.bi.biinst,': unable to copy the file from ' dbclone - beans.jar' at ' /home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/clone/provision/dbclone-beans.jar'+
    Copy Action: Source file ' / home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/.patch_storage/14223977_Apr_5_2012_19_27_27/files/common/templates/applications/oracle.bi.atgpf.wrapper.template_11.1.1.jar ' does not exist.
    + 'oracle.bi.biinst,': failed to copy file 'oracle.bi.atgpf.wrapper.template_11.1.1.jar' to ' /home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/common/templates/applications/oracle.bi.atgpf.wrapper.template_11.1.1.jar'+
    Copy Action: Source file ' / home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/.patch_storage/14223977_Apr_5_2012_19_27_27/files/common/templates/applications/oracle.bi_base_template_11.1.1.jar ' does not exist.
    + 'oracle.bi.biinst,': failed to copy file 'oracle.bi_base_template_11.1.1.jar' to ' /home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/common/templates/applications/oracle.bi_base_template_11.1.1.jar'+
    Copy Action: Source file ' / home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/.patch_storage/14223977_Apr_5_2012_19_27_27/files/common/templates/applications/oracle.bicontentserver_template_11.1.1.jar ' does not exist.
    + 'oracle.bi.biinst,': failed to copy file 'oracle.bicontentserver_template_11.1.1.jar' to ' /home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/common/templates/applications/oracle.bicontentserver_template_11.1.1.jar'+
    Copy Action: Source file ' / home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/.patch_storage/14223977_Apr_5_2012_19_27_27/files/install/config/biconfig.jar ' does not exist.
    + 'oracle.bi.biinst,': failed to copy file 'biconfig.jar' to ' /home/oracle/obiee/Oracle_BI1/install/config/biconfig.jar'+

    [Error while the sine qua non for restoring automatic Phase] +. Detail: OPatch failed during due diligence: the prerequisite checking 'CheckRollbackable' on the patches of failback failed. +
    System is intact, OPatch will not restore the system

    Recommended action: Please roll back patches of conflict using the command "rollback opatch.

    OPatch failed with the error code 70

    Thanks in advance for any ideas.


    I agree with you. And the only option would be to wait on Oracle to release a new vmdk image or

    Kind regards

  • In Firefox using the top menu, for example in Google images, videos, map, etc., of a web page are not activated with the mouse. This does not happen when you use Internet Explorer, because all links are available.

    A notification can up on some type of script, which then disappeared before I could take a note. After that links up on all web pages would not work by using the mouse cursor.
    It was only the links on a webpage, not on the menu bar or tabs above.

    To see if this happened on another browser, I opened the pages using Internet Explorer and open the links on all the pages that are controlled via the mouse. This sugested, it was a problem with Firefox.

    I uninstalled Firefox and installed a new application of the latest edition of Firefox, but the problem persists.

    No known cure for this problem.

    This problem may be caused by the Yahoo! toolbar as scopes as well down and covers the top of the browser window, allowing links in this part of the screen not clickable.

    You can keep an eye on this thread:

  • Hi I hope someone can help. I find that when I increase the clarity on an image, it becomes very noisy/grainy. I told myself there is a tool to Denoise, but I can't seem to find it on lr5. I watched the tutorials, but they seem to be for lr4

    Hi I hope someone can help. I find that when I increase the clarity on an image, the image becomes very noisy and grainy. I told myself there is a tool to Denoise images but I can't seem to find it on lr5. I saw a couple of tutorials but called lr4 lr5 not. Help!

    Judging by the before and after shots, the original was very underexposed and you he cleared up in LR. Where only a small amount of light enters the camera, these pixels have a weak signal (image) / noise. Subsequent clarification editing software will make the sound a lot more visible, much larger than a dose of clarity. Conversely, lower the tone of an overexposed image will produce an image with less noise because S/N, in camera was higher. For this reason, it is advised to give, if possible, the exposure as much as possible without exceeding the point of clipping to the brightest highlights. In this case, with the sky in the background, you probably might not have increased the exposure of many, but you could bring the sky just before clipping, relying on the capabilities of Lightroom's sophisticated recovery allow to darken the sky during editing, which would have reduced the amount of required clarification for the pilot and the trees.

  • Can someone tell me how an image be 72 72 px/in, another for example 139 by 54 px/inch?

    I guess that 72 of 72 means that 1 inch in length there are 72 pixels on the x stand, and there axises. If the resolution is not a measure in square inches? It would be logical but... Thanks for the help!

    Any raster image is composed of a finite number of pixels (color values). But the number of pixels to cover an inch (PPI) is simply a matter of scale.


    An image contains 10 x 10 pixels.

    If the image is resized proportionally occupy a 1 inch space of 1 inch (1 square inch), the PPI is 10, measured vertically and horizontally.

    If the same image is resized proportionally occupy a 2 inch by 2 inch space (4 square inches), the PPI is 5, in both directions.

    If the same image is resized disproportionately more to occupy a 1 inch (vertical) (horizontal) 2 inch space (2 square inches), its horizontal PPI is 5; its vertical PPI is 10.

    Leaders of the Illustrator indicate no pixels of raster page images, even when the unit of measure is set to "pixels". It wouldn't make sense for them to do, because any number of raster images may exist on the page, and each could evolve differently (giving each a different PPI). Illustrator is an object oriented program. Even if its leaders are on the misleading 'Pixels' leaders are still on linear measure, not to the count of pixels (as in Photoshop).

    A pixel is not a unit of linear measure. A pixel has no linear measure until give you him effectively, by specifying its scale (size on the page). Because a pixel is not a real unit of measurement, and since leaders of the Illustrator always indicate linear measure, Illustrator must use a real unit of linear measure when it is set to "Pixels". It uses 1/72nd inch as the unit, which is, by definition, the same measure of a Point. When you set the illustrator of 'Pixels' rules, you are really affecting points.

    For this reason, Illustrator considers a raster image that is placed on the page to be scaling '100% ' when it is adjusted to the 1-point-per-pixel, which is 72 pixels per inch


  • Anyone who doesn't know how to fix this image backup problem?

    Try this post once again in the hope of getting an answer this time

    I continue to have this problem where Firefox is slow to respond during the recording of the images.

    When the problem occurs, and it does not happen often, I'll either ctrl + s or right-click, select "save image under...". "and after I click 'Save' I see it at the bottom right

    "One active download (remaining unknown).

    All the time which shows, Firefox is slow to react. As soon as he goes, Firefox is fine.

    Why Firefox is and what I can do about it?

    Also, why Firefox re - upload images to save them? Why can't we just save images by copying them from a cache, they are stored in display them in the browser window?

    I know of this add-on https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/3404/ and I, but it is useful when I want to record multiple images in a folder. When I want to, for example, save an image of 'good work', the other "wallpaper," the other "show family" and so on, it is heavy.

    This can be a problem with the anti-virus control that Firefox runs, calling your AV software once the download is complete.

    See http://kb.mozillazine.org/Unable_to_save_or_download_files

  • Safari does not display the images (looked for fix, tried many things, can't find one that works)


    My safari will display all the images, for example Google Logo, image profile of everyone here and much more.

    So I was wondering how I can fix this problem?

    Either way, I have 3 accounts on my computer, works on the other two, but not mine.

    Thank you!!!

    Safari > Preferences > advanced

    Tick the box "Show develop menu in menu bar."

    Menu "develop" will appear in the Safari menu bar.

    Click 'Expand' in the menu bar and make sure that 'Disable the Images' is not enabled.

  • Mask image in c#


    I have problem on doing "Image mask" in c#.

    I tried to use "Image mask of the KING" Assistant NI mink and create C code.

    In C code, it uses "imaqROIToMask()";



    I find similar functions by using the command "NationalInstruments.CWIMAQControls.AxCWIMAQVision".

    Like this: axCWIMAQVision1.RegionsToMask ();

    axCWIMAQVision1.MaskToRegions ();

    axCWIMAQVision1.Mask ();

    First of all, I don't know exactly what functions do the thing of 'extract_mask_image '.

    Second, when I use "axCWIMAQVision1.RegionsToMask (, object modelImage, object fillvalue);" I have no idea how I assing the last two parameters and what is?

    Thanks for the time.

    Have you looked at the example Mask.sln I mentioned above? Its a VB example, but the syntax must be very similar to c#. In this example, that an image is loaded, then a mask is used to define the area of interest. For more information, please refer to this article to the developer zone: http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/3616

    Extract help CVI where parameters are described below:


    Its use

    int imaqMask (Image * dest,)
    Source Image * const, const Image * mask);


    Copy of the source image to the destination image in the following
    way: If a pixel in the mask is 0, the function sets the
    pixel source corresponding to 0. Otherwise, the function copies the
    pixel source corresponding to the destination image.

    Supported image types






    dest Image *. The destination image.
    source const Image *. The source image.
    mask const Image *. The image of the mask. This image should be a picture of IMAQ_IMAGE_U8.

    Return value



    int Success, this function returns a nonzero value. On
    failure, this function returns 0. To get extended error information, call imaqGetLastError().

  • Good image oblique

    What tools are available for NI Vision to tilt the image properly?  Example of attached image and it should be square.

    Thanks in advance!

    Hi Matthew,

    There are two different options that can fix oblique image. If we capture an image of a camera, then the best way to correct the skew (and other distortions) would first calibrate the image using a grid and then fix the image (Image calibration and Correction of Image steps in the Assistant of Vision or the range of calibration in the VDM, see this link).

    If we want just off tilt an image without using the calibration steps, then it takes a bit of coding. I've attached an example that one of my colleagues is working on to get an example of Community (it just has not been yet posted). If all goes well, it will be useful.

  • ImageToArray for color image?

    I'm using Labview 8.2 and NO vision

    There is an example OR called imagetoarray that uses the ImagtoArray.vi function; in the example, the source image is a monochrome bmp image, and the only value resulting for each pixel, I suppose, must be the intensity/brightness of each pixel, huh?  but when I insert a bmp/jpg colorful in this example, I expect a message saying 'wrong type error image', but it passes through and show a unique value for each pixel too. then, which here means this value in pixels? the Intergalactic unsigned 32-bit? what each individual color?

    My second question is related to the GetColorPixelValue.vi function. I'm trying to use this function to retrieve the color value of a pixel of coordinates fixed the coordiate is pre-tuned. When I use this function to analyze the jpg image I used above, it gives an error message 'type image worng', then I tried a bmp image, it shows as "type of image worng. What is the problem with my operation? would it not capable of managing a bmp/jpg image? Anyone have a suggestion?

    Kind regards


    I hope that you are facing this problem because of 'Type of Image' you create when executing "IMAQ Create".

    The example of NOR that you referred to create an 8-bit image.

    The GetColorPixelValue requires a RGB or STL image, see the help topic for this VI.

    Best regards, Guenter

  • refnum image processing

    I want the camera to stream to USB (buffer image0) with treatment in time real simple image (image1 buffer).

    After a treatment, I want to copy the image to another buffer image2.

    However, I have observed some interference between the pads.

    For example, I copied image1 image2 buffer. Whenever image2 buffer has been modified, image1 is also changed.

    I suspect my mistake in the refnum image processing but can't find it.

    Before posting my code shot, I want to check again with your comments because LV is not installed on this computer.

    Anyway, what is the rule in the definition/treatment image buffer?

    It is desirable to define the new back buffer image whenever I changed the image?

    I found a few examples of creating image inside the loop buffer without deleting the refnums.

    Is it safe to the memory of the control system?

    What I picture reference must be transferred with shift register?

    labmaster using LV2011 (no SP1)

    What image of buffers are you referring to the IMAQ Image?

    If so (or if not possible), these aren't the sons of Norway in labview, they are more like pointers than a thread that keeps the sata, so if you wiring buffer image 1 in the image of the stamp 2 make you actually point towards the same area of the image, copying data between buffers, there is a function of copy IMAQ This puts the data to the image specified by buffer 1 in the space of the image indicated by buffer 2.  (I say space image of table instead because IMAQ images are more complex than just a chunk of memory).

  • Creation of example Labview Subvi


    I am using a Labview VI example as a Subvi in my projects. (Image/Vision/examples of treatment/Image Treshold.vi)

    I've wired the trajectory control and displays two images to the terminals at the top right of VI.

    Then, I created my main VI with a control path & two views of the image and add this example VI in my block diagram.

    Trajectory control works properly but I do not see the images loaded into my main VI.

    What I'm missing here?

    Thanks in advance.

    Problem solved.

    Just forgotten to remove IMAQ dispose screws

    Thank you for your interest and sorry for taking your time.

  • Capture of sequences of images - issues with nested for loops

    Hi all

    I've written a vi. to capture a number of images ("Image") and save these images, sent to a folder of my choice.  Each image is identified sequentially.  However, I would like to make a number of iterations ("run") of this capture sequence, such that each image file name would be "Filename (Run) _(Image_No).png", for example run 5, image 10 'Filename 5_10.png.  I tried a nested for loop for this but I have an error message 'Current asynchronous i/o Operation' (I have attached a printscreen).

    Can someone help me solve this problem?  Please find attached my vi.

    Sincere greetings and thanks,


    Hi toto26,.

    Thank you for your response.  I solved the problem by using a sequence structure flat - file in the first image and all the treatment in the second.

    Kind regards


  • Select the image to display


    I have a following problem. I have a VI that displays three images (all have the same size). I can view each image in the selected Image appears of range of Vision. As you can see in the picture below two views of the Image have the same size, and one is bigger.

    What I want to achieve is the ability to choose (using for example the buttons) image that should be displayed on screen. For example, when I press the button "Image1" and then the first image appears on the bigger screen (the other two images are displayed in small poster Image). When I press the button "Image2" then the second image is displayed in the largest screen of the Image and so on... Is it possible to do?

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